The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Oct 17, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else



By Bastian Ward

Rashid was a very powerful warlord both in his local region in as well as internationally as well, this was not only evident to the other local warlords but it was self-evident to the people that Rashid, and his organisation, dealt with. Internationally as well as locally he could have someone killed without any trouble, but a lot of his power, locally came from the fact that he owned, not only field' slaves but two house slaves as well. It was well known in the region that one of the slaves had cost Rashid over a million USD, the fact that he had two house slaves, and both of them almost pure white as well. Just added to the Rashid's mystique, and Rashid was very aware of just how much both his house slaves, but Tomas in particular, added to his standing within his community'. What Tomas didn't fully understand was just how deep the lust for him, personally, ran amongst Rashid's contemporaries, but while Rashid was prepared to share him and his services with his guests it appeared that not everyone was content with having to wait for one of Rashid's parties in order to get a chance to use Tomas.

Tomas and Matt had just finished their workout, under Wasim's watchful gaze, and both slaves were heading out to one of their favourite gardens so they could do their yoga and stretching exercises, before heading back inside to be worked over in the dungeon. When suddenly the ground rocked beneath them followed shortly by a loud explosion, and they could both clearly see a large plume of dust rising in the air. Followed shortly by another loud explosion, both men looked at each other with puzzled expressions on their faces as they headed off to find Wasim to see if he knew what was going on, but they were unable to find him anywhere in their rooms. So they went back to Rashid's and Tomas' bedroom to wait for someone to come and tell them everything that was happening. Not that either of them expected to be informed of what happens around the fort, they were both slaves after all, lower even than the servants; but because Tomas had been kidnapped by one of the guards sometime ago, someone would always come and reassure them if anything unusual happened in the fort, like this.

So they sat on the bed and waited for someone to come and tell them what was going on, but as no one came, Tomas started to get worried. So he went to the door intending to ask the guards, very respectfully of course, what was happening. Tomas pulled the door open only to discover that the two guards had left their posts and the passageway was full of dust swirling in the air. Tomas was sure he could hear the sounds of gunfire and fighting in the distance. He stepped back in to the room and pulled the door closed. Matt asked him what was going on and Tomas told him he though the fort was under attack. He told Matt to find a hiding place and not to come out until Rashid came and got them. Tomas watched him sprint off into their many rooms, and he turned and walked resolutely out the door.

He ran down the corridor towards the sound of the fighting, as he got closer he encountered some of the servants and guards who had been injured in the explosions. As he ran past one of the guards he scooped his sword up off the floor, and headed downstairs to where the sounds of fighting were loudest.

Unbeknownst to Tomas, or to anyone else in the fort for that matter; Akeem, one of Rashid's rivals, had decided that he wanted to have a house slave just like Rashid. But because he couldn't afford to buy one, certainly not one the calibre of Tomas, anyway, as he had really been prohibitively expensive, and the house slaves that Akeem could afford paled greatly. So Akeem decided to get one the old fashioned way, and if he managed to kill Rashid in the process, then so much the better, as he could take his place as THE Warlord of the whole region and everyone would have to come and bow at his feet.

But Tomas, not knowing anything of this, ran down the stairs and through the fort towards the sound of the fighting, even though he now carried one of their swords in his hand, he really had no idea of what he was going to do. He was choking on the dust and finding it difficult to see very far in front of him as he rounded the corner and skidded to a stop. In front of him he could just make out a pitched hand to hand battle, because even though both sides were armed to the teeth with guns and explosives, both sides fell back to the weapons of their ancestors and were now mostly using swords, but gunfire could be heard in the distance. It only took him a moment to just be able to make out Rashid in front of him beset by three men, and while Tomas could see Rashid was holding his own, he didn't like the odds and with a yell leapt into the fray.

All the men who were attacking the fort knew, that Tomas, and to a lesser extent Matt, were the prize that their boss really wanted. Consequently they were under strict orders to bring them both back to Akeem alive and unharmed. Whatever plunder they found after that could be divided amongst themselves after their boss had taken his share of course. So everyone was very surprised, none more so than Rashid himself, when one of the invaders gave a shout and drew everyone's attention to a very naked Tomas, running out of the clouds of dust. He was glowing in the dawn light, as the sunlight picked out and made the golden hair that covered his body glow. As well as making the dust around Tomas look like a halo as he ran towards Rashid's side, killing two of the intruders in the process.

