The Secret Memories of Lord Moriesson

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Sep 12, 2010


THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON By Andrej Koymasky Š 2010 Written on July 27, 2002 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Brian


"THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Chapter 14 - How I discovered what two of my servants did inside my coach

I was fitting very well with Robert. Possibly, besides the pleasure I had with him on my bed, he aroused in me also a feeling of protection, and this also was a source of pleasure for me. At the factory he was continuing to work hard, and after the closing time, he came to me every day, besides the Sundays. 1684 came, and I was thirty-three years old and Robert nineteen.

But at a certain point I noticed something odd in the boy. I wasn't able to really understand what it was, as Robert seemed to always enjoy very much our secret meetings in the hut, and also at work he was active and zealous as always. When I tried to sound out him on this matter, he said that everything was all right, and yet he was not able to totally convince me. I also asked him how was his family doing, but he said that everything was all rightÉ

Until one Sunday, while I was leaving the church, Lewis came towards me. As always I greeted him with real pleasure. We chatted of this and that, he proudly told me that his son was growing up well, and that he was thinking to buy a new boat with one of his brothers. I gave him my congratulations.

He then said, "I really desired to talk with you, milord, about RobertÉ"

I looked at him, "Yes, Lewis? There is something that bothers him, isn't there? I tried to understand what it could be, to talk with him, but he insists that there are no problemsÉ"

"I told him that he should talk frankly with you, milord, but Robert says he cannotÉ therefore I decided to talk with you. But, pray, don't tell him I am telling youÉ"

"All right, Lewis. So, then, tell me what is the problem."

"Do you see, milord, about three months ago, on a Sunday, when he did not have to come to work and neither to meet you at the hut, he met a thirty-five year old man, a yeoman of the King's castleÉ and they both fell in love with each otherÉ On one hand Robert would like to devote himself to that man, to spend more time with him, but on the other hand he says that you are treating him so well and feels so good in your arms that he doesn't have the heart to cease coming to you at the hutÉ"

"But Robert and this yeoman are in love with each otherÉ" I underlined, starting to understand where the problem was. "But does this man treat him well?"

"Yes, they are really in love. And Barnaby Hayes, the yeoman, would build for him golden bridges, if he could."

"If things are as you say, Robert has to cease coming to the hut with me. It is surely not me who wants keep two lovers from being happy togetherÉ"

"This is what I told him, milord, but Robert doesn't want to understand, he says he cannot wrong you so, as you don't deserve itÉ"

"All right, Lewis, you did the right thing coming to tell me. Tomorrow, as I will see Robert, I will talk with himÉ"

"But don't tell him, pray, that I talked with you about that; I promised him I would notÉ"

"All right, Lewis. Where can I meet that Barnaby?"

"Do you want to talk with him?" he asked me, alarmed.

"No. But if I can't say to Robert that I came to know about him from you, I have to tell him that I understood just seeing him with this BarnabyÉ But if I don't even know what he looks like, I cannot make the pretext believableÉ"

Lewis described the yeoman to me and also told me where I could see him. So that same afternoon I went to see the yeoman. He was a good-looking man, with a face that was not handsome but was lightened by a beautiful smile. And I was lucky, as just a little later I saw that man again, and he was in the company of Robert. The boy was listening to him, a radiant smile on his face - yes, it was clear, at least for me and now, that the boy was in love with the yeoman, and him with the boy.

So, the following Monday, I called Robert into my office at the factory and asked him to close the door.

"Robert, first of all I want to tell you how happy I am with you for your work here at the factory. Therefore I will pay you two more coins every day."

"Thank you, milord, you are really kindÉ" he said smiling to me.

"But, RobertÉ I saw you yesterday walking behind Neville House in the company of a yeoman, a man about thirty-five years oldÉ"

Robert blushed, lowered his eyes and became serious.

"And by the way you were looking at each other I guessed that between that man and youÉ there is something important. Isn't it so?"

"He isÉ he is a friend..:" the boy almost stammered.

"I think he is much more than a friend for you, Robert. Be sincere with me. Don't I possibly deserve your sincerity and your trust? What is really that man to you?"

