The Secret Memories of Lord Moriesson

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Sep 24, 2010


THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON By Andrej Koymasky © 2010 Written on July 27, 2002 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Brian


"THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Chapter 17 - How I discovered that Paris is the capital city of licentiousness

Paris is really a special city. Not only for the beautiful mansions that adorn it, for the elegant clothes you can see in its streets, for the luxury that seems to reign almost everywhere, although I have also seen boroughs where the blackest poverty reigns, but for some of its peculiarity that really left me speechless.

But let's proceed in order. As I reached Paris, I found lodging at the Auberge des Printainiers, a hotel not far from the Bastille, a gloomy fortress where the king of France imprisons his enemies. This hotel is one of the meeting points of the provincial aristocracy coming to Paris, mainly the youths of the lesser aristocracy, therefore in its halls there always is a merry and lively atmosphere. Richard had advised me to go to this hotel, and I was lucky as when the public coach took me there, the room I got was the last one still free.

The first days I wandered in the capital, which its inhabitants by good right call "the capital of Europe", my nose in the air, more amazed and enchanted than a child. Despite that my French is rather good, my English accent was rather horrible, in fact as soon as I opened my mouth everybody asked me if I were English.

In the hotel's hall, I was soon involved in the meetings of groups of young aristocrats who at evening entertained each other with the narration of the facts and experience they had along the day. Possibly because I was a foreigner, it seemed that everybody competed to invite me to their tables.

I came so to know something that was whispered with such an insistence and with such an abundance of details, names, places and dates that I think it really corresponds to truth. Monseigneur, that is the younger brother of the king, was an inveterate and passionate lover of men! I heard about his private parties, where he invited the youths of the aristocracy who share his preferences, and where he also had dozens of peasant boys who were paid to give pleasure to his guests in every possible way a man can give it to another man. I also heard that the king in person had to intervene several times to hush up scandals or to try to compel his brother to be more reserved in his "special" parties.

But what struck me more was that the rumours were spread with a smile, without the least scandalised attitude, without any criticism or blame, and rather, I can say, with an amused sympathy or at least with understanding. French people are evidently more open-minded and more accommodating than us Englishmen. Possibly because they don't have the puritans like we haveÉ "L'amour c'est l'amour!" is their password, a sentence that I can translate as "love is love" or possibly better with "any kind of love is worthy to be called love"É

I had been in Paris for a few days when, along the banks of the Seine, I stopped to listen to a boy who was playing, rather well, a violin; he had a hat at his feet, where the passers-by threw some coins. He was dressed in a poor way, his clothes had plenty of patches, but he was very clean. He had lively eyes, a smile that could possibly be of convenience but that showed beautiful lips and teeth, a nice light brown head of hair rather voluminous and soft, and a slender and graceful body.

After some time I listened to his music, leaning against the stone parapet of the embankment, the boy stopped playing. He passed his fingers through his hair then threw a glance to the coins in his hat. I then straightened up, took a silver coin and threw it in the boy's hat and was about to go away.

"Hey, sir, you were possibly wrong! This is silver!" he shouted at my back.

I turned back - the boy was looking at me with a smile and handing me my coin.

"No, I was not at all wrong, boy. I wanted to give you a silver coin, so I gave it to you." I said returning his smile.

"You are a stranger! An Englishman, I bet. If you are really convinced I deserve a silver coinÉ wellÉ thank you then!" he said and pocketed it.

"You never get silver coins?"

"No sir, never. I am not the violinist of the king! I really don't think I have such a high value." he said shaking his head.

"Bah, in my opinion instead you have a big value. What you were playing was rather pleasurable. And you too, boy, have a really pleasurable aspect."

"With these rags on me? You are taking me for a ride, sir."

"I agree with you - without those clothes on youÉ you would be much more pleasurable, I am certain!" I then said to him, making a cunning smile.

