The Saris

By John Josept

Published on Oct 24, 2009


************************************** Disclaimer The following story deals with explicit gay sex between men. If this type of material offends you, or you are under the age allowed by the state or region you reside in or you live in an area where this type of material is not legal, you must please leave and not go any further. ************************************** I dedicate this and everything I do to my partner, who goes through hell just to be with me. ************************************** Legal Stuff: The author, John Josept, reserves all copyright privileges. This work may not be reproduced, except for personal use and may not be linked to any other site or webpage, without the written permission of the author. **************************************

The Saris Part I: Armageddon By John Josept Chapter Three

Cameron and Adam walked onto the bridge where the bridge crew and their mates were waiting patiently for the Vortex ceremony to start. Adam felt self-conscious wearing only that small ceremonial robe that clung to his body like a form fitting glove. He was sure his ballsack was dangling below the hemline of the garment for everyone to see.

Adam's eyes quickly scanned the room and saw that everyone had the same type of robe on, and yes, their balls were hanging out.

His eyes found Matthew, who smiled and winked at him, then gave him a quick flash by lifting up a corner of his robe exposing his ample manhood. Adam smiled and suppressed a full on laugh. His suspicion that Matthew had a devilish streak proved right. Adam, not to be out done, flashed back at Matthew in the same way.

"Greeting gentlemen," Cameron said to the crowd, distracting Adam and Matthew from their mischievous acts, "we will be entering the Vortex in about 10 minutes and we will begin the Raj'Dah, the Initiation of the Vortex.

"What will happen here today is no accident. The tradition of this initiation goes back thousands of talrons and has been preformed by some of the most prestigious people on the planet Verigon. Although I have taken part in many of these ceremonies, it is with pleasure that I will participate in it for the first time with my mate, Adam, and my friends and crew and their mates." The crew smiled, knowing what was to happen, but the mates, including Adam and Matthew, seemed a bit apprehensive.

"Bridge crew," Cameron continued, "show your mates to their seats."

The crew with the exception of Klanar and Cameron seated their mates in their workstations. Adam and Matthew looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders, but this time their smiles were nowhere to be seen. They were both quite nervous.

"Why the fuck ain't we sittin'?" Adam mutter under his breath to Cameron.

"Relax, Adam," Cameron said to his lover, then smiled and took his hand and led him to the Captain's chair and told him to sit in it. He then stood behind him and rested his hands on Adam's shoulders. Klanar led Matthew to the 2nd in command's chair that was right next to Adam and stood behind his mate as well. The two Earthers looked at each other. Matthew seemed really shook, so Adam, to make him relax a bit, flashed him again. Matthew grinned from ear to ear.

Each crewmember began to show their mates how to use the instruments at their stations. The helmsman showed his mate how the ship was steered by moving his finger along the flat panel in front of him; the different colored lights and symbols meant different directions. The navigator showed his mate how the instruments worked in order to pass through space without hitting anything. His workstation was similar to the helmsman, but had different lights and symbols that moved across his panel; some lights were beams that when broken had specialized functions. The rest of the bridge crew also showed their mates how their workstation operated.

Gayton who was the Communications officer on duty, showed his mate Ethan how they communicate with other ships and other planets as well as within the ship. Gayton felt that Ethan was not paying attention to what he was saying. He attributed that to nervousness as to what was about to happen.

"Helmsman," Cameron ordered, "open the observation window."

"Yes, Captain," the helmsman shouted, who then showed his mate what symbol on his panel that he had to move to set the observation window in motion.

Just as in their staterooms, the walls in front of them seemed to disappear as the observation window appeared.

Every one of the mates on the bridge cried out in wonder as they saw the stars race toward them. Also in front of them was what looked like a warp in space. The stars were there, but they were all twisted and distorted and they were heading right for it.

"What's that?" one of the mates called out.

"That, gentlemen, is the Vortex, which, when we enter it, will take several thousand light years off our travelling time," Cameron said and the mates rumbled, not knowing what to expect next.

"Captain, permission to enter the Vortex," Klanar cried out.

"Permission granted," Cameron said.

Adam smiled at how formal his mate sounded. "He sounds like a real captain," he said to himself, "Fuck, he is a real captain, damn." Adam shook his head and smiled.

"Helmsman," Klanar shouted, "half speed toward the Vortex and enter at will."

"Yes, sir," the helmsman replied, then moved a beam of light on his control panel and the large ship lurched forward. Slowly they approached the entrance to the Vortex until they all felt the surge that meant the Vortex took hold of the giant ship.

Adam held his breath. Here he was sitting in a flying saucer wearing nothing but a thin robe with his dick and balls hanging out, heading toward this anomaly in space.

"What the fuck am I doing here?" he said to himself as he tightened his grip on the arms of the chair.

As they entered the Vortex and the ship shook violently, but smoothed out in seconds. The Vortex now had total control of the ship that began to speed through its center. Faster and faster the giant ship was pulled through the wormhole, making the stars as they passed them, seem more like long streams of light rather than mere dots on the black canvas of outer space. Their speed exceeded anything that Adam could have imagined.

"Let the Raj'Dah begin," Cameron shouted. Then, as if the garments the crew and their mates were wearing understood what the captain said, began to move on the their bodies. A loud groan of excitement came from the mates as they felt the smooth garment caress them.

Adam watched as his ceremonial robe seemed to stroke his chest then tightened around his nipples. He could swear that it was sucking on them. Then, it wrapped itself around his hardening cock and began to stroke it.

"What the fuck?" Adam said, but this time it was out of wonder. He jumped as the ceremonial robe tickled his rosebud.

He looked over at Matthew and the same thing was happening to him.

"Ah fuck, I love this robe," Matthew said as he looked up at his mate who was now standing in front of him.

"This is fuckin' great, this Raj'Dah shit," Adam mutter to Cameron who stood over him with a huge grin and his hard manhood poking through the opening of his robe.

"This is just the beginning, baby," Cameron said as he let his robe fall from his shoulders, then knelt down in front of Adam and opened up his ceremonial robe, latched onto Adam's rock hard dick then swallowed it in one big gulp.

Adam glanced over at Matthew and Klanar was doing the same thing to him, in fact all the crew were on the knees in front of their mates performing oral sex on their partners. At first Adam felt self-conscious about having sex with so many people around, but soon relaxed and concentrated on what his lover was doing to him.

"Ah fuck," Adam and Matthew said as their voices joined the rest of the crew's mates in sexual ecstasy. Everyone's moans just added to the intense passionate feeling they were having.

Adam's head fell back and was lost in the feeling of his lover's lips around his member and his hands rubbing his chest and abs. Then Cameron suddenly let go. Adam opened his eyes wondering why Cameron stopped, then looked down and saw the reason.

"Hi, Uncle," Gayton said and smiled up at Adam. He had traded places with Cameron and took Adam's cock in his hand and swallowed it and looked up at his uncle's mate.

Adam looked around for Cameron who was standing there watching his nephew swallow and his mate. A huge smile appeared on his face. His mate, who he loved more than life itself, and his nephew, who has been a part of his life since he became of age, were sharing the Raj'Dah. On Verigon, having your mate partake in sexual acts with a close member of your family was something to be proud of. He felt good, he felt content, and everything seemed to be going as he hoped.

Then he walked over to Ethan who just sat at the communication's control panel and stared at his mates as he performed oral sex on Adam. Gayton turned his head toward Ethan with Adam's manhood still in his mouth and signaled for him to come on over, just as Cameron approached Ethan and put his arms around his shoulders.

"Come on Ethan, Gayton wants us to join him," Cameron said and opened Ethan's robe and ran his hand over his chest, but Ethan pushed him away and closed his robe.

"I don't want any part of this," Ethan snapped. Cameron was shocked at his reaction.

"Relax and enjoy Ethan," Cameron said as he tried once again to approach him.

"Leave me alone. This is disgusting and sinful," Ethan said but this time louder and with anger. Cameron backed off, then looked at Gayton who was too engrossed is oral sex with Adam and hadn't heard the exchange.

Cameron leaned down and calmly whispered in Ethan's ear, "If you do anything to hurt or spoil this for Gayton or Adam or anyone else on this bridge, so help me I will personally put you in an airlock chamber and send you flying into space and watch until your body explodes."

Ethan's eyes opened wide at the Captain's threat. Cameron stared him down, then stood back up, turned and went to Gayton and his mate who seemed to be enjoying what was going on.

Cameron stood behind Adam and decided to put out of his mind that Ethan Thorne chose to not participate in one of Verigon's oldest tradition. He decided to concentrate on his mate who was obviously enjoying his nephew performing oral sex on him.

Cameron smiled then looked out at his crew and their mate who were enjoying the ceremony as well.

"Bridge Crew," Cameron said softly, just loud enough to be heard over the moans of ecstasy and still not disturb the mood, "Leq'Ra." This signaled the next part of the ceremony.

"See you later, uncle," Gayton said to Adam after he dropped his dick.

"What the fuck," Adam said, disappointed that Gayton moved away. Adam was soon smiling again when Klanar knelt in front of him, smiled then swallowed his dick.

"Oh yeah, Klanar," Adam panted. He looked up and noticed that all the crew had switched their positions and moved on to a mate to their left.

After about 15 seconds the crew switched again, as the mates groaned with excitement.

"Is this fuckin' wild or what," Matthew said to Adam.

"Fuck yeah," Adam replied as Asti, the Navigator, dropped Matthew's dick and moved toward him.

"Hey, Adam, having fun?" Asti said to his captain's mate.

"Oh fuck yeah," Adam said as Asti swallowed his rock hard cock.

AS the rotation continued and Gayton got close to Ethan, he signaled again for his mate to join in, but Ethan just gave him an angry look. Gayton didn't understand what Ethan's problem was but decided to continue the rotation anyway.

This rotation continued until Gayton was back in front of Adam again, but he didn't kneel down. None of the crew knelt down, but instead stood in front of their mates.

"Crew," Cameron called out again, "Begin the Raj'Dah Shalh."

The crew then took the hand of their mates and pulled them to a standing position, this included Gayton, but Cameron, who didn't want to miss out on this part of the ceremony with his mate, stood next to Gayton and Adam.

All the crew took their mates into their arms and kissed them passionately and pushed their tongues deep into their mouths. More moans of ecstasy filled the bridge.

Gayton and Cameron switched places with the kisses on Adam, who was overwhelmed with the sexual activity that he was taking part in.

"This is unbelievable Cam," Adam said then buried his tongue in his mates mouth. He broke the kiss then looked at Gayton and buried his tongue in his mouth as well.

Much to Adam's dismay, Gayton broke the kiss and leaned into his uncle and whispered something in his ear. Cameron smiled then sat down in the Captain's chair.

"Shalh," Cameron shouted and all the crew turned their mate around facing away from them.

"Shalh Zahl," Cameron shouted again and the crew bent their mate over. The mates all moaned figuring out what was to come next.

When Gayton moved Adam into the bent over position, Adam found his face just inches away from Cameron's dick.

"Suck my dick, Adam," Cameron said softly, "Gayton is going to fuck you now."

"I kinda figured that," Adam said with a smile.

"I love you, baby," Cameron said overcome with emotion with the ceremony he was taking part in with his mate.

"I love you too, big guy," Adam said. He understood something grand was going on. Something that was very important on Verigon.

"Shalh," Cameron shouted then all the crew put their lubed erections at their mates rosebuds. Adam jumped when Gayton's dick touched his.

"Zahl," Cameron called out and the crew put pressure on their mate's hole and one by one they all moaned with pleasure as the mates entered them and stopped. All the crew looked around and waited for their shipmates to finish entering their mates.

"Raj'Dah Shalh Zahl," all the crew shouted and begin to move in and out of the mate's butt.

"Oh fuck," Adam said and looked at Matthew, who seemed to be having as much fun as he. Adam then looked around the room at all that was going on. Some of the other mates were doing the same thing, all had smiles on their faces.

"Adam, suck me," Cameron said. Adam opened his mouth and swallowed Cameron's monster, deeper than he ever did before. Up and down his head moved as Cameron began to thrust his hips upward. Adam's hands roamed all over his mate's chest and abs. Then he latched onto Cameron ballsack.

"Oh fuck baby," Cameron groaned as Adam pulled on his sack.

Gayton began to move his hips faster into Adam ass. He leaned down over Adam and kissed his neck. He looked over at Ethan who was staring back at him with his mouth open in total shock at Gayton's behavior, but Gayton was too wrapped up in anal sex with Adam to stop to find out just what was going through his mate's head and why he wasn't joining in the ceremony. Gayton turned his attention back to Adam's ass and began to move faster and faster.

The moans on the bridge were becoming louder as the crew was approaching their orgasms.

