The Saris

By John Josept

Published on Sep 26, 2009


************************************** Disclaimer The following Science Fiction story deals with explicit gay sex between men. If this type of material offends you, or you are under the age allowed by the state or region you reside in or you live in an area where this type of material is not legal, you must please leave and not go any further. ************************************** I dedicate this and everything I do to my partner, who goes through hell just to be with me. ************************************** Legal Stuff: The author, John Josept, reserves all copyright privileges. This work may not be reproduced, except for personal use and may not be linked to any other site or webpage, without the written permission of the author. **************************************

The Saris Part I: Armageddon By John Josept Chapter Two

The Saris gently woke Cameron at the end of his sleep period. He reached over to spoon his partner, but Adam was not lying there next to him. He sat up in the darkened room and saw him standing at the observation window, backlit by the endless light of stars as they passed the giant ship illuminating his naked body.

"Hey," Cameron said, then yawned.

"Ah, your awake," Adam said, but still couldn't take his eyes away from the site out the observation window. Stars, as far as the eye could see, some were so close together it looked like a twisting, winding road of light paved through the darkness. He leaned forward into the curve of the window and looked up, then looked down. His eyes opened wide, his heart raced, and he held his breath. He felt as if he was freefalling in space.

"Fuck, I'm Superman," he gasped in wonder.

Cameron got up and walked up behind his lover and put his arms around him and kissed his neck. His hardening dick rested in the crack of Adam's butt.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Cameron said.

"I still can't believe I am in outer space, Cam."

"Well, you are baby," Cameron said softly as he kissed his lover's neck, again, but this time he began to run his tongue around in circles in the spot that he kissed. While doing that he ran his hands up and down Adams hairy chest then took a nipple in each hand and gently squeezed. This caused Adam to moan and lay the back of his head onto Cameron's shoulder, all the while his dick grew to its full erect length.

"Oh god, you know how to make me feel good. Fuck me standing right here, Cam," Adam said turned on by his lover and the marvels of space.

Cameron smiled and without a word reached over and grabbed the lube from the night table. Adam could hear Cameron lubing up his dick but kept his eyes in outer space.

"Lean into the curve of the window and support yourself with your hands," Cameron whispered then kissed his mate's neck again.

Adam did as he was told, but this time, with just his head and hands in the curve. His eyes looked up and then down and all he saw where the stars.

"I am Superman," he said, but this time out loud. Then he felt Cameron's dick poke at his rosebud and he spread his legs.

"Oh yeah," Adam said as Cameron entered his hole, "Oh fuck," he gasped and closed his eyes as his lover's hard veiny cock slowly moved all the way inside him until he couldn't go in any further. Once he felt Cameron balls resting in his ass crack, he opened his eyes and took a deep breath. He felt lightweight like there was no gravity holding him down. Then Cameron began to move in and out of his ass.

"Fuck Cam," Adam said because of the sight in front of him and the sensation in back of him. Cameron continued to move slowly in and out. He leaned his chest against Adam's back while still slow fucking his mate.

"Pretty cool, huh babe," Cameron whispered in Adam's ear as he "flew" along with his mate while rubbing his hands on Adam's chest and abs.

"Fuck yeah," is all Adam could say. His mind and his body were totally immersed in what Cameron was doing to him. The feeling of his lover's body touching his, along with his dick in his ass, added to the intense feeling of flying in space. Cameron's hand moved down to Adam's manhood.

"Damn baby, your cock is rock hard," Cameron whispered breathlessly as he began to beat his lover off while he picked up speed on his ass. Cameron got lost in the feeling of his huge cock inside the ass of the man he loved and the feel of this same wonderful man's hard as steel dick in his hand. He moved his hips harder and his hand faster as he was getting close to his orgasm and wanted Adam to cum at the same time.

"Yeah," Adam said, still at a lose for words, but he too was approaching his time to cum.

Cameron picked up speed and began to moan out loud. Adam loved when they got to that point where they were both ready to cum, that point of no return.

Faster and faster Cameron hips pounded his lover's ass, turned on even more by his mate's moans of ecstasy.

"I'm going to cum," Cameron whispered and began to shoot inside Adam's hole. "Oh yeah," Cameron whispered as he gently bit his lover's ear and continued to fill him to overflowing.

"Oh Fuck!" Adam shouted as he felt the Saris work its magic inside his bowels. This caused him to begin to shoot on the floor. Adam pushed himself from the window with Cameron's cock still pumping inside him. Adam's powerful explosion continued to shoot his spunk, but this time all over the observation window. "Oh fuck, Cam!" Adam said as his orgasm subsided. The last of Cameron's jizz trickled out into his lover and they both relaxed and tried to catch their breath.

They stood at the window until they could breathe normal; all the while Cameron sucked and kissed Adam's neck.

"Unbelievable, big guy," Adam finally said as he began to come down from his "trip in space".

"Yes you are," Cameron said then kissed his lover's neck again. They both began to laugh and Cameron held him tighter while rubbing his hands all over Adam's chest and stomach.

"Shit, I made a mess on the window and on the floor," Adam said still slightly out of breath. Cameron's softening dick fell from Adam's ass and more cum dribbled down Adam's leg.

"Yeah you sure did. Step back," Cameron told Adam and they both took a couple steps back.

"Computer," Cameron called out. The computer acknowledged with a tone. "Analyze the semen on the deck and on the observation window, please, and clean up." Then another 2 tones came from the computer.

They both stepped away from the observation window when they heard a whizzing sound and a bright beam of light passed over the sperm and lifted it off the surface of the floor and the window. Then the beam of light flashed brighter and as it faded, the sperm turned into a thousand tiny sphere shaped objects and simply evaporated into the air.

"Wow, that's fuckin' cool," Adam said.

"Just part of your future," Cameron said as he pulled Adam down on the bed with him. Adam lay there holding his lover, not saying anything as his mind began to drift. He began to think of his future and what would it hold. His brother ran though his mind and the consequences of leaving him behind and his decision to leave Earth.

"You're shaking," Cameron said.

"Fuck," Adam whispered and pulled himself from his partner, not wanting him to know he was still a bit apprehensive about his decision, "this is just so unreal. Is this a fucking dream? If so, don't wake me."

"It's no dream baby," Cameron said with a smile and grabbed his lover in his arms again.

"I mean...Cam, you ain't gonna drop me off somewhere crazy and I'm gonna be alone without you or anything like that," Adam said seriously and ran his fingers through his lover's hair then kissed his lips.

"Is that what's going through that head of yours?" Cameron said then rolled on top of his partner, brought his lips to his and buried his tongues deep inside Adam's mouth.

"I know you're not used to things changing like it has and that it has you confused, but I love you Adam and I would never do anything like abandoning you. We are mates now and we Verigonians mate for life. You'll see, when we get home, our life will be good. It will be everything we ever wanted it to be, everything we talked about, everything we dreamed of." Adam looked at his lover and kissed his lip.

"I love you, Cam." They kissed again, but Adam's mind continued to wonder what was in store.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Cameron asked, changing the subject, sensing Adam needed a distraction.

"Hmmm, I don't know. Does a beam of light come out of the floor and serve us breakfast in bed?" Adam joked, snapping himself out of his thoughts.

"Well, not quite, come on," Cameron said as he got up again and grabbed Adam's hand and pulled him up.

"Computer, soft light, please." The lights glowed dimly around the stateroom's sleeping quarters. Then Cameron went into a drawer next to the bed and took out a towel then turned Adam around and wiped most of the cum from his legs.

"There that's better," Cameron said then kissed his lover's butt cheeks, "Come on let's eat." More cum began to dribble from Adam's hole, but he didn't care.

"Do we have to put clothes on?" Adam asked hoping they didn't.