The boy laughed, and his silvery laughter seemed delightful to me. "You have a really graceful way, sir, to make your proposal."

I looked at him more carefully, than asked, "My proposal? I wasn't aware I made you a proposal, butÉ as it seems that I instead didÉ what do you answer?"

"I never went into the bed of a foreign gentlemanÉ if you would really like to spend some of your time in my company, I will be glad to keep company with you."

"I too will be really glad, but I don't know ifÉ I have a room in a hotel, I don't have a private residence here in Paris."

"What hotel is it, sir?"

"The Auberge des PrintainiersÉ"

"Yes, I know it well. There is no problem at all, sir. You just go in, go to your room and I will follow a few paces behind you."

"And nobody will stop you?" I asked, astounded.

"Certainly not, sir. It is not the first time that a gentleman invited me to go to his room, in that hotel."

"AndÉ would you come with me because you like it, or to earn another silver coin?"

"I will do it because I like the thought of doing it with a foreign gentlemanÉ otherwise it would cost you two silver coins, not just one. But you have been generous with me, so today I want to be generous with you."

I liked that boy, he was witty, easy, clever, besides being really handsome. So I went towards my hotel. He walked at my same pace, but a few steps behind me. Each time I turned back to check if he still followed me, he shot me a reassuring and roguish smile, as to tell me - don't worry, I absolutely don't intend to change my way.

I went upstairs to my room, and while I was opening the door I saw the smiling face of that boy appear at the landing. I went in and waited. He came in, and I shut the door behind him.

"Did you see? No problem at all, as I told you. May I put my violin there?"

"Yes, of course. Tell me, what is your name, and how old are you?" I asked him.

"Nobody ever asks me thatÉ My name is Ruben, and I just turned nineteen, sir. And you?"

"My name is William, and I'm exactly twenty years older than you."

"I would have thought you were younger, you really don't look your age at all! You could say you are just thirty years old and everybody would believe it."

"Why should I diminish my age? It took me thirty-nine years to get to today, and I am proud of it!" I answered.

He laughed. I really liked his laughter. He then drew near me and looked at me with a merry expression. He brushed the fabric of my clothes with a finger.

"Would you please let me take off all your clothes, monsieur William?"

"If it pleases youÉ" I answered.

His beautiful violinist's hands, with fast and self-assured gestures, started to untie my clothes and to take them off one after the other. I was finding that situation really erotic. The boy was merrily smiling and once in a while looked into my eyes. When he took everything off of me, he brushed my body with the tips of his fingers.

"How white are you! But you are handsome, a really handsome man, monsieur. And you can believe me, as I have seen plenty of men wearing nothing but their skin. But now it is up to you to undress me. It will take you much less time, as I don't wear so many, and so beautiful clothes as yoursÉ"

Like it is also for the boys of our lover social classes, Ruben didn't have any underwear under his clothes. He really had a beautiful body; he evidently didn't suffer hunger. And he already had a beautiful erection that I was pleased to see and to touch. He looked at me with a provoking expression.

"And now, monsieur William, lie down on the bed and let me doÉ at least for some time. Afterwards, if you like, I will let you do as you please. Do you agree?"

I liked that boy so full of initiative, not at all intimidated for being with a foreign aristocrat.

I laid down, my legs and arms a little spread. He came onto the bedÉ and the torment of Tantalus began, but an incredibly delightful torment. He teased me in all the right spots and in the right way, he made me get aroused, he made me desire to get more, but he rationed them. He made me desire something, but then gave me something else, even though not less agreeable. He teased my body with his hands, lips, tongue, hard pole and with various parts of his bodyÉ He made me almost think of a wizard doing mysterious ritesÉ

Each time I tried to take the initiative, to touch him, he blocked me with a smile, "Not yetÉ" he said with a voice full of eroticism.

When he finally judged he had brought me to the right level of "folie d'amour", of love craziness, he told me with an alluring smile, "Well, now! You now can do of me as you best please, monsieur."

