The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Sep 13, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else


To all my readers I have an apology to make, Muslims are circumcised I really do apologise for this error. I got caught up in the story and it was one fact I forgot to check, with thanks to Larry for pointing this out to me. Again please do accept my apologies.




By Bastian Ward

He stood on his designated spot, on the floor while they checked him over, he was an impressive specimen. His chest had filled out nicely, he now has a four pack, and the lines from the tops of his hips down to his groin were very clearly defined, and his abdomen was flat. The assessors could feel the muscles cording under his velvety skin quite nicely, yes they were impressed with how much 'it' had change while being at the farm. They told 'it' to stand on the block and told 'it' to bend over, and one of the assessors worked one of his fingers into 'its' arse hole. They told 'it' to stand upright, and when 'it'd' complied one of the other assessors heft 'its' cock and had a good look at it, he rolled back the foreskin and checked the glands. He looked over at one of the other assessors and commented on how well it had stretched and grown thicker, it had almost doubled its size from when 'it' had first arrived. The only problem was that now 'its' nuts looked tiny, and they wondered if they could do anything about that, but all in all they were happy with 'its' progress, no longer was 'it' the thin scrawny thing that had arrived at 'the farm', all those months ago. The assessor who'd had his finger up 'its' arse, gave it to 'it' to lick and suck clean, which 'it' did without so much as a murmur. Yes, they were very happy with 'its' conditioning as well.

They sent 'it' back out to the fields, with a resounding smack on 'its' backside, as 'it' headed out the door. They had to make a report to the Masters about 'its' progress, so they decided to leave it up to them to make a decision about 'its' nuts, and what they might or might not want to do about them. So that's what they did, they gathered all their reports and signed off on them and sent them up to the big house for the Masters to make the final decision.

Rashid had liked the view of Tomas' slightly gaping butt hole, not that he could see it when his meaty butt cheeks were closed, but he liked thinking about it. Visualising it in his mind's eye; he liked to think that Tomas was actually holding his hole open for him, as he was so desperate for Rashid to fuck him that he held his hole open in eager anticipation. So when he'd been in Muscat last, he'd consulted with 'the farm' and they suggested a butt plug as a good way to start teaching Tomas to being able to hold open his anus, and a way to be able to teach him how he could learn to open and close it at will. They had helpfully emailed him some pictures and links to stores that sold sex products on line, and while Rashid liked what he saw, he didn't think that any of them were suitable for his slave. So he had a gold smith make him a solid gold butt plug especially for Tomas, and he had him wear it all the time. So that whenever Rashid wanted to, all he had to do was to pull the plug out and he would be able to gaze on Tomas' gapping arse.

He thought it would also double as a toy for Tomas to play with and amuse himself with while he filled in his time when he wasn't working out, or having sex with Rashid. Also, while he was communicating with 'the farm', they told him of the gift they were holding for him, and asked him if he had any special instructions regarding the gift. As Rashid hadn't intended to purchase another slave from 'the farm', he didn't see how it concerned him, so they explained again that it was a gift for him. In the end they gave him the whole story, about how 'it' had been a friend of Tomas', and how 'it'd' missed Tomas so much that 'it' decided too gift 'itself' to Rashid in the hopes of being reunited with Tomas. Rashid made a few 'requests' regarding 'it', and enquired as to what his outlay would be on this slave, if any. 'The farm' were quick to point out that there would be no financial cost to him whatsoever, as the slave had taken care of all of that.

'The farm' had also suggested that Rashid should be doing regular bondage sessions with Tomas, as this would remind of Tomas of his station in life, and as 'the farm' pointed out to Rashid, both Tomas and Rashid's new slave were both used to regular bondage sessions. They went on to say that that was how anyone could tell the difference between a man and a slave; a man doesn't like being beaten constantly, nor on a regular basis, or at least without them having done something to deserve the beating. Whereas a slave craves it and will, in time, start to 'play up' in order that they may be punished. So, they pointed out to Rashid that he was really doing a disservice to Tomas by not punishing him on a regular basis, and offered him the services of Keane, while he was there delivering his new slave, to give him some pointers on how to punish Tomas, and his new slave properly. They understood if Rashid was a bit hesitant to do this, after what happened to Tomas the last time; but they promised him that Tomas would thank him for this service, and Keane would be able to teach him the proper way of 'punishing' Tomas so that no more marks would be left on him.

