The Secret Memories of Lord Moriesson

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Aug 11, 2010


THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON By Andrej Koymasky © 2010 Written on July 27, 2002 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Brian


"THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Chapter 6 - How I was kept prisoner by the Spaniards

Escorted by the proud Asante warriors, I got in sight of Accra fort. From there we were seen and soon the walls were swarming with soldiers. An armed squad came out of the fort lining up in attack formation. Then I went forwards waving my arms and making myself recognised. All the soldiers stopped, their weapons level, and one of them ran back to the fort. Soon after I saw Charles come towards me.

We ran one towards the other and we embraced.

"My dear brother! We feared you were dead!" Charles exclaimed, visibly moved, "What happened to you?"

"Wait, I will just send back my escort, then I will tell you everything." I said.

"But how are you? Are you fine?" he asked, looking at me with a worried expression.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just wait a moment."

I went back to my escort and gave them some orders. The warriors deposited on the ground the gifts that the supreme king of the Asante gave to me, and went away in silence, quickly disappearing between the trees of the nearby forest. I then asked Charles to send some of his soldiers to pick up my gifts and with him I went back to the fort.

I narrated to him the version I had agreed upon with the Asante-hene. I showed him the gifts, and my brother accepted my explanations. He asked me why I didn't have my beautiful velvet jacket any more, and I told him I gave it to Anyoke. I let him see the belt he gave to me to buy slaves at half price, and we agreed that I would take advantage of it to get some good revenue.

He then asked me what was the belt decorated with shells and gold grains that I wanted to take with me as a souvenir of my period at the court of the Nana Anyohe-hene.

"This belt is the insignia bestowed by the king to some people particularly close to him." I said, "Something similar to the Order of the Garter that our king bestows to some people, do you see?" I invented.

"Therefore you were well treated at the court of that savage king?"

"Yes, I was well treated, and he is not a savage. He has his own civilization, his own pride, even though they are quite different from oursÉ"

So I became a slave merchant. As Anyoke told me to do, I went to the slave market, offered what was right for the best slaves and, at the moment of payment, I showed the golden belt that the king gave to me, and so I paid only half of their price, using the money that Charles had advanced to me. Charles then sold them, sending them to the Americas, and gave me half of his profits. I soon accumulated a small fortune.

Remembering the "treason" of Edinkra, even though after all I forgave him, I didn't want a black servant any more. My brother then found for me an Irish man as servant, a young former sailor named Sean, twenty-three years old, who had preferred to leave the sea life.

Soon after my coming back to Accra, Charles celebrated his marriage to the daughter of the Governor. For what the conditions allowed, the marriage was celebrated with some magnificence.

Sean was a pleasant young man, with a beautiful smile. He was just three years older than me and, although keeping the respectful attitude that a servant should have, between us soon was born a good mutual understanding. But, besides that, there was surfacing in me, increasingly clear and strong, a certain desire towards him. I think that the first thing that attracted me to him was his smile, then also his light blue eyes, clear like a sweet Spring sky, and finally also his manners, so spontaneously gentle and kind.

Of course I could not just take him as I did with EdinkraÉ but my desire was increasing with the passing of the days.

Until one evening I decided I had to try taking at least a first step.

"Sean, take a seat, I have to talk with you."

"Yes, milord?" he said smiling, and sat at the table as I gestured to him to do.

"Sean, I am happy having you here with me, and how you take care of meÉ" I said and leaned a hand on his knee.

"I am glad you are happy with me, milord."

My hand glided lightly up to his thigh, "I like you very much, SeanÉ" I said lowering my voice.

He blushed lightly - he had evidently grasped the meaning of my words and of my hand on his thigh, even though I didn't yet reach his intimate parts. He didn't move.

"MilordÉ you will always have in me a devoted and faithful servantÉ butÉ forgive meÉ I'm afraid I cannot answer toÉ to all your desires." he said in a tone that was at once embarrassed, quiet and determined.

"I don't want, and I cannot force you, Sean, butÉ I really like you very muchÉ if between us could also start aÉ another kind ofÉ friendshipÉ" I insisted, but took away my hand from his thigh.

