The Shooting Club

By nam Bachechi

Published on Jan 31, 2015


** Disclaimer**

This story is pure fiction any resemblance to anyone living or dead is completely coincidental! Copyrighted to ABM

It was late september the air in Colorado was cool and crisp with a gentle breeze blowing laden with the smell of gunpowder and clay pigeons. I was excited because it was the last day of the 4 day zone shoot. Ronnie and I sat there small talking about the even smaller events of the day, after several minutes of pathetically boring conversation, we just sat there in silence for a few seconds, I was staring at her and was marveling over how small and petite she was and yet how muscular she was. I randomly interjected:

"Im not looking forward for today to end..."

"Why?" she asked

"Because this is the end of the season for me, I won't be working again until next april."

"Oh... I need to take the next two weekends off do you want the hours?"

"I would love them!"

"Ok I'll talk to the `boss' later" she said to me with a deep passion in her eyes, almost as if I had just said the sexist thing to her

"Thanks..."I said, with a shy, unknowing worried tone.

I leaned into a kiss with her. Feeling nothing for her but who cared people would still think I was straight this way. No sooner than our lips met I heard Spencer say "Wanna make it a 3 way?!"

We jumped back with such force that she ended up falling on the ground. We began to laugh uncontrollably. Then spencer pulled out a cigarette and light up. "So is there anything going on between you two that I should know about?"

"NO!" Ronnie and I said at the same time

"Ok." He paused for a few seconds then he pulled out a can of copenhagen

"Want some chew Ronnie?" he said, with a tone that made me feel that he had an ulterior motive.

"Well don't mind if I do" she said in a frilly tone as she stood back up from the ground

"Consider this your bribe to leave us alone for a few minutes" Spencer said in a humorous yet stern tone

"I'll be back in 5" she announced as she began walking away from us

Spencer scooted closer to me and then said "So have you guy's had sex yet"

"Dude! Really?! last time I told you about something like that Steven found out" I said as I jumped further away from him

"What can't I ask a question man to man? Also steven is your father treat him with respect call him dad or something like that"

"No STEVEN is what STEVEN'S name is so live with it! And neither of us are men you're 16 and I just turned 14!! Plus, if we have had sex, which we haven't, STEVEN would have found out, thanks to your loud mouth!

"I've seen your cock you're big enough to be a man" he said as he completely ignored the part about my father.

"Umm..." I mumbled as I didn't know what to say to spencer.

My eyes jotted around. They ended up landing on his crotch. I realized that his cock was hard... and HUGE It was perfectly outlined in his jeans.. I have always had a crush on Spencer, with his thin, muscular body, strong arms, and those side burns that lead me down to his perfectly kissable lips. And don't get me started on his deep brown eyes, that you can get lost in.

He moved closer to me, and I began to get worried as his hand began to rub my leg, getting dangerously close to my expanding junk. I couldn't help it, my cock had a mind of it's own, as it became rock hard inside my jeans. I had to get away from him.

"I know you're actually gay" He said to me in a soft inviting tone

"How?!? I'm in the closet for a reason you know so if you say a fucking word I'll cut your fucking balls off" I said almost yelling at him

"Don't worry man I'm actually bi, I found out off of your gindr account... Next time don't leave your phone unlocked"

"Wow like fuck you!"I snapped as I began to stand up

"PLEASE" he said as he grabbed my hard penis inside of my jeans Stunned I just stood there allowing him to jack me off a bit

I leaned in for a kiss but he said "Not now Ronnie is right there now sit down and we will pick this up a bit later" then he smacked my ass... I sat back down stunned at what had just happened. As Ronnie approached I tried my best to act normal.

"Princes you're working for a few weekends" Ronnie said as she plopped down onto the bench.

"Thanks goat fucker" I retorted sarcastically

"You know that was only one time!" She said in a beyond serious tone

"Wait what?!?!" spencer and I said in unison

"Got ya bitches!" she shouted as she was flipping us off, She couldn't stop laughing.

As we made small talk I just sat there staring at Spencer, I couldn't help but allow my eyes to undress him and watch him flex his cock in his jeans. He knew I was looking at him and he liked it. My first squad came down we all stopped talking and dispersed. Spencer went to go get into his trap house as he went joggin' down the line I watched his beautiful ass shake. With every little jiggle a my cock throbbed spurting out little bits of pre-cum. As I was scorekeeping I couldn't help but think of his cock I knew he would be my obsession for the next few days.