I literally jumped on him, kissed him with passion, I could feel fire flow in my veins. I made him lie on his back, folded him in two and took him with a wild joy, with a passion that for a long time I hadn't felt any more. He spurred me with his smile, with light movements, with caressesÉ Until, barely holding back a joyous yell, I unloaded inside him with incredibly strong jets that shook my entire body.

I became still, panting, sweating, almost amazed for the intensity of my enjoyment. I looked at him - he smiled at me with a sweetness I had not yet seen in him and that moved me. I leaned again over him, took him tenderly in my arms and gently kissed him.

"Are you pleased, monsieur?Ó he asked me with the voice of an adolescent.

"Incredibly! ButÉ and you?" I asked him.

He passed a hand over his belly, spreading his own seed that I wasn't aware he had already poured out and showed me his wet hand, "Very much and this is the proof, monsieur. I heard that you Englishmen are not as hot as we Frenchmen, but you are possibly an exceptionÉ"

"It's you who lit a fire inside me, Ruben."

I thought I would like having him with me for all the time I intended to pass in Paris. And then I got an idea.

"Tell me, Ruben, how much can you earn in a day, playing your violin?"

The boy got up, took from his pocket all his coins, deposited them on the table, moved aside the silver coin I gave him and showed me the rest.

"Look, monsieur, this is more or less what I earn in a day, at times more, at times lessÉ today I would say that, besides your silver coin, has been an average day."

"Do you have to give this money to somebody? For instance to your mother, or brothersÉ"

"No, I live alone, they are enough for me."

"Do you have a home?"

"I am sharing a room with seven more boys; the owner asks us plenty, but being eight we can pay for it without problems. He doesn't care how many we are, provided that every week we give him his fee."

"A big room?"

"No, monsieur, a little smaller than this one."

"Eight? You have to sleep one on top of the other, then!"

He giggled, "At times we have to, but not only to save space." he said with a cunning smile.

"Listen, Ruben, I would like you to stay with me and be my guide for the almost three months I will stay here in Paris. I will pay youÉ the double of those coins. You will eat with me, sleep with meÉ"

"And fuck with you!" the boy merrily added.

"Yes, why not? And more than thisÉ I will buy you new clothes."

"To not cut a bad figure being seen around with a tramp like me." Ruben concluded merrily. "Yes, monsieur, I like your offer. Can we go now to buy clothes for me? I know a second-hand dealer who has beautiful clothes and who is cheap, and he will not cheat on the price with me."

We went. He chose simple but nice clothes, dignified, in the middle class style - a black tricorn hat, a dark brown just-au-corps, a light green waistcoat, a wide white cotton shirt, dark green breeches tight at the knee, white stockings and black shoes. I wanted also to buy him some underwear - two small shirts and two underpants. He carefully folded his old clothes in a bundle and we went back to the hotel. I informed the owner that "my guide" would live with me in my room and, just to save appearances, I had a pallet added, but we just slipped it under my bed.

So dressed, Ruben was even more handsome and elegant. I also bought him a two pockets leather purse for his coins, to hang at his belt under his just-au-corps.

"You dressed me up completely, monsieur," he said with his usual cunning air as we went out of the second-hand dealer's shop, "and yet I know that you like much more to undress me! AnywayÉ I thank you."

"To tell the truth, I would like to have you all the time naked, but you well know that it is not possible, thereforeÉ" I commented, laughing.

He led me to visit the various parts of the city and its surroundings, and often he volunteered information about what we were visiting, to give me explanations. He was a boy of a really agreeable company.

But he also alternated to the visit I can call canonical, some other visits that widely illustrated for me how Paris was, incredibly for me, also the capital of sex between men.

One day he announced to me, "I will today take you to the Promenade des Soldats, on the ële de la CitŽ. I advise you to have some handkerchiefs you don't mind losing in your pockets, monsieur."