"No," Cameron said. "We roam free around here." Cameron smiled and pulled his lover into him and kissed him again.

"Fuck yeah," Adam said with a smile as they walked into the sitting room.

"Ok, computer, bright lights in this room, please," then the soft tone of the computer rang out as the lights came on.

"This is simple to use, Adam, I just hope you can do it," Cameron joked as they stood in front of the a control panel on the wall

"Fuck you," Adam laughed and gently punched Cameron in the arm.

"Well you're not known for your computer knowledge," Cameron laughed, then leaned, and kissed his ruggedly handsome partner.

"True, I don't trust this kind of shit," Adam said with a smile.

"Hopefully that will change by the time we get to Verigon," Cameron said then put his arm around his mate's shoulders.

"Computer, I want you to listen to the next voice. This is my mate and he will have full access to anything he wants. Understood? Use voice commands in Earth language English, American dialect, please."

"Yes, Captain Legen," the soft toned voice of the computer said. Then Cameron turned to Adam.

"Say something, give the computer your name," Cameron said.

"Hey computer, My name's Adam Rossi, how's it going?" Adam said feeling ridiculous taking into mid air.

" 'How's it going' an Earth colloquialism meaning, "How does one feel and/or if there are any problems. As a non-entity computer I do not ..."

"Computer," Cameron interrupted, "no need for definitions or comments, just process Adam's voice, please."

"Yes Captain Legen. Adam Rossi's voice is processed."

"Thank you computer, now release the TH145 unit.

"Very well, Captain," the computer replied. Adam swore the computer sounded pissed off.

"He's a real wise ass," Adam said to Cameron.

"Yeah some of these machines develop their own personalities. I will have one of the Technoids look into it," Cameron said just as a panel in the bulkhead opened up.

"What the hell is that?" Adam exclaimed when he saw a metallic figure walk out of the wall.

"This is our personal household Technoid. I think it best we have the Technoid handle this type of thing," Cameron said, referring to the panel in front of them.

"What, you don't think I can handle this... whatever it is?" Adam said as he gestured toward the panel's array of lights, buttons, and knobs.

"Well to be honest...No. You hate things like this and the TH145 unit is fully programmed for it.

"Hm, well maybe your right," Adam said as he looked at the control panel again and scratched his head, "What the hell is this, anyway?" Adam finally asked.

"Its our Food Replicator. This is where our food aboard ship comes from," Cameron said.

"You mean we eat food made by a computer?"

"Yeah, that's about it, but it's pretty sophisticated. On Verigon we have fresh food though," Cameron laughed then turned to the robot, "TH145, this is my mate Adam Rossi. You are to treat him with the same respect you treat me and will do whatever he tells you, understood?"

"Understood, Captain Legen. Welcome Adam Rossi, and congratulations on being Captain Legen's mate. I am sure you both must be very happy," the Technoid said as it turned its head toward Adam.

"A real kiss ass, ain't ya?" Adam said to the metallic figure.

Cameron laughed, "Yeah, that he is, but he will grow on you."

"Kiss Ass? No Adam Rossi, I am TH145, the latest design in the Technoid household automatons. I am here to serve you. It is breakfast period, what would you like?" Adam was surprised on how human like his voice sounded.

Adam turned to Cameron, "This guy's amazing, but does he sing and dance?" Adam joked and he and Cameron laughed, but TH145 didn't. Technoids are not known for their sense of humor.

"Ok TH145, I will have two eggs sunny side up, four strips of bacon cooked very crisp, hash brown potatoes, crisp on the outside and soft on the inside, and sourdough toast, lightly buttered, and a cup of black coffee," Adam said smugly and winked at Cameron. He figured there was no way this machine from another planet would know what he's talking about, let alone know how to prepare something like that.

"Very good Adam Rossi. Would you like Verigonian coffee or Earth coffee?" the TH145 unit asked totally unfazed by Adam's request.

"Uhmmm, Earth coffee," Adam said with a smile.

"And you Captain, what would you like?" the Technoid asked.

"How does he know all this?" Adam said to Cameron.

"I'll have my usual All-Verigonian breakfast, TH145, and a cup of Verigonian black coffee," Cameron said, then turned his attention to Adam as the Technoid went to the control panel in the wall and began to press buttons, turn knobs and break light beams.

"Actually, the Food Replicators have been programmed for food that we ate on Earth as well as our Verigonian food. We want you Earthers to feel at home."

Cameron waved his hand in front of another panel and a table and four chairs materialized out of nowhere next to the window.

"Have a seat, Adam," Cameron said with a smile because of the astonished look on his partner's face.

"Shit, this place is more fun than Disneyland," Adam laughed as he cautiously sat in the chair across from this lover, thinking he would fall to the floor. He quickly relaxed knowing that not only was he secure and wouldn't fall, but the chair was warm to the touch for his naked butt cheeks and his big balls that lay on the chair between his out spread thighs.

"I am glad you like it, Adam. I hope you like everything you hear today at the Orientation. Lots of things will be explained." Cameron reached over and took Adam's hands in his.

"Like what?"

"Things like our history, our pastimes, our language and why we speak English or is it American, our manner of dressing, the Saris, and oh, how babies are born on our planet and a lot more too."

"Babies, huh? Just as long as I don't have to fuck a woman," Adam smiled.

"Well, no chance of that, since there are no real women on Verigon," Cameron said coyly.

Adam wasn't sure what he meant by the "real women" comment, but decided not to pursue it. "Maybe they have blowup dolls or something," Adam smiled in his thoughts and just said "OK," out loud as TH145 brought their breakfast to them on a shinny metallic tray that was floating in mid-air.

"Woe, that is fuckin' cool," Adam shouted as the Technoid took the dishes off the tray and put the food down in front of them. As TH145 was doing this, Adam took a good look at this mechanical wonder.

It was tall, about 6 ft 4 inches, and made up of a shinny metal-like material that Adam was not familiar with. Its legs and arms had no joints, yet they bent as it moved. Adam touched its arm and it was hard like metal, but warm to the touch. Its body was formed in the shape of a naked human male or more like a Verigonian, but had no genitals or buttocks. Its bald metallic head was in the shape of a man's, but it had no nose, just a mouth that seemed to form words when it "talked" and two "eyes" that moved around like a camera lens. TH145 turned its head and looked at Adam, who swore he was reading his mind.

"If you have any question on how I am made up, Adam Rossi, I would be glad to show you a schematic. We also have a digital hologram of our history. I would be glad to show it to you, if you like," TH145 said.

"Yeah, maybe later," Adam said. He didn't like this thing; it made him nervous and if something made his police detective brain nervous, it had to be watched.

"He'll grow on you Adam, I swear," Cameron said with a smile seeing the suspicious look on his mate's face.

The Technoid went back to the panel and brought back their two black coffees and set the two steaming cups down in front of them.

"Will there be anything else, Captain Legen?" TH145 asked.

"No, thank you, TH145."

"Anything else for you, Adam Rossi?" the Technoid said as his head turned to Adam.

"Nope, I'm fine," Adam said as he looked over his breakfast and wondered how it would taste.

"Well, go ahead and eat," Cameron said. He saw Adam's wary look as he stared at his food. Adam leaned over his dish and took a whiff.

"Smells like food," Adam said, then broke off a piece of the crisp bacon with his fingers, sniffed it, hesitated a second, then put it in his mouth and began to chew.

"Hmm, tastes like bacon," Adam said to his surprise, then eagerly tasted the rest of his breakfast. He hadn't eaten in a long time and hadn't realized just how hungry he was. Cameron looked at his lover and smiled as he watched him eat, then took a sip of his coffee.

"Hmm, this is soo good. I haven't tasted Verigonian coffee in over a year," Cameron said as he savored the brew from his home planet. His mind drifted and realized just how much he missed his home and his family and little things like the taste of coffee from Verigon.

