The Short Evasion

Published on Jul 25, 2022


THE SHORT EVASION (The Double) - 2


"THE SHORT EVASION (The Double)" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


by Andrej Koymasky © 2018
written on November 21st 1994
translated by the Author
English text kindly revised by a friend


Giacomo, on that Summer, came to his game preserve that borders with our village's forest. Yes, at the castle. Giacomo, you know him as I do, he was at that time a sad boy. I did not know why did he brooded inside himself with that desire. That he knew it was unrealizable. Bah, now he is better, and I'm really glad I contributed in some ways to make him happier.

But at that time, I knew nothing about him. I never saw him, also because the castle is on the other side of the ridge, and he never came to our village, and I went to the castle even less, of course.

Well, that afternoon Giacomo, during a hunting game, unaware, trespassed on the village forest. It was a Sunday, and I was free, or else nothing could have happened.

He decided to leave his horse and to stroll for a while. At last alone, taking advantage of the fact that he outdistanced all the men in his retinue. He whipped his horse sending it back to the game reserve; he jumped the fence and entered the forest enjoying what he thought to be an escapade of a few minutes.

He knew that soon they would look for him, find him, and make him go back in his luxury cage. I had just had one of my secret meetings with Lorenzo and was crossing the forest to go back home, when suddenly I found him in front of me. I never saw such an elegant, refined person, before. He was beautiful, in his riding attire, the shining rifle on his shoulder, the powder horn hanging at his side, the silk clothes wrapping him like a second skin, and the red top hat.

I looked at him, completely fascinated.

No, in that moment neither of us was aware of anything. He looked at me, greeted me with a nod and a smile and said: "Hi. My name is Giacomo. And yours?"

"Giorgio, Sir."

"Don't you know who I am?"

"You are a lord, that's evident. You must have a lot of money, to be so well dressed. I never saw anyone so elegant to now, not even the doctor's son."

He smiles, possibly amused: "Yes, I think I am rich. What kind of work do you do?"

"The inn's scullery-boy, Sir."

"How old are you?"

"Seventeen, Sir."

"The same age as me... let's be less formal, then. Call me by my name, not Sir..." he said me with a winning smile.

I combed back my mane with my fingers and said: "All right, Giacomo, as you like."

He smiled satisfied, then asked me: "Do you have many friends?"

"Well, sure, almost all the village. I was born here."

"You lucky boy..."

"Don't you?"

"No, very few... and not real friends, anyway, you know?"

"What are you doing here in the forest?"

"I'm escaping."

"Escaping? From whom?"

"From the guards..."

"Did you steal?" I asked him amazed, and thought of my father.

"Yes, I stole some freedom."

"Were you in prison?" I asked even more amazed - so elegantly dressed, how could he have fled from prison?

"A kind of prison. Really, you don't know who I am?"

"Giacomo!" I merrily and jokingly answered.

"And... in your opinion, what work does my father do?"

"If he is rich... he does nothing."

"Would you like to see my father's portrait?"

"Eh? Yes..." I said thinking that it is funny for one to go around carrying his father's portrait with him.

He rummaged in his purse, took out a gold coin, showed it to me and said: "See? this is my father."

I looked at the coin and said: "But this is just king Stefano's face!"

"That's it..." he said quietly.

It took a little while for to me to understand. Then I widened my eyes so much that he started laughing. No, of course I believed him at once. I don't know why, possibly just because I could feel he was sincere.

"You are the prince? Giacomo, the crown prince?"

"Unhappily yes."

"Unhappily, do you say? But how? Anyone would like to be in your place! Me especially, goodness!"

"And I would like to be in your place. To live freely, to amuse myself with my friends, not to be compelled to comply to all the Court ceremonial rules..."

We were saying these things, when we heard sound the hunting horns, not so far away.

He did a sad smile and said: "Listen, they have become aware that I fled. This is the gathering signal for an emergency. How long will I remain free before they catch me again? Don't you see? I am the prey now, no more the fox. I bet the foxes are breathing a sigh of relief."