"Handkerchiefs? What for?" I asked, curious.

"You will seeÉ and you will understandÉ" he said with a cunning air.

When we were there, he made me notice how, in some side lanes, there were several young soldiers, mainly on their twenties, who were quietly walking up and down, as well as several gentlemen, "Look carefully, monsieurÉ" he suggested to me.

I saw that some of those gentlemen, while passing near one of the soldiers, let a handkerchief fall on the ground. At times nothing happened, the handkerchief remained on the street, as if the gentleman lost it and nobody noticed it. But other times the soldier picked it up and handed it to the gentleman, who took it back, thanked himÉ and together they went to that gentleman's coach, got inside it, and the coach took them away.

"Did you see, monsieur William? If one of those young soldiers appeals to you, you just let a handkerchief fall in front of him as if you just lost it. If the soldier would like to accompany you, he picks it up and gives it back to youÉ and he comes with you, to your bed, ready to satisfy your urges for a few coins. Usually who does so likes to be fucked by the soldier, but it is not always so, it could work also in the other way roundÉ or in both ways."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course, or else, why in this part of the city so many gentlemen lose so often their nice handkerchiefs rimmed in lace?" he asked me with his sly smile.

"This is why you told me to take with me some handkerchiefsÉ" I then said.

"If you liked one of those young soldiersÉ I can just wait outside the hotel until you have taken enough pleasure with himÉ" Ruben said looking at me.

"And wouldn't you like a threesome?" I then asked him.

"Well, if it pleases youÉ why not?" he said smiling mischievously.

"In this case we have to choose together. You will tell me which of the soldiers you like, and if I too like him, I will drop my handkerchiefÉ" I proposed.

We did so. The first soldier in front of which I dropped a handkerchief didn't pick it up.

"Possibly because we are two, and he understood that he should do it with both of usÉ" Ruben explained to me.

He then made me notice another soldier - he was a young "green dragon" with his very tight uniform that was of course green with light blue trimmings. He had a somewhat lost expression, it seemed he didn't know where to lay his eyes. He was quite handsome, had a sensual gait, walking slowly keeping a hand on the hilt of his sword.

I let another of my handkerchiefs fall in front of him. The young soldier at once picked it up and handed it to me.

"Your handkerchief, sirÉ" he said with a low and hesitant voice.

"Thank you, soldier. Come with us." Ruben readily told him.

He followed us. We went up to my room.

When Ruben shut the door, the soldier looked alternatively to him and me, then, "This is just my third time, messieursÉ if you would tell me what I have to doÉ" he said to Ruben, then blushed lightly.

As usual, it was Ruben who directed the games. He undressed the soldier than asked him to undress me, while Ruben was undressing himself. The young soldier was rather well built, he had a totally hairless body, besides a tuft of blond hairs at the centre of his chest. He was not yet aroused; his penis was hanging still soft from a thick bush of curled hair. Ruben pushed him onto the bed and we too went on it, lying at the sides of the soldier.

We both took care of the soldier until we brought him to a good level of excitation. Then Ruben had the soldier penetrate him, and gave me sign to penetrate in my turn the young dragon. The soldier gradually lost his insecurity and started to participate with increasing pleasure in that threesome. We swapped positions, so that at times Ruben was in the middle, at times I was between them. He finally made the handsome, young soldier go on all fours and while he pushed it in his throat, and I in his nice arse, Ruben and I leaned over him and kissed each other.

When finally all three of us were sated with each other, reaching in a fast succession our orgasm, while we were dressing back, Ruben told me how many coins I had to give the soldier for his service. The nice dragon thanked us and went out.

"So, monsieur William, are you satisfied?"

"Yes, RubenÉ it has been really agreeable. But don't deceive yourself, tonight I want you in my arms all the same." I said.

"I hoped so, monsieur William, I really hoped so." the handsome boy told me with his mischievous smile.