"Oh Adam, baby, I'm getting close," Cameron said softly as he ran his hands over his mate's head, then looked at Gayton.

"Me too Havic," Gayton puffed as his hips began to pound Adam harder.

Adam's mouth was full of Cameron's cock and he tasted precum as well as some spunk. He kept moving up and down and began to increase his speed. The feeling of his mouth on his mate's dick and Gayton dick in his ass caused his own erection to stiffen even harder. He felt he too was about to have an orgasm and he was not touching his erection.

Then it started, the moans and yells of men having orgasms. One by one they shouted out obscenities expressing their uncontrollable lusty exhilaration that went along with an orgasm. Then the mates started to cum onto the deck of the bridge that began to reek of the smell of sex, which only fueled the passion that was already in the room.

"Oh fuck, oh goddamn," Cameron screamed out as his first shot of spunk propelled itself into Adam's mouth. Adam began to eagerly swallow his lover's juices while trying to control his own orgasm. Cameron's hips began to move up and down forcing more of his sperm to flood Adam's mouth.

"Fuck!" Gayton shouted and his body shivered as his load began to shoot inside Adam's ass. "Here it comes, Adam," Gayton shouted then let loose the green tube inside Adam and that is all he need as he spewed his jizz onto the deck. He groaned as loud as he could while still swallowing Cameron's cum. His body shook and quaked as more and more of his spunk shot to the floor.

Adam's eyes looked at Matthew who was also dropping a load of his spunk onto the deck as Klanar's cum was dripping from his ass.

The moans in the room began to quiet down as most of the mate's orgasms ended. They heavy breathing was heard as the crew and mates tried to catch their breaths.

It was at this time, the Thol exited the Vortex and the ship returned to its own power thanks to the Technoids who took over while the crew and mates were gaining control of the emotions.

Adam satisfied that Cameron was not going to give up any more of his sperm, dropped his cock from his mouth, just as Gayton finished with his orgasm and pulled out of Adam's ass. Cum streamed down his legs, but Adam didn't didn't pay attention.

Cameron stood up and readied himself to take over command of the ship. He looked at Adam and smiled and took him in his arms and kissed him.

"You ok, baby?" Cameron said.

"Fuck yeah," Adam said breathlessly and kissed his mate again.

Matthew and Adam turned around and sat back in their seats. Gayton leaned down over Adam and kissed his lips hard, running his tongue inside Adam's mouth tasting the familiar taste of his uncle's spunk that Adam still held in his mouth. He pulled from their kiss and smiled at Adam.

"Great fuck, Uncle," Gayton said then stood in front of him and began to applaud as did the rest of the bridge crew to the other mates. Gayton then picked up his robe, put it on, but let it lay open.

"Damn that boy is hot," Adam said to Cameron while staring at Gayton's chest and six pack abs and half hard dick, as it protruded from the opening of his ceremonial robe.

"Gentlemen, we have passed through the Vortex and the Raj'Dah has concluded. Thank you all for participating in the once in a lifetime ritual. You will be receiving a pin and a picture of you and your mate enjoying the Raj'Dah," Cameron shouted out to everyone on the bridge.

All the crew and their mates let out a cheer, especially the mates who were relieved that this ceremony was so pleasurable.

"Will the mates please stay in your seats as the computer cleans the deck," Asti shouted out. All the mates sat still.

"Computer," Asti called out, "Analyze the sperm on the bridge deck and clean up."

"Yes, Commander Ghazh," the computer acknowledged. Then like it did in Adam and Cameron's stateroom beams of light shined over the sperm on the deck and turned the goo into thousands of tiny balls and popped as they evaporated into the air. The mates shouted out with excitement that the amazing site.

Gayton looked at Adam and smiled, happy that he pleased his uncle's mate. He then went back to his workstation where his partner was still sitting. He looked at Ethan, who had a strange expression on his face, nowhere near the happy and content look like the other mates. It was a sad look, a look of confusion like he felt betrayed because he had decided not to participate in the Raj'Dah.

"Ethan, why didn't you come over and join in the ceremony when I signaled you? I didn't think you were the shy type," Gayton asked his lover with a smile, then leaned down and kissed him. He loved Ethan, but felt that something was wrong ever since he came from the orientation class.

Ethan broke the kiss and stared in disgust at his mate. In their kiss he tasted cum, the cum of Havic Legen, Gayton's uncle.

Ethan stood up and Gayton went to put his arms around his mate, but Ethan turned away, closed the ceremonial robe and covered himself as much as he could to hide his shame.

"Ethan wait, stay with me for a while. You don't have to leave right now," Gayton pleaded as his mate walked away. Ethan stopped for a second, then got in the Carrier Lift without saying goodbye or even looking back at Gayton, who couldn't follow him because he was still on duty. He figured he would talk with Ethan when he got back to their stateroom. He sat down at his workstation in stunned silence.

Everyone on the bridge saw this exchange including Cameron who was not happy on how Ethan had acted, but was more worried how this would affect his nephew.

"Shit, that fuckin' sucked," Adam said commenting on Ethan's behavior.

"Well, what about you, Adam, what did you think of what we did here?" Cameron asked Adam, hoping what happened didn't freak him out like it did Ethan.

"Fuck, that was the wildest thing I've done in my life," Adam laughed. He looked over at Matthew as he and Klanar were kissing deep and hard. Then he looked at Cameron.

"You sure you're ok?" Cameron asked. Adam grabbed him and pulled him into him and kissed his lips and swallowed his tongue.

"What's not to like? That was fuckin' hot!!" Adam said with a broad grin, "We shared something important today didn't we? I mean you and me having sex with Gayton in front of everyone during this ritual. You had this proud look on your face. I never felt so free about sex like I did just now. On Earth I think I wouldn't have done something like this out of fear, but here with you and everyone else, it just felt right. If this is how it's going to be on Verigon, then big guy, I think it's fuckin' great."

Cameron was surprised at Adam's intuitiveness. He did seem to understand what his life on Verigon would be all about and accepted their ways that were so different from those on Earth.

"Yeah, I know what you mean Adam," Matthew added, "I didn't feel self-conscious about getting fucked in front of everyone. It just felt good. I can't believe I got a blow job from every one of the crew on this bridge." Matthew said that loud enough for everyone to hear and the mates all laughed and agreed with Matthew. Klanar smiled at his mate then kissed him again.

All the mates seemed to be ok with what just happened, although some of them still wondered what it was all about. They loved their mates and seemed they were willing to do anything to be with them.

"Yes we did share something very important and it was most definitely hot!" Cameron said with a grin and kissed his mate.

All four laughed as Cameron and Klanar helped their mates stand up. They were all naked, but for some reason didn't feel self conscious about it.

All the other mates were also naked and just milled about the bridge talking with each other. Some said goodbye to their partner's and head for the Carrier Lift. After a few minutes, Adam and Matthew were the only mates left on the bridge.

"You guys go take a shower, we will be down in about an hour," Cameron said to Adam and Matthew.

Matthew was giving Klanar a signal like he wanted him to say something to Adam and Cameron.

"Oh yes," Klanar said, "and Matthew wishes for us to have dinner together tonight. Would that be ok captain?"

"Fine with me," Cameron said, getting the nod from his mate, "be in our cabin in about two hours."

They all agreed to meet and Adam and Matthew kissed their mates goodbye, put their ceremonial robes back on, then headed toward the Carrier Lift.

Adam stopped at Gayton's workstation and put his arm around him.

"You were great Gayton, and a...if you wanta talk, well you know where our stateroom is," Adam said seeing the hurt and bewilderment in Gayton's eyes.

"Thanks Adam, maybe I will take you up on that."

Adam gave a half smile then leaned down and kissed his partner's nephew on the lips.

Cameron saw the exchange his mate and his nephew made and smiled and felt happy that Adam comforted Gayton, who seemed to be really upset by what happened. He wanted to go to Gayton, but his duties as captain took precedence.

"I'll talk with him later," he said to himself.

Adam and Matthew walked into the Carrier Lift that would take them to the deck their cabins were on. Adam felt bad for Gayton and felt Ethan was being a jackass about this whole thing. Adam's mood was beginning to change.

"Deck 25," Matthew said seeing Adam's sudden far away look.

Their robes lay open and they didn't make any attempt at covering themselves. Matthew looked at Adam's open robe then pulled it open even more.

"You do have a nice one," Matthew said of Adam's soft penis. He smiled trying to distract his friend.

"Yours is too," Adam said while opening up Matthew's robe. Matthew stood in front of Adam and leaned into him letting their naked bodies touch, then kissed Adam on the lips. Adam smiled when they broke the kiss, then pulled him back into him and they kissed again.

"Maybe tonight, the four of us could play around? Seems like that's the favorite pastime around here," Matthew laughed.

"Hey, I'm game," Adam agreed feeling a lot better, "I think Cameron wouldn't mind either."

"Well Tyler said he wanted to do that Ejku thing with you and the Captain, so I guess we will have fun tonight too!" Matthew laughed. The doors opened to the Carrier Lift and they walked toward their cabins sporting erections.

"I'm going to take a shower," Matthew said.

"When you're done come on over and will have a few of those Verigonian beers."

"Yeah, sure, that stuff is pretty potent," Matthew said with a broad smile.

"Yeah... fuckin' great, ain't it?" Adam said and they both laughed, then went into their respective staterooms to shower.

"Hey Mickey, I'm home," Adam said with a smile, but didn't wait for his reply. He walked into the bathroom and began to take off his ceremonial robe when it began to cling to him again.

"Damn, I'm turning this fucker on again," Adam laughed out loud as he pulled the robe from his body and put it on a hook. The robe gave one last attempt to grab him.

"This fuckin' thing's alive," Adam laughed, then turned his attention to the spacious shower and got in.

"Hmm, ok, Shower On," Adam said louder than he really had to. The shower went on and ice cold water splashed out.

"Oh fuck!" Adam cried out as the frigid water hit his warm body. He jumped out of the way then yelled out.

"Mickey, what the fuck's going on with this stupid ass shower?"

Mickey quickly came into the bathroom and his sensors immediately analyzed the situation.

"Oh dear," the machine said, "computer set temperature to 83.9 degrees Fahrenheit and set it to that temperature every time Adam Rossi takes his shower," Immediately the water changed to the proper temperature.

"Very well...Mickey," the computer replied with a mocking tone when it said the android's name. Mickey's sensor's indicated that something was not right with the computer.

"Fuck, that's better, thanks Mickey...Now I'm talking to that fuckin' shithead like he's alive," Adam said out loud with a hardy laugh.

"It is my pleasure to be of service to you Adam and in the future if you would let me know when you wish to shower, I will make sure the water is the proper temperature."

"Yeah, thanks, but I think I got the hang of it now," Adam chuckled. He turned and saw Mickey was just standing there staring at him with his mouth open. Adam wondered what he was up to and also wondered why they put a moving mouth on a robot.

"What you staring at," Adam shouted.

"Oh sorry Adam, I just thought there might be something else you wanted," Mickey replied.

"No shithead, nothing else," Adam said, still wondering what the automaton was up to.

"Very well, Adam," Mickey said.

As the metal marvel left the room Adam heard him say, "Computer, it's time for your diagnostic, your responses have not be according to protocol."

"Anything you say...Mickey," the computer mocked with even more attitude than before.

Adam laughed then quickly finished cleaning himself.

"Shower Done," Adam said, happy that he remembered how Gayton stopped the shower. As Adam dried his body, he began to think of Gayton and how they had oral and anal sex on the bridge in front of everyone. A smile came across his face as his manhood began to rise. He then thought of the way Ethan acted toward the young crewman and made a note to talk with the older Earther.

"Maybe I'll punch some fuckin' sense into the asshole," Adam said out loud.

Then there was a tone, signaling that someone was at the stateroom door.

"Hey, Mickey, that's probably Matthew, let him in and tell him to come in here."

Adam was in a good mood and just wanted to have a few beers with his friend Matthew, like he used to do with the guys on the police force. He smiled thinking of the hot kiss he and Matthew shared in the Carrier Lift.

"Very well Adam," Mickey said and opened the door to Matthew.

"Hello, Matthew, I am Mickey. Adam is in the sleeping quarters and asked that you meet him in there."

"Your name is Mickey?" Matthew asked the automaton and chuckled.

"Yes, Adam renamed me," Mickey said proudly.

"Hmm, maybe I will rename mine Donald Duck," Matthew laughed, "Thanks Mickey."

Matthew felt good too, dressed in his skintight light blue T-Shirt and almost as tight blue jeans. He wanted to look hot for Adam and Cameron when he and his mate had the Ejku later in the evening. Matthew then walked into the bedroom where Adam was standing naked in front of the mirror.