"Milord," the boy almost moaned, "I met him about three months ago, one Sunday andÉ Barnaby and IÉ he made me visit the castle, insideÉ he has been really kind with meÉ"

"And, tell me if I am wrong, but something bloomed between you, isn't it so?"

"YÉ yes, milord."

"Something beautiful."

"YÉ yes, milord."

"You both fell in love with each other." I then said in a kind tone.

He blushed, raised his eyes for a moment to meet mine, lowered them again and nodded in assent.

I took him by an arm and forced him to sit on my lap. I caressed his cheek, looked at him with a smile and felt he was trembling.

"You do not have to tremble, Robert, you should not be scared of me. If you and that mister Barnaby are in love, I am really glad for you, for you both. And I understand that, being in love with him, it is becoming increasingly heavy for you to come to the hut with me - you would rather see him, and not just once every week, on Sundays."

"MilordÉ but I am coming with you willingly, you know itÉ"

"Yes, I know it; but for some time now you are not the same as always, and I finally understood why. Tell me, do you like that Barnaby very much?"

"Yes, milordÉ"

"Does he treat you well? Does he respect you, does he give you his love?"

"Yes, milord."

"And in the evenings, he would be glad to see you and he could do so without problems?"

"Yes, milordÉ"

"Very well. Therefore, starting from today, at closing time go and meet him, don't come any more to the hut. Is that clear?"

"ButÉ you, milord?" he asked me with in his eyes an expression in which I could read at once the joy for being able to see his lover, but also a genuine worry about me, and this pleased me.

"Robert, I am old enough to care for myself, don't you think? You, ratherÉ you should have told me before, so we would have solved faster this situation that was becoming increasingly heavy for you, right?"

"Oh, milord, it was difficult having too little time to spend with my Barnaby, it is true, but it was never difficult coming with you to the hut. You are so gentle, so kindÉ and you make love so wellÉ"

"And, tell me, Robert, this BarnabyÉ he too makes love well?"

The boy blushed, nodded, then said, "Yes, milordÉ and I teach him what he is not able to do and I learned from youÉ"

I ruffled his hair and made him get off my lap, "Good, Robert. Be happy with your man. And in future, have more trust towards me and tell me if you have a problem. All right?"

"All right, milord. AndÉ thank you a lot, milord." he said and, taking my hand between his own, he kissed it with respect and devotion.

But my hut didn't remain empty too long. We were in 1685. I had in my service, amongst others, two boys, Angel Pratt, the cook's assistant who was twenty years old, and Charlie Laough, my gardener, who was twenty-three. Angel was not really handsome, but was anyway an agreeable boy, he was lively and resourceful, and anything but ugly. Charlie on the contrary was beautiful, even though very reserved and shy, a quiet boy and a hard worker.

One day I went to the stables, as I had forgotten in my buggy some papers I wanted revise with calm, therefore in the evening, taking a lantern, I went to get them. The stable door was half closed and I was about to push it and go inside, when I heard giggles coming from inside, and I noticed there was the light of a lantern. Made curious, I pushed the door carefully and glided inside looking around. The lantern light and the whispering voices came from inside my travel coach which was parked on the left corner of the stable, and the coach was slightly and rhythmically rocking on its leather suspension.

I at once imagined what that could mean and even more curious, I silently drew nearer the coach. Its door was shut. Rising up on my toes I managed to look inside through the small windows.

I saw them from behind, but I recognised them at once - Angel was bending over the seat, his hands on it, his breeches lowered to his ankles, and behind him, his breeches hanging loosely at his knees, there was Charlie who was holding him at his waist and was hammering inside him with clear gusto. Once in a while one of the two boys said something and they giggled. At each lunge of Charlie, the coach rocked and the lantern, hanging by the roof hook, provoked a curious play of shadows. I noticed that they had put an old blanket on the seat, evidently not to risk dirtying its velvet with their eventual spurts. I smiled for their foresight and careÉ

On one side I felt tempted to open the door to join them in those merry love games, on the other side I thought I would have done better going away silently as I came and leave them in peace. At the end I chose an intermediate solution - I remained in the stable, sitting on the footboard of the buggy, waiting for them to end their mating.