So Rashid said that he would think about it, and the Masters said that they would send some 'stuff' with Keane and Rashid's new slave, and Keane could instruct him in their proper use. Keane could give Rashid a demonstration on how to discipline his slaves properly, and then it would be up to Rashid if he wanted to keep his slaves happy or not.

Rashid had consulted with his first wife, Inaya, about the butt plug; as she had helped nurse Tomas back to health, and had grown rather fond of him, much like someone grows fond of a pet. She offered to come to the fort so that they could decide together if 'its' arse was gaping enough, as she counselled him against making his arse gape too much as she thought 'it' may not be able to squeeze 'its' arse tight enough for Rashid to enjoy fucking 'it' anymore. Rashid liked the idea and agreed to it readily, as he really loved his first wife very much, and although it was frowned upon, he did value her opinion and sought her counsel from time to time. So between them they agreed that Inaya would come to the fort once every six weeks and together they would monitor just how much Tomas' arse should gap, so with that settled Rashid returned to the fort.

Tomas always knew when Rashid returned to the fort, because one of the very first things he did on his return, was to fuck Tomas, and then go and attend to any problems or business that had arisen while he had been away. This was why Tomas always ensured his arse was well washed out, and that he kept his cock and piercings scrupulously clean as he wanted to always be ready to service Rashid at a moment's notice. So when Rashid found Tomas doing handstands in one of the gardens, as soon as Tomas heard the rustle of Rashid's dishdasha. He fell down from his handstand and waited for Rashid to tell him what to do, secretly hoping that he would be fucked right there and then. Rashid didn't disappoint him, he walked over and ripped Tomas' langot off, while Tomas grabbed the hem of Rashid's dishdasha and lifted it up, but Rashid didn't raise his arms up so Tomas could not pull it over his head. Instead he ordered Tomas to get on all fours, and pulled his underpants down, and spread Tomas' cheeks and pulled his gold butt plug out and inserted his own cock into his waiting and willing arse, and fucked Tomas until he shot his hot fresh load into his arse. Rashid pulled out and waited for Tomas to suck his cock clean, and then he left him and got on with the business of the day.

A couple of weeks later, a few things happened at once, Inaya came for her first visit to see how much Tomas' arse gapped open, and Tomas was barred from entering one of the rooms.

So Tomas was called into the bedroom after he'd had his bath, and he found Inaya standing by the bed. Tomas instantly dropped his eyes to the floor, Inaya told him, that just like with Rashid, he didn't have to drop his gaze to the floor, and he could speak without waiting for permission. Then she went on to explain to him why she was there, and how Rashid, the last time Tomas had entertained his guests, had noticed for the first time that Tomas' arse had gapped open just a little bit. Inaya went on to tell him that both she and Rashid had talked about it and how much Rashid had loved it, so they'd decided that they would get bigger butt plugs made for Tomas until his arse gapped open to a size that pleased Rashid, but so that he could still tighten it enough that Rashid still got enjoyment out of it.

So she told Tomas to get on the bed on all fours so that she could see his arsehole, after he'd complied she tried to get her little finger in without being touched by the lips of his arsehole. When she'd decided that she couldn't, she told Tomas that she would get another butt plug made for him that would hold his hole open more and stretch it that bit more. With that she reinserted his putt plug, and checked his scares, and when she was happy with what she saw, she told Tomas so, and she told him he was not allowed into one of the rooms as Rashid was getting some work done. After Tomas promised that he wouldn't go into the room she left him alone again.

Tomas was out in one of the gardens, when he heard his name called. Tomas jumped to his feet, and started off in the direction of the voice; but he was very puzzled because he recognised the voice but he couldn't place it. He knew it wasn't Rashid's voice, and it didn't sound like one of the servant's voices, and it certainly wasn't Wasim's voice. Suddenly he heard his name called again, and Tomas started to run through his suite of rooms, courtyards, and gardens, until he saw what he thought was a naked arse disappearing into the room Tomas had been told he wasn't allowed in. He came to a stop as he got to the door and looked into the room, and sure enough there was someone standing there in knee high laced up boots, wearing what looked like a leather jockstrap, which Tomas wasn't a hundred percent sure of because all he could see was a naked arse outlined with the waistband and leg straps of the jockstrap. It looked like they had on a pair of leather chaps, but Tomas wasn't to certain as all he could see was the straps at the back of the man's legs. Topping the ensemble off was the man's leather vest.