"Shit," Adam said, "I'm getting fuckin' fat." Adam grabbed onto a very small roll in his sides.

"If that's fat, I should be so lucky," Matthew said looking over Adam's hot body. His dick began to get hard.

"Hey, Matt," Adam said, then leaned in and gave his friend a quick kiss on the lips.

"Hey Mickey, dos cervezas por favor," Adam shouted out to the android in the next room.

"Very well Adam," Mickey replied.

Matthew couldn't take his eyes off of Adam's body and Adam noticed it and laughed.

"You can take your eyes off my dick, now. You got me hard too," Adam said and pointed to his growing erection, "You look great with that tight shirt and jeans. Fuck I can see the outline of your cock."

"You are a hot mother fucker, that's for sure," Matthew said. "Can you believe we just had the hottest sex of our live less than an hour ago and here we are hard again?"

"It's in the water I think," Adam joked as he put on his cargo shorts and blue flannel-like shirt, but left it unbuttoned. He was warm and really wanted to be naked.

Matthew walked up to the observation window and stood in the curve.

"I love to do this in our stateroom," Matthew said trying his best to distract himself from Adam's body.

"You do that too?" Adam said as he stood in the window next to his friend, "this is too fuckin' cool." Adam outstretched his arms, as did Matthew, like they were soaring in space. Matthew's hand took hold of Adam's and their fingers interlocked.

"Yeah, sure is," Matthew said like he was distracted by the sight of the stars in front of him.

"Cam fucked me while I was leaning on the window. Fuck, it felt like I was flying in space only with Cam's dick up my ass. You should try it sometime," Adam said while still holding onto Matthew's hand.

"Sounds hot, I'll have to tell Tyler about that," Matthew said and stared at Adam.

"Here are your beers, Adam," Mickey said. Adam and Matthew let go of each other's hands and turned around. "Would you like for me to set up a couple chairs so you could sit in comfort?" Mickey continued and handed the beers to Adam and Matthew who then took a big drink.

"Sure, what the fuck, why not," Adam said and took another big drink. "Damn this shit's good."

Matthew agreed with Adam then took a drink of his brew.

Mickey went to a panel and within seconds two comfortable chairs appeared in the bedroom facing the observation window.

"Wow, cool, Mickey, thanks," Matthew said as he and Adam sat in their chairs.

"Hey, Mickey, is there a gym on this bucket?" Adam asked the robot.

"Bucket, Adam?" Mickey asked not sure what Adam was asking of him, "I am not familiar with that word in this context."

"Yeah, this ship, this bucket, you know. Is there a fuckin' gym. I need to work out," Adam said impatiently.

"Yes, Mickey, he's getting fat," Matthew joked.

"Fuck you, asshole," Adam said with a loud laugh.

"Oh I see, well, yes, this bucket does have a fully equipped gym with everything you will need for a proper workout on the Recreation Deck, Level 4," Mickey said, "and Adam, my sensors tell me you are the proper weight for a man of your stature. You are perfectly proportioned from your muscled chest to your abs. You are hardly fat or even overweight for that matter."

"Thanks, Mickey... Hey, are you trying to hit on me?" Adam said with a huge smile. Mickey thought for second and searched his sensors for colloquialisms until he found the reply.

"Oh, no Adam, I am merely stating a fact. Will there be anything else you will need."

"No Mickey we're fine right now," Adam said with a laugh as Mickey turned and left the room.

"Ha, a horny robot," Matthew exclaimed.

"Scares the shit out of me actually. I caught him staring at me while I was taking a shower," Adam joked and they both laughed hard again, "and why does he have a moving mouth?"

"Maybe he gives blow jobs," Matthew said and the two friends laughed once more.

They sat silent for while and looked at the stars that passed by their eyes.

"Do you miss it?" Matthew asked as he moved his chair closer to Adam.

"Miss what," Adam said as he finished off his first beer, "Mickey, couple more beers." Adam shouted he was beginning to feel the effects of the brew.

"Earth," Matthew answered.

"I miss my brother a whole hell of a lot," Adam said, "he was my best friend, my only real friend besides Cam. He was my first lover you know."

"No I didn't. Wow, that must have been hard leaving him like that."

"Yeah, it was, but Cam didn't give me much time to think about it."

They were both silent for a short while.

"Do you miss it?" Adam asked.

"Not really. I don't have anyone or anything to miss. I was an only child and mom and dad are dead. I had friends, but no one really close, so this is my life now," Matthew said. "I mean I love Tyler so much. I couldn't see my life with anyone else. I once told him I would go to the ends of the Earth with him. I didn't realize I would have to go beyond the Earth though," Matthew said with a slight laugh.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I just wish Jack were here. You'd like him, he has a wicked sense of humor and...fuck," Adam said starting to get sentimental with his second Verigonian beer. "I better ease up on this shit," Adam said as he looked at his half empty glass of beer, "it's turning me into a pussy." Adam laughed and his smile turned to a frown. "I love Cam so much, but the thought of not seeing Jack again is eating at my gut." Adam didn't know why he was opening up to Matthew like he was. Perhaps it was because he never had a close friend like Matthew other than his brother, or perhaps it was the alcohol or whatever was in that brew he was drinking that made his head go soft. Matthew reached over and took Adam's hand and held onto it. He too felt a closeness to his hunky friend. Like Adam, he was pretty much a loner.

"He's HIV Positive you know. I used to take care of him. He was always forgetting to renew his meds. Now there's no one to help him," Adam's mind drifted away toward his brother again.

"This shit is pretty strong," Matthew said trying to change the subject as he finished his second beer.

Adam smiled then snapped himself out of the depression he was getting himself into and downed the rest of his beer.

"Mickey!" Adam shouted, but before he could say anymore, Mickey walked into the room with two more beers.

Matthew laughed and took his beer, but Adam yelled, "Are you fucking reading my mind, shithead?"

"Oh no Adam, I just deduced that when you finished, you and Matthew would want another one. Sorry if I overstepped my bounds. Will there be anything else?"

"No, not right now," Adam answered, still wondering what the robot was up to.

Mickey then turned around and left the room.

"He's acting too fucking nice. He's up to something," Adam said feeling the full effect of the Verigonian brew.

"Nah, he just wants your bod," Matthew joked then continued to say in a sing songy type voice, "Mickey's got a boy friend."

"Oh fuck no," Adam said and both men laughed again, harder than the joke warranted.

They both calmed down and were silent for a short while, but still held onto their hands.

"Adam, I like you a lot and I hope you don't take this the wrong way on what I am about to say," Matthew said.

"Ok shoot," Adam said and looked at his handsome friend.

"I have this urge to kiss you, again," Matthew said shyly.

"Hell, go for it, you did in that elevator thing and didn't ask," Adam said without hesitation.

Matthew stood up, put down his beer, faced Adam and bent down and kissed his lips. He ran his hand over Adam's bare chest, tweaked his nipple, then grabbed onto his crotch and squeezed his hardened dick through his cargo shorts.

Adam opened his mouth to let his friends tongue in, then latched onto Matthew's rigid crotch.

It was then that Cameron and Klanar walked into the room.

"Oh fuck," Matthew said, feeling guilty he was kissing and groping Adam and was "caught" doing something taboo. "Look guys, its not what you think, I...I swear. Tyler please," Matthew was in panic and his voice cracked.

Klanar walked over to his mate and put his arms around him.

"Matthew, it's ok. I'm just glad you have a friend you feel that close to," Klanar said and kissed Matthew who was still shaking from the thought of loosing Tyler.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, It won't happen again I promise," Matthew continued to say while holding his mate tighter. Adam felt a bit guilty too, but knew that what they did was just to show friendship and in the heat of the moment they kissed, after all, wasn't that what the Verigonians taught?

"Hey, Matt, take it easy ok, bud?" Adam said as he stood up.

"Yes, Matthew, I am glad you and Adam are becoming close friends and you showed that affection by sharing a kiss," Cameron said.

"And a grope," Adam added with a laugh.

"And maybe after we have dinner we could do the Ejku we all seem to want," Klanar said.

"Yes, I think we could all use that," Cameron said and put his arm around Adam.

"Really? I think I'd like that," Matthew said, then looked at Cameron and Adam.

Cameron looked at his mate who was smiling, "What about you Adam?" Cameron said, but he knew what Adam would say.

"Fuck yeah, we went this far. Let's get naked and fuck now, then have dinner later," Adam said with a chuckle. He was definitely feeling the Verigonian beer.

They all stood there looking at each other, still not sure of what to do.

"Computer, soft lights in the sleeping quarters, please," Cameron said taking the initiative.

"Very well Captain," the computer said as the lights turned down low. Cameron and Klanar pushed their mates toward each other until they were face to face.

"You two start while Klanar and I shower," Cameron said. Adam looked at his partner and smiled.

"Thanks," Adam whispered to his mate, then took Matthew in his arms and smiled at the handsome younger man. Matthew looked at him sheepishly, then glanced over at Klanar who had a huge grin on his face. Klanar was really happy that Matthew had found a friend in Adam. He was always worried about Matthew being such a loner, but now he would have a friend like Adam. He nodded to his mate, who then looked back at Adam with a devilish smile.

"I guess its ok then," Matthew whispered, then buried his tongue into Adams mouth.

Klanar and Cameron watched as their mates were wrapped in each other's arms. They smiled then began to remove their clothes in order to take their shower. They couldn't take their eyes off their mates who where still kissing, but were not going any further.

"Get naked!" Klanar urged with a laugh.

Adam and Matthew broke their kiss and snapped their heads toward their naked mates.

"Fuck," Adam gasped.

"What's wrong?" Cameron asked.

"Look at you two," Matthew said while still holding onto Adam.

"You two are fuckin' hot!" Adam said.

Cameron and Klanar looked down at their dicks and hadn't realized they were hard watching their mates.

"We better shower," Klanar said to Cameron.

"Yeah, and you two get on with it," Cameron said to Matthew and Adam, then turned to Klanar and said loud enough for their mates to hear, "Do we have to tell these Earthers how to do everything?" Cameron chuckled as he and Klanar walked toward the bathroom. "Oh, Mickey, Ejku assist."

"Very well, Captain," Mickey said and walked into the room.

"I don't want that fuckin' shithead around when we do this," Adam protested.

"Believe me, it will make things go easier," Cameron said, "Now get naked."

Adam and Matthew smiled and looked at each other then kissed again.

"Take off your clothes!" Cameron shouted from the bathroom.

Adam and Matthew laughed, "You heard the captain. Get naked and that's an order," Matthew said to Adam. Matthew pulled Adam's shirt from his shoulders and ran his hand over his chest.

"Damn, Adam," Matthew said then leaned down and took a nipple in his mouth and ran his tongue around the stiff nub. Adam moaned; he loved to have his nipples played with, the harder the better.

"Suck on them good, Matt," Adam panted, then reached behind Matthew and pulled up his skin tight tee shirt then pulled it over his head. They both looked at each other and let out a deep breath. Immediately they undid their pants and let them fall to the floor revealing their hard cocks that stood out in front of them. They stepped out of their pants and grabbed each other and kissed while Adam pushed Matthew onto the bed and laid on top of him.

"Oh fuck," Adam panted then moved down licking Matthew's smooth body until he got to his friend's hard dick. He took in a deep breath around his reddish blond bush, ran his tongue up his hard shaft, then around the tip of his dick, lapping up some precum. He then opened his mouth and swallowed his rigid 9 inches until his nose was buried in his pubic hairs again.

While Adam was sucking Matthew's dick, Mickey quietly picked up their clothes, folded them and set them on the chair. Then stood watching Adam and Matthew. Adam noticed this and dropped Matthew's dick from his mouth.

"Mickey, turn toward the wall or something shithead," Adam shouted. The robot did as it was told.

Adam gobbled down Matthew's dick again then moved up and down several more times on his shaft, then stopped when Matthew grabbed onto his shoulders.

"You're gonna make me cum," Matthew said breathlessly, "Come on up here."

Adam moved up to Matthew's lips and began to kiss him. Matthew then rolled their bodies to where he was on top and began to move down Adam's hairy chest directly to his hardened dick. He grabbed it in his hand and looked up at Adam.

"Fuck that's nice," Matthew said of Adam's hardened manhood, then swallowed it all the way down until it was deep in his throat and his nose rested in Adam's bush. He moved up and down as fast as he could; for some reason he wanted to taste Adam's cum, but Adam stopped him.

"I wanta fuck that hot ass of your Matt," Adam said as they changed positions again. Matthew laid on his back with Adam in between his legs.

"Should we wait for Tyler and the Captain?" Matthew asked.

"Fuck no, they could catch up later," Adam turned and was about to reach for the lube in the drawer next to the bed, when Mickey handed him the bottle.

"What, you got eyes in back of your head?" Adam said.

