The Saris

By John Josept

Published on Dec 7, 2009


************************************** Disclaimer The following story deals with explicit gay sex between men. If this type of material offends you, or you are under the age allowed by the state or region you reside in or you live in an area where this type of material is not legal, you must please leave and not go any further. ************************************** I dedicate this and everything I do to my partner, who goes through hell just to be with me. ************************************** Legal Stuff: The author, John Josept, reserves all copyright privileges. This work may not be reproduced, except for personal use and may not be linked to any other site or webpage, without the written permission of the author. **************************************

The Saris Part I: Armageddon By John Josept Chapter Four

Cameron got out of bed and looked at his nephew and his lover lying sound asleep. He wondered how Gayton was going to handle the situation with Ethan and decided whatever it was he would be there to support him. The bruise on Gayton's face was just a reminder of how difficult it was going to be for his nephew.

Cameron looked at his watch and realized he still had some time before he and Gayton had to be on the bridge for duty. He left the bedroom and walked into the sitting room to get a cup of coffee before he dressed. He felt a vibration on his wrist coming from his watch signaling someone was trying to contact him. He held his arm out, tapped a button on the side of the timepiece and a hologram projected in front of him.

"Captain Legen, come in please," Klanar's image said on the Portable Holocom Device.

Cameron pressed another button in the side of his watch which projected a beam and sent his naked image up to the bridge where Klanar was on duty.

"I'm here Klanar," he said.

"Captain, sorry to disturb you, sir, but you need to come to the bridge right away. There is transmission coming in from FHQ," Klanar's Holographic image said.

"Fleet Head Quarters? We're still light years away, why would they send us a message this far out in space?"

"I don't know sir, it was marked 'For Captain Legen's Eyes Only'."

"Hmm, ok, let me get my uniform on and I will be right up," Cameron said then disconnected their transmission. He knew that FHQ would not have sent a message this far out in space, hadn't it been of an extreme nature.

"Mickey get me a cup of coffee while I dress up," Cameron said to the Technoid.

"Yes Captain," the android answered and went immediately to get what the Captain requested.

Cameron went into the bedroom and got his uniform and dressed up in the sitting room. When he finished Mickey handed him his cup of Verigonian coffee.

"Mickey, when Adam and Gayton wake up, tell them I went to the bridge."

"Yes, Captain....," Mickey hesitated, "Captain, I couldn't help but overhear what Commander Neb said. What do you think it could be that FHQ wants? It must be quite important to try and contact us this far away."

"No idea, Mickey, but whatever it is we'll handle it," Cameron said calmly, "but don't say anything to Adam or Gayton about this ok?"

"Very well Captain."

Cameron was about to leave when he stopped and turned to Mickey again.

"You're testing me again, aren't you," Cameron asked the robot.

"Yes, Captain."

Household Technoids were programmed to periodically make physiological evaluation of their charge's mental health for FHQ. Cameron always passed with flying colors. This time was no exception.

Cameron smiled then looked in on his mate and his nephew who were still curled up together sound asleep. He turned, grabbed his coffee and left the stateroom for the bridge.

A half hour later, the Saris woke Gayton up. He smiled when he realized that he and Adam were in the spoon position. He lifted his head to look for Cameron, but he was not there, then snuggled his naked body in closer to Adam.

Adam opened his eyes expecting Cameron to be the one holding him, then realized it was Gayton.

"Your dick is poking me in the ass," Adam said.

"That's because I want to fuck you, again, but I can't," Gayton said.

"Why can't ya?" Adam asked while turning onto his back with his erection pointing straight up.

"Because I have to go on duty and you have the second half of your Orientation Class in about half hour."

"Oh shit," Adam said then jumped out of bed and looked at the naked young officer lying in bed. "Where's your uncle?"

"I don't know he wasn't here when I woke up," Gayton said and reached out and ran his fingers around the tip of Adam's erection.

"Hey, Cam, where the fuck are ya? I could use one more fuck," Adam shouted while staring at Gayton.

"Captain Legen went to the bridge, Adam," Mickey said as he came into the sleeping quarters.

Gayton thought that was odd that his uncle went to the bridge and didn't wait for him.

"Thanks Mickey," Adam said.

"I better get going," Gayton said sensing something was not right and began to get out of bed.

"Come on let's fuck one more time," Adam said seductively.

"No, if I do I'll be late for my watch," Gayton said as Adam laid on top of him.

"Fuck me, nephew," Adam ordered with a smile and kissed his studly young bedmate.

Adam broke from Gayton's kiss and began to slide down his body, kissing and licking his neck, then running his tongue down the valley of his chest and his abs.

"Oh uncle, that feels so good," Gayton gasped as Adam got to his very large and rigid pole.

"I'm gonna make you nice and hard so you can stick this monster inside me real fast," Adam said then gobbled down Gayton big 12 incher as far as he could without gagging, and latched onto the rest with his hand and began to move up and down.

"Oh fuck," Gayton puffed as Adam continued his action. After a few minutes, Adam could tell his young companion was getting close to his orgasm so he let go of his manhood and moved up to Gayton's lips and kissed him, sucking on his tongue. He grabbed Gayton and rolled him oven on top of him.

"Now fuck me, Gayton. Fuck me a good one," Adam said while looking into his mate's nephew's eyes.

"Mickey, lube," Gayton said as he knelt up in between Adam's legs without taking his eyes off Adam. Mickey put the bottle in Gayton's out stretch hand. He poured a large amount on his stiff manhood and spread it around so it covered the whole shaft and head.

Without saying a word he grabbed Adam's legs and pulled them up and over Adam's head. He moved into position and slapped his super hard dick over Adam's hairy rosebud. Adam jumped.

"You like that uncle?" Gayton teased and slapped his cock on Adam's hole several more times.

"Fuck yeah. Now stick that thing in my ass," Adam puffed.

Gayton smiled, lined the tip of his cock to Adam's anus and pushed until it popped in.

"Oh fuck yeah," Adam moaned as Gayton pushed all the way inside him in one quick motion.

"You doing ok Adam," Gayton said.

"Oh yeah, now plow my ass, nephew," Adam said filled with lust, as well as Gayton's dick.

Gayton pulled out then plunged back in, to Adams's delight.

"Oh yeah, Fuck me," Adam cried out. His own dick was slapping him in the stomach as Gayton was pushing inside him.

Faster and faster, Gayton fucked his uncle's mate. The sound of his hips hitting Adam's ass rang throughout the room.

"Oh fuck, uncle, oh fuck," Gayton said as he approached his orgasm.

"Fuck me harder," Adam called out as he began to masturbate his hard and sensitive member.

"Here comes," Gayton warned, then let loose another torrent of his thick white cream inside Adam's very willing hole. "Oh, fuck, oh fuck," Gayton said and his body shook as he continued to fill Adam up. "Oh uncle oh."

Adam felt his balls retract up to his body and his sperm shot out of his pee slit like a cannon.

"Oh goddamn, fuck," Adam shouted as Gayton continued to plow his ass. Most of the cum coming from Adam's cock landed on his hairy chest and abs. Gayton leaned down and buried his tongue in Adam's mouth as his body shook the last of his sperm inside Adam's hole.

Slowly both men's orgasms subsided. Gayton looked at Adam then collapsed on top of him.

"You wear me out uncle," Gayton puffed trying to catch his breath.

"What's the matter, can't handle it kid?" Adam puffed with a smile.

"I can handle anything you can dish out, uncle," Gayton said smiling.

"We'll see about that," Adam joked as he began to breath normally.

"Damn, look at the time. I gotta get out of here," Gayton said as he jumped out of bed, ready to put on his uniform.

"Wait... here," Adam said and threw Gayton a cum towel, "Might be better if you wiped that up."

"Yeah I guess," Gayton said as he cleaned the spunk from his chest, then threw the towel back at Adam.

"You come back here whenever you need us, ok?" Adam said sincerely.

"Maybe I'll be back tonight," Gayton said with a grin.

"Fuck yeah," Adam said then kissed his young friend.

"I wish Ethan understood like you do," Gayton said sadly, then turned and headed toward the door. Adam watched as Gayton left the stateroom and couldn't help but feel sorry for him and what he is going through with his mate.

"Would you like some coffee, Adam?" Mickey asked, breaking Adam from his thoughts of Gayton.

"No, thanks, Mickey. Hey why did Cameron go to the bridge?" Adam said wondering why his mate left without saying anything.

"He had some urgent business to tend to Adam, and you had better dress or you will be late for your Orientation Class," Mickey said.

"Shit what, you're my mother now?" Adam said with a smile.

"No, I am Mickey, your TH145 household unit," Mickey said not getting Adam's joke.

"You really are a shithead, ain't ya," Adam laughed.

Mickey did not comment.

Adam went into the bathroom and took a quick shower to make sure all the cum was cleaned from his hairy chest. When finished, he dried himself fast and got dressed. He was heading toward the door when Matthew came in.

"Hey Adam ready?" Matthew asked.

"Yeah, let's get this over with," Adam replied, not wanting to go. He still wanted to have a talk with Ethan.

"Did you relax on your break?" Matthew asked just as a matter of conversation, not knowing anything about his confrontation with Ethan and subsequent sex he and Cameron had with Gayton.

"Fuck yeah. I'll tell you about it after the class," Adam said with a smile.

A few minutes later everyone was back in the conference room waiting for Bailon's arrival.

"Hello mates," Bailon said when he came into the room. Everyone greeted him back, but he only had eyes for his mate Jason. They had been arguing, but had "Make-Up Sex" during the break.

"Ok, Bailon, tell us why you know all this will work on the Earthers, as you call us. What makes us so much alike," Adam shouted out.

"You don't like to waste time do you Adam," Bailon said with a smile.

"Nope, never have and never will," Adam laughed.

Bailon was in a good mood and he was not going to let Adam's outbursts change that. In spite of Adam's gruffness, he really liked and admired him, besides he thought he was very sexy. Jason felt the same way and both had talked about an Ejku with him and the captain.

Everyone settled down as Bailon got himself organized. He looked out at the smiling group and noticed that Ethan Thorne was still missing. This time all the crew had been told of Ethan's attack on Gayton and was put on alert in case he should cause more trouble.

"When we left earlier, the question asked was how do we know that all that we talked about will work on Earthers," Bailon started, he wondered how this group were going to take this news. "The answer is quite simple." He looked out at the group again, took a deep breath and began to walk up the center of the U shaped tables staring at Adam. He knew that part of what he was going to say would lead to questions that would hurt Adam, and hurt him really bad.

"Well?" Adam shouted because of the long pause.

"Earthers are Verigonian... at least according to your DNA," Bailon started. Everyone in the room began to rumble. "This was not our first expedition to Earth, gentlemen," Bailon started again ignoring Adam's outburst. The room went quiet. "In fact we've been to Earth quite a few times.

"It started several millennia ago, when we sent several probes outside our solar system in search of life throughout the galaxy. The probes surprised our scientists and found hundreds of planets with some sort of lifeform on it, but none that came close to what we Verigonians were like, that is, until one probe happened upon the Blue Planet. At the time we called it PL789.

According to the information from the probe, the people on PL789 walked upright, had one heart and showed a potential of having intelligence, even though they were quite primitive." Bailon showed holographic images of Homo Erectus. "It was decided we would send a crew out to this planet. This was back before the plague that killed off the female of the species, so the crew of 25 consisted of 15 men and 10 women."

"So what are you saying?" an impatient Adam said trying to get Bailon to hurry on with his explanation.

"When the crew landed they found a very primordial, but organized society. Unfortunately, they were dying out, so to help them along, they injected some of the seemingly more weak of the species with the essence, or DNA, of the Verigonians while not injecting the stronger of the species, figuring they were strong enough to survive on their own. When they finished with that society they moved on to others and did the same thing to another group. From there they continued on and on until they had covered the whole planet. There were not many of these groups around so the experiment did not take long.

"When they were satisfied with the start of the experiment they set in place, they left the planet and came back to Verigon. The plan was to come back periodically to check on their subjects. Little did they know that what they brought back with them was a disease that would eventually make the female on our planet extinct."

"So they got the plague from Earth?" Matthew said.

"Yes, I am afraid so; an organism that is thankfully, no longer on Earth, was the culprit. Because of the disease the experiment was abandoned for many talrons and as you know our whole planet nearly died out until the Saris came and offered a way to save us.

"Many talrons later, it was the Saris that encouraged us to check on our experiment. When we did, we found that not only did the people survive, but those who were given the dominant Verigonian DNA had integrated into society and eventually took over. The rest just seemed to die off. Your scientists never did figure out why there was such a quick advance. They just called it the Missing Link. Although, there are still many in your scientific community that believe there was an outside influence that was the cause of this sudden change.

"What this means, mates, is that we, Verigonians and Earthers, are related or more precisely,... we are one in the same." Everyone began to talk among themselves. After everyone calmed down, Bailon continued.

"Gentlemen, if you check the DNA of Verigonians you will find the same DNA in you Earthers. That is how we know this Regenerazation of Verigon will work with you in this room and, of course, the others that are still on Earth."

"Others?" the whole room rumbled.

"What others?" Adam shouted out.

