The Silo

By Bastian Ward

Published on Jul 30, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else Thanks.


CHAPTER 1 THE SILO By Bastian Ward

Having got all the documentation that was required by the slavers, it was time to take the slave to be sold. They put him in the back of the van and tied him in so he couldn't move, or escape, not that he was capable of thinking of escape, but the boys still didn't want to take any chances. As he was their ticket to riches, and the boys had dreams of maybe renting a warehouse somewhere and making that their base of operations, of maybe doing this full-time, if it was going to pay as well as they hoped it would. So much was riding on their first sale of a slave.

They drove to Tottenham and found the site with the, apparently, abandoned silos on it. They drove up to the gate, but found no guards, only an intercom system and a security camera. Tomas pushed the button and they were bathed in a stronger light, obviously so that the person monitoring the camera could clearly see who was at the gate, and when he was asked what he wanted he explained that they had a slave they wanted to sell. He was given directions of where to go, and the gate in front of them slowly rattled open. Tomas drove up to the door of the grain elevator, and they all got out of their respective vehicles.

They released the slave from the back of the van. When he started to look around for his underwear, he was told he didn't need any that they were so deep in the industrial part of Melbourne; no one would be able to see anything, and quite frankly they really didn't care anyway.

Tomas grabbed the chain that was locked to his guiche, so the slave had to follow or risk having the guiche ripped out, which he realised he didn't want to have happen as he remembered how painful it was to get the piercing in the first place. As they approached the grain elevator someone opened the door from the inside. They all walked through the door, unsure of what they were going to find as the whole place looked derelict, just like all the other grain silos in the area, but when they walked through the door, none of them were prepared for the sight that greeted them. Obviously the interior had been refitted and as they entered the foyer, they could have been walking into any office block in the city.

A man was walking towards them with his hand held out. "Hi guys, which one of you are Tomas?"

Tomas stepped forward, "Hi. I'm Tomas," he said as he shook hands with the other man. "Good to meet you at long last. I'm Stieg," he said as he shook everyone's hand, "and this must be the slave you want to sell."

"Yes," replied Tomas.

"Do you have all the paperwork?"

"Um, yes we do," Tomas said as he handed an envelope to Stieg, "I think you will find all the paperwork is in order. I must say that I didn't think that you guys would be so thorough."

"Oh, yes," said Stieg as he took the envelope from Tomas, "we have to be. We don't want anyone to come looking for the slave, now do we?"

"Um, no. I'm sure you don't. It's quite an operation you have here."

"Yes. We've been doing this for some time now, and this our base here in Melbourne, as you probably noticed this silo looks exactly the same as all the other silos in the area. No one really has any idea what to do with them, so we were able to buy these ones cheap.

Anyway. Enough of the small talk. If you would like to follow me, gentlemen, we will process your slave," he said over his shoulder, as he led the way to one of the two elevators.

They went down a level and came out into an almost bare room. Stieg indicated a rind set into the floor and told the boys that they could tether the slave to it, which they did, and went back to the desk where Stieg was going through the paperwork they had provided.

"Well this all seems to be in order," he said as the boys walked towards him. He looked at his laptop and confirmed their bank deposit. "Now as you've read all the literature we posted on our site. You understand that you will get your deposit back, in full, after we have sold the slave."

"Yes," replied Tomas, "I explained to the boys how all this worked."

"Good. Good?"

"Um, I'm sorry, but is there a loo I can use," Tomas asked.

"Certainly," Stieg called another man over and told him to show Tomas where the toilet is.

When Tomas had walked off to go to the toilet, Stieg looked at the other boys and asked them who the leader of their little group was. Ted put his hand up and indicated that he was the leader of the group, after Tomas.

So he asked if he could have a word, and Ted nodded. Stieg took him upstairs, leaving the rest of the group to wait for Tomas with the slave. When they got to the office both men sat in two of the lounge chairs. Stieg offered Ted a drink, which he accepted.

"Now, Ted, there is something I really want to talk to you about?"