"Oh no, Adam my sensors told me..."

"I don't give a fuck about your sensors, just turn around and stop staring," Adam interrupted.

"Very well, Adam," Mickey said and did as it was ordered.

Adam turned his attention back to Matthew as he spread the liquid on his hardened manhood.

"Lift'em," Adam said then tapped on Matthew's legs. He smiled then lifted his legs as far as he could exposing is eager hole.

"Damn that's nice," Adam said looking at Matthew's pink hairless hole, "Do you shave that thing or is it naturally smooth, like Cameron's."

"It's natural," Matthew panted. "Fuck me Adam."

"Ok, buddy," Adam said with a smile, "but first I wanna taste your ass."

Without hesitation, Adam leaned down and ran his tongue around the outside of Matthew's hairless rosebud. He pulled away, looked at it, then spit in the hole and plunged his tongue deep inside his hole.

"Oh fuck," Matthew panted, "yeah lick my ass."

Adam's tongue circled a few more times then he plunged deep into his friend's hole.

"Oh fuck," Matthew shouted as Adam moved his tongue around inside his ass.

Adam pulled his tongue out and knelt up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"You still got lots of cum up inside there," Adam laughed tasting the familiar taste of spunk.

"Yeah, Ty really filled me up," Matthew smiled, but was too turned on to say much more.

Adam looked for the lube, but couldn't find it.

"Hey shithead, what'd ya do with the fuckin' lube?" Adam called out.

"Oh sorry Adam, here," Mickey said and handed him the bottle.

"Shithead," Adam muttered as he grabbed the lube from Mickey's hand. He poured more of the slick liquid on his hard cock, then took his lube covered finger and inserted it inside Matthew's rosebud.

"I don't think you have to lube that baby up too much," Matthew laughed.

Adam didn't say anything he just moved closer to his friends hole, lined up his hard dick in front of it, then pushed in. Matthew gave him immediate access.

"Oh fuck," Matthew cried out as Adam pushed all the way in until he couldn't anymore.

"You ok, buddy?" Adam asked realizing he may have entered too fast.

"Yeah, give me a few seconds to get used that dick of yours," Matthew said breathlessly.

"Sorry about that bud, you got me really turned on," Adam said then leaned down and kissed his friend on the lips.

"You got me turned on too. Look at my dick," Matthew said as Adam grabbed onto his throbbing manhood.

"Damn, it's hard as a rock and seems to be burning up," Adam laughed then kissed his friend again, but this time he buried his tongue in Matthew's mouth.

"Fuck me Adam, fuck me hard, give it to me," Matthew whispered to Adam.

Adam pulled out then pushed all the way into Matthew's hole.

"Oh yeah Fuck!" Matthew shouted out. Matthew was a screamer.

Adam began to moan as he picked up speed, slapping his balls and his hips against Matthew's ass.

"Oh Fuck me," Matthew cried out over and over as Adam plowed his hole.

In the shower, Cameron had Klanar pinned against the wall with his massive member deep inside his friend's ass.

They listened to Adam and Matthew as they had sex and it turned them on so much they began to play themselves.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh," Cameron said as he stopped his in and out motion in Klanar's hole. "I don't wanna cum, I don't wanna cum, I don't wanna cum," he kept saying until the urge stopped. He then pulled out of Klanar and held him in his arms.

"You ok?" Klanar chuckled.

"Yeah, I think we need to dry ourselves and join those two," Cameron said.

"They really had you going," Klanar said with a laugh.

"Well you're dripping, look," Cameron said then took his finger and wiped up some precum that was pouring from Klanar's large manhood and put it in his mouth, "Hmm, always did love the taste of your precum." Being long time friends, he and Klanar had sex many times.

They got out of the shower, dried themselves and walked into the bedroom.

"You guys are having too much fun," Cameron said as he got behind Adam and put his arms around him and kissed his neck.

Klanar laid down next to his mate and ran his fingers across his sweating forehead.

"You ok, Matthew," Klanar asked his mate.

"Oh fuck yeah. I love you Ty," Matthew's shaky voice gasped. He reached for his mate and pulled him into him and kissed his lips then opened his mouth and began to suck on Klanar's tongue.

"Damn you guys look good," Cameron said. "I'm gonna fuck you while you fuck Matt," Cameron panted. The only time Cameron would say words like "fuck" was during the heat of having sex; something he learned to do on Earth.

"Go for it, big guy," Adam said as he slowly pumped in and out of Matthew's hole.

"Lube" Cameron said and Mickey handed him the bottle. He then slicked his dick, put some in Adam's hole, then lined up his cock.

"You ready, baby," Cameron said.

"Fuck yeah," Adam replied. Cameron put pressure on his hole, and Adam opened up. Cameron slid slowly into Adam's rosebud as Adam's hard-on lay deep inside Matthew.

"Oh fuck, Cam," Adam gasped as his mate began to pump in and out. Then Adam began to do the same to Matthew, keeping in rhythm with Cameron's motion.

"Ty, suck my dick," Matthew huffed, "I wanta be fucked and sucked at the same time."

"I'll do better than that," Klanar said as he got himself on all fours over his lover, lined up is huge weapon over Matthew's mouth and let it slide in. He then leaned down and swallowed his mate's rigid pole.

All four men were now ready to do some serious "fucking and sucking". All you could hear was the moans and groans of the four hot men as they were totally engrossed in the sexual activity, to pleasure and be pleasured by their mates and friends.

Adam pumped deep inside Matthew's hole, while Cameron's monster plowed his mate. Klanar's lips was wrapped tightly around Matthew's member while Klanar's hardened manhood was buried deep in Matthew's mouth, who had no problem deep throating Klanar's monster weapon

Up and down, in and out, all four men were moving passionately. Their moans of ecstasy were bouncing off the walls.

"Oh, oh, fuck," Adam called out as he felt his dick inside Matthew ass and Cameron's dick inside his ass. He was on a sexual high again and didn't want it to end.

"I'm close," Cameron panted in his lover's ear as his hips picked up speed on Adam's ass.

"Me too Big Guy," Adam managed to say, while Klanar and Matthew just grunted. Saying anything would mean they would have drop their mate's dicks from their mouths and they weren't about to do that.

"Oh fuck!" Adam shouted as he lost his battle to control his orgasm, and let loose a torrent of cum in Matthew's already filled up hole.

Matthew feeling Adam's spunk shoot into his sore hole, lost his battle as well and began to unload in Klanar's mouth, who then began to swallow his juices as fast as it entered his throat. In turn, the taste of his mate's sperm brought him over the edge and he blasted his load down Matthew's throat. Cameron seeing all this happen and hearing the moans of ecstasy couldn't hold out anymore.

"OH, oh, Adam, god, oh damn," he cried out as he shot load after load inside his mate using the added thrill of the green tube.

"Oh fuck Cam," Adam said breathlessly as he felt the green tube work its magic deep inside him.

They all kept moaning and pumping or moving their heads until all four orgasms had nearly stopped.

Slowly all four men began to come down from the sexual high. Their bodies were all sweaty and exhausted. First Cameron pulled out and collapsed on the bed and watched his cum pour out of Adam's hole. He reached over, scooped some up with finger and brought it to his mouth.

Then Klanar let go of Matthew's dick and let it fall from his mouth. He picked up Matthew's softening weapon in his hand and licked it like a lollipop, making sure he cleaned up any spunk that was oozing from his pee slit. That sensation was almost too much for Matthew as he body spasmed from his mate's tongue licking the crown of his cock.

Klanar then pulled his manhood out of Matthew's mouth. Matthew licked his lips and breathed hard and laid there looking at his mate. He then turned to Adam who still had his dick inside his butt.

"You going to pull out or we going to stay like this forever," Matthew joked still out of breath.

Adam smiled, "I just wanna make sure I'm done cummin'," he smiled, then pulled out and laid down on his back with his head resting on Cameron abs.

"I thought that Raj'Dah was fuckin' great, this beats it all," Matthew said still out of breath.

"Yes, that was great," Klanar puffed as he ran his fingers over his mates soften manhood and looked at the three men lying next to him.

"You can say that again," Cameron said with a smile as his hand moved up and down Adam's chest.

Adam lay there not saying anything. He too thought it was the greatest sexual experience he ever had the pleasure of participating in, including the Raj'Dah, but instead of declaring the obvious his next words surprised everyone.

"I'm fuckin' hungry," Adam called out. Everyone looked at him then began to laugh. Cameron sat up, leaned down and kissed his mate and Matthew playfully pushed at him.

"You're fuckin' nuts," Matthew laughed.

"What? I'm fuckin' hungry. I wanna eat," Adam said seriously.

"Well, my sexy man, what is it you wish to eat tonight," Cameron said and kissed his mate again.

"How about your dick," Adam said with a huge smile and grabbed onto Cameron's softened manhood.

"Later, baby, we're not done here yet, but we do need fuel to start another session," Cameron said then sat up.

"You serious? We're gonna do more?" Matthew asked thinking Cameron was joking.

"Fuck yeah," Adam said then sat up.

"Yes, let's eat something then continue," Klanar said with a smile.

It was then that Mickey came into the room with towels for everyone to clean themselves of any cum or sweat that was on their bodies. They all thanked the robot that seemed to be pleased with itself because he had watched the humans have sex.

"Captain, do you wish me to change the sheets while you are having dinner?" the robot asked.

"Yeah," Mickey," Cameron said, "there's enough cum and lube on them that's for sure."

"Very well Captain," Mickey said as he continued to stare at Adam's naked body.

"So, baby, besides my dick, what is it you want to eat?" Cameron asked his mate as he stood up.

"My mama's pasta and meatballs," Adam said with a huge grin that quickly turned to a frown. An image of his brother flashed through his mind of when they were kids, sitting at the dinner table eating his mother's Italian meal. He blinked a few times then snapped himself out of the depression he was rapidly sinking into.

Cameron saw the change of expression on his mates face, leaned down and kissed him again, "You ok, baby?"

"Fuck yeah, Come on let's get some food. Mickey, pasta, meatballs, and garlic bread for everyone," Adam cried out to the Technoid as he got up from his sitting position.

"Very well, Adam," Mickey said as he left the room and went to the Food Replicator to prepare their meal.

They all jumped out of bed and went into the sitting room to get ready to eat.

"Mickey, beers for everyone," Adam said then put his arm around Matthew, "You know buddy, you have a hot ass, I think I want to fuck you again...but we eat first," Adam laughed.

"Hey, I would like to fuck him too," Klanar said then kissed his mate.

"Well, why should I be left out; I'll take sloppy thirds," Cameron said and reached over and kissed Matthew.

"Oh my poor ass," Matthew said with a huge smile on his face, knowing he would be the object of passion for his mate, Klanar, his best friend, Adam, and his captain, Cameron.

They laughed and joked as they all sat down for their big Italian Pasta Feast.

"Ethan, where are you?" Gayton called out when he entered his stateroom. He had just gotten off duty and wanted to find out what was going through his mate's head.

He walked into the sleeping quarters and Ethan was laying in bed with his back to Gayton. He was pretending to sleep because he felt he wasn't ready for a confrontation on what had happened, but Gayton wanted to talk now.

"Ethan we have to talk about this, please," Gayton begged sensing Ethan was really awake.

"There's nothing to talk about," Ethan said firmly, breaking his pretence of sleep, but still facing away from Gayton.

Gayton looked at the man lying on the bed. He sat down next to him and felt worried and upset that Ethan was not going to accept the Verigonian way of life. He reached over and rubbed Ethan's arm.

Since Gayton was a boy, he was taught that sex was just a way of expressing love and friendship, but on Earth he found that sex was something to be ashamed of. Something that the Earth's so called puritanical, rightwing "religious" leaders said were dirty and immoral, especially between people of the same sex. He didn't think that Ethan was that way, but was beginning to feel there was a change in him.

Ethan was much older than his young mate. Being in his late 40's in Earth years, he found it difficult to keep up with Gayton or Zack as he called him on Earth. Now he felt he had to call him Gayton. He knew Zack was a free spirit, and they did share in threeways several times, but Zack would never have sex with someone without him being there, or so he thought. But that has all changed now. He didn't feel as close to this guy Gayton, as he did to Zack.

"Ethan please talk with me," Gayton said softly, then lay down next to his mate and spooned him. "I love you."

"I love you too, but I don't know if I can handle this, Zack, ah I mean Gayton," Ethan said.

"Call me Zack, Ethan please. I like how you say it," Gayton said as he nuzzled in closer to his mate.

"When I saw you...having sex with that guy Adam and how much you looked like you were enjoying it, I just... I mean something snapped inside me," Ethan turned toward his lover, "Please Zack don't do that with anyone but me."

