The Secret Memories of Lord Moriesson

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Sep 29, 2010


THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON By Andrej Koymasky ╘ 2010 Written on July 27, 2002 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Brian


"THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Chapter 18 - How I discovered that the son of my loyal Sean is like me

I resumed my usual rhythm of life in Cardiff, and my business that during my absence I had entrusted to my brother Michael. He was longing for me to get back, as he was getting bored in Cardiff and wanted to go back to London.

My house was in perfect order; during my absence Sean and his wife had perfectly cared for it, and Michael, who had lived there, sang their praises. Meanwhile Sean's son Lukas was growing up. We were in 1691 and Lukas was by then fifteen years old. Physically he resembled his father very much, he got from his mother only his beautiful black hair and dark eyes and the intense look. He was a kind and very polite boy, but above all he was really intelligent.

I asked him if he would like to study, and getting a positive answer, I decided he had to stop working in my house and devote himself to his studies; I paid the tuition for him at a good private school in nearby Bristol, attached to the church of St. Mary Redcliffe, and also for a room in the boarding school. Lukas came back home on the ferry each week-end, and for the vacations. Sean and his wife were very grateful to me for what I was doing for their son.

Also in 1691, came to Cardiff young Alexander, the son before the last of Lord Halifax. The handsome young man was twenty-three years old, and he was living at the house of his mother's brother.

I first met him at the club of the aristocrats. I noticed him sitting at a table playing a game of patience, and got the impression he was terribly bored. So I went near him and, with a smile, asked him if I could sit at his table. He looked at me rather astounded, but nodded in assent.

"I am William Lukas Lord Moriesson, the owner of the cotton fabrics factory down at the portи" I introduced myself.

"I'm honoured to meet you. My name is Alexander Caspar Lord Halifax. You are the first person here in Cardiff who so courteously addressed me and introduced himselfи I still don't know anybodyи"

"Are you in our town for long?"

"Only five daysи"

"And will you stay here in Cardiff for a long time?" I asked, studying the beautiful traits of his face.

"I still don't knowи for some months, I thinkи I have to practice under the guidance of my Uncle, the lord superintendent of the royal castle, so that later on I can get some charge at the royal palace in London."

"I have the feeling that you are rather boredи" I said to him. "Of course, Cardiff is not London. And yet I now feel happy here. Possibly I too became a country gentlemanи"

"How many souls are living in Cardiff, milord?"

"I think around eighty thousand, but I am not certainи Undoubtedly it is not London. If you like to ride, we could at times do it togetherи I would like to show you the surroundingsи"

"I would be grateful. The sir my Uncle never moves from the castleи he is a rather sedentary man, notwithstanding he is just a little older than you. He is just thirty-six years old, butи"

I smiled, "You are a flatterer. I just turned fortyи"

"Are you joking? You seem much younger, milordи It could be because you have smooth skin and such lively eyesи"

"You are going on flattering me, milordи"

"No, no, no flattery in my words. Andи how old do you think I am?" he asked in a tone slightly coquettish.

I studied him then ventured, "Twenty-three?"

He raised his eyebrows in a motion of light astonishment, "How could you hit upon my age so perfectly?" he asked.

"I always had a good eye concerning young men. I am less good at guessing a woman's ageи possibly because I am not used to observing them." I said to him, without a double meaning.

"And anyway one should never say to a woman the age he thinks she is - he would risk offending themис he responded. рWomen are way too complicated beings. And often also quite boring. Are you married, milord?"


"Such a good looking and handsome man as you are?"

"Evidently no woman ever noticed meи or to better say, no fathers."

"You are joking. Or isn't it that you, like me, shun the marriage chains?" he asked me with a light smile.

"You are still young, you have plenty of time in front of you, before thinking of setting up house." I said.

He threw me a questioning glance, then nodded. And he asked me, "But you, lord Moriessonи don't you ever feel lonely?"

"Noи not too much and not too often, at least. I can find enough friends, or I should say acquaintances, to spend some time in an agreeable way."