"I would be really honoured if you would consider me a friend, milord. But not in the sense that I think you are hoping, I am sorry. This is the reason why I decided to leave my sailor's life, because on board it was increasingly difficult for me toÉ avoid some situations."

"I understand. Forgive me, Sean."

The young man smiled, "Who doesn't try cannot knowÉ" he said in a kind tone.

I was back to Accra for about one year when, as I had accumulated a good sum of money, I decided it was time for me to go back to England. Charles agreed with me and booked me a passage on the first ship sailing for our homeland. I left him the belt that king Anyoke gave me, so that he could carry on the rentable slaves trade, and Charles promised me that once in a while he would send me my share.

So, with Sean, my belongings and my money, we boarded the ship.

We were at about mid-way of our route, we had overcome without too many problems a storm and now the weather was fine. Our sailing ship was passing between the Lanzarote island and the Yubi cape, when at the end of the day it was met by a Spanish corsair ship that started to chase after us at full sail. The captain of our ship ordered to unfurl all the sails in the attempt to escape them, but as the Spanish ship was gradually reducing distance and in a few hours would certainly reach us, the captain ordered us to prepare the defense.

We had on board only ten cannons, five for each side, but the Spanish corsair ship seemed to be more heavily armed than us. We were not far from sunset when our ship was at shot reach of the Spanish ship. In fact this latter veered round so that had its side towards our stern and a volley of nine cannon shots in a fast succession were fired against us. Almost all of them fell in the water, but one of them hit our mizzenmast and cut it off at mid height and wood and sails fell on the deck. Two of our men were killed.

Then the corsair ship sided us and shot another broadside almost at the same time as us, and at the same time two volleys of musketry were shot in the two directions. Then the Spaniards launched the boarding and our deck was invaded by men who first of all put our sails out of usage, then came down to fight, We gave a fierce resistance and three times it seemed we were able to repel them, but the Spaniards were much more numerous than us, our ship was now unable to manoeuvre, five of our men had been killed and a dozen wounded, and we were forced to surrender.

Our ship was emptied and towed by the corsair ship to the port of Santa Cruz on the island of Tenerife and we were landed and shut in prison. After a couple of days I, with other members of the English aristocracy, were taken out of the prison and brought to the residence of a Spanish noble, the viscount don Felipe Cordero y Marin de Solorzano. This latter informed us that we were his prisoners and that he would send our news to England, asking a ransom to free us. In the mean time we would be his "guests".

Some of us asked him to have at least our servants and the trunks with our clothes, a request to which the viscount consented with good grace. So, in the room I was assigned, I got back both my Sean and a trunk of clothes. Contrary from what I had expected, we Englishmen were not hosted in a single wing of the residence, but we were divided in the various corridors and floors and each of us had, out of the door of his room, two of the viscount's men on watch.

These men escorted us each time we had to leave our room, as for instance when the viscount "honoured" us by inviting us to his table. It was on one of these occasions that I met for the first time his nephew I–acio, a young man four years my elder, that just came from Spain.

I–acio was a rather elegant knight, of that elegance a little showy and exaggerated, in my opinion, characterizing the Spanish aristocracy; he had a proud gait and contrary to his Uncle, he spoke almost perfect English; he was also fluent in French and in Italian. The features of his face were fine, although manly; his eyes were of a beautiful golden hazelnut colour that well matched his soft and wavy hair, he had a straight nose, lips that were full but not too fleshy, and straight as if they were drawn with a ruler.

He had big hands with long and tapered fingers adorned with several rings. He was wearing a just-au-corps of very light blue velvet quilted with pearls and with buttons of polished silver. He didn't wear the trousers with puffed bands like his Uncle, but very tight with silk breeches closed under the knees with multicoloured ribbons.

All summed up I–acio, besides as I said the somewhat ostentatious luxury of his clothes, was a handsome young man. His eyes studied us one by one, and he had on his face a light and indefinable smile, as if he were amused by some secret thought or consideration. I asked myself if he were finding us Englishmen amusing.

After dinner, some of us asked leave to go back to their rooms, others, always with the two guards at their back, to have a walk in the garden. I too was thinking to go to the garden, when I–acio came near me.

