The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Apr 7, 2023


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

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By Bastian Ward

Brendan slowly came too. While he was trying to work out what had happened to him, he could feel someone pulling and pushing him about. Before he realised that he was being strapped down, it was too late to do anything about it. But, he tried to thrash around and break free once he realised but he found he was strapped down to tight. As he started to call for help he felt a sharp sting on the inside of his elbow, and he dove back into oblivion once again. The next time he came too it was totally black, and he had a thumping headache. He tried to lift his hand to rub his head but found that he couldn't move. He started to panic and tried to lift his other hand but found that he couldn't lift that one either. Next, he tried to move his legs and when he found he couldn't move them either he went into full-on panic mode and tried to thrash around and call for help. Brendan slowly became aware of other voices calling, but they were very muffled. He tried to lift his head, but he hit it on some padding that was very close to his face. Brendan's mind was now running totally away with him, and he now thought he'd been buried alive, and he started to hyperventilate and didn't care if he used up all of his oxygen he was too panicky to think straight right now. Suddenly there was a big jolt, and Brendan realised that he'd kind of been aware of where ever he was, was vibrating, and he developed a sense of movement. So much so, that he thought he might be being transported somewhere, and while he was thinking along these lines, he started to calm himself down a bit. The more he calmed down, the more he became aware of a lot of muffled voices yelling and screaming, so he figured he wasn't in this on his own, which was a bit of a comfort to him, but why he couldn't tell. Brendan felt a couple of big bumps, and then he thought they were turning around and then it seemed as though they were heading the opposite direction. Until, without any warning, all movement and sounds seemed to stop, and Brendan almost breathed a sigh of relief hoping that they'd finally reached their destination. Brendan eventually heard what sounded to be a roller door being opened followed by some intermittent bangs and a whirring of some kind of a motor. Suddenly, without any warning, something banged into whatever container he was in, but thankfully it felt as though he was moving again. He didn't travel very far before it felt as though he was being stood on his feet. Brendan did the only thing that was left to him to do, and that was to wait. He heard what sounded like a high-pitched motor screaming away, and Brendan had almost given up trying to work out what all the noises could possibly mean to him when he thought he could see a sliver of light. As he tried to concentrate on the sliver of light, as the high-pitched motor continued, the light grew, until the cover of the box, he was in fell to the ground. The light that assailed Brendan's eyes was suddenly too bright so he closed his eyes. That was until he felt something tap him on the chest. Brendan slowly opened his eyes and looked into the face of what would have to be the ugliest man he had ever seen. Brendan fervently hoped that the man had been in some kind of accident as his face was too misshapen to have been like that at birth. To Brendan it looked as though someone had driven over the man's face with a lawnmower half a dozen times or more, he was soon brought out of his musings when they guy held up the biggest taser, Brendan had ever seen, in front of his face.

"Do you know what this is?" the man asked Brendan, but with the guy's lisp it was very hard for Brendan to understand everything he said, so he just nodded.

"Good," the man continued, "if you cause us any trouble, I'm going to hit you with this, and if you though the one at the Silo was bad, this one is going to feel as though a mac truck's run over you a couple of times. Understand?" Again, Brendan just nodded. "Ok, then..."

With that, someone else came into Brendan's view and started to undo the straps that were holding him down. The last thing they undid was the chain that was holding him to the base of the box from his Guiche, but when the chain had been released from the bottom of the box. The man didn't let it go or release it from his Guiche, as Brendan expected instead while still holding onto his end of the chain; the man walked away from Brendan and Brendan reasoned that he had no other choice but to follow. The man led him to a line of, what Brendan was now beginning to think of as, slaves' and the man connected his end of Brendan's' chain to the Guiche of the slave' in front of him. Effectively tethering them all together in a long line. When all the boxes had been opened, and the last of the slaves' had been tethered to the line. One of the men went to the front of the line and grabbed the leading slaves' chain hanging from his Guiche and walked towards a low building that Brendan could see outside of the doors to the shed they were in. Naturally, because none of the guys wanted to have their Guiche ripped out, they all had to follow and keep up with the slave' in front of them. When they walked out into the yard, Brendan almost cried because they all had a good view of the farm', and Brendan couldn't believe it. He'd done all of this to get away from the family farm, only to end up as a slave on another farm, and if it hadn't been for his situation with the chains and his Guiche, he would have just laid down and cried. As it was, he had to dutifully follow the guy in front as they were led into the low building.