"Likeи like me, for instance."

It wasn't a question, it was a statement therefore I just nodded.

More time I was passing with him, and more I was feeling attracted to him. But I didn't feel like running risks, therefore I didn't know what to do, how to lead our conversation further, besides the usual triviality that two people can exchange just to kill the time. But evidently Alexander was having similar feelings towards me, and as much evidently, he dared to risk more than me.

In fact, all of a sudden, he said, "Tell me, Lord Moriessonи if somebody desired to find, here in Cardiff, the way to spend some time in a pleasurable intimacyи how should he do so?"

"Pleasurable intimacy, you say? Well, it dependsи it depends from what, or who, could appeal to youи"

"A mature person, unmarriedи I wouldn't have complications, do you understand, and of a good social level, to feel at easeи"

I thought that he carefully avoided making me understand if he was talking of a woman or a manи and up to then he could even be describing meи

Alexander went on, "And a person who can host meи I couldn't meet with such a person at the castle, you can understandи And of course a free person, one who doesn't need to account to anybodyи"

No good woman in our country ever lived alone, thereforeи

Laughing, to let open a way out if I needed to, I said, "It almost seems that you are describing meи If you would like to be my guest, once in a while, to spend some time together and not under the eye of everybodyи"

"I would be flattered. You are an enchanting personи"

"And you are really attractiveи"

"Do you find me attractive?" he asked with a pleased smile.

"Very much. This is why I would like to get to know you betterи to deepen our mutual knowledge."

"To know meи in a biblical meaning?" he asked me with a light smile and looking straight in my eyes.

I didn't understand to what he was referring, "Sorry? What do you mean?" I therefore asked him.

"Do you know, when it is written that the blessed Mary said to the angel of the annunciation, that she didn't know any manи" he said lowering his voice.

"Oh, I see. Yes, then, exactly in that meaning, if you too agree." I said with a cunning smile.

"I hoped you asked me, lord Moriesson."

"If we have toи know each other in that biblical meaningи wouldn't it be better you just call me William, Alexander?

He smiled, "Or even Willy and Alexи when two people reach a certain degree of intimacy, a nickname makes that intimacy even closerи"

I so invited him to come and visit me the following day at evening. He came on his horse. When Sean announced Lord Halifax, I went downstairs and received him. I had a supper for two prepared and we ate it talking of this and that, while our eyes, as if magnetized, were making other, more eloquent speeches.

After supper we strolled for some time in the garden. I then asked him, "Would you please come upstairs to my room, Alex?"

"I was fearing you would never ask meи" he whispered making a wide smile.

When we were in my room, where Sean, farsighted despite that I told him nothing, had already lit four two-branched candlesticks, I finally took him in my arms, pulled him against me and kissed him. I felt he was already aroused.

"Are you ready to finally begin toи know each other?" I asked him.

"Can't you feel it? I am more than ready. I am longing to see what jewels you are hiding under your clothesи Let me open the jewel caseи" he said.

Then, kneeling in front of me, with feverish hands he opened my breeches, my cambric underpants, lowered them both to my knees and seized my hard rod, starting to passionately lick and kiss it. Pleased, I caressed his soft hair.

I made him stand up and started to undress him. Soon we were both lying on my bed. He again devoted himself to my rod, and I to his. I tested his hidden hole with a finger and felt he was enjoying that exploration. I then remembered the scene I saw at the Jardin des Aum≥nes in Paris, the tableau vivant that I so enjoyed admiring. I sat on the edge of the bed, made him sit on my lap and penetrated him, gently tormenting his nipples or kissing him, while he was springing up and down on my blazing rod.

"It's fantasticи it's fantasticи" he was going on to repeat, enraptured.

And finally he came, and the contractions of his strong orgasm triggered mine also. He then sat down on my lap, letting his legs dangle down, keeping inside him still my rod that was slowly resuming its rest's size, heavily panting, leaning with his back against my chest.

"Do you know, Willy, that I never enjoyed it so much? I thought that my man in London was an expert at giving me pleasure, but you overcame all my expectations, all my experiences."