Then, a few days later, he asked me if I wanted to rent a coach, "This evening, monsieur William, I would like to take you a little outside Paris, along the Seine. We will go to RŽuilly, just outside the city walls, towards the Bois de VincennesÉ" he said.

"Should I take some handkerchiefs with me?" I asked him, curious.

"NoÉ you don't need them. You will have the coach stop where I will tell youÉ but don't wear those nice shoes, wear something more comfortable, it will be betterÉ"

At evening we prepared ourselves.

"Would you please tell me what we are going to do?" I asked him, curious, while I was changing my shoes, following his advice.

"We are going to the MarchŽ des Culs."

"To the arses' market? What is that?"

"You will seeÉ"

We had the coach stop at a place where other coaches had already stopped; Ruben led me off of the road and through a wide wasteland full of bushes. Approaching to the Seine banks I saw that, here and there, there were small fires lit. I saw shadows of men wandering and bundles near the firesÉ

When we were closer, I remained literally agape. Near each fire there were some boys, between fifteen and nineteen years of age, kneeling or crouching and bending forward, their breeches lowered, and their small arses jutting towards the fire, well in sight and lightened. Several gentlemen were passing from one fire to another, groping those outstretched little arses, at times also testing them, pushing a finger into their holes and moving itÉ At times some also pushed a hand between the boys' thighs to feel his hanging genitals.

The scene was unreal; everybody was keeping silent and the only noise that could be heard was the murmuring of the river and the cracking of the fires.

Then, at times, one of the gentlemen went in front of one of the boys and they spoke in whispers. And at times the boy stood up, tidied his breeches and followed the gentleman towards the road, where the coaches were waitingÉ

"Do you see, monsieur William? If you like one of those small arses, you go in front of the boy and if you also like his face, as I know that to you that also is important, you bargain the price. If you reach an agreement, you take him to your coach andÉ the night is yours!" my young and expert guide explained to me in a whisper.

"Would you like to do a threesome again, Ruben?" I then asked him.

"You know that Ruben never steps back, when there is an occasion to amuse himselfÉ" he answered with a mischievous smile.

So we started to wander. We made our choice together and Ruben bargained the price in my place. We took with us in the coach a seventeen year old boy, dark-haired and curly, slender and not too tall, whose small nice arse, firm and round, appealed to both of us, as well as his face that had fine and regular traits, with a shrewd and pleasant smile.

So we also took that boy into my bedroom and, as we did with the soldier, we enjoyed him for a good part of the night. When we felt sated and appeased, Ruben proposed him to stay and sleep with us and promised him some more coins if in the morning, when we woke up, he would give us an encore. The boy readily accepted. So also the following morning we enjoyed him for a long time.

A few days before I had to go back to England, Ruben made me the third of his quite peculiar proposals.

"Monsieur William, this time I want to take you to visit the Jardin des Aum™nesÉ it is also called the Jardin des Lanternes, or also the Jardin des TalentsÉ"

"And what have I to take with me, this time, Ruben?" I asked him, amused, trying to figure where he was going to take me.

"A lantern, monsieur William, even though this is a full moon night, and a good handful of coins of low value."

As usual I rented a coach. This time we went out of Paris in the direction of the Bois de Boulogne. Just outside of the city walls, Ruben told the coachman to go to the Benedictines' Monastery. The complex of buildings stood in the middle of fields, was abandoned and partially in ruins. In front of the old church that was nowadays without the doors, were as usual several coaches parked.

We got off ours, carrying the lit lantern. Ruben led me into the deserted church, whose roof had crumbled down, walking round piles of debris, and we went out in a cloister. We crossed it also then passed through a connecting vaulted hall and so were in a wide lot of land with fruit trees planted in regular intervals in the pattern of a grid of squares about twenty feet on a side. Under each tree there was a lit lantern and gentlemen with their lanterns in hand were wandering from tree to tree.