He told me these words with such deep sadness, that on impulse I said to him: "Listen, do you want me to hide you? At least for a while, until you decide when you want them to find you?"

"You bet! I would like... they never found me again..."

"Come, then, hurry up..." I said.

He looked at me with excited eyes, smiled and, told me a "Thank you" at low voice and followed me.

Well, I'm nimble, but he was too, he tailed me from near running in the forest at my same speed, without stumbling.

I guided him to the road, checked there was nobody in sight, and made him cross it. We entered a maize field, taller than us in that season, and took him to the fishpond. I knew that some of the old huts were no more in use. I led him inside one of them.

"Well. It's difficult they could come here to look for you, at least for a while." I said merry and panting.

"Certainly. First they will look for me in the estate, and then perhaps also in the forest. What can we do, now?"

"Do you feel like bathing? The fishpond's water is warm at this time, it's great soaking in it. Are you able to swim?"

"Certainly... but I don't have a swimming suit."

"A swimming suit? What for? Here, we all swim naked!"

"Naked? Really, completely naked? It must be beautiful!"

"Go on, then, undress and come to dive!"

Laughing in happiness, he undressed. In spite of the fact that he wore more clothes than me, we were naked at the same time. Leaving our clothes on the hut's floor, we ran out and dove.

When he emerged, he shouted: "What a wonderful sensation! I never felt anything more wonderful in all my life!"

We played to splash each other, we swam, we laughed split our sides. Then we came out of the water and lay down on the grass to dry under the sun. Giacomo was enraptured.

"Thank you, Giorgio..." he said turning towards me on his side, and rising his upper body on his elbow.

"And what for? The fish pond is not mine!"

"No... to treat me as a friend, and not as a prince."

"Well..." I said moved feeling emotion in his voice.

"I would like so much not to leave this place. I would like so much being at your place... Oh yes, it would be so beautiful..."

"And I at your place, really! Fine clothes, high class food, everybody ready to serve you, bowing to you..."

"I would really like to swap places with you, do you know that?" he said.

He slowly looks up and down at my body, then said: "Do you know that you and I are the same? Really... look, we seem a couple of twins... And... also our faces... If you just cut your hair like mine... the same eyes colour... You really could be thought of as me, and I you, yes, without problems..."

"Well," I said amused, "even if nobody noticed it will be easy for you to be the scullery boy, but for me... doing the prince... completely impossible!"

"Do you think so? Listen, Giorgio, may I just for a short while wear your clothes? Would you allow me?"

"Sure, and I yours?" I answered, amused at that game.

We went back to the hut and each wore the other's clothes. What a splendid sensation those silk garments were on my skin! And they fit me perfectly.

"They tickle... rough cloth... but what a fine freedom sensation. And they are my size, don't you see? Couldn't I pass for you?"

"Well..." I said looking at him somewhat astounded, "besides the different hair cut... yes... My God, you really seem to be me!" I exclaimed.

"And you for me, absolutely. I feel like looking at myself in a mirror! Giorgio... take my place, please! I am serious, let me take your place!"

"Shit, it is not possible, you know it. You know no one of my family, of my friends, and I know no one of yours. I don't have your memories, nor you mine. They will at once see that there is something wrong. And the one to pay for it will be me, not you... The prince is you... And then, the king, the queen, you can guess, they would immediately see that I am not their son!"

"Oh, I almost never meet them. Listen, there is a way that could work for both... We have just to pretend we had had an accident and we lost our memory... And you have to cut your hair like mine. Nothing more. Everything will work perfectly."

"Lost our memory?"

"Yes, certainly, it's called amnesia. So, it would be natural if you don't know how to behave, if you will not recognize the people around you, and if you know nothing. And for me the same. It will work perfectly, you will see... please..."