"There are 5 more teams that are in different stages of finding mates to bring back to Verigon. You are the first."

Everyone began to talk again and ask questions among themselves.

"All in the United States?" a mate asked.

"Yes, but this is the first stage. We had concentrated so long on this region that your way of verbal communication became our secondary language and eventually became our primary way of speaking. We will get into that more at another time."

"So, that's why you guys speak English," Matthew said.

"Yes, Matthew, there are many similarities between us. Actually we speak American which varies from the way English is spoken in other parts of the Earth.

"There are other expeditions planned for other parts of your Earth, like Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. And in the future, non-English speaking countries like, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. This of course depends on the success of Stage One.

"So, if all this is true, why are we so different than you Verigonians," one mate asked, "all you Verigonians have pretty much the same features."

"All those talrons we have been coming to your planet, we never integrated into you society. In other words we did not mate with any Earthers, until now that is, so on Verigon we stayed fairly pure. But on Earth, there are so many different races that have mixed with the Verigonians DNA, there naturally will be differences.

"Let me qualify my statement about the Verigonians not integrating with the Earthers," Bailon said, interrupting his explanation in light of a new discovery, "That may not be true, because very recently we have found an Earther who has more pure Verigonian DNA than others and that person is here in this room right now," Bailon said and everyone looked around and wondered who that was, "One who is more Verigonian that Earther, at least according to their DNA."

"Who the fuck is it?" Adam blurted out.

"Well, he has a shade of blond hair," Bailon said as he started to walk up the center of the U-Shaped tables, again.

"That's half of us guys here," one of the blond mates said and everyone laughed.

Bailon stared at him for a bit then turned and continued to walk up the center of the tables, staring at each blond mate as he did. Everyone had his eyes on Bailon wondering who this mysterious Verigonian from Earth was. Bailon had a smile on his face knowing the mates were eagerly awaiting his answer.

"You're enjoying this ain't ya," Adam said and everyone began to laugh again.

"Very much actually," Bailon joked back. And everyone laughed even harder.

"Give us another hint," Matthew called out.

"Well, he's good looking like all us Verigonians," Bailon joked again as he slowly walked up the U, "He's muscular and about 6 feet 4 inches tall."

"That's all of us, especially the good looking part," Carl shouted out with laughter. Everyone calmed down again and continued to stare at Bailon and waited to hear what he had to say.

"One more hint, his mother had fiery red hair... and his mate is the Executive Officer of this ship," Bailon said as he stopped in front of Matthew.

The room went quiet, and everyone turned toward the handsome mate.

"Me?" Matthew said as it sunk in what Bailon told him. Adam laughed and put his arm around his best friend and slapped his chest.

"Yeah, I always thought there was something fuckin' weird about ya, besides being ginger," Adam laughed to the delight of the rest of the mates.

"Yes, Matthew, your tests came out with the highest level of Verigonian DNA; almost as high as a pure Verigonian."

"That's weird," Matthew said not sure just what all this meant, "I know I was adopted, but I didn't know my real parents were from outer space." Everyone gave out another laugh.

"Well, your mother wasn't Matthew, but your father had to be," Bailon said "Your father was probably on Earth some 32 years ago with one of our other expeditions. This is quite a discovery."

"I wish I would have known them," Matthew said with a sadness to his voice.

"Hey wait, I thought everyone on Verigon was gay?" Taylor called out.

"Yes, we are, so it will be interesting to find out how and why this occurred," Bailon said, "but that will be for those on Verigon to find out for us. And who knows Matthew, you may get to meet your father there."

"Funny, I don't feel any different," Matthew said. Adam laughed and put his arm around his best friend again.

"Well, 'Ya are Blanch, ya are'" Adam paraphrased Bette Davis from the movie "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane." More laughter rang out throughout the conference room.

"This just shows you how much we all are related to each other," Bailon continued after the room calmed down, "that is why we chose you Earthers. Logically you are all Verigonian. The Saris will be able to work better with you, especially for the birthing process and to prolong your life."

"Our life will be longer, but what about disease?" Daryl, the nurse practitioner and the mate to Dr. Zaz asked, "Cancer is still a big killer of us Earthers."

"Yes, I was going to get to that," Bailon said and looked at Adam and hesitated, "You have no diseases. During your medical exam all that was taken from your bodies and your immune systems were altered to reject any kind of disease," Bailon stared at Adam, "...or virus.

"Like all Verigonians, you Earthers will never get sick or have any disease again." Bailon kept looking at Adam. He was expecting an outburst from him any second, but this one would be very serious.

All the men began to talk, all except Adam who stared straight ahead at Bailon.

"What about HIV?" Adam shouted out with an angry voice. The room got silent.

"Adam look, there is no HIV or AIDS where we are going," Bailon said. He knew about Adam's brother. All the officers knew about him. Cameron talked about him often. "Those of you in this room who have HIV no longer have it."

"I don't have it?" Carl said, stunned at news. A few others spoke up, but Adam kept staring at Bailon until he couldn't hold it in any longer.

"You mean, you fuckers... had a cure for HIV on Earth and you didn't do anything about it?" Adam shouted and slammed his hands on the table then stood up, "My brother has HIV," Adam's voice was getting louder and louder. Bailon felt terrible, tears began to run down his face.

"I'm sorry Adam, they wouldn't let us. The captain tried to convince the Commission to help the Earthers, but they said we can't interfere."

"Can't interfere? Can't interfere? You gave the cavemen your fuckin' DNA and you say you can't interfere?" Adam screamed.

Adam stood there stunned that his partner, his mate, the man he loved and would spend the rest of his life on another planet, would be so cold hearted.

"You fuckin' bastards," Adam said quietly, "You fuckin'... bastards!" he shouted, only this time he lost control and took a chair and threw it across the room. Visions of his brother alone on Earth, ran through his head.

"Adam stop," Matthew said as grabbed his friend and tried to prevent him from causing any more damage.

"Get away from me, fucker, you're one of them," Adam said and headed for the door. Matthew was stunned that Adam would say such a thing.

"Adam no wait, please!" Bailon called out. Jason had him in his arms trying his best to console his mate, "Oh Jason what have I done?"

Adam stormed out of the conference room and headed to the Carrier Lift where he called out "Deck 25".

"Come on, Come on!" he shouted at the Carrier Lift wanting it to go faster. He felt like he was ready to lose control.

When he finally got to his stateroom, he began to pace in the sitting room. The more he thought of his brother the more upset he became. He began to mutter to himself and found it hard to breathe. He was sweating and took off his shirt and wiped his brow then his chest with it, then threw it on the big white sofa and continued to pace.

"Is there anything wrong Adam?" Mickey asked. His sensors picked up that Adam was in distress.

"No, get me a beer please Mickey," Adam said softly. His demeanor had changed. He was showing way too much emotion and he felt uncomfortable. Visions of his brother kept flashing through his head.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck," he muttered thinking of his brother.

"Here you are Adam," Mickey said and handed Adam his glass of beer. Adam took it, raised the glass to his mouth and began to drink, but his hand was shaking and some of the beer spilled from the glass onto his chin and down his bare chest. He drank until the glass was empty.

"Would you like another, Adam?" Mickey asked.

"No...thanks," Adam said trying hard to breathe normally. That's when Cameron came in the door. A tearful Bailon called him and told him what had happened.

"Adam..." Cameron said knowing this was not going to be good. He dreaded this day, but knew it was coming. His heart beat faster knowing he hurt the man he loved so much.

Adam seemed calm and resolute instead of showing his usual uncontrollable anger. Cameron knew this was not a good sign.

"Don't say anything Cam," Adam said, "How could you not help him? He's my fuckin' brother. You know how I feel about him!"

Adam stood up straight realizing he was showing too much emotion again.

"I tried to convince them Adam I swear," Cameron said.

"You didn't try hard enough. Now he's on Earth alone... Goddamn it," Adam said practically in tears thinking of his brother with no one to help him. Cameron went to take him in his arms.

"No, don't touch me, just... don't." He never pushed Cameron away like that before, but he just didn't want to be touched by anyone, especially his mate. Cameron was stunned.

"I need to be alone for a few days to let all this sink in," Adam said, "get me one of those other rooms."

"Adam no don't please," Cameron pleaded.

"I need this Cam," Adam said anxiously. Cameron took a deep breath and decided to give his mate what he wanted.

"There's a room down the corridor you could..."

"No, I want a room on the other side of the ship and not on this deck," Adam said.

Cameron heart sunk, "Adam, I'm sorry," Cameron said. He walked over to his computer monitor looked at the best rooms on each deck.

"Take stateroom 1875, that's 7 decks down on the other side of the ship," Cameron said. He felt totally defeated. Because of his duty, he had hurt his mate. He knew it was wrong when he did it, but at the time he believed it was his duty to listen to the Commission. Now he wasn't so sure anymore if it meant he would lose Adam.

"Adam, I..." Cameron started to say, but Adam held up his hand and shook his head, then went into the bedroom, put on a clean shirt but didn't button it, grabbed some clothes and headed toward the door.

"Mickey, show Adam to stateroom 1875," Cameron ordered.

"Very well Captain," Mickey replied.

"I can find it myself," Adam said without looking at his mate.

"No these corridors and decks are tricky. Let Mickey help."

Adam didn't say anything he just walked out the door with Mickey right behind him. He didn't say goodbye or kiss or even look at Cameron.

Cameron sat down on the big white sofa all alone in his stateroom totally and completely defeated and depressed. Cameron picked up Adam's shirt that was lying on the sofa next to him. He bunched it up in his hands and put it to his nose and breathed in, taking in Adam's scent.

"Oh, Adam, please," he said softly to no one as he leaned over and buried his face in the shirt again.

Later that day, Adam lay on the bed of his new stateroom. The bed was smaller than the one he shared with Cameron and he soon began to miss his mate. But the specter of what Cameron did hung around like a deep dark cloud. He couldn't get his brother out of his mind. Everything else took a back seat to the decision he had to make.

Several of his friends tried to visit, including Matthew and Gayton, but Adam wouldn't answer the door. He just laid on the bed thinking. Cameron stopped bye on numerous occasions and was ignored as well.

Later, on the bridge in the Captain's private office, Cameron played the message from FHQ over and over, trying to make sense of it. He was stunned by what they told him. He was ordered to tell no one and to slow down the speed of the ship to a crawl and await further orders.

"Klanar," Cameron said into the intercom, "come to my office."

Within a matter of seconds Klanar was at the door.

"Come," Cameron said when he heard the tone that someone wanted to enter.

"Havic are you ok?" Klanar asked as he quickly walked into the Captain's office.

"Yeah," is all Cameron said.

"He'll come around, Havic, you will see," Klanar said trying to comfort his Captain and his best friend.

"If I know Adam, it will be a while, if at all. But then I didn't ask you to come in here for that," Cameron said rather tersely, "I can't tell you just yet, what the message is from FHQ, but we have to slow down the ship. Cut the speed by 90%."

"90% Captain?"

"Yes, damnit, you heard me," Cameron snapped.

"Yes, sir," Klanar said. He wasn't used to his friend with this kind of disposition. Klanar turned to leave.

"Klanar wait," Cameron said, "I didn't mean to yell. This whole thing with Adam has my mind all backwards. I can't lose him Klanar."

"He loves you Havic, he will see you had to follow your orders."

"Bullshit," Cameron said. Klanar was taken aback by Cameron swearing. The captain he knew never talked in that way.

Cameron looked at his friend, "We may have to go back to Earth, that's why we are slowing down the ship. The situation on Earth is very critical and we may have to get our people and their mates off the planet. We're the closest ship."

"It's that bad?" Klanar asked.

"Yes, if they continue to drop nuclear weapons like they are doing, the Earth will reach critical mass and ... simply explode."

"Damn, Havic, when will we know for sure?"

"FHQ will send another message when it's time to turn back."

Cameron hesitated for a second, "Klanar, I decided if we do go back I will personally lead a search for Adam's brother. I have to make this up to Adam."

"Havic, the Commission won't like that," Klanar warned.

"I don't give a Fuck about the Commission!!" Cameron yelled, "I should have taken him with us, Klanar, or at least gotten rid of the virus from his body. It would have been the right thing to do.

"The Commission be damned. I will resign from Space Fleet when we get back to Verigon, but I will not leave Jack on that planet again," Cameron's voice was resolute.

Klanar was stunned by his friend's proclamation. He knew Cameron and how much he loved being the Captain of the ship, but he also knew the tone of his voice and that he would do what had to be done to save his mate's brother.

"You can count on me to help you, Havic, in any way I can."

"No, you'll get in trouble as well. I don't want that; I'll do this alone," Cameron said.

"You are my captain and most of all you are my friend; I don't care about the Commission either. I will help. It is the right thing to do," Klanar said. Cameron looked at his friend and took him in his arms. They rested their foreheads against either other.

"Thank you, I just hope we can get there on time," is all Cameron could say.

"I will give orders to slow down the ship," Klanar said breaking their embrace. He headed toward the door, then turned and looked at his friend. He thought of what he just said, that he would help his captain go against the Commission and bring on board Adam's brother. This would end his military career. Klanar smiled at Cameron and left.

