The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Nov 7, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else




By Bastian Ward

Tomas was lying face down on the grass in their favourite garden, and Matt was straddling his back, giving him a massage. Sitting on his shoulder blades with his folded legs spread open on both sides of Tomas' head, as he massaged Tomas' scalp; starting at the crown of his head and working down to the nape of his neck. He also massaged both of Tomas' ears, admiring Tomas' new ear rings, as he went. Matt moved himself further down Tomas' back, so he could start to massage Tomas' shoulders; and as he slid his arse down Tomas' back he could feel his cock and balls being pulled up and out from between his legs.

Matt rubbed oil into Tomas' well rounded shoulders, marvelling at the velvety smoothness of his skin. He worked his fingers into any knots he found in Tomas' muscles and was rewarded with the grunts of pleasure, mixed with groans of pain, as well, that were emanating from Tomas. Matt worked his way slowly down Tomas' back and continually working his fingertips into Tomas' muscles.

By now Matt could feel his balls and cock sliding over Tomas' arse, and as he leaned forwards to apply more pressure to a particularly tough knot, his balls pulled free, so now it was just his cock resting in Tomas' arse crack. Consequently, as Matt rocked forwards and back, to ensure he could reach all of Tomas' back, he apparently `inadvertently' was rubbing his thickening cock up and down Tomas' arse crack as well. But no matter how much he truly wanted to rip Tomas' butt plug out and fuck the stud's arse, both slaves were too well trained for Matt to give into his desires. He knew he shouldn't even have an erection, but the friction he was experiencing between his cock and Tomas' skin, was having an involuntary reaction on his cock, well, that's what he told himself anyway.

He continued to work his way down over Tomas' gluts, and separating Tomas' arse cheeks, he pulled out Tomas' gold butt plug and gave it to Tomas to clean. Matt continued to work his way into the cleft between Tomas' arse cheeks, until he encountered Tomas' hole, and he slowly circled Tomas' hole with his thumbs. Now he could feel Tomas' whole being vibrating with his low moans, which only encouraged Matt to spend more time working his hole. As Matt kept circling Tomas' hole both his thumbs slowly buried themselves inside Tomas' arse lips. Matt worked Tomas' hole stretching it open gently. Until Matt could see inside Tomas' hole, and the more he worked at stretching his hole, the better Matt's view. When he'd worked both his thumbs full length into Tomas' arse, Mat very reluctantly left Tomas' hole and continued to move on down Tomas' perineum.

Matt checked the site of Tomas' guiche to see if there was any damage to the skin or any sign of infection. When Matt was satisfied he continued to work his way down Tomas' perineum and began to include the muscles of his inner thighs. He checked Tomas' lorum piercing for any skin damage or signs of infection as well. He could see the scare where Tomas' nuts had been removed and replaced with prosthetics, and he was rewarded, for his ministrations, to see that the skin of Tomas' scrotum had retracted and had drawn his prosthetic nuts right up, so his fake nuts were now almost nestling against his lower abdomen. Matt worked the backs of Tomas' upper thighs, and now Matt's rock hard cock was being dragged across the grass as he made his way down Tomas' legs. When he had done the soles of Tomas' feet, he slapped Tomas' arse and told him to roll over.

Matt straddled Tomas' chest, and if Tomas'd had his eyes open, he would have been able to clearly see just how much Matt was aroused by the massage he was giving. Matt started at Tomas' forehead and massaged and stretched out the muscles of his forehead and face. As he worked his methodical way down Tomas' neck, undoing and laying aside Tomas' gold choker, as he went, and he continued on down onto Tomas chest, once again he got to slide his cock over Tomas' flesh.

Getting off Tomas' chest, Matt repositioned himself so that he could do his right arm, and as he was working on Tomas' shoulder, Matt discovered, accidently, that he'd put his nuts in Tomas open hand, consequently it seemed that Tomas' hand was cupping his nuts while his erect cock was lying nicely up over Tomas' wrist, and pointing up his arm. Matt worked his slow way down Tomas' arm, and was disappointed when he had to remove his nuts from Tomas' palm. He massaged Tomas' palm and fingers, and then switched his attention to Tomas' left arm; where again he could put his nuts in Tomas' open palm.

