The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Sep 2, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else




By Bastian Ward

Under Wasim's tutelage, Tomas was doing a lot more stretching exercises, so his body was becoming suppler, and he was able to move in ways that he had never thought possible. Wasim was also teaching him to do yoga and meditation, and Tomas put this all too good use in bed with Rashid, who was also enjoying the benefits of having Wasim teaching Tomas.

Matt went down in the lift, where he was hogtied and branded. He was placed in a shipping box to be transported to the farm. While he was not unpleasing to the eye, the assessors still had a difficult choice to make, and, bearing in mind that he was being gifted to a client, the assessors eventually decided that Matt would be a field hand. So he was sent off to the dormitory where all the field hands were housed, and after he had his chastity device fitted he was put to work in the fields.

No machinery was used at the farm; all the ploughs were pulled by teams of slaves, of which Matt was one. They were harnessed to the shafts of the ploughs instead of horses, and they were expected to work as hard and as fast as a full team of horses. Naturally all the slaves worked naked, the only concession they were shown, was being allowed to wear sun-block so that they didn't get sunburnt. It was the only concession that was made for them, they were all slaves, after all, and all of them had to be in perfect health in order for them to fetch the high prices that was expected. They also are sold with 'the farms' brand on them, so if they sell a slave that they know is damaged goods, then it reflects badly on 'the farm'.

While the Masters know there are not a lot of people who are out there selling slaves, it is after all a niche market; it is an incredibly big market. They have sold slaves to every country in the world, and as long as they deal in quality goods they'll remain in business.

So Matt toiled away with his fellow slaves pulling the plough, which was full size as it was made to be pulled by horses, there was even a guard ridding on the plough to steer the slaves so the paddock was ploughed correctly. There were other guards riding on the backs of other slaves in specially made saddles, and they were ridden all day as well, no animal was used on the farm, if slaves could be used instead.

At the end of the day the slaves had to return all the equipment back to the sheds, where they were unharnessed and hosed down, during the summer the slaves walked around the exercise yard until they had air dried, during the cooler months they were given old towels to rub each other down with. There were hair dryers they could use to ensure their cocks were properly dried, as the Masters didn't want them to develop any sores or calluses, as that would impact on their profits. The toilets were not plumbed to town sewerage, as all their wastes were collected and put in a big tank that had huge paddles inside. It took two teams of two slaves to turn the paddles, which, in turn, broke up all the solid waste, so that it came out as a liquid through a tap set into the side of the tank near the bottom, which was used to fertilize the entire farm, which was probably why they had such good crops.

There was a large metal drum mounted on wheels that the liquid was poured into, and then it took a team of four slaves to run it out to the paddocks, were it was hosed onto the ground before anything was planted just to enrich the soil. As they had a lot of acreage, they needed a lot of fertiliser, so there was never any fear of them having to store the fluid anywhere.

Just like all the house slaves, there were regular bondage sessions for the field slaves as well, all the slaves were all sold as being use to bondage, and with the field hands they were all sold as being used to pulling any kind of farm machinery including a wagon or trap. As well as being conditioned to the saddle, and being capable of being ridden for most of the day.

For the field slaves it wasn't as important that they be virgins, as they were sold to work the in the fields, it was up to their owners if they wanted to fuck them or not, consequently all the field slaves had to service any of the auxiliary Staff, the Guards, or the Masters who had a need for them. That is except for Matt, because he was being gifted to Rashid, the rules were slightly different, as far as all the Staff were concerned he was untouchable. It didn't mean that they couldn't get him to suck their dicks anytime they wanted him to, but his arse was off limits, and all the Staff knew that, and they all understood the penalties if they broke that rule.

While out on the farm, Matt worked as hard as the rest of the slaves, he was taught animal husbandry, just in case his new owner what him to look after their other livestock. Matt was punished if he did the wrong thing or the guards didn't think he was working as hard as the other slaves. So he felt the sting of the whip just the same as the other slaves, all the Staff at 'the farm' knew that they couldn't leave any permanent marks on any of the livestock, so they didn't use the whips excessively.

