The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Jun 28, 2017


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else


I am sorry that the wait has been so long for this chapter, but I just couldn't see where they were going, so please accept my deepest apologies.



Chapter 14

By Bastian Ward

Eventually, both men woke as the cooler breezes of the night caressed their sleeping forms. Tomas roused just before Rashid, and moving very gently, so as not to disturb Rashid, he managed to extradite himself from Rashid's embrace. He moved away from Rashid's warm body and turned and gazed on his master's naked form. A body he was intimately knowledgeable about. There wasn't a single inch of Rashid's skin that Tomas had not licked, sucked, kissed, or caressed, except for the inside of his anus. Tomas had learnt very early on that this was an area that he was never to invade, but he was so filled with longing to explore his masters' nether region. That he very gently rolled Rashid onto his stomach and very gently eased his arse cheeks apart, as he leant forward and inhaled the musky, musty smell of Rashid's arse. Very lightly Tomas kissed the globes of Rashid's arse, as he made his slow way down into the cleft of Rashid's arse. Until he finally reached the bottom of the cleft, and very lightly he slowly ran his tongue from the top of the cleft down to just above the opening of Rashid's anus. Tomas continued to run his tongue up and down this particular part of Rashid's cleft until, when he looked down he could see a tiny pool of his saliva welling up in the opening of Rashid's anus. While still holding Rashid's arse cheeks apart gently with his hands, he forced his elbows between Rashid's thighs and forced them apart so that he could get better access to Rashid's perineum.

Then Tomas started to very gently run his tongue from the base of Rashid's ball sack right up to the opening of Rashid's anus and again continued to lick along this line of skin until he could see his saliva welling on the base of Rashid's ball sack. Then, as Rashid hadn't moved or even uttered a sound. Tomas grew bolder, and for the first time in their relationship, Tomas forced his tongue into Rashid's arse. Again, there seemed to be no response from Rashid. Tomas grew bolder and laid full length on the carpet, he buried his face as deep into Rashid's arse as he could get it, and he ate, licked, and sucked Rashid's arse for all he was worth. Tomas was in heaven; he was getting intoxicated on the smell and the taste of Rashid's arse, so much so, that he hadn't realised that Rashid was in fact, awake. Tomas was so caught up in rimming out Rashid's arse, that he hadn't realised that he could feel Rashid's deep moans of pleasure as they were vibrating throughout his entire body.

Rashid was vaguely aware that Tomas had moved out of his embrace, and that he'd been rolled over onto his stomach. He was aware of Tomas separating his arse cheeks, and when he felt Tomas slid his moist tongue down his arse crack, Rashid felt a small shiver run down his back. Consequently, he allowed Tomas to continue, and when he felt Tomas drive his elbows between his thighs, he obliged and parted his legs slightly, and almost cried out in pleasure as he felt Tomas' tongue force its way into his anus. Which had an immediate effect on his cock as it instantly sprang to life and started to leak pre-cum. While he got lost in the sensations of Tomas' tongue buried deep inside his arse.

When Rashid felt himself drawing close to a climax, he reached behind himself and grabbed Tomas by the hair and pulled Tomas' face out of his arse. While holding Tomas' head up, Rashid rolled over and forced Tomas onto his throbbing eager cock. When Tomas had swallowed Rashid's cock right down to the root. Rashid let go of Tomas' hair and grabbed Tomas by his ears instead and forced Tomas up and down his throbbing cock. Rashid didn't have to wait too long before his cock erupted and he shot his load of hot cum deep down Tomas' throat. Rashid fell back on the carpet completely spent, but when he tried to pull Tomas of his softening cock. He felt Tomas snake his hands under the small of his back and hold on, refusing to release Rashid's cock until he had sucked every last drop of cum out of it. Which in turn aroused Rashid's lust again, which Tomas could tell because he could feel Rashid's cock stiffening in his mouth. When Rashid couldn't stand it any longer, he grabbed Tomas by the roots of his hair and pulled him bodily off his cock. He manhandled Tomas onto all fours, and without any preamble, he plunged the full length into Tomas' aching arse. Rashid banged Tomas' arse until, with a bestial yell, Rashid cum for the fourth time that night. He collapsed onto Tomas' back and laid there until he recovered enough that he could roll off Tomas' back and lay back down on the carpet.