Finally he got to straddle Tomas' chest again as he started to massage across the tops of Tomas' shoulders and make his slow way down Tomas' chest dragging his erect cock over Tomas' chest and abs. Matt wasn't too surprised to see that he was now leaving a trail of precum all the way down Tomas' chest and abs; he smiled to himself. He could also feel Tomas' cock separating his arse cheeks slightly as his arse slid down over the top of it. Matt payed particular attention to Tomas' groin, before he moved out to Tomas' right thigh. He worked his way down Tomas' right leg and when he eventually got to Tomas' foot he moved over to Tomas' left leg; when he had finished, Matt lay on the grass beside Tomas and drifted off into a light doze. Both slaves enjoying the feeling of the diffused sunlight on their naked skin.

Matt was the solo slave for the evenings' entertainment; as unbeknownst to both slaves, he would be from now on, he was strung up just as he normally was with Tomas. He hung there, behind the curtain waiting for whatever was to come.

He could hear the men feasting loudly on the other side of the curtain, as well as the musicians as they played; providing music for the guests to eat by. Eventually, all he could hear from the other side of the curtain was a low mummer of voices, but he wasn't sure if it was just a break in the music, or if they had in fact finished playing altogether. Matt did his breathing exercises to calm himself, not that he was anxious of what was going to happen to him, he was too well trained for that, no it was more a case almost of excitement about what was to come.

Suddenly he heard the doors open and thought he heard the gathered guests' collective intake of breath, he was sure he could feel a slight breeze from the curtain falling, but it could have been wishful thinking on his part. But then he felt the singled tailed whip as it made contact with his skin, just microseconds before he heard the crack of it. Matt sighed as he felt the whip make contact with his skin again and again and he felt the release of endorphins in his brain, as he began to ride the buzz that was starting to build in his head.

Wasim masterly worked his slow methodical way down Matt's back, over his buttocks and continued to make his way down Matt's thighs. Just before he reached Matt's knees he started to work his way back up Matt's body, Matt sighed as he felt his brain release yet more endorphins. When Wasim switched to the paddle and began paddling Matt's arse, Matt was almost high on the endorphins his brain had released, and he silently begged Wasim for more, he needed to be punished as he'd been a bad boy with Tomas the other day during his massage. He craved to be punished, he silently begged Wasim to spank his naked butt harder. Harder. Harder.

Without seeming to change his rhythm, Wasim switched from the smooth paddle to one with studs embedded in its surface, and when the new paddle connected with Matt's tender flesh, Matt almost saw stars; and Wasim could just hear the almost inaudible sigh as it escaped Matt's lips. Which caused Wasim to smile to himself; and made him pick up the intensity of his paddling.

With the coupling attaching Matt's chains to the ceiling, Wasim was able to spin Matt around, without having to unchain him, so that now he was facing the audience, not that Matt noticed. No, the first thing he knew about his change in position was when he felt the riding crop as it made contact with his pecks, as Wasim was hitting each pap in turn as rapidly as he could. Matt was sweating, and his body now had a nice sheen to it.

Wasim put the riding crop down and picked up some pegs. He managed to get three pegs onto each pap, then starting just at the front of Matt's left armpit he started a line of pegs down and around underneath the left pec muscle, outlining Matts' pecs. He then continued up, just to the left of the centre of Matt's sternum. When Wasim had finished with Matts' left pec, he turned his attention to Matts' right pec and again ran a line from the front of Matts' right armpit and outlined the other pec and finishing up with another line of pegs running up just to the right of the centre of Matt's sternum. Wasim then outlined Matt's abdomen so there was an almost oval shaped line of pegs around his abdominal muscles, starting at the point of Tomas' sternum and running out in a line just below his ribcage, and running down the right hand side of Matt's abdomen. Across the top of his pubic region and back up the left hand side of his abdomen and finished back up under his ribcage.

By now the sweat was pouring down Matt's body and starting to drip onto the floor.

Wasim picked up the riding crop and began to lightly flick the clothes pegs in different areas and not in any set pattern so that Matt wouldn't be able to anticipate which pegs Wasim was going to flick next. When Wasim could hear Matt whimpering he stopped flicking the pegs, instead he grabbed some more pegs and put them in a line around Matt's scrotum until it looked like Matt had a wooden halo around his nuts. Wasim put some pegs in a line along the underside of Matt's cock, and placed a large peg right on the head of Matt's cock. He lowered Matt so he could put a ball gag in Matt's mouth, and when he'd synched it tight behind his head he raised him back up again, so his feet were just clear of the floor.

