The Scorpion Initiation

By Play Fellow

Published on Sep 1, 2005



The Scorpion Initiation by PlayFellow [] Copyright PlayFellow 2005

WARNING This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real events or people are purely coincidential. The story contains graphical descriptions of sex, including bdsm and sexual torture, between mature men and young boys. If this is not you cup of tea, don't read it. If it's illegal to read it where you live, you really shouldn't, but if you do it's on your own risk. As in any good college movie, all characters in this story are played by persons over the age of 18. So there.

NOTICE This is my first attempt at writing a coherent story with this kind of content. Any comments and suggestions are most welcome. I also do requests, kind of, so if you have ideas for things you'd like to happen in the story, just let me know. Inspiration in all forms are always welcome. You may contact me on the address

Let the play begin!

Chapter 1: Planning The Initiation

On the TV-screen, a naked and handcuffed 13 year old boy was being led handcuffed to a steel frame in the center of a dark room. Only the frame was well lit. At the frame, the boy's cuffs were released and he was instead cuffed, standing spread-eagled, to the frame. Around the TV-screen, on the sofa and in chairs, the Scorpions' Initiation Committee sat in various stages of undress, drinking beer and idly stroking their cocks. These were the final stages of the planning of the initiation for the new boys. The Scorpions' Initiation Committee consisted of the coach, the two assisting coaches, and three of the senior players of the Scorpions soccer team, including the team captain. The team consisted of boys age 12 to 18, with the possibility for younger boys to get in if they showed special talent. Older boys could linger on the team during practices, but the rules of the league the Scorpions played in prohibited them from playing in the real games.

"Alright, so it is agreed then," said coach Peter, accompanied by the muffled screams from the TV as a thick, 15" long dildo was being shoved up the cute boy's hairless asshole. "The new initiation will be harder, longer and compulsory to all the new players. And we will decide in each case when the initiation is over, setting no upper time-limit when initiation activites must be over. I hope we can find us some boys that will be ours to use for their entire time on the team."

Coach Peter was a large man. Standing 6'6" tall, weighing 240 lbs of pure muscles, he was not a man to be argued with. His dark complexion and really hairy body also made him the envy of many an adolescent boy on the team. A thick 10" cock perfectly fit the rest of his frame.

The senior assistant coach Eric tore his eyes away from the TV just as a pair of vicious-looking clamps were fastened to the boy's nipples and a 1lb-weight was attached to a chain leading between them.

"Exactly," he said, "and we'll start it all on the first training camp in a week's time. I've written down all the ideas we've come up with so far, but if anyone has more ideas, just bring them on and we'll try to get them into the program. We have a full week of training camp in which to train the boys, and after that we can probably use them in any way we like, any time we like. Just remember you need to have the approval of at least one of the coaches if you're going to try something new with them". This last was being directed at the three boys on the committee, who all nodded their agreement.

Assistant coach Eric wasn't as imposing a man as the coach, but a 5'10" body and 190lbs of muscle was still nothing you'd argue with. His light brown hair fell handsomely down to his ears, and his green eyes had a cold emerald glint in them. His 10" cock wasn't as thick as the coach's, but it usually was enough to make a cute boy squeal.

The soccer team captain, Christopher, raised his voice to be heard over the screams and sobs from the TV as the boy in the movie was having weights attached to his balls, stretching them further and further away from his body.

"The guys on the team know it's going to be a rougher initiation from now on, and nobody's complained. They'll just do as they're told. You've got 'em eating from your palm, coach! Plus," he added with a grin, "I think we have a couple of guys who wouldn't mind being victims of one more initiation, using our new rules."

The coach regarded his team captain, and smiled. "We'll see what we can do. Initiation might not be right, but we can still use them when the others aren't looking." He paused to admire Christopher's body. The 18 year old's body was firm and muscular. at 5'9 and 175 lbs, Christopher was a handsome guy. His dark blonde hair and piercing blue eyes got him more admiring looks from the girls and some of the boys at his school than anyone else. He also used this ability to feed his sexual appetite with new boys, and sometimes girls, whenever he felt like it. His 9" thick cock usually got his sexual partners flying to cloud number nine.

The fact that Christopher also loved to have his ass filled and stretched was a closely guarded secret only the coach knew. The coach had been fucking and stretching Christopher's ass for 8 years now, having been able to fuck the boy's virgin ass after just 15 minutes of stretching it with fingers and small dildos on their first sexual meeting when the boy was 10. This made for wonderful private training sessions, where the coach would start by fucking Christopher's ass, and then move on to larger things. Before this planning session started, the coach and Christopher had had one of their sessions, ending with coach shoving a huge totempole buttplug up Christopher's ass. The 12" long, 4" thick plug was still lodged all the way inside his ass, and Christopher hardly dared touch his cock for fear of cumming. He also didn't dare pull down his trousers completely and reveal his secret to the others present.

The junior assistant coach Victor stretched himself in his chair. He was enjoying the movie playing on the TV, but he wished there would be some more extreme torture involved. But he'd seen this movie a couple of times and knew that, sadly, that wasn't coming. He sighed a bit as he saw the first stainless steel rod being inserted into the boys piss slit, and turned himself to the others again.