The man spun around on the spot and caught Tomas' eye before he had a chance to remember he was supposed to be looking at the ground, "Display slave," the man's voice lashed out at Tomas like a gunshot. Tomas instantly put his hands interlocked behind his neck; his feet shoulder width apart, and his eyes downcast, "that's better slave," said Keane as he walked over to Tomas and started to examine him. "You keep him naked all the time he is in here is that right?" he asked over his shoulder.

"Yes, that's right," Wasim answered him.

Keane continued to run his hands all over Tomas' body as he examined his wound sites, he checked his piercing sites, and decided that he was not too bad. He told Wasim that he liked the muscle definition they had achieved, and Wasim told him that they had installed a gym for Tomas and Wasim was in charge of his workout programme. He explained to Keane that he was also getting Tomas to do stretching exercises, and yoga just to work on Tomas' body tone and make him a bit suppler. Keane nodded his approval, and discovered the gold butt plug Tomas had in his arse, he asked Wasim about it, and Wasim explained that Rashid has decided that 'its' arse should gap open a bit. Again Keane nodded his approval.

He told Tomas to stand in front of the St Andrew's cross, and Tomas walked over and stood facing the cross, and waited for Keane to strap him onto it. He then proceeded to instruct Wasim on the correct techniques for lashing a slave's back and legs, and the differences in the types of whips, floggers and paddles and what effect each one would have on 'it'. Including the different types of leathers used and what to be careful of, when Tomas arse and back was a very nice red colour, Keane called Wasim over and showed him how they hadn't broke Tomas' skin anywhere. Wasim was very impressed with the amount of skill Keane was able to demonstrate, and was glad for the lesson, as he was sure he could put it to good use.

Both men then moved over to the other slave draped over the sore horse, which Tomas hadn't noticed, and so Keane again instructed Wasim on the correct way of paddling and whipping a slave when they are over the sore horse. When they had finished and both men were sweating, Keane released Tomas from his restraints, and the two men left leaving the two slaves alone in the room together.

Out of curiosity Tomas went over to see who the other slave was, and was totally surprised to see Matt laying over the horse. He helped Matt off the sore horse and they both embraced, Tomas became aware that Matt was crying and he made soft shhing noises until Matt had finished. They broke apart and Tomas asked Matt what had happened, and Matt told him about the day he found Stieg in Tomas' old house and the conversation they'd had, and the decision that Matt had made. Tomas led Matt out into one of the gardens, and when they were both comfortable they talked about their different experiences at 'the farm' and how they both felt about Tomas being sold into slavery, and of Matt gifting himself into slavery.

"But why would you want this? Why would you want to experience 'the farm' for? I mean I had no choice, Ted sold me. But you, you chose this. I mean don't get me wrong," Tomas hurried on before Matt had a chance to say anything, "I'm really glad to see you, Matt, I really am, but not like this."

Matt was silent for a long time, in fact he was silent for so long that Tomas wondered if he'd have anything to say. "When Ted told us you had died, I was gutted, and it wasn't until that moment that I realised that I loved you," Matt stared off into the distance, not making eye contact with Tomas, "I tried telling myself that it wasn't a physical thing, I really did." He said as another tear spilled from his eye and made its slow way down his cheek. "I thought I was really Ted's friend, but when he told us you'd died, I realised that I really didn't like Ted, or the other guys that much really. It was in that moment that I realised the only reason I kept hanging around with you guys was, well, because of you. I realised that I was desperate to be near you, and when I thought I couldn't do that anymore, that was when I realised that I loved you. And when I spoke to Stieg, and he eventually told me what had really happened to you, I hated Ted so much. In fact I hated him so much that if he'd been there I would have killed him for what he'd done to you. For what he'd done to me, and it was in that moment that I knew I had to try and be near you, that's why I gifted myself to Rashid." Matt trailed off at that point.

"Oh," was all Tomas could think of to say, so the two men sat in silence, lost in their own thoughts. Eventually Tomas stood up. "Come on, I'll give you the grand tour." With that the two slaves headed off and Tomas showed him around his new home.