All of the work outside really worked magic on his physic, so while he only has a small cock and balls; his body tone was improving a lot. Matt was feeling better, stronger; he wondered why he hadn't gone to the gym years ago. Matt was discovering that he really liked being a slave, he liked being told what to do, when, where, and how to do it. While he hadn't liked sucking the Staff's cock's he slowly developed a taste, and a liking, for it. Yes, Matt was really liking being a slave, he didn't have to think for himself, he was always told what to do, and when and how to do it, he didn't even have to think about his meals as they were all provided and prepared for him, he felt that life was so much simpler for him now. Consequently he was very happy now, he wondered, in fact, if he wasn't content with his life now.

After Matt had been at 'the farm' for six months, it was decided that they were going to work on his cock and seeing if they couldn't make it longer, so they removed his chastity device, and they gave him a penis pump. They showed him how to use it, and every morning before he went out to the fields, and every night when he got back, he had to spend fifteen minutes in the shower while he pumped up his cock, and massaged it out, and slowly bit by bit his cock grew longer and thicker. After a month of him doing it twice daily, his cock looked a lot more impressive than it had when he first arrived; he had added an impressive fifteen millimetres to its length. So he continued to use the pump, in the hope that he would add a further three centimetres to the length of his cock, which the medical Staff would be very happy with.

So what with him getting stronger and losing the flab that he had and replacing it with good solid muscle, getting a bigger cock, and being able to deep throat any of the Staff's cocks. Matt was very happy with his decision to gift himself to Tomas' master, he just hoped that his new master would let him stay with Tomas, but he knew that that decision was no longer his, and he also knew that he would do as he was told regardless. He wondered if he was going to be happy with that, but then the thought did occur to him, that in actual fact he really was happy with doing as he was told. Matt was surprised with himself at being happy for other people making the decisions for him, and wondered why he hadn't sold himself into slavery years ago.

Tomas has been doing Yoga and his stretching exercises for some time now, and was enjoying the greater sense of flexibility that he was now able to do. He was in one of the gardens doing his stretching exercises, he was trying to get his legs to open wider, but his calves were still a bit tight. So when he did the splits he couldn't get right down flat on the ground, but he was doing a lot better, and he thought, and Wasim said, that he was almost there.

He was wearing the loincloth that Wasim had insisted that he wore every time he was working out, exercising, or stretching. It had taken Tomas a couple of days to finally master how to tie the loincloth properly on his own. He got tying the widest part of the piece of cloth around his waist, that, Tomas thought was the easy part, but then, when he pulled the cloth between his legs; he kept wanting to pass the cloth over the front of the knot. Then tucking it back down behind the knot, but then all the cloth ended up tucked into the pouch it had formed around his genitals. Instead of passing the cloth behind the knot, so that it went from between his legs, over his genitals and then up his abdomen behind the knot. The servants always laughed at him because he always got that bit wrong. When he finally got that right, he had to remember to ensure that the cloth encased both his nuts as well, as it did become painful if he accidently left one hanging out. Again it always amused the servants greatly when they had to come in and fix the problem for him. The rest was easy, after all that, the cloth went down the front of the knot, back over his genitals, between his legs and then tucked into the back of his loincloth. Although it did take him a little while to get used to the left over material being tucked down his arse crack, it was a bit uncomfortable until he got used to it. Why on earth Wasim insisted that he learn how to tie, and wear an Indian langot for, was beyond him, but then he was just a slave after all; so he just did what he was told.

He'd been learning to have control while he went into a handstand from a standing start, Wasim was all about him learning to control his body, so he insisted Tomas learn how to do things like a handstand slowly, controlled. Instead of throwing his hands on the ground and then flinging his legs up in the air. That was how Rashid found him, in the garden, clad only in the langot, and slowly drawing himself into a handstand. The first thing Tomas knew about his audience of one, was when Rashid broke into applause when Tomas finally got himself into a full handstand.

Tomas was so surprised that he fell over and ended up in a crumpled heap on the ground, Rashid came over, and grabbing Tomas' face, he pulled him up into a passionate kiss. When they broke apart, Tomas looked deep into Rashid's eyes, "is something wrong?" he asked. "Have I done something wrong?" he asked as he looked anxiously into Rashid's face.