With Rashid laying spent beside him, Tomas again worked his way between Rashid's legs and sucked his cock deep into his mouth and down his throat. Rashid didn't even have the energy to pull Tomas off his cock; he was that spent. So, he allowed Tomas to continue to lick and suck on his softening cock. Until he felt his cock stiffen once more, but before Rashid could do anything about it, he shot a tiny load of cum down Tomas' throat and promptly passed out in an exhausted sleep.

Tomas sucked the last of the cum out of Rashid's cock, and it was only when he was sure there was going to be no more cum from Rashid's' cock, did Tomas finally allow Rashid's cock to slid out of his mouth. He moved over and stretched out beside Rashid and Rashid reached for Tomas in his sleep and pulling him close, Rashid fell into a deep sleep, and Tomas drifted off to sleep as well. Totally spent, and happy that he had serviced Rashid so well.

It wasn't until a few hours later that Tomas was woken by the cold breeze, as Tomas came too he thought they were surrounded by a soft glow. It wasn't until he could focus his eyes properly could he see the braziers that the guards had set and lit, a discreet distance from the sleeping men of course. Otherwise, they probably would have frozen stiff lying naked in the open desert. Tomas gently roused Rashid and helped him to get dressed when they had finished Tomas got himself dressed and then both men rode back to camp. They entered the main tent, and both men went to bed feeling very contented with themselves.

During the night, the guards and servants must have rolled up the carpet and moved the braziers back to camp, as in the morning there was no sign that anyone had left the camp.

After a sumptuous breakfast, Rashid and his guest rode off into the desert to do some hunting; they also took Rashid's Falcons with them. While they were gone the servants tidied up the camp and made it ready to receive the hunting party when it returned. Naturally, Tomas and Matt remained in their part of the tent; they did their morning stretching exercises. When they had finished, they went out behind their tent to an area that Wasim had set aside so they could still do a modified gym session while they were there. To this end, Wasim had an old tent erected with an old carpet for a floor, and there was some gym equipment there for the two men to use. After they had finished their workouts, both men need to bathe, but as there was no bathtub for them to use they had to use a bucket of water and had a deep tray to stand in so that the carpet didn't get wet.

Matt washed Tomas first. He made the cloth good and wet, and with Tomas standing in the deep tray he washed Tomas' hair to wash all the sweat out of it. He made his slow way down to Tomas' face, and very gently he washed Tomas' face and continued on his way down Tomas' neck. He turned Tomas around and scrubbed Tomas' back and watched as the soapy water ran down the runnel, that was formed by Tomas' spine, and disappeared into Tomas' arse crack and drip into the tray. Matt continued his slow progress down Tomas' back until he reached Tomas' lower back and his dimples just above the globes of his arse. Matt didn't separate Tomas' arse cheeks and washed Tomas' arse for him. Instead, he turned Tomas around again and began to wash Tomas' shoulders.

If it hadn't been for the training they had both received at `The Farm', Matt would have been sporting a huge hardon by now. Standing this close to a naked Tomas and having the chance to wash every inch of his naked body, had been a sexual fantasy of Matt's, even if he didn't want to admit it to himself. Instead, his cock hung limply between his legs, but he was barely able to suppress the shudder that ran through him when he felt a drop of precum make its slow way down his urethra. While he couldn't see it hanging off the end of his cock, Matt was very aware of its presence.

Matt washed Tomas' arms, getting Tomas to hold them out so that Matt could wash his pits and the sides of his torso. Matt finally moved onto Tomas' chest as he washed both of Tomas' pectoral muscles, Matt marvelled at the firmness of them both, and Tomas' paps that were slightly indented into them. Matt continued down to Tomas' abdomen and washed each of the muscles that made up Tomas' six-pack and continued down until he reached the top of Tomas' pubic area. Once again, he turned Tomas around, and this time he got Tomas to bend over and spread his arse cheeks so that he could finally get to wash a part of Tomas' body that he unknowingly had lusted after for years. He washed down Tomas' crack and watched the water as it trickled over the opening of Tomas' gaping anus. With his hands trembling slightly, Matt washed the gaping opening of Tomas' anus. Again, Matt could feel another drop of precum rolling down his urethra and hang off the tip of his cock. Matt continued to make his way down Tomas' arse crack until he finally reached Tomas' perineum and allowed Tomas' arse cheeks to close behind him.