Adam looked up from his plate and noticed the food that Cameron had to eat.

"What's that crap," Adam said, looking at the strange array of food on Cameron's dish.

"Verigonian food; want to try?"

"Hell no, it looks fuckin' weird."

"Come on its good," Cameron said as he cut off a piece of a yellowish object, speared it with his fork and brought it to Adam's mouth. Adam looked at it, then sniffed it. Finding it a pleasant odor, he opened his mouth and took it in.

"Damn," Adam said liking the taste, "I guess it tastes ok," he added not wanting Cameron to know he was right and really did like it.

"Great tomorrow we will both have an All-Verigonian breakfast," Cameron said, knowing full well what Adam meant, "It's a lot healthier for you than the American bacon and eggs that you used to have on Earth." They both smiled as Cameron fed Adam more of his food. Cameron knew the Food Replicators did not replicate food that was unhealthy for the Earthers. Even something like American Bacon and Eggs were actually processed from fat free and cholesterol free ingredients. This added to the Verigonians long life and they planned to pass that knowledge to the men from Earth.

"Want to taste Verigonian coffee?" Cameron asked.

"Sure, why the fuck not," Adam said figuring if the food tasted good, so should the coffee. He took Cameron's cup and took a big mouthful.

"What the fuck!" Adam said choking from the pungent taste of the brew from another planet, "this taste like shit."

Cameron laughed, "Hey, it's good stuff. I bet it will grow on you."

"Don't count on it," Adam said taking a drink of his Earth coffee to get rid of the aftertaste of Cameron's coffee.

After they finished their breakfast, they sat staring at each other. Adam started to get aroused again and got up from his chair, went to Cameron, leaned down and kissed him hard on the lips, then stood straight up again.

"How about a little dessert, spaceman. I haven't tasted your cum in a while," he said as his erection stared Cameron in the eyes.

"I would love that baby, but you have to go for your medical exam and to your Orientation Class in a few minutes and I have to be on the bridge."

"Medical exam? What's that shit about?"

"Its nothing, just routine," Cameron said. He didn't want to tell him, just yet, what the medical exam was really about. He would eventually learn about it in the Orientation Classes, although he did dread it, because it would lead to questions Cameron would be afraid to answer.

"Shit, what do I do with this?" Adam said pointing to his erection.

"Put it away until later and I will feed you all the cum you can handle," Cameron said with a devilish smile. He leaned in toward Adam, kissed the tip of his dickhead, then stood up.

"We better both get ready. Oh by the way, we will be passing through a vortex, later today. I think your science fiction movies call it a Worm Hole. You are invited on the bridge with me when we do. There's kind of an initiation for first timers."

"Ok, I guess," Adam said, his erection still hard as ever, "What the hell am I going to wear. Remember I didn't pack any clothes. You said 'we will be provided'," Adam said in an exaggerated tone.

"Oh yeah. Come with me and I will show you your closet with your clothes."

"I have a closet?"

"Sure do, although, I like you better naked where I can grab you and fondle you whenever I want," Cameron said with a smile, kissed his lips and latched onto Adams hard manhood and pulled him into the bedroom. He waved his hand over a panel on the wall and the doors opened to Adam's walk-in closet full of clothes that were made special for him.

"I had those simulated from your measurements in the styles you like," Cameron shouted as he went into the bathroom. "When we get to Verigon, you can buy whatever kind of clothes you like."

Sure enough, there were all kinds of jeans and T-shirts as well as long sleeve flannel shirts, Tank tops, khaki cargo shorts, and various other clothes to his taste.

"Fuck, look at all this shit, big guy," Adam said.

"Glad you like it Adam. I'm going to shower while you look over your stuff," Cameron said as he walked away.

"Yeah, yeah, sure," Adam said astounded at all the clothes in front of him.

He took a while to look over his wardrobe then grabbed, a white wife beater, a blue plaid flannel shirt, a pair of cargo shorts, construction boots, and heavy gray socks.

He threw them on the bed, just as Cameron walked out of the bathroom in his uniform.

"That's your uniform?" Adam exclaimed as he looked at his lover dressed in a khaki skin tight T-Shirt that showed every ripple of his muscular chest and abs. The sleeves were stretched because of Cameron's big arms. Embroidered on the right side of the shirt, was a badge of the flying machine they were in with some type of lettering he didn't recognize around it. On his shoulders were some stripes that he figured meant Cameron was the captain of this vessel. The pants Cameron wore were low to the hips, accenting his upper body as well as his huge package.

Adam, who's dick had just gone soft, found himself with a raging hard-on again.

Cameron stood in front of his lover and smiled. "I figured that was going to be your reaction when you saw me," Cameron said while staring at Adam's erection, "Yeah, this is our uniform."

"Fuck," Adam said as he reached for Cameron and grabbed him by his belt, and sat down on the bed. "I love a man in uniform. I got to suck you off before you leave sailor."

"I don't think we have time, Adam."

But it was too late. Adam already had Cameron belt unbuckled and was ready to pull down his pants.

Cameron's extra large dick sprang from his trousers and Adam grabbed onto it and swallowed it half way; the rest of the shaft he held onto with his hand. He began to suck as fast as he could. Cameron was turned on and knew he couldn't stop so he gave in to Adam.

"Oh baby," Cameron gasped.

Adam didn't say anything; he was lost in the delights of his lover's weapon. He pumped his head faster and harder. He seemed to have more than his usual half of Cameron's rod in his mouth this time. But Adam didn't care; he just wanted to taste the nectar that was stored away in Cameron's ballsack. He stopped for a second and just let Cameron's hard-on sit in his mouth. He loved that feeling of his lover's cock tickling the back of his throat. He wanted to swallow the whole thing, but he knew he would gag, so he just continued to keep it in his mouth halfway using his hand to take up the rest of his lover's mean shaft. His eyes gazed up at his mate who was smiling down on him. He then started his movements again, determined to taste Cameron's spunk.

"Oh, cumming," Cameron panted as his first shot of jizz propelled itself down Adam's throat. Adam was used to his lover's fierce ejaculations and swallowed his juices as fast as they were entering his mouth. Adam sucked and held his lips around Cameron's gigantic tool until he felt his lover quiver the last drops out of his pee slit. Adam gulped down the last mouthful of his lover's spunk, then stood up, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, took Cameron's head in his hands, and kissed him deep and hard.

Cameron was still trying to catch his breath when Adam reached down and pulled up Cameron's uniform pants, tucked his softening dick inside, then buckled his belt.

Cameron went to kiss Adam, but Adam pulled away.

"You better get that hot ass of yours up to that bridge."

"Oh yeah," Cameron said as he looked at his watch and noticed he was very late. "I gotta run. I love you Adam. Good luck at the Orientation Class and don't worry about the medical exam; they will come and get you real soon so you better dress up. By the way, you still have dried cum on your ass." Cameron laughed, then stopped in his tracks and saw his lover standing there with his hard dick.

"I owe you big time, baby," Cameron said as he began to run out the door but turned and ran to his lover and kissed him one more time, then left for the bridge.

"Wow, this is going to be one hell of a ride," Adam said out loud with a huge grin on his face. He looked down at his erection, "Hold on there, buddy, you'll get your turn later."

Adam smiled, then looked around the room that was to be his home for the next 2 months, laughed out loud, then grabbed the small bag he took with him from earth and pulled out the floppy eared stuffed rabbit, went to a table and sat it down with its back to a large mirror that hung over it. He smiled then walked into the bathroom and to the shower.

"What the fuck, there's no faucets. How the fuck do you turn this thing on?" he cried out and realized he was out of the bathroom when Cameron turned on the shower the night before.

"What temperature would you like, Adam Rossi?" TH145 said as it walked into the bathroom thinking Adam was asking it a question.

