The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Mar 21, 2023


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

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By Bastian Ward

Gabby was doing his usual workout/scouting session at one of the gyms he frequented, that he scoped out for any new potential slaves' for him and the other guys to break in' and sell to Stieg. And while the guys had sold a couple of other slaves' since Tomas, Ted and then Matt disappearing a short time later. The guys, of course, were concerned when Stieg had sold both Tomas' and Ted's houses, but Stieg had explained to them all that both Tomas and Ted were heading up their operation overseas. And while some of the guys had received emails from the guys, especially Ted, on how well they were all doing, and loving the dry heat of the desert countries. They'd eventually dropped off, and to be honest, the guys forgot about them eventually. So, the guys left here were left at a bit of a loose end until Gabby and Vince stepped up and became the new leaders' of their group. And they had begun to find and `break in' slaves again, which they eventually sold to Stieg when they grew tired of them and was doing particularly well out of them. This particular night, Gabby was on the treadmill when a young guy jumped onto the one next to him, both men nodded at each other as the young guy punched his program into the treadmill. He adjusted the earbuds he had in his ears while he settled into the rhythm of his pre-program and zoned out.

Naturally, Gabby checked him out, out of the corner of his eye, after long practice, Gabby could size a potential slave up in a short amount of time; and he was liking what he saw running next to him. Gabby's program finished, and so he left the machine, only to return a very short time later to retrieve the water bottle he'd accidently' left on the machine when what he was really doing, was checking out the new guy. Typically, from side on the guy was as narrow as all shit, which would have pissed Gabby off a treat as he was a good bit thicker in his body. But now, Gabby thought like a slaver and the money he could make of any of the young guys in the gym, but he did have to be careful how many guys he harvested' that way. He didn't want anyone to get too suspicious, not when it was such a great money earner for him and the guys, and besides he didn't want to come off all creepy either. But on his return trip to collect his water bottle, he noticed how the kid's t-shirt bunched up on top of his bubble butt, not that the kid's butt was a big as he'd have liked, but then how many guys had an arse as big as Tomas'? And, besides, this kid was a brunette, whereas Tomas is a blonde. Anyway, Gabby did notice that the kid's seam of his shorts fell into the cleft of his arse very nicely. His legs were shapely; Gabby decided that the kid had runner's legs, in fact, Gabby'd decided that the kid had a runner's body full stop. Nicely shaped but lean torso, and arms. Gabby'd decided that he really wanted to see the kid naked, just to see his actual physic, but Gabby'd decided that he was liking what he'd seen so far. And he knew that if the kid was going to be as promising as he was starting out to be, then he could be the motherload the boys were all hanging out for.

So, with the wheels of his mind whirling away, Gabby made his way to the changeroom, ostensibly to strip off so he could go to the sauna, as he was liking his steam these days, but also so he could lay in wait for the kid. Provided that he got changed at the gym, that is, and not one of the ones who went home to shower and change. But after a few false starts, and some dirty looks from a lot of the guys he'd accidently' bumped into in the buff. His luck finally came through, and the next guy through the door that Gabby accidently' bumped into, was none other than the kid himself. But Gabby had been a bit rough this time though, and the kid went sprawling all over the floor, only to look up at a very naked Gabby as Gabby leaned down and offered him a hand up. Gabby wasn't too sure, but did the kid check his cock out for a bit longer than most of the other blokes he'd bumped into tonight? Anyway, Gabby helped the kid to his feet, apologising profusely, while he ran his hands over the kid's body ostensibly checking for any broken bones or skin, but really feeling the muscles under the kid's skin, and Gabby was impressed. Gabby explained that he was on the way to get some steam and invited the kid to join him, with the promise of a drink or a meal afterwards as a way of making amends for knocking him over in the first place. Naturally, the kid protested and told Gabby that he really didn't have to, as there was no harm done. Besides, the kid protested, he didn't have his Speedos or any bathing gear with him. Gabby held his towel aside and looked down at his naked body and told the kid that he didn't either, so Gabby pressed the kid for at least a drink so he could make it up to him for knocking him over. The kid explained that he normally didn't have steam at the gym but eventually acquiesced and said that he'd join Gabby in the steam room. Gabby said he'd wait for the kid to change, then they could go in together, that way the kid could get in on Gabby's card and it wouldn't cost him anything.