"Well, I for one hope that you will all use all of your imagination to come up with cool ways of using those boys! And even if you're not sure whether you want to try something on them or not, come and tell me of the things you've found, we might or might not use them at some time or another. Plus, ideas may be modified and made to inspire other new ideas. So keep them coming! I'll be writing them down for reference."

He smiled to himself. The others on the committee knew he was a real sadist, but they had no idea to which extent. Those ideas would not only be written down, but also used, and probably manipulated into something even more sadistic and torturous. Victor was an extreme sadist and his imagination knew few bounds. He was also good at manipulating others, and although he was just the junior assisting coach, he always got his way with more or less need of persuation. Victor was not a big guy like most of the others, but at 5'9 and 180 lbs he was still a man to be reckoned with. He also had an impressive tool to match, not as thick as some of the others, but a stunning 14" in length. His cock had been buried in the asses of the two remaining boys often enough, and although it had become a very rare event since the discovery of their talents as dominant sadists and their subsequent includement in the initiation committee, he did still fuck them both from time to time.

The two remaining boys were focusing their attention on the TV. They had been part of the planning earlier, but being less experienced they'd let the detailed planning be done by the four others. They were now more or less waiting for the actual initiation, where they would be doing some of the work along with the others of the committee. The first boy was Adam, a cute 16 year old who you'd never have thought was into this kind of thing. At the moment he was enjoying the scene on the TV, where the 13 year old boy was having his urethra stretched really wide by the fifth stainless steel rod being inserted into his piss slit. Adam was 5'7" with blonde hair and blue eyes, and was the real cutie of the group. His 150 lbs frame was slimmer than that of the other men and boys, and his 7" cock was nothing special, even though it was beautiful in its proportions.

His team mate David was next to him, fiercly pounding his 6" cock while watching the TV intently. The boy on the screen was now being whipped and paddled, from his shoulders to his upper legs. Not only was his back and ass being whipped and paddled like this, his front, chest, belly and of course genitals were also being struck with equal force. David watched and dreamt of when he'd be doing that to a boy himself. David had a bit of a temper, matching his red mop of hair and intent green eyes. At 17 he stood 5'10", weighing 160 lbs. His light skin tone and freckles were constantly annoying him, although they did attract admiring looks from some men. he didn't like being a cute boy, he wanted to be a handsome, mature man. The one advantage with his red complexion, as he saw it, was that it was hard to see the marks from his latest whipping or paddling by his step dad. His step dad was an alcoholic who constantly blamed David for everything that went wrong. David had resigned to taking the beatings like a man, and instead took out his aggressions on others. Sometimes he'd get into fights, other times he'd just punch things until they were completely broken. His favourite, though, would always be paddling, whipping and generally laying onto the body of another boy. And of course fucking that same boy hard.

David had never told anyone, but he was actually aroused by being beaten by his step dad. Not as aroused as by beating another boy and using him, but enough to make him have to jerk off after he had received a beating from his old man. That is, unless that was taken care of by the punishment as well - since David's 12:th birthday, his step dad had taken to not only beating his ass, but afterwards also filling it with mainly his cock. Getting his ass fucked usually made David shoot his load. There were also occasions when his ass was even more stretched.

The first time that happened was when David was 14 and had broken 3 windows in the house when playing soccer indoors. His step dad had beaten his ass and back with his belt, fucked him, and then doing something David would never forget. He had taken out an empty beer bottle, and told David he was going to get punished with glass, since broken glass was what had gotten him into trouble. He then proceeded to shove the bottle into David's ass, shoving a pair of dirty underwear into David's mouth to muffle the screams. He shoved the bottle all the way into David's ass, so deep his sphincter closed behind it, and told David that the bottle would stay in there until the windows had been fixed. This proved to take two days, and David was by then hurting bad and resigned to take his step dad's punishments and trying to learn his lessons from them. Since then his step dad had used a beer bottle and similar things on a few more occations, to drive his point home to David.

On the TV-screen the final scenes were now played out as the boy's mouth and ass were fucked by two cocks each, and cock after man-cock spurted load after load on and in the young boy. The Scorpions' Inititation Committee followed suit and one after another they came, shooting large loads onto their bodies, the furniture and the carpet. After coming down from the climax, the coach got up and started cleaning himself off. "OK, you all know what you're to do when the camp comes. The plans are finished and I foresee no trouble in making reality out of them. So, clean up and go home when you're ready, we'll see each other soon enough." The coach half turned, stopped, and added "oh, and Christopher, I do need to see you just a bit after this, so come upstairs when you're cleaned up, OK?" With a nearly invisible wink he turned and went up the stairs. The others cleaned up, and left to go home. Christopher cleaned up and went upstairs to the coach. He still had the plug all the way inside him, but he had a feeling Coach would'nt just want to take that out and then let him go home. Christopher licked his lips in anticipation, and entered Coach's playroom for another session of stretching.

To be continued...

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