Wasim then went back to flicking the pegs at different places on Matts' body, much to the delight of their audience. Most of whom were now sporting wood, and some were actively stroking their cocks as they watched Matt being tortured. When Wasim accidently knocked a peg off Matt, a cheer went up from the gathered audience. The men then started to lay bets on how long it would be before another peg came loose, they bet on the possibility of Wasim knocking multiple pegs off at the same time as well. So by the time Wasim had finished knocking all the pegs off, Matt was in a world of pain, and trying to scream around his ball gag, and a lot of money had changed hands, amongst the audience.

When all the pegs had been knocked off the audience was demanding the chance to have sex with Matt, so with a cheer from the audience, Wasim let Matt down and on wobbly legs Wasim led him over to the punishment bench and secured him to it.

Meanwhile all the guests had stripped off and now the men were placing bets on who could make Matt cum just by fucking him, Wasim had told Matt very quietly while he was securing him to the bench that he was allowed to cum. So the guest all took turns fucking Matts' arse until they made him cum.

They then bet on how many times they could make him cum, before they had all had their fill. Consequently a lot more money had changed hands again that night, and Matt ended up very full of cum, both up his arse and down his throat. Eventually the guest decided that they'd had enough fun and all went home, Rashid went back to his rooms to find Tomas; leaving Matt secured to the bench until Wasim came to release him and let him return to his room. On shaky legs Matt walked back to his rooms, and unbeknownst to him he was leaving a trail of cum behind him, as the cum slowly leaked out of his abused arse. He ran himself a bath and gingerly lowered himself into it, almost screaming when the hot water hit his butt hole, but he just continued lowering himself into the water. Only when he was submerged beneath the water did he look down at all the red marks left by the pegs, he let himself soak in the bath until he felt better. He got out of the bath, dried himself and went to bed.

Meanwhile, Tomas was being woken by Rashid forcing his rock hard cock into Tomas' mouth, which was the way Tomas always enjoyed being woken. He formed a seal with his lips around the head of Rashid's cock and moved his head so that Rashid had better access to his throat. Tomas then swallowed Rashid's cock right down to the root, then pulling back Rashid started to fuck Tomas' face in earnest and after he shot a load of hot spunk down Tomas throat, and Tomas had finished sucking the remaining cum out of his cock, Rashid pulled his cock out of Tomas' mouth. He climbed into bed and spooning Tomas, he fell asleep. Tomas went back to sleep very happy.

Tomas woke in the morning to discover much to his surprise and delight that Rashid was still in bed and asleep. So he snuggled back down against Rashid and luxuriated in the feeling of Rashid's body pushing up hard against his own.

Matt came into the room later to find out what had happened to Tomas, why he wasn't up yet having breakfast with him. When Matt looked into the room and saw both men still in bed asleep, Matt's first thought was to just leave. But it was the first time, in a long time that he had a chance to just gaze on Tomas' naked form, without Tomas knowing and feeling self-conscious about it. So Matt's eyes drank in the innocent expression that Tomas had on his face, Matt loved watching him sleep, just for that reason. Matt managed to pull his eyes off Tomas' face, eventually, as his eyes continued their journey travelling over Tomas' slightly swelling and falling chest as he breathed in his sleep. Matt's eyes continued their journey, over Tomas' midriff and eventually alighted on Tomas' cock, which woke the familiar yearning to be able to touch Tomas' cock just once. Just to see what it felt like to be able to hold it, to be able to lick, suck, and kiss Tomas' most beautiful cock. It was bigger than his own, thicker and longer; whereas Matt's cock was a lot shorter and stumpier than Tomas'. Yes, Matt could look at Tomas' cock all day; he loved the way his foreskin just hung off the end of Tomas' cock, like a drop of fluid that was never going to fall.

Matt shook himself, and his gaze moved over to take in Rashid's naked form as well, while Rashid's skin was a warm coffee colour. Matt marvelled at the colour change of Rashid's skin as his left arm that was draped over Tomas' chest, his hand cupping the side of Tomas' face. Rashid's left leg was thrown carelessly over Tomas' legs, both Rashid's arm and leg looked a darker brown against Tomas' milky white skin, because neither Tomas nor Matt ever had direct sunlight to darken their skin tone. Consequently Tomas' skin seemed to glow like alabaster against Rashid's dark skin.

As Rashid was lying on his back, and his genitals were totally exposed with the spread of his legs, Matt took the opportunity to take in the sight of him. Matt had grown used to the idea that all Muslim men shave their pubic region, he couldn't see the sense in it himself, when he compared the two men sleeping side by side, Tomas' groin, with its mass of golden pubic hair surrounding the base of his pendulous cock and balls, just looked so much bigger than Rashid's denuded pubic region.

