The seduction of Daddy jim by young Tony - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 18, 2021



Jim felt the buzz of his cell phone in his pants pocket. He was working a little bit late, and the switchboard would have been closed for about an hour. He wondered who was calling. "This is Jim," he answered, in the clipped voice that was one of his characteristics. People remembered his voice, his bright blue eyes, and his "hippy hair," as he called it. It wasn't "true" hippy hair, but it was salt and pepper (more salt than pepper), and it went well below "mid ear" as was required when he was in the Air Force. He was 62. A fit 62, but 62, and he felt he had earned every year.

"Hello big Jim. It's Lexie. Did you forget?" Jim whacked his forehead "OH, SHIT. Lexie, I'm SO sorry. I DID forget. Where are you?" "BJ," she teased him, because he frequently asked HER for a BJ. "BJ, if you're too busy, it's ok. You can make it up to me next time. " "No, no. I promised you a romantic dinner and we're going to have it. Where are you? " Lexie giggled. "I'm outside your office building, big Jim. I took my chances." Jim smiled. There was a restaurant nearby that he favored. It was always mobbed for the business lunch crowd, but at dinner, empty. "I'll be down in five minutes. Let me just wash my face." "Big Jim, one thing, and if you say no, it's ok. My little brother is here with me. If you say no, it's ok, I'll send him home." Jim laughed. "Well, I may ask you to send him home if we, well.." "Well, what Big Jim?" she giggled. "You know I was looking forward to that. OK, if it's ok with you, thank you. We'll have dinner and then I'll send him home. " "You're on!" he answered, one of Jim's standard expressions. Lexie had been Jim's Portuguese tutor, when he had needed to make regular trips to Brazil to take care of a really messy piece of litigation. He had never been to Brazil before, and fell in love with the country. Now, he had been back at least 5 times, NOT on business matters. He had met Lexie through a tutoring agency. When the contract with the agency was ending, and it looked like their meetings were going to be over, they had confessed their feelings for each other. They started dating. For Jim, who had been divorced for ten years, it was the first serious relationship he had been involved in since the divorce. He and Lexie saw each other about twice a week, sometimes more. She was a very private person: she would stay overnight, but never for a weekend. Jim knew very little about her - for example, he didn't know she had a little brother. Jim tossed on his suit coat and went downstairs. Lexie, he recognized right away. She was talking to a very attractive young man - young is relative, he was probably in his mid 30s - with a head of curly inkly black hair, a lithe body, and beautiful skin. "Lexie... is this your younger brother?" Jim expected that he was going to meet a boy, maybe in his teens. Instead, there was this very attractive young man, dressed in a fine white shirt - much finer than the one Jim was wearing - who, as Jim got a better look at him, DID resemble Lexie. "How do you do? I'm Jim." "Jim, it is nice to meet you. I'm Juan Antonio but please call me Tony. All my friends do. And thank you for letting me come to dinner." As Jim shook his hand, the resemblance to Lexie seemed to get stronger. "Tony, if I may ask, do you play sports." Tony blushed and looked away. "Oh, I should have known you'd see that Big Jim. Tony was on the Brazilian junior team until he decided to come and live with me." "And what do you do, Tony?" Tony looked abashed. "I shouldn't mention this, but ok. It's been hard finding work, so I've been working as a male escort." "Ha ha. " Jim laughed. "Now, I've met a LOT of people in my life, but I've never met a MALE escort. If I ask questions, well, yeah, I am being nosy, but I'm also curious" "What do you Americans say, Jim? I am an open book. Especially to men who are nice to my sister. She's older, but not THAT much older. " Lexie laughed. "He's six years younger than me Big Jim" Tony smiled. "Why do they call you Big Jim? You don't LOOK that big?" Lexie began laughing. In fact, Jim was not "THAT" big: he was average sized, but she would call him that to get him aroused, and it usually worked. Now, with Tony asking the question and smiling, waiting for an answer, Jim finally sputtered. "It has to do with my feet." "OH, I SEE. You know, they say men with big feet...." He paused and began laughing. "WEAR BIG SHOES" .

At the restaurant, those big shoes felt a smaller foot rubbing over them, moving up to an ankle. Jim thought it was Lexie, and he played footsie back, letting his shoe fall off, and then playing with the other foot. When Lexie got up to go to the ladies' room and the footsie play continued for just a few seconds, Jim began to blush. He was at the table with Tony. Jim lowered his voice. "Why were you doing that Tony?" Tony laughed. "Because Big Jim, you are an attractive man. VERY attractive. Lexie showed me your photo, and she told me you were so good looking but... she didn't do you justice." "Well, I'm flattered Tony, but... I'm not that way." "What way Big Jim? Surely you do not deny yourself pleasure, and you WERE enjoying what I was doing. I could tell." He smiled. "I told you I was an escort, and you didn't ask: I escort women, but I prefer to escort men." "Look, Tony, I'm flattered. I really am. But I'm just not that way. So can we have our dinner, and then decide what we'll do afterward?" "Ok, Big Jim. I'll just tell you, it wouldn't be the first time I was in bed with my sister and her date." "Well, that's not happening tonight." "Ok, Big Jim. I get it. " Lexie came back and planted a kiss on Jim's forehead. "I'm glad to see you're getting on with each other. The two men who are most important in my life." "Oh, yes sis. Jim and I found some things we have in common." "REALLY?" She smiled. "Like what?" "Like we both take good care of our feet." "Ha ha ha ha ha. NO ONE takes as much care of his feet as you do, Antonio." She looked at Jim. "Sometimes, I think he's a foot fetishist." "I do what needs to be done sis. I learned that at home."