It didn't take them much time. I saw their silhouettes straighten behind the windows, turning their backs to me as they were evidently tidying their breeches. Then the door opened and Charlie first appeared on it, the blanket folded on his arm, and behind him Angel with the lantern in his hand. The handsome gardener got offÉ and saw me. He stopped dumbfounded and Angel nearly banged against him. Then also the cook saw me, while I was standing up. They looked like two statues.

"Did you amuse yourselves, boys?" I asked them with a little smile.

They both were visibly trembling. I drew near them, my lantern in my hand, and looked at them - their eyes expressed worry and fear.

"For how long have you been doing these things?" I then asked them.

"One yearÉ" Angel answered.

"Eight monthsÉ" Charlie said.

"One year or eight months? Who of you is the liar?" I asked, amused.

"One year since I convinced him to do it, milordÉ and about eight months we have used your coachÉ" Angel explained, embarrassed.

"Ah, so it's you, Angel, who taught Charlie to do these things?"

"Yes, milord, it was meÉ" Angel admitted, hesitantly.

"Charlie, before, did you ever do that?" I insisted.

"NoÉ beforeÉ he did it alone, milordÉ"

"And you, who taught you to do such things?" I then asked him.

"Taught me, milord? Before coming to work in your serviceÉ my step father, after the death of my motherÉ wanted me on his pallet every nightÉ"

"Don't fire us, pray, milordÉ Punish us, but don't fire us, prayÉ" Charlie moaned.

"Don't report us to the authorities, milordÉ" Angel beseeched.

"Fire you two? But why? You're two good and skilled servants, I have no reason to fire you. About reporting youÉ I too like doing what you were doing. I have no reason to be scandalised and to report you. But tell me, are you lovers? Are you in love with each other?" I then asked them.

Angel looked at me amazed, almost as if I asked them if they were able to fly. "In love, milord? But we are both males! Two males cannot fall in love with each other, can they? NoÉ we just amuse ourselvesÉ"

"I seeÉ so, thenÉ would you like, at times, to amuse yourselves with me too? One of you or possibly all three of us together?"

Charlie looked at me nonplussed, Angel much lessÉ

"With you, milord? Even though we are just two servants?" Angel asked me.

"Sex is sex, and a male is a male, be him a king or a beggar. And you two are handsome boys. Why not, if you too would like doing it with me?"

Angel at once said, "Any time you like milordÉ Right, Charlie? And with one of us or both, as you like best, milord. Right, Charlie?"

The gardener readily nodded in assent.

So, first of all I told the two boys not to use my coach any more, but to go to the hut when I was not at home. And I told them that I would willingly take my pleasure with them.

Most often I invited only one of them, but also at times we did a threesome; one of us in turn stayed in the middle either taking it in front and in the back, or penetrating one and being penetrated by the other one. Angel was the freer and looser of them, and Charlie the most tender and gentle. Both of them sufficiently satisfied my loneliness.

I was thirty-five years old, and 1686 arrived. That year I met a banker who opened a bank in our little town of Cardiff. He was Bruce Mac Kendall, a distinguished man just two years younger than me. I got to know him as, with the purpose of attracting customers to his new bank, he offered good conditions for my transactions, my savings and my deposits, so that I left my old bank and moved to his.

Bruce dressed with a simple elegance, was a cultivated man; he studied law at Cambridge, and was the son of a banker in the city in London. He had a young wife, I would say rather unattractive, and two little daughters. He lived just under the castle, in Carnaevon Hall, a small but dignified and elegant building of the fifteenth century.

I met him often at the club, beside his bank. At the club he taught me to play whist, a game that seemed to be much in fashion in the capital. He then started inviting me to go for rides out of town, and I willingly went with him.

So one day, we dismounted our horses and tied their bridles to a tree; we sat down to look at the landscape and to quietly chat, when, I don't know how, he told me that in London a few years before he had met sir LawrenceÉ

"You know that he lives now in Scotland, I presume." I told him, made curious for that common acquaintance.

"Yes, I know, he told me that he had to go there, on his father's orders, to avoid a painful scandalÉ"

"A scandalÉ Do you know what it was about?" I asked him, interested.

"Yes, a very delicate matter. He told me, we were close friends. It seems that one of his friends, out of irresponsibility, put him in a bad situationÉ"

"Wasn't it the fault of his page-boy?" I then asked him.