Caressing his chest and belly, I asked him, "Did you have many men, up to now?"

"It would possibly be more right to say that many men had me!" he said with a giggle, then added, "No, not so many, you are just the fifth one."

"And who were the other four, if you allow me to ask you?" I asked him, curious.

"The first one was my tutor, when I was seventeen. It was he who made me discover the beauty of love between men. The second one was a black slave of my father, who was my page and who slept in my room. The third one a Scottish cavalry officerи do you know that under the kilt they should wear nothing? It was really convenientи And the fourth and last an actorи very skilled on the stage, but even more skilled on the bedи and yet not as good as you are!"

We met again several times, until Alexander had to move back to London. I know he became a chamber gentleman of the kingи For some time we exchanged letters, but then we lost contact. In one of his last letters he told me that he finally had a new man, a forty-one year old Welsh officer of the guards of the royal apartments.

In 1692 tree things happened worth being noted.

The first one in order of time, was that I had in my bed Dale Hearst, a thirty-four year old cavalry captain who came to Cardiff to order from my factory some rolls of white cotton twill for his regiment. He came to my office in the factory, showed me a sample of fabric and asked me if I could produce some rolls of that fabric, and how much I would charge for them. I told him that I had the suitable looms, and that I would have the cotton spun at the right thickness. We bargained on the price and came quite easily to an agreement. I asked him what would be the use of that fabric, and he said it was for the sacks of the troops' pallets.

"You treat your troops very well, if you use such a fine cloth for the sacksи" I said, rather astounded.

"We ask very much of our men, but we treat them well, of course. And we want them to sleep well, to be ready to accomplish their duties in the best of ways, each time they have to."

"Andи tell me, why did you choose my factory to make this order?"

The captain smiled, "I was waiting for this question. You know Bruce Mac Kendall, the banker, don't you?"

"Yes, certainly, I knew him very well when he was living here in Cardiff."

"Right. Now, as you certainly know, he manages the London central branch, so I too had the pleasure to know himи and really well as you knew him. He told me about you, and as you still use his bank, if your business is good, it will be good for him too."

"You didn't tell me you know himи and neither that you know him very well. Thus, Bruce told you about meи and about our special friendship, I presume." I said studying his reaction.

He leaned towards me and said, in a low voice, "Yes, above all about your friendshipи and he told meи that it is really pleasurable having the chance to spend some hours in your company. Is it so?"

I smiled, "Would you like to personally verify?"

He stood up, came near me, took one of my hands and brought it between his legs to feel his state, "What do you think? Is this a sufficient answer to your question?" he asked me with a sly smile.

"I am not certainи I would like to be also able to seeи besides touching with my hand."

"It could be done, if you invited me to your home to drink some Porto wine."

I told my workers that I would be absent for some time, and at once took Dale to my home, in my room.

As soon as we locked ourselves inside, the handsome captain opened his uniform and, showing me a pole of a good size, already erect and hard, pushed me on my shoulders making me kneel in front of him. I took straight away that beautiful flesh cannon between my lips and started to take care of it. Meanwhile Dale was taking off all his clothes one after the other, until he was totally naked in front of me. He made me stand up again. I took him in my arms and heatedly kissed him on the mouth. The handsome captain helped me to undress.

He then pushed me towards my bed, made me lean with my chest on the mattress, spread my buttocks and without losing time, pushed his entire rod inside me, letting out a low moan of pleasure.

"You are hot and tight, Williamи and your hospitality is delightful!" he exclaimed, starting to move inside me with a will.

"And you a real expert in military manoeuvresи Who knows how many times you trained your soldiers, trained with your beautiful cannon until it shot!" I said to him while I was slightly jolting under his virile lunges.

He giggled, "Non many, but surely more than one of themи You know how it happens, those young soldiers so full of energy, deprived for too long of any pastime, are ready to do much to be able to have some amusementи And I am a good officer, I worry also about their amusementsи But a handsome and skilled man, like you are, is way better than a noviceи"

He came all of a sudden, giving me vigorous strokes. He then pulled out of me, made me straighten up and turn, and kissed me deeply.