"But... and how do you pretend to have lost your memory?" I asked, starting to feel fascinated at the idea to play the prince for a short while. Because sooner or later, I was telling myself, he will get tired of the poor life he will have to carry out in my place, and we will swap places again.

"In this way, look... Try to ask me questions, to greet me, what else... like if you were one of my friends and I was Giorgio..."

"Ah... Well... Hi, Giorgio!" I then exclaimed entering in the part.

"Eh? Are you talking to me?"

"Sure I'm talking to you! What's up?"

"Sorry, but... do we know each other?"

"Hey, who are you making fool? It's me, Daniele, shithead!"

"Daniele... who? I don't remember you..." Giacomo said, his eyes intent as if he was really trying hard to remember something...

"Shit... but you are an actor..." I said.

"Actor? I? I don't know... Where are we, now?"

"Hey, stop it, now I understand. But really how can one lose his memory so? Suddenly?"

"Yes, by instance falling from his horse."

"Well, for you it will be easy, as you were really on a horse... that is for me... I mean... but you, on my role?"

"I could have slipped here in the fish pond and hit my head on a stone, for instance. I'll go back to your village looking around me with a lost, dazed expression, until some of your friends or relatives intercept me... And you can be found wandering inside the game preserve... Come on, Giorgio, please... Let's do it..."

Well, I made him beg me some more, but I was feeling more and more near to yield. It was also, possibly, the foolhardiness of my seventeen years... but it seemed more and more feasible. And I was feeling more and more tempted... Suddenly, to be a lord, better, a prince!

"But..." I still objected, "when they will find me, what will they do? When they will understand I lost my memory, what will they do? Wouldn't they close me in a lunatic asylum?"

"Certainly not! They will try to make you recover, and meanwhile they will teach you again all what you were presumed to know, that is all that I know... And that, you will remember - names, court rules, and so forth... Also with me, your family and friends will do the same, right? So then? Are you game? Come on, Giorgio, please..."

Well, the conclusion was that, as you know, we swapped our roles. I put my clothes on again, went at my aunt's home and took her scissors, a comb and a small mirror, and went back to the hut.

He cut my hair, and we again exchanged our clothes. Then we fixed an appointment. We would meet at the fishpond in November.

Then after embracing, wishing each other good luck and bid farewell, I went to the forest while he waited inside the hut: he would go back to the village at late evening, soaked and muddy.

I reached the estate fencing without problems. No noise could be heard. I slipped inside and started to wander. Also because, anyway, I didn't know exactly where to go, and anyway it was for them to find me.

How did I feel? Well... somewhat worried, somewhat excited. At times I was telling myself that I put myself in a big mess, at times that an extraordinary adventure was waiting for me.

I think I wandered for almost one hour, climbing up towards the ridge. It was becoming dark. Then I heard horses, saw torches. They were beating the estate both by foot and by horse, tens and tens of men, servants, guards; everybody seemed out, searching. And they called.

I felt upset, scared, excited, lost. Half of me wanted to run away, to hide, the other half wanted them to find me, to start the adventure. And finally, they saw me. They all came towards me. In that moment fear paralyzed me and, when they reached me, I was trembling like a leave.

"Your Highness, at last... what happened? We were so worried for you, when we saw your horse coming back alone. Where did you go? We have been looking for you for hours."

"My horse?" I stuttered feeling in a deep confusion for a sudden, strong fear.

"Are you fine, Highness?" a man in uniform asked to me.

"Eh? Yes... no... I don't know..." I stammered, really dazed for all that crowd of anxious, stranger faces surrounding me.

"Highness, come..."

"Highness?" I asked, and not to make scene - it was the first time I heard that title. If and when we talked about the king and the prince, at our village, we just said king and prince. For sure not Highness or Majesty. But my question, my confused expression, had their effect.

"Bring a litter, fast! His Highness is not feeling well!" the man in uniform shouted to somebody. Then he said: "Lean on me, Highness, we will take you to the castle."