Jack roamed the streets of Los Angeles not knowing where he was going or which direction he was headed. At least he thought he was in LA, he really couldn't tell. Most everything was rubble and debris. What were once familiar streets were now totally destroyed and unrecognizable. The constant bombings had done their job on his favorite city.

For days prior, he had seen bright flashes off in a distance. When he saw the mushroom shaped clouds, he knew what had happened. At first he feared they would drop some of those bombs near him. When they didn't, he figured it was far enough away that he would be safe. He didn't think they would drop any more nuclear bombs anywhere close to him because there was nothing left to bomb. He hadn't thought about radioactive fallout drifting his way, but it did.

He couldn't figure out how he stayed alive these past few weeks, with all the bombs going off all around him. He had several close calls but somehow he managed to survive. At times he wished he didn't.

The sun had just come up and with no clouds in the sky again, it was going to be another very hot day. He looked for shade to get relief from the sun's rays, but there were no trees or large building anywhere to seek shelter from the stifling heat. He stumbled around and saw very few people, at least ones that were alive. The live ones he did see were frightened of him and ran away. He was exhausted and had to find somewhere to pitch his pup tent.

He looked at his arms and they were beginning to get red and raw, much like his face and chest. His lips were dried and chapped. The nuclear weapons that were dropped all around had done its job on the ozone layer; it virtually didn't exist anymore sending deadly UV Rays to the surface of the Earth.

After roaming around for hours, he came upon what looked like was once the side of a building, with only part of it standing above the rubble. He figured that would be a good place to pitch his tent. He put his backpack down and took the tent and began to set it up in the shadow of the wall. When done he removed his sweat soaked shirt, crawled into the tent, and laid down trying his best to stay cool.

The alarm on his wristwatch went off to remind him it was time to take his meds. He grabbed his backpack, fished around for them and took them out. He stared at the bottle.

Today he would use the last of his HIV cocktails. He rationed his pills over the past few weeks and didn't take them everyday, but would take them every other day or would let 3 days go by, depending on how he felt. He opened the bottle poured the last of the pills in his hand, stared at them again, then put them in his mouth. He grabbed his bottled water and took a small drink, just enough so he didn't choke as they slid down his throat. He had the urge to drink more water, but he didn't know how long it would be before he would find water that wasn't contaminated. He laid down again, exhausted from his day of aimless wondering and quickly fell asleep wondering how long before he would feel the affect of not having his drugs.

"What," Jack said as he woke up with a start. Night had already fallen and someone was walking around outside his tent. He froze, then stuck his hand in his backpack and took out his gun. There were gangs of marauders that were known to steal whatever they could and kill whoever was in their way. The thought of the six men who raped him came to his mind.

"That ain't gonna happen again," he muttered to himself.

His gun followed the footsteps and it circled around the tent until it stopped at the entrance. His hands were shaking and he tried not to make a sound when he breathed. Small sweat droplets began to stream down his face.

" some...body in there," a voice from outside the tent said, "I...I'm cold, please help."

The voice sounded familiar to Jack, but he couldn't place it at first.

"Who's out there? What's your name and what to you want?" Jack said; his hands were still shaking.

"Your voice sounds familiar," the mysterious voice from outside the tent said, "Jack? Jack Rossi, is that you, honey? I'd know that voice anywhere."

"Yeah, who is it?"

"It's me, Dusty. Let me in please I'm freezing, sweet cheeks."

Jack took his gun and stuffed it under his sleeping bag. He didn't trust anyone. He then unzipped the tent and let his friend crawl in. He hunted around for this camping lantern and turned it on.

Dusty LaMae was a black drag performer who would entertain at one of the local bars that was one of Jack's hangouts. He never saw Dusty without her makeup. She looked strange; more like a man now that a woman.

"Wow, thanks Jack. What are the odds of us meeting like this," Dusty said as she crawled in and made herself comfortable, "It's so hot during the day and so damn cold at night."

"Glad to have the company Dusty. I don't think I ever saw you without your makeup on."

"It was all destroyed in the last air attack. The club is gone and so was all my makeup. What's a girl to do?" she joked in her female persona.

"How long you been roaming around out there?" Jack asked.

"Five or six days, I think. I just been walking around in those damn shoes until these fucking stiletto heels broke, then I found a pair of tennis shoes so I took them," Dusty said lifting up her feet to show Jack the shoes she found. She put out of her mind that she actually "found" them on a dead body. "They're a little big but what the hell. Pretty fashionable huh?" She was trying to make jokes, but couldn't hold up much longer.

"What do you think is going to happen to us Jack? This is crazy, there's nothing left. Everyone is dead. You remember Evelyn, she's dead and Bunny, they took her away."

"Who took her away," Jack asked Dusty about the other drag performers.

"I don't know, these soldiers with this big truck pulled up and just took her away. I was so scared, I just started to run and been running ever since. They were speaking a foreign language."

"Who was speaking a foreign language?"

"The soldiers. I think we've been invaded or something."

"I don't know what's going on. I haven't heard the news in days, maybe weeks."

"Well, I hear it's the Russians. They invaded the US with the help of those crazy guys in the Middle East, Taliban or something like that, oh hell I don't remember what their called, but it's the whole world Jack, Nuclear bombs being dropped by god knows who, cause I hear we have no government anymore. Neither has Russia. I heard London is history and so is Paris and Berlin, nearly all of Europe; even Moscow is gone. They say all of China is a wasteland. I don't know how many people are dead, maybe millions."

"Fuck, I can't believe Russia would do this. Something ain't right here. Have you heard anything about the US?" Jack asked stunned by Dusty's news.

"Oh honey, the east coast is worse than the west coast. New York is leveled and so is Baltimore and Philly. I heard them say there is nothing left of the midsection of the US. All the farms were wiped out, so there's no food to feed the people. And they just keep dropping those damn bombs."

"Who the fuck is dropping these bombs? Don't they see what they are doing?"

"I heard everything is on automatic. It's all done by computer. If Russia drops a bomb on the US, the US automatically drops a bomb on Russia, then Russia automatically drops on bomb on the US. If someone drops a bomb on China or Iran or India, they all just shoot back at who knows who."

"Shit, then we will have to leave early tomorrow morning before the sun comes up. No telling when those soldiers or god knows who will come around."

"Yeah, I am so tired," Dusty said.

They both lay down, Jack turned off the lantern, then Dusty cuddled next to him.

"I could give you a blow job for helping me Jack," she said out of the blue.

"Yeah right," Jack laughed, "you been trying to get into my pants ever since we met. Besides, I don't have any condoms, and I just took the last of my HIV pills," Jack answered.

"Well you can't blame a girl for tryin'," Dusty laughed, "We could just cuddle, then, ok?"

"Yeah, sure," Jack said and Dusty wrapped her body around Jack.

Then Jack felt Dusty's hand move down his bare chest and to his crotch.

"I could give you a hand job," Dusty said softly, but before Jack had time to protest, she had Jack's pants unbuttoned and his dick pulled out.

"Dusty, I..." Jack started to say.

"Shh, honey, just enjoy," Dusty said and began to masturbate her companion's manhood.

Jack began to moan, he couldn't remember the last time he cummed, so he took Dusty's advice and just lay there and enjoyed.

"Fuck, Dusty, you're getting me close real fast," Jack said as he felt her hand move his big cock up and down.

"You got a big dick, Jack," Dusty puffed, "too bad you can't fuck me."

"Oh fuck!," Jack shouted has his first wave of cum shot in the air and landed on his stomach, "Oh fuck, Dusty, fuck," he continued to say until he felt the last of his cum dribble down Dusty's hand.

"Thanks Dusty. Wish I could have fucked ya, though," Jack said and grabbed his shirt and wipped his spunk from his stomach.

"Oh it was my pleasure, honey," Dusty said then cuddle up to Jack again. Dusty held onto Jack's soft dick and in minutes they were sound asleep.

A few hours later the sun began to beat down on the tent again.

"Fuck, we over slept," Jack said when he opened his eyes, "Dusty wake up, we have to get away from here."

"Oh honey, I was just having a nice dream of me and that sailor that came into the bar the other day, hmm hmmm hmm," Dusty said while yawning.

"You can tell me about him later, right now we got to fold up this tent," Jack said as he buttoned up his ragged jeans and crawled out and into the bright sunlight. Dusty followed him and Jack noticed that she was wearing tight baby blue Daisy Duke shorts, and a pink angora type sweater.

"Is that what you're wearing?" Jack asked with a smile.

"Oh honey, this girl ran so fast she didn't get time to change into anything more comfortable."

"I have something in my bag you can change into," Jack laughed as he rolled the tent up.

"I have to pee honey. I will just go on the other side of that pile of rubble and take care of it. A girl does need her privacy, you know. I will be right back, sweet cheeks," Dusty said, then ran her fingers across Jack's bare chest, then turned and carefully climbed over the debris until Jack couldn't see her anymore.

A few minutes later, Jack hooked the rolled up tent to the backpack and checked to make sure he had everything.

"What's keeping Dusty? That's one hell of a long pee," Jack said as he climbed up the pile of rubble and peaked over.

There, a short distance away, was a big truck with soldiers in uniforms he didn't recognize, dragging Dusty into the back of the truck. His first instinct was to run over to help her, but fear for his own safety flashed through his mind and he thought better of it.

As Dusty was pulled into the back of the truck she turned in the direction of Jack. One of the soldiers saw her look and turned in the same direction. Jack ducked his head out of site. Then slid down the pile of rubble and went to his backpack.

"I can't let them take her," Jack said to himself as he grabbed his gun. He took a deep breath then ran up the pile of rubble only to find that the truck had already pulled away. He watched the truck as it sped down the pot hole pitted street.

"Fuck," he said out loud realizing there was no way he could catch up with the truck. Then something caught his eye. In the back of the truck along with Dusty were Butch and his sidekick Dickwad. He didn't see his other rapists. Jack smiled, but then he saw Dusty again

"Shit, Dusty," Jack said under his breath, "good luck my friend."

He ran down the pile of debris and went to his backpack again and put the gun away. He lifted the heavy sack and threw it over his shoulder and headed in the opposite direction of the truck.

He wandered for what seemed like hours. He tried to find shelter from the sun's hot rays but there was nothing around to hide under. Then as if his prayers were answered, a dark cloud obscured the sun and cast a welcoming shadow on the ground around him. He looked up and smiled at the relief from the sun's unrelenting heat.

As he continued to walk, he began to feel droplets of rain hitting his face. He looked up again and the black cloud let loose the torrent of water it held inside. Jack started to laugh and yell. He dropped his backpack took off his shirt and spun around letting the rain cover his entire body.

"Ha, Ha, Oh Yeah!!" he yelled out loud as the rain came down harder soaking him to the skin.

He didn't know that the dark cloud carried radioactive fallout and the rain that poured down covered his body in the lethal residue of the nuclear bombs that dropped hundreds of miles away. At the time, that was the last thing on his mind. He was getting refreshed from the heat of the sun.

Jack was lost in the feeling of the rain hitting his body, when, as quickly as it came, it stopped and instead of the cool water, the sun's hot rays covered his body again. He looked up and the large dark cloud swiftly moved away from him.

"Fuck," he said as his smile turned to a frown. He sighed heavily, picked up his backpack flung it over his bare shoulder again, and continued to walk aimlessly in a random direction.

Sometime later, without realizing it, he began to walk into an area where some of the buildings, though mostly destroyed, had walls that raised several stories in the air. He smiled knowing he could find shelter from the heat behind those walls.

He walked slowly though the ruins and came upon a car that was upside down. The vehicle was mostly in tack and he wondered if there was anything inside it that he could use, like food or water. He approached the car, took hold of the handle and tried to open it. At first it didn't move, so using his foot for leverage, he pulled and pulled straining his muscles until the door unexpectedly popped open causing him to fall to the ground on his butt... and a decaying dead body inside the car to unexpectedly fall out.

"Ahhh!" Jack screamed and scrambled backwards away of the lifeless cadaver. He stopped and moved closer to the man whose face looked like some kind of creature was eating it away. He breathed heavy as he stared at the gruesome sight of the man in the dark suit.

"You look familiar," Jack said to the dead body. He looked closer and saw there was another man inside, also dead. "I know who you guys are," he said then stuck his hand inside one of the body's inside suit pocket and took out his ID badge.

"Homeland Security, yeah you're the two assholes who came to Adam's apartment. Serves ya right," Jack said then began to look around inside the car.

He found an unopened bottle of water and two cans of diet coke. "Fuck yeah," he cried out. Then he noticed the metal briefcase that was lying in the back of the upside down car. He reached in and grabbed it and pulled it out, hoping there would be food inside. He tried to open it, but it was locked. He grabbed a rock and started to bang on the latch. Harder and harder he hit the lock until it popped open. He stared at it, then slowly lifted the lid.

There, to his delight, was a sandwich wrapped in plastic wrap. He quickly tore the plastic wrap open took out the sandwich, opened it up and sniffed it.

"Smells ok," he said out loud, then stuffed the sandwich in his mouth. He smiled as he savored the meal. He hadn't eaten in over a day. He was rationing his food supply, like his pills, and only ate every other day.

As he chewed on his "meal", his eyes drifted down to the briefcase. There on top, was a folder marked Adam Rossi and Cameron Fernwood.