"And now it's your turn. How would you like to ride me?"

"Lie down on my bed, on your back, jutting your nice arse off of the edge, and keeping your legs raised." I instructed him, foretasting the ride that I didn't think he would offer me, "Even though I am not in the cavalry, I too like very much having a good ride."

"I know, Bruce told me so. Here, I am ready."

His bottom was firm, not small but proportioned and slightly hairy. I draw close to him, and penetrated and took him at least with his same impetuosity. Dale was encouragingly smiling to me, pleased by my endeavour. I too came rather quickly.

"I thank you, do you know, I really needed it." I told him. "Here in Cardiff there are some occasions, but they are quite rare."

We dressed again. It had been a quick thing but rather satisfying.

"Why don't you go to Bristol, then? It is closeи Flecker, my orderly who comes from Bristol, told me that downtown there are many boys who for a few coins are ready to give pleasure to a gentleman."

"Really? And how and where can I find them?"

"Flecker says that behind the cathedral, on the street contouring the apse, there are many of those boys. You just have to walk along that street jingling some coins in your hand. They will approach you and offer you their services. Also Flecker, when he was a boy and before becoming my orderly, did it to earn some coins."

Back to my factory, the captain signed the order, gave me an advance payment and left the town, satisfied for two good reasons.

The second thing that happened in 1692 was that when I went to pay the school fees for Lukas in Bristol, the dean of his school asked to talk with me.

"Milordи I know that you have really at heart the son of your servantи"

"Lukas? Certainly yes. Why?"

"Well, milord, what I am about to tell you is not an easy matter, but we suspectи we thinkи we have reason to believe that in the behaviour of the boy there is somethingи unnatural."

"Unnatural? What do you mean? I don't understand."

"Well, you seeи he goes around with a boy of the upper classes somewhat too often; and their behaviour is, so to say, tooи friendlyи it suggest an intimacy thatи that could be suspectи" the man said tossing on his seat as if he was sitting on a cushion of thorns.

I understood. "You are telling me that you think that between the two boys there is a sodomy relationship?" I asked him very outspokenly.

The dean was visibly embarrassed, "My god, milordи I can't say that, butи at times between two boysи you know how it happensи it can also happen thatи a friendship by the way also understandable can becomeи can degenerateи They are still weak soulsи and we have the moral duty to intervene before this can happen. Or if it happens, we have to intervene in the hope thatи"

"For Heaven's sake, did you catch them in indecent attitudes?" I asked him in a gruff tone.

"Not reallyи not exactlyи butи either they had time to recover their composureи or they were about toи They both were bare-chested, do you see milord, and when our teacher of Latin entered the room, your young prot▌g▌ blushedи Now nobody usually blushes if he hasn'tи so to sayи something of which to beи ashamed."

"In short, you have nothing concrete in your hands, but just suspicions." I concluded drawing a silent sigh of relief.

"Of course, or else we would have had to take disciplinary actions. But we anyway believe that it would be fair to intervene in time, do you see, before something could happen to which no remedy could be givenи"

"Did you discuss this subject with Lukas?"

"Of course we did, but the boy denies everythingи"

"Who is innocent doesn't have any other means to proclaim his innocence than to deny the chargesи"

"But who is guilty, denies all the charges to avoid receiving the right punishment, milord."

"All right. Call the boy. I want to talk with him, in private. I will rather take him out for a walk, so that we can talk in peace."

"As you desire, milord. I really hoped you would make such a decisionи for the good of the boyи"

When Lukas came into the room, he looked at me then lowered his eyes and greeted me. I took him out of the school.

"They told you?" he asked me as we were on the street.

"What, Lukas?" I asked him.

"What they suspect about meи"

"Yes, they did. Is it true? The dean told me that you resolutely denied it, but I would hear it directly from you."