"Eh? Where?" I asked, now somewhat plucking up courage, and this time really starting to make a scene.

"Up to the castle, Highness. Ah, somebody on horse must inform His Majesty, fast! Sound the cease alert..." the man said hastily and started shouting orders left and right. Everybody quickly complied. He must be a very important guy, that one, I thought.

The litter came, they made me lie down, put on me a blanket and transported me. Well, it was a nice sensation to be transported so, comfortably. Around us men with torches lighted the way.

"Where are you bringing me?" I asked with a dazed tone.

"To the castle, Highness, of course."

"To the castle?" I asked again, and meanwhile I was asking myself if it was not better to ask what is a castle... When one loses his memory, what does he remember and what not? This really was a problem. Well, for sure I did not remember my life as a prince, but possibly I had to remember things like horses, castles, or a bed, bread, hi how are you...

I decided that I could remember these things. Or else, I risked not to be able even to talk. Anyway, I thought, things I forgot, there will be at galore.

Reached the castle (what a dream of a building! I never saw one not even by far...) my "father" the king and my "mother" hurried towards me. They had worried faces (the king was really like on the coin, just somewhat older).

"Giacomo, my son, what happened?" the king asked me. I started again to tremble - to mock the king... I was possibly risking my head.

The guy in uniform came to my rescue: "We are afraid His Highness had an accident, Majesty. He can possibly have been unsaddled by his horse and the trauma, possibly a concussion... I have the feeling that His Highness is now in a mental confusion."

The queen put her hand on my forehead, then asked me: "How do you feel, Giacomo?"

"Confused... where are we?"

I hit upon the question! So, my career as a prince and as a forgetful one, had its beginning. Careful medical visits - "His physic didn't seem to have gotten traumas. But there is an evident confusional state with loss of memory. We don't know if it is reversible or not." was the medical report. I was brought at once at the capital. More visits. The same report.

And my "rehabilitation" started.

Little by little I learned to tour the huge and wide Royal Palace, to "remember" names, titles and degrees (and to understand what they meant). They assigned to me, besides the normal servants who were already at Giacomo's service, a Noble Guard who had to be always at my side (yes, that's you, my sweet Gualtiero), who had to guide, assist and advise me, as well as a set of tutors. About what happened after, you know almost everything, as you had been near me as nobody else was...

Well, you want to know what I was thinking, what I was feeling?

At first, a huge curiosity and a remarkable expectation for that life in luxury and comfort. For instance, the fact I had my bath every day! What a good feeling, and what a luxury! And then, the water was even scented! Do you think, for a country boy as I was -- what an experience!

But also a lot of problems. I didn't know there was a way to handle the cutlery, to use the knife, to drink... to do the trivial things. I had to learn everything (to learn back, at least officially). Happily I still have a great ability to learn, to remember, to understand... And then, the endless, often boring, lessons of my tutors... My God, how many things the poor Giacomo had had to undergo! I was starting to understand him, a little. But yet the positive sides seemed me so many...

You? Well, at the beginning I felt you were something like my guardian angel, reminding me of a thousand small things, how I had to behave, what I had to say or to do and how. To you, it had to be rather heavy to have to molly-coddle a "forgetful boy". But, little by little, I discovered in you a sincere, discreet, devout, skilled, careful friend... a real friend.

Before being called to my service, you did know the prince just by sight, right? Who knows why they selected you for that task? I believe in destiny... at least for this, I believe in it.

After the first month had elapsed, I was faced with a problem. I was feeling a mad desire to make love. Well, I liked you very much... and there were others lighting my fantasies. But, besides the fact you were always at my elbow, how to approach them or you?

Yes, you have been one of the first to awake my desire. Possibly also because you had to sleep in my room... I looked at you undressing, half hidden by the screen, and you didn't know I could see your shadow against the wall and I was aroused -- at times I could also see your most hidden shapes, especially on the evening when you were a little aroused and the shadow revealed your state to me. I know that you were not aware of that, happily.