Matt continued to wash Tomas' perineum and took pains to wash his guiche and the piercing site very carefully. Before he got Tomas to stand upright again and turn around. Matt had washed both of Tomas' legs before he allowed himself to wash Tomas' genitals and the piercings that were in it. Matt was kneeling in front of Tomas when he finally grabbed hold of Tomas' cock and holding it out of the way with his bare hand he got to marvel again at the slab of meat Tomas' cock actually was, and Matt couldn't help but compare it to his own tiny cock. Matt washed Tomas' lorum piercing site and checked that it was Ok. Then finally he allowed himself to wash Tomas' cock, as he felt yet another drop of precum roll down his urethra. He didn't need to, but he stretched out the skin on Tomas' cock so that he could wash each fold and crack in the skin. He checked Tomas' Prince Albert and its piercing site, and then reluctantly he had to let Tomas' cock go as he'd finally finished washing Tomas' whole body.

Matt grabbed one of the towels and vigorously rubbed Tomas' hair dry, he then made his way, once more, down Tomas' body as he dried Tomas vigorously with the towel. Again, paying particular attention to Tomas anus, cock, and balls, until he had to very reluctantly acknowledge the fact that he had finally finished washing and drying Tomas' body. And very reluctantly Matt exchanged positions with Tomas so that Tomas could wash Matt. Matt closed his eyes as he revelled in the sensation of Tomas, not only touching his body for the first time, but for actually washing him. Matt thought he had died and gone to heaven. He thought it was the greatest sensation in the whole world, to just be able to stand there and have someone else wash you all over. Particularly when that someone was Tomas, the secret object of his desire. While he was being washed by Tomas, he felt another couple of drops of precum roll slowly down his urethra. But, unfortunately, it was all over too soon, and before he realised it Tomas was towelling him off, and it was all over. Both men walked naked back to their part of the main tent and lounged around on the cushions and divans while the waited for the hunting party to return.

Eventually, the hunting party returned from a very successful hunt, and while the cooks got busy preparing and cooking the game that they'd killed. Matt and Tomas were put to use bathing Rashid and the other guests in the hunting party. Naturally, Tomas washed Rashid, while Matt was kept very busy washing the rest of the guests. Keane commented on the wash that Matt gave him, and how he'd seemed to have actually improved his skill level since leaving `The Farm'. Which would have made Matt blush at the compliment, if it weren't for his training. The only acknowledgement he gave to the comment was to thank Keane for the compliment.

Rashid and his guests settled down on the cushions and divans and were entertained by the musicians and dancers that had accompanied them. The meal was served on huge platters, and the guests helped themselves, while the dancers and musicians continued to entertain them.

Meanwhile, Matt and Tomas ate in their separate part of the tent but were still able to hear the music. As night descended, and Matt and Tomas had finished eating, both men prepared for their separate roles in the evening's festivities. Tomas got dressed in the dishdasha that had been laid out for him earlier that afternoon, and while it wasn't as form fitting as the dishdasha that he travelled here in. It was made of a very sheer fabric that concealed absolutely nothing it was so transparent, so after the two men had eaten Tomas got dressed in his new dishdasha, while Matt's outfit was nothing more than a loincloth, and a very short and revealing one at that.

After the main group had finally finished their meal and the area had been cleared, and the dancers had retired for the moment. All eyes turned to the hangings that separated the two parts of the tent. The music became slower as the partition slowly parted to reveal Tomas standing there in all his glory. As far as his audience was concerned, it looked as though Tomas was standing before them completely naked, but the edges of him looked blurry. In fact, some of the gathered crowd rubbed their eyes trying to bring him into better focus, and it wasn't until he moved that they all realised that Tomas was in fact fully clothed. As he moved into the centre of the performing space, the material that Tomas' outfit was made from picked up the fire and lamp light in its folds and creases. So as Tomas moved it appeared as though he had bursts of rainbow colours flowed across his body, much to his audience's delight, as it made Tomas appear to shimmer.