The kid went to get changed, and as luck would have it he was only a few lockers down from Gabby's locker, so Gabby was able to check out his bod as he stripped out of his gym gear. Having sat down to remove his socks and shoes, the kid stood up and pulled his t-shirt up off over his head, and while he was at almost full stretch, Gabby got to check him out. And Gabby was really liking what he saw yes, the kid looked like he was all muscle and very little fat. Gabby wasn't too sure, but it looked as though the kid had an eight-pack going on, but Gabby was really hanging out to see what the kid was hiding under his shorts. The kid turned away from Gabby a little bit, and Gabby almost laughed out loud that the kid was shy, particularly when Gabby mused as to what he had in mind for the kid. Gabby got a good look at the kid's dimples in his arse cheeks, and when the kid bent over to lift his legs out of his shorts. Gabby mentally high fived himself as he was proved right about the kid not wearing anything under his shorts, and bent over like that, Gabby got to see the kid's arse as it parted nicely. Not enough for Gabby to see his hole or anything, but it was enough for the kid's cheeks to part invitingly, and all Gabby could really see was the dollar signs that seemed to fall out of the kid's arse anyway. When he was ready, Gabby told the kid to wrap his towel around himself for the walk to the sauna. When they got inside, Gabby led the kid to a bench towards the back and made himself comfortable, which entailed Gabby undoing his towel so that the towel was on the bench and Gabby draped the ends over his legs. The kid followed suit and tried to make it look as though he'd done it before, but obviously, he hadn't, and without realising it he gave Gabby a very good look at his cock and balls. Which is what Gabby was hoping for, but he didn't say anything to scare the kid off, no, he just waited until the kid finally got himself settled.

"Hey, I'm really sorry for knockin' ya over before, but this'll fix ya up no end."

"Um, sure. Don't worry about it. No harm done," the kid said as he relaxed more onto the bench. "So, do you come here often?"

"Nah, only when I can, which isn't as often as I'd like. What about yourself?"

"Yeah, I come about four times a week, but it can be a bit expensive."

"yeah. Tell me about it. So, what do you do?"

"Oh, I'm a sales assistant..."

"Ya not sounding too happy about that."

Yeah, I'm not really enjoying it. But I had to get out of home, and I wanted to come to the city."

"Why where are ya from?"

I'm from a small town called Warrabkook. Yeah, my folks are farmers, and they own a farm that borders the Mt Napier state park."

"Oh, so who do you know in Melbourne?"

"Um, I'm staying with my Aunt and Uncle..."

"Well, it sounds like you're not enjoying it that much anyway."

"Yeah. Oh, sorry I didn't mean to dump this all over you." He said a little embarrassed.

"No sweat," Gabby said laughing as he slapped the kid's thigh.

"Um, so, what do you do?"

"Who, me? Um, me and some of my friends buy and sell `stuff'."

"Oh, like what?" he asked sounding interested.

"Oh, this and that, but we're having a bit of a problem lately as our contact overseas left, so we can't do anything until we can find someone else..."

"Oh, what did they have to do?"

"Oh, not too much as we'd find the buyers here. Our guy overseas was there just to make sure that our merchandise arrived and was sent on to the buyer."

"Oh..." the kid said beginning to sound interested.

"Yeah. I don't know about you, but I've had enough steam."

"Um, what?" the kid said until he noticed Gabby was getting up, "Oh. Ok," he said as he stood up and pulled the towel tight around himself.

Both men exited the sauna and headed towards the changerooms. When they had walked through the door, Gabby dropped his towel and headed towards the showers. "Coming," he called over his shoulder.

"Um, yeah. Sure," the kid replied, as he dropped his towel and trailed along after Gabby.