True, it was a bit hard to compare the size of their cocks when Tomas' lay across the top of his right thigh, looking all the world like a blind snake, while Rashid's hung down between his legs covering most of his balls.

Matt was just about to leave, and get on with his day, when Rashid removed his arm and leg from off Tomas and rolled over and faced Tomas, starting to kiss the side of his face. Matt watched Tomas as he started to stir under Rashid's ministrations. Matt could clearly see that Tomas' was enjoying the attention he was receiving as his cock was starting to thicken and roll off his leg. Matt turned to leave, to give the two men some privacy, but something held him back, so he just moved back out of sight of the two men on the bed as he peeked around the corner.

Rashid continued to kiss the side of Tomas' face as he reached out and turned Tomas' face towards him so that he could kiss him on the lips. While they were lipped locked Rashid reached down and started to tweak Tomas' paps as his fingers searched for and found them. Their kissing became hotter and more urgent as Tomas tried to swallow Rashid's whole tongue. Meanwhile, Rashid's hand reached down and encountered Tomas' erect cock, but his hand pulled back as soon as he touched it, almost as if he'd just got an electric shock off it or something.

Rashid gently rolled them over so that he was now on top of Tomas, and still lipped locked, Rashid reached down, and grabbing Tomas' knees, he pulled them up to Tomas' chest so that he had clear access to Tomas' hole. Rashid reached down and pulled Tomas' gold butt plug out of his arse, only to replace it with his own rock hard cock, and sandwiching Tomas' cock between them, Rashid started to slow fuck Tomas. As Rashid pushed the full length of his cock, in and out of Tomas' arse, it also caused him to move his body up and down Tomas'. Consequently he was rubbing Tomas' cock as it was sandwiched between them. All the while the two men continued to kiss, with Rashid's arms hooked behind Tomas' knees holding them up out of the way so that he continued to have unrestricted access to Tomas' arse.

Matt was being aroused by the show that Rashid and Tomas, were unknowingly, putting on for him, consequently Matt reached down and started to slow stroke his own cock.

Matt marvelled at Rashid's staying power, it seemed as though he had been slow fucking Tomas for hours, before Matt saw him stiffen on top of Tomas, and with a primeval yell Rashid shot his load of hot ropey cum deep into Tomas' waiting bowels. Shortly after Tomas cum as well and shot his load between their bodies as it was still sandwiched between them.

Without realising it Matt shot his cum all over the wall he was hiding behind, he instantly dropped to his knees and started to lick up every bit of his cum, just in case someone noticed the mess he'd made. When he'd finished, Matt crept away to finish his breakfast.

Tomas ran a bath for both himself and Rashid, and when it was ready both men got in and Tomas started to wash Rashid. He washed Rashid's face and neck, and moved on down to his chest and around to his back. Before he reached down and washed Rashid's cock. Tomas duck dived onto Rashid's cock and sucking it into his mouth, Tomas sucked it back into life again, then only coming up for air he continued to suck Rashid's cock until Tomas could feel Rashid's cum filling his mouth. Tomas swallowed every drop, before coming up for air. He told Rashid he had to make sure his arse was really clean, so again disappearing under the surface of the water, he slid Rashid's arse forward until he could get direct access to Rashid's hole. Tomas came up for air, then dived back down and drilled his tongue deep into Rashid's hole, until Rashid couldn't take anymore. He grabbed Tomas by the hair and pulled him up, and told him he had things to do. So reluctantly Tomas got out of the bath and helped Rashid to get out.

Tomas dried Rashid and applied his perfume. He assisted Rashid to get dressed, and Rashid went to start his day again, and Tomas went off to get some breakfast, as he was starving.

Tomas joined Matt just as Matt was finishing his breakfast and was about to head over to the gym and start his stretching exercises while he waited for Wasim to come and run him through his exercises.

"Sorry, mate, I must have overslept."

"No probs, I thought that must have been what had happened. I was just about to stick my head in and call you. I've never known you to sleep in this late before. Are you Ok?"

"Hmm, what? Oh, yes I'm fine. I just, must have been a bit more tireder than usual."

"Oh, that's Ok buddy. I mean it's none of my concern what you do. But we both know how Wasim feels if we aren't there waiting for him. You know what I mean..."

"Sure," said Tomas as he got stuck into his own breakfast, "man I'm famished."

Matt nearly said `that's that what happens to you when you have morning sex', but managed to stop himself in time, and just grinned into his drink. Matt waited for Tomas to have his breakfast and then both men went off to their gym together.