As Tomas moved, he made his body undulate in time with the music. When he reached the central spot, he stopped moving and just undulated on the spot. Slowly raising one hand up over his head while he snaked his other arm across his chest. Tomas continued to undulate his body as he turned slowly on the spot, and after a few rotations, he stopped with his back to most of his audience. He slowly raised his arm down and as his hand passed his hip the rest of his torso appeared to follow his hands as they made their way down his body to the floor. Until Tomas was able to grasp both of his ankles, and as he kept his legs moving his audience were still being treated to glimpses of his gaping hole. Tomas continued to bend over until his hands finally came into contact with the carpet. It then appeared as though his hips and legs were following the rest of Tomas' body as he pulled himself up into a handstand. When his body was fully erect, with his legs straight up in the air with his feet pointing towards the roof of the tent, Tomas slowly turned in a circle so that his audience could appreciate his body as it was at full stretch. Naturally, because Tomas was standing on his hands, gravity was having the desired effect on his cock and balls, so that his cock was now pointing towards his navel with his balls laying over the top. So as Tomas moved his audience could see the light glinting off his Prince Albert as he continued to move on the spot. And before he moved side on to his audience, he very slowly opened his legs so that they could see his guiche glinting in the lamp and firelight as well. Tomas turned a full revolution before he closed his legs up again, and slowly righted himself. As Tomas continued to dance provocatively for his audience, Matt left his side of the tent and presented himself to the audience, and it didn't take too long for the audience members to pull Matt down and rip his loincloth off. Then as one of them forced their throbbing cock into his waiting willing arse, someone else fed their cock into his mouth and down his throat, and they both fucked Matt while they all watched Tomas. As soon as one person shot their load of hot cum up his arse or down his throat, they were instantly replaced someone else. Matt lost count of just how many times he was used, but he loved every minute of it, especially when he was able to catch a glimpse of Tomas as he danced for everyone else. Tomas had built up a fine sheen of sweat as he continued to dance for everyone until it looked as though he sparkled in the light. As his audience sated their sexual desires on Matt, they all fell back naked onto their cushions and divans, and Matt went around and ensured that all the guest's cocks were nice and clean.

Tomas finished dancing for his very appreciative audience and retired to his side of the partition, while the servants brought out finger food and drinks for the guests and the dances came back. At some point, late in the evening Rashid bid his guest a goodnight and went to his private tent to find Tomas waiting for him. As he had enjoyed himself so much the previous evening, Rashid had his servants put a roll of carpet onto his horse. He bade Tomas follow him, as he led them outside to their respective mounts. Again, Rashid took the reins of Tomas' pony as he mounted his horse and rode out into the desert.

Naturally, there was a contingent of guards who ranged out further into the desert, to protect Rashid, sure. But, no one, who was in the fort on that fateful day it was attacked by one of the lesser warlords who wanted Tomas for themselves. So highly prized was he, not only because he was the slave with the golden hair, but also because of what he was rumoured to have cost. But no one, no guard or servant could forget the day they were attacked, and to be honest, they all thought they were going to lose, when seemingly out of nowhere. A very naked Tomas, armed only with a scimitar threw himself recklessly into battle, and it's everyone's belief, who were present that day, that it was the appearance of Tomas who turned the tide of the battle that day. Yes, it is firmly believed by all the staff that he single handed won the battle for them. To the servants and the guards, Tomas had demonstrated just how much he loved Rashid, with that one act. Consequently, although he is nothing but a slave, and everyone in the fort knows this, he is now more protected by the guards and servants, probably even more than Rashid himself.

So as Rashid and Tomas rode out into the desert, they were followed at a discreet distance by a contingent of guards, and when they eventually came to a spot that Rashid liked and had laid down the carpet. All the guards turned their backs, to give the two men some privacy, but also to watch out for, and stop anyone who might want to disturb the two men.

Rashid pulled Tomas towards him, and as they met, he kissed Tomas long and deep, while, Tomas drowned in the kiss. They broke apart, and Tomas reached down and pulled the top of Rashid's dishdasha up over his head, and followed it quickly with his undershirt. They kissed again as they slowly sank onto the carpet. Very gently Tomas laid Rashid back on the carpet and nuzzled into his neck. Nibbled his ear, playfully, before drawing Rashid's arms up over his head. Tomas licked and sucked his way down Rashid's chest, nibbling on his paps as he went by. Tomas followed Rashid's treasure trail down to the top of his pants before he grabbed the waistband of both Rashid's pants and underpants and slowly peeled them off his body. Now Rashid was lying naked on the carpet as the light breeze caressed his naked skin.

