The Secret Memories of Lord Moriesson

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Sep 4, 2010


THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON By Andrej Koymasky Š 2010 Written on July 27, 2002 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Brian


"THE SECRET MEMORIES OF LORD MORIESSON" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Chapter 12 - How in Cardiff I fell in love with a sweet fisherman

I had been in Cardiff for one year; business was starting to go rather nicely, I was known and respected in town and was a member of the most exclusive clubs, which I attended only as much as my social status and my business required of me.

And for that year I hadn't had any more sexual relationships, which I was therefore rather missing, although I have to say that, having just been burned, I became rather cautious. I was continuing to feel attracted to Sean, my house-steward, but I had promised him I would never again embarrass him with my proposals, therefore I was scrupulously careful to keep my word.

It was a morning. I was outside the door of my factory for the production of cotton fabrics, when I saw a young fisherman passing by with a basket full of nice fish, just caught and still wriggling. I always liked fish very much, therefore I signalled him to come to me.

The youth shyly smiled and came near me.

"Would you like to buy my beautiful and good fish, sir?"

"Yes. Did you catch these fish?"

"Yes sir, with my father and my brothers."

"How much do you want for them?"

He told me the prices of the various qualities - they were very good prices.

So I told him, "Listen, do you know where the residence of Lord Moriesson is?"

"Yes, sir, isn't it Brekenfield Hall?"

"Rightly so. Go there and ask for Margarita, the governess or for Angel the cook and reach an agreement with them. Tell them you already talked with me, and that I want you to supply us your fish every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. All right?"

"Yes, sir, thank you, sir. You are Lord Moriesson, I presume."

"Yes, I am William Moriesson. And what's your name, boy?"

"My name is Lewis Byrd, milord."

"How old are you?" I asked him, carefully looking at him and thinking that I really liked that young man.

"I just became twenty-three, milord."

"Good, Lewis. If you will always supply me with good fish at an honest price, each month's end I will give you a special reward. Serve me well and if I am glad with your service, you too will be glad to serve me."

"I certainly will, milord! And thank you a lot, milord!" he said merrily and at once went towards my residence at a fast pace.

I looked at him going away and felt towards him an even stronger desire - he had a nimble and nice gait, somewhat naturally elegant. I also liked his smile, fresh and frank, and he had beautiful brown eyes with golden speckles that made him really attractive.

Two mornings later I went to my factory a little later than usual and so, as I was leaving my house, I saw Lewis come with his basket of fish. As he saw me, he opened up in a wide smile and did a light bow of salute.

"Lewis, so then did you reach an agreement with the governess or the cook?"

"Yes, milord, thank you, milord. You remember my name, milordÉ"

"Yes, Lewis Byrd, and I also remember that you turned twenty-three." I said to him with a smile.

"It is so unusual that the lords remember such things about anyone like me, milord. To everybody I usually am just 'hey you!' and that's allÉ" he said with a curious smile.

"But you aren't just anyone to me, Lewis. You are my fish supplierÉ moreover you are also a really handsome boy."

"Do you really think I am handsome, milord?" he asked me and his amazement was genuine.

"Certainly so. You have a slender but strong body, judging by what your clothes let me guess, and an agreeable smile, very beautiful eyes, a really pleasant face with an honest expressionÉ therefore you are really a handsome boy, and it is a pleasure looking at you." I insisted.

"This is why both the day before yesterday and also today you are looking at me in this soÉ special way, milord?" he asked.

"Special? Yes, you are right, I look at you in a special way. Does it possibly bother you the way I look at you?"

"Oh no, milord. MoreoverÉ you are a lord, I am just a fishermanÉ you have all the right to look at me as you like bestÉ I think."

"And tell me, LewisÉ what is there special in my way of looking at you?"

"I can't really say, milord. ButÉ possiblyÉ like my mother at the market looks at things she would like to purchase but she cannotÉ"

"Therefore, in your opinion, I would like to purchase you but I cannot." I said to him, amused at his comparison.

"I didn't intend to say that, milord. You are a lord, you canÉ have all you like."

"All I like, Lewis? It is not enough being an aristocrat to be free to do as one pleases. A lord also has his limits he cannot exceed."

"Really, milord?"

"Really, my boy. If for instance I would like toÉ buy youÉ I could not, as you are not a black slave for sale in the market."

"A gentleman, once, wanted to buy meÉ I mean, that gentleman offered me money for my timeÉ"

"He was offering you a job. It is really different. You can accept it or refuse it, a slave cannot, as he is like an object. You are not an object."

"You are right, in fact I refused, even though afterwards that gentleman was rather cross with me."

"What work did he offer you to do for him?" I asked him, curious.

"It wasn't really a job, milordÉ That gentleman wanted to buy meÉ my bodyÉ for a couple of hours."

