The Shop

By tmjack31

Published on May 7, 2006



I decided to write about something I witnessed many years ago that concerns my father. Although I was not a participant, these images left an impression on me that has lasted into my 40's that I think is a good fit for this category. The truth is I was both horrified and incredibly stimulated by what I am about to relate, which is probably how anyone would feel in my place. I was 10 when this incident took place, which would have made my father age 43.

My father owned a pretty lucrative fix-it shop in the town where we lived. Although I never felt that my father was very intelligent, he did make a good living for us because he was an extremely hard worker, staying open seven days a week and often working into the evening. My father was a quiet guy for the most part who appeared to be popular with customers but never had a lot of close friends. After serving in the military, he met my mom and left his own family behind in another state. After I grew up, I realized his family had been pretty screwed up with alcoholism and this is why my father never encouraged our family to be close to them. We had a pretty typical family, not rich but not poor either. My parents rarely fought but they also never seemed all that fond of each other. In short, they appeared to live separate lives although they did share the same bedroom. Looking back I often wonder if they were closer than they appeared. I think they were both incredibly shy people and this may be the reason they were never demonstrative about their feelings toward one another. Neither of my parents paid a lot of attention to us kids and I was never really close to either of them. We were generally allowed to do what we wanted as long as we never broke the law or upset other adults in the neighborhood.

Up until the time of the incident I am writing about, I hadn't thought a lot about sex although this was about to change. However, I did know all about the basics. Although I was a kid during the 60's, no one I knew ever talked about homosexuality aside from older kids making the occasional off-color comments that were at the time usually more confusing to me than humerous.

As I mentioned before, my dad owned a fix-it shop in the town where we lived. The shop was a piece of property that had once been a very small one-story home in our town. The original structure had never been altered and over the years was pretty much filled from top to bottom with old tools and machines as well as junk my father just never managed to remove from the building. Aside from most of the building being used as dad's workspace, the shop also had several pieces of old furniture for our customers to sit on that included an old couch. Until I was much older, my dad always discourage me from hanging around the shop. This was disappointing to me because I liked to be there to hear the adult males talk about all types of subjects. My father was also very strict about my being in the shop when no one was there. Once I got caught playing there when no one else was at the shop and I received a pretty violent spanking with the belt by my father. There was a back door to the shop that never locked properly so I knew I could always get inside the building if I wanted. A couple of times I had taken my friends inside at night but those occasions were rare due to the risk of getting caught and getting the belt or possibly worse. Being very blue color and not having an education, my father could be sort of brutal by today's standards. Today I can admit that as a young kid I was very much afraid of my dad.