"The page-boy, certainlyÉ but above all, that friend who made a wrong stepÉ" Mac Kendall insisted.

"AndÉ do you know if he was very angry at that friend?"

"Yes, he was, as he didn't expect from him such thoughtlessness."

"Did he also tell you how his page was involved in that story?"

"He told me all the details. As I told you, we were close friendsÉ"

Then, staring into his eyes, I said, "And didn't he tell you the name of that foolish friend? Didn't he tell you that it was me?"

He looked at me amazed, then said, "No, he never said your name."

"But he told you what I did with MarkÉ and how unwillingly I made his page understand how Lawrence was not faithful to him, but amused himself also with other menÉ"

"Yes, besides your name, he told me everything. SoÉ you were that friendÉ"

"I disappointed him, right? It was totally unintentional, I assure you. If I just had guessedÉ if Lawrence had just told me the real relationship he had with his pageÉ I would surely not have acted as I did."

"I believe you, as from his narration I told him more or less this same thing. Also to me he never said that he fooled that boy making him believe he was his only and true loverÉ But Lawrence liked to amuse himself too muchÉ fly from flower to flower like a butterflyÉ and in my opinion, if you have reason to reproach yourself, Lawrence has much more reason to reproach himself."

"And so, thenÉ also you and LawrenceÉ" I then dared.

"Yes, exactly like between you and him."

"Were you already married, in that time?"

"I was, yes. You know, the usual marriage decided by our two families. She is not a bad wifeÉ she is just incredibly boringÉ and not so prettyÉ Anyway she contents herself if I accomplish my husband's duty once a month, for my luck."

"And now, do you have a friend here in Cardiff?"

"A special friend? No I just moved here, and in such a small town, for a stranger, it is not easyÉ to find. And you?"

"Not a real friend, but at times I can find a boy with whom to spend some agreeable hours."

"I have neither, for the moment. You are a lucky man."

We changed the subject, but we were now feeling that, having "unveiled" us to each other thanks to our common knowledge of Lawrence, a bigger understanding and closeness could develop between us.

Then Bruce looked around, then put an arm on my shoulders, pulled me to himself and kissed me on the mouth, with a long and deep kiss. I returned that kiss with pleasure. When we parted, Bruce looked at me with a light smile.

"Couldn't weÉ some timesÉ meet in a withdrawn and safe place?" he asked me.

"More than willingly, Bruce. You are a handsome man, I think it could be agreeable for both of usÉ"

"I may seem to be selfish, butÉ I really need having a man in my arms, being in the arms of a manÉ" he said taking away his arm from me.

"I hope not only in the armsÉ" I said, somewhat jokingly.

"Of course. Would you really do it willingly with me, William?"

"Surely, Bruce; I think it will be a pleasure doing it with you. You could come to my home, if you like. In my room we will be tranquil, at our ease, nobody would disturb us."

"Your servants wouldn't think it odd if you receive a man in your bedroom?"

"My house-steward knows about me, and he will not think it odd. And there is no reason to worry about the others. Would you like to come now?"

"The idea attracts me. Can we go?"

So I took him to Breckenfield Hall, into my bedroom. As soon as we were in it, I took him in my arms and we kissed again. One of his hands went down to feel between my legs. He smiled.

"I feel that you are already in full shape. I am tooÉ" he whispered.

I went to feel him there and he surely did not lie. We undressed each other. He had a thin body, slightly hairy, especially on the forearms, on his legs and in the centre of his chest. He had a penis of unsuspected size, one of the bigger I ever saw, second only to that of my black king. I fingered it with both my hands, together with the heavy sack hanging under it.

"I hope you are not disappointed but IÉ I like more taking it in my rear, than putting itÉ" he said groping my genitals with feverish hands.

"I confess to you I was slightly worried by your size, I would anyway have accepted it. But so much the better." I answered him with a smile and drawing a silent sigh of relief. Then I added, "But I would really appreciate to taste it, if you likeÉ"

He nodded with a smile, "Help yourselfÉ and if you want to also quench your thirst at the spring of eternal youth, I am at your disposal. But as a rewardÉ you have to promise me that you will ride me for a long time, for a really long time, WilliamÉ"

"I will do my best, I promise." I said kneeling in front of him and starting to take care of his remarkable flesh column.