Suddenly someone called `stop!' from behind Brendan, and the whole line stopped instantly, but it wasn't quick enough for poor Brendan as the chain behind him became suddenly taut and began to pull on his Guiche cruelly. As there wasn't a lot of slack in the chain in front of him, Brendan hunkered down trying to lessen the tension in the chain behind him, which helped a little bit. The guys in front of Brendan started to back up, which allowed Brendan to back up and relieve the tension in the chain behind him. Consequently, he continued to back up as well. They were told to stop, and all the slaves in the line stopped instantly, and Brendan watched as two of the guards were carrying a slave between them towards the building they were all heading to. They slaves were given the order to march, and they continued on their way towards the building.

They reached the building without any further incident, and they were all glad to be walking on a floor instead of the uneven ground outside. The building they entered into had a long corridor running down the length of the building with, what looked like rooms off it. As the slaves were walking down the corridor Brendan got to look into the rooms that they passed, and they all seemed to be set up for some kind of medical stuff', and there were people in white coats doing stuff' to naked males, that Brendan assumed were other `slaves'. As that is what they all were now, Brendan assumed, particularly if they were the only ones around the place who were naked. When Brendan looked back towards the beginning of the line of slaves, he noticed that they were all entering a room, and the room next to it, Brendan noticed had no windows. So, they couldn't see what was going on in there. When they had all filed into the room, one by one they were unclipped from the line and taken through a door into the room next door without any windows.

Before too long, it was Brendan's turn, and he felt the chain from the slave behind him unclipped from his Guiche, and one of the guards picked up the remaining chain clipped to his Guiche. So, Brendan had no other option but to follow wherever the guy wanted him to go. They entered a spacious room with a raised dais in the centre, and some men in white coats, as well as a few other men who were also dressed and Brendan, assumed that they were guards. The guard holding his chain led him up and over the dais, and when Brendan was standing in the centre of the dais, the guard lets go of his end of the chain. Brendan looked at the men standing around the room until one of them growled "eyes down slave. Don't eyeball us!" With that Brendan trained his eyes on a spot on the floor just past the edge of the dais. One of the men in the white coats walked over to Brendan, and without any ceremony grabbed hold of Brendan's cock and rolled the foreskin back and held it back while he inspected the glans of Brendan's cock. When he'd finished inspecting the glans of Brendan's cock, he stretched it as far as he could from Brendan's body, which caused tears to spring to Brendan's eyes. Eventually, he let go of Brendan's cock all together and grabbed hold of Brendan's nuts and inspected them, non-too gently either, so much so that Brendan was just about to call out with pain. When the man finally let his balls go for which Brendan was very thankful. The man then proceeded to rub his hands all over Brendan's body. He grabbed Brendan by the arm and pulled down so that Brendan was forced to bend down. The man grabbed hold of Brendan's nose forcing Brendan to open his mouth, and the man ran his fingers around the inside of Brendan's mouth. When he was satisfied with what he did or didn't find, he reached up and checked Brendan's eyes. The man let go of Brendan's arm, and Brendan stood up. The man turned Brendan around and pushed him in the small of his back, and Brendan leaned forwards and could feel his arse cheeks parting a bit. Without any preamble, as with the rest of the inspection, the man put a finger in Brendan's mouth and rolled it around on his tongue. When he was satisfied with the wetness of his finger, the man forced Brendan's arse cheeks apart and rammed the wet finger inside Brendan's virgin arse. When the man finally finished inspecting Brendan's arse, he pulled his finger out and held it in front of Brendan's mouth. Unsure as to what was expected of him, Brendan hesitantly opened his mouth, and the man shoved his shit covered finger inside. Brendan's first instinct was to try to spit it out, but with what had been happening to him in very recent times he'd decided that wasn't going to be such a good idea. So, very reluctantly he sucked the man's finger clean. When the man was happy with the cleanliness of his finger, he removed it from Brendan's mouth, while Brendan tried desperately not to vomit all over him.