Gabby wanted to get a good look at the kid, and he figured the best way to do that was in the shower. Gabby selected a shower nozzle right up the end and indicated the one next to him for the kid to use, which gave Gabby a good eyeful of the kid's genitalia as he walked towards him through the showers. And Gabby had to admit to himself that he wasn't disappointed with what he saw. He figured the kid had to be about 7" of uncut cock, and Gabby noticed that his balls weren't too bad either, not that Gabby was gay, mind you, no he was eyeing the kid as one might a thoroughbred horse. He surreptitiously watched the kid while he washed his hair and noted the kid's pecs were well formed and nicely rounded, and the kid did, in fact, have an eight-pack going on. And with his hair wet, Gabby could see the blue highlights through the kid's raven black hair, as it caught the light. Gabby dropped his eyes and noted that the kid's pubes were as black as the hair on his head. Yes, Gabby was really liking what he was seeing. Then when the kid bent over to wash his legs, Gabby got a good view of the kids' arse as he got to watch the kids' cheeks separate invitingly the further he bent over, but it still wasn't enough to show off the kids' anus. Oh, well,' thought Gabby, you couldn't have it all.' He finished his shower and went out to his locker to get dressed and wait for the kid, who followed him out moments later.

Gabby took careful note of the other guys in the locker room, just to see how many heads the kid could turn, and Gabby wasn't too surprised to see a lot of guys surreptitiously checking the kid out when he walked by. Fuck,' thought Gabby, if they only knew how obvious they all are'. True! Not all the guys in the locker room are gay, but fuck everyone wants to check everyone else out, whether they're gay or not, particularly when you have a bod like the kid.

Gabby got dressed and told the kid he'd wait for him in the foyer, and with that, he left the changerooms and waited for the kid in the foyer. Gabby almost laughed when the kid burst through the door from the change room to the foyer, but `Com' on Kid' was all he said as he led the way down to the underground carpark. The Kid almost popped his load when he saw they were heading towards a BMW i8, "Fuck! Is this yours?"

"Yep, hop in," Gabby said as he unlocked the doors.

Gabby smiled to himself as he saw the look on the kid's face as they were driving along. They stopped and had coffee, while Gabby explained to the kid that it was because of their importing/exporting business that he and the other guys who worked in the company could afford cars like his. Gabby let it slip that it was a shame that the guy they had in the middle east had resigned and they were having a little trouble with their business in that region. "So, um, what qualifications did the guy have?" the kid asked


"I mean," the kid said as he started to blush, "Um, I was just wondering, that's all?" as he looked down and shuffled his feet.

"Oh," Gabby replied, as he mentally smiled to himself, "none really. No, we trained him on the spot..."

"Oh, really? So, he had no qualifications at all?" he said brightening up.

"Nah. Not one. He just wanted to see the world's all."

"Oh," was all the kid could say as they finished their drinks.

Gabby gave the kid a lift home, and as he was getting out of the car, Gabby reached over and gave him a copy of his business card, just in case he knew anyone who might be interested in the job. Gabby stuck out his hand, "I'm Gabby, by the way."

"Oh," the kid said as he took Gabby's hand and shook it, "I'm Brendan."

"well, good night Brendan. I might see you at the gym again."

"Um, yeah. Sure," was all Brendan could think to say as he closed the door of the car and walked up the drive.

Meanwhile, Gabby sat and watched him go, and he chuckled to himself as he took off and drove home.

The next time Gabby went to the gym, who should he run into, none other than the kid himself. Not that Gabby was looking for him, mind you, no Gabby was finishing his work out when the kid just materialised beside him on the other treadmill. They nodded to each other as they got on with finishing their respective programs on the treadmill. To Gabby's surprise the kid finished first and walked off towards the change rooms, Gabby was so surprised that he nearly fell off his treadmill. He was beginning to think that maybe he'd laid it on a bit thick for the kid the last time he was here, Oh, well,' he thought, you can't win `em all.' With that, Gabby finished his cycle on the treadmill and headed for the change room himself. And who should Gabby see as he walked towards his locker, none other than the kid himself, and Gabby almost laughed out loud as the kid looked as though he was just opening his locker to get changed, with his towel wrapped around his waist riding high over the top of his bubble butt. But then hanging low at the front as the kid had it tucked in at the front, and probably subconsciously, he wore it low just under the base of his eight pack. "Hey, Brendan isn't it," Gabby said as he stuck out his hand, but didn't walk towards the kid.

"Um, yeah. Oh, Gabby, I didn't see you come in." The kid said trying to sound nonchalant, "Was that you on the treadmill out there? I hadn't noticed," he said as he extended his hand and walked over to shake Gabby's hand. "Good to see you," he said as he took Gabby's proffered hand.

Mentally Gabby smirked to himself thinking, `this is too easy.' "Good to see you too. I was just going to get some steam. Care to join me?"