It filled my mouth, forcing me to keep it wide open and was pushing on my throat - the feeling was really unusual but rather pleasant, I sucked, licked, gently bit it for a log time, until I felt it vibrate like a snake ready to attack his prey and finally, letting it slip out a little so that only the big glans was in my mouth and so I could appreciate his coming tribute, I felt him flood my mouth with a lukewarm cream, not in jets, but with a continuous, abundant flow. It was the sweetest nectar I ever tasted.

When I was aware he would not give me even just one more drop of his nectar, I let it slip out of my mouth, licked its head some more, provoking in him strong and even too intense shudders of pleasure. I then stood up and kissed him in the mouth.

When he parted from me, he sighed and smiled, "This is the first time, William, I have tasted my ownÉ" he said.

He then went to my wide and soft bed, laid down and asked me to sit on his chest so that he could duly prepare my rod for his so longed for penetration. He raised his head and I put the pillow under it, then started to duly suck and wet it. He then made me move away, pulled his strong folded legs well spread at the sides of his chest and with a glance invited me to take him.

I knelt in front of him, spread his strong and firm buttocks and moved forward. He received me inside him without the least difficulty and while I was slowly sinking inside him, he emitted a low, pleased moaning. When my pole was inside him to its root, he caressed my chest and nodded, to let me understand he was ready.

It really was a long ride, as each time I was feeling dangerously near to losing my control, I slowed down or even stopped, and leaned on him to exchange a hot kiss. We went on so, alternating strong rides at the gallop with breaks, for several times. Bruce was visibly pleased by my endurance and lightly tossed under me, to better enjoy the pushing that my flesh ram was bestowing on him.

But finally I seized him by his shoulders so vigorously pulling him against me and hurled myself in a last strong and fast ride, determined to finally reach the target. He understood my decision and his eyes shone in anticipation. My strokes were now so strong that all the bed was jolting and the curtains of the canopy enclosing it waved as if they were shaken by short but insistent wind blows.

I was covered with sweat, so much was the energy I was putting into it, and Bruce had an increasingly blessed expression on his manly face. When he felt I was near the final explosion, he seized the muscles of my chest, squeezing them with vigour, so triggering the powder and I shoot, into his warm and secret deepness, broadsides on broadsides of my virile seed.

We stopped, worn out but sated. Loudly panting, my heart beating like a hundred horses in fugue, I looked at him with a smile.

"You have been just fantastic, William. I heartily thank you. I really needed that. I am lucky I met you. May I once in a while ask you the grace of an encore?"

"Without any doubt, Bruce. I will give you all the encore you ask of me, and always with the same pleasure." I answered jokingly.

We got off the bed and dressed again. We had just finished tidying ourselves, when I heard a knocking at the door.

"MilordÉ forgive me, milordÉ" a voice said behind the door.

Bruce had an alarmed expression.

"It is Sean, my house-steward. You have nothing to fear." I said to Bruce and went to open the door, "What's up, Sean?"

"Forgive me, milord, but an urgent message just came for you from London. The carrier came expressly and told me it is really urgent, therefore I dared to disturb youÉ" he said giving me a sealed envelope.

"You did right, Sean. Is the carrier waiting for my answer?"

"Yes, milord. He is in the kitchen refreshing himself."

"Very well." I said and, breaking the seal, opened the message.

It was the news that my father was suddenly dead, during the night, in his bed. I was asked to go at once at our London residence, as Charles and Aldous were abroad, so I was the elder member of the family and it was up to me to take all the needed decisions and give instructions.

I informed both Bruce and Sean about the news, and asked the latter to make ready my coach so that I could leave as soon as possible. Now that my father was no longer amongst us, my exile came finally to an end.

I said farewell to Bruce, and I soon was in my coach going towards London to take the family reins into my hands.

My younger brother Michael, who was then thirty-one years old, welcomed me with affection - he had just made a room ready for me so that I could have some rest, and the day after I could make the needed decisions with him for our father's funeral and all the rest. I asked him if he already sent the news to Charles and Aldous and he told me he did.

After the solemn rituals were performed, the solicitor came to our residence to give us lecture of our father's testament. Contrary to what he had told me, my father had not disinherited me.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 15

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