"Ok. What's on your mind?"

"What can you tell me about Tomas?"

Ted was a little taken aback by the question, but he proceeded to tell Stieg a potted version of Tomas' life, how he was orphaned at an early aged when his entire family was killed in a car crash. Consequently he received a huge payout by Vic roads and the other people who caused the accident in the first place. Ted went on to tell Stieg how Tomas was brought up by some of his uncles and aunts, but Tomas left there when he was 16yrs old, because the only reason his relatives were looking after him was to get their hands on his money. Consequently Tomas hasn't spoken to any of his relatives in the past 8 or so years.

Stieg asked him if it really was a big payout, and Ted assured him that Tomas was worth about a million bucks. Stieg nodded thoughtfully. Then he asked Ted if Tomas was working at the moment. Ted told him the Tomas really didn't have to, because of the payout he got. But went on to say that Tomas had been to Uni and has a bachelors in Computer Science or some such, as well as doing a double major in accountancy, he continued to explain that even though he really didn't have to, Tomas did freelance work in both fields. When he wasn't doing freelance work in either computers or accountancy, he also did some freelance work as a labourer around Melbourne, that and he did spend a lot of time in the gym.

Stieg nodded appreciatively and said that he could see that Tomas worked out.

Ted told Stieg that all the guys thought he was nuts. Ted hastened to add that he and the guys couldn't understand why Tomas would work as a labourer when he had all this money and qualifications, and didn't really need to work.

Stieg asked Ted who Tomas' next of kin was, seeing as he wasn't in contact with his relatives, and he asked if Tomas had a partner.

Ted explained that he actually filled the role of Tomas' next of kin if he ever went overseas or had an operation, or something. In fact, Ted told Stieg, that Tomas was trying to give him Enduring Power of Attorney just in case.

"Well, you know, Ted, I think you should take the Enduring Power of Attorney?"

"Well I am thinking about it, but don't know if I want to have all that responsibility."

"You know, Ted, I was wondering how your feeling, in fact I'm wondering how all you guys actually feel about selling your slave? I know," he hastened to add, "that the original idea was Tomas', but I'm wondering what you and the guys' real thoughts are on the idea?"

"Well, actually, even though it was Tomas' idea to start with. We all agreed to the idea, unanimously, because we all like breaking in the subs, but then we just let them go when we'd finished with them. This way we get to make some money on the side."

"So, does Tomas have a girlfriend, a partner?"

"No. No, he doesn't even date anyone regularly. I think he really likes playing the field for now. Why?"

"I was just wondering if he had any real ties, at the moment."

"Um, not that I know of. Um, where are you going with this?" Ted asked suspiciously.

Stieg looked at Ted for a long minute. "Look, I know he's your friend and all, but fuck the guy is a wet dream walking, isn't he??"

Ted opened his mouth to say something, but Stieg cut him off, "Just hear me out. We are both business men, and you are now in the slave trade, correct?"

Ted nodded, and Stieg continued, "Tomas is tall, he's very athletic, he is very good looking, and he's blond. Is he a true blond, do you know?"

Ted was taken aback, but he answered without really thinking about it, "Um, yeah, all the hair on his body is blond. In fact he is a really nice golden colour?"

"Yes, I'd noticed, which is why I'd asked the question. So, even his pubes are blond?"

"Yeah, he's blond from head to toe. Literally."

"And, you know this because?"

"Well, we went to school together, and as he doesn't have any family, that he wants to live with, he spent a lot of time at my place. And like all kids we've changed in front of each other, neither of us being shy, and, when we break in a new sub, well, all the guys are there. You, know, we egg each other on. So we've all seen each other naked?"

"So, you would know if he has a big dick then?"

"Yeah," Ted laughed, "all us guys are jealous of him and his colossal tool."

"Would you be interested in selling him?"

Ted leapt out of his seat, "What?"