"Woe!" Adam jumped and swung his body around, not expecting anyone, or anything, to be behind him,

"Fuck, don't ever creep up behind me like that again goddamn it," Adam yelled out.

"I apologize Adam Rossi. I will make my presences known next time. What temperature would you like?"

"How the fuck am I supposed to know, you shithead," Adam said. The TH145 unit looked at Adam unable to answer.

"I am not familiar with 'shithead'. Was that statement directed at me?"

"Do you see anyone else in here asshole? Now how do I take a fucking shower? I'm going to be late."

"Computer," TH145 said, "Shower On and set the temperature to 83.9 degrees Fahrenheit."

"Yes, TH145," the computer said as the water went on, "the shower is set."

"Will that be all Adam Rossi?" TH145 asked.

"Ahh, yeah, thanks," Adam said, "This place is going to take lots of getting used to." Adam got into the shower and quickly cleaned himself, concentrating on the dried cum on his butt, legs, and balls. Adam thought it was cool that there was no shower door, yet the water seemed to bounce off an invisible barrier, keeping the bathroom floor dry.

"Now how the hell do you turn this thing off?" Adam said out loud and was about to yell for the TH145 unit.

"Shower Done!" a voice said outside the shower and the water stopped.

"Woe, who the fuck are you?" Adam said as he turned to see what he figured was a crewman, since his uniform was similar to Cameron's, casually stand there staring at him. "Doesn't anyone knock around here?"

"Sorry Adam, I buzzed the door and TH145 let me in, so I took the liberty of coming in here to get you. I am here to escort you to your Medical Exam then on to the Orientation Class. You are the last one to be examined. You are pretty late you know. By all that dried cum that was on your butt, you and the captain must have had lots of fun this morning," the brash young crewman said while holding Adam's towel and staring blatantly at Adam's soft penis.

Adam stepped out of the shower and stood dripping water to the floor. The good-looking young crewmen, who Adam figure was in his mid to late 20's, sized up Adam's naked body.

"Ah, could you hand me my towel?" Adam said trying to control his temper, "And what the captain and I do is none of your fuckin' business."

"Oh sorry Adam," the crewmen said with a sly smile, as he handed Adam his towel. His eyes moved from Adam's now semi hard dick to his face.

"And ah, could you wait in the other room?" Adam said, very annoyed. "If he wasn't so fucking hot, I would have decked the bastard by now," he said to himself.

"Yes, sir," the young man said with a grin as he continued to stare at Adam, then slowly turned and went back into the bedroom, but stood just outside the bathroom door, and leaned against the entrance with his arms folded, then continued to stare at Adam with a particularly seductive smile. Adam was about to say something, but decided not to. He finished drying himself while staring back at the handsome crewmen with his broad shoulders and huge package that seemed to be getting bigger.

Adam smiled and said to himself, "Ha, I'm turning the asshole on." Adam looked down at his own semi hard dick, "Fuck, he's turning me on too." Adam smiled.

He then went to the sink, found some shave cream and a razor, spread the cream on his face, then ran the razor over his beard, all under the watchful eyes of the hot crewmen.

When finished shaving, Adam walked from the bathroom to get his clothes and brushed against the hot crewman who was still blocking the door. He ran the back of his hand over Adam's hairy check while staring deep into Adam's eyes. Adam stopped and looked at the good-looking blond again and was distracted by the realization that the young crewman was also about the same height as him... 6 ft 4 in. tall.

His detective brain started to add a few things up. All the members of the crew that he saw were about 6 ft 4 in. tall with very broad shoulders and some shade of blond hair. Then he realized all the men from Earth were about the same height and girth as well, although, their hair ran the gamut of colors. Adam wondered if this was some strange coincidence or some strange plot. He also took note of the big package on the crewmembers. He wagered that they were just as well endowed as Cameron because of the tube that was inside their penis.

"I couldn't be turning them all on," he smiled to himself. He shook his head and laughed inside. He was away from being a cop for less than a day and already he was becoming suspicious of his surroundings.

"Once a cop, always a cop, even in outer space," he said to himself as he put on this wife beater then tucked his half hard dick into his cargo shorts.

"Ok, kid, let's go," Adam said as he put on his flannel shirt leaving it unbuttoned, and followed behind the young crewmen with the big package... and hot ass, out the door.

"You're a very good-looking man Adam, and you have a great body," the young man blurted out, "I think the hair on your chest and stomach accents your muscles perfectly."

"Well, ah, thanks," Adam said not knowing what this young guy was up to.

"My mate is a few years older than you. He has a hairy chest too, but not like yours. I hope you two will become friends. His name is Ethan Thorne. My name is Gayton. My Earth name is Zack."

"Yeah, I'll keep an eye out for him," Adam said not caring if he did or not.

They came to a bank of doors marked Carrier Lifts just as one of the pair of doors opened.

"What's this?" Adam asked as he cautiously stepped in. With all the chaos when he first came onboard, he didn't remember that he had already ridden in it the day before.

"We call it a Carrier Lift. You call it an elevator, but it not only moves vertically, it also moves horizontally."

"Cool," Adam said, "like on Star Trek."

"Yes, but we had it first," Gayton laughed.

"Maybe Gene Roddenberry was a Verigonian," Adam joked referring to the creator of the popular TV and movie series.

"You never know," Gayton said then winked at Adam.

The doors to the Carrier Lift closed in back of them and they turned around.

"Medical Facility Deck, Door 28," Gayton said and the Carrier Lift began to move.

"Damn, we're moving pretty fast, ain't we," Adam said a bit apprehensive about the speed in which they were traveling.

"Yes, we are; it's a big ship," is all Gayton said.

Adam looked at the young crewman, "How old are you? You seem to be much younger than the rest of the crew."

Gayton smiled, "Yes, by Earth years I would be 25 years old. I'm the youngest crewmember on this expedition. I asked my uncle if I could be assigned to this mission. It took some convincing, but he gave in. He always does," Gayton laughed out loud.

"Well, its good to have friends in high places, kid."

The Carrier Lift came to a stop and the doors opened and they walked into what looked like a hospital.

"This way Adam," Gayton said as he led him to the examining room.

"Ah, there you are Adam. I am Dr. Caow Zaz, Earth name Tom Brighton, Chief Medical Officer on this ship."

"Hey doc," Adam said.

"We are running late so remove your clothes so we could examine you."

"You guys like to take your clothes off a lot around here huh?" Adam laughed as he removed his shirts and shorts and handed them to Gayton, then stood there naked. Gayton smiled and stared at Adam's manhood again. Adam shook his head and smiled.

"Yes we do that a lot, but you Earthers will get used to it," Dr. Zaz said answering Adam's question. He began his examination with the usual "turn your head and cough, while pressing the left testicle into his body. After that he looked in Adam's mouth and ears, even up his nose. He then took a strange hand held device and ran it over every inch Adam's body. He stopped at Adam's butt and frowned.

"Bend over please, Adam," the doctor said.

Adam did as he was told and Dr. Zaz's inserted a probe inside Adam's anus.

"Hmm, Please step into the Moroto," Dr. Zaz said as he removed the probe.

"The what?" Adam wondered.

"The Morphic Otoscope, Moroto, for short. Step in, it doesn't bite," the doctor said with a smile as he pointed to a cylindrical enclosure.

Adam looked in to the small space then stepped in.

"Turn toward me please," the doctor said as he sat in front of a panel that controlled the Moroto.

Adam turned and faced the entrance to the tube and noticed that Gayton was in the background staring at him with that big bulge in his pants again, but this time the outline of his huge dick was very noticeable.

Just then Adam heard a humming sound as a ring of light slowly scanned his body from head to toe, then back up again. The light beam stopped and concentrated on Adam's anal area where the light beamed brightly then went off.