One of the other men in a white coat came over and gabbed hold of Brendan's cock and started to masturbate him. Brendan could feel his cock becoming hard, and it wasn't too long before he got lost in the pleasure he was receiving until he ejaculated and Brendan almost collapsed to the floor. But the man still had hold of Brendan's cock, so he had to stay at whatever height the man held his cock at. So, Brendan kept on his feet while the man continued to masturbate his cock, but now it was becoming painful, and all he wanted was for the man to stop. But he continued until Brendan had cum for the second time, then, and only then, did the man let go of Brendan's cock, and wisely Brendan tried valiantly to keep his legs under him. The man who was masturbating him, held his hand up in front of Brendan, and Brendan not being too sure of what was expected of him, but thinking he had a fare idea. Licked the man's hand clean of all his own cum.

While the men in white coats gathered together and conferred amongst themselves, Brendan felt someone poke him in the back, "clean up the floor, slave." Brendan couldn't see any paper towel or clothes laying around, so doing the only other thing that occurred to him to do. He got off the dais and dropping to all fours licked all the cum he could find up off the floor, and when he had finished, he looked over and could see a couple of drops of his cum on the shoes of the man who must have been the one who masturbated him. So, remaining on his hands and knees, he crawled over and licked the drops off the man's shoes, and when he'd finished and was sure the man's shoes were clean. He crawled back to, and stood on the dais, just as the men had finished conferring with each other. They said something to one of the guards, and he came over and picked up the end of Brendan's chain. He started to walk towards one of the other doors set into the wall at the back of the room, and realising he had no other choice, Brendan followed him as quickly as he could. Once he'd passed the door, Brendan could see they were in another corridor. He was led down this corridor and back into the yard, and without slowing his pace, the guard marched across the yard, while poor Brendan had to hobble after him as best he could. The guard headed to what Brendan assumed was the main house of the property. The guard opened the door and pulled Brendan inside. Just inside the door they entered from the slave there was another door set into the wall, and the guard walked through that door and down some stairs. Naturally, Brendan had no other choice but to follow. At the base of the stairs, there was another slave waiting for them. But this slave didn't have a single hair on his body that Brendan could see other than his eyebrows. When the guard got to the bottom of the stairs, he let go of Brendan's chain, pushing past him, went back up the stairs the way he had come.

Brendan heard a cough from the slave' behind him, so he turned around to face the hairless slave and held out his hand and said hello. The other slave looked at it like it might be covered in shit or something, and then looked back up at Brendan. "From now on, slave'..."

"Um, my names Brendan..." he began before he was cut off by the other slave.

"From now on, you have no name, other than the one any of the Masters choose to give to you. Is that clear..."

"Yes, but..." began Brendan again.

"From now on, slave, you don't speak unless permitted to do so. Is that clear?" he said. And wisely Brendan just nodded. "Good. Then let's continue. You, like me, like all the naked people you will see here are all slaves and are treated accordingly. Is that clear?" Again, Brendan just nodded. "Good. You will be taken to be shaved shortly. Now while you are downstairs, it is permitted that you speak, but not yet," the slave said holding up his hand to forestall Brendan wanting to speak instantly to ask all of his questions. "You will be assigned a `bunk buddy', and every morning it is your responsibility to ensure that he is kept clean shaven all over his body, just as it will be his responsibility to ensure you remain clean shaven daily. Is that understood?" Brendan nodded that he understood. "Good. Now while you are here, you will be taught how to serve our Masters. First, you will be taught how to shower the guards, daily, and when you can perform that service to their satisfaction. Then, and only then will you be assigned to shower one of the Masters, and you will shower that Master daily until you leave here. Is that understood?" Again, Brendan nodded. "Good. Now you will also be taught how to serve the Masters in other ways, for example, you will be taught how to serve their meals. How to clean to their satisfaction, and so on. Is that understood?" Brendan nodded. "Good. Now added to all that, there will be daily bondage sessions, there are three bondage rooms down here, which I will show you. Also, down here are our sleeping quarters, dining area, and common room. While we are not permitted upstairs without permission, there is no such ban on any of the Masters, or the guards for that matter, from coming downstairs whenever they feel like it. To do whatever they feel like to any one of us. Is that understood." Brendan nodded. "Good. Now, do you have any questions?"

Brendan went to open his mouth, but as the truth of his situation dawned on him, Brendan slowly closed his mouth.