None of the invaders, nor had most of Rashid's own staff for that matter, had ever seen such a blonde white male in such close quarters, let alone a completely naked one. It was this slight pause in the fighting was all that Rashid needed to throw off his three attackers and kill two of them. Tomas threw himself into the fighting with a passion that none of the men had witnessed before, he resembled the tales of old, of men fighting under the passion of the fight who earned themselves the title of `berserkers'. Most of the attackers were disconcerted by the sight of this incredibly blonde, white naked male fighting them. It was the first time anyone there had seen any naked male fighting in such a pitched battle, consequently it caused the enemy to pause slightly in their fighting, while it seemed to galvanise Rashid's men and spur them on. As none of them wanted to be outdone by a white guy, let alone a naked white guy who just happened to be, not only a slave, but they all knew he was Rashid's khanith and his most prized possession. This one act of Tomas seemed to turn the tide of the fighting, and Rashid's men were able to subdue, capture or kill all of the invaders. With only one or two of the invaders who were able to escape and return to Akeem to give a report of the outcome of the fighting.

Rashid's men rounded up all the invaders and tied them up for Rashid to deal with latter; leaving them locked in cells in the dungeon. Rashid's men were very surprised, no more than Rashid was himself, not only that Tomas had come to fight with them, but that he could use a sword so well. Wasim had to confess to Rashid that he had taught both Tomas and Matt how to use a sword so that they could defend themselves if they were ever attacked again in their rooms, but he never expected either of them to join in any kind of skirmish outside of their rooms. Rashid had Tomas checked by his medical staff and when they couldn't find any injuries, he sent Tomas back to his rooms.

Tomas went and found Matt and told him what had happened but down played his role in the fighting, and the effect it had on the outcome. When the servants brought in their midday meal, instead of leaving straight away without talking to the two slaves, as they usually did, all the servants came and thanked Tomas for his assistance in the fighting. Tomas, blushing, accepted their thanks reluctantly and mumbled something in return. The servants left and the two men ate their meal.

Wasim didn't turn up during the rest of the day for their bondage session, and both men had mixed emotions about that. They continued to entertain themselves for the rest of the day as they were want to do, they ate their evening meal together and eventually Matt left to turn in for the night, and Tomas bathed and crawled into bed to wonder if Rashid would join him tonight. In fact he didn't have to wait for too long before he, first heard the door open and close, and then felt the bed dip as someone came and sat on the side of the bed. Rashid lit some of the candles and looked down at Tomas as he lay in the bed. He went to get up, but Rashid put a restraining hand on his chest, preventing him from rising. Instead Rashid leant in and kissed him full on the mouth, and as Tomas gave himself over to the kiss, Rashid broke it off and just remained looking down at Tomas.

"Milord, are you all right," Tomas asked.

Rashid continued to look deep into Tomas' eyes for a long time before he spoke.

When he eventually spoke, it was with concern written all over his face, "why did you do that today?"


"Why did you come and help us with the fighting today?"

Puzzled it was Tomas' turn to just gaze into Rashid's eyes for a time, "but what else was I supposed to do? Was I supposed to stand by and let those men kill or hurt you, Milord?"

"But you were naked..."

"Aren't I always," asked Tomas with a ghost of a smile playing around his lips.

"Yes, but I am supposed to protect YOU not the other way around."

"Did I displease you, Milord?" asked Tomas a little doubtful.

"No," said Rashid, "but nor did I expect you to join in the fighting, particularly not naked..."

"But I have nothing to wear, Milord, and I wasn't just going to cower here in my rooms and leave my fate in other people's hands again. Oh, I know my fate rests in your hands, but that is how it's supposed to be. I am your slave, and I don't want to be a slave to another, besides you are my hearts' desire, Milord. I want no other master..."

Rashid continued to look down on Tomas, and Tomas reached up and entangled his fingers in Rashid's hair and gently pulled him down, but the motion caused Rashid to wince and he sucked in a quick mouthful of air.