"What the fuck?" he said as he swallowed the last of his sandwich. He held his breath as he opened the folder.

"Holy Shit!" Jack said as he looked at several picture of Adam running into what looked like a flying saucer.

"He really did go to another planet? He wasn't lying. He's alive? ... He's alive!" Jack shouted out loud and his voice echoed off the rubble of the buildings around him. Then he stood up and looked at his surroundings.

"Holy shit," he said again, as he looked at the bombed out building in front of him, "that's my apartment building. I been running around in circles, Fuck!" His voice echoed off the building again. He sighed a heavy sigh, then picked up his backpack, put the soda and the water in the briefcase with his brother's pictures and headed toward the hole in the building he crawled out of. He walked into his storeroom and sat on the mattress where he was raped. He wondered what the soldiers were going to do with the guys that attacked him.

"Maybe they'll get a taste of their own medicine," Jack said imagining Butch and Dickwad being ravaged by a bunch of horny Russian soldiers or whoever they were. Then he thought of Dusty.

"Shit Dusty, sorry I couldn't help ya," Jack said as he opened his backpack and took out his lantern.

"Let's look at these picture again," he said out loud, then opened the brief case and looked at the picture of his brother and of the giant ship he ran into. One picture was an enlarged close up Adam's face. He ran his fingers over the picture as if he was touching his cheek.

"I miss you, Adam," Jack said, "Why didn't you take me with you?" Ordinarily he would have started to cry, but he became a much harder person in the last few weeks. Then he heard a noise, and became paranoid, again. He took out his gun, turned off the lantern, then laid down on the mattress with his eyes wide open. He felt the gun in his hand and figured how easy it would be to put it to his head and pull the trigger.

"Not just yet," Jack said to himself, "but soon." He knew his time to die was approaching.

Adam lay on the bed in his lonely room that he hadn't stepped out of for nearly a week. He missed Cameron, he missed holding him and making love to him and just talking with him, but his brother still weighed heavy on his mind. Mickey was the only thing he would see or talk to, mainly to prepare his food from the Replicator.

One time, when Mickey came to the room, he showed up with the stuffed rabbit that Cameron gave him on their one month anniversary. Cameron gave it to Mickey in hopes that would convince Adam to come back to their stateroom. When Mickey gave it to him, Adam took it and held it in his arms and nearly broke down, but he wasn't ready to go back. He slept with that rabbit every night since.

Just as he was ready to doze off, someone came to the door. The isolation was getting to him and he needed to talk with someone, so he got up and went to see who it was.

"Who is it," he said through the intercom, hoping it was Cameron.

"It's me, Adam, can I come in?" Matthew said not sure if his friend would open up.

Adam thought for a bit, then waved his hand over the lighted panel and the door opened.

"Hey," Adam said, "come on in."

"Thanks," Matthew said, "Adam are you ok? I'm really worried about you and so is the captain."

"I just have a lot to think about, Matt," Adam said.

"He loves you Adam," Matthew said.

"Yeah, I know and I love him, but I have to find a way to forgive the son-of-a-bitch for what he did," Adam said starting to get upset.

Matthew put his arms around his best friend and held him tight.

"I didn't come here to piss you off Adam, I'm sorry. I better leave," Matthew said. He let go of Adam then turned toward the door.

"Don't go, Matt, please," Adam said. He turned, took Matthew by the hand and walked into the bedroom, then laid down on the bed. Matthew laid down on his side next to him and put his arm around Adam's chest.

"What the fuck am I going to do, Matt?" Adam said, "I love him so fuckin' much but I keep seeing my brother. Have you ever seen someone with HIV when they're sick? It's not pretty. I used to hold his hand, feed him, and clean him up whenever he was sick; I made sure he took his meds; he was always forgetting to refill his prescriptions and I made sure he remembered. Ever since we was kids, I would take care of him. Now he has no one and Cameron could have changed that. How can I forgive that?"

Matthew was silent for a bit, "I guess, somehow you will have to find forgiveness in your heart," Matthew said as he ran his fingers on Adam's chest where his heart was. "Think of how he thought, he's a military man and they're taught to follow orders no matter what their personal feelings are."

"That was his mistake, he took orders and didn't think," Adam said.

Matthew sub-consciously began to rub Adam's chest while he was talking.

"He's miserable right now Adam. He knows he did the wrong thing and he knows he hurt you. Don't break up with him Adam, please, you're my friend and I know it would hurt you too," Matthew's voice began to crack.

Adam looked at his friend and lifted his chin with his hand and leaned down and kisses his lips.

"I ain't gonna leave him Matt, I love him and besides where would I go?" Adam said then kissed his friend again, but this time he pushed him on his back and he laid on top then buried his tongue down his throat.

Matthew held his arms up in the air and his eyes opened wide, not sure if what was about to happen was a wise idea. But then this was Adam and he couldn't resist his "charms". Matthew closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Adam and figured "what the hell, why not."

Adam broke their kiss and they both stared at each other. Without a word, Adam knelt up and began to rip at his clothes. Matthew jumped out of bed and in a flash was standing there naked and hard. He smiled then jumped back in bed. Adam ran his hand over Matthew's hard body, then hovered over him, supporting himself with his arms, then slowly lowered himself onto his hot friend until their lips met again. He moved his hand down to Matthew's hard cock and squeezed it.

"Fuck, you're hard," Adam said with a smile and kissed his friend again.

"It's your fault," Matthew said, "now fuck me."

"That's my intention. Fuck we need lube. Where's Mickey when you need him?" Adam said then jumped out of bed and went to his gym bag where he always kept an "emergency" bottle of Astoglide. He grabbed the bottle, knelt back between Matthew's legs and slicked the liquid on his hard cock.

Matthew took the bottle from him and put some on his own rigid manhood and began to jack himself off. Adam smiled then leaned down and kissed his friend again. Matthew lifted his legs as high and wide as he could, giving Adam complete access to his willing rosebud.

Adam leaned into Matthew and stared at his anus that was opening and closing as if it was beckoning him to enter.

"Fuck I love that ass of your," Adam panted and with two of his fingers he smacked the outside of Matthew's rosebud, numbing it for his entry. He then lined the tip of his erection to Matthew's hole and pushed.

"Oh fuck," Matthew said as Adam's dick popped into him.

"Ready Matt?"

"Oh yeah," Matthew panted as Adam slowly moved into his friend letting him feel the sensation of his dick.

"Oh fuck Adam," Matthew whispered as Adam pushed all the way inside him.

"You're fuckin' hot you know," Adam said as he began to move in and out of Matthew's ass.

Matthew reached up and ran his hands over Adam's chest then tweaked both Adam's nipples which sent a shockwave though Adam's hairy body.

"Harder," Adam panted and Matthew twisted the hard numbs causing Adam to get close to his orgasm.

Matthew let go of Adam's nipples and began to beat this lube covered cock.

Adam moved in and out of Matthew faster now and much harder as his orgasm got closer and closer.

"Matt, I'm gonna cum," Adam's shaky voice quivered, "Oh fuck," he added as the first wave of spunk shot into Matthew's ass.

"Oh yeah, Adam," Matthew whisper as he shot his first round of cum onto his body.

"Oh fuck!" Adams shouted as the last of his orgasm propelled into his friend's hot hole.

"Fuck," Matthew said as he held his cock tight trying to squeeze the last of his cum out the tip of his pee slit.

Adam collapsed on top of Matthew and kissed his lips, pushing his tongue deep into his mouth. He let go, looked at Matthew's handsome face then gave him a quick peck on the lips.

Adam rolled off of Matthew and laid on his back with a huge smile on his face, and realized this was the first time he smiled all week.

"Thanks Matt," Adam said still smiling, then leaned over and kissed Matthew one more time.

"I didn't come here with the intent of us having sex, I just wanted to talk, but I'm glad we did...You know, if I wasn't so crazy nuts about Tyler I could fall in love with you," Matthew laughed.

"Funny, I was going to say the same fuckin' thing," Adam said with a big smile.

"What, that you're in love with Tyler?" Matthew joked and laughed again.

"No fuckhead, with you," Adam said still laughing.

They laid there holding each other until they calmed down.

"Ya know, I didn't mean that shit I said in the conference room about you being one of them," Adam said referring to the way the talked to Matthew. "I was just so fuckin' pissed off."

"I know and besides, I guess I am one of them ain't I?" Matthew said still not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

They lay silent for a while when Matthew looked at the time.

"I better get going, Tyler will be off duty soon," Matthew said as he got out of the bed and began to put his clothes back on, "You know they postponed the Orientation Classes the past week. I think they are going to start up again tomorrow or the next day."

"Is it because of me that they stopped?" Adam asked as he got up, took his shirt and wiped the cum from Matthew's chest.

"Sort of. Mainly it's because of Bailon. According to Jason, this whole thing has made him pretty sick. He's blaming himself for what happened between you and the Captain. He's a pretty sensitive guy, you know."

"Fuck, it's not his fault. I better talk with him. I'm really fucking things up," Adam said. He stood there naked in front of his friend who took him in his arms.

"You are a sexy mother fucker," Matthew laughed and kissed his friend, "Next time we do this, I'm gonna fuck you."

"Fuck yeah," Adam said then kissed him again.

"Ok, I'm out of here, and Adam, go home, he really is miserable without you."

"Yeah, I'll think about it," Adam said as Matthew left the room.

Adam turned and went into the bedroom, stood there for a bit then decided to get out of the room.

"It's time I start working out again," he said out loud as he looked at himself in the mirror and slapped his hard stomach. He got into his gym clothes, took a deep breath and left his room for the first time in 6 days.

He walked down the corridor and got into the Carrier Lift and got out on the Recreation Level, Deck 4. He looked around and soon came upon the gym. He opened the door and found it much like his gym back on Earth.

He walked through the locker room where several men gave him the eye, much like he got at his local gym. He passed the saunas and the steam rooms and figured there was a lot of sex going on in there.

"Things don't change, even in space," he laughed to himself.

He entered the main weight room where Earthers and Verigonians were working out. The room was much larger than the ones back home. It was loaded with all kinds of familiar machines and some he was not familiar with.

He scanned the room with his eyes and noticed that the two people working out in a corner were Jason and Bailon. He turned and approach them figuring this was as good a time as any to talk to Bailon.

"Adam!" Bailon said with a huge smile and stopped peddling his warm up bike, "I'm so glad to see you." He reached over and gave Adam a hug.

"Yeah, Adam, you ok?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, doing pretty good," Adam said, "but I hear you're not Bailon."

"Oh, I'm ok," Bailon lied as he began to peddle again.

"That's not the word I got. Look, don't blame yourself for what happened. It's between me and the captain, and we'll work it out."

"I'm really glad to hear that Adam," Bailon said with a lump in his throat.

"Yeah, me too," Jason added, "He's been pretty upset about this."

"That's what I hear," Adam said.

Bailon stopped his warm up bike and stared at him.

"I'm going to start the Orientation Class again, Adam. I hope you will be there," Bailon said.

"Fuck yeah, I'll be there. And I'll do my best to not interrupt ya," Adam said with a smile.

"I really don't mind," Bailon said sheepishly. Jason looked at his mate and shook his head, then laughed.

Jason and Bailon got off their warm-up bikes to start their work out.

"You mind if I join ya? I haven't worked out since we started on this journey."

"No, that would be great," Bailon said and Jason agreed.

Adam looked at the two hunky guys in front of him and smiled. "I wonder if these two would want to do one of those Ejku things with me and Cameron," he said to himself, "Damn I'm becoming quite the Verigonian."

Adam laughed as he talked with Bailon and Jason who helped him spot his workout.

Late in the evening hours, way past the start of his sleep period, Cameron sat in his office on the Bridge, looking at the hologram image of the latest report from FHQ for the 3rd time.

He stood up and turned off the hologram and looked at his watch. He was tired and drained. He wanted to talk with Adam, but Adam was still in the other stateroom. Besides he figured he would be asleep and he didn't want to disturb him. He needed to hold him in his arms again. He also wanted to tell him what was going on.

Cameron went to the control panel and punched in the new orders from FHQ for the Technoids. Then left his office and went down to his stateroom.

The past week he hated going into that room. It was lonely without his mate and he just wanted to go to sleep. He took off his clothes and crawled into bed. He tossed and turned for about an hour then finally fell asleep.

Adam was having a difficult time sleeping as well. After about 2 hours of trying, he finally gave up.

"Fuck this shit," he said out loud, then got out of bed, put some clothes on then left the room and headed toward his and Cameron's stateroom.

When he got there, Mickey greeted him quietly.

"Oh Adam, it is so good to see you," Mickey said, but Adam waved him to be quiet. He walked into the bedroom where Cameron was lying on his side facing away from him, sound asleep. The covers were partially pulled from his body, exposing his bare butt.

Adam smiled at the man he loved. He wanted desperately to wake him and make love to him, but instead he removed his clothes, and ever so gently crawled into the bed. He didn't want to wake Cameron, so he just curled up on his side with this back to him.