"Good. I see that you are finally learning your place in life. Now come with me, and we will get you shaved," and with that, the slave turned on his heal and walked off. Brendan trailed along behind him but kept getting caught up with his chain wrapping itself around his legs. Brendan was about to ask the slave if he could get rid of the chain, but when he really looked at the slave in front, he noticed that he was walking slightly bowlegged and while his chain wiggled around, it couldn't wrap itself around the slave's legs. So, Brendan adopted that style of walking and found it easier to walk, if not very uncomfortably. While they walked through the underground complex, Brendan did see the three dungeons and while in the first two there were indeed two slaves being tortured. In the third dungeon, it almost looked to Brendan as though the slave was enjoying the abuse he was receiving. Brendan hurried past with a shudder as he hurried to catch up to the other slave, just as he was disappearing into the communal shower block. The slave told Brendan to stand with his legs should width apart and his arms outstretched. When Brendan had adopted the required pose, the other slave picked up a pair of hair clippers and preceded to shave every last hair from Brendan's body, except for his eyebrows of course. When the slave had finished shaving Brendan with the Clippers, he took Brendan into another area where there were the washbasins, and he told Brendan to sit on a chair, and he got shaving crème and a razor and proceeded to shave Brendan's head and face. He got Brendan to lay down on the table that was in the room and then proceeded to shave the rest of him using the razor. He lathered up Brendan's pits and shaved them, followed by Brenda's arms, and chest. He shaved Brendan's treasure trail down to what was left of his pubic bush, and that hair went the same as all the rest of his body hair. When the slave had shaved Brendan's pubic mound naked, he moved down and shaved Brendan's ball bag as well as any stray hairs he found at the base of Brendan's cock. He got Brendan to lift his legs as high in the air as he could while spreading them as wide as he could so that the slave could very carefully shave Brendan's perineum. When the slave was satisfied that he had shaved it all, he allowed Brendan to lower his legs, and the slave shaved them as well. He got Brendan to turn over so he could shave his arse, back and the backs of Brendan's legs. When the slave was convinced that he'd shaved all the hair off Brendan's body, he sent him back in for a shower. He warned Brendan not to play with himself as he would be punished for that, but considering Brendan had been made to ejaculate twice, he really didn't think he had any more cum left at the moment anyway.

Even though he'd sent more than the last 24hrs naked, after his shower, Brendan felt even nuder than before, if that was even possible, and after stepping out of the shower and drying himself off. He suddenly felt a lot colder as well. The other slave laughed at him when he mentioned it, and the other slave explained that they all felt the same way after they'd been clean shaven. It's amazing just how much warmth so little hair could hold, Brendan walked around a bit trying to get used to the feel of the air on his skin now that he was almost completely hairless.

"So, who are you?" Brendan asked the other slave.

"I'm one of the slaves that have been assigned to meet the newbies."

"Oh, so, are there others?" Brendan asked just as another pair of slaves entered the shower area. Brendan could tell who the other newbies were just by looking at them, as the newbies had a full head of hair, as well as having some hair all over their body. "Oh, I see," said Brendan as he answered his own question.

"Come on," the other slave said to him, he showed Brendan where the lists are displayed for the house slaves. There was a schedule that showed the slaves who they were assigned too, to attend their morning toilet and another schedule that showed the slaves when he was to spend time in the dungeons and which dungeon they were to attend for their bondage sessions. There was a schedule for the slaves' kitchen duty, as well as any classes the slaves had to take. The slave explained to Brendan that they were not allowed to make notes about their own schedule, besides where would they keep it? Instead, each slave had to memorise their own schedule, and they would be punished if they forgot where they were supposed to be. They would also be punished if they were late for anything. Brendan asked how they were supposed to know what time it was when none of them had a watched. So, the other slave pointed out the digital timepiece that was on the wall just above the doorway. The slave explained that above every doorway downstairs there was a digital clock, while upstairs, the slave explained, there were analogue clocks spread throughout the building. In the slave quarters, if Brendan was ever unlucky enough to spend time there, then he would find digital clocks above every doorway, and out in the fields, someone was assigned to ring a bell on the hour.

