The Saturday Club

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Feb 14, 2016



The Saturday Club By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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The Saturday Club is an informal name for a group of men who got together once a month for lunch and conversation. It wasn't a real club and it wasn't organized. The men were friends and long term acquaintances. It began as a group of six men, but it grew by word of mouth and by adding friends of the original six members.

All of the original men were gay and most were closeted. As the men got older, the character of the membership changed. All the members were gay, but fewer were closeted. The men weren't barflies since most were beyond the age for gay bars or club scene. The club provided a sexual outlet for the men. One of the original six men, Billy Parkhurst, described it as a sandwich and sperm type party. It was a chance to have low-stress sex with pals.

Billy had a fishing camp on a small lake ten miles out of town. Billy was a lumber man, and this was part of a large property his father had bought fifty years earlier. He owned the camp and the lake as well as five hundred acres. The camp was secluded. The members had only two requirements; they had to be gay and they had to be legally adult. There were no teenagers or kids allowed. The club was mostly nude and informal.

It was not planned to be a regular event at first. Billy Parkhurst and Bob the Builder were friends from high school. Most of us were pals who had been either next door neighbors, classmates since kindergarten, or on teams together. Some were Billy's friends, he was now a stock broker, or Bob's friends. They all knew each other but they didn't know of their common sexual interests.

Some of us knew each other from the "show me yours and I will show you mine" days of sexual exploration. Others met due to a chance encounter in the locker room. I would guess that every boy has some exploration; these guys liked it and came to like it more as they aged.

The school had a tradition of giving boys nick names, some were on target. Bob's father was a builder and Bob had started working for his Dad when he was 15. His friends were Sparky Tom, who became an electrician, Dapper Dan, who was a nerd who was now the town Librarian. He was a tall, Woody Allen type. Dirty Don was an auto mechanic, and Flash was obsessed with photography. He now worked for the newspaper. I was one of Billy's pals, Phil. I am a teacher.

Sparky Tom had lived with his mother who had MS. Several months after she died he had an overdose of sleeping pills. Officially it was judged to be accidental. Billy suspected it was not. Sparky was devoted to his mother who took up most of his time and had few friends. He was lost when she died.

Billy and Bob decided to have a little picnic and day in the country to re-introduce Sparky to old friends. Both men knew Sparky sexually although neither knew Sparky played with both of them. They were just friends and not lovers. The asked other buddies to join them. Like most guys in small towns, Billy and Bob assumed they were pretty much alone in their sexual tastes.

At the camp Billy asked Dapper Dan, Flash and me to join him; Bob asked Dirty Don and invited Sparky. Lunch was good and after they ate, Dirty Don suggested we go skinny dipping as we did as kids. There was beer at lunch and were all relaxed. We all stripped and jumped in the water.

Most of us hadn't seen each other naked since high school showers. A little splashing in the warm water gave us a chance to be kids again, but as they were all older now, the sexual atmosphere became more pronounced. There had been a number of successful chance encounters in the water.

Billy emerged from the water fully erect, as did Dapper Dan. Everyone else was partially erect or at least excited. As soon as the men saw Billy's cock they knew the score and were ready, willing and able to help him with his problem.

Sparky when to Billy and began to suck. Bob went to Dapper Dan. "I see you have a problem. Do you need some help with that?" Bob asked.

"I don't think of it as a problem; it is an opportunity!" Dapper said as he stroked Bob's cock; both men laughed. Dapper Dan was a beanpole, with a hairy chest and a long cock. Bob was a Ginger Bear, short and stocky with a fire plug cock. Bob loved to deep throat.

Dirty Don came over to Sparky. Flash went to Bob and Dapper. I was a little surprised. Dirty Don was Bob's friend; Flash was Billy's buddy. I assumed the men wanted fresh meat. I understood that. I was watching trying to decide which group to join.

I felt a sense of relief in the air. We were all friends and all gay too. There was no need to hide our interests or affections. All was well. Soon Dirty Don was sucking Sparky and Billy.

There was another surprise. When Sparky cried out, "I'm going to shoot!" Dirty Don switched from sucking Billy to Sparky's cock. Don clearly wanted to take Sparky's man seed. Sparky loved it almost as much as Don did.

About a minute later Billy said, "I'm popping now." Dan pivoted and took Billy's load. Billy looked like he was in heaven as Dan's tongue worked his knob as he squirted. I had tasted my own sperm, but never any other guy's cream.

After the ejaculations stopped Dirty Don stood up and I went over to him. "Was it good?" I asked.

"Shit yes," he said. "I'm a bit of a cum hound."

"Have you had enough?" I asked.

"I'm not even close to having enough!" Don said as he dropped to his knees and began to suck me. Flash, Dapper and Bob came over in case Don wanted more. It was odd. I had never had sex outside in the light. I was naked, hard and excited. I had never had an orgasm with an audience of more than one. They we all watching. I thought I would be embarrassed, but instead I became more excited.