Rashid had decided that he would take the Masters up on their offer of allowing Wasim to go to 'the farm' where he'd be trained in how to punish the slaves properly. Rashid paid for all his travelling expenses of course, but he Masters didn't charge for Wasim's lodgings while he stayed at 'the farm'. Particularly as because since Rashid had bought Tomas, and had showed him off to his 'friends' in the region, 'the farm' had had a lot of interest in their livestock; consequently they had sold a couple of slaves to that region.

So at the end of the week that Keane spent at the fort, ensuring that Matt was in perfect health, both he and Wasim travelled back to Australia and 'the farm'. First Keane showed Wasim the Silo, and all the work that was done there, both when the 'slaves' where first brought to the Silo and all the paperwork that was required, and why all the paperwork was required. He was shown the 'boxes' that were used to ship the slaves to and from 'the farm', as well as the trucks and rail trucks that were out fitted so that they could ship the slaves all around the country. When he had a good understanding of how that all worked he was taken out to 'the farm' where he spent two months learning the proper way a slave should be disciplined, as well as the reasons that bondage was good for them. He could see how the slaves responded to the bondage sessions and how they did in fact seem happier with regular bondage sessions, he understood that bondage was more than just whipping and beating the slaves, but restraints were an integral part of their sessions as well.

So at the end of his two month stay he could successfully run a bondage session for either a house or a field slave, and understood the differences the two types of slaves required to keep them healthy and happy. He was also able to 'read' the individual slave in order to be able to push their limits, but not to the point of bastardisation, he could differentiate where that fine line was; and he ensured that he never crossed it. He only had to remember what had happened to Tomas when Baghel had stolen him and tortured him, Wasim could understand how much the marks on Tomas' body had devalued him. He understood that if it hadn't been for the skill of Keane in closing Tomas' wounds and treating them so well, he could have understood Rashid wanting to have Tomas put down.

The Masters were very pleased with Wasim and offered him a place at 'the farm' if he ever wanted a change of scenery, but Wasim had a deep longing for the desert of his home, he thanked the Masters for their kind offer, and promised to keep it in mind. With a spring in his step he headed home.

Matt was given his own room to sleep in, because Tomas shared Rashid's bed, Matt slept alone. Rashid had no intention of sharing his bed or Tomas for that matter with anyone else, except for his guests when Tomas put on a show for them. No, he was very jealous of Tomas and wanted to keep him all for himself, he even ensured that both slaves knew that when he went to Muscat that they were not to share a bed, nor were they allowed too pleasure each other. But both slaves didn't mind these conditions, Tomas still didn't think of himself as being gay, even though he slept with, and had sex with Rashid. If he was honest with himself, Tomas didn't think of his relationship with Rashid as anything other than slave to master. Yes he missed Rashid when he was away, terribly, but he didn't think it was like him missing a lover, he loved being used by Rashid, even craved to be used by him. Matt turning up like this; under these circumstances, was forcing him to re-evaluate his life and his new station in it. He found himself wishing Matt had just accepted that he'd died, Tomas knew that he wished he'd had someone to talk to while Rashid was away, but now he wished more than anything that Matt hadn't come. He was being forced to think about thinks that he'd just dismissed before, and he didn't like it; so he decided to just think about being a slave. The best slave he could be to Rashid, he didn't want anything to interfere with that relationship, and he'd decided that there was a bit of resentment there against Matt now, because he's being there threatened to change everything.

Wasim eventually returned to the fort and the first thing Tomas knew about it was when he was woken by having his arse slapped really hard, but before he could think about how to respond. Wasim told him to get his arse out of bed and into the dungeon, pronto, and Tomas' only response was to scoot over to the edge of the bed and to hurry his arse into the dungeon before he got hit again. He found Matt was already there waiting for them manacled to a St Andrew cross, and as there was another cross beside the one Matt was manacled too, Tomas stood in front of it and passively allowed Wasim to manacle him to it. In their heads both slaves were instantly transported back to 'the farm', and when Wasim started to whip their backs, both slaves sighed audibly. Wasim whipped their backs, he changed to a paddle and paddled the two arses in front of him, he marvelled at the way Matt's arse just seemed to go flat every time the paddle came in contact with the skin. Whereas the paddle caused ripples to move through Tomas' arse every time Wasim hit it and Wasim found it almost hypnotic watching the ripples in Tomas' arse, and had to stop himself from hitting Tomas' arse for too long. He attached weights to their two cocks and made them swing the weights while he continued to paddle their arses with a softer leather paddle, adding more weights at regular intervals, but not so much that he ripped their cocks or damaged them in anyway.

