The Secret Memories of Lord Moriesson

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Aug 19, 2010


THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON By Andrej Koymasky © 2010 Written on July 27, 2002 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Brian


"THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Chapter 8 - How I rescued a fugitive and took my pleasure with him

I was twenty-two years old. If on one hand the work kept me rather busy, and the hours spent with Aldous were agreeable, and if the relationship with Sean was becoming increasingly friendly and precious to me, on the other hand I was missing a lover.

One day, while my young slave Sem was helping me to take my bath, and was as usual washing my back, I said him, "Do you know, Sem, that I lived in your land?"

"My land, master?" the boy asked me and came in front of me, with an interrogative glance.

"Yes, in Africa." I said while he was slowly pouring clean water on me to rinse me.

He smiled, "But I was born here, master. My mother was born in Africa. I don't even know how Africa is."

"Didn't your mother talk about it with you?" I asked him.

"I don't remember, possibly she did. I was kept away from her when I was ten years old, and sold to another master."

"Who was your master before my brother bought you and gave you to me?" I asked him, becoming aware I didn't know anything about my slaves.

"I first had a very severe master, who beat me for any thingÉ He then sold me to the master I had before being bought by your brother for you."

"How old were you?"

"I think fourteenÉ or at least so I was told, master."

"And that master, how was he?"

"Not kind and good like you, master. But it was not too bad being his slave. He gave me to his son, that is Master Marcus. Would you like to wear the clothes that you put on your bed, master?"

"Yes, sure, help me put them on. And how was that Marcus?"

"In day time he was of few words."

"And in night time?" I asked him, amused by that weird specification.

"Oh, in night timeÉ In night time, master, he almost didn't let me sleep. He talked to me non stop, while amusing himself with me, and in the morning I was tired. But he never punished me for that, as he knew it was not my fault if I slept too little."

"HowÉ how did he amuse himself with you, Sem?" I asked him, now quite interested.

"YesÉ before he married, that is when he sold me to master Aldous, he liked to amuse himself with me."

"Amuse himself, how?" I insisted, thinking that possibly I too would like to "amuse" myself with Sem who, in part, reminded me of Kodwo, the handsome page.

"He took me to his bed and said to me that I was skilled in making him forget for some time his natural desires."

"You mean he was having sex with you?"

"Yes. He taught me all the ways I could give him satisfaction, and while I was doing all he desired, my master talked, and talkedÉ"

"And how were you giving him satisfaction, Sem?"

"In several ways, master. First with my hands, then with my mouth, then he put it in my bottom, then again in my mouth, and again in my bottomÉ"

"And did you like, Sem, giving him satisfaction?"

"Yes, I liked it. But this didn't matter at all, he was the master. Even if I didn't like it, I had to do it, of course. Anyway yes, I liked it."

"And wouldn't you like to do it again?"

He looked at me kitting his forehead, than hesitantly asked, "With you, master?"

"Of course, with me."

"If you want it, I will do it."

"But would you like? Answer me sincerely."

"A master never asks his slave if he likes doing something or not. He orders and that's all." he said me with a tone in his voice that sounded like a reproach.

"But I want to know. You must therefore answer me. Would you like to do those things with me or not?" I insisted, but smiling to him.

"I must try it with you, to be sure, but I think that I would like it, master." he said but without returning my smile.

"All right. So, then, tonight when I go to bed, you will come hereÉ and we will try it." I said, and finished dressing myself.

"Surely, master."

Yes, the idea of doing it with Sem appealed to me. All day long I thought of him and waited with some impatience for the evening. When I went to bed, I told Sean not to worry if he heard that there was somebody with me that night. He nodded and I think he guessed why I had warned him.

I was in my bed for a few minutes and kept all the two-branched candlesticks on the table and on the chimney lit, when I heard a light knocking at my door. I said to come in. As I guessed it was Sem. He closed the door behind him and drew near my bed. I was lying, already totally naked, on the sheets and I was getting an erection. Sem had seen me totally naked several times, in fact it was he who always helped me each time I took a bath, to undress then to dress me; and yet I had the impression that this time he was looking at me with a particular interest and curiosity.