A few days later, after the boys had finished their gym and stretching sessions, they had their baths as usual but when they went into their rooms they found their dishdashas laid out waiting for them. So both men got dressed, and while Matt had underwear to put on, Tomas did not, and while both boys dishdasha were form fitting. Matt's was still a little flowing with some room to move, whereas Tomas' was almost skin tight and you could clearly see his genitals through the fabric. His dishdasha also had designs stitched on it in gold thread, whereas Matt's was just a plain white. Their massars were different as well, as they now had a cloth hanging down the back and another hanging from the front, and while the one at the back was firmly attached across the back of the massar, the cloth in the front was only attached at two corners. So when they boys put them on, they found they now had a solid veil covering their faces instead of a light gauze as some of the women wore, consequently they were able to see out through the gap left between the base of their massars and the top of the veil. When both men had finished dressing they didn't have to wait for very long to find out why they were dressed.

Wasim returned, shortly after they had finished dressing and told them to follow him and he led the way out of their rooms into the rest of the fort. Naturally, both Tomas and Matt kept their eyes downcast so that they didn't make eye contact with any male they encountered on their journey through the fort. Consequently, neither Tomas nor Matt noticed the bows that everyone they met made to Tomas in honour of the help he gave on the day that they were invaded by the other warlord. Particularly as everyone in the fort knew that he was nothing but a slave, consequently no one in the fort expected him to have helped in any way, they certainly didn't expect him to join in the fight bare assed naked like he did. But everyone was convinced that it was only by his direct intervention that they had won the battle. They were all convinced that if he hadn't intervened then they certainly would have lost the battle that day, but it was all lost on the boys as they couldn't see any of this as they had their eyes trained on Wasim's heels.

Wasim led them out into the back courtyard where there were two ponies patiently waiting for them. They spent the next two hours learning how to ride. Tomas was extremely grateful that he no longer had to wear the butt plug all the time as Rashid was pleased with the way his anus now gaped all the time. Still by the time they had been in the saddle for two hours both men had very sore arses, particularly as they both had to learn to ride side saddle as they were unable to straddle the ponies due to the tightness of their dishdashas.

Wasim returned the men to their suite of rooms and left them to entertain themselves as per usual, for the rest of the day with no explanation as to why they were learning how to ride a horse consequently both slaves were none the wiser. But still, now learning to ride a horse was added to their daily activities, not that either man was complaining, and after a couple of weeks both men were able to passably ride their ponies.

Tomas was woken by someone slapping his bare butt. He sleepily looked up expecting to see Matt, Wasim, or even Rashid, and if it'd been Matt, Tomas was fully prepared to tell him to go fuck himself. But his eyes flew open as he scooted out of bed when he realised that it was Keane who'd woken him by slapping his bare arse. He stood in front of Keane with his eyes cast down at the floor. "Glad to see you haven't forgotten your training after all these years. Turn around and bend over," he snarled.

Tomas complied with the instructions. "Hmm, your arse does gape open now doesn't it," he said as he probed Tomas' arse with a finger, "clamp down." Tomas clenched his sphincter closed on Keane's finger, and then Keane tried to pull his finger out, which he couldn't. "Release," he said to Tomas, and when Tomas stood up Keane cleaned his finger in Tomas' hair and left the room allowing Tomas to get on with his day.

Tomas and Matt now had daily horse riding sessions, each time they wore their veiled massars, and with their eyes down cast they always missed out on seeing the homage that was being paid to Tomas each time they walked through the fort. By the end of the week both men could stay on their respective horses without falling off and making fools of themselves. On their last day they were escorted from their suites of rooms by Wasim for a second time, but this time it was early afternoon. When they emerged from the fort both men were surprised to see a lot of men on horseback, as well as a few heavily laden camels milling around the back courtyard.

They didn't have to wait very long to find out what was going on because Rashid followed them outside shortly after, and they were told to mount their ponies, and when everyone had mounted up they made their way out of the fort. They climbed up into the hills surrounding the fort and travelled for a couple of hours, until it seemed as though they were a million miles from anywhere. The servants set to and set up the tents and got the braziers going to warm the tents against the chill of the night, while some of the servants were setting up the tents other servants had dug a fire pit and were cooking the evening meal.