Under each tree there was a couple of boys or young men, almost always half or totally naked, who were coupling in the most different positions and in the most different ways. Some were sucking each other lying on the grass, others were penetrating standing up or lying down, or kneeling downÉ others simply touched and masturbated each other, and others were deeply kissing. Quite seldom there was also a boy alone, who masturbated himself, or even a few threesomes.

In front of each group there was a lantern and a small vessel - a wooden box, a bowl, and old hat. The gentlemen stopped to look, at times asked to the boys to do something different, at times, but quite seldom, went close to them to touch, grope, finger them. Then, according to how much they liked the performance, they threw a few coins in the vessel and passed to look at another scene, another couple of boys, another "tableau vivant", a living painting, as Ruben called them.

"But how can they go on such a long time?" I asked Ruben in a whisper.

"Monsieur! You too know well how to continue making love without reaching an orgasm. Moreover they moan as if they were intensely enjoying and coming even though it is not so, for the benefit of their audience. The more they are able to get their audience aroused with their performance, the more money they will earn."

"AndÉ can somebody also take both the boys to his place?" I asked.

"It is possible, but these boys are much more expensiveÉ besides the fact that one has to pay two of them, if they left this place they would lose the offers of the other gentlemen. Therefore who wants them, has to offer them a rather good amount of moneyÉ Would you like to have two of them, monsieur William?"

"No, tonight I will content myself with you, Ruben. I think that this tour, besides being arousing, can also be instructive. I saw boys unite in positionsÉ that I didn't ever think possible!"

"Do you know, the more they do it in a special way, different from the others or from usual, the more money they can earn." Ruben explained me.

"But you, how come you know all these things, to be so well informed?" I asked him.

"Amongst us boys of the slums, we tell each other all we learn in order to be able to scrape a few coins more. Not everybody is able to play an instrument like me or to do something else to earn their bread, therefore any new idea is always welcome. And to perform these tableau vivantsÉ it is enough to have his own body and a little fantasy."

"And pleasure to fuck and a lanternÉ" I added with a giggle.

"Desire to have sex, at our ageÉ we have even too much of it, monsieur!" Ruben retorted shooting me a smile.

We stopped in front of two totally naked and incredibly beautiful boys - one of them was more or less Ruben's same age and was sitting on a low wooden crate, and the other one was about two years younger and was sitting on his lap, his back leaning against his chest, a little astride, his feet well placed on the first one's thighs, impaled on his strong hard rod, was moving up and down with a studied slowness, and his beautiful hard pole was bouncing up and down at each of his movements. The first one was hugging him, and at times bent down to suck his nipple, at times the second one bent back is head and they kissed deeply, with passion.

"These two boys are so beautiful that if a painter saw them he would surely paint their picture!" I whispered to Ruben.

He giggled, "In that pose? I don't think that any gentleman would hang such a painting in his lounge."

"No, but he possibly would hang it in his bedroom. Aren't they beautiful and sensual?"

"Yes, they surely are. Either they are very good at acting, or both of them are really enjoying what they are doingÉ"

I put several coins in the bowl of the two boys - they certainly deserved all of them.

We toured some more then I said, "Ruben, let's go back to the hotel. I have a terrible desire to make love with you!"

"Yes, it is having the same effect on me, monsieur William. Let's go."

A few days after that, my Paris holiday came to an end.

Before leaving I said to the boy, "RubenÉ I have thought about this very much in these last daysÉ Why don't you come with me to England? I would be really pleased if you became my boyÉ"

He looked at me, astounded, "I thank you, monsieur William, you are really kind making me this offer. But my life is here in Paris. I would feel lost in a foreign land. I have been very happy with you, I spent really wonderful weeksÉ but I cannot acceptÉ"

I insisted in vain. I then decided to buy him more clothes and gave him several coins, besides what we had agreed. We made love for the last time, and Ruben seemed to be even more tender and passionate than always. And we said farewell.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 18

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