The Secret Deal

Published on Nov 16, 2005



Avon and Donnie talked it through again. Each way it could happen, what Donnie would say and what the guys would do.

"OK we're set." Avon said

"You nervous?" Donnie asked his friend who was sitting across from him on the couch naked as he usually was around the apartment.

"Excited" Avon said "it kind of adds to things to do it like this" he said.

Donnie could see Avon was excited. His cock was rock hard as it had been since they started talking about that Sunday afternoon's plans.

But then Donnie's was hard too. He leaned forward and began to lick and suck as he liked to do.

"Should I save it?" Avon said as he stretched his legs out. He always loved morning blowjobs from Donnie.

"Hey I'm in the shower" Avon had yelled as he saw the shape of Donnie come into the bathroom and sit on the toilet.

"I know, don't worry I won't flush without warning you" Donnie said.

They had been roommates for about a month by then. Each had gotten used to the other, their habits, their noises, their phone calls and their bodies. Both seemed to feel relaxed enough to wander around in their underwear and eventually even naked.

"Some boner" Avon said seeing Donnie's morning erection those early days.

"Yea always get em, I'd jack off but figured you might freak about that" Donnie said throwng his pillow at Avon.

Avon crawled from his bed displaying his own morning boner and jumped on Donnie for a fun wrestle.

"winner gets a blow job" Donnie announced and after Avon found himself winning a wrestling match for the first time in his life their morning sex began.

"Shit we're always horny, just shut up" Donnie sucked Avon's cock as he liked to do until the sperm splattered all over his own face and he lay there as usual waiting.

"OK my turn" Avon turned around and grabbed Donnies cock until it showered his face too.

The guys showed up in time for the kick off. They made a mess eating chips, salsa, popcorn and drinking beer in amazing quantities.

Avon and Donnie liked football too so this event wasn't a complete sham. The guys followed the boys lead and eventually stripped to various degrees of partial nudity.

Charlie kept on his mesh football shirt from his high school years and only wore a jockstrap.

Marshall was in his jockey shorts and Shawn in his boxers. Beer was consumed, sprayed and chugged.

Avon was in his jockeys and Donnie his gym shorts commando underneath as well.

"So how long you two been roomies" Marshall asked.

"Three months" Donnie responded knowing their plans were beginning. It was half time.

"He's got a nice ass" Charlies slurred in and everyone gave him crap for the blatant homoerotic comment.

"Yea he does, and I"ve seen more of it then you" Donnie said.

"Don't be too sure about that" Charlie said again. "I mean he mooned the girls at that soccer thing last month" he quickly added.

"Fuck I didn't see that. Avon, give us a repeat" Marshall yelled out. And the guys started to chant.

Avon stood and flipped his jockeys down reveiving applause from everyone.

Donnie smiled as the plans were moving along better then expected.

"He's got great lips too" Marshall added.

Avon turned and did a fake kiss at him and that made the drunken group laugh. Marshall grabbed him and pulled him across his knee. Then he pulled the jockey shorts back down so Avon's bare buttocks were in close view.

Marshall gave it a hard slap and Avon yelled. "Hey, next thing you'll do if fuck it"

"Sounds good to me" Marshall said "What do you think guys want to fuck a nice boy pussy today?"

Charles reached over and slapped Avons smooth buttocks ending by grabbing one of them. "Yea that sound good"

Shawn finally joined in "I think he likes it" he said bending over and looking through Marshalls legs "the kids got a boner".

"OK guys who's up for another beer" Donnie interupted the activities afraid things were going a bit further then even Avon had fantasized about.

"Yea man throw me one" Donnie went to the kitchen and began to grab cans and toss them to Shawn, Marshall, Charles and finally to Avon who had been let to stand up.

He stood there with his white jockey shorts tenting out in front of him and his bare buttocks red and clearly visable. He was smiling.

"What about you? What do you like?" Shawn said to Donnie. Donnie saw Shawn's eyes staring at his crotch.

"I think our hosts both need some man juice injection" Marshall announced.

"Yea good idea" Charles moved to Donnie and shoved his hands into the boys shorts. "He's growing" he announced feelign Donnie's growing cock in his hands.