"No. No, of course not. You have made me very happy since you've been here. No, I am very happy I bought you?" Tomas wasn't convinced, and was beginning to feel a little anxious. "I'm going back to Muscat; I've got business to attend to. I'm probably going to be gone for a week or so. Now I don't want you to worry, don't forget there'll always be two guards at the door at all time. Ok!"

Tomas just nodded, he was remembering the last time Rashid went to Muscat and he was taken and abused by Baghel, at Toms' urging, but he knew that there was nothing he could say; Rashid reached out and traced some of the feather light scares that criss-crossed his chest. He liked seeing Tomas in his langot, but he liked him better out of it. Sensing what was on his mind; Tomas reached up and pulled Rashid's face down towards his, and again kissed him deeply. While they were lip locked, Tomas pulled Rashid down on top of him, and slowly rolled him over onto his back. While continuing to kiss him, Tomas reached up and knocked the massar off his head and entangled his fingers in his hair, which enabled Tomas to pull him into his kiss more forcefully.

Still with them both laying on the grass Tomas proceeded to kiss him down over his jaw line and on down his throat, while Rashid laid back on the grass and got lost on the sensations Tomas was able to draw out of him, 'fuck,' Rashid thought, 'none of his wives had ever been able to make him feel the way Tomas made him feel.' Rashid had always been content with his many wives love making, but there was something so masculine in the way Tomas was able to make him feel. Being away from his wives for long stretches as Rashid had to be, he'd had other Khanith's before, but none of them had ever made Rashid feel the way that Tomas was able to make him feel. Again he lost his train of thought as Tomas made his slow way down his body, the pressure of his lips through the material of his dishdasha, the feel of his hot breath penetrating the fabric seemed to sensuously caress his fevered skin. The feel of Tomas hands, the strength Rashid could feel, all of this evoked a sense of security in him, if he hadn't had work he had to get back to.

But it was at that precise moment that Tomas' lips encountered Rashid's cock beneath his dishdasha, and for the second time, in a very short space of time, Tomas made Rashid forget that he other things to do. Rashid flipped them over so that he was on top of Tomas, and Tomas was lying face down on the grass. Rashid reached down and freed Tomas arse from its material covering, while he reached down and grabbed the hem of his dishdasha and pulled it up past his waist. He reached down and pulled the waistband of his underpants down and tucked it beneath his balls as he lined his cock up with Tomas anus, and then pushed the full length of his engorged cock deep into Tomas' anus. Then, not even waiting for Tomas' arse to adjust to the sudden intrusion, Rashid started to fuck Tomas for all he was worth. So aroused was Rashid, that when his cock finally exploded shooting its load of hot ropey cum deep into Tomas' bowels, he bellowed an incredibly primal scream of ecstasy and dominance, as he collapsed on top of Tomas.

Tomas just lay still under Rashid and allowed him to catch his breath, and regain his strength, when Tomas could hear Rashid's breathing returning to normal, and he felt Rashid's cock shrinking in his arse. Tomas rolled, them both gently, till Rashid was lying on his back, he then moved down and took Rashid's cock in his mouth and very gently licked and sucked it all clean for him. Taking particular care to ensure he cleaned under Rashid's foreskin, as he sucked the remaining cum out of his cock. It wasn't too long before Rashid's cock started to respond to Tomas' ministrations, and it began to grow and thicken in his mouth, so slowly, sensuously, Tomas started to suck his cock in earnest. Tomas swallowed it right down to the root, where he lapped at Rashid's ball bag, pulling up just enough to grab another breath, Tomas plunged back down Rashid's cock, before pulling off it completely, and allowed it to fall back onto Rashid's abdomen, while Tomas went down and started to lick and suck Rashid's balls and sack. Having had his fill of that, Tomas once again moved back up and sucked Rashid's cock back into his willing mouth and sucked his cock until he'd cum for a second time, this time shooting his load of hot ropey cum down Tomas' willing throat. When he couldn't feel anything more coming out of Rashid's cock, Tomas reluctantly gave it up and moved back up so that he was lying beside Rashid again and both men fell asleep in each other's arms.