When Rashid's tent was set up both Matt and Tomas were ushered in side. Tomas thought that the fort richly appointed but it didn't seem to compare with the interior of Rashid's tent. The floor was made up of layers of very richly carved carpets that had been laid directly on the ground; there was flimsy gauze material that was hung from the roof of the tent to break the space up into rooms. In the main room, just as you entered the tent, was littered with divans and very large cushions, near the largest divan was a giant hookah which obviously was for Rashid's use. Tomas was a bit surprised as he didn't think that Rashid smoked at all. The carpet was a very deep red colour, with very deep pile, and all the braziers were of a burnished brass that glowed richly in the light. As you moved deeper into the tent, making your way through the silken gauze you entered what was obviously the bed chamber. That again was littered with large cushions and a large divan, then behind the bed chamber was another area for Tomas and Matt to use.

Matt and Tomas were served their evening meal in this area, and they could hear the entertainment quite well. It was a new experience for both men, as it was the first time they had ever been taken out of the fort by Rashid. Tomas did have some flashbacks to the last time he was taken out of the fort, but he felt very secure knowing that Rashid and Wasim were both here.

Tomas was woken by someone shaking his shoulder, he put the dishdasha on that was handed to him; and then he followed the person out of the tent. As they went past the braziers Tomas could see that it was Rashid who had woken him, and was now leading him out of the tent into the night sky. He mounted his pony, while Rashid mounted his horse, then taking the reins of Tomas' pony they rode off into the desert sands.

There was a full moon high in the sky and the moonlight glinted off the sand and made it sparkle, and it looked all the world like waves of water stretched out as far as Tomas could see. When they were far enough away from the camp that they could barely see the tents and they certainly couldn't see any people moving around the camp. Rashid stopped the animals and had Tomas dismount. He spread a rug over the sands and the two men lay down and looked up at the night sky. Tomas couldn't remember ever seeing so many stars in the sky, as he laid on his back looking up at them. He looked over and saw Rashid was also lying on his back looking up at the stars.

As surreptitiously as he could Tomas worked his dishdasha up his body. He gently worked his arms out of the sleeves, trying desperately not to disturb Rashid or let him know what he was trying to do. He lay very still looking up at the stars and slyly watching Rashid out of the corner of his eye. When he was satisfied that Rashid hadn't made any moves that might convey that he knew what Tomas was trying to do, he worked the bunched cloth up over his head and put it over on the edge of the carpet.

He laid still again, looking up at the stars and feeling the cool breezes as they flowed over his body, and he could feel the hairs on his body slowly standing up trying to trap some of the warm air close to his body. Still there was no movement from Rashid to indicate that he had any idea of what Tomas was up to, nor, it would appear what Tomas had even done so far, nor had he said anything since they'd both laid down on the carpet.

Tomas slowly reached out his left arm, sliding it across the carpet until his fingertips encountered the folded material of the sleeve of Rashid's dishdasha. Emboldened, Tomas rolled onto his left side and propping his head up with his arm he laid there and gazed down at Rashid, but still Rashid just aid there looking up at the stars. Tomas leaned over and gently kissed him on the lips, his eyes, his nose, and finally he kissed him full on the lips. Still, Rashid didn't respond to Tomas' ministrations.

Tomas pulled himself up until he was kneeling beside Rashid's prone form. He reached out and worked his dishdasha up until he'd worked it up, just past Rashid's hips. Tomas pulled Rashid's underpants down until Rashid's cock was exposed in all its glory. Tomas sat back and just looked at the sight of Rashid's exposed cock in the moonlight.

After a bit he leaned forward and took Rashid's soft cock into his mouth and slowly sucked it into life. He swallowed it right down to the root, and with his nose pressed hard against Rashid's pubic bone, Tomas held it there until he had to come up for air. He slowly let Rashid's cock slide out of his throat and mouth, and with a wet squelching sound, it slapped Rashid's lower belly. Tomas stopped and looked at it glistening in the moonlight until he straddled Rashid, then picking up Rashid's glistening, erect member he gently guided it up to his poop chute. Then, very slowly he impaled himself on to Rashid's erect cock and felt it gently forcing his arse cheeks apart as he continued to guide it towards his waiting aching hole. He felt the blunt tip of Rashid's cock head encounter his holes' lips, and he slowly sunk down onto Rashid's cock as he slowly impaled himself.