Flash was behind me. He wrapped his arms around me and played with my tits. I shot off. Dirty Don took my load and the men cheered when I shot off. Next, Don turned to take care of Bob. I felt enveloped in affection and friendship. I had shared an intimate moment with my pals and felt wonderful. A half hour later we had all shot off and the party ended.

Three weeks later Billy called and asked if I wanted to go to another picnic. I said I had loved the last one and was more than willing. Billy told me the other guys were all coming. He said there were one or two other men who were interested and asked if that was a problem. I told him it was not problem at all.

He paused and then asked, "One of the guys, Dapper Dan, asked if we allowed fucking. He said he had been fucked and liked it."

"I don't mind," I said. "Different stokes for different folks."

"Have you done it," Billy asked.

"Nope, but I know some guys like it," I said. "You?"

"I'd like to try the top, but I don't know if I would bottom," he replied. "Are there rules about that? Expectations?"

"I think I would just play it by ear," I said.

Billy laughed, "I'm not sure the ear is the right organ."

A week later I was back at Billy's camp for the party. It was a hot day so we started with the swim in the lake. There were several new men in the group. Bob brought Cliff, a carpenter, and Lou, a plumber. Dapper Dan came with Gilbert; he was an accountant. They all stripped and joined us in the water. They may have been a little uneasy, but they soon adapted well.

We didn't get dressed for lunch and everyone had a chance to check out the new men. Cliff was a Kenny Rogers type. Lou was a small, gorilla type man. He had looked dumpy when he was dressed; he was all muscle and hair naked. Gilbert was a good looking, carefully groomed man with Attila the Hun's cock. It was big, uncut and looked like a battering ram. I would have guessed the Gilbert was the shy and retiring type and that Cliff and Lou would be aggressive. I was wrong 100%.

Gilbert was the first to get active, sucking Billy's cock. Cliff and Lou held back. Cliff was shy and Lou thought he was too ugly to find a playmate. He was standing by himself and I went over to him.

"You have a pelt," I said as I fluffed his back hair.

"I should have shaved it. It is gross," he said.

"I like it. It makes a man look more manly," I said. "You look good." I leaned over and fondled his balls. "I bet you make some high-test man seed in there. Would you mind if I tried to get it out of your balls?"

"That's fine with me," he replied. I bent over and sucked him. Lou began to moan. Lou must have been really excited; I had been sucking him for less than a minute and he began to pump sweet precum into my mouth. He wanted to suck me so we traded positions a few times. Lou got me off.

Dapper Dan came over to play. It took me a few seconds to realize that hairy men turned him on. Lou's fireplug in his pubic forest was Dan's primary interest. I moved on to other men.

As I looked around, I realized how odd and different this was. Before the first party, I had sex with men a few times a year and always one-on-one. There was a true embarrassment of riches here. I felt that I should have been shocked at this; I actually felt as if I had just won the grand prize in the lottery. I was excited and unexpectedly at ease. It was as if being with a bunch of naked men and sucking their cocks was natural.

I soon came to see that I wasn't the only one who was more relaxed and letting it all hang out. Of course we were all naked, so we couldn't hide anything. Most of us had been shy about showing our true emotions and feelings. We all loved man sex and were ashamed about it.

Here there was no way to hide an erect or dripping cock. Erect we all knew meant we were ready. Dripping meant we were either seconds from an orgasm or had just done it. Bob was talking with me after an orgasm, and he casually spread my cock drool over my cock head. My knob was really sensitive and I had a late ejaculation on to his hand. He just licked it up and continued talking.

I also noticed that Dirty Don, Flash and Dapper Dan sat on the grass with their legs spread wide, exposing their assholes. I wasn't that experienced, but I guessed what that meant.

I went over to Billy, Cliff and Gilbert. Since there were three men I hoped there would be a free cock for me. Gilbert had two cocks in his mouth, but he clearly wanted a third. Billy resolved and possible dilemma by dropping to his knees and sucking Cliff. My cock was all for Gilbert.

Gilbert was a great sucker, and I would have let him suck me to completion again were it not for his meaty, uncut cock. It had an allure. It seemed wrong to let it just hang there. It was like visiting the Grand Canyon and not looking out the window.

Physically, Gilbert was a 1930's era lounge lizard. His cock was an oversized piece of man meat. It was not sleek and elegant; it was a crude implement to plant man seed as deeply as it could. We pivoted into the 69 position. He was already semi-hard so the head had a stretched open the foreskin. Only the tip of the knob and the wide slit was visible. A bead of precum glistened in the sunlight. I had tasted precum before, but not purpose.

It was on purpose this time and it was good. As Gilbert's cock grew to its full extent in my mouth and I wanted it more. I couldn't deep throat it, but I tried. Gilbert appreciated my efforts. Cliff and Billy were having a good time next to us.

Cliff was a bit of a hillbilly-man's man. I would not have guessed he was as into cock as seemed to be the case. He was 100% into it and he liked Billy a lot. I knew him as a kid and I knew his folks.