"Ah, very good," the doc said, "Come here now and turn around and bend over again."

The doctor then gave Adam another digital exam with the probe, but this time he moved it around Adam's prostate and colon. This felt good to Adam, who groaned while it gave him an erection.

"Ah much better," the doctor said ignoring Adam's big dick. The lumps he seen inside Adam anus was now gone.

"This won't hurt, its just like an injection you would receive on Earth," Dr. Zaz said to Adam as a Medical Technoid approach with a small device and placed it on one cheek of Adam's butt. Adam felt a pinch then blinked as he felt a warm sensation flow through his body.

"You can put on your clothes and go now, and good luck at your Orientation Class. My mate's name is Daryl Strickland. Say hi to him when you see him."

"Yeah will do that, thanks doc," Adam said, completely oblivious to the fact that the good doctor and the Moroto just cured him of the first stages of Prostate Cancer.

Gayton handed Adam his clothes with that seductive smile on his face, then stared at his hard cock.

"Getting a good view?" Adam said sarcastically.

"Very''s beautiful," Gayton said, referring to Adam's very hard erection. The crewmen was still turning Adam on.

Adam dressed while Gayton stared. When he finished dressing, Gayton led him out the medical facility toward the Carrier Lift.

"Main Conference Room Deck Door 16," Gayton said before the doors closed. He knew they were late, very late.

"By the way, who's your uncle?" Adam said, continuing their conversation before they got to the Medical Facility.

"Why Captain Legen, sir."

Adam turned his head and looked at the young man again, and suddenly noticed the family resemblance. Gayton Legen looked at Adam and smiled.

"Here we are Adam," Gayton said as the Carrier Lift got to the level requested. "Glad we got to talk and I am sure we will see a lot more of each other, real soon, it's a small ship. I hope I didn't embarrass you too much by staring at you while you were dressing. You're a very sexy man and I guess I speak my mind. Havic says I need to control that."

"No, that's ok," Adam said with a smile, completely taken off guard by this good-looking relative of his partner.

"I did enjoy watching you though. You gave me one hell of a woody," Gayton said with that seductive grin, "Hell I still got one." Gayton laughed as he looked at his own bulging crotch.

"Yeah I noticed. Glad I could be of service. And a... you gave me quite the turn on too," a bewildered Adam said.

"Yes, I saw that, too. I meant it when I said it was beautiful. Maybe someday we could do an Ejku," Gayton said and his grin widened.

"What's an Ej...whatever you said," Adam asked.

"Ask Havic," Gayton said still smiling.

"Yeah, sure," Adam said. He made a mental note to ask Cameron about it.

"By the way, welcome to the family," Gayton said as they got to the Ship's Main Conference Room where the rest of the mates stood just outside the door.

"Yeah, thanks Gayton. See ya around the ship," Adam said still wondering what this impetuous kid was up to and also what he meant about always getting his way around Cameron. As bold as the kid was he figured he knew the answer.

"But it's his nephew, so it couldn't be what I am thinking," Adam said to himself. He made another mental note to ask his partner about that. He also knew he had better tell Cameron about being turned on by his nephew and hoped he wouldn't be too angry, although he knew Cameron was not the jealous type. Adam watched Gayton's firm butt as he walked away from him. Gayton smiled knowing Adam was staring at him.

"But it's his nephew," Adam said again to himself.

Adam took a deep breath and walked into the conference room. To his surprise, the rest of the mates followed him in.

Protocol stated:

"The first person to enter a meeting, an event, or any gathering will be the Captain and/or the Captain's mate."

Only the Captain's mate didn't know a thing about this. There were many other privileges the Captain's mate was allowed, but again the Captain's mate didn't know ... yet. Adam took a deep breath as he looked around the room.

He noticed there were no overhead lights, yet the room seemed to glow. The illumination came from the walls that seemed to emit light from within, casting a warm radiance all around. A long narrow window stretched across one of the outside walls.

There were tables set up in a large "U" shape around the room. A podium made up of the same kind of metallic material as the walls in his stateroom, was positioned at the front of the opening of the "U". Fifty chairs were situated around the tables facing the podium.

"Hello, Adam Rossi, welcome aboard," said a crewmember who stood next to a table with a stack of plastic looking pouches on it.

Adam read the crewmen's nametag, Daz Jelhey, Earth Name Joseph Ashley.

"Yeah, hi, Daz," Adam said not sure if he should call the crew by their Earth Name or their Verigonian Name.

"Here's your Orientation Package. You might want to look inside to make sure everything is there," Daz said looking a bit nervous, then he handed him one of the pouches.

"Yeah, sure. What's in this thing?" Adam asked then looked inside the bag and saw a pen and pad of paper he figured was there to take notes. There was also a thick manual of some kind, as well as a handbook titled, "Protocol". Adam stuck his hand in the bag and grabbed what turned out to be a diagram of each level of the ship.

"Forest deck? What the hell is that?" Adam said to himself while reading the diagram of the very top of the ship.

While the map of the ship distracted Adam, the crewmember cautiously took a strange looking device similar to the one Dr. Zaz's assistant had, but this time the crewman kept it hidden from Adam's view and quickly placed it at the back of Adam's head and pressed its trigger. Adam felt a quick sharp pain, like a pinprick at the base of his neck.

Instinctively, he turned with clinched fist toward the crewman, and swung hard and fast at the young man, who was ready and ducked out of the way.

"What the fuck!" Adams said rather loudly while he rubbed the back of his neck. Everyone in the room turned and stared, wondering what it was that happened.

"Sorry sir," Daz said as he stood up straight, "but that was your translation device. This way you could speak and understand ours and 3499 other intergalactic languages."

"Mention something next time when you inject something into my brain, fuckhead," Adam yelled out. "Speak 3499 other languages?" an astounded Adam said to himself.

"Sorry, but those were my orders sir," Crewman Daz said.

"Who the hell gave that crappy order?" Adam muttered while continuing to rub the back of his head.

"Captain Legen, sir. The Captain said to make sure you didn't see what I was about to do or you might not let me inject the device into you," the crewmen said quietly. "He also said I better duck after I did," the crewman smiled.

"Hmm I will have to have a talk with him about that," Adam said with a half smile and somewhat embarrassed because Cameron knew that if he had seen that strange device he most certainly would not have allowed the crewmen to inject the translator into him. Adam rubbed the back of his head, again, and moved on.

Adam looked at the rest of the group as they entered the room. His theory about everyone on the ship being about the same size was confirmed as he looked at the handsome group of men around him. He walked over to the window and looked out.

"Hi, Adam. Remember me? I'm Matthew, Tyler's partner or mate as they call us. We met at the landing site," Adam turned around to the direction of the voice. Matthew must have noticed the puzzled look on his face. "Oh, sorry, Klanar Neb's mate."

"Oh yeah, Matthew. Klanar mentioned you when I came on board." Adam said, "This is fucking crazy, ain't it?" Adam said with a smile as he referred to what was going on in their lives.

"I know what you mean, I almost didn't come," Matthew said.

Adam chuckled, "Yeah, me too."

"Yeah, everyone knows about your last minute leap for the ramp," Matthew laughed. "Hope we don't regret our decisions."

Adam took an instant liking to Matthew. He wasn't sure why, but he felt they could be friends. Of course, he was tall and had broad shoulder, but he was fair skinned unlike most of the other mates. He was more like the Verigonians in skin tone and hair color, although, it leaned slightly to ginger. He was devilishly handsome and looked like he could have a mischievous side to him. Adam figured he was in his early 30's.

"What do you think of all this," Adam asked his potential new friend.

"It's great, but it's also kinda strange. Did you notice that everyone here is about the same height or pretty close to it, and we all are pretty muscular?"