But Cameron was awake. He slowly turned around and spooned his lover, pulled him in close to him so his naked body could feel every curve of Adam's, then grabbed the covers, put it over both their bodies, and kissed his neck. Adam grabbed onto Cameron's hand and held it to his chest. They both smiled then fell into a deep sleep, the first real sleep either one had in nearly a week.

The next morning Cameron woke up first and sat in the lotus position at the foot of the bed facing his lover as he did so many times in their apartment on Earth. He stared at him admiring his body and tried to imagine life without him. He couldn't.

Adam's eyes opened and the first thing he saw was his naked lover at the foot of the bed looking at him longingly with his big 12 inch hard dick sticking out between his crossed legs. Cameron, seeing that Adam was now awake, moved toward him and lay on top of him. Without saying a word he buried his tongue deep inside Adam's mouth. Adam wrapped his arms around his mate and held him tight as if Cameron was going to try and run away, but there was no chance of that. They broke their kiss then stared at each other for a second then without saying a word kissed the passionate kiss of lovers.

Adam became aroused instantly as they both began to move their hands over each other's bodies while their lips continued their impassioned kisses.

Adam broke from their embrace and whispered in his mate's ear.

"Fuck me Cam, fuck me slow and easy. I want you inside me, big guy."

"Yes, baby, but first I want your dick in my mouth. I want to feel it in the back of my throat. I love you Adam," Cameron said and began to move down Adam chest, kissing and biting at the hairs as he did. He licked his abs and when he got to Adam's pubic hairs he bit at that too. He then moved his cheek up Adam's hard on. He looked up at Adam who was looking down at him. He smiled, then swallowed his mate's rigid poll down to the base while his eyes never left the handsome face of the man he loved.

The sensation of having his lover's manhood touch the back of his throat again was overwhelming to him. He moved up and down letting his saliva slick his cock, then breathed in his musk as he continued his oral assault.

Then he got that overwhelming feeling he needed to be inside his mate. He dropped Adam's manhood, moved up to him and plunged his tongue into Adam's open mouth. Their passion continued to build up and their hand explored every inch of their bodies.

"Fuck me, big guy," Adam panted as he broke their kiss.

"Anything for you baby," Cameron smiled. "Mickey, lube." The automaton handed Cameron the lube and stepped back and watched the two lovers. Adam noticed Mickey watching and winked at him. Mickey nodded.

Cameron knelt between Adam's legs, then took his hard on in his hand and was about to pour the lube on it when Adam sat up and took the bottle from him.

"Let me do that big guy," Adam said and grabbed Cameron extra large cock in his hand and poured the lube over it. Cameron gasped and nearly lost his load as Adam covered the smooth liquid over his manhood.

"Oh fuck," Cameron whispered trying desperately to control his orgasm.

Adam dropped Cameron cock from his hand and slowly lay down on his back.

"I'm ready," Adam puffed and lifted his legs in the air.

"Adam I..."

"Shhh, just fuck me, we will talk later," Adam said filled with love and lust.

Cameron leaned down and kissed Adam's lips then kneeled back up, moved in closer to Adam, lined up his monster cock with Adam's hairy rosebud and put pressure on it. Adam gave him immediate entry.

"Oh fuck," Adam said with his eyes wide open, "fuck big guy, I love that cock of yours." Cameron smiled as he slowly slid his manhood into his mate.

Once all the way in, Cameron rested his entire body on top of his mate with his cock buried deep inside him. He brought his lips to Adam's and pushed his tongue into his mouth and let all his passion loose on the man he loved. Cameron began to move his hips up and down causing his big dick to move in and out of Adam's hole.

"Fuck me hard, Cam," Adam panted.

While still laying on top of his mate, Cameron began to plow deep inside his lover.

"Oh fuck yeah, big guy, fuck yeah!" Adam said and he began to thrust upward meeting Cameron's downward plunge.

Both men, were now lost in the passion of two lovers showing their mutual adoration for each other.

"Oh fuck Adam," Cameron yelled out while plowing his lover's ass, "I love you so much." Cameron then plunged his tongue back into his lover then broke their kiss. Saliva was dripping from his mouth and Adam opened wide and let his lover's spit fall onto his tongue. He closed his mouth and swallowed then grabbed Cameron's head in his hands and kissed him wildly, then licked his lover's tongue and lips. Their lust for each other was beyond control as their hips moved into each other and Cameron's dick neared his climax.

"I'm gonna cum!" Cameron called out unable to control himself any longer.

"Fuck yeah, cum inside me, Cam, do it now!" Adam said as he continued he upward thrusts. Cameron was still on top of him and the movement of the two bodies caused Adam's rock hard cock, to come close to his own orgasm.

"Fuck," Cameron called out as his first short of cum, propelled itself inside Adam's hole. "Fuck, fuck," he cried out again as his body began to shake.

"I'm gonna cum too," Adam proclaimed.

"No, hold out, baby, please," Cameron said as he raised himself from Adam's body with his strong arms. He continued to let loose inside Adam's hole while his body shook and quivered and he yelled out his love for his mate.

"I can't hold it anymore, Cam," Adam shouted. Cameron's orgasm was still shooting his juices when he franticly pulled out of Adam's dripping ass and moved down Adam's body and gobbled down his lover's leaking hard manhood and franticly moved his head up and down. He wanted to taste his lover's juices and didn't have to wait too long.

"Oh fuck!" Adam screamed as he let loose inside Cameron's mouth. Cameron swallowed as fast as Adam could shoot, two, three, four volley of cum shot into Cameron's mouth and down his throat.

Adam stopped cumming but Cameron kept his softening cock inside his mouth. He felt the last drop drip from Adam's pee slit and he swallowed that eagerly. Cameron's orgasm was still leaking cum onto the bed.

Satisfied that Adam would not be giving up any more of his spunk, he let Adam's softening dick fall from his mouth. Them moved up and kissed his mate gently on the lips.

They lay in bed entwined in each other's arms and not saying a word for a long time. Cameron's head lay on Adam's chest as his fingers ran through the hairs on his abs.

"Adam, can...can you ever forgive me?"

Adam thought for just a second, "I already did," he said and held his lover tight. Their love for each other was strong and they both knew, not matter what either one of them did, there wasn't anything they couldn't overcome.

Cameron breathed a sigh of relief and closed his eyes and smiled, but he knew he had to fill in his mate as to what has happened over the past week.

"There's something I have to tell you, Adam," Cameron said softly, then sat up in bed with his legs curled under him.

"Go ahead, I'm ready for anything," Adam said staring at the ceiling, expecting more bad news.

"Adam before I make the announcement to the rest of the crew and the mates, I'm going to tell you something that right now, only the Technoids and I know. I want you to hear it from my lips and not from anyone else."

"Alright, what's going on?" Adam said impatiently, knowing if he didn't interrupt Cameron would beat around the bush more. He propped himself up on his elbow to listen to what his mate had to say. He reached over and rubbed his hand on Cameron's thigh very close to his soft penis.

"Adam, last night I programmed the Technoids to turn the ship around. We're on our way back to Earth."

"What?! Why?"

Adam sat up.

"Things are not going well on Earth. I got a message from FHQ to turn around and head back to Earth because the situation is to a critical point. We need to get our people and their mates off the planet. Earth is engaged in all out Nuclear War."

"Huh? What? Oh fuck...Jack," Adam said then lay on his back clutching his head in total disbelief.

"Adam," Cameron said then took his mate's hand, "I'm going to find your brother. I will have a shuttle craft equipped with a Swathe Device and a PSD cannon, and I will hunt for him until I find him."

"I'm coming with you," Adam said firmly and sat back up.

"Adam its best I do this alone because..." Cameron started to tell him he was going against the Commission's orders and that he could lose his job over this.

"I'm Going With You!" Adam said firmly, and stared at his partner.

"Ok," Cameron said, "but I have to warn you, we have to move fast once we are on the planet."

"How we going to find him. He could be anywhere, if he's alive," Adam said as a chill ran through his body.

"With this," Cameron said then got out of bed and went to his uniform and pulled out the IPOD looking device. "With my DVP I can find anyone. I have him programmed in it and it will lead us to him."

Adam looked at his partner, "You been planning this for a while."

"Yeah, last week when I got the message to slow the ship down, I made up my mind. I am not going to fuck up again," Cameron said.

Adam took his lover in his arms and kissed him hard on the lips.

"I love you," Adam said and rested his head on his shoulder. Cameron knew this was his way of saying Thank You.

"Will what you're doing cause any problem with those fuckin' bosses of yours?" Adam asked referring to the Commission.

"Fuckem'" Cameron said with a grin.

"Where'd you learn to talk like that?" Adam joked then looked into his mate's eyes.

Cameron smiled, "From you, who else," he said with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess you did," Adam laughed.

"Come, let's shower," Cameron continued, "I've invited Klanar and Matthew for a breakfast meeting to let them know what's going on. Then we will meet with my officers to let them know that we are heading back to Earth. I want you in the meeting with me."

Adam followed his mate into the bathroom where they got into the shower.

"Shower On," Cameron said as he took Adam in his arms and the warm water drenched their bodies. They stood there under the spray just holding each other, trying to make up for the time lost. They kissed, then made love again.

A few hours later, Cameron with Adam, Matthew and Klanar in attendance, sat in his office with his officers around the conference table. A Technoid served coffee for all and there was mumbling among the men, most of which had no idea why the meeting was called.

"Well, gentlemen, let's get down to business," Cameron said and everyone quieted down.

"Captain what's going on," Asti said, "it's obvious we have changed course, but why?"

"We have?" some of the unsuspecting officers said.

"Gentleman, last night I got an urgent message from FHQ that the situation on Earth has gone from bad to critical. I was ordered to turn the ship around and head back to Earth to pick up the 5 other teams and their mates."

"What?" they all said at once, stunned by what their captain just told him. "To tell you the truth, gentlemen, there is all out Nuclear War and the planet is endanger of blowing itself apart."

The officers sat there in a daze, some began to mumble among themselves.

"Sir," Asti said, "What do we tell our mates?"

"The truth. They will figure something is odd when they see Earth from the Observation Windows," Cameron said. Everyone stared in stunned silence. The seriousness of the situation still had them a bit speechless.

"We are travelling at top speed and should get there in less than 2 weeks, maybe even a week if we can push the engines," Cameron said to the Chief Engineer.

"I will give it all we got sir," Commander Lel Napatox said.

"Captain, what about Jack?" Gayton said out of the blue.

Adam's head snapped toward the young officer. The room got quiet; you could feel the tension building up. This was not the first time Jack Rossi's name came up among the officers.

"What about Jack, Gayton," Cameron said with a bit of an edge to his voice. He wanted to keep his search for Jack as quiet as possible.

"Are you going to launch a search for him when we get back to Earth? If not I request permission to take a shuttle and find him."

Klanar looked at Cameron and shook his head indicating he wasn't sure where Gayton got his information. It was obvious he already knew about the change of course back to Earth.

"Ensign," Cameron interrupted, "we will talk about that later."

"There's nothing to talk about," another officer said, "We've gone through this before. The Commission said we are not to bring him or any other civilian other than our mates aboard this ship under any circumstances. We've gone through this many times and the Commission said..."

"Fuck the Commission, this is Adam's brother!" Gayton shouted. Adam stared at his young friend.

"Yes, we have to do something to find Adam's brother. He's sick and needs our help," another officer said, "This is something we should have done when we picked up our mates."

"But it's against orders," another officer said. Then everyone started to argue.

"Stop!" Cameron shouted and his officers quieted down, "this is not up for debate. If anyone is going to rescue Jack it's going to be me."

"And me," Gayton added, "I'm coming with you."

"I won't let any of you jeopardize your careers over this," Cameron said.

"Havic, Adam is my friend and I know how much he's hurting over this. I'm coming," Gayton insisted. This time he wasn't talking to his captain; he was talking to his uncle.

There was silence for a short time. Adam was stunned how most of the officers were willing to help him find his brother, especially Gayton. He stared straight ahead, trying desperately to control his emotions.

"Captain," Klanar said, "as I told you before, I will do whatever it takes to help you find Adam's brother."

"Me too, Captain," Bailon spoke up, then looked at Adam and smiled.

"All right, we'll do this, but if you are interrogated about it, tell them that I ordered you to do it," Cameron said. Adam looked at his lover and realized the sacrifice he was making to find Jack.

"But, Captain," another officer started to say.

"No more questions, meeting adjourned and tell your crew what is going on. And Lel," Cameron said to the Chief Engineer, "I want to get there in a week. We may not have two weeks to spare."

"I'll do my best to make it happen, Captain," Lel said.

Adam stared at all the officers as they got up from their seats. Some came up to him and gave him words of encouragement that they would find his brother alive and well.

Gayton was the only one who didn't get up. He sat there staring at Adam.

"I have to get to the bridge," Cameron said to his mate, then looked over a Gayton. He knew there was a strong bond building up between the two men and they needed to be alone. He squeezed Adam's shoulder then left the room.

"Gayton, I don't know what to say," Adam said, "How does everybody know about Jack?"

"Havic talked about him a lot and we all know how much he means to you. He tried to convince the Commission, we all did, well most of us, but they were firm in what they said. None of us liked that. I think they feel they are getting a second chance to redeem themselves, especially Havic."

"What about you? You spoke up for Jack, why?"