When he could feel the full length of Rashid's cock up his arse, Tomas sat on Rashid's groin and waited while his own cock slowly started to thicken and grow all on its own. When he was satisfied that it had grown to its full length and was now standing erect and pointing up his belly, so that Rashid could see that he was enjoying this as well. He very slowly, with infinite care moved himself up and down, almost the full length of Rashid's cock. Tomas lifted himself up until he could just feel Rashid's cocks' head in his arse. Tomas held himself there for about 15secs before he slowly lowered himself back down the full length of Rashid's cock, and it was in this fashion that Tomas very very slowly milked Rashid's cock. He ensured that he was hard the entire time as he looked down at Rashid, maintaining eye contact, because he was moving so slowly Tomas' cock barely moved, consequently it pointed towards the sky almost the entire time.

With Rashid's cock halfway in his arse, Tomas leaned forward and kissed Rashid long and deep, and Rashid kissed him back with equal passion. They broke off their kiss and Tomas continued to milk Rashid's cock very slowly. Even when Rashid tried to buck his hips to try and increase Tomas speed, or trying to get some more friction on his cock so that he could make himself cum. Tomas just sat on Rashid's pelvis until he stopped squirming under him, and when Rashid finally gave up and laid still, Tomas went back to slowly milking his cock. Rashid reached up to try and grab Tomas and make him go faster, but Tomas just sat on Rashid and leaned as far back as he could until Rashid gave up. Then and only then did Tomas go back to slowly milk his cock again. In a last ditch effort to make Tomas go faster and allow him to cum right now, Rashid tried to buck Tomas off himself, so then he could control the speed of the fucking and allow himself to cum now. But Tomas just sat on Rashid and lifted as much of his legs off the ground as he could so he became too heavy for Rashid to shift. In the end Rashid just gave up and let Tomas continue to set the agonisingly slow pace of his milking.

Both men could feel Rashid's balls as they were slowly drawn up closer to his abdomen and both men were getting ready for his cock to explode inside of Tomas' warm wet arse, but when he did eventually cum Rashid was caught by surprise. So much so that he cum with a primal scream that could have woken the dead. Tomas timed his own ejaculation perfectly, so while Rashid shot his load of hot ropey cum deep inside Tomas' bowels, Tomas shot his load of hot cum all over Rashid's chest. Tomas even managed to get Rashid's face and chin.

Holding Rashid's cock in his arse Tomas leaned forward and licked up all of his rapidly cooling cum, that he could get to while he was holding Rashid's cock in his arse.

When Rashid finally caught his breath, Tomas allowed Rashid's soft cock to fall out of his arse. Rashid grabbed him and kissed him long and deep, again, and again. When Rashid finally let Tomas go, Tomas got off Rashid and licked the rest of his cum from off Rashid's body and dishdasha. Tomas sucked Rashid's very sensitive cock into his mouth and he licked and sucked it clean for him. Having performed the service for Rashid, Toms worked Rashid's underpants up and then Rashid's dishdasha down and when he had finished all of this, Tomas snuggled down beside Rashid and rested his head on Rashid's chest. Even though he was a bit cold both men drifted off to sleep.

Tomas was woken some time later by Rashid trying to get his legs out of the way so he can fuck his arse. Tomas grabbed hold of his legs behind his knees and drew them up to his chest and held them there while Rashid forced his rock hard cock deep inside Tomas' arse, and while Rashid fucked him Tomas could see him outlined by the all the stars in the sky. Again while Rashid fucked him, Tomas' cock was sandwiched between them and as Rashid fucked Tomas' arse he rubbed against Tomas' trapped cock so both men cum at the same time and Rashid collapsed on top of Tomas.

Eventually, when Rashid had recovered himself enough, Tomas rolled them onto their sides, then he extradited himself from under Rashid and rolled Rashid right over and onto his back. Tomas then proceeded to lick all his own cum of Rashid's chest and groin, when he had cleaned Rashid to his satisfaction. He sucked Rashid's cock into his mouth and proceeded to suck it clean for him. After Tomas had cleaned Rashid he assisted Rashid to get dressed, he then pulled on his dishdasha and both men rolled up the carpet, mounted their respective animals and rode back to camp. Two of Rashid's men met them at the edge of the camp, and after waiting for them to dismount, they took the horse and pony away. While Rashid and Tomas made their way back to Rashid's tent. They both entered, and when they reached their divan, Tomas ripped his dishdasha up over his head, and naked, walked over to Rashid to help him undress for bed.