Not surprisingly Tomas woke up alone on the grass in the garden. His langot was in tatters, so he would need to get a new one if he was going to finish his exercises and stretches that he wanted to do today. But for now he just laid on the grass looking up at the sky, and for the first time since he'd been sold into slavery by Ted, he wondered what the other guys were doing. He wondered if any of the remembered him. If any of them had turned up to his funeral, that's assuming that Ted'd had a funeral for him, of course. He tried really hard to remember what they had all looked like, but failed for most of them. He couldn't even remember most of their names now.

He rolled up into a standing position and picked up the remains of his langot and headed back to his room and kind of thought he felt like a nice long hot bath, he smiled to himself as the thought hit him, that he'd really had a good workout today after all. He did like his bath tub, it was huge, he and Rashid could both share it, and there was still room for maybe another four or five people to join them if they'd wanted them to. But for now he was content to just stretch out and float just below the surface of the very hot water, and Tomas was relishing the sensation of his skin as it prickled with the heat of the water. His only complaint was when he first got in and the water made its way between his arse cheeks and found his abused hole it burned as if it'd been touched by a red hot poker, but even that faded in the heat of the water, eventually.

Tomas wasn't sure how long he'd been soaking in the tub for, but his stomach was telling him that it must be lunch time, so somewhat reluctantly he dragged himself out of the bath. As he towelled himself off, he laughed as he noticed how red his skin was due to the heat of the water. He sat and ate his lunch in the courtyard with all the caged birds, and listened to all the different bird songs.

Rashid left for Muscat later that afternoon, so again Tomas was left 'alone' in the fort, but by now some of the Staff had actually come to care about him, they liked this new Australian slave that was making Rashid so very happy. They also just liked him for his personality as well, he was always so polite, and yes he was nothing but a slave, and therefore was subservient to everyone, but regardless of that fact; everyone felt that the politeness was just his nature. Plus the fact that Rashid had installed two guards outside his private suite of rooms with the instructions that no one was to enter without Rashid's express permission. Tomas cost Rashid a lot of money and he was going to protect his possession at all costs.

Tomas' days didn't change, he still got up and did his workout in the 'gym', went for his morning run, and did all of his stretching exercises and yoga, naturally wearing his langot. Only once, shortly after starting to wear the langot, did he make the mistake of wiping the sweat of his face with his used langot, the smell of his own muskiness almost made him puke on the spot. So he made a mental note not to do that ever again, besides he now always had a huge pile of fresh towels to use. Tomas had set himself the goal of being able to do a full split and get right down to the floor by the time Rashid returned, so he spent extra time doing his stretches.

Tomas wasn't surprised that the Staff knew he was spending more time on his stretches, so when the masseur spent more time on his thighs, particularly his inner thighs and ensuring that he got right up into his groin. In fact, so much so, that he had Tomas hold his genitals out of the way, so that he had better access to his groin and was able to give the area a very intense deep tissue massage. Naturally he didn't say anything to Tomas, why would he, Tomas was nothing but a slave after all, besides he liked looking at Tomas golden hair that made him look as though his body was dusted with spun gold. The masseur liked to feel the stronger more defined muscles in Tomas' groin area, as well as being able to run his fingers through Tomas' spun golden hair that dusted his body. It was so different from his fellow country men's hairless bodies; particularly that as he was an infidel, Tomas didn't have to shave his pubic area at all. Nor did Tomas want to, not only because he'd never wanted to shave, but because Rashid got so much enjoyment out of shaving him whenever he wanted to.

Rashid was away for almost a fortnight; but Tomas had no way of knowing that as he didn't have a need to know, nor did he have any way to record the passing of time, other than the sun rising and setting, and the times his meals were delivered. Tomas didn't know Rashid had even returned to the fort until one morning he felt something big and blunt, being forced between his lips. Reflectively he'd formed a seal around it with his lips, before he had totally woken up. It wasn't until he felt the pace increase and the object growing in size in his mouth that he realised that Rashid had really returned from his trip to Muscat.

Tomas started to suck his cock in earnest, and when his mouth was flooded with warm fluid; Tomas drank it all down without spilling a single drop. Having drunk Rashid's piss, Tomas continued to suck his cock until he was rewarded with Rashid shooting his hot cum down his very willing throat.