So, Brendan settled into the routine of every morning getting up and assisting his bunkmate to ensure that every inch of his body, except for his eyebrows, was hair free. It didn't take long for Brendan to work out that apart from the head the other slave's body only needed to be shaved once every three days, which was the same for him. After their morning ablutions, the slaves that were assigned to work in the kitchen or other areas in the house all went off to start their days. For Brendan, his first assigned task for the day was to help one of the guards get up and to attend to his morning ablutions. One of the other slaves led him upstairs to show him where the guards' quarters, the guards all had their names and serial numbers on their doors so that it was easy for new slaves to find the right guard. The slave that had taken Brendan upstairs explained to Brenda that he would start with the newest guard, there for the lowest ranked guard and work his way up through the ranks of the guards. And when he had successfully worked his way through all the guards, he would then move up to the Masters', and by the time he had finished with the Masters', it would almost be time for him to be sold. Thankfully that comment didn't register with Brendan, but not worry he'd hear it again, multiple times.

The slave that was accompanying Brendan explained to him that as he was a salve, he was not allowed to shout or talk to a guard without permission. Nor was he allowed to touch or shake a guard without permission. "But who do I have to get permission to wake the guard up from?"

"No one..."

"What! Then how..."

Think about it slave." With that, the slave went to wake his guard and help him get his day started. So, Brendan went up to the door of his first guard and was just about to knock on the door, when he realised that the other slaves hadn't knocked on their guards' doors. So, very quietly Brendan opened the door and entered the darkened room. Brendan stood inside the door in indecision about what he was going to do know. And as nothing else occurred to him, Brendan walked over and opened the curtains and turned and looked at his sleeping guard. As there was no footboard on the guards' bed, and the guard was sleeping under a doona, Brendan decided he'd crawl under the doona and suck the guards cock and wake him up that way. Just as Brendan made a move to the end of the bed, he started to gag just on the idea of sucking another guys' cock. Brendan must have made a bit of noise, because the next thing he knew, he was hit by one of the guards' boots and the guard growled at him to get under the fuckin' doona and suck his cock. Brendan made a mad scramble under the doona and started to suck the guards' very smelly cock and tried very hard to suppress his gagging reflex. He must be doing a good job as he could feel the guards' cock swelling and snaking down his throat. The guard hit Brendan up the side of the head and told him to watch his teeth as they were scrapping the guards' cock, so Brendan folded his lips around his teeth to stop that from happening. Finally, the guard kicked Brendan out of the bed before he'd cum, as that was not allowed with any of the slaves. "Come," was the one-word order the guard barked at Brendan as he walked past him into the en-suite, with his bobbing cock leading the way. Brendan scrambled up of the floor and raced after the guard. The guard showed Brendan the temperature he like the water set at, but first, the guard wanted a shave and warned Brendan not to nick him, or he'd be sorry. So, for the first time in his life Brendan shaved another man's face, and when he'd finished, the guard sat on the toilet while Brendan got the shower ready, again. When the guard had finished on the toilet, he told Brendan to come and while his arse for him, while the guard stood up and bent over to give Brendan access to his shit covered anus. The guard walked into the shower, and after Brendan had joined him in the shower cubicle, he instructed Brendan on how he liked to be showered. The guard instructed Brendan to lick his arse to ensure that Brendan had washed it correctly. When both the guard and Brendan was happy with the guards' cleanliness, Brendan turned off the shower and dried the guard thoroughly. He gave himself a very quick dry and went and helped the guard get dressed.

Brendan had never really thought about getting himself dressed before, but now he had to think about thinks like whether his particular guard liked to wear an undergarment under his shirt. Which way the guard liked to dress his cock too, after having ascertained whether the guard wanted to wear any underwear or not. This particular guard wanted Brendan to kiss his cock before he arranged it in the guards' underpants. But before all of that he had to apply deodorant to all the places that this particular guard wanted it. When he had finally finished dressing his guard, Brendan then had to style the guards' hair to the guards' satisfaction. When the guard was finally dressed, he went off to get breakfast, leaving Brendan to tidy up the room and make the bed. This particular guard like his bed changed daily, as well as clean towels, and his shower wiped out. So, when Brendan had wiped down the shower recess and changed all the bed linen and towels, Brendan found the laundry bag in the bathroom and put all the dirty linen in it. Brendan picked up the laundry bag and took it to the laundry which was in the other building, so Brendan had to walk across the backyard carrying the laundry bag. Which only served to heighten Brendan's awareness of his nudity as he could feel his cock flapping around in the breeze.