"Yeah, about 6 ft 4 inches, I am guessing. That's how tall I am and so is Cam, I mean Havic. Hell I will never get used to calling him that."

"I know what you mean, I still call my partner Tyler. 'Klanar', what kind of name is that? Sounds like the name of a robot in some bad 1950's sci-fi flick," Matthew laughed, "like 'The Day the Earth Stood Still,' the original not that crappy remake."

"Hey the original was a classic, the remake sucked big time," Adam added.

"Yeah, the remake didn't even have 'Klaatu barada nikto' in it," Matthew said of the famous phrase from that movie. Both men laughed hard.

"Yeah, that sucked," Adam said, "You into sci-fi too?"

"Oh yeah, full speed into it," Matthew said.

"That's cool. I knew I like you the first time I saw you," Adam laughed.

"Yeah, same here. Now here we are living our own science fiction movie," Matthew said.

"Only it ain't fiction, it's for real," Adam said seriously.

"Yeah, I know what you mean."

"Hey, did you meet Tyler at a gym?" Adam asked changing the subject. His detective brain started to work again.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"That's where I met Cameron."

"Hey, that's where I met my partner too," another guy said who heard Adam and Matthew's conversation. "Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear what you guys were talking about. I hadn't noticed until I heard what you said, but it's pretty strange that we are all pretty much the same size and build."

A couple others who were standing nearby joined in the conversation while the rest of the mates stood by listening to what was being said. Seems everyone met their mates at a gym. They all agreed all this was too much to be a coincidence.

"I think we all are pretty much the same size... in everything I bet," Adam said. He figured they would know what he meant.

"Yeah, nine inches here, what about you?" Matthew said with a smile.

"Same," Adam grinned.

"Yeah, me too," Daryl, Dr. Zaz's mate said. He too overheard the conversation.

"10 inches, here," Carl, another of the mates, contributed, as more of the mates gathered around Adam and gave off the size of their erect penises.

"Hmm, seems all our dicks are larger than normal?" Matthew said.

They all started to rumble about what was going on when a crewmember, dressed in the same type of uniform as Cameron, walked up to the podium.

"Ok everyone, if you will take your seats we will start the Orientation. There are lighted displays with your names on them so take your seat where you see your name and turn your display around toward me so I can see who you are. I have a feeling there will be lots of questions."

There was a general rumbling in the room as everyone looked for their names and took their seats. Adam, as the mate of the Captain, and Matthew, as the mate of second in command, sat together in the center of the tables facing the podium. They both felt like there was something going on that they were not aware of and had few pertinent questions for the moderator of the Orientation Class. They both felt uneasy.

"Something's not right here," Adam muttered to Matthew.

"Yeah, I know," Matthew said with a worried look.

Jack Rossi walked up the stairs to the second story apartment where his brother and his brother's partner lived. Since Adam didn't answer his phone, Jack decided to go there to find out what was going on. He had been worried about his brother since the day before, when he got that strange phone call about him "leaving the planet". He approached the door and began to knock. There was no answer, so he knocked again, but this time harder.

"Adam, it's me Jack, open up," Jack called out, but there was still no answer.

"Adam, come on, open the fuckin' door!" Jack yelled loudly as he pounded his fist on the door.

An elderly lady from across the hall, opened her door and peeked out to see what the yelling was about.

"What the fuck you looking at?" Jack shouted and the old lady shut and locked her door. Jack also had the same kind of temperament as his brother. It was a family trait.

Then Jack pounded on his brother's door once more. When he got no answer again, he dug into the pocket of his tight jeans and took out the key Adam gave him in case of an emergency. He put the key in the door and opened it. He stuck his head in, still not sure if anyone was there.

"Adam? You in here?" Jack called out and was greeted by silence, so he walked in and looked around the living room.

"Adam, Cameron you guys in here?"

He cautiously walked into the bedroom, afraid of what he might see, but found no one there either. He looked around then opened the closet doors and saw all there clothes were still there, so he walked back into the living room.

He stood in the middle of the room and looked around not knowing what else to do. Then he noticed the envelope on the table with his name on it. He reached for it, hesitated for a second, then picked it up. He slowly tore open the envelope, took out the paper and the wad of cash. He read the note once, but couldn't believe what it said, so he read it again, this time out loud.


By the time you read this Adam and I will be long gone."

(Jack stopped reading and his heart fell into his shoe. In his over active imagination, he figured "long gone" meant some kind of suicide pact, especially since all their clothes were there, so a trip was out of the question. He took a deep breath and continued reading as his hands began to shake.)

"He and I will be going on a trip back to my home planet and will not be coming back. Yes, I know it sounds strange, but I am from another place out there in the vastness of space. I cannot divulge where I am from in order to keep our existence secret. Please know I will do everything in my power to make your brother happy.

"Give the money in the envelope to the landlady as our last months rent. I'd like you to take charge of all of our things; keep what you want and give the rest to any gay charity that you wish.

"Adam loves you Jack and it really tears me up that we have to leave in such a way. Please know that I tried. I wish we could have stayed. Adam could not write you or even say goodbye because I will only tell him a few hours before we are to leave. Please forgive us both for what we have done.

All my love


Jack was stunned by what he read and sat down on the sofa with the letter in his hand. Tears started to stream down his face. He loved his brother and never really approve of his relationship with Cameron. He always felt there was something strange about him.

"No one is that nice," Jack told his brother many times, "something has to be wrong with him." Now he figured he knew what it was. "He's a fuckin' nut case!" Jack shouted out loud of Cameron.

His brother had changed so much in the past year, because of his relationship with him. Now he was certain he and Cameron participated in some kind of suicide pact.

"Fuck Adam, what the hell have you done? And what did Cameron mean when he said 'Please know that I tried'" Jack said with tears in his eyes. He pulled himself together and stood up. Even though Jack was the same size and build as Adam, he was more emotional than his older brother and was never afraid to show that side of himself.

He looked around the room and didn't know what he should do. Adam was the only family he had and now he was gone. Suddenly he felt so alone, more alone than he ever felt in his life.

It was then he heard a loud knock at the door that shook him out of his thoughts of his brother. He walked over and opened the door.

"Is this the apartment of Cameron Fernwood and Adam Rossi?" asked this rather gruff man, dressed in a dark suit and sunglass.

"Yeah, who the hell are you?" Jack asked impatiently.

"Agent Ron Turner and this is my partner, Agent Dan Martin."

"Agent? Agent of what?" Jack was not in the mood for games.

"Homeland Security," Agent Turner said, flashed his badge, then took off his sunglasses.

"Hello, gentlemen, My name is Bailon Jax. My Earth name is Claude Reeves. My mate, Jason Mannin, is sitting over there," he pointed to the guy who first overheard Adam and Matthew's conversation.

"I want to officially welcome you aboard the flagship Thol. In ancient Verigonian lore, Thol was the god of Sex and Love," Bailon said.

"Isn't sex and love two separate things?" one mate called out thinking he was being clever.

"Not on Verigon," Bailon said with a smile.

Everyone laughed and mumbled among themselves.

"Ok let's get down to business. First off you won't be expected to remember everything we are going to cover in these classes, so in your orientation package there is a manual that has everything we will talk about. You might want to look at it later on in your staterooms. There is also a book on Protocol. You should get acquainted with that book also, especially aboard the Thol.

"Ok, just to give you a some background, I want to tell you a little about our planet. Verigon is situated on the opposite end of the Milky Way Galaxy, nearly 100,000 light years from Earth and so far, has not as yet been discovered by anyone on your planet.

There are 12 planets in our solar system, most of which are inhabited by some sort of humanoid life form. The 12 planets make up the United Alliance of Planets or UAP, whose headquarters are on Verigon in Verigon City." A holographic image of the solar system appeared in the center of the U for all to see, then the holograph gave way to an image of Verigon.