Before he released the two slaves he collared and blindfolded them both, and then had both slaves in double rigid iron fetters and left them sitting on the floor, while he went for a rest break. When he returned he assisted Matt onto his feet and hands and proceeded to paddle his arse with his leather belt, while Tomas listened and waited for his turn. When Wasim had assisted Matt into position in order for him to flog his arse and back, he had a perfect view of Matt's hole, consequently Wasim could see that he'd been well used at the farm. He could remember the guards telling him that Matt'd had a virgin hole when he arrived at 'the farm', and how much the guards and auxiliary Staff had enjoyed breaking him in. The staff considered that to be one of the perks of their jobs that they got to 'break in' a lot of virgin field hands. When Wasim had finished belting Matt, Wasim worked the narrow end of the belt into his hole and left it there while he got a flogger to use on Tomas. For Tomas, Wasim used a full size standard flogger and with Tomas standing on his feet and hands he got a good view of the rose bud attached to the end of his butt plug. Wasim couldn't decide what to do with the butt plug, should he leave it in situ, or remove it; but after some consideration he decided to remove it, which he did and placed it on the floor just under Tomas' nose. He then flogged Tomas' arse and back until they both glowed a glorious red colour, when he'd finished he reinserted Tomas' butt plug; after first ensuring that Tomas'd licked it clean.

Wasim released both slaves and told them to go to the gym and do their workouts, and then he walked away to do the rest of his work feeling very pleased with his first bondage sessions with both slaves. On his way out the door he was trying to decide if both slaves were now more attentive to what he said now, or if it was just wishful thinking on his behalf.

A lot of the men who had attended any of Rashid's gatherings since he'd bought his slave have all attempted to get one of their own. There was only a few of them who could even find 'the farm's' site on the dark web and none of them were in any doubt as to the identity of the buyer who payed 2? million dollars AUS. Which only raised Rashid's standing in their somewhat small community, and more than one of them was extremely jealous of the fact that Rashid owned Tomas. But they also knew that even though the fort didn't look fortified, it actually was, very heavily, and they knew their chances of taking Tomas from Rashid by force were slim to fuckin' impossible. But as long as Tomas was the entertainment at Rashid's feasts, then they all accepted eagerly, just so they could have a chance to drooled over Tomas. None of them thought they could be as generous as Rashid, to let any of them to use Tomas at these feasts.

So when they received their next invite to one of Rashid's feasts they all agreed readily, particularly as they were promised even greater entertainment than they had enjoyed of late. Even if his contemporaries didn't want to go to the feasts, their cocks sure wanted to go, as everyone's cock jumped at the thought of an even better floor show than they had witnessed of late. So naturally everyone that Rashid had invited had accepted.

Everyone was enjoying the feast, not only were they there to enjoy the festivities but to do deals with each other as well, they all ran guns or were involved in drugs or other illegal activities. Everyone there acknowledged Rashid to be the greatest of them all, and they hated him for it, but as long as he did deals with them and put on these kinds of feasts they were happy.

All of his guests had noticed the curtain that was hanging between the two pillars at the end of the banquet hall, and they were all curious to know why it was there. Most of them thought that Rashid was probably having some work done and as it wasn't finished had covered it up so as not to ruin the surprise. They all turned as one as they could hear the sound of ratchets coming from behind the curtain. While they were all watching the curtain with curiosity, the doors to the banquet hall flew open suddenly with a huge bang as the doors hit the walls on either side. Standing in the doorway was a man wearing some kind of mask so they couldn't see his face; he was also wearing what looked like some kind of harness that crossed his chest from his shoulders to halfway down his torso. It looked as though he had whips, paddles, and other such paraphernalia hanging from this harness, and some of the gathered guests were beginning to feel a bit uneasy wondering what was about to happen. As they continued to look at the new arrival they eventually noticed that he wasn't wearing a loincloth, as most of them expected him too, instead he was wearing something else that only covered his genitals. When their eyes had continued down his legs they could see the heavy boots he was wearing. Then, to top the look off, the man's body was coated with oil so that he shone in the lamplight, and they could see the light as it played over his skin.