But he soon settled into his routine at `the farm', after the first couple of days, the guard had finally managed to force his whole erect cock down Brendan's battered throat, and by the end of the week, Brendan had mastered the gag reflex. Well almost, but his eyes still teared up, which pissed the guard off a treat, but by that time Brendan had mastered showering the guard to the guard's satisfaction. Brendan could deep throat the guard's whole cock without any discernible discomfort on Brendan's behalf. Brendan was surprisingly pleased with that as it meant to him that he could suck another man's cock. And up till now, Brendan considered himself to be a very straight man. Oh, sure, he'd checked other guys out in the shower or wherever, but that didn't mean he was gay or anything. It was just normal behaviour. Guys always checked out other guys junk, not obviously or anything, but they still did it. Now, though, Brendan had not only licked and sucked another guy's cock, but he could now deep throat it without wanting to gag or anything. And he was proud of that???? Fuck, just how far has he fallen?

Anyway, he'd moved on to servicing his second guard, and was learning his way around the kitchen, and he'd just started in the dungeon as well. Well, that is to say, that is he's been tied up to the benches and stuff and had even been tied up to the cross on the wall. He'd mastered the new way of walking with his legs spread wider so that the chain, hanging from his Guiche piercing, didn't continually wrap itself around his legs. He'd also mastered the fact that he had to keep his eyes trained on the floor at all times, so as not to eyeball any of the guards or Masters'. Brendan was to learn very soon that the Masters' were the only people who were allowed to whip or paddle the house slaves, as they were considered to be too valuable to all the guards to punish the slaves in that way. Just in case they went too far and permanently scarred one, as the value of that particular slave would drop considerably. So, that was why only the `Masters' were allowed to use the whips, paddles, and some restraints. The guards could lock a slave in a cage for a period of time, but even that is very clearly monitored so that the slaves don't suffer any ill effects.

Consequently, after Brendan had been at the farm' for a month he was slowly getting used to being bound in one form or another, he didn't like it, but then he was just a slave now so whether he liked it or not was immaterial. But, the slaves told him he'd better get used to it as there was no guarantee if their new masters' would like it or not, after all, they were the only ones that mattered now.

Brendan figured that he'd been then for about six weeks, when he had to report to the first dungeon and, unfortunately for Brendan, there was a Master' there waiting for him. Brendan knew he should never keep any of the Masters' waiting, and his first impulse was to apologise. But remembered just in time, that he was not allowed to talk to any guard or Master' unless he was given permission. So, he stopped just inside the doorway with his eyes downcast so that he couldn't make eye contact. "Come," was the one-word command that the Master' spoke to Brendan, so Brendan walked towards the Master'. The Master' pushed Brendan against the cross that was attached to the wall, and very deftly the Master' secured Brendan to the cross. By the time the Master' had finished, Brendan was not able to move at all. He felt the Master' run a hand down his back, from his shoulder down his back and over the cheek of his arse. It seemed to Brendan as though the Master's' hand lingered on his arse for quite some time, in fact, it was the longest time any of the Masters' had ever touched Brendan. Consequently, Brendan could feel the muscles in his arse cheek start to move involuntarily, and in fact the longer the Master' held his hand there, the more his arse cheek quivered. Brendan could feel the Masters' breath on his neck as the Master leaned in closer to him, and Brendan became aware of the Master' talking to him. But Brendan couldn't really understand him; it was almost like the Master' was trying to quieten him as someone would do a horse. As the Master' had let go of his arse cheek, Brendan could feel it slowly stop quivering. The Master' walked away from Brendan, and he thought he was just going to be left bound to the cross again, and while it was as uncomfortable as hell. Brendan tried to relax into it. Brendan almost jumped out of his skin when he felt a touch on his arse, which set both cheeks to quivering this time, which made the muscles in his back quiver and spasm uncontrollably. The Master', again, began to talk in Brendan's ear and stroking his cheek, and slowly. Bit by bit. Brendan started to relax again. When Brendan's arse and back stopped spasming, the Master', while still whispering Brendan's, to keep him calm, reached up and placed a padded blindfold over Brendan's eyes. Again, Brendan's back and arse began to quiver involuntarily. The Master' reached up and stroked Brendan's cheek and murmured in his ear until Brendan quietened down. The Master' left him but returned a short time later, and this time he pushed something into Brendan's mouth and knowing he didn't have a choice. He opened his mouth wider to allow the intrusion till he though he was going to dislocate his jaw, and again Brendan felt it, whatever it was, being fastened behind his head. Then, with a final stroke of his back and arse, the Master' left him.