The first one has been Fabiano, the waiter who helped me to take my bath every morning. You remained in the bedroom, on those occasions. When Fabiano soaped my body, I got aroused. He was a handsome young man and his hands on my body were more than pleasurable. At the beginning I was a little ashamed for my erections that I could absolutely not hide, but it seemed (it seemed only) he didn't mind. Then, I started to notice that his livery, when I was in that aroused state, was swelling between his legs... You know, even if he wore tight underpants, the white breeches don't hide so much.

The fact that Fabiano got turned on when seeing me aroused, made me reflect. And the fact that his massages were becoming more prolonged and pleasurable on some parts of my body (like my nipples, belly, buttocks...) made me reflect even more. Until a morning I made my mind up and, without a word, I guided his hand on my erect member. He tensed, barely resisted, blushed, but I didn't allow him to withdraw his hand. And finally, he started to massage it too. Then I put my hand on his swollen basket between his legs and felt it. He blushed again, but continued to massage me there, or rather, he started to gently masturbate me. Until he made me came... It was good, in the warm and scented water. I closed my eyes, enjoying these sensations. He ended washing me, made me come out of the tub and dried me. All without a single word.

The following morning I didn't need to guide his hand... and when I felt between his legs, he didn't look at me in surprise. He just had a light jolt when I put my lips on his swollen basket and brushed it through the fabric. I felt it strongly palpitate in answer.

And the next morning, or two next, I don't remember exactly when, I was sitting in the tub, I unbuttoned his breeches and freed his member from his so tight underpants. I started to suck it, he emitted like a short chocked sob (I asked myself if by chance you heard it... no, eh?) and then, when I stood up, he bent to reciprocate the courtesy -- it was done!

No, except for the very first days, we didn't do it every morning. Rather often, however. In silence, with the faint fear we could be caught, but the etiquette protected us -- nobody would have dared to enter my bathroom without asking my permission, you neither. Nudity, at Court, is a big taboo.

Then, professor Manfredo. You know that I liked Latin at once. But also my Latin tutor. Well, come on, Manfredo was a handsome man. I don't mean that... anyway he had a nice body, and also his face was not bad. And then... No, that happened later, rather later,

Well, let's proceed in order, then. I was living in the palace for a little more than one month, right? They didn't yet allow me to go out, besides into the internal garden. But I was not bored, because I still had too many things to discover. And then, you were near me, and I was feeling I was more and more comfortable with you. Sure, I didn't yet try anything with you, you seemed so... you didn't give me not even the faintest hint you desired me. Moreover, what I was doing with Fabiano did loosen my sexual tension a little, appeased at least my physical desire.

Manfredo? I told you, I liked him, physically. Also for his character, even if he was somewhat too severe, a real mister professor. I didn't understand at once that he liked me, he was able to hide it at least as well as you. The spark was a book I found in the Palace library, I remember it was titled "De moribus Graecorum". There was a print, amongst others, which depicted Zeus kidnapping Ganymede -- he takes him away in flight, keeping him in his arms and kissing him. From that illustration I guessed the content, at least of those pages, but my Latin was just at its first steps so I was not able to understand the text. So, one day, I asked to Manfredo to translate it for me.

"Highness, it is just an ancient myth of little interest." he said, but his slightly embarrassed air made me understand that I did guess rightly. So, I insisted. Well, to make a long story short, at the end he had to explain me that amongst the ancient Greeks pederasty was a common practice. He told me that with a roundabout expression (to me the same word pederasty was a new word).

But when I understood, I asked him: "You mean that a young man, or even his family, asked an adult man to introduce him to the amatory art? That it was normal doing it between two men?"

"Yes, Highness, in those times it was so." he admitted with some embarrassment.

"But now also, does it happen that two men do such things between them?" I asked then pretending to be naive.

"Well, it happens at times, Your Highness. But, contrary to the Greek society, our society condemns those deeds."

"It they are condemned, how could they happen?"

