The Shopping Trip Series

By Roberta Ashford

Published on Jun 6, 2013


This story may contain very graphic sex scenes which is intended for persons of eighteen years or over. All comments, good or bad, are welcome and all will be answered. This story is the property of the author. If you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission from the author.

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The Shopping trip Pt.3

By Roberta

Thinking to herself as where to go next it suddenly dawned on her she needed to grab some lunch otherwise she'd miss out on any potential fun later that evening. Strolling through the food court, looking at all the different dishes available, Roberta couldn't make her mind up what to have. Not until she spotted the most gorgeous boy she'd seen in a long time staring at her whilst serving at the sushi bar did she decide.

Taking a seat at the table she picked up the menu and started to peruse. Hmmm what to have she thought to herself, when suddenly she heard a sound, and glancing up over the card saw her waiter standing patiently across the table. He then proceeded to go into his usual patter reciting the specials of the day and what dishes were available, but before he could finish Roberta leaned forward and in a hushed and sultry voice said "and do you Come with any of these". The boy was taken aback and started to blush whilst spluttering his words incoherently.

Roberta raised a finger to her lips to silence the boy and then said she would have the days special. The boy walked back to the display counter and started to prepare Roberta's food but kept looking back at her nervously. When he returned to her table with her food she asked "why do you keep staring at me" to which he replied he thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Roberta thanked him and gave him a big smile.

Throughout her meal every time she looked up she would catch him staring only to quickly look away with embarrassment. Finishing her meal she pushed the plate away and took out her lipstick and compact as the waiter reappeared to remove her empty plate. He stood watching her as she finished re-applying her makeup with a look that Roberta instantly recognised. "I could make you look as beautiful as me".

Pardon he replied

"I could make you look as beautiful as me" I know you are interested?

The boy looked bewildered but managed to say "how do you mean"

Roberta explained that she could make him as pretty as her and that when she'd finish all the boys and some of the girls would be dying to go on a date with him.

The boy looked at her carefully and then said " would anyone recognise me when you'd done it"

"That would depend on whether you wanted them to or not" Roberta replied, and with that she rose and walked over to the till.

The boy gave the receipt to Roberta and as he did so she held his hand gently and said give me a call if you decide to take up my offer, she then gave him a small black card with her name and number, and as the boy slipped it into his wallet she knew he'd call soon.

Walking back through the mall Roberta window shopped popping into one or two stores to get a better look at the dresses on display but nothing really caught her eye so she decided to call it a day and drive home via her local market as there were some groceries she needed.

Roberta pulled into the parking bay in front of the Mini Mart, grabbed her purse and walked into the store, returning 15 mins later with couple of full grocery bags. Whilst she was putting them in the boot of her car she noticed Charlie her neighbour coming out of the store next to the Mini Mart looking rather furtive and carrying a large crate. He didn't see her and sped off once he'd put the box into the back of his truck.

Roberta was intrigued as to what was in the box so walked over to the store get an idea what he might have bought. The store front had blackened windows and as she got closer she noticed the adults only sign in the corner of the door. Intrigued even more she pushed open the door and stepped inside.

Wandering the isles she knew there would be some fun to be had in the booths at the back. Roberta shook her hair and walked passed two guys asking aloud "are there any nice men who can show me how the booths work".

Two minutes later Roberta was on her knees sucking a lovely fat cocked guy whilst two others played with her tits as she wanked them. As things progressed she felt someone behind her slipping their hand under her skirt. "Blimey she's a fuckin trannie" he called and removed his hand. "Just fucking enjoy her mate" the guy receiving the blowjob said and pushed his cock further down her throat.

Pulling back Roberta turned her head and said loudly "I'm not a fuckin trannie, I'm a high class shemale, this body cost a lot of time and money to get to looking this good, so if you want a great fuck get back on you knees and fill me up"

Returning to the blowjob guy Roberta took his cock all the way in and started bobbing up and down. She knew he wouldn't take long and neither would the other two cocks.

Suddenly she felt a palm full of cold lube slapped on her arse followed by a cock thrust in without any finesse, and as they got their rhythm she was spit roasted back and fourth on their cocks. Without any warning her mouth started to fill with warm cum followed seconds later with an arseful of the same. Once the guys dismounted another pair took their places and the fun started over again, with each couple filling Roberta up until all the guys where finished and soft.

Just as Roberta thought it was over for the day she got the surprise of her life when a well know couple came in. They took one look and the next thing Roberta knew she had the husband's 10" cock down her throat and the wife's 12" strap-on up her arse.

With everyone cheering them on the husband and wife rode Roberta like their lives depended on it swapping back and fourth. Roberta sensed that the woman was near to coming so un-strapped the harness and started licking and sucking on her clitoris and pussyfoot lips, whilst her husband ploughed away behind them. "Argh mmmmmm" the woman cried and started cumming violent on Roberta's face smearing her sticky juices all over her nose, mouth and chin.

Seeing his wife orgasm was enough and the husband started pumping load after load after load into Roberta's already full colon, which in turn caused Roberta to start spasming and cumming un-assisted.

Roberta lay there with a slowly shrinking cock in her arse feeling used and degraded but at the same time euphoric from the experience.

Everyone started to clear out, leaving Roberta and the couple to finish up, the husband leaving his cock in till the last possible moment whilst his wife cleaned the little remaining juices from her pussy before slipping on her knickers, then just as he removed his cock from her she felt something else pushed into her gaping arse, "What the" was all she said before being silenced with a lovely wet kiss. "I've plugged you so you can enjoy all that cum swilling around as you drive home now, we don't want it leaking out on you car seats do we".

Roberta re-dressed and started to leave the bookstore, but as she was about to leave the assistant called her over and said "we recorded you fun this afternoon and here is a copy of the disc, its not often we get a girl like you, you took on 63 men and 1 woman and from the looks of the booth you didn't spill a drop".

With a pleased smile on her face Roberta walked somewhat gingerly to the exit, but just as she was about to go out she called back "what was in that large crate the guy took out just before I arrived". "Special order from" he called back.

Roberta climbed into her car ready for her drive home feeling somewhat bloated, and as she drove out over the speed bump her lunch repeated on her only to be reminded of her strong cum breath and the almost 2 pints of cum inside her.

To be continue.

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