"Should I undress, master?" he asked.

"Yes, and come here onto my bed, with me."

He quickly took off his shirt and breeches and naked, climbed near me. I helped him and drew him to me. I caressed his beautiful, hairless and smooth body and noticed he already had a good virile member that was already hardening.

"Do what you did with your former master, SemÉ" I said.

He then gave me a kind of massage all over my body, then he started to tease my chest and belly with his lips, until he crouched between my spread legs and took my rod in his mouth, now totally erect and hard. Yes, his previous master taught him his job well. But I was surely not the type that lays there to be serviced - if I had a man in my bed, I wanted to enjoy him in my way. Therefore I made him turn upside down until I too could take care of his nice tool, already like that of an adult man, with my mouth.

Sem emitted a moan but didn't stop what he was doing. After some time I separated from him, made him lie on his back, seized his legs raising them and moved my hard pole to his small ebony bottom. He at once understood my intent and with a hand guided it to the target. When I started to push on his hidden hole, he closed his eyes, and when I started to sink inside him, he took his hand off so that I could push it entirely inside.

I was not able to understand if and how much pleasure being penetrated was giving him, in fact his face didn't betray any emotion. He was anyway giving me a great pleasure, as he was really hot, rather tight and he made his bottom's muscles pulse in a skilful way, really agreeable to me. When I was entirely inside him, I started to thrust back and forth with determined pleasure. I looked at his penis - it was again soft, and this was not a good sign for meÉ I then let go his ankles and with both hands started to gently pinch his small dark nipples.

He emitted a light moan and opened his eyes again, looking at me with an expression of genuine amazement. Then in his turn raised his hands and started t tease my nipples. I smiled him, pleased, going on hammering inside him. The boy didn't return my smile. But slowly his nice pole started to harden and this gave me pleasure. In fact to me it has always been a source of enjoyment seeing that who was uniting with me was enjoying doing it with me. Were he a slave, a servant, a sailor, a middle class man or an aristocrat, on a bed we were just two males exchanging at least pleasure and possibly also some affectionÉ

After some time of taking pleasure in him, I pulled out, laid on top of him and kissed him on the mouth. Again his eyes showed a deep astonishment but he soon returned my kiss, at first almost shyly but then with growing participation.

I then said to him, "Now, Sem, I want you to put your nice black pole inside my bottomÉ"

"I to you, master?Ó he asked me, even more amazed.

"Of course. Didn't you ever do it?" I asked him.

"NoÉ never. I don't know if I will be able to do it properly, masterÉ" he said in a humble tone.

"In any case you will learn. You have just to do as I do with you and all will be for the bestÉ"

So we swapped positions and finally Sem sank inside me. His virile member seemed to me to be perfectÉ He started to move inside me, at first almost hesitantly, then evidently transported by the pleasure he was experiencing, increasingly self-confident. He looked into my eyes and I smiled at him. This time the hint of a smile appeared on his face in answer to my smile. Good, I was pleased.

We alternated so, sucking, taking each other, kissing, until we both reached that level of overwhelming pleasure which all unions yearn to. So sated with one another, I laid down and took him in my arms.

"So, Sem, did you like doing it with me?" I asked him with a soft voice.

"MasterÉ it has been wonderfulÉ But youÉ are you happy with me?"

"Of course I am, Sem. From this night on, I want you in my bed every night. Are you happy?"

"More than happy, master! You areÉ you areÉ special. You not only took your pleasure with me, but you did so that I too got my pleasure. Why did you do so? I am just a slave, your slave."

"Because I like it to be so, Sem, and because I like you."

"Thank you, master."

"Now let's have some sleep." I said.

Sem made as to leave my bed but I held him back, "No, stay here, let's sleep together. It is good, after making love, sharing the same bed. And possibly, tomorrow morning, we might feel the desire for an encore, couldn't we?"

Sem gave me a shy smile and in a low voice answered, "And how!"

So, after that first agreeable night, Sem became my steady boy. He quickly learned how to give me pleasure, and he was now smiling all the time we made love.