This particular evening, more due to having a whim than anything else, I was riding my bike home from a friends and decided hang out at the abandoned shop for a while. I remember not wanting to go home just yet because it was summer and was still light outside although it was also pretty late. A can recall that I had not planned on staying inside the shop very long but just long enough to check out the appliances that people had brought to the shop for my father to fix. I rode my bike to the back of the property and threw it down in the weeds rather than park it by the back door. The way into the shop was by pushing hard on the back door. It was one of those situations where the door wouldn't line up to the deadbolt because the doorframe was crooked since the foundation was beginning to crumble. When no one was there, the shop was a little spooky because of all of the placed a person could hide. I usually tried not to think about this but focused more on the way the place smelled, which was a mixture of mold, wood fuel and machinery. I had probably been inside looking at the various bits and pieces my father was working on when I heard what sounded like a car pulling up to the shop on the gravel driveway next to the building. Since I was in the front room of the shop I looked out the window and could tell it was my father's pickup. My heart just sank because I knew he would be coming inside and I would be in real trouble if he caught me fooling around in there. As I moved to the back of the shop in order to escape I quickly considered the noise the back door would make when I shoved it open to leave. In less than a second I made up my mind to forget about trying to leave and decided it would be better to hide instead. There were three rooms in my father's shop and I chose the room he used to store machines and also a lot of junk since I knew he unlikely to enter this room. I ducked under a low table that was pinned in with junk just as I heard my fathers voice as he unlocked the front door of the shop. This surprised me because I realized he had someone with him. Upon entering they flipped on a light as walked into the front room and I could clearly hear another man's voice speaking to my father. They stayed in the front room and I couldn't really make out what they were saying to one another. Although I tried, I was unable to recognize the other man's voice. As I was laying face down on the floor trying to be invisible, I was thinking about how embarrassing it would be to get caught for being there, especially in front of another person. They must have stayed in the front room talking for about 20 or 30 minutes but to me it seemed like forever. Although I could hear their voices, I could only understand every third or fourth word they were saying so I honestly don't know what line of conversation lead up to what happened next. Suddenly I saw the light in the front room go off, which meant they were leaving. I was probably immediately relieved because this meant I was safe and could sneak out once they drove off. However, to my surprise, I heard my father and the other man walk into the workroom, which was directly opposite the room I was hiding in. Although it was cast in heavy shadows since the sun had finally set, there was enough light from the streetlamp outside that allowed me to see their feet and legs as they walked into the room. Due to my low vantage point lying under the table, I couldn't see anything above the level of the men's knees. As they entered my father's workroom, I became convinced they must have somehow heard me and were fumbling around in the dark in order to find an intruder hiding in the shop, possibly knowing it was I. At first I planned to give myself up rather than wait for the inevitable. However, I was actually too scared to move and just held my breath while waiting for them to find me. Although they weren't speaking, I could see they were standing right next to each other in the middle of the workroom. I reasoned they were listening for any movement I would make so they could catch me. Instead, I started to hear something else, something other than talking that sounded a little strange to me. At first it sounded like a slurping sound but I now know it is the sound two people make when they are kissing deeply. This went on for a couple of minutes until I heard the other man mention they should move to the couch. I couldn't understand why the other guy was suggesting this as I heard them sit down on the couch without turning on the light. I also begin to realize they probably hadn't come into the back of the shop to hunt for me and I was immediately relieved. It suddenly became clear to me my father and this man had other plans that had nothing to do with me at all. Since the couch was just partially in my view, I could only make out the dim shape of the other guy as he almost noiselessly stretched out on the couch.

The next thing I knew, my father moved over to the couch and I could hear the movement of someone else putting weight on the frame. Although I couldn't discern any real detail of what I was seeing, I could tell the two shapes were lying on top of each other. Soon the two men were quiet again other than the sound of two people fiercely kissing followed by an occasional low murmur. Next thought I heard the rustling of clothes coming from the direction of the two men. Apparently, they were starting to take off their clothes. This was probably the point that I became the most frightened because I suddenly realized I was in the worst position imaginable to a ten year old kid. I was intruding in a situation that I had no business in. Hidden under the table, I could somewhat see that my father and the other guy were now getting off the couch as they appeared to be taking off their clothes. The next thing I heard was a sound that is so innocent yet it is something that I have never forgotten. It was the sound of a belt buckle striking a hardwood floor when a guy takes off his pants. This was unmistakable because it was a sound I made myself every night when getting undressed for bed. Although I still felt fear and dread in the pit of my stomach, I can tell you honestly that I also began to feel something else.