I smiled, "He wanted, you mean, to have sex with you?"

"I really think so."

"I can understand it, as you are so handsome. But did he ask you explicitly? Did he dare telling you clearly?

"No, milord, but I clearly understood what he wanted."

"And how?"

"From how he was looking at meÉ"

"And how was he looking at you? Like I am looking at you, by chance?"

At that point Lewis blushed, and said, "Yes, milord. But you asked to buy my fish, notÉ something else."

"But if I too desired from youÉ something else? Of course I am asking you only for the sake of talkingÉ"

"WellÉ just for the sake of talkingÉ I would possibly not refuse your request."

"Really? And why?"

"Because you are kindÉ and youngÉ and good-lookingÉ milord."

"Therefore, you would not answer me 'no'É if by chance I asked you."

"I really think I would not answer you 'no'É if you by chance asked me." he seriously answered, but then smiled me again.

Oh, that smile! It was conquering me more and moreÉ

"What do you do, Lewis, during the day?"

"In the morning I get up before the sunrise, and go out on our boat with my family to catch fish. Then, while they fix the nets or the boat, I do my route to sell our fish. I then go back home and if they have not finished, as often happens, I help them. In the evening I am free, therefore I go with my mates, but I have to go back home soon, as I have to go to sleep early, as then in the morning I have to get up earlyÉ"

"Therefore, if I understood it correctly, in the late afternoon you have some free time."

"Yes, milord, that is so."

"And would it bother you coming here to my place, in the late eveningÉ to keep me companyÉ so that I can look at you again in thatÉ special way?" I then asked him with an alluring smile.

He looked at me slightly surprised - he clearly didn't anticipate such a request, but then he smiled again, "And soÉ just for the sake of talkingÉ I could even answer you yes?"

"It is not just your good fish that I desire, LewisÉ"

"Yes, I now understandÉ does it suit you if I come here this same evening?"

"Yes, very much. When the port cannon fires, will be a good time for you?"

"Certainly, milord. At the evening shooting of the cannon, then, milord!" he said, and went to the kitchen to deliver the fish.

I went to my factory. At mid afternoon I went back home. I was feeling impatient. I thought that possibly it was not wise that I took Lewis up to my roomÉ I had to find another place. I then thought of the small landing-place that there was at the side of the park, and of the hut near it, used in old times as the warden's lodging and now as a depot for the small boat in the winter months.

I went to check it - yes it was a suitable place. There were two small rooms and the one in the back was crammed with empty crates. If there were just also a pallet, it could be the ideal place. And rather, tidying up even just the back roomÉ

I called Sean and told him I intended to have that hut cleaned up and have in the back room a bed, a table and two chairs, a lampÉ as I intended at times to withdraw there to be for some time alone. I am certain that Sean understood my real intentions. In fact he at once called the house servants, had them clean the hut thoroughly, and made them move there what I saidÉ But he also had put on the wooden floor a wide old carpet, a curtain retrieved I don't know where at the window, and also a brazier and a sack of charcoalÉ He also put there a small shelf with two bottles, one with water and one with wine, and two glassesÉ And on the bed he put clean sheets, a pillow, and a wide and soft blanket folded on the shelf.

All was ready before sunset. When I heard the cannon fire, I went to the back entrance of the house, where I met Lewis that morning. Soon after I saw him come at a quick pace, his eyes fixed on the street. When he raised his eyes and saw me at the gate, he opened up in a wide smile.

"I came as fast as I could, milord." he merrily said.

I took him to the hut at the landing-place.

"Could you get here on a boat the next times?" I asked him showing him the landing-place.

"I should find a small boat, I can't use our fishing boatÉ"

"Couldn't you find a small boat, possibly on loan?"

"I am not sureÉ"

"And if when you go back home, later, you used that small boat tied to the wharf?" I then asked him.

He went to look at it and tested it, "It's old but still soundÉ But then?"

"You will use it, you will moor it somewhere near your home. I can eventually buy a new one in exchange of this one. What do you say?"

"I say that it is all right, milord. At least I would not be seen coming here to you too often, if I pass through the water wayÉ Yes, it will be much better."

"Good, that small boat is yours, I give it to you. Now come with me."

"Thank you, milord!" he said merrily and followed me inside the hut.

I lit the lamp with the flint-lock, Sean had provided that also, and put it on the table while Lewis was looking around.

"Should IÉ undress, milord?" The boy asked me, and he seemed almost intimidated, differently from just before.

"Not now, Lewis. Let's sit down for a while." I said and he seemed relieved, the smile reappeared in his eyes.

"Would you like some water? Or some wine?"

"I never drank wine. Can I taste a little of it?" he asked.