When he'd suck all the cum out of Rashid's cock, and cleaned it all up for him, not forgetting to run his tongue between his foreskin and cock head, as he liked his man to be sweet smelling all the time, if he could help it. When he'd finally finished he looked up at Rashid with tears in his eyes, "why are you crying," Rashid asked with concern as he through the coverings off the bed, exposing Tomas in all his naked glory, "did someone hurt you while I was away? Tell me and I will have his balls to decorate the walls with?"

Tomas Sat up in the bed, "oh, no. Master. No one hurt me while you were away?"

"Then why the tears?" he asked as he wiped the tears from Tomas' face.

"I'm just so happy to see you, Master. I missed you while you were away," Rashid smiled and laughed, "I have something to show you," said Tomas as he leaped from the bed and ran off towards one of the gardens. With a big grin all over his face, Rashid followed Tomas' vanishing form, as he marvelled at Tomas' huge arse as the sunlight caught the golden fuzz that dusted it and seemed to make his arse glow.

Rashid caught up with Tomas in the garden, where he found Tomas hoping form one foot to the other in excitement while he waited for Rashid to catch up with him. He pointed at a spot he wanted Rashid to stand on, and with Rashid standing on his designated spot, Tomas raced over to the spot he had chosen for himself. Then, with his back to Rashid he placed his hands firmly on the ground in front of him, so that Rashid was treated to a perfect view of his, not so tight, bright pink anus, and then very slowly he raised himself up into a handstand. While Rashid could plainly see the corded muscles in Tomas' arse, and down his thighs as he slowly pulled his legs up his body, until he was standing in a perfect handstand. Rashid applauded his effort and Tomas grinned broadly, then with absolute slowness, Tomas opened his legs so that he did a near perfect split while he was still in his handstand.

Now Rashid was treated to the sight, of not only Tomas' balls and bag lying down over the top of his cock, but of the sun as it glinted off both rings in Tomas' lorum and guiche piercings, and Rashid marvelled at the sight of his slave doing the splits and having his legs, looking almost dead flat, spread out to either side of him. Rashid wasn't sure if he could actually see his bright pink hole, or if it was just wishful thinking on his part, but again he applauded the feat that his slave had been able to perfect while he'd been gone; which seemed to make Tomas' smile even broader.

"Come," Rashid said as he turned on his heal and walked back towards the bedroom, Tomas closed his legs and lowered himself back down to the ground and then he raced off after Rashid to see what he wanted. Tomas found Rashid standing by their bed, divesting himself of his clothes as he watched Tomas' running form as he ran towards him. He had to admit to himself, that he probably would never stop marvelling at the sight of Tomas' pendulous cock as it got slapped around by his thighs whenever he saw the boy run, or walk for that matter.

Tomas stopped in front of Rashid and helped him out of his underwear. Both men kissed each other passionately, and they both fell on the bed in each other's embrace. Tomas ended on top and proceeded to kiss and lick every part of Rashid's skin he could get to. Tomas thought that Rashid must have travelled all night in order that he got back to see Tomas this morning, not that Tomas ever thought that Rashid would miss Tomas that much. He encountered a lot of Rashid's old musky sweat all over his body; that Tomas just loved to consume which he did now with gusto. When Tomas got down to Rashid's genitals, he didn't lick or suck his cock or balls, and not just because he'd woken up sucking Rashid's cock when he first arrived this morning. No he pushed his genitals out of the way, and pushing Rashid's legs apart he set to and licked and sucked all Rashid's musky rank sweat from his perineum; and Tomas thought he was in heaven as he swallowed every drop.

When Rashid couldn't take anymore he grabbed Tomas by the hair and pulled him up so that he could kiss him again. He rolled them over so that Rashid was now on top. He sat up and rolled Tomas over so he was lying on his stomach. He moved down and forced Tomas' legs apart, and thinking, and hoping he knew what Rashid had in mind, he spread his legs as wide as he could. Rashid was now treated to the sight of Tomas' bright pink hole winking at him, beneath the twin mounds of Tomas' arse cheeks as they were forced up towards his lower back. His dimples deepened and stood out in stark relief to his creamy white skin. Rashid relished the sight for a little bit longer before his own passion and need over took him, and positioning himself he plunged his ramrod stiff cock deep into Tomas' waiting, willing arse. Rashid proceeded to fuck Tomas with long slow strokes of his cock as he buried it deep in Tomas' arse. Tomas was moaning deeply and pushing himself back against the forward thrusts of Rashid's cock, trying to drive it deeper into his bowels; he felt Rashid's cock getting harder and was rewarded with Rashid howling with the intensity of his second orgasm as he shot his hot cum up Tomas' hot arse.