Tomas was instantly concerned, "you are hurt Milord," he said as he pushed Rashid back in to a more upright position. He sat himself up and drawing Rashid into a standing position, and standing in front of Rashid, he gently worked Rashid's dishdasha up over his head and removed it. Tomas could see the bandages on Rashid's side, and although Rashid protested that he was Ok, Tomas ignored him and removed his underwear and bent down for a closer look at the bandages. Having satisfied himself that there was no blood seeping through or around the bandages he gently lowered Rashid onto the bed and straddled his naked form, and gently explored his body for any other possible injuries. Having satisfied himself that there were no other major injuries, Tomas very gently started to kiss Rashid's inner thighs, until he could feel Rashid rising to the occasion. Tomas broke off his ministrations and very gently rolled Rashid onto his stomach, and then cracking Rashid's butt checks apart as he fell hungrily onto his very musky hole and gently darted his tongue in and out of Rashid's hole. Until he could feel Rashid's moans vibrating through his body, then stretching himself out his full length on the bed he continued to lap at Rashid's hole and forcing his tongue as deep into the other man's hole as he could.

Tomas sat up and very gently started to massage Rashid's back, and by the time he got to Rashid's hips, Rashid was snoring gently. Tomas lie down beside him and fell asleep himself.

As per usual Tomas woke up alone, he attended to his toilet and over breakfast with Matt he told him what had transpired yesterday and what the outcome had been.

As happens in these situations they spoke about the possibilities of what could have happened. They laughed over the mental image of what everyone though seeing Tomas striding out of the clouds of dust, naked, with a curved sword in his hand. Naturally Matt asked if he'd been scared, and Tomas confessed that he wasn't sure, he hadn't stopped to think. Matt asked him if he loved Rashid, but Tomas wasn't sure, sure he remembers telling Rashid that he was his hearts' desire, but was that the same as love. He was Rashid's slave, true; he was also Rashid's khanith, true, a belonging, a possession, something that Rashid could dispose of if he wished too. He knew that was how Rashid thought of him, and he supposed that he thought of Rashid as his master, but did he love him? Tomas didn't know; the best he could do was to admit to the feelings behind telling Rashid that he was his hearts' desire, because he did desire him every minute of every day. Was that love though, Tomas couldn't say. To him it was becoming another one of those questions that he just couldn't answer, so he left it at that.

A couple of days later, after he and Matt had finished their workouts, Wasim told Tomas to have a bath and to put on the Dishdasha that was on his bed. Puzzled, Tomas went and did as he was told; Matt joined him in the bath a bit later. When both men had finished their bath they both got dressed in the clothes they found left for them on their respective beds. Tomas found not only a dishdasha but underwear as well. But he was nothing if he wasn't obedient, so he got himself dressed, and Matt returned just in time to help him with his massar. Matt remarked on the designs on Tomas' dishdasha that were embroidered in a golden thread. When they had finished they both sat around and waited for whatever was going to come next.

Both slaves were collected by one of the servants, and with their two guards trailing them; they were led out of their suite of rooms and down to Rashid's audience chamber. Wasim met them along their route and took them and showed them the damage that had been caused by the explosives, on their way to the audience chamber. All the men they passed; be they servants or soldiers, whether they could speak English or not, they all grabbed Tomas' hand and clasping it in their own hands, either thanked him or just stared meaningfully into his eyes. Matt wasn't left out, everyone, after greeting Tomas either patted Matt on the shoulder or the arse, and Matt basked in the reflected glory being showered on Tomas.

Eventually they reached the audience chamber, along with all the staff except for the soldiers who were guarding the perimeter. Rashid motioned for silence, he thanked everyone for their assistance in saving the fort and themselves from the `invaders', he told them that he had already sent word to Akeem with a ransom for the return of what was left of his men. But so far, he told his men, they hadn't heard anything from Akeem so Rashid had decided to make a second more insistent demand from him.

But first, he told the gathered assemble, there was something else they had to do. He called Tomas out to join him on his dais, so to cheers, wolf whistles, and cat calls; and blushing deeply, Tomas joined Rashid on the dais. "We were complacent, and as a consequence we were attacked and we all know there was a very good chance we were going to lose the battle. Until, that is, Tomas walked out of the clouds of dust and took on Akeems' men; and he single-handedly turned the tide of the war; I certainly wouldn't be standing here now if he hadn't intervened." Tomas had stood beside Rashid throughout his speech with his eyes trained onto the top step. But Rashid could see him, as well as those who stood close to the dais, as he blushed scarlet. Rashid beckoned for Wasim to come forward, which he did carrying a velvet box, which he held out so that Rashid could open it. "Now you all know that my khanith has lived here for a couple of years now, most of you were here when Baghel stole my property and decided that he could do whatever he wanted with it. Most of you helped find and reclaim my property, and I know that a good number of you are still enjoying the use of Baghel and Ted as well, for that matter."