"Also extramarital love is condemned, in words and by the law, and yet it is practiced with some degree of freedom. It is enough that it is not known, not shown publicly, not to talk about it."

"But so, if it is not to be talked about, if a youth of our times desired to be loved by an adult, he would not have a means to make the adult understand, right? Or the adult to the youth."

"Man is ingenious, he always finds the way to speak the unspeakable, to utter the unutterable, to express the inexpressible."

"How, for instance?" I asked him.

"You embarrass me, Highness. Those are not things to talk about, as I explained to you."

"I know nothing, I remember nothing. Don't you think I have to know about these things too?" I asked him and put my hand on his that was on the table, looking in his eyes.

The imperturbable Manfredo seemed troubled. I sincerely was not expecting this. But it made me think that, after all, the blameless teacher was feeling something "that cannot be avowed".

"Please..." I insisted with a gentle tone, looking him in his eyes and lightly caressing his hand. He withdrew his hand, even more troubled, without answering.

So I decided to attack, to risk... I was getting aroused, and feeling even more attracted to him. I again put my hand on his, squeezing a little.

I said to him: "If for example I were attracted to you, how could I made it clear to you? Or you to me, please explain..."

"You are the crown prince, I am just a tutor..."

"Let's pretend we are just common people."

"If you were... you are asking me too much, Highness."

He was more and more troubled, I could feel it. I tightened my hold on his hand and said: "Would I have to ask you to kiss me?" He looked at me amazed, I smiled at him.

He slowly shook his head then asked: "Why are you insisting so much?"

"Because... If you don't explain to me how these things happen, I have no other way than trying in my way. I would really like you to kiss me, to teach me how to kiss."

"I, Your Highness? Why I?"

"Because I have the feeling that you are a good teacher... and because I like your lips,"

This time he clearly blushed: "You should not say such things..." he murmured.

"But if you don't explain it to me... kiss me, please..."

Finally, his eyes glossy like with fever, he stretched towards me, took me in his arms, pulled me to him, and kissed me in my mouth with incredible transport and passion. I then lowered my hand to caress him between his legs, and felt his excitation.

I murmured to him with an excited voice: "I would like you to teach me everything... really everything..."

"Highness..." he murmured and also his hand lowered to explore between my thighs, to rummage with feverish passion, to test my turgidity. But then he parted from me and said, with broken, almost trembling voice: "It's dangerous here. Somebody could come."

"Tell me where and when, then."

"You never are alone, Highness... Your orderly, even now, is behind that door."

"We have to find the way. I like how you kiss, how you were touching me. I want to go further, with you. Please..."

Well, do you know how we could, don't you? With the excuse of researches in the library, while you were waiting in the hall, we climbed to the cabinet of the manuscripts. The long and narrow wooden creaking stairway would have given us the alarm. A crate shifted in front of the small door could eventually delay its opening and give us the time to tidy up.

The first time we went there, as soon as we were alone, Manfredo showed me all his desire, his hotness. When I offered myself to him, he took me with real transport, but he liked also to be penetrated, and he was the first man that ever received me inside. I liked very much doing it with him, it was for sure more satisfying that the simple sucking each other I did with Fabiano in the bathroom.

We didn't have so much time, we had to do it in hurry, half dressed, but our unions, even if short, were particularly intense. Certainly also the secrecy of those unions made them even more exciting. I was satisfied, I had now two possibilities to make love and felt rather sated.

But certainly, inside me, I continued to dream of you. Several times, during the night, I felt the temptation to go out of my bed and to slip in yours. It's a pity I didn't dare.

Well, the important thing is that now we are together. Don't you miss the Court's life? No? Not even a little bit? You are really a dear man. I had a big luck in finding you, and discovering love, thanks to you.


Please, donate to keep alive Nidty site, that allows you to read these pages, Thank you - Andrej

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If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help me revising my translation into English of another of my stories, send me an e-mail at

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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 3

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