"Oh, um, I would, but my membership..."

"Don't say another word," Gabby replied, as he draped his arm over the kid's shoulders, "what are friends for?"

So, the two men walked over to the steam room and found a bench in the back. They made small talk as they sat there and sweated more than they had before they walked into the steam room. Gabby asked the kid about work, and home, and things in general. While the kid complained about his job, home life, and things in general. When Gabby'd had enough steam, they headed for the showers, where the kid seemed to drop a lot of things which meant that the kid had to bend over. A lot. Gabby almost burst out laughing, "You know, kid; I'm not gay."

"Oh," replied a crestfallen Brendan, "I wasn't trying to..."

"Don't finish that statement. There is nowhere it can go that either of us is going to be happy with," said Gabby with a smile on his face. "I tell you what. Why don't we go for a coffee somewhere and you can tell me what's on your mind. How does that sound?"

"Oh, Ok," the kid replied as he brightened up, and much to Gabby's almost disappointment the kid didn't drop anything else in the shower. And Gabby was sure there was more than one guy sharing the showers with them who was disappointed at that as well.

They finished their respective showers and went and got dressed. The kid was finished first, surprise, surprise. And he came over and sat on the bench while he waited for Gabby to finish dressing. Gabby grabbed his stuff, and they headed for the entrance. They drove around to a little coffee shop where Gabby knew they would get some privacy, not that the kid was going to show him his wears again. Particularly as Gabby had told the kid that he wasn't gay. And sure enough, after Gabby had dropped some none too subtle hints, the kid finally plucked up the courage to as Gabby if they had found anyone to fill the job yet? No, Gabby replied they were still looking.

"So, what about me?"

"What about you, what?" Gabby replied, seemingly nonplussed.

"Um," the kid stammered, "What about me for the job. You, know. For the overseas part. Um, seeing as the last guy... Um, that is... Oh, no... Look I probably shouldn't have..."

Gabby cut him off, and sounding like he hadn't given it a thought before now, "You mean that you might be interested in filling the position?"

"Um, yeah. That is... If you think... Well, I'm not sure I have the right... But you did say..."

Gabby decided to take it easy on the kid, "Well, we are having problems without having someone on the ground in the middle east, so to speak. But, what about your family."

"Oh," the kid replied, "don't give it a second thought. I can't wait to get away from my fuckin' family!" he said with some venom in his voice.

"Um, well," Gabby said, pretending to give it a lot of thought, "do you have a girlfriend?"

"Um, no, is that a problem?"

"Oh, no," Gabby replied, "what about a boyfriend?" Gabby raced on as he saw the disgusted look on the kid's face, "I mean you were dropping a lot of things in the shower..."

The kid had the good graces to `blush as red as a beetroot'. "Um. No, I just thought..."

Again, Gabby stopped him, telling him that there was no way he could finish that statement without embarrassing either one of them. The kid smiled somewhat shamefaced as his face seemed to flame even redder if that was possible.

"Um. Ok. Look, yes, we desperately need someone in the middle east as soon as possible. Um, do you know anything about the customs over there?"

and the kid shook his head in the negative.

"Oh," Gabby continued, "so, you don't know about their piercings or any other customs?"

"Um, no," the kid replied sounding a bit nervous.

"Well, the region we deal with, and through, the males all have piercings. Um, how would you feel about that?"

"Um, well, I don't even have my ears pierced..."

"Yeah, I can see that. No, I think you misunderstand me. You see, the men we deal with, have a piercing between their legs..."

The Kid looked shocked, "What! You want me to get a piercing down there?"

"Well, if you want the job..."

"Oh," the kid said as he gave it some thought, "does it hurt?"

"Not at all," Gabby lied, "we all have them done..."

"All of you!" the kid exclaimed cutting Gabby off.

"Well, yeah. We had to so we could do business with these guys."

"Oh," the kid replied crestfallen, "I can't really afford too..."

Now it was Gabby's turn to cut the kid off, "Look if you're willing. Then I'd foot the bill, and I can take it out of your wages from the first few weeks. If you like?"

"You'd do that for me?" the kid asked brightening.

"Sure," Gabby replied, "what are friends for after all."