"If my memory doesn't betray me, you are Lord William Lukas Moriesson. Am I right?"

"Yes, you are right." I answered returning his light smile.

"And you are twenty years oldÉ"

"YesÉ I see that you are well informed."

"Of course. I think that the sir my Uncle asked too low a ransom for youÉ you are worth much more, in my opinion."

"Should I consider this as a compliment? But if he asked for a higher ransom, I would risk to remain your guest much longerÉ and if it were too high, possibly my family could refuse to pay it and so I would have to remain hereÉ too many years."

"But this wouldn't eventually displease me. I would at least have the chance of getting to know you better. And who knows what could bloom between you and I, if not a real friendship, at least an agreeable camaraderieÉ After all we are only four years apartÉ We could discover that your interests and mine are not so different, after all, and that we have much in commonÉ"

"Which are your interests? Hunting? Fencing? Music?"

"I don't intend to list them for you; it will be more fascinating if we discover them little by little, getting to know each other better. More fascinating, more agreeable, and possibly also a source of pleasure, don't you think?"

I looked in his eyes, asking myself if by chance he was sending me a message. He returned my glance, but I was not able to decipher his expression, beside his eternal, light smile that seemed to be always peeping out of the back of his eyes.

He then asked, "The accommodation that the sir my Uncle provided you is to your satisfaction?"

"I cannot complain, all summed up. The room is rather small, but the view from the window is really enchanting. The bed is somewhat narrow, but the blankets are soft and the linen clean. The food is quite different from ours, but not less tasty. The wine is decidedly good. The two guards at my door are zealous but silent. What more could I ask from life?" I concluded with a not too hidden irony.

He smiled, "You Englishmen are interesting. Even when you complain you keep your sense of humour and, differently from us Spaniards, you very seldom raise your voice. Do you like fencing?"

"I neither like nor dislike it. I am not a man of arms. And do you like it?"

"A little like for you, neither yes nor no. I sincerely like reading better. In my father's house in Seville we have a rather rich library, where I like to spend hours on hours. Here, the sir my Uncle, has a rather succinct library, that he gathered more because an aristocrat is presumed to have a library than for a real interest. At times I think he bought the books only by weight, without any concern about their contentÉ"

"What kind of reading do you like best?" I asked him.

"Travel chronicles, history texts, mythology, uses and customs of peoples far in time or in spaceÉ"

"I too have always been passionate for mythology." I said.

"YesÉ Achilles and PatroklosÉ Zeus and GanymedeÉ or the Sacred Battalion of ThebesÉ" I–acio said looking intensely at me.

"Yes, quite interesting stories."

"More than interesting, I found them fascinating. Myths about strong virile friendships as nowadays we seldom can see around us."

"UnhappilyÉ" I commented looking at him with his same intensity to make him understand I had grasped the hidden meaning of that apparently futile and mundane conversation.

"Are you also interested in the natives' festivals, the guanches? Not far from here there is a small island, that we call Hierro, where in three days the natives will go to celebrate one of their ancient and quite peculiar festivalsÉ in spite that our good priests did all they could to forbid itÉ"

"To forbid it? And why?"

"Because it is a pagan riteÉ and because the natives dance wearing only a thin belt of pleated palm leaves, so showing in an indecent way their nudity. But the dances are anyway really beautiful."

"Are they black men? I saw few of them on this island, up to now."

"No, they are a peculiar people; they are tall, slender and have almost fair hair; their skin has a light bronzed nuance that at times makes them look like living statues, especially when they are standing still to watch their flocks, their bodies kissed by the sunÉ I dare say that, at least the best built of them, have something quiteÉ quite sensual."

"What you are describing to me makes me curious. Yes, I would like to attend their ritual dances, but I am afraid I would not be allowedÉ"

"Unless I assumed responsibility for your personÉ If you promised meÉ not to try to escape, I would take you there more than willingly."

"Escape? Can you imagine me seizing a nutshell and desperately rowing to reach England?" I asked him with irony.

He smiled, "At time a man, and especially one of aristocratic stock, out of love for his freedom, does crazy things. But if you gave me your gentleman's word, I would trust you."