Gilbert and I took a break to catch our breaths. "Phil, I like to fuck ass. Are you a bottom by any chance?" Gilbert asked.

"I'm afraid I've never done it as the fucker or the bottom," I said. "It looks like it hurts."

"If you do it right, it usually okay," Gilbert replied. "I don't like popping virgins. My cock isn't made for your first experience. I like a guy who has been used a bit. I don't want a man with calluses on his sphincter, but some experience is definitely good. Dan is a good bottom, but I've done him a lot; I'd like some variety."

By this time the party was pretty mellow. Gilbert had no problem finding a bottom playmate, but I was surprised it was Sparky. I was more surprised that Sparky took it so easily. The oversized tool slid in easily. Gilbert was a laid back top. He eased it into Sparky's hole slowly and deliberately, as if he were testing the water. He didn't pound; he stroked, although he increased the pace of the stokes as Sparky responded.

Sparky was moaning in pleasure and wiggled his rear to work Gilbert's cock into better places. If the made super bowl commercials for the joys of anal sex, they would have used Sparky and Gilbert. Lou came over to me.

"It's almost pretty, isn't it?" he asked in a near whisper. I nodded. "It was not pretty when men screw me. It hurt at first. It's okay now."

"Do you fuck a lot?" I asked.

"Not anymore, I was on the wrestling team and didn't win many times," he said. "I was the team bottom. No one wanted my cock in his ass. Do you fuck?" I shook my head and said no and that I had never done it.

"It depends on the cock and if it fits," Lou said. "Some hit the spot, some don't." I reached over and fondled his fireplug type tool. He must have liked it; he was hard and dripping precum in seconds.

"Do you think your cock would fit my ass?" I asked. That question came out of nowhere. His knob was slippery with precum now. I was on my knees seconds later and Lou was in me. His cock was a basic five or six incher and thick with an oversized knob.

I figured out what happened later. His cock was the perfect size to do an intense prostate massage. He produced enough precum to self-lubricate. I was unaware of my prostate's potential to generate pleasure, and completely unaware of the intensity of that pleasure. Lou knew that and he recognized when he hit the magic spot.

I relaxed and moaned. Lou returned to the same spot many times. Several times I could hardly breath due to the intensity of the pleasure and emotions.

"Did you expect this?" he asked as he continued to pump.

"I had no idea," I managed to whisper.

"It is good for me too. I'm going to shoot off soon. Do you want it in your ass?" he asked. I nodded. "You can cum in me later," Lou added. A minute later he was shooting. I felt relieved. he left his cock in me and relaxed.

I had a strange fear he had more to give and would waste it. I squeezed my ass to milk him. Lou had another ejaculation. I was pleased. He pulled out and I rolled over onto my back. I felt empty. Gilbert came over to us.

"I see Phil is a natural?" he said to Lou.

"He is really good," Lou replied.

Gilbert raised my legs and spread them wide. His cock head was at my ass and before I could say anything he pushed it past my sphincter. He casually eased the oversized organ into me.

"I like to plant another man's sperm deeper in the ass. I'm pretty sure you will like it, but if it hurts, just tell me. I'll pull out," Gilbert said. "I'm not into pain. I've run into some guys who like the pain; it turns them on. I can't do it, even if they want it." He looked at Lou. "You must have shot a pint of man seed into him, it's really good. Have you used cum as a lubricant before?"

"Never, but it was good for me," Lou said. "You like sloppy seconds?"

Gilbert nodded. He was now fully impaled and I was almost out of it. The thick base of his cock was at my prostate and it seemed that there was not enough room for both. Every thrust sent lightning bolts of pleasure through my body. I couldn't talk or think clearly.

I suddenly began squirting. Lou was there to take my sperm. Gilbert shot off in me. I could feel his ejaculations. When Gilbert pulled out, Dirty Don was at my cum coated ass. Apparently my ass had remained open after Gilbert's exit. Don had his tongue in my ass as it closed. It felt strange as Don licked up the sperm inside my ass as Lou took it from my balls.

Most of the men had surrounded us as this took place. I was embarrassed at the sexual spectacle.

"That was beautiful," Billy said.

"Fucking hot!" Bob added. Eventually I realized they saw me not as a sex crazed slut, but a sexual athlete. I had been fucked by two men, sucked by one and rimmed by a fourth. I was admired. That display ended any tendency to be timid or shy for all of us. We were all free to explore or sexual urges and to try new things.

When I recharged, I joined Lou as he fucked Dapper Dan. Dan was spread eagled on the edge of a bed. Dan loved it. I went up behind Lou and nudged my cock at the edge of his anus. Lou shifted his legs to give me better access. I had never fucked a man before. Lou's rectum was a surprise, hot, juicy and welcoming. I had seen fucking in videos. Usually it was one man domineering another. My cock felt like a welcome guest in Lou's behind. When I was in him, my cock was only an inch or so from his cock as he fucked Dan. We all had a chain reaction orgasm. The party ended shortly after that, but as I left the camp, Dapper Dan asked if I would like to drop by his house for a drink. I said yes.

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