Gayton's suspicions were true and he didn't know what to do. He loved Ethan and figured he could handle the way the Verigonians looked at sex, but now he was finding out he was wrong, very wrong.

"Ethan, this is a way of life on Verigon. This is how we show love for our friends and family. Just because I have sex with someone other than you doesn't change the way I feel about you. We are mates Ethan, I love you," Gayton said.

"Yeah, I know and I love you, but what you were doing with the captain is a sin! He's your uncle for Christ sake. God wouldn't want this. You will be condemned to eternal damnation!"

"Ethan, you were never the religious type when we were on Earth, what has changed you?" Gayton was upset that he was so wrong about his mate.

"Seeing you with that guy Adam and kissing your uncle turned my stomach," Ethan confessed. Gayton let go of his lover and rolled on his back. He was stunned by this revelation and didn't know what to do. He wanted to talk with his uncle but he knew this was not the right time to do that.

"Ethan, we're going to have to talk this over some more," Gayton said.

"There's nothing to talk about, Zack. I can't do it," Ethan said turning his back to his lover. Gayton turned and spooned him again and rubbed his hand on Ethan's bare chest and kissed his neck.

They lay in silence, entangled in each other's arms. Both men's minds were deep in thought. Ethan was thinking that maybe he could convince Gayton to never have sex with anyone but him, but Gayton's thoughts were on how could he convince his mate that this was not the way of the Verigonians and that he couldn't see expressing his love to those that were closest to him in any other way. He wondered if these emotions Ethan were having were spurred by religion or was it just jealousy. There were a couple instances where Ethan became angry when he was just talking with a good looking man.

"Maybe I saw it all the while and didn't want to believe he is this way. I will talk with Havic," he said to himself, "He always knows what to do."

The next morning, Cameron and Klanar, got out of bed leaving their mates sound asleep wrapped in the spoon position together. They all had fallen asleep after their orgy of food, drink, and sex that lasted well past the beginning of their sleep period.

"What do you think?" Klanar ask quietly to his best friend while they looked at their mates sleeping.

"About these two?" Cameron said, "I have no doubt in my mind that Adam loves me and that Matthew loves you. I think these two will be ok on Verigon. I think they are beginning understand us."

"I agree, although they still have lots to learn," Klanar said.

"True, so we must make sure they continue to attend all their classes," Cameron added.

"All in all, we are lucky, but I feel your nephew Gayton may not be so fortunate," Klanar said as the two officers walked into the shower together.

"Yes I know. The way Ethan acted during the Raj'Dah yesterday was not acceptable. I hope Gayton is ok," Cameron said.

"Maybe you better talk with him," Klanar said as Cameron ordered the water on to the shower.

"Yes, I'll do that later, right now we better finish our shower. I'm hungry and want something to eat before we have to go on duty." Klanar took Cameron in his arms and kissed him hard on the lips and held onto him tightly.

"He'll be ok you will see," Klanar said sensing his friends concern for his nephew. Cameron smiled then kissed Klanar in the same way he kissed him. Cameron looked into his friends eyes and smiled. He and Klanar had been friends since they met at the UAP Military Academy and became close almost immediately, more like brothers with benefits than mere friends. Cameron kissed Klanar again.

"Hey, hey you two, knock that shit off and get a room," Adam said yawning as he and Matthew walked into the bathroom then into the shower with their mates.

"Good morning you guys," Cameron said as he and Klanar turned their attention to their mates.

"What a fuckin' wild day it was yesterday." Adam said, then took his mate into his arms and kissed him.

"Fuck, my ass hurts," Matthew said as he kissed Klanar, "How many times did you guys fuck me?" Matthew added with a broad grin.

"Well, Havic and I did once, but Adam did 3 times," Klanar said as he and Cameron made way for their mates to shower.

"Only 5 times total?" Matthew said, "you sure it wasn't more than that?"

"Remember we also did it on the bridge. Are you ok? We didn't hurt you did we?" Klanar said with concern.

"I'm fine, Ty, never better," Matthew said and kissed his mate.

"Well, we're finished with our shower," Cameron said, noticing Klanar and Matthew getting too amorous, "We have to get to the bridge soon and you guys have another Orientation Class."

"Oh fuck," Adam said, "can't we postpone that shit?" Adam said.

"No!" Cameron and Klanar said at the same time and looked at each other and laughed.

Adam and Matthew stared at their lover's with a stunned expression because of the way they replied, but saw them laughing and they decided to join in the laugher.

"You guys want breakfast?" Cameron asked as he got out of the shower.

"Yeah, fucking works on my appetite," Adam said then took Matthew in a headlock. Everyone laughed as Cameron and Klanar left the bathroom. Adam took Matthew in his arms and got serious.

"You ok, Matt, I mean about what we did last night, in front of our mates," Adam asked, "Things got kinda wild between you and me. Fuck I was all over you."

"Yeah, I guess I just feel a little guilty about it, but Cam and Ty don't seem to be worried about it, so maybe its ok. What do you think?"

"I was feeling like that too, but fuck man, it was too much fun last night to feel guilty. The way I figured it, Cam knows I love him and I'm sure Tyler knows how you feel, so I think things are ok. Besides you're a good fuck," Adam smiled and took Matthew in his arms again and kissed him hard on the lips.

"Damn, you sure are one hell of a kisser," Matthew said. Adam laughed loudly.

"Come on asshole, let's finish the shower and get some food before I fuck you one more time," Adam said as he began to soap up his body, then soaped up Matthew's body paying particular attention to his sore butt that still had signs of dried cum around it.

Adam felt content and thought little of his brother since he opened up to Matthew the night before. He had Cameron in his life who loved him more than his own life and now he had Matthew, a best friend he could get drunk with or just hang out and maybe, if they both felt like it, could have sex without their partners getting freaked. Yeah, he was sure now that the leap for that ramp was the right thing to do. He smiled as he finished up his shower.

Matthew felt good too. He knew he was the center of his lover's life and that their love for each other could transcend any obstacle. "Even getting fucked by my best friend; ha, I have a best friend. I had to come to outer space, but fuck, I got me a best friend," Matthew said to himself and continued to smile as he rinsed off the soap that covered his body.

"Shower Done," Adam said then he and Matthew began to dry themselves.

"Come on stud, let's join our mates for breakfast," Adam said then they both walked out of the bathroom and into the main room where Mickey was severing up their breakfast.

"You two look happy," Cameron said.

"After yesterday, how the hell couldn't we be," Matthew said as he and Adam sat down and looked at their breakfasts.

"What the fuck's this shit," Adam said as he moved some of the food around with his fork, "Where's my fuckin' bacon and eggs?"

"It's the Verigonian breakfast we talked about yesterday, remember?" Cameron reminded his partner.

"Oh yeah, shit," Adam said as he stared at the strange looking array of food in front of him.

"What's it taste like," Matthew said as he stuck his fork into one of the plant like objects on Adam's plate and put it in his mouth.

"Hmm this shit's good, tastes like chicken," Matthew joked then dug into the food on his dish. Adam speared one of the items on his plate, sniffed it, and then ate it.

Adam grunted, "I guess its ok, but it ain't bacon and eggs," then proceeded to devour what was left on his plate.

Klanar and Cameron looked at each other and smiled. They were both happy that their mates were adapting to the Verigonian food as well as the attitudes toward sex, but there still was a lot more for them to learn.

"We better get to our quarters to dress up," Klanar said to Matthew after they finished their breakfast.

"I like us like this, naked and horny," Matthew said with a laugh.

"Well, I have to get to the bridge and you have the Orientation Class that does require clothes," Klanar laughed, "so we better get back and get dressed."

"Damn!" Adam chuckled.

After their breakfast, Cameron and Klanar got into their uniforms and left for the bridge, while Adam and Matthew prepared for the second day of their Orientation.

"You ready?" Matthew said as he walked back into Adam's stateroom.

"Yeah, just about," Adam said as he tucked his shirt into his jeans, "After this Class I want to go to find that gym and work out. I'm getting fuckin' fat," he said and slapped his hard stomach.

"Yeah, right you're fuckin' fat," Matthew said facetiously, "but I'll join ya at that gym, 'chubby'."

"Fuck you," Adam laughed as they left the stateroom.

They were half way to the Carrier Lifts when they saw Gayton heading toward them.

"Hey Gayton, how's it goin'?" Adam said. Until he heard Adam's voice Gayton hadn't notice him or Matthew.

"Oh, hi Adam, hi Matt," Gayton said. His eyes were swollen and he definitely seemed depressed.

"Hi Gayton," Matthew said, "You ok?"

"Yeah, what's goin' on, you look like shit?" Adam said concerned by the way his partner's nephew looked.

"Can we talk after your Class," Gayton said. He didn't have his usual broad smile on his face.

"Yeah, sure...Fuck, I can cancel this thing. We could talk now," Adam said with concern.

"No, I appreciate it, but these classes are important, you have to go, this can wait until its over," Gayton said, unconvincingly, "I gotta go." Gayton concluded then quickly walked away.

"Fuck," Adam said to Matthew.

"What was that all about?" Matthew said.

"That fucker Ethan Thorne did something to him I bet. I'm going to pound some sense into that asshole when I see him at this class." Adam's temper began to flare as he picked up his pace heading to the Carrier Lift.

"Adam wait," Matthew said as he grabbed his friend's arm, but Adam was too pissed to listen to reason and pulled from Matthew's grip.

"Adam wait, you cant just go an' punch out Ethan like that," Matthew called out.

"Watch me," Adam said with contempt, not for his friend, but for the man that had hurt Gayton.

"Maybe that's not what Gayton wants," Matthew said reasoning with his new best friend. He knew Adam had a quick temper by the last Orientation Class, but this was different. He was ready to punch the hell out of Ethan Thorne without really knowing why.

Adam stopped, realizing maybe Matthew was right.

"Ok, I'll wait until I talk with Gayton, then I'll beat the shit out of the asshole." For some reason Adam felt very protective of Gayton and he didn't know why.

They stepped out of the Carrier Lift and all the mates were again waiting outside the conference room for Adam to arrive, but Adam didn't care who was waiting for him. All he wanted to do was find Ethan and let him know he was in trouble. He scanned the mates, but Ethan was not among them.

"Come on Adam, let's get inside," Matthew said then took Adam's arm and led him into the meeting room. Everyone else followed him.

Everything was the same as the day before, with the exception of a Food Replicator that was programmed for coffee. A Technoid was serving up the brew when Matthew went and got him and Adam a cup. He handed Adam his coffee and took a drink.

"You calmed down yet?" Matthew asked.

"Yeah," is all Adam said which didn't convince Matthew that he really was. Adam took a drink of his coffee as his eyes continued to scan the room for Gayton's antagonist.

"Hi Adam, Hi Matt," Carl, the mate to the Chief Engineer said to the duo, "pretty crazy what went on yesterday huh?" A crowd began to gather around them.

"Yeah," Matthew said with a smile. Adam just grunted. He still was looking for Ethan Thorne.

"I don't know what it was like on the bridge, but fuck, down in Engineering it got really wild," Carl added.

"You can say that again," another mate called out and everyone laughed.

"I was fucked and sucked and I had cocks going in and out of my mouth and my ass, and they all seemed to cum at one time," Carl bragged, "pretty wild huh?" Everyone around them laughed and began to tell their tales.

"Yeah, it got crazy on the bridge, too," Matthew started to say, wanting to give his account of what happened on the bridge, when Bailon came into the room.

"Ok mates, would everyone take your seats, well those of you who are able to sit," Bailon said trying to make a joke. Everyone gave a chuckle; some even rubbed their butts.

"I trust everyone had a good time during the Raj'Dah?" Everyone in the room gave out a loud laugh and agreed it was fun.

"Yeah, all but that fucker, Ethan Thorne," Adam mutter under his breath. Matthew was the only one who heard. He grabbed Adam's hand and squeezed it.

"Ok today, is a very important meeting, we have a lot to cover. We will learn just how the Saris helps us to conceive children...Hmm, I see we are missing someone. Does anyone know where, ah...Ethan Thorn is?" Bailon asked reading the lighted nameplate at the empty seat.

Everyone rumbled wondering where Gayton Legen's mate was.

"The fucker is probably hiding out," Adam yelled out. He couldn't hold it in.

"What do you mean?" Bailon asked.

All the mates began to mutter to one another. The word got around fast that Ethan did not participate in the festivities.

Adam looked at Matthew who shook his head from side to side.

"No Adam, for Gayton," Matthew whispered. Adam was about to protest, but realized Matthew was right, again.

"Nothin' just tell us how babies are born on Verigon," Adam said as calmly as he could.