So, the two men made a time to meet in Prahran where Gabby liked to get all his slaves pierced. Gabby gave the kid a lift home and then chuckled all the way home, with dollar signs running through his head, thinking `this is too easy. Somebody's got to stop me.'

Sure enough. The kid was waiting for Gabby on the footpath outside the piercing shop in Prahran, just as they had arranged. They greeted each other as they shook hands. Gabby asked the kid if he was nervous, to which the kid replied that he was. So, Gabby offered to go in with him, as moral support so to speak. So, that was how it happened that Gabby ended up in the cubicle with the kid while he got his perineum pierced, and Gabby got to marvel at the kid's cock and balls as the kid held them out of the way so the guy could piece him. While the kid was getting dressed the piercer explained to him how to look after his piercing while it healed and gave him some stuff to put on the site daily, so it didn't get infected. Gabby almost laughed out loud as the kid walked in front of him slightly bowlegged. Gabby gave him a lift home and told the kid to call him when it had all healed, and they would talk about the next bit. The kid agreed as he closed the car door and walked bowlegged inside.

A couple of weeks later they met up at the gym, the kid hadn't called him, and Gabby was beginning to think the kid was getting cold feet and cursing that he'd done his dough on the kid. Gabby was just beginning to think that he'd have to find someone else when the kid jumped on the treadmill beside him.

"I was beginning to think you'd skipped out on me. How's the piercing feeling?"

"Fuckin, great! I don't know why I didn't get it done sooner," the kid almost crowed.

"Shh," Gabby warned, "keep your voice down."

"Oops. Sorry," the kid said as he ducked his head.

"Not to worry," Gabby laughed at him, "so, I take it that the piercing has healed then?"

"You bet! I don't know why I was so scared of getting it done in the first place. It feels great, now, when I beat off. Fuck, you guys must want to beat off all the time," the kid said looking across at Gabby, and Gabby just made an `Oh, well' kind of face back at him.

"Good. Good. Ah, well I'm finished out here. I'm going to hit the showers. I'll see you in there."

Gabby didn't have to wait too long for the kid to follow him into the changeroom. Gabby'd never seen anyone strip so fast as the kid did so he could get to the shower beside Gabby.

They stood there for a minute, when Gabby asked the kid if he could have a look, and before Gabby could ask if the kid'd mind him looking at the piercing here in such a public place. When the kid had already hoisted up his cock and balls and spread his legs so that Gabby could have a good at the piercing site. Gabby laughed to himself as he hunkered down in front of the kid and inspected the site. Gabby poked and prodded at the site and asked the kid if he had any pain, to which the kid answered in the negative. So, with both men satisfied with themselves they finished up in the shower and got dressed and left the gym.

On the way home Gabby explained that the kid would have to have an intensive medical, but he told the kid, not to worry as there was a Doctor they used all the time for these things. If the kid thought Gabby's terminology was a bit off he didn't say anything, all he could think about was leaving Australia and never coming back. He knew he was destined for greater things than working on the family farm or working some menial job. Yes, he was going to be a high flier, and someday, when he'd made his millions, he'd come back to the farm and show them what he'd made of himself.

Gabby had to break into the kid's reverie when they got to his place. Before the kid got out, Gabby told him that he'd arrange the Dr's appointment and give him a call. The kid asked Gabby if he'd mind going to the Dr's with him, not that he was nervous about anything, but he wanted Gabby there just in case. Gabby agreed, and the kid got out of the car, and both men parted company very happy with themselves, but for very different reasons.

On the day of the appointment, Gabby picked the kid up. "Why is the appointment so late?" the kid asked.

"Well," replied Gabby, "it's because you're going to an almost third world country, so the Dr has to be very thorough. You don't want to get too sick over there and not being able to be treated now do you?"

"No, I suppose not," the kid said somewhat dubiously.

"Look. If you want to, you can pull out now, `no harm, no foul'."

"No. No. I do want this job..."

"It's just nerves. Look this is the worst thing you're going to have to do, and then it's all over. I take you to meet my associates, and if they like you, then it's all smooth sailing, and you go off to see the world."

"I like the sound of that," the kid replied as he settled into his seat more.