Stieg remained in his seat and looked calmly up at Ted. "You know he would bring an absolute premium, especial if he is as endowed as you claim, he could be our highest selling slave to date. Couple that with the fact that, if you can get him to give you Enduring Power of Attorney, then you and the boys could stand to make a small fortune in a very short amount of time." Stieg hastened to add, before Ted could say anything, "Just think of all that money. Besides he's worth more to you guys as a slave than he is a friend. Now. I don't want you to give me an answer just yet," Stieg said as he stood up and draped his arm over Teds' shoulders and steered him towards the lift, "but think about it. That's all I'm asking you to do. Ok?"

Ted nodded, and Stieg walked with him back downstairs. By the time they got back Tomas had finished in the loo, and they had finished all the paperwork, so they were ready to leave.

"Where've you been?" Tomas asked, as soon as Ted and Stieg exited the lift.

"Um, what? Oh, yeah, my mate, Stieg here; was just showing me around the facility, and I have to admit, it's a pretty neat setup."

"Oh," replied Tomas, "can we have a tour as well?"

"Not now," replied Stieg, "sorry; but you boys are welcome to come and watch an auction if you want to."

Some of the guys nodded and indicated that they would like that, as they all got into the lift. They exited the silo and got into their van and cars. Some of the guys were going to the pub to celebrate the sale of their first slave, and the rest had to go home. So they reorganised themselves into the vehicles going to their respective destinations.

Interestingly enough, Ted and Tomas ended up in Tomas' car together, as they were going to the pub, and then Tomas was going to give Ted a lift home. They made small talk on the way, "So when do we get the money back?" asked Ted.

"Um, when they sell the slave in 9-12 months' time..."

"I wonder why they keep them for so long."

"Apparently, according to the literature they provided on their website, they keep them that long a) to train them, and b) to ensure that they are in top physical condition."


They travelled along in companionable silence for a while, and then Ted asked, "I wonder if the piercing hurt?"

Which broke into Tomas' concentration, "Hmm, what..?"

"I was just wondering if it hurt, being pierced..."

"Um. Can I let you in on a little secret..?"

"Sure. You know I've always kept your secrets?"

"Um. Well. Um, I got one?"

"One what..?"

"A piercing?"

"You didn't!"

"Yep," replied Tomas, and as they had just stopped at the lights. He worked his pants down. Lifted up his cock and nuts and spread his legs as wide as he could within the confines of the drivers' seat, to let Ted see his Guiche piercing.

Ted let out a low whistle when he caught the glint of the metal ring piercing his friend's perineum. "When did you get that?"

"Yesterday. You know I've always wanted a tat or something, but I can't have a tat because of my fair skin?"


"Well, I was thinking about getting my ear pierced, but I've always thought they looked a bit. Well, poofy, if you know what I mean?"

Ted nodded.

"So when I saw the slave getting his piercing, I decided to get one too? Just for me, you know. Not something to show the world, you know?"

Ted nodded, "Fuck mate. Did it hurt?"

"Like a bitch! But I couldn't wimp out, not after our slave got pierced without so much as a whimper?"

"Yeah," said Ted with a chuckle.

"When it's healed properly, I was thinking of getting a white gold ring put in. What'd you think?"

"Yeah. I suppose. If you want to keep it, of course?"

"Of course I want to keep it," retorted Tomas, "I'm not going through all of this and not keep it..." With that the lights changed, so Tomas drove down the road, with his pants still down 'round his knees, while he waited for the next red light so he could pull them up. Meanwhile Ted sat there, mesmerised by the sight of his friend driving the car with his pants down, showing his huge cock and balls to the world, nestled in its bed of spun gold hair, that seem to glow every time they went under a street light. And Ted started to make his plans.

******* A week or so later, Ted was over at Tomas' place, who was walking around the place naked, as usual. "Hey, Tomas?"


"Look. I've been thinking. You know how you've been hassling me about being your next of kin and all. And how you want to give me Enduring Power of Attorney?"


"Well, I've been thinking. And I've thought it over, and I've decided that if you still want me too, then, yes I will be your Power of Attorney?"