"Yes...well," Bailon said, then turned to his electronic note pad to begin the second day of orientation. He broke a beam of light on the podium and said, "Gentlemen this is how we propagate our race." As he began to talk, an animated holographic image appeared showing a Three Dimensional enactment of the Verigonian reproductive system.

Everyone in the room rumbled as Bailon began, "As you can see in the hologram, his seed is planted in the rectum of his mate during anal intercourse. The Saris then takes the warm sperm in her Biotic Displacement Driver tube..."

Matthew leaned into Adam and whispered, "That's the green tube that comes out of Ty's dick."

"Yeah, Cam, has one too," Adam said.

"...then she..." Bailon continued but was interrupted once again but not by Adam this time.

"Wait, wait! You said 'her whatever tube'. Are you saying the Saris is female?" Daryl called out.

"Ah, yes, all the Saris are female. She takes one of her eggs that has been altered with the Verigonian's essence, I believe you call it your DNA, and places them both in a birth sack that is in the side of the birth father, in this case it would be the Verigonian." As he was saying this, the diagram was illustrating how it's done.

"So that green tube that come out of our mate's dickhead is not there just to tickle our ass," Adam called out.

"Correct. The Biotic Displacement Driver Tube, or Green Tube, as you call it, has more than one function in the body. You will learn more about that as we go on." No one said a word. Apparently everyone had witnessed and felt a demonstration of the Green Tube.

"After about 10 Earth days," Bailon continued, "the egg should be fertilized by the sperm. Then the Saris will push out the sack thought a slit in..."

"Hold it, you mean that Saris thing will cut open our mates?" This time it was Adam who interrupted and everyone in the room began to rumble again.

"Oh, no, no, no," Bailon said, "let me first finish my explanation of how..." Bailon started, but looked at Adam who had a strange look on his face and remembered how things got out of hand the day before, "ok, I'll jump right to it."

Adam's expression changed and he smiled.

"This procedure is done in something similar to your hospitals and I assure you there is nothing to worry about."

"Bailon, you're beating around the bush again. Get to the point," Adam said softly.

"So sorry Adam. The sack is placed in a Morphic Xenosterilizer, its sort of an incubator, where in less than nine months your child is ready to take home."

"You didn't answer my question, is that Saris thing going to cut our mates open? Cause if that fuckin' thing hurts Cameron in any way, I want no part of this."

"No the Saris does not intentionally hurt anyone. You must remember that, everyone."

"Then how does that baby sack get out of our mates body?" Carl shouted out.

"He shits it out his ass?" one of the other mates said and everyone burst out laughing, including Adam.

"Not quite," Bailon said with a smile, "You all have seen your mates without their shirts on, obviously, and I am sure you all have seen what looks like a scar on their side." There was a general grumbling in the room. Bailon looked at Adam and waited for him to say something, but Adam stayed quiet. He did know about the scar on Cameron side and often ran his fingers over it. Cameron had told him he fell out of a tree when he was a kid.

"How did you know about Tyler's scar? He told me he fell out of a tree when he was a kid," Matthew asked. Adam looked at his friend with a smile and everyone in the room began to chuckle. Adam figured the tree excuse was the standard answer for all the mates.

Instead of answering Adam's question, Bailon took off his shirt and revealed his muscular upper body, then turned to the side and pointed to show his "scar".

"No your mates did not fall out of a tree; what's more, it's not even a scar gentlemen. It's the opening for the birthing sack. One of the things the Saris does when altering our DNA is to include this opening in our sides. All Verigonians have it and your sons will have it too."

"So our kids are going to be able to have kids," Daryl said.

"Yes, when they are of age; that is how the planet will come alive again with hope for the future," Bailon said.

"Does that mean our kids are going to have one of those Saris things inside them?" Taylor, whose mate was Asti the Navigator, asked, "and you should teach this class with your shirt off all the time, you have a hot bod.

Everyone began to laugh; some even whistled the catcall.

"Ok, settle down," Bailon said with an embarrassed grin. He then put his shirt back on. "So to answer your question," Bailon continued, "Yes, when your children reach the proper age, a Saris will be planted into their chests." Bailon's face was still red as a beet.

"Bailon," Adam said trying to get things back on track because he saw how uncomfortable Bailon felt, "you mean every time we fuck our mates, we could have a kid? What about if we're doing one of those Ejku things, where everybody is fucking everybody," Adam asked, "cause if that's the case, there's going to be lots of kids running around Verigon." Everyone laughed again including Bailon, but he knew what Adam had done and smiled back at him.

"No, the decision is made between the mates and is transmitted to the Saris inside the birth father by thought waves. Then and only then, will a child be conceived."

There was quiet in the room again.

"What about us," Matthew asked, "will we have to have one of those Saris implanted in us too?" He wanted to confirm what everyone speculated about.

"Yes, to that too," Bailon said hoping this news would not cause an uproar among the mates. Instead of rumbling there was quiet.

"The Earthers," Bailon said after he realized no one was going to say anything especially Adam, "will not be able to carry the birthing sack, only Verigonians who are born with it can."

"Then why do we have to have one of those things inside us?" another mate asked.

"Yeah, Bailon, what's with that?" Adam added.

"There are other things the Saris will give you, most important of which is a much longer life."

"How long?" Matthew asked.

"A long time, Matthew. It varies per Verigonian and will be the same for you Earthers." Everyone was quiet. Bailon figured maybe they didn't want to know how long it would be.

"Give an average, Bailon, in Earth years so we can understand it," Adam said.

"Well, there is no actual data on this, but using the Verigonians as an example, and I don't see any reason to believe it won't be the same; you could live well, from 1000 to 2000 Earth years, maybe longer, much longer."

The room went silent.

"We could be immortal?" Matthew asked.

"To certain extent yes, since the Saris slows down the aging process and can repair any damage to the host's bodies, like breaks or fractures or deep wounds, and what with our own advance in medicine, you might say that, but again, it varies per Verigonian."

"So, if we don't get one of those Saris things in us, then we will age normally and our mates will continue to live on and on for another 1000 years or so?" Matthew asked.

"I'm afraid so, Matthew," Bailon said.

No one said anything else. All the mate's minds were reeling from this new revelation.

"Ok, let's move on," Bailon said but was interrupted.

"Bailon, I have an off the wall question," Adam said.

"Yes, Adam."

"Let's get back to this DNA thing. You said that the Saris gives up one of her eggs for this. Doesn't that mean that the kids will have some of the Saris' DNA?"

"Yes, Adam that is true," Bailon said. This did not set well with the mates.

"You mean, our kids could come out looking like a fuckin' bug?" Adam barked.

"No, no, what it does do is enable the host body to communicate with the Saris that is implanted when he reaches the age of consent. If you look in your manual you will see a list of other things the Saris does, including how she prolongs our life. Once you receive a Saris you will have the same benefits as us Verigonians. In the thousands of talrons since the Saris first came to Verigon, not one offspring looked like one of them."

"I don't know. This is all too much," Adam said and all the mates seemed to agree. Bailon walked through the center of the U shaped tables and came up to Adam.

"I know this is a lot to take in Adam," Bailon said in a soft tone, "but there is so much for you Earthers to learn. Listen," Bailon continued as he turned and faced the rest of the men, "none of us Verigonians on this ship wanted our mates to learn about this in such a condensed form, but the Commission insisted on secrecy. I know my mate Jason is confused and I suspect you all are, but please be patient with me, I mean us." Bailon blushed at his slip of the tongue, then looked at Jason like he was pleading for understanding. Jason smiled at his partner. They had been bickering about this very thing right before the meeting.

"Ok, let's get on with this," Bailon said as he wiped a tear from his eye, then proceeded to show the mates more pictures of the birthing process.

"How do you know any of this will work? I mean how do you know that our sperm will be compatible with you Verigonians and that Saris thing?" Daryl, mate of Dr. Zaz asked. Daryl was a Nurse Practitioner on Earth and had an extensive knowledge of medicine and how the body worked. "How do you know that any of this will work?"

Bailon was about to reply, but looked at the clock.

"Well, it's just about lunch period, gentleman and when you return I will explain everything to you." There was a big groan from the crowd.

"Can't we do it now?" Adam called out.

"Please Adam, let me do it this way, because this is very important and I do not want to disrupt it in the middle," Bailon pleaded.

Adam looked at Bailon and decided to let him do it his way. He liked Bailon for how he put up with all the mates interruptions, especially all the interruptions and questions he shot out to the handsome, sensitive teacher who never seemed to loose his temper.

"Ok, Bailon, we'll do it your way," Adam said.

"Thank you Adam," Bailon said then turned to the rest of the mates, "we will break for lunch then when we return I will tell you how we know why Earthers are compatible with Verigonians."

All the mates began to get out of their chairs wondering what was next. Adam and Matthew sat there looking at Bailon who had an odd look on his face. Jason, Bailon's mate, came up to him and put his arms around him.

"You did great Claude," Jason said to his partner, "and I'll do my best to be patient with you." Jason smiled then kissed his mate.

"Yeah, Bailon you did great," Adam said sincerely.

"Thank you, I just hope you all feel the same when we continue after lunch period."

"What do you mean?" Matthew asked.

"I've said too much again, please, let's wait until everyone is together." Bailon knew what he had to say would shock everyone, and that a certain question would be asked and the answer was going to hurt Adam and hurt him bad.

"Sure, Bailon," Matthew said, stopping Adam from protesting.

"Yeah, sure," Adam reluctantly agreed.

Jason put his arms around his mate and whispered in his ear, "I want you for lunch."

Bailon blushed then smiled. "Good," is all he said.

Adam and Matthew got up from their seats said goodbye to Bailon and Jason and left the conference room.

"Bailon has a hot body," Matthew said.

"Yeah," Adam agreed, but his mind was not on Bailon's body.

"There's so much I don't know about Cam," Adam said.

"I know what you mean, like that scar on their sides," Matthew agreed, "I wonder what else we will find out about our guys? Like, how old are they really?"

"No telling, but I have a feeling from Bailon's reaction they are a lot older than we think. We have so much more to learn about them," Adam said as they approached their staterooms.

"You wanta have a beer?" Matthew asked.

"Nah, I just need time to think," Adam said.

"Ok, see you in a couple hours," Matthew said and they went toward their respective apartments.

Adam walked into his stateroom and there sitting on the big white sofa was Cameron...and Gayton.

"Hey, everything ok?" Adam asked, but by the expression on Cameron's face things were not.

"Well, things could be better," Cameron said not sure just how much Gayton wanted Adam to know about what happened.

Gayton didn't look at Adam, he just stood up and went to the large window and stared out.

"Gayton, you ok?" Adam asked then approached the younger man, grabbed his arm and turned him around.

"Fuck!" Adam cried out looking at the bruise on Gayton's face, "did that fucker do that to you?!" Adam said angrily.

"He's not the man I knew, Adam. He's changed. He was never violent, that's why he was able to hit me. I just wasn't expecting it."

Adam took him in his arms as Gayton held him tight.

"Why couldn't he be more like you?" Gayton said.

Adam's blood began to boil.

"Fuck this," Adam said with rage in his eyes and headed for the door.

"Adam NO!" Cameron called out and grabbed his mate's arm; he had seen that look on Adam's face before, and it always led to something bad.

Adam tried to pull away, but Cameron's grip was to tight.

"Take your fuckin' hands off me," Adam said to Cameron.

"No, Adam," Cameron said again, but this time softly.

"Adam, please, I'm ok, honest. It looks worse than it is. It just took me by surprise," Gayton said. Then they heard a tone that signaled there was someone at the door.

"Mickey get the door," Cameron said while still staring at his mate.

"Very well, captain," Mickey said.

Mickey went and opened the door and there stood Ethan Thorne.

"You fucker!" Adam shouted, then without thinking, he lurched toward Ethan, but was intercepted by Cameron who grabbed him in his arms again.

"Adam, baby, calm down!" he whispered firmly. Adam looked at him with fire in his eyes, but quickly relaxed. Cameron had that kind of affect on him.

"Zack, I'm sorry, please, I just lost my temper. It won't happen again, I swear," Ethan pleaded then went toward Gayton, but Cameron stopped him.

"Ethan, you will have to leave," Cameron said calmly, "I have decided to separate you and Gayton. I'll set you up in a room by yourself. As the captain of the ship I will not allow this kind of behavior to continue... from anyone." Cameron looked at his own mate.

"Please Zack," Ethan said hoping Gayton could talk the captain into changing his mind.

"Gayton has nothing to say about this Ethan. It's either a room by yourself or the brig."

"Havic, no, please," Gayton said, "let me talk with him."

Cameron agreed and signaled for Gayton and Ethan to go into the bedroom to talk.

"You stay out of my way fucker," Adam said pointing menacingly at Ethan, who was stunned by Adam's threat, but turned his head and followed Gayton into the bedroom.