That year we received a letter from our father, in which he informed us that our brother Charles had his first son and that he christened him Britannicus! I thought that, even though it was a rather patriotic name, I would never have called my son with such a nameÉ but then I smiled thinking that most likely I would never sire a child. Aldous, differently from me, said that Britannicus was a good name, a classical and historical name going back to the real origins of our landÉ

Having found Sem had appeased me for a great part, and yet I was going on feeling increasingly strong desire towards Sean. I can say that the more our relation was becoming tight and agreeable, the more I was feeling him more as a friend than as a servant, the more I was feeling powerfully attracted to him.

Notwithstanding I had imposed on myself to never again try it with him, at a certain point I was no more able to hold back.

So one day, while I was in the library and Sean was putting in order some new books I had just bought, I faced that subject.

"Sean, I have to talk with you."

He looked at me a little worried for my serious tone and asked me, "Is there something wrong, milord?"

"Yes and no, Sean. Would you please come here and sit in front of me?"

With an even more worried expression, he sat where I was pointing to him and looked at me.

"Sean, I am feeling for you something that it is hard to ignore. You said thatÉ that you neverÉ that you don't feel attracted to people of your same sex, and I tried to understand and imposed to myself to respect your choices. But the more time elapses the more this is becoming difficult for me."

"I am sorry, milord."

"So am I. I don't intend to make you embarrassed, really, butÉ what draws me towards you is not only a sexual desire. As you certainly can have guessed, Sem is giving me full satisfaction on that level, the boy is really skilled and I like him. But I need something else that up to now neither Sem nor any other person has been able to give me."

"Something else, milord?"

"Yes, friendship, affectionÉ devotionÉ A person to whom I too can give the same friendship, the same affection and the same devotion. In other words, a real lover. And I felt that all this could happen with you, if you just wanted it. I beg you, Sean, reflect on itÉ make an effort, if you can, to meet my need. I feel you could be for me a real lover, and I for youÉ"

Sean kept silent for a long time, looking in my eyes, and I was pleased he didn't move his eyes away.

He then took a deep breath, "Milord, I feel really good with you, I'm nourishing for you a deep and growing affection, believe me and, if you allow me to say, also a growing feeling of friendship. You are treating me more than well and I want to be able to return to you at least a little part of your kindness, and of your consideration. And the fact that you think I could be yourÉ ideal lover, flatters and honours me. ButÉ"

"But?" I asked, sorrowful.

"But, milord, I would not be able to give you what you are asking of me, what you hope from me, what you feel you need. IÉ physicallyÉ I am not able to feel anything for any man, not even for you. I regret it, I really regret it. I think that even if I forced myselfÉ you would feel that I am unable to return what you are feeling for me, on a physical level, and therefore I not only would not be able to please you, but I too would feel bad for that. I pray you to understand me, milord, and to forgive meÉ"

"Yes, of course. I understand you and thank you for being so honest and sincere with me. And it is me, in any case, who have to ask you to forgive me if I bothered you again with myÉ with my desire. I hope not to have irritated you."

"Irritated me, milord? Absolutely not. I am proud being in your service, and in what I can I will always try to serve you as you deserve."

"Thank you Sean. You can resume what you were doingÉ"

I had tried for the second time, and it went wrong. But I could understand that it was not Sean's fault. He was right. As I would never have been able to accept a woman in my bed, in the same way he was not able to accept to be in bed with a man. A real pity, but it is useless denying the reality of things.

I told myself that I possibly would never find a real lover, and asked myself if I wouldn't have done better to resign myself.

We were at the beginning of Autumn of 1674. I had accompanied Aldous to the hotel "The Queen's Maid" for one of his encounters with his not so secret mistress, and my brother withdrew with her to one of the rooms on the second floor. I, instead of waiting for him on the first floor hall like the other times, decided to go to the roof terrace of the hotel, from which a very beautiful landscape can be enjoyed. But after I was up there alone for some time, I got a little bored and decided to go downstairs again.

I was on the staircase when I heard a big commotion and excited voices yelling, "He is here, this time he will not escape us!" and "He will pay once for all!" and again, "We will hang him at the gallows!"