"Well, the idea of being able to attend the dances about which you spoke to me, tickles my fancy very much. I give you my word of honour I will not attempt an escape."

So I–acio one morning came to call on me. He had with him two guanches servants, blond and with the coppery skin as he had described me, wearing the livery of the viscount's household, carrying a basket full of provisions. We all four went down to the port, boarded a boat, and the two servants went to the oars. They vigorously rowed towards the south-east, until we saw other boats, filled with natives, that were rowing in our same direction.

We reached Hierro island and moored. The servants beached the boat, took the provision basket and followed us. I–acio set out with a self-assured pace towards the interior of the small island. Many guances were already gathered in the place and were making preparations. They had earthenware drums with goat hides and a kind of rudimentary flutes. I noticed that there was not even a single woman amongst them and I asked the reason of it to my host.

"No, this is a rite exclusively reserved to males, as originally it was a war rite. And this is what makes it particularly interestingÉ you will see." he said with a mysterious smile.

The two servants put the basket on a slightly elevated spot, near a low flat stone, spread on the stone a rug, then looked at I–acio. The young man gave them a gesture of assent. The two boys smiled, quickly undressed, totally naked as were the biggest part of the natives gathered there and went to mix with them. Some older men girdled their loins with a plaited palm leave belt that clearly was more an ornament than clothing, in fact it hardly covered their bodies at all.

The dance started. At first it seemed disorderly, each of the men were dancing or playing their instruments where they were. But gradually the players moved to the opposite side of where we were sitting and the dancers formed parallel rows. The dance was increasingly becoming strong and quick. It was quite a show seeing those rows of naked bodies, they were about one hundred, jumping and so making their virile attributes bounce with each jump or pirouetteÉ

They then moved so that they were facing each other in couples, and the dance assumed moves decidedly erotic and sensual - it seemed almost as if they faced in an aggressive way, then that they cautiously withdrew, to then face each other again. Each couple turned around, looking at each other, and underlining their strong and virile movements with yells. At times they pushed their pelvis forward almost as if they wanted to hit each other with their flesh rods, at times they bent as to shelter themselvesÉ

"Don't you find this rite beautiful?" I–acio asked me in a soft tone.

"SeducingÉ sensual in its vehemence."

"Yes, erotic, I would sayÉ" I–acio assented without losing sight of the dancers. He then looked towards me, his glance shifted down between my legs, he smiled and said, "I can see that in you too itÉ awakened somethingÉ"

I became aware I was aroused and the fact that I–acio became aware of it made me blush a little.

"Oh, William, you are delightful in your decency. There is nothing wrong, it has the same effect on me tooÉ and this is why I am an appreciator of this riteÉ"

"I am not able to understand if it is more a war dance or a kind ofÉ courting danceÉ" I then dared.

"In ancient times it was a war danceÉ nowadaysÉ I too think that, possibly without them being totally aware, it is really becoming more and more like a courting, a seduction dance."

"ButÉ between two men?" I then asked.

"Unconsciously, as I told you, but why not? Can you now understand why our good Dominican and Franciscan fathers are trying to forbid this dance? A man should never try to seduce another manÉ"

"He should notÉ" I echoed him.

I–acio went on, "And yet it happens he does it. It happensÉ more often than one could suppose."

"Yes, it is so, and it happens even in our civilization."

"CertainlyÉ and also between men of a noble householdÉ like you and I are, for instance." he said looking again at me with his intense and slightly provoking glance.

"Yes, it is really so, I am perfectly consciousÉ" I said in a low voice.

"And, tell meÉ how would you react if somebody tried to seduce you, William?"

"If he were somebody worth my attentionÉ I would feel flattered."

During the rites we ate and drank, talked about various subjects, but our attention was clearly focussed on those so sensual bodies, on those so seducing dances.

When the dances were over, I–acio called back his two young servants and, back to the boat, we reached Porto Cruz and the viscount's residence.

"William, still enough time is left before supper timeÉ would you honour me by coming to my rooms? There is something else, really special, I would like to show you." he said in a tone falsely casual.