Brendan was thinking that this, while it was as uncomfortable as hell, it kinda wasn't too bad, but he lost that thought when he heard a loud crack behind him, and his back erupted in flames of pain that were radiating from his back. Brendan heard another crack and felt more pain erupting on his back, after the third or fourth `crack', Brendan lost count of how often his back was hit. And even though his whole body was quivering, Brendan lost himself in the pain that was erupting from his back. Brendan wasn't quite sure how he'd managed it, but he seemed to have zoned out somehow, even though his back was being whipped. That was until the lash started to find his arse, which ripped Brendan from wherever he'd gone inside his head to get away from the pain in his back and brought him screaming back into his painfilled reality. Brendan tried desperately to find the hidey hole he'd found for himself so he could try to get away from all this pain.

Brendan had no way of knowing that the Master' had been using a soft leather cat-o-nine tails but had stopped using that and had switched to a single whip and was now whip Brendan all over his back and arse. Brendan didn't know just how much control this particular Master' had with a whip, but just as Brendan was zoning out again with the pain in his back and arse, the Master' aimed for and got Brendan right on his balls. And Brendan tried to scream blue bloody murder', but because of the ball gag, Brendan was unable to articulate anything. So, he ended up just screaming around the ball gag in his mouth, while the Master' continued to target Brendan's nuts. Brendan was unaware of the change, but the Master' had ditched the whip altogether and had grabbed a paddle instead and began to paddle Brendan's arse and thighs. Paying particular attention to Brendan's tender inner thighs. When the Master' thought he'd built up a lovely red glow from Brendan's arse and thighs, he put the paddle back on the wall and left the dungeon. Brendan, of course, had no way of knowing this and all the muscles in his back, arse and legs were all quivering uncontrollably, and that he was now drenched in sweat and it was running down his body in rivulets. Normally the Master' liked to watch the play of a slaves' muscles under the slaves' skin, but today he had a meeting to go too. So, very regrettably he had to leave Brendan calm down all on his own. Sometime, just before the `Master' had finished paddling his arse and thighs, Brendan's mind began to release endorphins and as they flooded through Brendan's brain. Brendan experienced and incredible high.

Brendan's not sure how long he'd hung, suspended, on the cross, nor that his mind had flooded his system with endorphins, no, all Brendan knew was the incredible high' he was experiencing. All Brendan knew, was that he never wanted to come down, but something was beginning to intrude into his endorphin-soaked brain, and Brendan was trying to work out just what it was. He knew the sound meant something to him, but what. Was it a good something, or bad? It was just then that the lash that had caused the crack that had penetrated Brendan's endorphin-soaked brain had reached its zenith point and made contact with Brendan's back. And completely involuntarily Brenan screamed around the ball gag held firmly in his mouth. Brendan had no idea how long he suffered under the lash before his brain stepped in and flooded itself with yet another burst of endorphins, and Brendan gratefully fell into the bliss of them. When the Master' eventually switched to the paddle again, it threatened to kill Brendan's `buzz', but not by much.

Brendan had no idea when the Master' had stopped paddling his legs and arse. He had no real idea when the Master' had left the dungeon again. No, it seemed that no time had passed before he felt the blindfold and ball gag were removed. Brendan vaguely felt his bonds being undone, and if he hadn't been warned not to fall he would have collapsed to the floor, but somehow, he managed to keep his legs under him. When the `Master' finished releasing him from the cross, he said, "Ok, slave now you can thank me for your first bondage session. And make sure I believe you really loved it or we can have another go until you do! Speak."

"Thank you Master' for punishing this worthless slave," Brendan began to blub, "please, Master' can you punish this slave again, Sir. As this slave was too unworthy to understand the gift, you were giving it. Thank you," Brendan continued as he fell and hugged the `Master's' feet, "Thank you."

"Let go of me you worthless piece of shit," the `Master' growled, "or I will take you at your word and string you up again."

With that Brendan let go of the `Master's' legs, and the Master left the dungeon, but forever after that every time Brendan heard anything resembling a whip crack or the sound of anything making contact with living flesh Brendan's brain flooded itself with endorphins. And Brendan came to understand the beatific expression he saw on the slaves' face when he was being punished.

Thanks to everyone who let me know how they think the story is going. It's been very encouraging. Please keep it up.



Next: Chapter 17

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