The gathered guest hadn't realised that the ratcheting sound, that they'd heard a moment ago had ceased, none of them could tear their eyes off the new arrival, even if they wanted to. A steady drum beat started up and the man moved down the centre of the banquet hall towards the curtain, and as he moved past the men on the divans, they could see that everything that the man wore was made out of leather. They could see that what girt his loins was in fact a leather jockstrap, not that any of them had actually seen one in real life let alone modelled on such a good looking male, but they had all heard about them and seen pictures of them. While his arse was nowhere near as good as Tomas' arse, seeing it framed in the straps of the jockstrap, caused more than one in the audience to start to sport wood, and more than one of them had to move and adjust themselves to accommodate the new development in their underwear.

Just as Wasim reached the curtain he stopped and spun on the spot until he was facing his audience, at that precise moment the drum stopped its beating, and the audience drew in a collective breath of air. Wasim watched Rashid, and at his given signal, he turned back to face the curtain just as it was released and was falling to the floor to reveal not one but two naked males hanging, it would seem, in mid-air. By his golden hair, everyone present could recognise Tomas, and it took them awhile to realise that there was another naked body suspended, upside down, in mid-air, the same as Tomas. As the men looked they could see what looked like sole less boots covering their feet and ankles, but they still couldn't make out what the two slaves were hanging from. As the realisation dawned on them that in fact they were looking at two slaves hanging in front of them, every man present, except for Rashid and Wasim of course, speculated on how much money Rashid had shelled out for his second slave.

The drums started up again and the guests all settled in to enjoy the show.

Wasim had taken two rotator floggers from off his harness and proceeded to flog both slaves simultaneously much to the delight of his audience, particularly as the force that Wasim was using had started both slaves to rock slightly. Wasim changed to a leather slapper and then proceeded to slap each slaves arse, back, and back of their thighs in turn, and by now both slaves were swinging freely with the force of the slaps. When he'd decided they'd had enough of that, he reattached the slapper to his harness and taking a riding crop from his harness he proceeded to whip the two slaves with it. He turned the two slaves around so that their audience could now see their genitals, which everyone, in his audience, were desperate to see. With the riding crop he started to flick at the slaves cock and balls, much to the enjoyment of their audience who were starting to egg Wasim on, meanwhile Wasim had moved from their cock and balls and was now flicking at their paps with the tip of the crop, until their pecs started to glow red.

Wasim changed from his riding crop to a cane; again he spun the two slaves around and proceeded to cane both their arses, bringing them both back to a lovely red glow. By now more than one of the audience members was fondling their own cocks under their dishdashas. Wasim changed again to a leather paddle that he hit both slaves on both of their arse cheeks only once, leaving Rashid's monogram stencilled on the slaves arse cheeks, which the audience members could plainly see, and they all howled their approval.

Again the doors to the banquet room opened and four servants brought in two fuck/spank benches, although none of his guests knew what they were, or what they were to be used for, but Rashid did. The ratchetting sound could be heard again as the two slaves were lowered to the ground, and as the servants arrived at their appointed spots the two slaves were laying on the ground. The slaves quickly undid their padded foot stirrups, and helped position them on the two benches and then secured them in position; they then moved the two benches, with the two slaves secured to them, into the middle of the divans and left.

Wasim put a leather hood onto each slave, and when they were secured he proceeded to spank each slave in turn with his leather strap, ensuring that both butts continued to glow a lovely red colour in the lamp light.

By now most of the guest had divested themselves of their dishdashas and were openly stroking their erect cocks in anticipation of what they were hoping was going to come. When Wasim was happy with the glow of each slaves butt, he hung a soft leather slapper beside both slaves, and bowing to his very appreciative audience, he left the banquet hall. Rashid invited his guests to indulge themselves in punishing or using the slaves anyway they wished.

The men were off their divans very quickly as they divested themselves of their underwear, and fought over who was going to have first go of whom. With the two slaves secured to the benches, both their holes were clearly visible to the gathered audience members. The first guest to reach Tomas picked up the slapper and proceeded to paddle his butt some more, with the soft paddle, before he was pushed out of the way as one of the other guests drove a finger up Tomas' arse and he was rewarded by hearing Tomas moan low and deep. He quickly inserted another two fingers up his chute, and Tomas kept moaning and trying to push his arse back onto the fingers. The guest pulled his fingers out and replaced it with his cock as he plunged it, balls deep into Tomas' waiting chute, and another guest made use of Tomas' mouth as he plunged his cock down his waiting willing throat.