"Verigon is a lush planet with many lakes and oceans, but still has large cities that will amaze you with its..."

"Bailon! Sorry to interrupt. I'm sure we will find Verigon is a fun place," Adam said sarcastically, "but what the fuck is going on?"

"I'm...I'm sure I don't know what you mean Adam," Bailon said. He didn't like being interrupted, but protocol stated the Captain's mate gets the same respect as the Captain himself, so Bailon was polite as possible.

"You know what I mean," Adam shouted. "Why is everyone about the same height and build?"

"Even our dicks are about the same size," Matthew chimed in. There was a general grumbling among the rest of the mates.

The image of Verigon suddenly disappeared. Bailon was a bit taken aback by this sudden outburst, but managed to gain control. He didn't think the mates would have discovered the similarity so soon. He didn't figure on Adam.

"Ok, mates. The resemblance among you is not a coincidence. It was a prerequisite."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean," Adam said as the grumbling among the mates grew louder. "Are you trying to tell us our partners chose us because we're about 6 foot 4, and have big dicks?" Adam's tone was turning angry.

"No, no... well, partially. If you would let me explain; all this is part of the Orientation," Bailon said very calmly. The group of men continued to mutter at the same time. Adam looked at Matthew who had a very concerned look on his face.

"Shit," Matthew said as he looked back at Adam with sad eyes.

"Gentlemen, please give me a chance. Its not like you are thinking. All this would be explained when we talk about The Saris," Bailon called out.

"What does that have to do with it," Matthew yelled out.

"Everything," Bailon said. Everyone stopped talking and looked at Bailon.

"The Saris, is a living entity that resides in the chest of the Verigonians. It is the source of all that we do. It even gives life. It is the Saris that extends our life. I think we will skip the preliminaries and go right into why we had to go to Earth for mates.

"Our planet is dying, gentlemen," Bailon said loudly, as he began to pace, "not because of wars or global warming like on Earth, but because we cannot breed. The Saris can do so much, but the Saris cannot fertilize with we Verigonians any longer, not without your help.

"The Last Verigonian was born nearly 100 talrons ago, that's 25 earth years. Gayton Legen is that man." Everyone turned to Ethan Thorne since he was Gayton's mate, "A child has not been born on Verigon since." Adam looked at Ethan Thorne. He noticed that Ethan Thorne was much older than the rest of the mates and decidedly older than Gayton.

"That's sad," Adam said rather unsympathetically, referring to the planet's population problem, "what the hell does that have to do with us?"

"Well, first let me continue my explanation."

Bailon took a deep breath. His schedule was completely changed and it made him nervous and upset, but it was the captain's mate that caused this change and he had to respect his position.

"This process started 10's of thousands of talrons ago, when a plague devastated our planet and only the female of the species was affected. Yes there once were female Verigonians, but the plague eventually killed all of them. Our ancestors knew that soon we would become extinct. But just when things looked the bleakest, The Saris, a group of cymbiots, came to our planet in search of a home. They promised they had a way to save our people in exchange for providing host bodies for their race."

"Alright, alright, enough with the history lesson," Adam called out impatiently, "what the fuck does this all have to do with us."

"Yeah, what's going on," Carl called out. Everyone in the room began to grumble.

"Please gentlemen, I am getting to it," Bailon pleaded.

"Ok get on with it," Adam barked.

On the podium in front of Bailon was the control panel with several different colored beams of light shining from it. His finger broke one of the many shafts of light and in the center of the U-shaped tables for all to see, appeared a hologram of The Saris.

"Gentlemen, this is what the Saris looks like," Bailon said.

"Jesus Christ," one mate called out, "that thing looks like a goddamn bug!"

Everyone began to grumble louder wondering how that thing could live inside the bodies of their mates.

"Disneyland crap again," Adam said referring to the hologram. He began to get more and more agitated. It came to his mind that maybe Cameron only chose him because he was well endowed. He felt insecure, used, but he was in outer space and couldn't do anything about it. He felt trapped like a caged Tiger... and like a tiger, when Adam feels trapped, he lashes out.

Bailon began to explain how The Saris worked inside their bodies, but Adam couldn't hold his anger in any longer.

"Stop this fucking shit and get Cameron or Legen or Havic or what ever the hell his name is, down here, NOW!" Adam exploded and slammed his fist on the table causing Bailon to jump. The other mates all stood up and began to shout at Bailon.

Bailon's eyes opened wide and thought it prudent to contact the captain quickly. He broke another beam of light on the podium and the captain appeared as a holographic image.

"Bridge," the captain said.

"Captain Legen, you may want to come down to the Orientation conference room. Things are a bit out of hand."

"What's all that yelling," Cameron asked.

"I was explaining why there is a similarity among everyone when Adam got quite angry."

"Why am I not surprised? I'm on my way down there and tell Adam to cool off," Cameron said then disconnected.

"Mates, the captain is on his way here," Bailon yelled as loud as he could over the sound of everyone shouting at once. Jason, Bailon's partner, came up to him and put his arms around him for moral support. He loved his mate in spite of what was being discussed among the others.

Adam looked at Matthew whose eyes were welled up with tears.

"Don't worry Matt, we'll get to the bottom of this and find out what the fuck is going on," Adam said to his new friend.

"I hope so," Matthew said then took a deep breath to gain control of his emotions.

Shortly, Cameron walked into the conference room and everyone quieted down... all except Adam, that is.

"Cam, what the fuck is going on here?!" Adam said angrily. Cameron knew his partner's moods and kept himself under control.

"Adam," Cameron said softly, "calm down and tell me what's this all about." Adam took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down.

"Cam, tell me the truth. Did you pick me because I have a big dick and a muscular body?"

"Well at first I did, but..."

"Shit, you fucking bastard. Now you're going to say over time you fell in love with me, right? Cam that's bullshit!" Adam said with rage and everyone in the room began to grumble.

"No, I fell in love with you when I first looked into your eyes that day at the gym. You came up to me and you could hardly talk. As the saying goes, 'You had me at hello'." Everyone in the room became quiet.

"Cam, what would have happened if I didn't have a big dick," Adam asked more calm than before. He began to feel bad that he doubted Cameron's love for him, again.

"That was not possible, I knew what size you were before I met you. Otherwise I would not have let things get that far."

"How could you know what size my dick was? We didn't have sex until the night of our first date."

"With this," Cam said as he took out a strange IPOD looking device.

"Your IPOD?" Adam laughed.

"It's not an IPOD, Adam, it's a Dimensional Viscera Probe. This device does may things including analyzing anyone that it's pointed at, giving us their whole medical history and all their vital signs, including the size of the penis, soft and erect and stores it in its memory. It's a very important part of life on Verigon and on this Earth expedition. Bailon's presentation would have explained all that. I pointed the DVP at you that first day we passed each other at the gym. I knew then I could proceed with getting to know you better.

"Adam I love you more than life itself," Cameron continued softly. "If you didn't take that last minute leap for the ramp, I would have come back for you. I would have given up my position on Verigon, my family, everything, just to be with you. If you still didn't want to come back with me I would have stayed there with you, even though I know I would die. Being apart from you is like ripping my heart out. Please believe me."

"Shit, Cam," Adam said quietly knowing he jumped to conclusions again. He wanted to apologize to his lover, but the words wouldn't come out. Cameron knew what was going through Adam's mind.

"I know baby," Cameron said then took Adam in his arms and kissed him hard on the lips. They held each other tight as all the men in the room looked on.

Cameron broke their embrace and turned his attention to the rest of the mates in the room.

"Look all of you, your mates love you. Your physical attributes were a must for this trip and life on Verigon. Please listen to Bailon and what he has to tell you and you will understand why."