I was in the corridor of the second floor and was asking myself what was happening, when the door of a room opened and Nick Sullivan came out of it, as naked as on the day he came to the world, his clothes in a bundle in his hands, and looked around with a terrorized expression. He saw me and looked at me, terrified.

"They want to kill meÉ they want to kill meÉ" he moaned.

Behind him I saw in the room a girl who was anxiously trying to tidy her clothes and I understood what was happening. I then seized Nick by an arm and dragged him away, climbing the staircase, as I heard the yelling mob coming from the staircase that lead there from the ground floor. The young man, wonderful in his complete nakedness, his rod still half erect, followed me without any objection.

He was murmuring, "Save me, save me, please!"

I took him to the upper floor, pushed him behind the door of a closet where I knew they were keeping the blankets for winter time and, going inside with him, I blocked the door placing an old half broken chair under the door handle. From downstairs we heard a knocking on the various doors of the rooms, and I also heard the angered voice of my brother Aldous, disturbed in the middle of his amorous jousts. I laughed to myselfÉ Then looked at Nick, who was trembling, white like a sheet, and a crazy idea hit my mind.

Without a word, I took his clothes from his hands and put them on the chair's seat, then opened my breeches and lowered them to my knees, under the trembling look of the young man, revealing my already half erected member.

"Turn round and don't breatheÉ or they will find you" I whispered to him.

He understood and hesitated. But he also understood that between the two "evils" I was, in that predicament, the lesser one. So he silently turned. I pushed him against the shelf loaded with woollen blankets well folded, where he leaned with both hands, and made him lean forward. I spread his small white and firm buttocks and, while downstairs the turmoil was going on, crouched behind him and started to work his hole, presumably still virgin, with my tongue, carefully wetting it with my saliva and preparing it for the coming intrusion.

Some of Nick's chasers were already on our floor and were knocking on the various doors. I stood up, seized my pole now totally hard, placed it on the right spot and pushed it vigorously forwards. Nick didn't utter even an "ah" when the tip of my pole started to open its way in him, dilating his hole. I then girdled his chest with both arms and pushed more vigorously, and sank completely inside him. He was incredibly tight and hot! When I was finally all immersed inside him, I stopped, as I was afraid that my least movement could make me burst in his so pleasurable deepness, so very strong was my excitement.

When they tried to open the closet's door, I started to move inside the tight channel of Nick that I had just conquered, impaling him with vigorous and regular strokes.

"That door is closed with a key, and cannot be shut from inside! I have the key!" I heard the voice of the hotel owner shout. "It is not a room, but a very small closet, there is nobody inside there. If you break that door, you will have to pay for a new one!"

The excited voices yelled for some more time, then somebody said that Nick had to have escaped from a window and finally the stream of excited voices swarmed out of the corridor, then of the hotel. In the mean time I was going on enjoying that small and no more virgin bottom of the wonderful Nick, the womanizerÉ

Even when the danger was ceased, the young man didn't move, didn't talk and let me go on taking him and enjoying him at my full pleasure and discretion. I took to an end what I had started, now with more calm and pleasure than when the danger had menaced him.

When I finally got my full enjoyment inside him, flooding his secret parts with my jets, quiet and silence was again in the hotel.

I parted from him, really satisfied and, taking his arms made him turn towards me. The wonderful young man looked at me with empty eyes, still lightly trembling.

"But you are now going to help me to escape, won't you?" he asked me in a scared whisper.

"Yes, I will help you, but firstÉ" I said and leaning on him I deeply kissed him on his mouth.

Nick let me, and at a certain point he even started to return my kiss. I parted again from him and looked at him in the faint light that seeped trough a small window half hidden by the shelves - he was really a beautiful youth!

"I will now go out of here to check how the situation is. Put the chair back against the door handle, put on your clothes, and open only if you hear my voice, is that clear?"

"Yes, thank you." he said, starting to calm a little.

I went out, downstairs and asked the hotel owner where were the chasers of Nick Sullivan. Laughing he answered me they went to look for him at his home.