They got to the Dr's surgery just before the advertised closing time. They presented themselves to reception and were asked to take a seat as the Dr was finishing off with his last patient and won't belong. So, the kid took a seat while Gabby chatted up the receptionist. It wasn't too long before one of the inner doors opened and a Dr came out helping an elderly lady. They walked up to the receptionist, and the Dr told the receptionist that she could go home when she had finished, and he reminded her to lock the door behind her on the way out.

With that, the Dr turned and greeted Gabby and motioned the two men to follow him into his office. Gabby explained that Brendan was thinking of taking up one of their positions overseas, but naturally, they wanted to ensure that Brendan was in perfect health as they didn't want anything to go wrong later. The Dr said that he understood, he turned to Brendan and told him to strip now, and it would make it easier later on. The Dr was quick to reassure Brendan that this was perfectly Ok for the types of tests that had to be done. But it was funny, ever since Brendan had had the piercing done he didn't seem to mind so much being naked. So, he stripped and sat up on the bench the Dr indicated. The Dr asked him about his medical history and his families medical history that he knew about. The Dr checked Brendan's piercing site, and the Dr told Gabby, over his shoulder, that they did good work. Gabby agreed with him and said that was why they liked to use them so much. The Dr did all the usual tests, blood pressure, checked his lungs, got Brendan to stand while the Dr held his balls and got Brendan to cough. And so, on it went, Brendan started to protest when the Dr told him to lay back on the bench while the Dr grabbed hold of Brendan's cock, and after rolling his foreskin back and inspecting the glans of Brendan's cock, the Dr started to masturbate him. The Dr explained that he was just making sure that the piercing hadn't nicked anything they shouldn't have, he also explained that this way they could see if there were any erectile problems or if he was sterile or not. So, somewhat reluctantly Brendan let the Dr finish his examination. The Dr took some bloods and wrote out a list of tests he wanted Brendan to have, and after giving Brendan, a rectal examination pronounced himself finished and told Brendan that he could come back in a few days and get the results. Gabby gave Brendan a lift home and promised to go back with Brendan to get the results.

Naturally, Brendan got a clean bill of health. Both men thanked the Dr and left his surgery. On the way home Gabby told Brendan that there was one more thing they had to do, and that was to get Brendan Enduring Power of Attorney to someone in the company. Just in case anything happened, they would be in the best position to help him out. Without any hesitation, Brendan asked Gabby if he could put Gabby's name on his Enduring Power of Attorney. To which Gabby agreed seemingly somewhat reluctantly, suggesting that he might want a family member to have it instead. But Brendan talked him down and explained how Gabby had done so much for him that he couldn't think of anyone else that he'd rather have to look after things if anything went wrong. So, after Gabby finally agreed, Brendan announced that he was going to get Gabby's name put on his bank account as well, just in case. Even though Gabby objected strongly stating that it was too much responsibility, Brendan stood firm and kept insisting until Gabby, somewhat reluctantly, finally agreed.

Gabby dropped Brendan home, and laughed out loud all the way home, thinking it couldn't have been easier if he'd tried. Never dreaming that this was exactly how Ted got Tomas to have all these things done so he could sell him into servitude, the only difference being is that Ted couldn't wait for the chance to be the first person to fuck his hitherto straight friend. Ted wanted so badly to be the one to take Tomas' cherry that he allowed that to cloud his judgement, but Gabby had no such designs on Brendan as Gabby knew they'd get a lot more for Brendan as a virgin than they ever would if they broke him in themselves.

A few days later Brendan met Gabby at the gym, naturally on the treadmills and Brendan told Gabby that all the paperwork had come through and that now Gabby was Brendan's Power of Attorney, as well as being a co-signatory on Brendan's accounts. Gabby told Brendan that he felt both touched and honoured that Brendan would trust him enough to do this. Brendan told him to think nothing of it, and they finished their workouts in companionable silence, and went and had a shower. While they were getting dressed, Brendan gave Gabby a copy of all the paperwork and asked him when he can start.

Gabby asked him how soon could he resign from his current job? Brendan just looked at him opened mouth, before he swallowed and said he could do it tomorrow. Gabby told him not to worry about working out his notice, as they wanted him to start as soon as possible. Gabby suggested that he might want to move in with him so they could get him up to speed with the company as soon as possible so they could send him overseas sooner. Brendan lept at the chance and organised for Gabby to pick him and his stuff up after work the following day. So, all the plans made again both men parted company very happy, but for totally different reasons.