Tomas scooped Ted up in a bear hug and danced with him around the room, shouting 'thankyous' at the top of his voice. When Tomas eventually put Ted down he sat in a chair and, for the first time ever, he cast a critical eye over his naked friend. He noted his golden hair, of course, but he also noted his well-developed rounded shoulders, and how he could see the muscles moving under his skin. His eyes continued down to his pectoral muscles and, for the first time ever, he noticed just how well defined they were. In fact he noticed that his friend had very good muscle definition all over, from his pecs, to his washboard abs, down to his legs and he mentally remarked on the definition he'd achieved in his thighs, and he noticed how his calves stood out like rocks as they tapered down to his ankles, and he also noted, for the first time how truly large his friends feet actually were. But the thing that really topped off the overall effect was his pendulous low hanging cock and balls. Which probably explained why he had such a big bubble butt, he probably needed it as a counter balance so he didn't fall flat on his face every time he stood up.

That was the first time Ted truly looked at his friend as an asset, and a very saleable one at that. Yes, Ted had to admit to himself, that he and the other guys were going to make themselves a lot of money from the sale of this slave. Yes, they could all be very rich men indeed and because Tomas had already got a Guiche, and now he was insisting the Ted have Enduring Power of Attorney, well there really wasn't a lot more they would have to do in order to sell Tomas as their second slave.

So after the guys had talked about the documentation that Ted would need to provide in order to get the Enduring power of Attorney, and Tomas had downloaded a copy of the forms he needed to fill in, Ted left, both men feeling happy with themselves but for very different reasons.

********** Ted had already decided that he wasn't going to tell the other guys, until he absolutely had too. He didn't want anyone to get cold feet and tell Tomas what they had in mind. So the nine friends went on with life as usual, while Ted mulled over the medical requirements and the required death certificate, and how he could talk Tomas into getting at least the medical done.

******* It had been about 2 months since they sold their slave, and some of the guys were getting a bit antsy about finding a new slave. So they started to troll the pubs and clubs in their local areas looking for a new slave, because they now knew that they were going to sell them when they had finished with them, they were a bit more discerning now in their choice of who they wanted for their next slave.

No one in the group, except for Ted, knew that they actually had their next slave already. In fact Ted had been racking his brains to come up with a way to get Tomas' medical check done. He was at Tomas' place one Saturday afternoon, just hanging out watching TV, goofing around, just the usual stuff. When an ad for an on-line insurance agency, advertising over the phone life insurance, and inspiration struck Ted.

"Hey Tomas?"


"Do you have any life insurance?"

"Nope. Why? I don't need it. I've got a pile of money. Why do I need any more for? And besides whom would I leave it to? You have Enduring Power of Attorney now. That should be enough, shouldn't it?"

"Well, now, promise me you won't get mad at me?"

"Why would I get mad at you for?"

"Well, I was reading up about your Enduring Power of Attorney, and it turns out that even with the E. P. o A., I still wouldn't be able to access any of your accounts until after probate. I'm just concerned about getting the money for your funeral..." Ted held up his hand to forestall Tomas' protests, "besides, aren't you supposed to have life insurance for work?"

"Well?yes I am. I just lie and tell them I have it," he said looking at Ted a little sheepishly, "besides I don't have a regular GP. If I go into see someone, I think I can get into trouble for not having life insurance, actually. So I figure, what they don't know won't hurt them."

"Oh," replied Ted thoughtfully, "hey, I know. What about that GP we took the slave to for his physical. He could do your physical on the quiet. I mean he charges an arm and a leg, but you've got the money, then you'd actually have the physical done. No one will find out that you haven't had it all along. I mean the GP will keep his mouth shut, then all you have to do is apply through one of the on-line agencies, an' then you'd have it for real.

What do you think? I mean it's just a suggestion, of course. I mean if you don't really want to get it done. It's all up to you."

"Well?I suppose I could do that, but the examination was pretty full on?"