With that a cheer broke out amongst the gathered throng.

When they had quietened down again, Rashid continued, "everyone who helped repel Akeems' men have been rewarded," again the crowd broke into a cheer, and when they had quietened down again, Rashid continued, "everyone, that is except for my khanith." Rashid took the box off Wasim and opening it showed the gathered crowd the jewellery it contained. There was a pair of diamond, pearl, and golden earrings as well as a golden choker studded with diamonds and pearls set were all the gold threads intersected, Rashid put the choker around Tomas neck and did the clasps up at the back. The choker covered Tomas' entire neck from just below his jaw line, all the way down until it rested on his collarbone. His entire neck was encased in a gold lattice that shone in the light, and the diamonds sparkled, while the pearls glowed in the sunlight that filtered in through the windows. He found that the choker was remarkably fluid, and if it weren't for the weight of it, which he was sure to get used to, he wouldn't have know it was there as it didn't restrict his movements in anyway. His ears were not pierced, but he knew they soon would be.

As soon as the choker was done up, the assembled crowd broke into loud applause. When they had quietened down again Rashid continued, "Now if you would all like to accompany me to the back courtyard we will send Akeem his hurry up message," with that everyone turned and filed out of the audience chamber. Rashid laid a restraining hand on Tomas' arm, and when they were alone he stepped in and kissed Tomas long and deep.

When they broke the kiss off Tomas looked deep into Rashid's eyes, "Milord, I am deeply honoured by your gifts, but, Rashid, it is too expensive a gift to give a lowly slave like me..."

Rashid cut him off by placing his fingers lightly over Tomas' lips, "no one gave me more that day than you. All the guards and servants know they could be called on to defend the fort at a moment's notice. But you! You are nothing but a slave; my khanith, whom I like very much; you are a great distraction for me here in this place. I knew I was about to die, when I looked up and saw you running out of the clouds of dust, and with the light reflecting in you golden hair, you looked just like an angel. A guardian angel, and as it turned out my guardian angel; it was you who saved my life that day. Not any of my soldiers or servants; it was you, and you did it seemingly without a single thought for your own safety. Never have I been more grateful for my purchasing of you. You warm my bed while I am here, that is the reason why I purchased you, but you have proven to be a greater prize. This," Rashid said as he reached out and ran his hand lightly over the choker around Tomas' neck, "this was the very least I could do. If you weren't my slave, my khanith; I would shower you with gold and jewels, but I can't. So I have to make do with these little trinkets. Now, come. I have a message to send."

With that the three men walked out to the back courtyard, and there Tomas and Matt saw for the first time one of Akeem's men tied up to two post spreadeagled and totally naked. He obviously had been hanging in the sun for a few days as both slaves, as well as the gathered throng, could clear that his skin was starting to blister. His lips were splitting from lack of water, and his head hung listlessly down on his chest. Rashid made himself comfortable in the chair that was provided for him, and when he was ready he gave the order for them to start.

Two of the guards stepped forward and proceeded to skin him alive, when they had finished they cut his head off and placed his head and intact skin into a box to be sent to Akeem with another ransom demand for the rest of his men; everyone returned to their duties, and the two slaves returned to their rooms.

Later Wasim found the two slaves in Tomas' favourite garden; he gave Tomas a dishdasha and waited for him to put it on. When he was ready, Wasim told Matt to stay and he took Tomas back to his room. When they got there they found someone new waiting for them. Wasim told Tomas that he was there to pierce his ears for him so that he could wear Rashid's earrings that he'd been given earlier.

So Tomas had his ears pierced and was schooled in how to care for them so that they healed properly and didn't get infected.