"Adam, I just know if the situation were reversed, you'd do the same for me. Like you said, we're family now."

"Yeah, probably. What about Ethan? What do you think he will say about this?"

"I don't care anymore. I can't reason with him. He's a different person. He's violent and always angry. I should have seen this coming, but I guess I was too much in love with him," Gayton confessed, "I think I still am."

"Maybe he will come around," Adam said.

"No, I don't think he will," Gayton said.

"Maybe not," Adam agreed.

They sat there not saying a word for a short while.

"You know, they're going to start up the Orientation Classes again, soon; you should go." Gayton said wanting to change the subject.

"Yeah, I promised Bailon I would. Fuck, I really don't want to go," Adam admitted.

"You should really go Adam. There is still a lot to learn about us," Gayton said.

"Fuck, I know. You are a complicated bunch," Adam said as he stood up. Gayton came around the table, approached Adam and put his arms around him. They looked at each other then kissed.

"You got me hard you know," Adam said with a grin. Gayton reached down and grabbed Adam's crotch.

"Yeah, you sure are," Gayton said, "I am sure we will find another time to take care of that." Gayton squeezed Adam's crotch again and they kissed.

"I better get out of here, or I'll throw you on the conference table and fuck your brains out," Adam joked.

"Hmmm, now that could be fun," Gayton laughed. They kissed one more time then left the conference room.

A few minutes later, Gayton walked into his stateroom. He began to remove his shirt as he went to the bedroom. There lying on the bed was Ethan Thorne.

"What are you doing here Ethan? You know you're not supposed to be here. If the captain finds out he'll..." Gayton started to say said.

"Shut up and come here, I wanta fuck you," Ethan said firmly. He threw off the covers from his body to reveal his naked body and his erection.

"Ethan we shouldn't do this," Gayton said staring at his mate. His heart raced at the site of his mate lying there naked. He walked over to the bed and stood over Ethan then ran his finger tips over his bare chest, then down his hard stomach and up his erection. Ethan grabbed Gayton's hand and pulled him down on top of him and kissed his lips and ran his tongue inside Gayton's mouth.

"Get naked," he ordered after he broke their kiss.

Gayton stood up and quickly began to undress.

"Slow down," Ethan said, "take them off slow and easy. Tease me, Zack." Ethan's voice softened and the man Gayton had fallen in love with showed himself again.

Gayton reacted as if he was under a spell and blinded by his love for this man and wanted to please him, even though he knew things would not work out between them when they got to Verigon.

Their love making didn't take long. Gayton's heart was not really into it and wanted it to end soon. His orgasm came quick and strong. The last orgasm he and Ethan would share.

When it was all over, Gayton laid on his back with Ethan lying on his side with this hand on Gayton chest.

"I love fucking you," Ethan said.

"We shouldn't have done that," Gayton said.

"Why? You know you love me and I know you will come to your senses about all this. God wouldn't want that, Zack, can't you see."

"Ethan, it will never happen. This is how we live on Verigon, if you cannot accept that, then...then we have nothing more to say to each other. We need to end this." Gayton finally said the words. He took a deep breath. "It's over."

Ethan turned on his back and stared at the ceiling, both men were silent.

"We're heading back to Earth," Gayton finally said.

"Huh?" Ethan said.

"We have to get our people off the planet," Gayton said.


"There's a major war that is putting our people in jeopardy. We're also launching a search for Adam's brother and I am going on it."

"I forbid it!" Ethan said as he jumped out of bed.

"You can't forbid anything Ethan, it's over between you and me," Gayton said, as he got out of bed and began to put his uniform back on. "You better get dressed and go back to your stateroom."

"I shouldn't have come with you on this trip. I should have stayed on Earth where I belong," Ethan said getting upset.

"Be glad you did come, because the way they're going, the whole planet is being torn apart."

"You're just saying that. When we get back to Earth let me off, I would rather be there where things are normal," Ethan said.

"Didn't you hear what I said? The Earth is going to blow up!! They're doing it themselves. They're dropping bombs and not caring what happens!!" Gayton shouted, "Now go to your own stateroom, Ethan, don't make this any worse than it already is."

"Can I come back tonight and spend the night with you?" he pleaded.

"No, I am having dinner with some friends," Gayton said, not wanting to tell him the friends were Cameron and Adam.

"Will you have sex with them?" Ethan said.

"I don't know, Ethan, but we may. I only wish you would join us. Fuck I love you so much," Gayton held his mate in his arms, "but it won't work if you don't change."

"I can't Zack," Ethan said then broke their embrace and started for the door.

"Ethan," Gayton said, "don't come back unless you call me first. No more surprises ok?"

"Yeah, ok," Ethan said, "I'm not giving up though Zack. I love you too much."

Ethan then walked out of the stateroom determined to get off the ship when they got back to Earth...with or without Gayton.

Gayton took a deep breath, "Fuck," he said out loud. He was depressed and need to be alone. He didn't have duty for another hour, so he laid back down on the bed and closed his eyes, wishing things would change between him and Ethan, but he knew there was no chance of that happening.

"I give up, Ethan," Gayton said to no one, "I love you, but I give up. I know I hurt you," Gayton said out loud, knowing he and Ethan could never to be.

Later, as the evening hour was approaching, Adam lay on his back on the bed with his hands behind his head. Cameron lay next to him with his hands folded on his chest and his left leg draped over his mate's right leg. Both their bodies were splattered with spunk, the results of their intense lovemaking.

"We've increased speed, again," Adam said as he looked out the observation window.

"Yeah," Cameron replied, "we've reached twice the speed of light. That's why the stars are streaks and not dots."

"Fuck, that's so cool," Adam said as thoughts of his brother came to his mind again. "When will we get there," Adam asked.

"If we can maintain this speed we should be at the Vortex in a few hours instead of 2 days, maybe less," Cameron replied, "We were able to make contact with our landing parties and they will be waiting for us." There was a short silence.

"Do you think we will find Jack alive?" Adam asked, but was afraid of the answer. He figured there would be one chance in a million finding him, let alone finding him alive.

"I don't know. I hope so. I'm trying to think positive," Cameron said as he sat up. Adam reached over and ran his hand up and down Cameron's back.

"You're risking your career on finding him ain't ya?"

"It doesn't matter, Adam. I planned to resign anyway," Cameron said.

"Resign? Why the fuck you doing that? You love this shit," Adam said,

"I had planned to make this my last mission anyway, and concentrate on raising a family," Cameron said stretching the truth a bit. He then turned and leaned down and put his lips to his mate's, preventing Adam from asking more questions.

"Come on, I'm hungry. Fucking you gives me an appetite," Cameron smiled then kissed his lover again.

"Cam, we need to talk about this. Don't fuckin' shut me out."

Cameron sat back up, thought a bit, then got out of bed.

"You're right. I shouldn't hide things from you or try to protect you from the truth. Let's take a shower, then get dinner and you can ask me any question you like. Then I have to get to the bridge for the trip through the Vortex. You can join me and watch if you like?"

"Are we going to have an orgy again up there?" Adam asked with a laugh.

"No, not this time," Cameron chuckled.

"Then, nah, Matt said something about us getting together with the guys for a few beers at the Recreation Room, whatever that is."

"The Recreation Room?" Cameron asked, "Oh you mean the Wreck Room."

"Yeah, that's it. What's that?"

"It's kind of a dance bar. Something new that was going to open when we passed through the second Vortex on the way back to Verigon, but we decided to open it now cause of the situation."

"Cool, our own gay bar in space," Adam said, "sounds like fun." Adam needed a diversion and hoped getting together with friends would do the trick.

"Ok good, I think it will do you good to be around your friends."

Cameron looked down at his lover as he lay in bed.

Adam lay there and looked up at his brawny mate with his soft dick laying on his ballsack, "Fuck you're hot," he said, then got out of bed.

"I have to be, to keep a hunk like you," Cameron replied with a laugh. The two men kissed one more time then headed for the shower to clean the cum from their bodies.

An hour or so later, Cameron headed for the bridge to guide the ship through the vortex and Adam was getting ready to meet Matthew to go to the Wreck Room for a few beers with some of the other mates. Over dinner, he and Cameron had a good talk about Jack and it was decided they would think positive and would definitely find him. He also told him that he would most likely be asked to leave the service because he disobeyed orders. Adam thought of telling him to not look for his brother, but thought better of it.

"Ready stud," Matthew said when he entered Adam's stateroom.

"Sure am hot stuff, let's go party."

"You seem to be in a good mood," Matthew said.

"Yeah, I am. Cameron and I are good now. Hell, he fucked me about three times today," Adam laughed.

"That's a good sign," Matthew said with a smile.

"Maybe later, you can fuck me, too," Adam laughed.

"Sure, why the hell not," Matthew said. He liked the fact that his friend was in a good mood and that he and Cameron made amends. Even though he loved Klanar, his feelings for Adam were beginning to grow.

They got into the Carrier Lift and called Recreation Level, Deck 4 and the remarkable machine took them right to where they wanted to go in a matter of seconds.

Meanwhile, Cameron got to the bridge and went into his office, with Klanar and Asti right behind him.

"Ok, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Cameron asked.

"Captain, we have a situation," Klanar said.

"What kind of situation," Cameron said hoping it was not too big a problem.

"Word got around that we're going to send a search party out to find Adam's brother," Asti started.

"Yes sir," Klanar continued, "and some of the mates are concerned about their people as well."

"We can't rescue everyone," Cameron said.

"There's only a handful that are concerned, Captain. With your permission we could rig another shuttle and I could lead a mission to find them," Asti volunteered.

"I don't know," Cameron said, "this could get you in big trouble with the Commission."

"We can't leave them on that planet Captain," Klanar said, "It's the right thing to do."

"You're right my friend," Cameron said with a heavy sigh, "Asti, make it happen. We will discuss a plan later. Right now we have to go though the Vortex."

"Thank you Captain. After we get through the Vortex I will get a crew together."

Cameron took another deep breath knowing all this would seal his fate as Captain of the ship. But for some reason he really didn't care, because he knew what he was doing was the right thing.

"Come on gentlemen, we have a Vortex to pass through," Cameron said as all three officers left for the bridge.

While this was going on, Adam and Matthew walked out of the Carrier Lift and followed the crowd to the Wreck Room Lounge with the big sign "Grand Opening" over the entrance.

"Fuck look at this place," Matthew said of the crowded lounge with its long fully stocked bar with loud music and wrap-a-round observation window. In the center of the room was a dance floor crowded with shirtless sweaty mates dancing their hearts out.

"Hey Adam, Matt!" Jason called out over the blaring music, and signaled them to join him and Bailon.

They greeted each other with a kiss and ordered drinks from the bar.

"Over here," Jason said over the noise of the crowd to Adam, "Carl is saving us a seat at the observation window. How you holding up?"

"Doin ok, I guess," Adam lied as they made their way to their group and found that Carl saved them a couple sofas to sit on. Adam then noticed that Bailon was staring at him sheepishly.

"Hey, Bailon, how's it going?" Adam said, but Bailon didn't say anything. Adam thought that was kind of odd.

They greeted their friends with a hug and a kiss, then Adam and Matthew sat down together on the sofa, with Jason on one side of Matthew and Bailon on the opposite side of Adam.

Adam put his arm around Bailon and said, "Shouldn't you be on the bridge for this thing?"

"Nope, I'm off duty," Bailon said, his sheepish grin was still across his face, "So I'm going to let you fuck me." Bailon obviously had too many of those Verigonian beers, that seemed to inhibit his bashfulness.

Adam, who was taken off guard by Bailon's statement, was about to reply when the music stopped.

"Hey," everyone shouted wanting the music to start back up, "what the fuck's going on?" one guy shouted.

"Attention please," a voice blared over the ships intercommunications system, "please take your seats, we are about to enter the Vortex."

"Remember what happened the last time we did this," Matthew said with a laugh.

"Sure the fuck do. Wish I had that robe," Adam said as everyone agreed with a laugh.

The other mates sat down as the ship entered the Vortex to loud cheers from the bar patrons.

Adam sat there and thoughts of his brother suddenly flooded his mind. He took a deep breath, but couldn't shake the image of Jack lying dead under a pile of bombed out rubble. Bailon looked into Adams eyes.

"You ok, Adam?" Bailon said snapping Adam out of his gruesome thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm ok," Adam said. Then without warning, Bailon boldly wrapped his arms around Adam and kissed him hard on the lips. Adam was taken by surprise and broke the kiss.

"You're what I need right now, Bailon," he said," then kissed Bailon back pushing his tongue inside the hot instructors mouth.

Then, to the delight of most of the people in the bar, the music suddenly came on. There was a loud cheer and most everyone got up to dance.

Bailon and Adam broke their kiss and looked at each other again. Both men were breathing hard. They kissed each other again and Bailon licked Adam's tongue and lips. Adam's eyes drifted to Jason who noticed he was looking at him and winked. Adam took that gesture as meaning Jason didn't mind what they were doing. Adam broke their kiss again and stared at Bailon while trying to catch his breath.

"Let's dance," Bailon shouted out with a big smile, then jumped up. Adam was surprised at Bailon's change of mood, but figured he was either backing out of his promise to be fucked or he was just being a tease.