"He hurts one hair on his head, again, so help me I'll..." Adam said menacingly.

"Adam you need to calm down," Cameron interrupted while grabbing Adam's arm.

"Damn, Gayton's a good kid and he doesn't deserve that kind of bullshit. You're not going to let him stay in the same stateroom as Gayton are you?" Adam asked.

"No, don't worry I won't. Remember Gayton's my nephew and I love him very much. I don't want anything to happen to him. And I don't want you hitting anyone either. You need to stay out of this," Cameron insisted.

"I don't know if I can, Cam," Adam said sincerely.

Cameron looked at his lover. In a way he felt good that Adam would defend Gayton, but at the same time he was captain of the ship and had to demand order, even from his mate.

"Havic," Gayton said as he and Ethan came out of the bedroom, interrupting Cameron and Adam's talk, "Ethan agreed to move into separate quarters for the time being."

"Yes, I have a lot to process in my mind and I had best do it alone," Ethan added just to appease Cameron, but had no intention of being alone for long.

"Glad to hear that Ethan," Cameron said and took his nephew in his arms and kissed him on the lips, then rested his forehead on Gayton's in the traditional Verigonian way.

"You going to be ok?" Cameron asked his nephew.

"Yes, I think so," Gayton answered and instinctively hugged his uncle tighter then kissed him.

Adam looked at Ethan whose face turned red as he watched Cameron comfort his nephew.

"You have a problem with that fucker?!" Adam shouted to Ethan, seeing the disapproving look on his face.

"No," Ethan lied. The sight of his partner kissing his uncle disgusted him and he didn't know how he was going to change. He figured the only way was to talk Gayton into thinking the way he does. He had to do something to convince Gayton, no matter how drastic it was.

"Computer," Cameron called out, not believing Ethan for one minute.

"Yes, Captain Legen," the computer answered.

"Send TS638 to my quarters," Cameron said.

"Very well, Captain. Your Security Technoid is on its way."

"Havic is this necessary?" Gayton asked.

"Yes, its procedure," Cameron said while staring at Ethan.

"I don't need a security escort," Ethan said defiantly.

"Don't push me, Ethan. You're running on thin ice with me right now. You will do what I say, when I say. Is that understood?" Cameron said firmly but calmly. Adam always marveled how in control his partner was. If it were he, Adam would have punched Ethan to a bloody pulp by now.

It was then the door to the stateroom opened and there stood the Security Technoid.

"TS638 reporting as ordered, Captain Legen," the Technoid said, but in a more monotone electronic voice that sounded deeper and more menacing than the household Technoids. The android was pretty much the same design as Mickey, but was taller and larger and had a more threatening look to it, mainly because it carried a weapon in his arms among other things. TS638 was Cameron's personal Security Technoid. Wherever the captain went, this particular Security Technoid was at his beck and call.

"TS638, please escort Ethan Thorne to cabin 1275," Cameron said.

"Yes, Captain," the TS638 unit answered.

"Havic, that's on the other end of the ship, 13 decks below," Gayton protested.

"I know," Cameron said, while staring at Ethan Thorne.

"You can't keep us apart," Ethan said in defiance.

"Ethan, please," Gayton said trying to calm his mate down. He knew his uncle and he did have his limits.

"I'm not trying to keep you two apart. I am just trying to make you think before you do anything like hit Gayton again or any other of my crew or their mates. Do you understand?" Cameron said. Adam noticed that Cameron was loosing patience with this situation.

"Gayton is mine and that won't change anything," Ethan said angrily.

"Look it fucker, you don't talk to the captain that way, asshole!" Adam shouted.

"Adam, I don't need you to comment on this. The situation is bad enough," Cameron said with an edge to his voice.

Adam was about to snap at his partner, but he noticed the look on his face and stopped his rant.

Cameron stared at Adam, then turned, "TS638 carry out your orders."

"Yes Captain," the unit replied in his gravelly electronic voice. He turned toward Ethan who resisted at first.

"Come this way Ethan Thorne," the TS638 unit said.

"You'll all regret this," Ethan said and stared at Gayton.

"Ethan please go with it," Gayton said, "It has his orders and has to carry them out no matter what."

Ethan looked at his mate with sad eyes, then at the TS638 unit, and decided to do what he was told. He turned and headed toward the door with the Security Technoid just a step behind.

Gayton watched as Ethan left the stateroom. His heart told him he should follow, but he knew Ethan had to be alone with his thoughts.

"Havic what do I do?" Gayton asked his uncle.

"You let Ethan make up his mind," Cameron replied.

"What the fuck choice does he have?" Adam added, "He either gets with the program or he's gonna be one lonely mother fucker. Its not like he can say well I don't like this Verigon place, so I'll go back to Earth. He has no choice. This is it. This is what life is from now on!"

Cameron smiled at his partner. He was proud of his mate and how much he understood what his life was to become. He knew the reason he understood too. Adam's love for him was strong, stronger than even he realized. "Maybe Ethan didn't love Gayton as much as he should," Cameron said to himself.

Gayton looked at Adam then at his uncle. He knew Adam was right, but how does he convince Ethan or could he? Could he himself change to the way Ethan wanted him to? He doubted he could, but then how could he expect Ethan to change? All these question ran though the young crewman's mind.

"Gayton, you ok?" Cameron said to his nephew seeing the far away look in his eyes, then put his arm around him.

"Yeah," Gayton said unconvincingly, "I think I need to be alone for a while." Gayton hugged Cameron and held him tight. Adam went up to them and Gayton took him into his arms.

"Thanks Adam for caring like you do," Gayton said.

"Hey, we're family now and where I'm from, family sticks together," Adam said.

"I am happy that Havic has you as his mate and yes, I am glad we are family."

Cameron came up to both of them and put his arms around them.

"I should go," Gayton said, "you guys are giving me a hard on."

Cameron smiled then looked into his nephew's eyes. He drew his lips closer and kissed Gayton hard and pushed his tongue into his mouth. Gayton pushed away only to have Adam kiss his lips.

"Come into the bedroom, Gayton," Cameron whispered.

"Yeah, Gayton, come on. Cam and I will make you relax,"

"I don't know if this is a good idea," Gayton said. He wasn't sure he was in the mood for sex, but he looked at his uncle and smiled. Cameron always had a way with Gayton, ever since they first had sex. "But then, Adam is here too and you and I always, well you know," Gayton rambled.

"Shhh," Cameron said then put his fingers across Gayton's lips, "just relax." Cameron leaned in and kissed his nephew as Adam approached the couple and put his arms around both of them.

They let go of each other, then Adam and Cameron each took Gayton's hand and pulled him into the bedroom. Gayton finally smiled and gave in to his uncle and his uncle's mate's advances.

Adam stood in front of Gayton, smiled, then took Gayton's uniform shirt off him. Cameron, stood behind him and wrapped his arms around him, kissed his neck, as his hands slowly moved up and down his chest and abs. Gayton began to breath heavy.

Adam knelt down in front of Gayton, then unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pant exposing his hard dick. He took hold of it, then looked up at his young friend and smiled. Gayton looked down at him, as his breathing became more rapid and Cameron's hands took both nipples between his fingers and pinched them.

Gayton let out an audible moan as Adam swallowed his hard dick as far as he could and began his in and out motion.

"Oh Fuck, you guys," Gayton said as he body began to shake. Fearing Gayton would reach his orgasm too soon, Adam dropped Gayton's dick and stood up.

"Time we get naked too, Cam," Adam said to his mate. His own stiff member was pushing hard at his jeans trying desperately to be released.

"Yeah," Cameron agreed, then let go of his nephew. "Lay on your back on the bed," Cameron said to Gayton, "You just relax, Adam and we will do all the work." Adam looked at his mate and smiled. Gayton pulled himself up toward the headboard and propped his head on some pillows so he could watch the show. The thought of Ethan and the problems they were having, left his mind for a short time.

"Yeah, just keep that dick hard," Adam said to the youngest of the three.

Adam and Cameron began to slowly strip in front of Gayton, while he began to masturbate.

They took their shirts off, unbuckled their pants and let them fall to the floor and stood at the foot of the bed. All three stared at each other totally in awe of each other's bodies and pulsing erections.

"Fuck you guys are beautiful," Gayton said.

Adam was the first to make a move. He got on the bed, crawled to Gayton, and laid down in between Gayton's legs and swallowed his throbbing monster.

Gayton let out a gasp as his breathing became more rapid. Adam continued his up and down motion, then came up for air.

"Let me in there Adam, I want to taste that," Cameron said and Adam moved over and let his mate take over.

Cameron smiled at his nephew, then swallowed all 12 inches. Adam moved up and kissed Gayton's lips and smiled at him as he straddled his chest. He took his hard dick and slapped Gayton's cheek with it, avoiding the right cheek with the bruise that Ethan inflicted on him.

"Open up," Adam said and Gayton grinned and opened his mouth wide. Adam slid his dick in and Gayton moved his head up and down on it, but Adam stopped him.

"Gayton, don't do anything. Just relax and tighten your lips around my cock. I'll do the work," Adam said softly. Gayton did as he was told and Adam moved his hips so his dick would fuck Gayton's face.

"Oh fuck," Adam said, "you do that good."

While Adam was doing this Cameron was still sucking on Gayton's member. Cameron reached up and ran his hand over Adam's strong back, then slowly moved it down to his rosebud. He let Gayton dick drop from his mouth, took his finger and wet it with his saliva, the coated it with some of Gayton's precum then reached to Adam's rosebud again and gently inserted it into his willing hole. Adam gasped at the sensation, while he continued his movements on Gayton's face.

Cameron knelt up in between Gayton legs and kissed Adam's neck.

"Lube," Cameron said softly, then Mickey, who was in attendance, grabbed the bottle and handed it to his master.

Cameron took the lube and poured a big glob on Gayton cock and watched as it slid down the side. He took his hand and spread the goo so it would coat his shaft evenly.

"What ya doin' back there?" Adam asked hearing Cameron's movements behind him.

"Getting Gayton ready for you to slide on this dick," Cameron said then wrapped his arms around this mate and kissed him.

"Fuck yeah," Adam panted then pulled his dick out of Gayton's mouth. Gayton gasped for air.

"Oh fuck, Adam, you taste good," Gayton puffed.

"You ain't seen nothin' yet, kid," Adam said then repositioned himself over Gayton manhood where Cameron helped him line up his big dick with this hole.

"Now sit," Cameron said softly. Adam did as Cameron asked, jumped when Gayton's dick touched his rosebud, then put pressure and it popped in. Adam felt the usual pain that quickly went away and continued downward until his ass ate up all of Gayton's 12 inch member.

"Oh fuck, Adam," Gayton said and started to move his hips.

"Relax Gayton, I'll do all the work," Adam said huffed, then began moving up and down.

"Fuck, your dick feels amazing," Adam said as he moved up and down gradually picking up speed, "oh fuck," Adam called out again as his hard dick bobbed up and down with the rhythm of his movement. He panted more and more as Gayton's rock hard monster cock massaged his prostate.

"Oh god," Gayton said, as he was getting closer to his orgasm. He reached up and ran his hands over Adam's sweaty chest and abs.

"Stop, Adam, I don't want him to cum yet," Cameron said and Adam slowly stood up and let Gayton's dick fall from his ass. "It's my turn now," Cameron added.

Adam moved away from Gayton while Cameron straddled his nephew.

"You sure you want to do this?" Adam said, knowing his mate usually topped.

"Yeah," is all Cameron said.

"You ready uncle," Gayton said. He loved his uncle and always enjoyed pleasing him.

"Sure am, nephew," Cameron said as Adam helped him line up is anus with Gayton's dick.

"Havic, I will probably cum very quick," Gayton said as Cameron's ass slid all the way down Gayton's pole.

"Oh fuck," Cameron said. He was not used to being a bottom so it took him longer to get used to Gayton extra large manhood.

"You doin' ok, big guy?" Adam asked, concerned for his mate.

"Oh yeah," Cameron said as the pain faded and the pleasure began to build up.

Cameron began to move his hips up and down, slowly at first so he could get used to it, then gradually sped up.

Gayton looked at Cameron and saw he was not comfortable with such a big member inside him.

"Havic why are you doing this. I know you don't like to bottom," Gayton panted as he got closer to his orgasm. He loved the fact that he fucked Adam, but being inside his uncle was always something special, but knew he was not comfortable in that position.

"Shhh," Cameron said and he continued to move up and down. He was in pain but he was strangely turned on and was close to loosing his load. "I'm doing it because I love you."

"I love you too, Havic," Gayton said while trying to hold back his orgasm.

Adam came up behind Cameron and he knew he was close to cumming. He got between Gayton's legs and wrapped his arms around Cameron and began to rub his chest.