Rashid found Tomas asleep in their bed later that night, and he stood and looked down at his naked form, and watching the gentle rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, not for the first time Rashid marvelled at Tomas' body. He was glad that Wasim was working him in the gym as he really loved the definition of Tomas' body that they were able to maintain. Rashid reached out and lightly ran his fingers through Tomas' pubic hair, and he marvelled at the light wiry hair and how it felt to his touch. With his finger nail he ran it lightly down the length of Tomas' cock and back just as his nail touched the tip of his foreskin. Rashid stripped and fed his cock into Tomas' mouth, through Tomas' parted lips and while holding his cock in place, he straddled Tomas' chest and slowly started to fuck his face. Forcing more and more of his rock hard cock into Tomas' mouth, the first thing he knew about Tomas waking up was when he felt Tomas lips creating a seal around his cock. He started to moan as he felt Tomas' tongue moving along the underside of his cock, and as Tomas started to suck his cock in earnest he opened his eyes and looked up at Rashid. Rashid felt behind him and grabbed hold of Tomas' thickening cock, pleased to know that Tomas was enjoying himself. Before he shot his load of cum down Tomas' throat, Rashid pulled out of his mouth and kissed him. He reached down and pulled Tomas' legs up to his chest, and still lip-locked, Rashid pulled out Tomas' golden butt plug and he plunged his cock, balls deep inside Tomas' willing hole. He slow stroked his cock in Tomas' hole while he continued to kiss Tomas passionately, Tomas felt Rashid's cock jerk in his arse and felt it spew Rashid's cum deep inside him. He rolled over feeling Rashid's cock fall out of his arse.

Tomas broke their kiss and kissed, licked and sucked his way down to Rashid's waiting, dripping cock. He sucked it hungrily back into his mouth and cleaned it for Rashid, he ran his tongue over the sensitive head and forced as much of his tongue into his piss slit as he could. While Rashid had entangled his fingers in Tomas' flowing locks of golden hair as he alternated between trying to hold his head in place, and trying to rip him off his very sensitive cock.

Tomas eventually left Rashid's cock alone, and pulling his head from Rashid's grasp he leapt off the bed and left the room, only to return moments latter and once again he got on the bed and swallowed all of Rashid's cock down his throat. Before Rashid had a chance to entangle his fingers in Tomas' hair, Tomas reached up and pushed something into Rashid's hands, all without breaking his rhythm. Rashid looked at what Tomas had pushed into his hands. He worked his way slowly up the bed until his back was up against the pillows and he was almost in a seated position. With Tomas still attached to his cock, he started to hit Tomas on the arse with the riding crop that Tomas had just given him. Because Tomas was leaning forward from a kneeling position, Rashid found that it actually forced Tomas' arse cheeks apart, and if he took careful aim Rashid found he could actually hit Tomas right on his hole. It took him a bit of practice, but he found he could hit Tomas' hole more times than he missed. He also discovered that by hitting Tomas' arse and hole with the crop seemed to spur him on to sucking his cock more, which Rashid didn't think was possible, and as he was enjoying Tomas' ministrations so much he spanked his arse harder and harder. Until Rashid felt his cock explode in Tomas' mouth and down his throat. Rashid threw his head back as he gave a primal yell as he had what Rashid thought was his greatest orgasm ever. He laid there panting, trying to catch his breath as Tomas looked up smiling at him as he finished sucking the last of his cum out of Rashid's cock.

This time Tomas didn't resist when Rashid grabbed him by the hair and pulled him up so that he could kiss him. After they'd kissed for a bit, Tomas ran his hands down Rashid's sides and cupping his arse, Tomas pulled it forward on the bed, consequently Rashid slid down the bed. When Tomas had Rashid's arse in the air he laid it back on the bed and fell onto his hole hungrily and drilled his tongue into Rashid's tight hole as much as he could. Now Rashid just bellowed with pleasure and began hitting Tomas with the riding crop anywhere he could, and he didn't care how hard he hit him as it seemed to make Tomas try to drill deeper into his virgin hole. Until all by itself, Rashid's cock exploded for a third time that night in seemingly a very short amount of time.

Tomas cleaned up all the cum he could find, then he laid his head on the pillows beside Rashid and cuddling both men fell asleep, and again with the dawns light Tomas found himself alone in their bed. He gingerly got out of bed as he was a bit stiff and sore after their lovemaking and with the strips Rashid had left all over his body with the riding crop.

When Matt joined him for breakfast, he had a smirk all over his face, "what's up with you this morning," Tomas asked.

"Had sex last night, did we?" he asked as his smirk changed into a wolfish grin.

Tomas looked mortified, "what? You mean you could hear us?"

Matt just laughed and wiggled his eyebrows at him, while Tomas went bright red. "Well, there's nothing I can do about it. I am his slave after all. I have no say in it. Have you always been able to hear us?" Tomas asked mortified.

Matt threw back his head and roared with laughter, "no last night was the first time," Matt said when he finally got himself under control enough to speak, "so what happened last night that was so different?"