Rashid collapsed on top of Tomas, who closed his legs to a more comfortable position and both men fell asleep, Tomas was deliriously happy that his Master had returned and wanted to fuck him before anything else. Tomas woke before Rashid and could feel his puffs of air on the back of his neck as Rashid gently exhaled in his sleep, very gently, he rolled them both over, so as not to wake Rashid. With Rashid lying on his back sprawled over the bed, Tomas turned his attention to Rashid's cock again, which had plopped out of his arse when Rashid had rolled off the top of him. Again for the second time that morning Tomas sucked Rashid's cock into his mouth and softly, lovingly he sucked Rashid's cock clean for him. Paying particular attention to the space between Rashid's cock head and his foreskin; which naturally woke Rashid up.

For the third time this morning Tomas was rewarded with Rashid cumming down his throat. When he had finished he told Tomas to come and bathe him, so the two men went into the bathroom; and while Rashid sat on the toilet, Tomas ran the bath for him. Rashid lowered himself into the bath and Tomas washed him, gently, lovingly; and when he had finally finished washing Rashid, Tomas had him bend over the side of the bath and Tomas rimmed out his hole to ensure that he had got it perfectly clean. Tomas dried them both and helped Rashid to get dressed, he kissed Rashid's cock lovingly before he placed it inside Rashid's underwear. When he had finally put Rashid's dishdasha on him, brushed his hair and arranged his massar, Rashid took his leave. Tomas had a very late breakfast and started his daily workout, secure in the knowledge that Rashid had returned to him, and had taken the time to fuck him, before he attended to any other pressing business in the fort. Tomas was truly a happy slave.

Tomas continued to work very hard at his workouts and his stretching exercises, particularly as he found out how happy it had made Rashid with all the new things he was now able to do, and Tomas found that he desperately wanted to be able to please him. Life returned to its usual routine with Tomas spending his days alone while he did his workouts and stretching exercises in the mornings. Spending the afternoons walking through the gardens, or sitting in the courtyard and listening to the birds singing to each other, but it was the nights Tomas looked forward to the most because that was when Rashid would come and fuck him and they would spend the nights together. On the rare occasion, Rashid would surprise Tomas and visit him during the day to fuck his arse, or to get Tomas to suck him off, or both if he was in the mood.

Very occasionally, like today, Rashid would send in clothes for him to wear, and have the servant to tell Tomas to take care with his toilet and be dressed and ready to entertain his visitors. These were times that Tomas lived for, because it was at these times that he got to show off for Rashid's visitors, and Tomas knew that it was because of his skills as an entertainer that Rashid status in the area had raised dramatically. Today was to be no exception; he came back from his exercises to find clothes laid out on his bed. So he knew he was to entertain some guests of Rashid tonight. He made sure, after his enema that the water came out clear, because he knew that all of Rashid's visitors had heard about him, and probably would want to fuck him as well. He took pains to ensure that there was nothing caught up under his foreskin, because even though he had a prince albert, and that prevented his foreskin rolling back over the head of his cock. Things could still get caught up in the folds of it, like piss for example, so he made sure that he stretched it out and it was all nice and clean.

He didn't have to worry about his hole not being able to open enough to accommodate even the biggest of cocks, because since arriving at the fort he was well used, consequently his hole was quite elastic. He was confident that he could accommodate anyone his Master wanted him to, even if their cocks were bigger than he had ever had up his chute, he knew better than to complain, he was nothing if he wasn't a good slave. He checked all his piercing sites, as he did every day, to ensure that he had no tears or infections. Only when he was satisfied did he perfume himself and get dressed and waited to be summonsed before Rashid and his guests.

Tomas was summonsed to appear before Rashid and his guests, and the servant who had been sent to fetch him cast a critical eye over his attire. Tomas had had the audacity to approach one of the servants who tended to his room, and had asked him if he could make some 'changes' to his dishdasha, but the servant had totally ignored Tomas, just as if he hadn't spoken. But the servant had listened and had obviously decided that this change to Tomas' dishdasha was permissible, but Tomas knew that if there were any problems caused by his attire, then it would be entirely Tomas' fault. With this thought uppermost in his mind Tomas followed the servant as he made his way to the rooms that Rashid entertained his guests in.