"Milordи Iи I don't want to lie, not to you. Yes, it is true. I love boys, I am not at all interested in girls. And with that mate of mineи we just made love. When our teacher came into the room, we had just started to don our clothesи"

"Lukas, Lukasи my dear boy, you know how our society judges someи inclinations. You have to be very careful, my dear boy. But tell meи that boy and you, are you in love with each other?"

"No, milord. We are just close friendsи"

"Andи do you do it also with other boys?"

"Yes, at times, milordи My father knows about meи he too told me to be very cautiousи But notwithstanding thisи"

"Your father is a wise man, you should listen to him. Do you understand what would happen if you were caught in the act? Despite that you are just sixteen years old, you would end up in jailи and even for life. Laws are very strict, you should know this. Is it worth, for one hour of pleasure, risking years on years of jail?"

"It is not always easy to control oneself, milord. Moreoverи I would like to learnи to learn to do it wellи"

"You will have all your time to learn it, my boy. Now you have to promise me that you will be very, very careful. If something happened to you, Lukas, I would be deeply grieved."

"Really, milord?" he asked looking at me with his big moist eyes like those of a fawn.

"Yes, Lukas. You know how much I have you at heart."

We were sitting on a pier, side by side, our legs dangling towards the water.

"Milord, may I ask you a question?"

"Of course, Lukas."

"You too areи like me." he said, but there wasn't a question tone in his voice, and he lightly blushed.

I reflected. Should I tell him? I decided I had.

"Lukas, you have been honest with me, therefore I too want to be honest with you. Yes, I too prefer a man to a woman, it is true. This is why I well knowи this is why I can understand you, and this is why I am giving you my advice. Life is not easy for people like us. Will you promise me that you will be really, but really careful, Lukas? Do you promise me?"

"I promise you, milord. I don't want to grieve youи and even less give you problems. I promise you."

"For this time I think I can hush up this thing, but if it happened again, and even worse if you were caught in an intimate situation, I'm afraid I could do very little for you."

"I understand it, milord. Thank you. Thank you for having been sincere with me."

"Listen, Lukas, I have an idea. You boys at times can get out of the boarding house can't you? Besides when you go to school or come home, I mean."

"Yes, in the afternoon, if we have done all our homework."

"Good. Then come with me."

After I got some information, I went to the house of a widowed woman who rented rooms to travellers for a little money. I told the woman I wanted to rent a room for me, which she was not to rent to anybody else, and where "my nephew" could also go once in a while to rest with a schoolmateи The woman understood at once what would be the use of that room, but as I paid it well and in advance, didn't turn a hair and gave me the key. I went then to an ironsmith shop and asked him to make a double of that key, and gave it to Lukas.

"From now on, if you want to withdraw with one of your schoolmates, you will go to that room, all right? But you have to do so that nobody sees you go there or come out together. That woman will surely not talk about it, I think she is used to such kind of things."

"Thank you, milord. You are really kind."

"It could be that I too will use it. But I will go there only in the morning to dinner time, or else in the evening from supper time. So we both will be free to use it. Or else also on the weekends, when you go back home."

"Thank you, milord."

"I just ask you, Lukas, to be very careful."

"I swear, milord."

I took him back to the boarding school. I talked with the dean and told him that Lukas never lied to me in all his life and that he assured me that between him and his companions there was nothing more than a sound friendshipи and that therefore there was no reason to worry.

So having settled that problem, I took the ferry and went back home. So, the little and handsome Lukas shared my same tastesи I hoped that life didn't confront him with nasty surprises, and that one day he could find, he at least, somebody to love and from which to be loved.

The last thing that happened that year, was a visit of my nephew Peter, the son of Charles, who just turned eighteen, and who was now living in London to continue his studies. He came to visit me with another boy of his same age, called Trevor, who was his schoolmate. He told me that he got to know from his father that I am a lover of my same sex, and that he and Trevor were lovers. The two boys were really tenderи

When Peter had revealed to his father his inclination, Charles, after having uselessly tried to dissuade him, in the end accepted him and he even made so that at the college the two boys were given the same bedroomи I admired Charles for his wisdom.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 19

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