Later that evening when I got home I pulled out my 8 inch cock and begin to strangle it to the thought of what happened between spencer and I. I was seconds away from cumming when I hear my phone go off. Usually when I am jacking off I will never check it but for some reason this time I felt compelled to. I looked down and saw it was a text from spencer! it read

Snapchat: Kaboominurface

kik: trapkidd2011

Dick pics?

I responded back

You first. snapchat: gotsexy

Shortly after I got a snapchat from him of his beautiful cock it had to be at least 9 inches cut and smooth The caption read "wanna taste it?"

I quickly snapped a picture of mine and sent it to him with the caption "no... I wanna taste your cum first"

after I sent it I realized how stupid it sounded

He shot me back almost immediately of his perfectly round beautiful ass saying "Do you think you can sneak out for a piece of this?" As I was reading the snap I heard my mother say "wanna fuck tonight" Without missing a beat I heard my father say "Is this my prize for first place" then their kinky role play began. I was disgusted by the thought of my parents in bed together so I popped in my ear buds and sent him a recording of their conversation. Spencer responded back with a photo of his keys "Be there in 10" Knowing he lived on the other side of the park I wasn't to concerned on the time. Then as I was getting ready I got another text from him saying to meet him at the king soopers. As any good bitch would do I said "yes sir" within ten minutes I was there while he was in his beautiful ford F150 with it's glossy white paint job. He announced "hop on in" as always I did as I was told. He started up the truck and leaned in for a kiss we kissed and then he stated "You should be excited for an exciting evening". He began to drive he took his right hand and placed it on my knee and began rubbing up and down within seconds I got hard. He noticed my hard 8inch cock throbbing in my jeans he chuckled at me then he smacked the "On" button for the radio and turned it up, it was my favorite song at the time "She's country" by Jason Aldean. He turned it up to full volume as we went through the park. shortly after he pulled off the road onto a smaller dirt road we stopped. He reached into the back and grabbed a few blankets and then hopped out of the truck I followed suit and when we got out of the truck I didn't see him anywhere then he came out from behind me and pinched my butt cheek!! "Jesus fucking christ you scared the shit out of me"I said out of breath "Haha I know..." he said as he throw the blankets into the bed of the truck. and then he hopped into the bed and pulled out a wad of chew and threw it onto the ground. He pulled of his boots within seconds I was up in the back with him we began to kiss he was ontop of me kissing me with such passion that I never knew one man could ever have for another. He soon began to dry hump me I was fast to unbuckle his 1st place belt buckle for the last shoot. When his jeans fell to his knees he stopped and pulled them off and then folded them neatly just to drive me crazy while I was waiting to feel the passion that I so craved. When he came and crawled on top of me again we started to make-out, As he slid his tongue inside of my mouth I could taste the chew that he had just thrown out. I revolted at the taste but as he kept going I became more accustomed to the taste. He reached towards my belt and then unbuckled it and I felt a jolt of electricity jump through out my entire body. He pulled off my pants as he stared into my eyes with lust. I put my hand into his underwear and began to jack off his big thick beautiful cock. He quickly pulled off my underwear and within seconds there I was in his arms again as we were rolling around in the bed of his truck I was in his arms as he kissed my neck I remember as he was rocking me back and forth feeling his cock rub inside my thigh by my balls I remember the feeling of his precum sticking to me and cooling as thrusted the sensations were multiplied when he kissed my neck I also remember the stars just popping out of the sky seeing the milky-way I remember thinking we all came from the same thing that stars are made out of. I was quickly brought back to reality when he began to suck my cock. The feeling wasn't like the time when my ex tried to this time felt like no feeling I had ever felt before. I put my hands on the back his head and started to ruffle his curly hair just telling him I was there. After a few minutes I was so worked up I shouted "I'm about to cum" He quickly stopped just as he felt me start to throb with the precumming pump and then he retorted "But we want you to do that in me" with a smile on his face that was light by the moon larger than I have ever seen it before. I said "But first I want to give you a little tasting" As we switched positions in the small bed of the truck we kissed a little bit we fell down this time with me on top I began to kiss his neck he moaned with pleasure I then went down kissing him down until I hit his penis then I gave the tip a Kiss and then Placed my lips over the top of his cock I was amazed at how thick it was it made my jaw hurt instantly. As I was marveling at his size I began to suck his cock similar to the way he did to me.. As I kept goin' on him be began to fuck my face a bit. after a few minutes he said "Try deep throating" I did as my "master" had told me I began choking on his cock he began to laugh "you asshole" I said "You're good to do whatever you want to me now" he said completely ignoring my comment. I asked him if he had any cleaning cloths cause I wanted to eat him out. He told me I wasn't ready but then he said that he would do it to me regardless. "What should I do then" I asked like a scared child