The following evening Gabby picked Brendan up from his relatives' place. Of course, he had to go and meet the relatives and explain that everything was above board, and Gabby was very good at schmoozing people and left there on very good terms. With everybody. Gabby took Brendan back to his place so Brendan could drop his stuff off. Brendan couldn't believe his luck when Gabby drove him to South Yarra and took him up to his penthouse on Toorak Rd. Brendan could not believe the view. Gabby told him to take a pew as he had a few calls to make. When he returned, Gabby told Brendan that the boss wanted to meet him now.

"What. Tonight?"

"That's not a problem is it?" Gabby asked him.

"Um, no. Of course not."

So, the two men went back downstairs and got back in the car. Brendan asked if he could drive, he hastened to add that he had his licence, but Gabby turned him down, explaining that they didn't have time tonight. But he promised that he would let Brendan have a go when they had more time. Brendan was happy with that, and he peppered Gabby with all sorts of questions about the kind of work they did, and Gabby laughed at him and told him that Vince could explain it way better than he could. He told Brendan that he would just have to be patient. So, Brendan settled back into his seat and watched the scenery go past as they drove into Toorak and pulled up outside a house that could only be described as a mansion. And Brendan let out a low whistle as he got out of the car and followed Gabby up to the front door. And that was when Vince got his first look at Brendan, Gabby and Vince greeted each other and Gabby stood aside and introduced Brendan to Vince, and Vince couldn't believe what he was looking at. The boy standing behind Gabby, looked to Vince as though he was a boy, fuck' Vince thought, he looks as though he was only sixteen or something'. Vince looked into the large dark brown doe eyes that were surrounded by the longest lashes Vince had ever seen on a boy before. Vince took in Brendan's thick eyebrows that seemed as though they were perched above his eyes, Vince noted that Brendan didn't have a very high forehead as he eyes travelled down Brendan's face. He took in Brendan's button nose and made note of the high cheekbones, but he also noticed that his cheeks weren't sculptured. Vince liked Brendan's full lips and the cleft in his chin. Yes, Brendan lived up to Gabby's hype admirably. Vince invited them both in and led them into one of the sitting rooms off the entrance way, while Brenden's head swivelled all over the place trying to take it all in at once.

When they were all settled, Vince looked at Brendan, "So, you want to know what kind of business Gabby and I am in, is that right?"

"Um, yes, Sir," Gabby said without realising exactly what he'd said, "I'd like that very much."

"Well, you see, Brendan, Gabby and I, and our associates are slavers..."

"What?" Brendan almost shouted as he lept out of his chair.

Vince and Gabby smiled at him as Vince continued, "Yes, we sell slaves all over the world, and I understand from Gabby here, that you are interested in heading our middle eastern arm."

"Oh, no," Brendan continued, "you can't be serious. If I'd known this is what you guys did," Brendan continued horrified, "I'd never have agreed to it."

"Look," Vince said, "what you're feeling is no different to how we felt in the beginning," Vince said as he indicated Gabby and himself, "but it's big business, and why shouldn't we make some money out of it. And believe me, it is very lucrative."

But Brendan wasn't convinced, "I couldn't buy and sell another person. I don't care how much money you guys make."

"Look. I understand it's been a bit of a shock..."

"A bit of a shock!" Brendan almost shouted, "that's a fuckin' understatement that is."

"Look," Vince said putting up his hands placatingly, "why don't we go and have a chat to Stieg. He can explain it so much better than we obviously are. Would you do that before you make your mind up. Hmm?"

"No. No. There's nothing anyone can say or do that'd make me change my mind!"

"Look," Gabby said, "you've come this far. Let's go and talk to Stieg, and if you still don't want to take the job, then I'll take you home. Ok? But, Brendan, if you decide not to take the job, then you can't tell anyone about our little operation..."

"I don't think I can make that kind of a promise," Brendan said sounding very stressed, "I don't believe that you guys can run an operation like this in Melbourne for god's sake. Not in this day and age. Fuck I thought slavery went out in the dark ages..."

"now hang on a minute," Vince said, "just wait until you talk to Stieg. Can you at least do that?" Vince asked hopefully.

"Well, Ok," Brendan said somewhat begrudgingly.

"Great," Vince said as he lept to his feet, "let's go. I've already spoken to Stieg, so he's expecting us."