Tomas sat back on his haunches and looked down at Rashid, and before Rashid could beckon him down, Tomas grabbed hold of Rashid's ankles and spread them as wide as he could. Tomas then ran his hands up Rashid's thighs, and holding Rashid's legs behind his knees, Tomas pushed Rashid's knees up to his chest, exposing Rashid's hole to the breeze. Tomas moved his face down until he was able to lick and suck Rashid's hole, and for the second time in two days, Tomas rimmed Rashid's arse. Letting go of Rashid's legs, he sucked both of Rashid's large nuts into his mouth and rolled them around his mouth with his tongue. Giving them both a full tongue bath, before he released them, then with just the very tip of his tongue, he trailed his tongue along the underside seam of Rashid's cock. Until he almost reached the head of Rashid's cock.

Rashid was desperate for Tomas to swallow his cock, as he could feel Tomas' hot breath and tongue close to the head of his cock. He felt Tomas stop. Rashid looked up in surprise to see Tomas shimmy out of his own clothes. When he was naked as well, Tomas straddled Rashid. Tomas reached behind himself and grabbed Rashid's dripping cock and held it upright so that he could sit on it. But instead of sitting straight down on Rashid's cock, like Rashid was expecting him to do, Tomas only sat down low enough so that he could feel the head of Rashid's cock force his sphincter open. Tomas then used his anal muscles to draw Rashid's cock into his aching arse, until Tomas was sitting on Rashid's pubic region, with Rashid's cock buried deep in his arse. Tomas let out a sigh as he slowly started to bounce up and down on Rashid's pulsing cock. Meanwhile, his own cock was pointing almost straight at Rashid's face as it bounced around from the motion of Tomas very slowly fucking himself with Rashid's cock.

When Tomas could feel Rashid's nuts drawing up, he sat perfectly still, until he felt the moment pass. Then very slowly Tomas started to fuck himself again. Again, taking Rashid to the very edge, but this time Rashid tried to move his cock inside Tomas' arse, so he could finally cum. But Tomas sat with his full weight on Rashid's groin so that it was impossible for Rashid to move his cock inside Tomas' arse, thereby allowing himself to cum. But Tomas wasn't having any of that, so he continued to sit patiently, waiting for the moment to pass for Rashid before he started to milk Rashid's cock once again. By the fifth or sixth time, Rashid's cock was so sensitive that it didn't matter what Tomas did or didn't do. He suddenly felt Rashid's cock exploding up inside his arse, at the same time Tomas shot his own load of hot cum all over Rashid's chest. While Rashid laid there panting from the exertion, Tomas leant forward and licked up as much of his own cum, mixed with Rashid's sweat, as he could. When he'd finished, Tomas slowly swivelled around on Rashid's cock that was still buried deep inside his arse. When Tomas was facing Rashid' s feet, he laid back on top of Rashid and rolled them both over onto their sides. With Rashid's cock still buried deep in Tomas' arse, both men fell asleep.

Again, while the two men slept, the guards set up braziers around them to keep the desert chill off their naked bodies. When they had finished, more than one of the guards had to relieve themselves after listening to the lovemaking of the two men, and they all marvelled at Tomas' prowess.

After five days of camping in the desert, reluctantly their hunting trip was over. Their camp was packed up, and they all returned to the fort. Where Rashid's guests thanked him profusely for such a great trip, and they all parted company and left the fort and headed home. All the guests, that is, except for Keane, he went down into the dungeon, as he wanted to visit Ted, and was very surprised to find he was still alive. The guards told Keane that they did just what they needed to in order to keep Ted alive so they could prolong his suffering. As no one in the fort liked what Ted had done to Tomas, even though they were grateful for Tomas being there, they had all found out what Ted had done to Tomas. Not only his part in Tomas' kidnapping, and his desire to rob Rashid the joy of breaking in his newest slave. But, somehow, they found out that it was Ted who sold someone who was supposed to be his best friend into slavery. For all that they did everything they could to keep Ted alive for a bit longer, and abuse him that much more.