Bailon was in civilian clothes and his hard monster cock showed a definite outline through his tight jeans.

"Fuck yeah," Adam said. He too had a hard on and stood up with the shape of his big dick outlining his jeans as well. Adam took off his shirt, and dragged a willing Bailon toward the dance floor.

"Take your fuckin' shirt off," Adam shouted to Bailon over the loud music, "you have a hot fuckin' body."

Bailon hesitated for a second, but the Verigonian beer took over, so he smiled, took off his shirt, revealing his toned muscular torso. He then ran over to Jason and threw him his shirt. He stopped and looked at his mate and a sudden feeling of guilt swept over him.

"Go, Bailon, have fun. We talked about this earlier. Do whatever you guys feel like doing," Jason said to his mate. Bailon smiled then went back to the dance floor. He went up to Adam, kissed him again and started to dance with his hunky friend.

"You're hot, Bailon," Adam shouted. Bailon just smiled and spun around to the beat of the music.

"Looks like Bailon is having fun. I've never seen him like this," Matthew said to Jason, who was sitting very close to him with his arm round Matthew's shoulders.

"Yeah, he's usually quite reserved, but when he lets go, he really can be wild," Jason said, then ran his hands over Matthew's chest. He leaned into Matthew and kissed his lips.

"I can be too," Jason said with a big grin. Matthew took Jason in his arms and kissed him back and let their tongues play inside their mouths.

"Fuck," Matthew gasped, breaking their kiss, "Come on, let's join those guys and dance," he said as he stood up and took off his shirt.

"Great," Jason said and quickly removed his shirt and the two hot studs went to the dance floor and began to gyrate to the music.

"I need a beer," a sweaty Adam said to his dance partner after nearly a half hour of constant dancing, "Come on I'll buy ya one." He grabbed Bailon's hand and led him through the crowd and up to the bar.

"Two of those Verigonian Beers barkeep," Adam shouted to the bartender and slapped his hands on the bar.

"Comin' up, Adam," the handsome Verigonian bartender said. He too had his shirt off. The bartender stared at Adam with a seductive grin and rubbed his chest as he poured them a beer. Adam winked at the bartender and smiled back. He then turned his attention back to his perspiration drenched dance partner.

"Here, drink up, this will cool you down," Adam said and both men took several mouthful of their beer.

"Somethin' wrong?" Adam said to Bailon who seemed very quiet.

"I was serious," Bailon said meekly over the loud music.

"Serious about what?" Adam asked.

"About letting you fuck me."

Adam smiled, "Wouldn't mind doing that my friend," he too was feeling the affect of the strong brew.

Bailon grabbed Adam's hand and dragged him toward the bathroom.

They walked in and quickly looked around and all they saw was the Technoid bathroom attendant.

"Good, no one's here," Bailon said he pushed Adam against the wall and kissed him wildly. Adam, not to be out done, returned the kisses with passion running his hands over Bailon's smooth sweaty back then down to his jean cover butt and pushed him into his crotch. Adam broke their kiss, grabbed Bailon arms, pulled them above his head and swung him around and pushed his arms against the wall and pinned him there with his body.

Adam's tongue bore deep inside Bailon's mouth, as Adam began to dry hump the handsome Verigonian. Adam let go of Bailon's lips then licked his instructor's tongue and mouth.

Bailon broke from Adam's grasp, then franticly unbuckled Adam's belt, opened his jeans and pulled out his hard cock. He got down on his knees with Adam's dick in his hand and looked up at him.

"It is ok, isn't it?" Bailon asked, slipping into his shy persona.

"Fuck, don't ask, just do it," Adam said. Bailon smiled then swallowed Adams nine inches in one gulp resting his nose in Adam's bush breathing in his musk. Adam put his hands on the back of Bailon's blond head and began to fuck his face. Bailon moaned with pleasure.

"Oh fuck," Adam gasped.

"Where did Bailon and Adam go," Matthew asked Jason as they danced to the music.

"I saw them go into the bathroom," Jason said in Matthew's ear so he could be heard over the music, "I think they're having sex."

"What?" Matthew said, "you sure?"

"Let's go find out," Jason said and grabbed Matthew's arm and headed to the men's room. They stopped when they got to the entrance and slowly peeked in.

What they saw was Adam with his jeans around his ankles and Bailon on his knees sucking Adam's cock.

"Holy fuck," Matthew whispered at the site of Adam and Bailon going at it. He looked at Jason who had a devilish look in his eyes.

Without uttering a sound, Jason pulled Matthew into the bathroom and pinned him against the wall right next to Adam and Bailon. Jason then pushed his body against Matthew's and brought his lips closer and kissed Matthew while boring his tongue into his mouth.

Jason let go of Matthew's lips then got down on his knees and undid Matthew's pants and pulled them down to his ankles. Matthew's hard cock sprang out just inches from Jason's mouth. Jason stared at it then in one gulp, swallowed Matthew's manhood.

"Oh fuck, Jas, goddamn," Matthew panted as Jason rubbed Matthew's hard chest and ripped abs. Matthew looked at Adam who was still getting head from Bailon and smiled. Adam leaned over and tongue kissed Matthew then let go and whispered in his ear.

"I'm gonna fuck Bailon," he said with a grin.

"I think I'm gonna fuck Jason," Matthew said and smiled back. Then the two friends went back to concentrating on the blow jobs they were getting.

"Hold on Bailon," Adam said and pulled his cock from the hunky instructor's mouth.

"Did I do something wrong?" Bailon asked.

"Fuck no, you just got me too close. I still want to suck you dick, then eat your ass, the fuck that fine butt of yours," Adam panted.

Bailon smiled then unbuckled his belt while Adam got out of his pants and stood there naked. Adam grinned then got on his knees in front of Bailon and pulled down his tight jeans. Bailon kicked them off completely and smiled at Adam who then grabbed hold of Bailon's cock and gripped it at its base, then opened his mouth and swallowed what he could.

"Oh fuck," Bailon gasped. Adam just moaned.

Meanwhile, Jason dropped Matthew's cock from his mouth and stood up.

"Your turn," he said and undid his jeans and kicked them off as Matthew got down on his knees and swallowed Jason's prick.

"Fuck that's hot," Jason said as he looked at his mate having oral sex with Adam. Bailon looked at his lover and smiled and couldn't help but being turned on by Matthew sucking off his partner.

With his mouth still full of Bailon's cock, Adam's eyes glanced over to Matthew just as Matthew looked over at him. They both smiled as well as they could with two big cock's in their mouths. Adam winked at Matthew then ran his hand over his friend's back. Adam then turned his attention back to the man who's dick he was sucking and ran his hand over his smooth chest and stomach.

"Turn around Bailon," Adam said when he dropped Bailon's monster weapon from his mouth, "I wanna taste that pink rosebud of yours." Bailon laughed and turned around and stuck his butt out for Adam to see.

"Shit, Bailon," Adam said as he ran his finger over Bailon's hairless pink hole, "that's just as pretty as Matt's hole." Adam then ran his tongue around the outside of the sensitive rosebud that he admired so much.

Matthew dropped Jason's cock from his mouth then grabbed him by the hips and turned him around.

"Holy Shit, Jas," Matthew exclaimed, "that's a hot hairy hole. Hell it's almost as hairy than yours Adam." Adam stopped his rimming of Bailon and took a look. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Fuck, I don't know what my asshole looks like, but if you say its hot, Matt, then I guess its hot." Matthew and Adam laughed.

"You guys sure fuckin' talk a lot," Jason said eager to get his ass licked. Adam and Matthew didn't say anything, they just smiled and plunged their tongues deep into the assholes in front of them.

"Oh fuck," Jason and Bailon said at the same time. Their heads were against the wall and they were looking at each other.

"Oh ok, Bailon?" Jason said to his mate.

"Oh yeah," Bailon gasped. Jason leaned in and his lips were met by Bailon's. "I love you Jason," Bailon said. "Oh fuck," he cried out as Adam bore deeper into his hole.

After a few minutes of the boys grunting and groaning for the rim jobs they were getting and giving, Adam stopped, slapped Bailon's tight ass and stood up.

"Enough of this preliminary shit, I want to fuck this ass of yours, Bailon," Adam said as he wrapped his arms around Bailon from behind and kissed his neck.

"Oh yeah," Bailon gasped. This is what he was waiting for all evening. This is what he and Jason had talked about, this is what he wanted. "Technoid, Lube," Bailon order of the Technoid Bathroom Attendant. In seconds, Adam was handed a large bottle of the slick liquid.

Adam kissed Bailon's neck again, then poured a large amount on his hard and pulsing cock then handed the bottle to Matthew.

"You ok with this Bailon?" Adam whispered with passion.

"Don't ask permission just do it," Bailon said with a smile.

Adam gave an auditable laugh, then lined up his cock with Bailon's hole.

"Fuck that's a pretty hole," Adam said as he stuck his hard on into Bailon's ass.

"Oh fuck," Bailon gasped as the sensation of Adam's hard tool, burrowing deep inside his bowels.

At the same time Matthew was entering Jason's ass causing Jason to cry out, "Oh fuck!" as Matthew slid his big dick all the way inside him.

Adam and Matthew kept their pumping in time with each other and slowly picked up speed, much to the delight of both Jason and Bailon, who kept staring at each other with smiles on their faces.

Adam looked over at what Matthew was doing and smiled. "I want some of that," he said then pulled out of Bailon and he and Matthew switched partners, much to Bailon's dismay. His disappointment was short lived when Matthew pushed into his ass.

"Oh fuck," Bailon said. To his surprise, the sensation was fantastic. The same went for Jason who groaned loudly when Adam entered him.

"Oh god you guys, Fuck me!" Jason called out as Adam wrapped his arms around him tightly as he continued to fuck his friend.

"I'm getting close," Matthew puffed.

"Wait for me bud," Adam said panting fast.

"Oh fuck, I can't," Matthew said as he lost control and began to spew his cum inside Bailon's ass. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, ahhh, ahhh," Matthew said as he continued to ram Bailon's ass until he had no more spunk to give up.

No sooner did the stop, when Adam cried out.

"Fuck! Oh shit!" and with that Adam's body began to shake and his dick swelled up inside Jason's ass and began to let loose his cream inside his hairy butt hole. "Oh fuck, goddamn, fuck!" Adam cried out until his was spent.

Both Adam and Matthew held on to their friends until they were ready to calm down. In the meantime, Jason and Bailon were masturbating and getting ready for their own orgasms.

"Kneel down, both of you," Jason ordered as Adam and Matthew pulled out, sending streams of cum down their friends legs.

Without a protest from either of them, Adam and Matthew knelt down on the cold bathroom floor. Bailon moved in front of Adam and stuck his rigid member inside Adam's mouth, while Jason did the same thing to Matthew's mouth, then they both began to face fuck their friends.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna to cum," Jason puffed.

"Me too," Bailon added.

Their first shots of jizz shot down Adam and Matthew's throats, but then they pulled out and began to shoot their loads all over Adam and Matthew's faces and upper torsos.

"Oh fuck," Bailon cried out and more and more of his sperm covered their friends' bodies.

Soon their were both spent and Adam and Matthew stood up. Adam took Bailon in his arms and Matthew took Jason and held him tight, letting their cum covered bodies rub against their tired and worn out friends.

"Fuck," Adam said as he let go of Bailon. Matthew released Jason as well. They all looked at each other and laughed.

"You're a fuckin' wild man, Bailon," Adam said.

"Ain't he," Jason said to Adam, "I love him so much, Adam, it hurts when I think of him."

"I know the feeling Jase," Adam said, referring to his love for Cameron, then put his arm around his new friend and kissed him on the lips.

"Fuck you got cum all over ya," Adam laughed.

"You do too," Jason said with a chuckle.

Matthew grabbed some towels from the dispenser near the bathroom sink and helped Bailon clean his body, then did the same thing to himself. Then he gave a handful of the paper wipes to Adam and Jason who tried to clean themselves, but to no avail. Jason had chest hair like Adam and wiping cum with those paper towels was just smearing it around.

"Fuck, this ain't doing shit," Adam said in his attempt to clean his body, "We need a fuckin' shower."

"Yes, I think you're right, you guys are a mess," Bailon said looking at his mate's and Adam's naked hairy bodies still streaked with cum. "The showers to the gym are just around the corner," Bailon added.

"Let's go out there naked and blow their minds," Matthew said still feeling the effects of the beer. They all laughed and agreed and left the bathroom, but instead of the bar patrons getting a shock, the four friends where the one to be surprised.

"Holy fuck," Matthew said.

"My words exactly," Adam said as the four friends watched most of the bar patrons in a wild display of unbridled sex.

"Looks like they're trying to act out the Raj'duh," Bailon joked.

"Look over there," Jason said as he pointed to a spot in front of the observation window.

"Holy shit," Matthew said as the four friends watched as their friend Carl was being spit roasted by their friends Daryl and Taylor.

"If I wasn't so warn out, I would say let's join them."

"We better get that shower before this cum dries on us, Adam," Jason said but not taking his eyes off of the display their friends were putting on.

Reluctantly, they all left the Wreck Room Lounge climbing over a few bodies who were going at it on the floor. They didn't bother to dress up, but opted to stay naked even in the corridor to the gym.