"You what..." Brendan started to say when Vince cut him off.

"Don't worry about it. Come on," Vince said as he got to his feet, along with Gabby. Brendan reluctantly joined them as they left the mansion and got into another car and headed out. They drove to Tottenham and the old industrial sites there. They pulled up at an unassuming gate and Vince reached out and pressed the button on the speaker by the gate, a light instantly came on, and the gate opened after Vince identified himself. They drove around to the back of one of the silos, and Brendan was surprised to see a lit entrance way in the base of the silo. "What is this place?" Brendan asked, forgetting for a minute that he was supposed to be pissed at both Vince and Gabby.

"This, my boy," Vince replied, "is where we leave our slaves before they're sent on to the farm."

"The farm?"

"Yes, it's where the slaves are taught how to be slaves."

"Oh," was all Brendan could think to say as he followed Vince and Gabby as they walked towards the entrance. Vince held the door open for them as he ushered Gabby and Brendan inside. They crossed the foyer to the lift. They entered the lift and Vince hit the down button, and before Brendan could formulate his next question, the lift stopped, and the doors opened. Both Vince and Gabby exited the lift, and Brendan trailed after. The next thing Brendan knew was something hard being pressed against his ribs and losing all control of his body as he fell onto the floor. Before he could regain control of his limbs again he felt people stripping him naked; then they dragged him across the floor where he felt his legs being spread and he heard a click as something was being attached to his Guiche. The final indignity he felt his hands being pulled roughly behind his back and felt something being clamped around his wrists. Only then was he left alone to recover from being hit by a stun gun. When he was sure, he had full control of his limbs again, did Brendan try to stand up, and it was then that he realised that his hands were handcuffed behind his back. "What the fuck..." was all he got to say before he was backhanded across the face, and someone growled at him to shut the fuck up and referred to him as a slave. "But there's been some kind of mistake..." again was all he got to say before someone gut punched him effectively doubling him over, while he tried valiantly to draw a full breath.

It finally dawned on Brendan that if he didn't try to protest that he might actually find out what was going on. He stood up and watched the three men as they talked about him as though he wasn't even there.

"Have you got the paperwork?" the new guy asked Gabby and Vince, and Brendan heard Gabby tell him that it was all in order as he handed over a large envelope. The new guy pulled out the paperwork, "Oh, so he's a virgin?" the man asked as he came over towards Brendan. He pulled on a latex glove and pushing Brenden over, he squirted some goop on his finger and then tried to work that finger into Brendan's arse, while Brendan hollered and screamed `blue bloody murder', to which no one paid any mind to. "Well," the new man said, "a virgin is certainly worth a hell of a lot more. I'll let them know at the farm that it's a virgin, and they will treat him accordingly. Alright, gentlemen, I think that concludes our transaction. You both must be congratulated he is a nice specimen, isn't he?" Stieg said as he rubbed his hands all over Brendan's body, lifting and hefting his balls while he was at it. "He's uncircumcised as well. Well done he really is a find. Yes, he will make us all a ton of money. Let's see if he rivals our biggest earner," Stieg said as he laughed to himself because he knew that their biggest earner was none other than the boy's best friend Tomas, and Stieg wondered how they would react if they knew that, even after all this time.

The men concluded their business and Gabby and Vince left, and there was nothing Brendan could do as he was effectively chained to the floor by the fuckin' Guiche he'd gotten at fuckin' Gabby's suggestion. And all Brendan could think about was him telling Gabby how much he liked having the fuckin' thing, and all the time Gabby was laughing up his fuckin' sleave at him. Oh yes, Brendan said to Gabby, please be my Power of fuckin' Attorney, and be co-signatory on my bank account. What a fuckin' sap he'd been. Brendan vowed to himself that if he ever had the chance, he'd escape and come back and beat the shit out of Gabby. While Brendan was ruminating on how he'd get his revenge, he didn't notice one of the men walking up beside him, and it wasn't until he felt the branding iron making contact with his left buttock, that the man even registered. Brendan screamed his lungs out and collapsed to the floor as he passed out from the pain in his butt cheek.

To all my fans who wanted thinks explained or `The Silo' series rewritten, I'm sorry it's not going to happen, but I do hope you like my new victim.

Let me know



Next: Chapter 16

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