"Look. If it would make you feel any better, I could go with ya. Ya big baby! You know, I could hold your hand for you!"

"Would you?" Tomas' asked hopefully.

"Sure! No probs. Just let me know when you make the appointment."

Ted had a tiny twinge of his conscience, as he thought about the real reasons he wanted this particular GP to do his physical. Teds' name was on everything Tomas owned, the title of his house, his bank account, and for anything else he had the E. P. o A. Tomas had very thoughtfully got himself a Guiche. So this was the final piece of the requirements, with this the GP could issue the death certificate without any problems.

Ted settled back to watching TV, with dollar signs running through his head.

****** It took 2 weeks for Ted to get Tomas to make an appointment to see the Dr. Ted had spoken to the Dr already, so he knew that he had to give Tomas a 'full' physical. He also knew that he would have to acquire a death certificate for him as well, and for an extra couple of hundred he wouldn't let on to Tomas why his physical was going to be just as thorough as their 'slaves' was. He had been worded up by Ted, so he knew that Tomas didn't know he was actually going to be sold as a slave. Not that he cared too much, as long as he got paid, that was all he cared about. That and the fact that it was all tax free.

Ted and Tomas arrived a bit early for their appointment, but as they were the Drs' last appointment, no one else was in the waiting room, and the Drs' Receptionist was just finishing up. She let the Dr know that they were there, and she told the two men that he wouldn't be long.

The Doctor opened his office door and beckoned them inside. When they were all seated Tomas thanked the Dr for seeing him, and for providing the paperwork he needed to get life insurance. The Dr assured him that it was no problem, particularly if they keep sending him work; he said he was only too happy to help.

"Ok," the Dr said, "Tomas, if you could strip we can get started."

"What!" yelped Tomas, "why do I have to strip now for?"

"Oh, come on," said the Dr, "we're all men here. Besides it saves time later if you strip now. So if you want to do this, then you better hurry up or I'll miss getting the samples picked up tonight. Then you'd just have to come back again another time."


"Hey," said Ted, a bit sharply, Tomas thought, "the good Dr, here is doing you a big favour. Now if you don't want to get caught without having life insurance. Shut the fuck up, and strip."

"Ok. Ok, you don't have to be so bitchy about it, I'll do it," he said, a bit taken aback by Teds' tone. With that he stood up and stripped. While he was stripping, the Dr got out all the containers for all the blood and other bodily fluids that had to be sent off to Pathology for testing.

Tomas sat back down and the Dr drew a lot of blood and squirted some into each of the vials he had opened ready. He gave Tomas two specimen bottles and told him to go and piss into each of them. "I can't walk out there naked", Tomas balked, "what if someone sees me?"

"Oh, for fucks sake, Tomas?" Ted started, "it was good enough for the 'slave'. Besides the front door is locked and the blinds are pulled down. No one is going to see you?" he slapped Tomas' bare arse.

Tomas yelped and scarped out of the room. While he was going the Dr called for a Pathology collection. Ted asked him when the last collection was, and the Dr told him they do collections 24/7. Ted laughed just a Tomas came back with the two containers full of urine. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Nothing," said Ted.

Tomas gave the two containers to the Dr, "Good, now hop up on the bench please."

Tomas complied and sat on the bench, while the Dr got out another specimen container. He put on a glove, squirted some gel onto it, and then grabbed Tomas' cock. Again Tomas yelped and jumped. He grabbed the Dr's hand and asked him what he was doing.

With a heavy sigh the Dr explained that he was checking to see what his sperm count was, and to check to see if his sperm were Ok. Tomas wanted to know why he couldn't masturbate, why the Dr had to do it for. He was swiftly reminded, by both men that the Dr had to time how long it took for him to ejaculate, consequently he had to do it in a controlled way. The Dr also reminded him that he had to make the last collection, or they'd have to come back and do it all over again another night. Still not very happy about it, and pouting just a little, he laid back and let the Dr's hand go.