I poured him just a finger so that he could taste it. I poured myself half a glassful. "If you like it I will give you more. But be careful, it makes the head turn, less than whisky but more than beerÉ"

"Then this will be enoughÉ It's good!" he exclaimed after the first, small sip.

I sipped mine. "LewisÉ have you done it, before now, with other men?"

He threw me a fast glance, "Never with a lord like youÉ Just a few timesÉ with two of my matesÉ"

"AndÉ did you like doing it?"

"Yes, I like it."

"But will you do it with me willingly? You should not feel compelled, Lewis, only because I am an aristocrat and you a fisherman."

"I would like seeing how it is doing it with a lord, sirÉ" he said with a low voice.

"Naked on a bedÉ a lord and a fisherman are not so different, don't you think?"

"Should I undress, now, milord?" the boy asked again.

I stood up and made him stand up. I then undressed him. He was wearing only a work-shirt and trousers, and he wore nothing under them, so he was soon naked. I looked at him - he really had a beautiful body, and also his genitals were beautiful, even though still soft. I on the contrary was already aroused. I undressed myself. Lewis was attentively looking at me. When he saw that I was already aroused, he delightfully blushed.

"Come here, Lewis, come onto the bed with me." I softly said.

He came; I lay down and gave him a sign to lie at my side. We didn't yet touch each other. The touch of his side against mine made me get even more aroused.

"How soft is this bed! And how good feeling this white cloth under my bodyÉ" he murmured.

"The sheet? Yes, it is freshly laundered. I too like this feelingÉ And I like feeling you so close to meÉ" I said and turning towards him, I started to caress his body.

At once a nice erection bloomed between Lewis' legs. I caressed it and the boy shuddered.

"May I too touch you so?" he asked almost in a whisper.

"You can do all you like. I told you, here on the bed you and I are equals. You can also stop calling me milord, and call me by my nameÉ if you like."

Lewis caressed my body; his hands were light like feathers. He then reached my erect rod and took it in his hand, squeezing it with the right pressure, and lightly moved it up and down.

"Do you like it, Lewis?" I asked him.

"YesÉ I like this alsoÉ it is strong, hard, warmÉ"

I leaned over him and started to work his rod and his balls with my tongue and lips. Lewis had a start and emitted a short, pleased moan. Then he too leaned over me, turning around, and we were soon united in a good sixty-nine. Lewis let my rod reach his throat, he was skilled, he evidently had done it before.

With a finger I gently rummaged between his buttocks and tried to push it into his hidden hole. He gave another start and at once pushed his beautiful rod down to my throat. When I pushed more with my finger, he moved his bottom backwards to be penetrated and so letting me understand how much he was enjoying it. After a short time one of his fingers also started to search in the furrow between my buttocks, until he found my hole and started to tease it.

He then parted from me, looked at me and asked, "May I get stuck by your thing, milord?"

"YesÉ how would you like to take it?"

"Lie on your backÉ and let me do it."

I complied. Lewis came astride my groin, kneeled down, seized my erect penis keeping it pointing upwards and still, and lowered until his bottom was in position, than all of a sudden he let himself go down, impaling himself on it, to its root.

"AhÉ yesÉ" he moaned, "SoÉ"

He then started to move his upper body up and down, making my hard rod fuck him. I then caressed his belly, sides and gently squeezed his nipples.

Lewis again murmured, "AhÉ yesÉ"

He was continuing to toss on top of me with a joyous and fast rhythm, and it was evident he was enjoying that ride. He quickly brought me to the peaks of pleasure and when he felt that, moaning, I was starting to unload inside him, he pressed his bottom against my groin, gently rotating his small arse almost to better feel my pole, and so provoking in me an even more intense pleasure.

He leaned with his hands against the bed at my sides, and so bending slightly over me. He was gently panting, as I too was doing, and he looked at me with a smile.

I then said to him, "Now, you can take me, Lewis."

"I really can, milord?" he asked me with a joyful smile.

"Of course you can, if you desire it. How do you want to take me?"

"Would you please go on all fours?" he asked.

"All rightÉ"

He slipped off of me; I then turned and went on all fours. He knelt at my back, placed the tip of his beautiful hard pole on the target and started pushing. As soon as he felt he was starting to enter inside me, he embraced me at the waist and went on pushing. Then, bending over me, he started to hammer inside me with long and strong strokes. He then moved his hands to my chest and, while he was continuing moving in and out of me, he brushed my nipples.

"Do you like, so, milord?" he asked me with a slightly panting voice.

"Yes, LewisÉ and you?"

"I too like itÉ You are way better than my mates, do you know?"

"I am gladÉ" I said with a smile.