The guards told Ted to get up, and Keane could hear the rattling of chains as Ted made his slow way out of his cell, he stopped in front of the bench and swayed gently for a little while before he leant over the bench that was still kept there for this purpose. Keane stood and took in the sight of Ted, the picture of the cocky Ted who once was that Keane had inside his head, did not match the sight of the man in front of him now. He was very emancipated and covered in sores, Keane wasn't too sure if he couldn't see something dripping from Ted's cock as he lay on the bench waiting. Kean walked behind Ted, and as he passed, he got a look at Ted's face, and it looked as though Ted didn't have a tooth left in his head. Keane spread Ted's arse cheeks, even though they were nothing but thin strips of flabby muscle and laughed to himself. Ted's anus was so stretched Keane thought he could put his whole fist into Ted's arse and not even touch the sides. Without thinking about it, Keane inserted his closed fist into Ted's arse, almost up to his elbow before he felt any resistance. When Keane withdrew his arm, Ted's anus prolapsed so much that Keane was afraid that half of Ted's bowel was going to fall out.

As he cleaned his arm off, Keane leant down until his mouth was as close to Ted's ear as he could get without gagging on the smell of him. "Hey, buddy," he whispered in Ted's ear. Ted stirred himself and made to get up. Keane held him down, "this is so much better than you deserve," he continued. "Selling your best friend, who loved you like a brother, and thought you did the same, into slavery. Now, while he lives in the lap of luxury. Eating of solid gold plates. Drinking from solid gold goblets. Who's every whim is catered for. While your down here in the dark as nothing better than a cheap sex slave." Keane laughed at Ted as he stood up. When Keane reached the guard, he asked him what happened to Baghel, and the guard told Keane that he is Ted's ever-present companion.

When Ted heard Baghel's name mentioned, Ted stood up and uttering a toneless cry he scuttled back into his cell where Keane though he could hear bones scraping. He walked over and ducked his head down enough to see inside Ted's cell, and when the guard brought over some light for him to see by. Keane could see Ted clutching some old bones. The guard told Keane that they were a bit harder on Baghel, but when he died Ted refused to let the body go, so they left him there to rot and keep Ted company. Again, Keane laughed to himself as he left the dungeon to catch his ride back to the airport.

Tomas and Matt ran themselves a hot bath which they both luxuriated in, while they talked about what had happened over the past few days. It was a relief for both men to be able to wash all the sand and dirt off their bodies properly.

Meanwhile, Rashid buried himself in work the minute he could get away from his guests, because although in this electronic age he was in constant communication with the fort. There were still some things that he had to physically be in the fort to oversee.

Rashid was getting older and was beginning to feel as though he wanted to take things a bit easier. To this end, he had taken on his first-born son a year ago to take over some of the responsibilities, and he was pleasantly surprised with how well he was doing. So, after a few months after they got back from their hunting trip into the desert, Rashid had his things packed up and shipped to his house in Muscat. The last thing Rashid had to do was to pack Tomas up and decide what to do with Mark.

In his skin tight dishdasha, no one they passed on the street would have guessed that Tomas was a slave, but Omani culture as khaniths were a part of everyday life, that is what everyone assumed Tomas was. As they couldn't see his golden hair under his massar, nor see his face, except for his eyes because of the heavy veil he wore, all the passers-by could marvel at was his genitalia, because Tomas' dishdasha was so incredibly tight it outlined his cock and balls perfectly.

Rashid's house was now heavily protected by a contingent of guards from the fort, because even though Rashid had `semi-retired' he still was the Warlord of the region, and would be until the day he died and passed the title on to his son. But, besides that, Tomas was still a multi-million-dollar piece of property, and even though Rashid was now surrounded by his many wives and children. He liked having Tomas around and didn't want to part with him, and so Tomas wouldn't get lonely, Rashid had brought Matt with them as well.

So, they soon settled into life in the big city. Rashid had had his house extended so that Tomas and Matt had their own wing because they were slaves after all and couldn't just have the run of the house. Rashid wanted Tomas to be available if he ever required his services again, and have Matt on hand to entertain his guests.

Do let me know what you think. Bastian

Next: Chapter 15

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