When they got there the place was pretty much empty, except for a couple guys who just came out of the sauna holding hands; both had smiles on their faces for obvious reasons.

The four friends smiled at the two hunky guys as they passed them on the way to the shower.

With the exception of Adam, everyone laughed and joked as they cleaned the cum for their bodies. Adam stood under the stray of the shower and let water soothe his nerves. Thoughts of his brother invaded his mind again. Bailon noticed Adam's change in mood.

"Adam?" he asked.

"I'm fine, Bailon" he said, but everyone knew what was on his mind. Bailon put his arms around him.

"Everything is going to be ok," Bailon said, "you'll see."

"Yeah, I hope so," Adam said then kissed his instructor.

They finished their showers and dressed up, then headed to the Carrier Lift.

All four got off at their deck, kissed each other good-bye, and said they had a great time and would love to do it again. Adam and Matthew continued toward their staterooms. When they got to there, Adam, who was still unusually silent, finally spoke.

"I don't want to be alone, Matt. Come in with me ok?" Adam said

"Sure, bud," Matthew said and they proceeded into Adam's stateroom.

Nothing was said as Adam went up to the large window in the sitting room and stared out at the streaking stars.

"You ok, Adam? It's not like you to be so quiet," Matthew said, concerned for his friend. He went up behind him and put his arms around him and kissed the side of his neck.

"Yeah, I'm ok," Adam said unconvincingly, then turned around and kissed Matthew on the lips. "Mickey get us a couple beers," he said to the automaton.

"Yes, Adam," Mickey said.

"You wanta talk about it?" Matthew said as he and Adam sat on the big white sofa. Mickey brought them their beers and they each took a mouthful.

"This rescue, it's going to cost Cameron his job. I don't want him to stop doing something he really likes," Adam said, "Fuck...but I can't tell him not to do it. This really sucks."

"Hey Adam, this is the Captain's choice. He's no kid, he knows what he's doing. You don't think he thought this out?" Matthew said.

"But, he's doing it for me," Adam protested.

"Maybe partially, but he's doing it because it's the right thing to do. That's why Tyler is helping him, too. Ty said that we should have done this when they picked us up, but everyone didn't want to go against the Commission."

"I guess so," Adam said. There was silence for a few seconds between the friends.

"I'm coming with. I asked Tyler and he said it would be good to have my 'brawn'," Matthew laughed.

"Good, I'm glad you're coming Matt," Adam said and put his arm around his friend.

"Hey, you're both here good," Cameron said as he and Klanar walked into the stateroom. "Come with us we want to show you something."

"What is it?" Adam asked.

"You'll see," Cameron said.

"What's going on Tyler," Matthew asked his mate.

"Just come, we have something to show you," Klanar said.

All four men walked out of the stateroom and headed for the Carrier Lift.

"Shuttle Bay 15," Cameron said as the doors closed in front of them. Then the Carrier Lift began its quick decent down faster and faster until it got to the Shuttle Bay Deck, then moved horizontally to Bay 15. Adam's mind was so preoccupied with his dilemma he didn't feel the ride or the sudden stop.

The Carrier Lift doors opened to a large, wide expanse where about 40 shuttlecraft sat at the ready. One such craft was being worked on by several crewmembers. The craft was big and sleek, in the shape of an arrowhead, but the front half of the top of the shuttle had a clear dome over it, made up of the same type of material as the Observation Windows in Adam and Cameron's room.

A Plasma Sphere Device was being attached to the hull, while inside a Technician was putting the finishing touches to the Swathe Device that would render the shuttle invisible.

It usually had just a crew of two, but this operation would require 6 crewmembers to accomplish their mission.

"There she is," Cameron said spreading his arms out toward the marvelous flying machine, "we will be using this shuttle to search for your brother."

"Damn, look at this," Adam said.

"Fuck it looks like something out of the Jetsons," Matthew said referring to the animated futuristic cartoon series.

Adam smiled, as they got closer and noticed the name on the side of the craft.

"Jack Rossi?" Adam said, "you named the shuttle after my brother."

"Yeah, kind of a good luck thing," Cameron said.

Adam smiled at his lover. His heart beat faster and he wanted to hold him in his arms.

"Come inside and meet the crew," Klanar said and all four walked up the ramp and into the flying marvel.

They looked around and Adam and Matthew saw familiar faces.

"I will be the pilot," Cameron said, "and Gayton will be co-pilot. Bailon here is Communications officer, Dr. Zaz will, well, he will be looking after Jack when we find him."

"I don't know what to say," Adam said, but he swallowed his pride, "except thanks."

"It's the least we could do, Adam," Bailon said.

"And Adam, I and my medical Technoid are here to make sure your brother is ok and comfortable until we get him to the Moroto. The radiation on Earth is very high," Dr. Zaz said.

"Thanks Doc, but will that machine be able to help him?" Adam asked.

"It cured your cancer, Adam," Dr. Zaz said to Adam's surprise.

"I didn't have cancer," Adam protested.

"Yes, you did, colon cancer. I noticed something was wrong when we first scanned you during your medical exam. When you went into the Moroto it confirmed my diagnosis, then it took care of it."

"Just like that, it took care of it? Fuck," Adam said.

"I thought it would put your mind at ease, knowing what the Moroto could do."

"Thanks Doc, damn," Adam said shocked by the doctor's disclosure.

"You ok baby," Cameron said as he hugged his mate.

"Yeah I guess I am. I had colon cancer, fuck?" Adam said, then he noticed extra two other guests in the shuttlecraft.

"Hey, why are they here?" Adam asked of the two Security Technoids that sat in the corner. TS638 and his sidekick TS639, turned their heads and looked at Adam then turned back.

"They're our ground protection. We don't know what we're going to encounter," Cameron said.

"What about us? What are we going to do?" Matthew asked.

"You and Adam will assist Gayton outside the shuttlecraft when we locate Jack," Cameron said.

"One thing though," Klanar added, "as Dr. Zaz said, the air on Earth will be fairly toxic with radiation and our preliminary reports say the ozone layer is also gone, so it is imperative that you wear one of these protective suits."

"I ain't wearing no fuckin' space suit," Adam protested as he looked at the ones hanging in the outer chamber.

"Then you don't go on this mission," Cameron said. Adam turned toward his mate ready to protest, but he took a deep breath instead.

"Ok, fuck, I'll wear the goddamn thing," Adam said.

"I thought you'd see it my way," Cameron said to his mate. Adam looked at him, shook his head and smiled.

"When do we do this," Matthew asked.

"We should be approaching Earth's atmosphere about 0400 hours. Then we will make our decent cloaked in the Swathe Device and the shuttlecraft will be let loose over California. Then Klanar will take command of the ship and go to the Sierra Madre Mountains to pick up the two landing parties hidden in the caves there then they'll head to the east coast of the US or what's left of it and pick up the remaining three landing parties and their mates hiding in the Catskill Mountains.

"What's wrong Matthew?" Klanar asked his mate when he saw the sad look on his face.

"You're not coming with us?" Matthew said with a shaky voice to Klanar.

"No Matthew, but you will be in good hands with Captain Legen," Klanar said with a smile.

"I know. I'm not worried about that, I'm worried about you," Matthew said meekly.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be ok," Klanar said softly then kissed his mate.

"Oh by the way, there's also been a change in the plan. There will be another shuttle going out to look for more of the mates' people. Commander Asti will lead that team. There are only six mates that have requested this and of course they are all in the Los Angeles area. Then we'll all rendezvous at these same coordinates."

"I'm glad they are looking for others, Cam," Adam said, knowing how the others must feel about their loved ones. He hadn't thought of the others, because his mind was so focused on Jack.

"Ok, we have an early start in the morning, so everyone get some rest. It will be a long day tomorrow," Cameron said then everyone, including the security Technoids, left the craft.

"Everything is ready for tomorrow Captain," said one of the crewmen working to install the added defense apparatus.

"Thanks, Chief," Cameron said as everyone headed to the Carrier Lift. Adam took a quick look back at the shuttlecraft with his brother's name on it and closed his eyes. He turned his head and looked at his mate and this overwhelming feeling of love and lust swept over him.

The Carrier Lift quickly sped upward toward the decks where the living quarters were and they all said good-bye until the morning.

"I could use a beer," Cameron said as soon as they got into their stateroom, "Mickey get us two...", but Cameron didn't get a chance to finish his sentence because Adam grabbed him in his arms, clutched his head in his hands, and kissed his lips hard and with all the lust in his heart for his mate. Adam began to tear at Cameron's clothes, but instead of fighting it, Cameron assisted his disrobing and began to tear at Adam's clothes as well.

"I want you and I want you now," Adam gasped as he grabbed Cameron's head in his hands again and kissed him deep and hard. "Fuck," Adam said again as they continued to tear off their clothes while moving into the bedroom.

They stopped at the foot of the bed and looked at each other then Cameron pushed Adam down on the large mattress.

Adam was too turned on to smile, he just pushed his way to the headboard and spread out his legs while his hard cock pointed straight up.

Without saying a word, Cameron crawled in between Adam's legs, took hold of his dick and licked it like a lollipop.

"Oh fuck," Adam said as the site and feel of his mate's tongue circling around the tip of his hard manhood. Without taking his eyes from his mate, Cameron slowly swallowed his cock until he was down to the base. He began to move up and down coating Adam's dick with a thick layer of his saliva. Up and down he maneuvered getting Adam to the brink then stopped.

"You're not going to cum yet," Cameron puffed then moved up to Adam's lips and kissed him letting his tongue push inside his lover's mouth. "Suck my dick now, baby," Cameron said still out of breath.

"Oh fuck yeah," Adam said and the two lover's switched positions. Adam latched onto Cameron's monster cock and held it in his hand at the base. He looked up at his mate. Adam was so turned on saliva was dripping from his mouth.

"I gotta try, big guy," Adam said then spit on the tip of Cameron's cock. His lips clamped down over the tip and Adam let loose more of his spittle and pushed it down with his lips. He got to the point he couldn't go any further, but he didn't stop. He moved down further then gagged, but quickly recovered, then moved down even more. He gagged again.

"Adam you don't have to do this," Cameron said, but Adam didn't listen. Adam's eyes looked up at his lover as his lips moved down even further. Adam's lips were about an inch from Cameron's bush. He had the urge to gag again but this time he kept it under control. He could feel his lover cock deep in his throat but he had to move until he got it all in his mouth. He gave it one more try until his nose was surrounded by the hairs around his mate's manhood. He never felt a sensation like this before. He moved up and slid all the way down again. He did the several more time and loved the feeling and taste of his lover's manhood.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum Adam," Cameron gasped as he shot the first of his orgasm down his lover's throat. Adam choked and some of Cameron's spunk shot from his mouth. He clamped his lips around the shaft began to swallow his lover's sperm. UP and down he moved, swallowing the cum on the downward movement.

"Oh fuck Adam, oh fuck," Cameron kept saying over and over until the last of his spunk slid down Adam's throat. He immediately removed his dick from Adam's mouth and Adam gasped for air.

"Oh fuck, I did it!" Adam shouted pleased with himself for deep throating his lover.

Cameron was still turned on and grabbed Adam's head and brought his lips to his while turning him around.

"I want yours now," Cameron said and moved quickly to swallow his man's dick. His head moved furiously up and down wanting his prize of Adam's sweet elixir.

"Oh fuck, big guy," Adam shouted signaling his impending orgasm. "Fuck!" He yelled as his sperm shot down Cameron's throat. Cameron continued to move up and down until Adam was dry. Cameron dropped Adam's dick from his mouth and moved up to his lips where they kissed and tasted their own cum inside their lover's mouth.

They broke their kiss then held onto each other.

The two breathless mates lay together wrapped in each other's arms. For a short time, nothing was said between them, while their hands continued to explore their bodies.

"I've fallen in love with you all over again, Cam," Adam said.

"I didn't know you fell out of love with me," Cameron said half joking and half wondering what Adam meant by that.

"I never did, not really, but there were times I didn't know who you were any longer. You weren't just mine anymore. You were this man of power, this Captain of a flying saucer who everyone looked up to. I felt lost at times, even alone.

"But then I found that I fell in love with that Captain of this space ship, too and deep down he was no different than the man I fell in love with on Earth. Does that make sense? I love you Cam, I really do." Adam stopped because he was getting emotional again. "Shit, I really am turning into a fuckin' pussy," Adam laughed.

"No you're not baby. This was a confusing time for you. I know this wasn't fair on how I dropped this all on you. I'm not surprised that you felt like that," Cameron said then pulled Adam down to him and they kissed. "I love you too Adam and always will." They huddled closer to each other and soon were sound asleep.

Meanwhile, a dark figure entered Shuttle Bay 15 and crept his way toward the shuttle Jack Rossi. He walked up the ramp and into the craft. He looked around, opened and closed a few of the storage doors until he found one in the outer chamber that stored the space suits that would not be used on the mission.

"This will be the perfect place to hide. I'll get off this ship if it's the last thing I do and I will take Zack with me, one way or another," said Ethan Thorne, as he walked in the storage cabinet and curled up on the floor to wait out his chance to escape.

To Be Continued

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