He lasted little time, possibly because he was too excited. He adhered to me with his chest against my back and while he was giving out his numerous jets inside my warm deepness, he again murmured, "AhÉ yesÉ"

Then, as he regained some calm, he very slowly slipped out of me, fell seated on the bed and emitted a deep sigh. I too sat in front of him, my legs crossed like his own, and lightly embraced him. I kissed him in the mouth.

I then asked him, "Are you happy being here with me?"

"More than happy, milord. When can I come here again?"

"Well, for me it's also goodÉ tomorrow."

"For me too, milord, tomorrow is very good. So, then, you are happy with meÉ"

"Of course I am, Lewis. You just told me that I am better than your matesÉ Why?"

"Because they do it with me only to relieve their needs, just to enjoy, and they want to do it fast. They think only about girls, but as they can't easily have themÉ You, instead, I can feel you like doing itÉ"

"And you, Lewis, don't you thing about girls?"

"Of course I do; I too will have to get married and to make children. But I like also doing itÉ so."

We met several times, almost every day. And I became aware I was falling in love with that so simple and honest boy, so gentle and handsome.

So one day, after some months we were meeting in the hut, I told him, "Lewis, I feel very well with you. I would like if you came to live with me, if you became my steady loverÉ"

He looked at me astounded then lowered his eyes, looking at his hands. After a short while he looked straight into my eye, serious.

"You are very kind telling me so, I thank youÉ But it is not possible. What would people say if a fisherman went to live in a lord's house? MoreoverÉ it could even be good for some timeÉ but as I told you, I want to get married, to have a family, to make children. Yes, I know that if I accepted your offer I could have a more beautiful, more comfortable lifeÉ but it is not possible, can you understand? It is neither possible, nor fair, neither for you nor for me."

"Lewis, the fact is thatÉ I am falling in love with you and I would like having you totally and forever for myselfÉ"

"Falling in love, milord? Falling in love with me? Are you serious?"

"I will never take you for a ride, Lewis."

"OhÉ But I, you see, I am notÉ I can't say I amÉ To me you are an important person, you are always so good, so gentle with meÉ and I like making love with youÉ But IÉ no, I cannot, milord. I don't say thatÉ also when I find my womanÉ I can do with you things that I can't with any woman, therefore I would come again, also after I get married, butÉ Do you see, milord, I cannot become your loverÉ No, I can'tÉ" he said shaking his head and in a regretful tone.

"I don't want to force you, LewisÉ if you really cannotÉ it is all right, let's go on meeting, until you find a girlÉ"

"But possibly also afterwardsÉ well, perhaps not so often like now, but I will come also afterwards, milordÉ if you want me again here with you."

"We will see, Lewis. For the momentÉ lets go on as we have."

"Are you disappointed in me, milord? Are you unhappy with me?"

I ruffled his hair with affection, "No, it is all right, Lewis. Don't be afraid, I am not disappointedÉ possibly a little sad, but it is not your fault. Only because I hoped something that is not possibleÉ not your fault." I repeated, trying to smile at him.

After one year of us meeting, one evening he told me that his father had found him a wife, and therefore he would marry soon. He told me that he liked the girl: they had known each other since childhood, as she was the daughter of another fisherman. I asked him to inform me about the day he would marry and in which church, as I wanted to help with the ceremony and also give him a present.

"You are really kind, milord, towards me. But don't you think that it would be weird if a lord like you gives a present to one like me?"

"No way, after all you have been my fish supplier for more than one year now. It is not at all weird that I want to give you a present for your marriageÉ"

"Well, thenÉ don't give me too big a present, please. Just a small thing will be a precious thing for meÉ since it comes from you."

My evening dates with Lewis went on, and I was feeling increasingly happy with him, and not only to make love, not only in the bed. He was a smart boy, eager to know new things, and when, almost casually, I started to tell him some parts and experiences of my life, he literally drank my words.

When I told him about the island of Nevis and about the traditions of the natives, Lewis commented, "Just think how beautiful it would be if all the world were so. Just think if you and I could meet without having to hide, and possibly even embrace each other on the street, without anybody judging it oddÉ"

"But you would anyway have left me, to have a wife, a familyÉ" I said, trying not to give a tone of reproach to my voice.

"Who knows? Possibly not, if we were born in such a different way. I feel really happy with you, do you know? And if I want to have a familyÉ it is above all because I don't want to be different from the others, do you see? Well, it is a little also because I like having children, it is trueÉ But I feel really fine near you. But, I was asking myself, who knows if you would really feel fine having me always with you, instead of just a little in the evening? If I were always glued to you, night and day, worst than a wife? You could possibly get tired of meÉ Or even I of youÉ no offence in my wordsÉ"

I smiled. That boy was really delightful and I regretted he didn't feel like accepting my offer. But possiblyÉ he possibly was wiser than me. Who knows?


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 13

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