He then said, "He is hidden in the closetÉ there is no keyÉ and you two were there or else I would have seen you, upstairsÉ"

"Yes, and you had the presence of mind to tell that story about the key. Why did you protect him?"

"And you? IÉ I had two reasons, or rather three. One is that all the women who fall into his armsÉ or better to say between his legs, the fault is just half that of the young man, the other half is of the women. Two, I don't want violence inside my hotel. And threeÉ that after all I like that boy."

"You now have to help me make Nick escape. Do you have an idea?" I asked him.

"YesÉ if you lend yourselfÉ"

"Tell me."

"He is still rather young and his features are still gentleÉ with the help of my step daughter we can disguise him as a woman, with the appropriate make upÉ you will be his escort, will accompany him to the post-stage, will make him take the stage coach and tell him to never again set foot here in ProvidenceÉ"

"I think it is a very good ideaÉ and also amusing. But we will let him also bring with him his man's clothes in a bag, so that once he is in a safe place, he can change his clothes. Otherwise it would become really embarrassing for him, anywhere he goes, to go on wearing woman's clothes."

"You are too kind. I would have left him to sort himself out."

"If we could have enjoyed the scene, possibly I would have agreed with you. But as we will not be where he goesÉ" I answered laughing.

So we did. Aldous' mistress, that is the step daughter of the hotel owner, helped us very willingly. She found an old dress she didn't use any more, adapted it on Nick, shaved his small moustaches and skilfully put a nice make up on his face. She then carefully folded his men's clothes and put them in an old woman's travel bag.

In a moment when we were alone, I said to him, "It seems almost the revenge of destiny that you, Nick, who got round so many women to enjoy them, now have to wear women's clothes to save yourself. How do you feel, in the clothes of a woman?"

He looked at me with a somewhat bold, "Very appropriatelyÉ especially now that you used me like a woman!"

"Oh no, Nick, in this you are absolutely wrong! If I thought of you as a woman, I would not have been able to doÉ what I did with you, and surely not with so much gusto and pleasure. It is just because you are a male from head to toe that I enjoyed you so much. It is a pity we had to do it in such a hurry, and in a such an uncomfortable way, and it is a pity I can do it no more with youÉ"

"I knew you wanted it, each time we met your eyes told me so. But if somebody said to me that one day you would have got what you wanted from me, I would have called him a liarÉ and insteadÉ You seized the opportunity. Or to better say, you seized my rear virginity!"

"Was it so unpleasant for you?" I then asked him.

"Much less than I would think. Anyway, in that moment I would also have sold you my soul, in order not to be caught!"

"Was I your first man?"

He looked at me with an ironic smile, "I'm sorry to disappoint you, WilliamÉ but you are the second one. My first time was when I was fourteen years oldÉ I had hidden with a girl more or less of my same age and we were showing each other how we are made under the clothes, and touching each otherÉ nothing more. But her elder brother caught us red handed, sent his sister away, and took me, made me go on all four and fucked meÉ with a will."

"More than ten years agoÉ this is why you still seemed a virgin, at least hereÉ" I said with a smile, lightly groping his nice bottom.

I then went to book and pay for him a passage on the first stage coach, the one going to Boston. I thought it fair to offer him at least that ride, after I got a ride in himÉ At the right time I took Nick arm in arm and escorted him to go in the coach, I kissed him on a cheek as a farewell, as if he were a dear cousin, and watched the coach leave.

That same year I got the news that my brother Charles, who was still in Accra, had had his second son - Peter. I rejoiced that this time he choose a decent name for the child.

Meanwhile Sean had met, downtown, a nice Spanish girl immigrated for a couple years to Providence, coming from the Spanish Dominion of Florida. I became aware that my servant started to court her. The girl, whose name was Margarita Maria Fuentes, made a living as a flower-girl downtown.

In the month of November Sean married the girl. With my permission he exchanged his single bed with a double one, and took her to live in his room. She was anyway continuing to work as a flower-girl. She was a good-hearted girl, gentle, very reserved and polite. Her presence in my house was almost not perceptible. And Sean seemed happy with her, and I was glad for thatÉ in spite of all.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 9

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