Rashid watched Tomas pulling his dishdasha off over his head, he heard and saw Tomas' cock fall out of the folds of the material of his dishdasha, and watched it falling free. Tomas' cock hit his thighs with a resounding slap, and swayed from side to side as it found its resting place between Tomas' thighs. Rashid never tired of the sight of Tomas' cock, he had no desire to fondle, kiss of even be fucked by it, but Rashid loved the sense of power it gave him. Knowing that he was the owner of that cock and could do anything he wanted with it or to it. That one of the other lesser warlords tried to destroy him, his men, and his fort, just for the chance of owning such a fine specimen of man flesh. This knowledge alone, increased his feelings of self-importance and power, and as he watched Tomas kneel d own and crawl over towards him. Naked and on his knees where he belonged, also enhanced Rashid's sense of power. Rashid knew he held the lives of both his slaves in the palm of his hand he could kill them both, if he so desired and there would be no retribution. No one would bat an eye let alone mourn the loss of one slave, let alone two.

But, as he watched Tomas crawling towards him on his knees, he knew that he could never harm Tomas or be parted from him for that matter. He knew that he didn't want to share him with anyone, not anymore, which is why he forbade him ever to be used to entertain any of his guests ever again. Tomas had finally reached Rashid, and was now kneeling on the floor looking up at Rashid. Rashid inclined his head, ever so slightly, and Tomas took that as him being given permission to proceed.

He reached out and grabbed the hem of Rashid's dishdasha, and without breaking eye contact, Tomas slowly lifted the hem of Rashid's dishdasha and cupping Rashid's calves with his hands, Tomas slowly ran his hands up the backs of Rashid's legs. Lifting both Rashid's dishdasha as it lay on his arms, as well as the legs of his underpants as they bunched up on top of his hands. Tomas slid his hands slowly up the back of Rashid's ankles, up his calves and behind the backs of his knees, and continued on up the backs of his thighs. When Tomas got to the waistband of Rashid's underpants, he leaned forwards and kissed Rashid through his waistband. He hooked his top teeth on the top of Rashid's waistband, and getting as much of the material as he could in his mouth, pulled Rashid's underpants down with his teeth until his forehead was resting on the top of Rashid's feet. Rashid stepped out of his underpants and Tomas set them aside. Again kneeling in front of Rashid he cupped his hands behind Rashid's calves, and again keeping eye contact with Rashid, Tomas ran his hands up the backs of his legs. This time, though, when he got to the tops of Rashid's legs, Tomas cupped the twin globes of Rashid's arse and started to gently kneaded them with his hands while he leaned forward and sucked Rashid's cock deep into his mouth and slowly sucked it into life. He pulled off Rashid's cock long enough to wet one finger, he instantly sucked Rashid's rock hard cock back into his warm moist mouth. While he was sucking Rashid's cock he pulled Rashid's arse cheeks apart and then, with his moist finger, he started to circle Rashid's hole.

Tomas was rewarded with a sharp intake of air from Rashid. Tomas continued to circle Rashid's hole while he continued to suckle on his cock. Tomas started to scratch gently at Rashid's hole, and he was now rewarded by low moans coming from Rashid's. Embolden, Tomas started to gently push his finger against Rashid's sphincter, and was rewarded with another sharp intake of air from Rashid. Tomas slowly ran his finger in small circles inside Rashid's arse, and without warning Rashid's cock exploded inside Tomas' mouth; and Tomas greedily drank down all the cum as it flooded his mouth. When Rashid's cock had finished spewing cum inside Tomas' mouth, Tomas continued to suck his cock until he'd sucked the last of his cum out of it.

When Tomas was sure that he'd sucked all the cum out of Rashid's cock, he pulled his finger out of Rashid's arse and licked and sucked it clean. When he'd finished cleaning his finger, Tomas continued to slide his hands up over Rashid's arse and continued up Rashid's lower back and on up his back. As he moved his hands higher Tomas pulled himself up into a standing position, so by the time Tomas' hands reached Rashid's shoulders, Tomas was standing in front of Rashid. Rashid lifted his arms and let Tomas lift his dishdasha and undershirt off over Rashid's head; now both men were standing naked in front of each other. Tomas rapping his arms around Rashid's neck, pulled him into a very passionate kiss. When the two men eventually pulled apart, they lowered themselves onto their divan.

Pushing Tomas into a kneeling position Rashid rammed his cock its full length deep inside Tomas' arse, in one fell swoop burying it balls deep. He fucked Tomas' arse with reckless abandon, and when he'd finally cum he collapsed on top of Tomas and just lay there panting.

When Tomas thought Rashid had recovered a bit, he lowered the two of them onto the divan, and then rolled them both onto their side, and both men drifted off to sleep very satisfied.

To all my fans I do enjoy hearing from you all with your questions and comments

Thanks Bastian

Next: Chapter 14

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