The music started as soon as Tomas entered the room, and he trailed his hand behind him along the very edge of the divan cushions that he passed. When he reached the corner of the last divan, he seemed to snag the cord that was running down the front of his dishdasha, and when it was pulled out his dishdasha broke open. As he walked to the central area where he was to perform, his dishdasha billowed out behind him, and it started to fall off his shoulders, and it ended up in a pile of material on the floor. Now, clad only in his see through t-shirt and underpants, there was some sharp intakes of air as his appreciative audience could clearly see his huge bubble butt through the filmy material. He slowly turned to face his audience, and there were more appreciative sounds as they could all plainly see his cock as it hung pendulously between his legs. It appeared as though his cock had two minders standing behind it, as the audience could also clearly make out his nuts hanging in their sack behind his cock. The light picked up, and glinted back to his audience from the ring set into his prince albert piercing and none of the audience where in any doubt that the ring was made of solid gold.

Very slowly and deliberately Tomas walked towards his audience, very carefully placing one foot directly in front of the other, so it almost seemed as though he wasn't moving at all. In fact if it hadn't been for him moving his legs around each other, his audience would not have noticed him moving at all. As he walked closer to his audience his underpants worked themselves loose and joined his dishdasha on the floor, and somehow he lost his t-shirt as well. So now he was standing in front of his audience totally naked, just as he had reached the closest divan, once again he spun on the spot and did his very slow walk away from them. Because he was still putting one foot directly in front of the other it really accentuated the dimple zones in each butt cheek, as well as making his arse swing suggestively, and again it drew appreciative noises from his captivated audience. While he had done his walk to and from his audience, the musicians had been increasing their pace, and when he'd returned to his original starting position, he started to slowly spin on the spot. Increasing his speed until he matched that of the music, and slowly, as if it was caused by the centrifugal force of his turning body, his left leg left the floor and was slowly being forced out to the side of him. To his audience it looked as though his genitals had decided to follow his left leg, his arms were also moving away from his body until they were flung out to the sides.

There was a sudden break in the music, and Tomas froze on the spot in mid-swing and lowering his leg and arms, he now stood on the spot, but with his back to his audience, and then just as suddenly the music began again. It was as though someone had accidently paused a CD that was playing, and then just as hurriedly pushed play again. Now Tomas moved out of time with the music, he planted his hands on the floor, and with infinite slowness he pulled himself up into a hand stand. Now his appreciative audience could plainly see his balls in their bag falling forward and covering a little more than half of Tomas' cock, and they could all plainly see the gold ring in his guiche piercing glinting in the lamp light, and by now his audience had become very vocal in showing their appreciation. While in his handstand, he started to spin on the spot again, and again it seemed as though his legs were forced apart with the centrifugal force of his spin, allowing his audience to get a glimpse of his bright pink arsehole. Closing his legs again, he rolled into a tumble turn and regained his feet, again with his back to his audience, he started to shake his booty, so that it appeared to shimmer in the lamplight. Leaning to the left, and leading with his left hand he snaked his body around himself, starting with his upper body he turned around until he was facing his audience again. While remaining on the spot, he moved his legs in time with the music by just raising his heels off the ground and putting them back down again, this way he ensured that his cock was rolled from side to side by his thighs. As well as reaching his hands high over his head so that he was at full stretch so his audience could see all his muscles clearly defined, accentuated by the sheen of sweat that had built up on his body. As the movement of his hips caused his torso to move slightly from side to side, it appeared as though his body was just flowing on itself.

While he continued to move his legs he very slowly turned on the spot until his back was again to his audience, he reached down and grabbed his ankles which parted his cheeks and allowed his audience another look at his bright pink butt hole. Raising to his full height, with his left arm fully extended above his head, and with his right arm across his chest, he started to gyrate his hips again. Turning on the spot until he was facing his audience again, he placed both hands on his butt cheeks, and taking wide steps he walked towards his audience bucking his hips, until he reached Rashid's divan. It was obvious to everyone in the room that Rashid was very aroused by Tomas' act; in fact it was obvious that all his audience was very aroused.