After they had had their dessert and began walking, Lexie moved to standing between Jim and Tony, and laced an arm in each of theirs. "Well that was a wonderful dinner. Tony, I'm going to be going back to Jim's so... shall I call you a cab?" "No, that's not necessary Lexie. There's a sofa in the living room. If Tony wants to stay over, he can." She looked at Jim. "Really? That's ok with you?' "Sure it is. We'll just close the bedroom door." "Guys, it's good. I can go home. I'll see what business I have this week." "Tony, you're coming home with us. " "Oh, YES SIR. Lexie told me you used to be in the air force. That sounded very military." Jim began to laugh. He really liked Lexie and Tony was beginning to grow on him.

When they got back to Jim's place, the men let Lexie use the bathroom first. She had stuff at Jim's place because she was there so often. Jim took off his jacket, and his tie. When his tie came off, the tufts of his chest hair showed. "OH. You have chest hair Big Jim. That is SO HOT." Jim blushed. "You LIKE chest hair on men, Tony?" "OH, I LOVE it! I can grow some, but not like yours." Jim had begun opening his shirt, and Tony saw the "forest" as Lexie called it. "My clients usually expect me to be smooth, so I keep it off, but you... ooooooh. Big Jim. You even look like you have a 'treasure trail'". "A treasure trail? What's that?" Lexie came out of the bathroom and began to laugh. "My. You two ARE getting along. Jim, you never heard of a treasure trail?" She looked at Tony. "He has one." "OH MY GOD. THAT IS SO PERFECT. Well, I guess I will see the two of you in the morning. Good night sis." He came over and gave Lexie a kiss. "Good night Jim. Can I get one from you?" Jim laughed. "NO. You can't. Now STOP!" He closed the bedroom door, and he held Lexie. "That brother of yours... he's a pip." "I know, I'm sorry. In Brazil, he always liked the daddies - the older men - and he didn't really get along with his peers." Jim thought of something. "Is he not playing soccer because..." "Yes Jim. That is right. They caught him with the coach. The coach lied and said that Tony had seduced him so... they dropped him from the team." "Did you tell him I coach fencing?" "Sure I did." She paused. "OH MY GOD. I'll go out there. I'll tell him to go home right now" Jim began to laugh. "No worries. I think he got my message. And now, Big Jim is gonna try to show how much he likes his Lexie."

It had been a long day and after they had made love, Jim fell asleep on top of Lexie. She was used to that. And she had figured out how to sneak out from underneath him if she needed to use the bathroom. When she did, she left the bedroom door opened. Whether it was deliberate or not, we'll never know. What we DO know, is that while she was out, Tony snuck into the bedroom. Jim was sound asleep, until he felt the wet finger begin sliding into his ass. At first, he thought he was at the doctor's office, but this was... different. It felt good. He didn't have the sensation he did during a prostate exam, and it began feeling better when he felt the second wet finger enter him. He heard Tony's voice, but at a near whisper. "You like how that feels Big Jim? You wanna tell me how you like it in Portuguese?" Jim moaned and took a deep breath. "No.. .I'll show you how I like it this way." He arched his hips up so that Tony's fingers could get in further. He reached underneath to get his cock, and Tony knocked his hand away. "No no, Big Jim. My hands aren't that big, but they're big enough. " When he took Jim's cock in his hands he whispered in his ear. "Lexie will be back soon. I'm gonna call you tomorrow. We gotta finish this. Ok, Big Jim?" When Jim hesitated, Tony began pulling out his fingers, and squeezed Jim's balls and cock. "Ok. YES. YES. Let's finish it tomorrow. OH GOD it felt so good!" They heard the toilet flush. Tony kissed Jim very lightly, and then said "good night sweet Jim. Pleasant dreams." "Oh, I woke you didn't I?" Lexie said as she came back. "Hmmm. It looks like you're ready again." "No. Just a piss hard on. My turn." He went out to the bathroom and he looked at the sofa bed, where Tony was sleeping. He could hear the sound of Tony jerking off, moaning, and he heard "Yes, Big Jim, YES. OH YES." Suddenly, it wasn't a piss hard on anymore. Jim hadn't jerked off in the bathroom since he was in the air force. Well, things change.

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