The Second Phase

Published on Oct 12, 2005



Adam sat at the computer looking for sources. His paper wasn't due for another week but he thought he'd get some advance work done.

Dressed in his te shirt and gym shorts, he did his work while listening to various dorm neighbors yelling and leaving for the long weekend ahead.

He didn't know if Wayne was going away or not. Wayne was his roommate. They had become fast friends sharing background, worries, philosophy and personal information like most roommates do during the first phase of their friendship.

Wayne wasn't shy so getting over that hurdle of being naked around each other was easy. Adam had brothers so he wasn't shy about it either. They horsed around, showered at the same time and even got used to seeing each other erect in the mornings.

"Great wood man" Wayne would say then wave his own around. "What do you think of little wayne?"

"Not sure why you call it little" Adam said.

And there were those nights when one or the other would try to quielty stroke to orgasm before goign to sleep. The other would hear of course and give the privacy one needed for such endeavors, if not try to quietly stroke at the same time.

Beer, pot, pizza, parties, homework, lectures and weather later, both were good friends.

"Hey roomie" Wayne said as he came in. "Hey" Adam responded without looking away from the computer screen. He heard Wayne toss his books and land on his bed.

"Shit two books to read, good thing I'm not going anywhere this weekend" Wayne said out loud "What are you up to?"

Adam felt Wayne standing behind him.

"Shit man a paper to do?" Wayne said his hands resting on Adams shoulders.

"Naw just doing research, probably wont' write it till next weekend but wanna get some 411 first" Adam said still watching the screen.

His body tingled feeling Wayne's hands on his shoulder like it always did when the wrestled or touched. On the wall is his favorite photo of the two of them shirtless, arms around each other and obviously drunk. Adam could tell that both of them had boners working then. The bulges were evident to him, but that was probably because he remembered that night. He thought he'd end up naked with Wayne and getting through the second phase of their friendship, where the most intimate information is exchanged through mutual masturbation or more.

"Well, just relax" Wayne said "you'll get through it" His fingers moved to Adam's nipples and began to play. Adam let them tease for awhile. It felt that good.

"What are you doing?" Adam said feeling he should.

"Just making my roomie feel good" Wayne didn't stop playing with each erect nipple. Slow cirled around each one, then lightly touching the tips and using thumb and forefinger to holed each one. Then he went back to making circles.

"Keep doing that and you'll get a blowjob" Adam said. He thought he should push Wayne's hands away. But it felt good and they had horsed around with each other before so he just let Wayne keep it up.

"Well if you give me one, then I'll have to give you one I guess, that's what roommates are for"

Wayne reached over and peeled Adam's te shirt off and then his fingers pinched each naked nipple a little harder making Adam react.

"Ouch, man you're giving me a hard on" Adam said but still didn't push Wayne's hands away.

"Hell man I already have one, feel it?" Wayne pressed his hard cock against Adam's bare back. There was no denying that Wayne was either naked or his cock was out. Adam was amazed he could feel the cock and it's head with his skin.

"What are you going to do with that?" Adam said throwing his head back to look up at Wayne.

Wayne was shirtless, Adam could see, he was smiling as he lowered his head and kissed Adam's neck.

It made him shiver.

"Are you trying to seduce me Mrs. Robinson?" Adam asked laughing but still not pushing Wayne away.

"We'll see" Wayne kissed the ares of Adam's neck that he knew would stimulate.

Adam felt the leg of his gym shorts where his erection had spring. He lifted the cloth and rubbed the tip where presum was oozing out.

"Are we turning queer?" Adam wheezed.

"Naw just horny" Wayne said and then used his tonue in Adam's ear.

Adam had his cock visable by then and decided to let things keep going. It had never gone this far. They had wrestled naked and ended up with one pinning the other, their hard cock pointed right at the pinned one's face. But instead of continuing sexually, one would make biting signs at the other, or one would throw the other one off or in some way the fun would end.

More then one of those times Adam would go to the bathroom and masturbate thinking of what might have happened. It had happened with a buddy in high school more then once. And he had let that strange man give him bj in the beach bathroom one summer. He was surprised when the man gave him twenty bucks afterwards.

"Come on" Wayne said.

Adam felt Wayne's hand on his cock rubbing taking him out of his memory. He looked over and Wayne's lips met his.

The kiss was quiet, more and more passionate the longer they kissed. Their tonuges met and slid over each other.

Adam felt himself rising while still kissing. He felt Wayne's hands slide into his gym shorts over his buttocks.

"It was going to happen" Adam thought "should we?, will our friendship end? are we queer? will everyone find out?" flashed across his mind.

But he felt himself moving to Wayne's bed and his shorts being taken off his legs. He felt Wayne's wet cock head and his smooth slim body.

"It was going to happen" Adam thought again "let it"

They sucked each others balls, licked each others' taints and sucked each others cocks until their bodies expulsed the volumes of sperm that their virile bodies had produced since the last time they jerked off.

"Whew" Wayne said as they lay there still in opposite directions. "Nice"

Adam moved around so he lay next to Wayne now. His fingers founed his roommates nipples and played with them as Wayne had done his.

"Go slow, we got all weekend, nobody else is around" Wayne said.

"Cool' Adam sighed resting his head on Wayne's ample shoulders.

He watched Wayne's cock still half hard grow harder as he played.

"You keep that up and you're going to have to blow me again" Wayne warned.

"I have something else in mind" Adam spit in his hand and encirled Wayne's cock.

"hmmm" Wayne lay back "wanted you to do that for weeks" he admitted.

"Well I wanted to do something else for weeks" Adam said as he moved to his knees straddling Wayne. He put Wayne's cock head at his butthole and sat down slowly.

"Shit man" Wayne looked up at Adam who had closed his eyes. The expression changed as he moved lower letting Wayne inside his body.

"Shit man this means you're going to have to fuck me later" Wayne said as he lifted his hips to go deeper into Adam.

The second phase completed Adam knew what was next. He had waited for so long for it too.

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