"Who did you invite" Donnie had asked Avon as the two of them lay onthe couch with each other's sperm on their faces and panting from tehir sex.

"Uh Charlie Gordon" Avon began

"He's a dirtbag crass horny crude guy" Donnie said matter of factily.

"That's the idea. Shawn Hackett" Avon continued.

"I think he's gay" Donnie said "I've seen him around the music school basement at night hanging out. I'm sure he was going to sneak into the basement where very horny guy goes"

"Marshall Adhurt" Avon continued "he's always patting my butt at the pool"

"That all?" Donnie said.

"Yea i'm sure at least one of them will take the bet" Avon said.

"So what about you Donnie, you have a cute butt too or just those sweet lips" Charles had a hold of Donnie's erection and was jacking it.

"Keep that up and you'll see what I have" Donnie broke free and laughed at the horseplay.

"OK guys here's what I think. I think these two got us over here to fuck them" Charles said as he pulled his shorts off revealing his growing penis. He pulled his mesh shirt off. "And I'm game"

Shawn stood up and pulled his shorts off adding "Me too"

Marshall added "ok but who's first and who's gonna get sloppy seconds or thirds?" he asked as he pulled his shorts down his legs and grabbed his bared cock.

Avon didn't know what to do or say at first. He thought he and Donnie would have to do some sort of fake dare or something but it looked like these three older studs were going to do exactly what they wanted them to do.

"Uh I got some porn" Avon added turning on the vhs machine and changing the challen from the footabll game to the adult video showing two guys and a girl hvaing sex.

"Hey the game!" Charlie yelled reaching for the remote controls Avon held.

"Fuck the game man" Marshall said.

Silence marked the seconds if not moments as the group watched the sex happening on the screen.

"Come here" Charlie said to Donnie and pulled the boys shorts down and off his legs knocking Donnie on the floor.

"Let's take him in there" Marshall said and took Avon into the bedroom with Shawn.

"Guess it's you and me here" Charlies said as he sat on the couch and pulled Donnie to his lap.

Donnie gladly bent forward and began to lick and suck the huge cock pointing at him.

"OK he's ready" Marshall came out, "Lets get this one, there's two bed"

They moved Donnie into the bedroom he shared with AVon and he was pushed face down on the bed. The rope was tied to each wrist and ankle and soon he was face down. Looking over he saw AVon too had been tied down.

He ealized then that Marshall or Charlie or Shawn or all three of them had been plannign this too since they brought the rope.

"We take turns"

The sex continued as each roommate was fucked by one then the other of their guests.

"You ok?" Donnie asked during a period when their three studs wer eeither in the living room or the bathroom leaving them alone.

"Fuck man" Avon could say, "yea"

"OK boys we decided to stay the night, so you two will take care of us right?" Charles slapped Avon's ass.

"Yea, we figured we order pizza, drink more beer, watch some more of that porn you got for us and your job is to keep our cocks sucked and satisfied with those two sets of butts of yours" Shawn added.

There wasn't enough sex as far as Avon was concerned. He knelt along side Donnie moving from lap to lap. They sat on those laps letting hard cocks invade them again, they knelt in the bathtub being showered with urine and then showered one or more of the guys.

By eight the next morning the group began to stir and leave.

"Hey good party man" Marshall said hugging Donnie and Avon slapping each of their butts as he did so.

Charles now dressed added his approval squeezing ball sacs of both and Shawn actually kissed each one.

Avon and Donnie stood naked and stunned by the sudden absense of the three men who had given and gotten more sex in the past 18 horus then they had experienced their entire lives.

Avon fell on the couch "Wow" he said

"Is that all you can say?" Donnie said sitting next to him.

"Can we have them over gain?" Avon said and they both laughed.

The door suddenly opened and Shawn reappeared "Hey guys next weekend, Saturday and Sunday ok? Lots of football and I got another friend who'll join us, OK?" he didn't wait for an answer as he closed the door.

"Fuck" Avon said "becareful what you ask for huh?" he looked at Donnie.

Donnie leaned over as he had done so many mornigns before and took Avon's cock in his mouth.

"Shit man havne't you had enough?" Avon asked and then sighed.

He knew the answer cause it was the same as his.

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