"Just get on all fours and let me do the rest" I did as he told me to do he began to lick around my anus the feeling were amazing like nothing I had ever felt before. I could feel electricity shoot throughout my body "can I put my finger in you?" He asked

"next time" I said afraid of how it would feel. I sat up and began to kiss him once again we began to make out and flip flop positions until I arrived on-top he began to stroke my cock with his hand. "Come a bit closer" he said to me I came closer and then I leaned on-top of him feeling his hot cock and balls on my stomach we began to kiss again he then thrust his hips back so my cock and his anus would be aligned. He said to me"Put it in" Without any thought I thrust into him. I was amazed at how tight his asshole was. I was amazed the the way on how my tip felt inside of him. He then said to me "Put it in a bit deeper" I thrust in a bit more now about half my cock was inside of his ass! "Put it all in" He said when I did as he told me to do I felt his anus clench down as he moaned "FUCK fuck fuck fuck!!". I put my fingers over his lips and said "shh" as sexually as I could. I began to thrust in and out of him slowly watching his cock throb and the ecstasy on his face become more and more with every one of my thrusts. He began to moan again I leaned forward and We began to kiss again as my effort to make his quiet down a bit more. We continued on for several more seconds but it wasn't comfortable for either of us so we just stared in each-others eyes. We continued staring at each-other for several more minutes as my cock throbbed inside of his tight ass.I suddenly began to shout "I'm gonna cum I'm gonna cum" as I came inside of him. The smile on his face got bigger and bigger. I plopped down next to him and kissed his neck then I noticed that he was still jerking off. The feeling I got when I knew that I made him that horny was unbelievable to me. As I went down I kissed him from his nipples all the way to his hard beautiful cock. As I started to suck his cock I marveled at the way it felt when I sucked his cock it was like I was a porn star trying to make it big, within seconds he came in my mouth I loved the taste of his salty cum. I tried to swallow every drop but It was almost impossible with the amount that he was producing even though he was done and continued to suck until his cock was almost soft. Then crawled back up next to him and be cuddled for a little bit I loved to rub my index finger over his pecs he smiled. Soon I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat it was beautiful and rhythmic. I soon fell asleep to the sound of his heart beat. While I was passed out he was able to sneak a blanket over the top of our naked bodies. A little later I woke up on my side watching him as He pulled a cigarette out of his jeans and then he light it. I dozed off for a few more minutes the smell woke me up his cigarette was was almost finished. I looked at him and said "thank you. I hope we can do this again soon". As I rubbed my finger on his chest.He responded back to me like any man who had just had sex would've "Trust me we will". We began to kiss passionately then I broke it off "Don't you think It might be a good Idea to drop me off sometime soon?"

"it's only 3... Why don't we just stay like this for a bit?" he said as he leaned in for another kiss I grabbed his ass and pulled it closer to me feeling our cocks rub as we made out I began to get hard again but then he broke the kiss to take a drag off of his smoke. We just laid there and cuddled for a few more hours. His phone woke us up at 5:35 exact right as the sun began to rise. When I woke up I noticed that my face was cold but then he gave me a kiss I felt everything become warm again... "So I guess it's time to take you home now" he said

"Yeah I guess that would be an ok idea" I retorted in a sad tone.

"Don't worry we will do this often if I have any say in this. Maybe Sunday night if you're up to it"

"I have to work Sunday though"

"Even more the reason to" he said as he grabbed at my nipple

We got dressed and back into the truck he dropped me off down the street and then said "I can't wait to see you sunday" he just chuckled a bit and just kept on driving

when I got back home I knew that my parents hadn't even noticed I left! I had my first time with a guy completely under the radar! I snuck back into my bed and fell asleep to the thoughts of the beautiful acts we had just performed together. A few hours later I woke up and saw that He had texted me... "Night lil' cock sucker"

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Next: Chapter 2

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