The feeling of his mate touching his body increased his desire to shoot his load. But when Adam's hand slid down and grabbed Cameron huge member, it was more than he could control.

"OH fuck!" Cameron muttered as he began to shoot all over Gayton face and chest and stomach. His thick white creamy spunk just kept pouring out.

Gayton feeling Cameron's warm cum hit his body couldn't hold out.

"Uncle I'm cumming," Gayton said and let loose his own orgasm, cooling down Cameron's sore hole. By this time Gayton was moving his hips into Cameron as hard as he could and the spunk poured out of Cameron butt, down Gayton's shaft and onto the bed. "Oh fuck Havic," Gayton said as his body shook as more of his jizz poured into Cameron's hole.

Adam kept his hand on his mate's weapon until he knew his was spent. Cum slid out of Cameron's pee slit and dribbled onto Adam's hand. He then brought his hand to his mouth and licked some of the jizz, then gave some to Cameron to lick and reached down to Gayton to finish off cleaning his hand.

Adam stood up on the bed. His dick was pulsing it was so hard.

"My turn and I'm gonna cum on both of ya," Adam panted as he grabbed his cock and began to beat it hard and fast. He didn't have to wait too when he began to shoot.

"Fuck," Adam shouted and his first blast hit Cameron in the face. The second shot went into Cameron waiting mouth. He smiled as he swallowed his mate's juices.

The rest of his spunk he held for Gayton. Adam then knelt down next to Gayton head who then took hold of Adam's cock pulled him toward him then swallowed his dick making sure he got every drop. More cum shot from Adam's hard member and slid down Gayton's throat. When he knew Adam was spent, he pulled his dick from his mouth, then licked off any cum that was on Adam's still very rigid shaft.

Gayton, satisfied that he had all of Adam's cum, let his cock loose.

"Fuck," Adam said breathlessly. Cameron looked at the two men he loved so much and smiled. Adam then kissed his mate on the lips and licked some of his spunk that was all over Cameron's face. He turned to Gayton and kissed him and licked some of the spunk from his body. He then sat down on the bed all sweaty and exhausted.

Gayton looked at Cameron and smiled.

"You know you could take my dick from your ass," Gayton said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I know, but I like it like this for now," Cameron said, but Gayton's dick started to soften and slipped from Cameron cum filled ass. Cameron moved a bit and Gayton's dick came completely out of Cameron. He felt relieved, yet disappointed at the same time.

"You ok big guy," Adam asked as Cameron laid on the bed on his back. Adam laid on top of him then kissed him. They moved then to Gayton and both men kissed their young friend at the same time, then they laid on the backs. Nothing was said for a long time.

"I think we better shower before all this cum dries on our bodies," Cameron said as his brain went back into Captain Mode.

"Yeah, I think you're right," Adam said then sat up and kissed Gayton then Cameron.

Adam and Cameron stood up, but Gayton just laid there.

"Come on," Cameron and Adam said at the same time and each grabbed Gayton's hands and began to pull him off the bed. They knew that Gayton was thinking of Ethan and they didn't want him to go into a depression.

"Ok, ok," Gayton said trying hard to not think of his mate.

They walked into the bathroom then into the shower where they all hugged each other and kissed and became aroused again.

"I want to fuck you, Adam," Gayton said out of the blue. They looked at each other and smiled then Adam turned around and spread his legs.

"Go for it," Adam said.

And Gayton did, as well as Cameron; who both gave up another load inside Adam. They were all satisfied and declared their love for each other. They kissed for a long while then finished their shower.

Exhausted and tired they decided instead of lunch they would take a short nap. They crawled into bed and laid down.

Gayton lay on his back with his uncle and Adam on each side of him. Adam lay on his side with his arm around Gayton's chest. Cameron was in the same position on the other side of his nephew with his arm across his stomach.

Gayton felt loved, but why couldn't he get that same kind of love from his mate. He felt Ethan should be there with them, but he knew that would never happen.

"Damn," Gayton said under his breath. Both Cameron and Adam heard him and held him tighter.

Jack lay curled up in the basement storeroom of his apartment building. All was quiet for a long while and he figured it was ok to emerge from his hiding place to see what the world was like outside. There were bombings that had gone on for what seemed like forever to Jack. Some were in a distance and some seemed like they were right outside the door. Several bombs sounded more like thunder in a distance. One bomb went off and shook the very foundation of the building his was in. He thought that would be the end of him.

He didn't know how long he was in his cocoon. It could have been hours, it could have been days, or weeks for all he knew. The electricity had gone out long ago and he didn't want to waste the batteries in his camping lamp, so he stayed in the dim atmosphere of his makeshift bomb shelter.

He stood up in the darkness and felt his way to the door. He pushed on it but something was blocking it. He pushed harder and it began to give way.

"Fuck," he muttered as he gave it one last push and the door swung open to the dark, dank parking garage. Dirt and debris were everywhere. He climbed over beams of wood and chunks of brick and mortar that had fallen from the outside walls blocking access to the stairs.

He saw a glimmer of light coming from an opening in the pile of bricks that led to the street. He began to dig his way through the rubble. In a manner of minutes he was outside where the bright sunlight blinded him for a few seconds.

When his eyes adjusted to the light, his jaw dropped when he saw the destruction and devastation all around him. Familiar buildings and houses that were once part of his every day life were now either in crumbled ruins or gone completely. He looked down the block and it was the same thing everywhere. He couldn't recognize his own neighborhood. He turned to look at his apartment building.

"Holy shit," he said out loud. His heart sank and began to beat faster and faster. Half of the building was gone, the half that had his apartment...and the body of Billy, his young twink.

"I'm sorry I let you down Billy. I couldn't even bury you," Jack said then sat down among the debris and tears streamed down his face.

"Why didn't you take me with you Adam," Jack said. He sat there for a long time, then crawled back into the basement of the building and into the storage area that kept him safe.

He turned on his battery powered camping lantern to check his food supply and found if he rationed he could still have something to eat for at least two weeks. Then he checked his meds.

"Fuck, I was supposed to get it refilled," Jack said in a daze. He counted his pills again, then again and again and each time it came out the same. He only had one week's supply of his HIV meds left. He remembered how sick he got the last time he couldn't get his meds on time. Adam was there to see him through it, but now he had to face it alone.

He sat down on the sleeping bag covered mattress. He wanted to cry, but for some reason he couldn't. He took a deep breath, then rested his back against the wall. He needed to take his mind off of all of this, but didn't know how. Then it dawned on him and a smile came to his face when he remembered something he had stored away in the storage room he was in. He fumbled around and found the box marked "Old Magazines". He opened it and took out a two year old issue of Unzipped Magazine. As he turned through the pages, he began to rub his crotch. He undid his jeans and pulled out his hard cock and began to masturbate while looking at the pages of the porn magazine.

Outside the building a group of six men in their late 20's roamed the rubble covered streets. One picked up a rock and threw it at the window of what was left of the building across the street from Jack's crumbling apartment.

"Good shot, fuckhead, you missed the fuckin' window," Butch, the leader of the gang of six said as he picked up a rock and threw it toward the same window.

"Fuck you, Butch," Harley said as he heard the rock that Butch threw shatter the window.

"Oh, nice one, Butch," Alex said, kissing up to the obvious leader. Alex had the unfortunate nickname of Dickwad. He picked up a rock and threw it toward the building, but missed the wall completely.

"Boy you really are a dickwad, you know that?" Butch laughed while his other cronies all picked up rocks and bombarded the building with one rock after another.

Harley, bored with the game, noticed that the building across from their target had a hole in the wall. Curious about what was in the hole, he walked over to it, stuck his head in and noticed the light coming from Jack's storage room. He quietly walked in and snuck up to where he could see through the door without being detected.

"Holy shit," Harley whispered as he watched Jack masturbate his big 9 inch dick; fascinated by the site of a dick as big as Jack's.

"What the fuck you doing?" Butch said as he and his buddies climbed through the hole in the wall and came up behind Harley.

By this time Jack had heard the commotion and quickly closed the magazine and put his softening dick back into his pants, but it was too late. They all saw what he was doing. He jumped up and confronted the gang of six.

"Get the fuck outta here!" Jack yelled defiantly with his belt still unbuckled and his shirt open while his hairy chest heaved as he breathed nervously. Butch walked up to Jack then pushed him up against the wall.

"We'll get outta here, when I say so, fuckhead," Butch said while staring Jack down. Jack looked at the group of men and knew he was out numbered, so an attack on them was not a wise thing to do. He held his breath, and clinched his fists, waiting to see what these guys were going to do.

"Look at this," Dickwad said as he picked up Jack's magazine, "he's a fuckin faggot."

"Gimme that!" Jack shouted and pushed Butch aside and reached for the magazine, but Butch pushed Jack back against the wall and grabbed the magazine himself.

"Let's see what you got here faggot," Butch said as he grabbed the magazine. Jack went to reach for it again, but four of the other thugs pushed him against the wall and held him there. Jack was strong, but no match for 4 crazy street punks.

"You sick mother fucker," Butch said while looking at the pictures of the naked and hard porn stars in the magazine. Unknown to his buddies, Butch's latent tendencies were causing his own erection to grow.

"What ya gonna do Butch," Dickwad said while staring at Jack.

"Millie didn't put out last night, so I think I'm gonna fuck me a faggot," Butch said while unbuckling his belt.

"You fuckers," Jack yelled and squirmed and tried to free himself from the muggers holding him.

"Millie's dead, Butch. She died two days ago in that last bomb attack," Georgie Boy said as he held onto Jack who was still squirming to get loose from his would be attackers.

"I know," Butch said, his mind had drifted away, but he came back quickly. "We'll all fuck him," Butch added.

"I ain't fuckin no guy," Gordo said as he watched Butch rub his crotch.

"You'll fuck who I say you'll fuck," Butch said still staring at Jack.

"You fuckers," Jack said again, then started to kick at his attackers.

"Hold him down and take his pants off!" Butch yelled.

"You don't know what you're doing," Jack cried out struggling to keep his pants on.

"Shut the fuck up," Butch said as he undid his jeans and pulled them down to his knees. His hardened dick pointed straight out as he stood there and jacked it. His friends looked at their half naked leader with his big dick while he beat himself off and strangely found themselves getting aroused.

"You don't know what you're doing. I'm..." Jack started to say.

"Butch said to shut the fuck up," Dickwad yelled as he slapped Jack across the face. Blood dripped from the cut on his cheek caused by the ring on Dickwad's finger.

"But..." Jack tried again to tell them that he was HIV positive, but he got a slap across the face again.

"Stuff a rag or something in his mouth," Butch said, as his friends held Jack down, lifted his legs and spread them wide apart.

Jack looked Butch in the eyes and said to himself, "Fuck you guys, get HIV."

Jack stared at Butch as he got closer. Jack sneered when he felt his attacker's hard dick touch his rosebud. Butch chuckled then without warning or expression, he rammed his hard cock in Jack's hole. Jack winced in pain, but didn't give him the satisfaction of yelling out.

"You like that faggot boy?" Butch teased as he rammed his dick into Jack again. Jack didn't reply he just gritted his teeth continued to stare defiantly into the eyes of his rapist.

One by one, the six men raped Jack, who after the second man, didn't feel anything. His whole body went limp. He didn't care what they were doing to him. He didn't care that he was most likely transmitting the HIV virus to his rapists. He didn't care if he lived or died.

A couple hours later, Jack was lying on his mattress alone. His butt hurt bad and there was some blood coming from his rectum. His thoughts were of his rapist and he became angry and jittery. He stood up and he felt dizzy. Blood was also dripping from his nose and from several cuts and bruises on his face and body where they beat him repeatedly after he bit one of his attacker's dicks when he tried to make him suck it.

He took his torn shirt and cleaned the semen and blood from his body. He then dressed up and started to pack up his belongings. He had to get out of there because his attackers promised to come back again for more "hot fun with your ass" as Butch put it.

He went through his camping gear and put everything he could in the backpack he used for hiking, including some clothes, several bottles of water, some food, his meds, and a pup tent. He stopped and thought for a second then rummaged around and found the box he was looking for. He opened it and took out the handgun that was in it along with two boxes of bullets and put them in his backpack.

"Wish I would've remembered this sooner," Jack said out loud of the gun, "I woulda killed everyone of those bastards. Now if I see them again, I'll blow their fuckin' heads off."

He looked around the small room he was in to make sure he had everything he needed. He reached into the box marked Old Magazines and took out two more issues of Unzipped, just incase he needed a diversion.

"This is everything I have in the world now," Jack said looking at his backpack.

He looked around the room one more time, took a deep breath, then left the building he felt safe in for the uncertainty of the world at war outside. Now it was a matter of survival.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 4

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