I followed him. He bade me sit at his side on a small sofa, called the two boys who took us to the island, and told them something in Spanish. The two boys nodded and smiled. In front of us they again undressed completely and I saw that they still had at their waist the narrow pleated palm leaves belt. Standing one in front of the other, they started to mutually caress, to brush their bodies one against the other, until between their legs bloomed their vigorous erections.

Then one of them laid down on the carpet, the other went on all fours over him and each took in his mouth the penis of his companion, starting to give each other pleasure. I was looking at them fascinated and excited - it was a highly erotic and beautiful scene. Soon I felt one hand of I–acio brush between my legs fingering, groping through my clothes the imperious erection that the scene had quickly awakened in me. I didn't even turn to look at him; I just let him do it.

Then I–acio clapped his hands, "Muchachos, aqui!" he ordered in a low voice.

The two boys parted, gliding on their knees came smiling to us, wedged themselves between our legs making us spread them, untied our breeches, pulled our hard rods out of them and at once started to lick and suck them carefully. I let myself go and leaned against the back of the sofa, and looked at I–acio with a light smile.

"No bad at all, William, isn't it?" he asked me with a low and warm voice.

"They are really skilledÉ" I admitted enjoying those agreeable cares.

"And this is just the beginningÉ" the Spaniard promised me. He then stood up and made me too stand up.

Then the two boys freed us completely from our clothes. For the first time I saw I–acio totally naked - he was beautiful.

"Do you like what you see?" he asked me in a sly tone, sitting again.

I too sat near him, "Yes, very much. And you?"

"As much!"

The two boys came to sit on our laps and each of them, with skilled moves, made our hard and straight rods slip inside their bottoms, then started to move up and down. Both the boys were smiling while they were impaling themselves on us, and caressed our chests. Yes, they were really skilled. But I desired I–acio. So I stretched out an arm, leaned it on his shoulders and pulled him to me. While the two boys were going on tossing on our laps, I deeply kissed him in the mouth. I–acio returned my kiss with real passion.

"Come to my bedÉ While I take one of the boys, you will take me. I always loved being in the middleÉ" he whispered.

All four, we went to the wide bed of I–acio. He made one of the boys lie down on his side, lied behind him and penetrated him, then, his voice raucous from the excitement, asked me to penetrate him. After I complied, I embraced both of them and I–acio started to vigorously move back and forth, so that while he slipped out of the small arse of the boy, he impaled himself on my rod, and while he slipped off of my rod, he sank in the boy's little arse.

Meanwhile the other boy was caressing our bodies with a skilled erotic massage.

I–acio was moving back and forth with the vigour of a young stallion in heat, and was repeating in Spanish, "YesÉ soÉ yesÉ soÉ" with a low and raucous voice.

When we finally were sated, we were just in time to dress and to go downstairs for supper with the viscount and the other "guests" of the residence.

After supper I–acio came with me to my room.

"I–acio, tell me, how did you find those two servants?" I asked him, curious.

"They are skilled, aren't they? I caught them about one year ago, they were making love in our wine cellar. When they saw me, they were terrorized and begged me not to report them. I calmed them down and told them they had nothing to be afraid for, and that I would rather take them as my personal pages, if they allowed me to participate to their erotic games. They accepted at once, also because they previously were just two kitchen scullery-boys. So now they sleep in the room adjoining mine and can make love every night without worries. At times I do it with them, even though I like better somebody more mature, more adult, like youÉ but here it is not easy to find one. You make love very well, do you know? I like you very muchÉ"

"I too like you, I–acio. You are really passionate in bedÉ"

"And you with your servant?" then I–acio asked me, with a cunning smile.

"Unhappily nothing, he is not one of us. I don't want to force him, he is a wonderful servant and I'm keen having him with me. Even though at times to me it is quite a sacrifice to hold myself back, as I feel strongly attracted to himÉ"

"I hope you and I can do itÉ often. And each time you want one or both my pages, you have just to let me know."

So, waiting to find out if and when my family would send my ransom, I enjoyed the beautiful and hot-blooded I–acio and, at times also his pages, who were anyway agreeable and rather skilled in bed.

Finally the required ransom came. I–acio in person accompanied me on a ship to the port of Lisbon, where we said farewell. There, Sean and I boarded a sailing ship going to England and so I could finally reach my land and rejoin my family.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 7

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