Meanwhile, some of the other guests were exploring Matt and what he had to offer. He also had his arse paddled before someone replaced paddling his arse with fucking it, as they rammed their cock balls deep into his chute and proceeded to fuck him for all they were worth. While someone else went around and made use of his very willing mouth, all four men were egged on by their waiting audience, and as soon as the men had cum up both arses they were replaced by another equally horny audience member. While the guys who had just cum up their arses moved around to the front of their respective slaves and when it was their turn they presented their cocks to the two slaves and both slaves sucked the cocks into their mouths greedily. While they cleaned the cum and their arse juices off the cocks they had in their mouths, and naturally their sucking had the desired effects on the cocks, and they both began to harden, and the guests were rapping their mouths until they shot another load of cum down their willing throats.

Rashid's guests amused themselves for a couple of hours slapping both Tomas' and Matt's arses, and filling the two slaves up with cum from both ends. When the guests had had their fill, they got dressed and thanked Rashid for his hospitality and took their leave. Rashid got himself up from his divan, and without a backwards glance left the room as well, both Tomas and Matt were left tied to their respective benches, consequently they had no other choice but to wait for whatever happened to them next.

Both slaves could feel the warmed cum slowly dribbling out of their respective arses and down their legs presumably to then pool on the floor. Neither slave had any idea how long they had to wait, for Tomas this was a totally new experience as he always left the banqueting hall soon after he had been thoroughly used by everyone. Now he was discarded like so much of yesterday's garbage, and as both his and Matt's restraints had been done up securely they had no way of freeing themselves or each other.

Eventually Wasim came back and released them; he gave them each a dishdasha to put on and led them back to their suite of rooms. Both slaves had a long soak in the bath and helped clean each other down. Having finished with their toilet, Matt bade Tomas a goodnight and went off to his bed to sleep, while Tomas crawled into the bed he shared with Rashid, and tried to remember if Rashid had taken part in the 'festivities' tonight or not. At some point he must have drifted off to sleep, as the next thing he knew was that a blunt object was being forced into his mouth, and before he was truly awake he naturally sucked it into his mouth and started to suckle on it. As Rashid's cock grew harder and snaked down his throat, Tomas came to and looked up at Rashid's smiling face. Without allowing Rashid's cock to fall from his mouth, Tomas slide to the edge of the bed to enable Rashid better access to his mouth and throat. When Rashid pulled out of his throat and mouth Tomas shimmied off the bed and grabbing the hem of Rashid's dishdasha he pulled it up over his head and dropped it on the floor. Just as Rashid moved closer and kissed Tomas full on the lips, Tomas drowned in his kiss as he enfolded Rashid into a hug, and both men stood there losing themselves in the passion of the kiss.

They broke apart and Tomas reached down and grabbed the hem of Rashid's t-shirt and lifted it off over Rashid's head and let that fall to the floor as well. He folded Rashid into another embrace and kissed him as deeply as he was able to, allowing Rashid's tongue to explore his mouth just as much as his own tongue was exploring Rashid's mouth. Breaking the kiss off, Tomas moved very slowly down Rashid's body but before he got too far, Rashid grabbed hold of his hair and tilted Tomas head back so that he was looking up at Rashid. "Do you love me," he asked Tomas, and Tomas nodded. "I want you to show me if you are," instantly Tomas' cock got hard, "from now on," he continued, "whenever we're alone I want be able to see if your excited by the prospect of our having sex. Is that understood?"