The Dr started to slowly stroke his cock, grabbing it at the base and slowly moving his hand up the length of his cock. Tomas didn't think he was ever going to get hard, like this, let alone cum, but he wisely kept his thoughts to himself this time. Meanwhile the Dr kept slow stroking his cock, and before he knew it, Tomas could feel his cock getting hard. He became aware that as the Dr ran his hand up his cock, his thumb was actually rubbing the underside of his cock, and forcing his thumb through the beginning of the slit in the head of his cock. He kept up the pressure as his thumb continued along the slit, until his thumb met the rest of his fingers. Then he let go and started to stroke his cock from the base again. The Dr reminded him to tell him when he was going to cum so he could catch it in the specimen jar.

Shortly after that, somewhat raggedly, Tomas told the Dr, he was going to cum. The Dr grabbed the specimen jar just in time to catch his cum as he shot his load. Panting, Tomas looked over at Ted and saw that he was rubbing his own cock through his jeans.

When Tomas had recovered himself enough, the Dr got him up on all fours on the bench and told him to spread his knees a bit apart. We were treated to the sight of his low hanging balls and cock hanging down, topped off with his bright pink tight, rose bud hole winking out at them, and there halfway between the two, was his guiche piercing. The sign of his impending life of servitude, although he was totally unaware of it right now. The Dr checked the piercing site to ensure it was healing Ok, but Ted was totally mesmerised by the sight of Tomas' tight butt hole, so much so that he didn't notice that the Dr had changed his glove and had lubed up his pointer finger, and it wasn't until the Dr stood in front of him, blocking his view of Tomas' butt hole, that Ted came out of his trance-like state.

The Dr told him he was going to check his prostrate, and proceeded to force his finger into Tomas' hole. He forced his finger in until he could feel his prostrate, then when he was satisfied he pulled his finger out with an audible 'plop'. The Dr got a speculum and lubed it up and pushed it into poor Tomas' arse hole. He complained that it was too cold, but no one was listening to him now.

As the Dr screwed the speculum open, Tomas was going to complain about the pain this was causing in his arse, but he wisely thought that they'd just ignore him, or call him a sissy or some such. So he put up with it, but the Dr didn't need to open his hole up as much as it felt like it was being forced by Tomas. He took some scrapings from the skin around the opening of his hole and checked around inside the opening, and Tomas breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the Dr close the speculum and pull it out. He told Tomas to sit on one of the chairs in the office and wait while he labelled everything for Pathology to collect.

It didn't worry Tomas too much being naked all the time, as he was always naked at home and he had no problems with changing in front of the guys at the gym, he knew he was in perfect physical shape. He also knew that more than one of the guys at the gym, drooled over his mammoth cock, what he didn't like was being the total focus of attention, like here and now in the Dr's office, but he knew he probably really needed to have life insurance just in case anyone asks. He looked over at Ted, and noticed he had a boner in his pants that he was trying to surreptitiously make room for in his pants, "You need help with that mate?"

"What??" asked Ted, as he went bright red.

Tomas laughed, "I didn't think you were really into guys"

"I'm not," retorted Ted.

"Well, you're pretty boned over there. If you're not really into this, then maybe you'd better get the Doc to check YOU out, 'cause it looks like you're going to break something over there in a minute."

"Piss off...!" Ted managed to stop himself just in time, because he almost called Tomas a slave, and that would have given the whole game away.

It was the first time, since they were adults that Ted had ever used that tone of voice with Tomas, and without realising it Tomas was beginning to bone up again. For the first time in their lives, Ted ordered Tomas to come over and get his dick out, and Tomas complied, and for the first time as adults Tomas was on his knees, in front of Ted, as he undid his jeans and freed his cock. "Lick", commanded Ted as he scooted his arse forward on his chair, to give easier access to his cock and balls. Without stopping to think of what he was doing he leaned forward and started to lick Ted's cock and balls, "Aww, fuck," Ted said as he felt Tomas swallow his cock down halfway.