Grabbing the hem of Rashid's dishdasha he forced it bodily up Rashid's body until he ripped it over his head and threw it away with reckless abandonment, now to the very vocal encouragement of his audience. Tomas grabbed Rashid's t-shirt by the collar and ripped the fabric right down the middle, now the rest of his audience were on its feet, when he grabbed the filmy fabric of Rashid's underpants and ripped them off his body. He fell hungrily onto Rashid's throbbing cock and swallowed it right down to the root, and noisily started to suck and slurp it. Much to the encouragement of his audience who were now crowding around Rashid's divan, when Tomas felt Rashid's balls start to shake, he stopped slurping on his cock and just holding the head in his mouth he waited until the moment passed. When he was sure that Rashid had regained control of himself, he let his cock fall out of his mouth, he turned around and kissed Rashid long and deep; and seemingly effortlessly he sunk down onto Rashid's cock which magically found his anus. Tomas impaled himself on Rashid's cock while he was still kissing him, now their audience were stripping themselves while Tomas slowly miked Rashid's cock while he continued to kiss him.

One of the audience members couldn't stand it anymore, he jumped up onto the divan and then crouching over the two men, he lined his cock up with Tomas' stuffed arsehole and then started to force his cock into Tomas' occupied anus. He grunted and groaned as he forced the head of his cock into Tomas' arse. Tomas felt as though his arse was being ripped in two, but he gamely tried to relax his anus muscles more so that the intruder could get his cock in as well. Rashid hadn't broken the kiss, so Tomas continued to kiss him back as passionately as tears of pain rolled down his cheeks. As the other guy had managed to work almost the full length of his cock up Tomas' now battered arse, it was the intruder's cock that got to set the rhythm as neither Rashid nor Tomas could move.

It wasn't long before Tomas felt first one cock buck and erupt sending its load of hot cum deep into his bowels. Followed very shortly by the second cock erupting and giving Tomas its load of cum as well, while both men bellowed with the intensity of their orgasms. The man on top of Tomas collapsed onto his back until he caught his breath and then he pulled his cock out of Tomas' bruised and battered arse. Tomas remained on top of Rashid until he felt Rashid's cock slide out of his arse. He kissed Rashid again, and turned around and licked and sucked his cock clean for him, Rashid looked up and could plainly see that Tomas was unable to close his hole completely and it gaped open slightly. He crawled off Rashid just as one of the other audience members grabbed him by the hips and plunged the full length of his cock into Tomas' battered arse; he bucked and ground his arse until he shot his load deep into Tomas' arse.

He was followed by the rest of the audience, until all the men present had fucked Tomas' arse, and when they'd all finished, Tomas made his way back to his rooms. He had a bath and nearly jumped through the roof when the hot water hit his abused arsehole and some of the cum floated out with the water, he soaked in the bath until his hole felt better. He dried himself off and went to bed. Sometime during the night he was joined by Rashid, who fucked his arse slowly, sensuously until he'd cum again. He then gave Tomas permission to cum and he shot his load all over his chest, which he cleaned up with his fingers and swallowed the lot. Rashid rolled Tomas again and reinserted his hard cock into Tomas' arse, and both men fell asleep like that.

Naturally Tomas woke in the morning to find himself totally on his own again, he gingerly reached around to feel his poor sore hole, and his fingers encountered a metal object protruding from his arse. Tomas couldn't remember Rashid, or anyone else for that matter, inserting anything up his arse, so very gingerly he tried to pull it out. Tomas cried out in pain as his anus was forced open by the object he had in his arse. When he eventually got it out he could see that the part that had been in his arse was a bulb or egg shape, and it was about half as big again as a chicken's egg. Then there was like a narrow shaft, that Tomas assumed was the bit that had held his anus open, and then on the flat bottom bit, that Tomas hoped was there to prevent the thing disappearing up his arse all together, was shaped to look like a rose bud. It looked to Tomas to be made of solid gold and expensive, Tomas wasn't too sure if he was happy about that or not, or what he was supposed to do with it. So he left it on the bed and went and had breakfast and got his day underway.

Next: Chapter 11

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