Tomas pulled his hair free from Rashid's grasp, "yes, my Lord, I will show you every time we have sex just how much I love having sex with you. How much I truly do love you," and with that he went back to exploring Rashid's chest, and with Tomas kneeling at his feet, Rashid caught glimpses of golden flashes as the lamplight was reflected by the gold rosebud in Tomas' arse. Meanwhile Rashid could feel Tomas' hot breath on his cock as Tomas reached out and grabbed the hem of his underpants and very slowly dragged them down his legs, eventually freeing his cock which sprang back into Tomas' face. Tomas caught the head of Rashid's cock in his lips, and very gently, with the very tip of his tongue he explored every little bump he could find on the surface of the head of Rashid's cock. When he'd coated Rashid's cock's head liberally with his spit, he made small sharp darting movements with the very tip of his tongue, as he found and probed gently into Rashid's piss slit, hearing Rashid's quick intake of air followed by his moans, Tomas knew he was giving as much pleasure as he'd wanted to. Leaving Rashid's piss slit he circled his tongue around and ensured that the base of the head of his cock was clean, as he continued to suck his cock back into his mouth and down his throat.

Rashid closed his eyes in ecstasy as he worked his fingers into Tomas hair again and holding tightly he pulled down on his hair. Tomas forced more of Rashid's cock into his mouth until he could feel Rashid's balls banging against his chin, but still he pushed forwards until he forced Rashid back against the bed, he continued to push until Rashid had fallen back on to the bed. The shock of hitting and falling backwards on to the bed, caused Rashid to lose his grip on Tomas hair, which also pulled his cock out of Tomas' mouth, and Rashid laid back on the bed slightly dazed.

Tomas reached down and lovingly picked up one of Rashid's feet and slowly started to suck each toe in turn, starting with his big toe and working his way down to his little toe, then having sucked the toes on one foot he proceeded to suck the toes on Rashid's other foot. Rashid was lost in the sensations that Tomas was drawing from his body, just when he thought that Tomas couldn't find any new ways of pleasuring him, Tomas was able to pull something else out of his box of tricks. As Tomas ran his tongue down the soles of Rashid's feet, he also manoeuvred Rashid so that he was now totally lying on the bed, and Tomas crawled up onto the bed after him. Where he proceeded to kiss, lick, and suck up the insides of Rashid's legs, just before he got to his groin though, he deftly rolled Rashid onto his stomach and forcing his arse cheeks apart he fell hungrily onto his hole. Tomas drilled his tongue deep into Rashid's hole not caring if he'd shit or not, nor if he'd cleaned himself up properly or not; that, after all was Tomas' job, and he fell to it with gusto. He started with little laps at the lips of Rashid's hole until he could sense Rashid relaxing his hole enough to give Tomas access to its interior, and Tomas forced as much of his tongue into Rashid's hole as he possibly could.

Now Tomas could not only hear Rashid's moans of pleasure, but he could also feel the vibrations of those moans through his tongue, which only caused Tomas to double his efforts as he forced his tongue in and out of Rashid's arse. With regret, on both men's part, Tomas left Rashid's sopping wet arse hole and made his way down his perineum, until he got to the base of Rashid's ball bag. Tomas sucked as much of Rashid's ball bag into his mouth as he possibly could, while Rashid could only encourage him to do more, as he rolled onto his back to allow Tomas as much access to his cock and balls as he could possibly want.

Pulling out his gold butt plug, Tomas straddled Rashid and guided his cock into his waiting arse until Rashid's cock was buried balls deep in his arse; Tomas sat there looking down on Rashid. Then very slowly he leaned down and locked lips with Rashid again while he worked his cock with his arse muscles, while he kissed Rashid passionately he very slowly raised and lowered his arse so that he was very slowly milking Rashid's cock. Tomas draped his arms beside Rashid's head, one arm on each side as he entangled his fingers deep in Rashid's hair. While he continued to passionately kiss Rashid and slowly milk his cock for him, Tomas started to slowly massage Rashid's scalp as well.

By now Rashid was totally gone, he'd given himself over to the pleasures this one slave was eking out of his body, never had anyone been able to pleasure him like Tomas was able to pleasure him. As Rashid started to pant with his imminent orgasm, Tomas slowed down even more until he was barely moving, and this way he was able to prolong Rashid's orgasm. Tomas kept milking Rashid almost to the point of no return, only to slow down his ministrations until the moment passed for Rashid, it wasn't until at least an hour passed before Tomas let Rashid orgasm and fill his arse with his hot ropey cum. Then without releasing Rashid's cock, he manoeuvred himself so that he was again lying on top of Rashid, he then rolled them both onto their side and they snuggled and both men fell into an exhausted sleep.

At some point during the night Rashid's cock fell out of Tomas' arse, and as usual Tomas woke up alone in their bed; ready to start another day.

Next: Chapter 12

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