After a few minutes, from what I could tell they must have both been naked as I could see the faint outline of their white skin, which was more illuminated for me than when they appeared when they were both dressed. Although I could only see a small portion of the couch, I could hear practically every sound being made by my father and the other guy, including each time their weight shifted on the couch. Having said this, I could tell they were moving around a lot. The quiet murmurs they had been emiting were now replaced by sighs with an occasional groan. It was as though they were less concerned about being quiet as they were upon first moving to the couch. Eventually, I heard someone move to the floor but was unable to tell which. I only know that the groaning and the kissing sounds were a lot more noticeable than before. Next I heard my father say, "now it's your turn honey" as they continued moving positions in the next room. Although I was completely surprised by this comment, especially coming from my father, I think this was the moment I started becoming less frightened and more curious and stimulated about what was happening between the two men. All these years later I can still recall that every time my father or the other guy would produce a moan or utter a grunt, I began getting turned-on and my 11 year old cock started getting hard. After this lasted for a while, I then heard the other man say to my father, "go slow, it's been a while since we did this" and father said something back to him that I was unable to clearly hear. There was more shifting on the couch as I wondered what they were getting ready to do. From what I could see they were both back on the couch and had evidently stopped kissing but were still moving around a lot. Next I heard the unmistakable sound of a gasp followed by a painful grunting that continued for several minutes. I had no idea what they were doing because they were no longer making sweet mummers like they had moments earlier. At this time, the other man sounded like he was in some kind of awful pain. Although my eyes had adjusted to the dark, most of my vision was still obscured by objects on my left and right. Even though I desperately wanted to see what they were up to, I didn't dare move and reminded myself I had to breath quietly although I felt like my body was running a marathon. Suddenly I head in the darkness what can only be described as a muffled scream soon followed by more breathing and the steady thump of something rocking back and forth. Neither my father or the other guy were saying anything to one another and both seemed to be breathing louder than before, punctuated with more groaning murmuring. All the while the rocking was getting more urgent and I was beginning to feel a steady vibration on the hardwood floor I was laying on. As excited as I had become, I also realized that it was finally safe to move a little because of all the noise they were starting to make. I took this opportunity to slip my own hand down my shorts and under my briefs trying to relieve the pressure of having an erection. Although I knew what masturbation was, I had never tried it before because I was under the impression that I was too young to do anything sexual. However, I had never really experienced lust before now. My mouth was dry and my heart was racing as I listened to the two men thrashing around not more than 15 or 20 feet away from me. I remember that I felt like I was on fire from the sounds of their physical presence while I quietly played with my boner. Unlike a lot of stories I have read where one guy begs the other guy to fuck him, nothing like this was said between my father and the other man. They just continued grunting and moaning, at times sounding like they were hurt and suffering and at other times sounding like were making one another feel something wonderful. Although initially I had been filled dread, I now felt as though this was the most exciting situation I had ever found myself in. Earlier my stomach had been doing flip flops and now I felt like I might pass out from the sheer excitement of witnessing two men. Although on the surface I had thought this behavior was something I considered horrible and dirty, I also knew it was more exciting than anything I had ever imagined. All the while, the rocking from the direction of the couch was getting louder as were the cries coming from my father and the other man. Soon, I began noticing that the groaning sounded much deeper and more urgent than before. Also, the rocking and banging from the couch had become almost violent in movement and this realization produced in me a feeling of lust that I had never known before. At this point, some unknown instinct inside me must have taken over as I began fisting my boner while experiencing a tickling sensation in my nuts that was both wonderful and also a little terrifying. Although I couldn't have stopped jacking off had I wanted to, I suddenly became convinced my bladder was getting ready to let loose, convinced I was about to soak my shorts with urine. No one had ever described for me what an orgasm felt like. I think my body must have spasmed several times, momentarily oblivious to the two men on the couch as I experienced my first dry orgasm. As I came down from my delicious first orgasm, the cries of my father and the other man brought me back to reality. The feeling of dread and guilt had immediately replaced the incredible feelings of lust I had felt just moments ago. Thankfully, I did not have to wait long until both men also reached the ultimate peak of what must have been lust as the violent rocking from the couch also came to an abrupt end. Suddenly the room was quiet and I again held my breath knowing I could never again look at my father if he were to discover that I was a silent witness to his having sex with someone other than my mother, let alone a guy. Fortunately, I heard both men get up from the couch. Interestingly, my father and the other guy immediately began discussing other things as they proceeded to put their clothes back on. However, to my horror my father flipped the light switch because his workroom was suddenly flooded with light. At this point I remember closing my eyes as though this childish act would make me truly invisible should they happen to make a sweep of the room I was hiding in. Instead, my father must have turned on the light to make sure they left no evidence because he quickly turned it off again. Finally both men walked into the front room of my father's shop and left by the front door. I waited in my hiding place until I heard the engine of his truck and listened as they backed out of the drive and were gone. I remember feeling weak as I crawled out from under the table and slowly walked into the workroom where the men had been just moments earlier. Amazingly, even with the mixture of wood, mold and machinery, I also smelled a scent that until then had been completely foreign to me. I suppose it smelled a little like sweat but with the taint of ass, if this makes any sense. I immediately through my weight against the back door and left as quickly as I could. Years later I realize every kid receives some kind of introduction to sex and this had been mine. I never did find out who the other man was.

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