Both boys had totally forgotten where they were, as they got caught up in what they were doing. In fact they didn't even totally realise what they had actually started. Tomas was now bobbing up and down on Ted's cock, which led to its usual conclusion and it wasn't until Ted said he was going to cum, that the spell was broken by the Dr yelling at him not to cum in his mouth.

It was at that point that two things happened almost simultaneously, Tomas pulled off Ted's cock, at the same moment that Ted ejaculated, which meant that most of Ted's cum went all over Tomas' face. The Dr grabbed Tomas by the hair and pulled his head back and he cleaned Tomas' face, and both boys looked shamefaced, but for different reasons. Tomas because it was the first time he had ever sucked an adult males cock, and Ted because he could have ruined the sale value of his slave, because in truth, that is how Ted now thought of Tomas.

Tomas went and sat back on his chair, while Ted cleaned himself up and stuffed his cock back into his pants, and before either man could say anything the office doorbell rang, breaking the tension in the room a bit. The Dr grabbed the samples and went to answer the bell, leaving the two men in the office on their own, neither of whom could bring themselves to look at the other, nor say anything to each other.

"Right," said the Dr when he came back into his office, "let's get this finished, now shall we?" With that he proceeded with the rest of the examination, taking Tomas' blood pressure, weighing him, checking his height, examining his testicles for any abnormalities, checking his body fat; and so on until an hour later the Dr declared himself finished and told Tomas he could get dressed now.

He gave Tomas a handful of referrals to have tests done, like x-rays, CT scans, MRI's, and some internal examinations that the Dr was unable to do himself in his office. All in all, it took about a month to have all the tests done and for the Dr to get all the results back. Tomas and Ted were back in the Dr's office, and he told them that Tomas had a very clean bill of health, as he gave a copy of all the tests, in an envelope to Ted, and the two men left the Dr's office.

They went back to Tomas' place, and naturally, as soon as he walked through the door he stripped, they got his laptop and applied for life insurance on-line with Ted as the beneficiary. Tomas settled in to watch some TV before he went to the gym, and Ted scooped up the envelope, saying that as he's next of kin the information would be useful for him if he ever needed to refer to it. Tomas just shrugged and settled in to watch TV as Ted let himself out. Ted would have liked to make use of his mouth again but he wanted to present him to Stieg as pristine as possible. He was going to make a fortune out of Tomas; Ted had decided that he wasn't going to share the sale, nor the fact that he now thought of Tomas as nothing but a slave, with the rest of the guys, as he didn't think they'd understand. He'd already told the Dr to organise Tomas' Death Certificate so that everything would be in order when he comes to sell Tomas.

******* So 4? months after they first went to the 'silo' Ted and Tomas were back at the gate, and Tomas was again pushing the buzzer and asking for admittance. While the gate was rattling open, "Why didn't the other guys come? I thought they all wanted to see an auction as well?"

"Yes they do, but this is a special auction and when Stieg told me about it, and because of who was going to be here tonight, he told me that only two of us could come this time, and the next auction they have then everyone can come. So, naturally, you were the only one I thought to invite." He replied, hoping that Tomas wouldn't see through the lie.

But he seemed to accept the explanation, as he didn't ask any more questions, and as the gate was open he drove in and parked in the same spot as he did the last time, and both owner and slave got out of the car and entered the door of what used to be the grain elevator, but this time both men knew its real function.