"Um. Well, I gave Rashid the riding crop to use, and, well, I think he enjoyed it a bit..."

"A bit!" exclaimed Matt, "Fuck, after being kept awake most of the night, I think he fucken liked it a lot, mate, not just a bit," he said as he broke into laughter again.

While Tomas just went a flaming red colour.

Both men finished their breakfast and went off to the gym to wait for Wasim to come and direct their workout sessions, throughout which Matt kept smirking at Tomas every time he caught his eye. Which made Tomas blush; and Matt sniggered at him. They finished their workout, and bondage sessions and doing their stretching then both men went and attended to their toilet, and when they were alone Tomas told Matt to fuck off, which only made him laugh at him again.

As usual both men didn't see another person for the rest of the day, but they had each other to keep themselves company, but Matt was becoming more restless as the day wore on. He knew that Tomas didn't feel the same about him as he did for Tomas, and he also knew he couldn't do anything about the feelings he had for Tomas either. But after hearing Rashid fuck Tomas last night, and being so vocal about it as well, Matt was feeling something stirring inside of himself, but he really wasn't sure of what it was. He knew he wasn't gay, well at least he was pretty sure he wasn't gay, he'd never had sex with another male, he'd never wanted too. He'd had girlfriends in the past and he'd had one night stands with other females, but never with another male. He didn't find men attractive. Sure he'd given himself into slavery because he wanted to be near Tomas, and he thought of Tomas as a brother, not a lover. But after hearing Rashid enjoying fucking Tomas so much, Matt was beginning to feel something stirring inside of himself, when he masturbated he'd always thought about women he'd fucked, never another male. But still.

As he looked over at Tomas he felt a stirring in his loins he'd never felt when he'd looked at Tomas before, and now he was unsure what to do about it. He knew that Tomas was Rashid's property; he knew that Ted had sold him into slavery, and the farm had sold him to Rashid, but...but now...FUCK, Matt didn't know what to think. He got up and walked away from Tomas mumbling something about something he had to go and do. Tomas looked at his retreating back, and mentally shrugging to himself; he decided to stretch out on the grass and have a nap in the sun, and he didn't give matt another thought.

Matt went back to his room and lay down on his bed and tried to sort his thoughts out, like what he thought Tomas actually meant to him; and did he really want to have sex with him, but then he told himself he definitely isn't gay.

Matt walked into the garden where Tomas was sleeping and Matt looked down at his naked form and the slight raising and lowering of his chest as he breathed. Matt reached down and very carefully cinched one manacled closed around Tomas left wrist, he very quietly passed the chain around the tree that Tomas was sleeping under. He then cinched the other manacle closed around his right wrist, and all without waking him up. Matt was feeling a surge of power as he looked down at his naked, manacled friend lying on the grass. He pulled the ball gag out and knelling down beside Tomas he held the ball gag just against his lips, then taking a deep steadying breathe he forced the ball gag into Tomas' mouth and cinched it tightly closed behind his head. All before Tomas had woken up properly, he also pulled the hood, he had, out and slipped it over Tomas' head before Tomas fully realised what was happening.

Naturally Tomas struggled against his bonds as he tried to get free, but matt looked down at the spreader bar he had secured between Tomas' ankles earlier and then sat back and watched as Tomas bucked and strained against his bonds. Matt felt a surge of power as it coursed through his body as he watched his captive struggle, Matt was gratified to feel his own cock becoming rock hard. Fuck, he can't remember ever having such a hard on, he looked down in pleasure at his throbbing cock as it stood out in front of him, all thirteen inches of throbbing man meat. He couldn't wait to feel it split Tomas' hole wide open, and to hear him beg for mercy; but he did have to if wait he was going to have some fun with Tomas first.

He straddled Tomas' chest and leant down so his lips were by Tomas' ear, "I'm going to undo one of your manacles and unchain you from this tree, then you and I are going to go and have a little fun. Nod if you understand."

He felt Tomas nod his head, "good boy," he growled as he unmanacled his right wrist. He led Tomas over and manacled him to the wall. He took down the whip with multiple tails and told Tomas he wanted him to count out each swat aloud, and if he forgot where he was up to then they'd start at the beginning. Without waiting for a reply he started to swing the whip from left to right, then right to left, and each time the whip came into contact with Tomas' flesh he called out the number. Matt started just below Tomas' shoulder blades and worked all the way down his back, over his very tempting bubble butt, and then continued halfway down his thighs. Then just for the fun of it he worked his way back up Tomas body as well, with Tomas calling out a number for each time the whip made contact with his skin.