Once again Stieg met them as soon as they walked through the door, "Good to see you again Sir," he said as he held out his hand and shook Teds' proffered hand. Tomas put his hand out to shake Stiegs' hand as well, but it was pointedly ignored, but before he could say anything Stieg had moved off towards the elevator, so he followed along behind him with Ted. As it appeared to just have happened by accident, Tomas was standing just inside the elevator doors, so when they opened he was going to be the first one out. But one of the workers was standing so close to the elevator doors that Tomas almost walked right into him. Before Tomas had a chance to say anything, he saw a movement. Felt a huge pain in his chest, and losing control of his muscles, dropped to the floor. He was rolled over and felt something being locked around his wrists, as he slowly felt in control of his body again. "What the?" was all he got to say before he was backhanded across his face, this stunned him momentarily as he was helped to his feet. His pants and jocks were pulled down and heard and felt something being connected to his guiche, and then he was being pulled along by the chain that was now attached to his guiche and Tomas had no other option than to follow along behind Ted, who was holding the other end of the chain, as best he could with his pants down around his ankles. Ted attached his end of the chian to the ring in the floor and turned to face his former friend, "Now, slave, I am going to unlock your hand cuffs and I want you to strip. I do not give you permission to speak, just nod if you understand."

Tomas stood and looked at his former, lifelong friend, and then he looked at the other men in the room who were all standing around watching him with smirks on their faces. Tomas nodded his understanding, as he understood that he was now the 'slave' and he was being sold by his former best friend. He understood with blinding clarity how he had allowed himself to be in this situation. How he'd made Ted his next of kin, how he'd given him the Enduring Power of Attorney, the full on medical he'd had at Teds' insistence, how he'd had Teds' name put on his bank accounts, his house title and all the rest. Yes, he could see how he blindly allowed Ted to take over his life and allowed him to now sell him as a slave, and there was now nothing he could do about it.

Slowly, reluctantly, after Ted had removed his handcuffs, he stripped in front of all these guys who were now leering at him hungrily, until he was standing in front of all these guys as naked as the day he was born. Tethered to the floor by the guiche he thought he'd been so clever in getting. As he watched Ted and Stieg signing all the paperwork he silently started to cry, he watched them shake hands, and Ted walked back over to him.

Ted placed his hand on his cheek, "Fuck buddy, you've just made me a very wealthy man. Oh, and don't worry," he continued with a smirk, "me and the boys will be back to watch a very important auction. One I believe you will be the centre of attention." With a laugh and without so much as a backwards look Ted entered the lift and left Tomas to his fate.

When the elevator doors slid shut, Tomas was told to lie down on the floor, which he did and they quickly shackled his hands and feet together so that he was effectively hog tied. He heard something being detached from the wall behind him. He felt something being touched to his left butt cheek, and he let out an almighty yell as he felt his butt cheek burning. When he stopped yelling, they unshackled him and told him to stand. As he gingerly got to his feet he watched them wheel a box, on a trolley in his direction. By the time he had gained his feet they had set the box on its end in front of him, and as they were unscrewing the front panel he could see that it was a bit taller than he was and just a bit wider. When the front panel was removed, they unclipped the side panels.

The man with the taser stood in front of him, and holding the taser in front of his face said, "I'm gunna unclip you from the floor, and you are going to walk over and stand with your back against the back of the box. Is that understood?"

Tomas opened his mouth to respond, and he was backhanded across the face, not hard enough to knock him to the ground, but hard enough to remind him of his new station in life. He took a breath and nodded his understanding.

"Good! You learn quick. I like that in a slave." With that he unhooked the chain from the floor and keeping hold of it, he led Tomas to the box. Tomas turned around so that his back was against the back of the box. The chain was tethered to another loop set in the bottom of the box, when he was tethered to the bottom of the box, they used the straps attached to the back of the box and secured him in place, so that he had very little room to move. The side panels were clipped back into place, and before they secured the font panel in place, he was given an injection. After the front panel was secured he felt himself being tipped back and then being wheeled around the room. He guessed they were at the lift doors, and the 'ping' sounding when the doors were opened confirmed his suspicions. He felt himself being wheeled out of the lift and across another room, then because of the temperature he surmised that they were outside. He was wheeled over the rough ground for awhile before he was set on his feet again.

He heard someone say that he was the last one and heard, what he thought were chains being threaded through parts of the box. He felt himself being lifted off the ground and his feet being lifted till he was laying flat on his back. He slowly passed out as he felt the box being pushed into something.

Next: Chapter 2

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