Matt only stopped when he'd worn himself out, he stood there panting as he looked at Tomas' red glowing, sweaty back; and Matt thought his cock was going to explode. He released Tomas from the wall and Tomas was tied to the bench flat on his back. Matt grabbed Tomas by the ankles and secured his legs above his head. He pulled the butt plug out of Tomas' arse and marvelled at the `plopping' sound it made. He marvelled how Tomas' arse gaped open that little bit, and he fantasised that he could see inside Tomas' anus. "Well, boy," Matt said to Tomas, "if you like that one so much; what about this one," he said as he started to insert the biggest butt plug he could find. He was gratified by the screams that were emanating from Tomas, as he pushed more and more of the butt plug into Tomas' poor abused arse.

Matt changed his mind and decided he wanted to feel inside him, so he pushed his closed fist into Tomas' abused arse instead, and he kept working his arm in until he was in Tomas' arse all the way up to his elbow. "Fuck this feels great," he yelled at Tomas, "I swear I can feel your heart beating against my fist. Fuck you are so warm inside, buddy. I can't wait to get my cock up inside you. Fuck this is awesome, buddy. I think I'm going to have you walk around with my fist up your arse."

With that he reached up and undid Tomas' bonds and yelled at him to get up off the bench, but told Tomas to be careful as he didn't want his fist to come out of his arse. He had Tomas walk around the dungeon with his fist up his arse, and all Matt could do was marvel at the sensations of feeling Tomas' muscles move against his fist and arm. He directed Tomas to walk out to their favourite garden because Matt wanted to fuck him there. To truly make it THEIR special place.

He got Tomas on his hands and knees and then he lined the huge mushroom shaped head of his cock against Tomas' anus, and with one almighty shove he rammed his cock balls deep into Tomas anus. He laughed when he could hear Tomas arsehole ripping to accommodate his huge member. He laughed when he heard Tomas crying from the pain of Matt ripping him a new arsehole. Matt didn't give a fuck, he just pile drove his cock in and out of Tomas' hole, while he revealed in his sense of power he had over his former friend. Now his new lover. No, now HIS new slave. He kept shoving his cock in and out of Tomas' abused and bleeding arse until he could feel his balls pull up as he got ready to shoot his hot ropey cum deep inside Tomas' arse.

Matt looked up as something hot and wet hit him on the face in droplets; Matt came too as he had the biggest orgasm of his life. He looked down at his massively in gorged cock as he watched it spew hot cum all over his chest and face. As he slowly came down from his incredible high, he slowly realised what it was he'd been dreaming about, and felt ashamed as he watched his cock very slowly, and painfully, deflate. He lay back on his bed and wondered how he could ever look Tomas in the eye again, after having a wet dream with Tomas as the object of his desire. As he mulled over the dream again, wondering how on earth he could think he could do that to his best friend, he slowly became aware of his cock rising to the occasion again. Only this time it was very sore, so Matt tried desperately to think of something else, and was rewarded by the sensation of his cock slowly deflating again.

He lay back on his sweat drenched bed, panting as he caught his breathe.

When he thought he'd recovered sufficiently, he got up and ran himself a bath. He just stopped himself from screaming blue bloody murder when the sensitive head of his cock touched the water. He tried to hold himself up by the sides of the bath while he waited for his abused cock to get used to the sensation of the hot water lapping at the tip. Then he just thought fuck it, and dropped himself into the water, stuffing his fist into his mouth so Tomas didn't hear him cry out, as he was feeling a bit ashamed of Tomas being the object of his wet dream. He didn't want to have to explain to Tomas what was wrong, and he really didn't want to tell him about his dream. So he just sat in the bath with his legs spread as wide as he could and waited for his cock to feel better.

Matt was almost too shamefaced to look at Tomas over their evening meal, and made his excuses early and took himself off to bed as soon as he was able without making Tomas too suspicious. He went to bed and prayed he didn't dream about Tomas again, and wondered what he should do about the fact that he'd cum without permission. He fell asleep trying to decide if he should tell Wasim or not, and if he did what exactly he should tell him, and with these thoughts chasing themselves through Matt's head he fell into a fitful sleep.

Next: Chapter 13

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