Everyone in the room mumbled and headed back to their seats including Adam, but Cameron grabbed his arm.

"Are we ok Adam? I mean, no doubts or regrets?"

"No doubts, no regrets," is all that Adam said. He wanted to say more but he was never good at this kind of thing. But Cameron knew him better than he knew himself. He let go of Adam's arm and turned around and left for the bridge as Adam took his seat next to Matthew who now had a look of relief on his face.

After the agents for Homeland Security left, Jack Rossi sat in his brother's living room more confused than ever.

"What the hell did that guy Cameron get you into Adam?" Jack wondered to himself. The agents didn't tell him much other than they wanted them for questioning and he didn't volunteer to show them the note that Cameron left for him. They wanted to search the apartment, but Jack wouldn't let them unless they had a search warrant. After a bit of verbal sparring, the agent agreed to come back the next day with the proper paperwork.

The political climate in the world was very unstable and there was rumbles of war between the US and Russia every time he listened to the news and Jack wondered if that had something to do with it.

"Maybe Cameron's a Russian spy," Jack thought, "Or maybe he is from outer space," Jack said out loud reading the letter again. He figured that would be better than his brother being dead. "Most likely they're hiding somewhere from these Homeland Security assholes," he thought as he got up from the sofa and began to pace the floor. He looked around the apartment and began to think of his brother and, in his imagination kept seeing him lying dead. With both hands he ran his fingers through the thick hair on top of his head and paced faster as tears started to flow down his face again.

"I gotta get the fuck out of here," he said out loud and quickly left the apartment and headed back to his own place a few blocks away.

When he got there, he walked into the bedroom, took off his clothes and looked at his body in the mirror. He grabbed a comb and ran it through his hair. He was vain about his full head of hair and tried his best to keep it looking perfect.

He looked at his watch and it was only 10 AM and he knew he had his first appointments at 1:00 PM. He was a massage therapist in private practice, with his office in his apartment, and could choose his own hours. It was a Friday and he usually kept his schedule pretty light.

He put on the TV and looked at the bed with thoughts of the twink that sucked his dick the day before when Adam called and told him he was leaving the planet. The image of the twink gave him an erection, so he lay down on the bed and began to masturbate.

He ran his hand over his cut chest and was about to press the button on the TV remote to put on a porn DVD when he heard the TV blare "News Bulletin". He turned up the volume to listen to what was going on.

"We interrupt this broadcast to bring you this live Special Bulletin," the voice on the TV said, "George Wilson reporting from the Channel 20 News Room. Unconfirmed sources have reported a large explosion of an unknown origin, in the nations capital just a few minutes ago. Our sources also said the explosion was massive, breaking windows and doing damage for blocks. They also said...wait we have a man on the scene of the explosion, Sam are you there?" the TV commentator said.

"Yes, George, this is Sam Ridley and I am here in front of what was the Washington Monument and now is a pile of rubble."

Jack looked at the scene on the TV and couldn't believe his eyes. Firemen and ambulances were behind the news commentator, with smoke and flames coming from the now destroyed monument. As he watched in disbelief and listened to the new commentators description of the scene of devastation, he noticed something large falling from the sky behind the man on the scene.

"Sam, Sam," the news commentator interrupted from the studio, "what is that behind you falling from the sky?"

No sooner did the field reporter turn around when Jack saw a bright flash and the TV hook up disconnected.

"Sam, Sam," the commentator screamed but there was no reply.

"Oh fuck, what the hell is going on?" Jack said as he sat up on the edge of the bed. Needless to say his erection had long gone down.

Jack got up from the bed and went to the window and looked up in the sky.

"Adam," is all he said.

"Ok, now as I started to say earlier," Bailon said as he continued the orientation right after Cameron left to go back to the Bridge, "the Saris, brought life back to Verigon and its people and showed us a way to breed without a real female. In tomorrow's orientation I will explain just how it's done...and with pictures," Bailon said with a grin.

Adam smiled as he listened to Bailon's explanation of life, as it's known on the planet Verigon, the place he would most likely spend the rest of his life.

A few hours later, everyone in the room was in kind of in a daze as to what was expected of them. Bailon had hinted that the Saris would be planted into all the Earthers. He also started to explain the Verigonian ethics regarding sex, which left some men happy and some men puzzled. Apparently, sex on Verigon was not only a way to show love, but a way to show friendship as well, and was treated very casually.

Adam sat in silence as his mind began to drift and a chill ran through his body as his brother entered his thoughts. He shook the feeling off, not sure why the thought of his brother was so strong.

"Oh, by the way," Bailon said looking at the time, "we will break now because after lunch period you will be joining your mates at their stations as we go through the first of four Vortexes. There will be a ceremony that may take you by surprise, but all who go through the Vortex for the first time, go through this initiation."

"This ain't gonna hurt," Daryl asked and everyone laughed.

"Oh just the opposite, but you will have to remember what was said when we talked about the Verigonian beliefs when it comes to sex."

"Sex?" everyone in the room said at once.

"Yes, like I said in my presentation, we Verigonians do not have the same sexual hang-ups as you Earthers, but then again I've said too much."

"Hey, don't leave us hanging like this," Adam yelled out, but this time he was smiling.

"Oh I've said too much, you will find out later. It's meant to be a surprise," Bailon said smiling back. "We will meet back here at the same time tomorrow for part two of the orientation."

All the mates got up and grumbled as they left the meeting.

Adam and Matthew talked with several of the other mates wondering what this ceremony was going to be.

"I don't know, but it's getting my dick hard," Matthew said as he adjusted his crotch.

"Yeah, he ain't shitin' ya," Adam joked as he boldly grabbed Matthew's crotch, feeling his hard on through his jeans. This took Matthew by surprise but he seemed to enjoy it.

Everyone laughed, then dispersed and headed to their staterooms.

"Can you believe what Bailon just told us?" Matthew said to Adam as they headed for the Carrier Lift.

"What, about the sex thing?"

"No, that they want to put one of those Saris things inside us. I don't know. Its kinda creepy if you ask me," Matthew said as they enter the elevator, "Deck 25, Door 1," Matthew said and the Carrier Lift sped to its destination.

"Yeah, what did we get ourselves into here," Adam said trying to make a joke out of their situation, but he too was concerned. "What do you think about this wormhole we're going through," Adam said not wanting to discuss the Saris anymore.

"I can't wait to find out what this sex thing is about. I think I'm going to like this planet," Matthew said with a hardy laugh.

"Well, I'm tired and need to rest a bit and to get ready for whatever they are going to do to us."

"Yeah, I think I'll nap too. Maybe the four of us could have dinner tonight. I don't know what the schedules are, but let's see what we can do."

"Sounds good to me, Matt," Adam said as they got to their destination and the Carrier Lift's doors opened. They walked out and headed toward their cabins.

"Hey, we're neighbors," Matthew said.

"Looks like it. See ya later," Adam said then walked into the lush cabin. He liked Matthew, but right now he wanted to be left alone to think. His brother came to his mind and he shook it off, again.

"Greetings, Adam Rossi," the TH145 unit said to Adam, "Can I get you anything."

"Yeah, a beer and your captain's dick," Adam said sarcastically.

TH145 thought for a moment, "I can get you the beverage you requested, but I am unable to give you Captain Legen penis as the appendage is attached to his body and removal would be quite painful and most certainly terminate him. As a Technoid, I am programmed to protect those I serve and not terminate them so..."

"That was a joke shithead," Adam interrupted, "just give me a beer, TH145," Adam said a little annoyed by the presence of this android.

"I hate that name 'TH145'; it's to much of a mouthful," Adam said, then he thought for a bit. "You're supposed to do whatever I ask, right?" Adam said to the unit.

"Yes, Adam Rossi," TH145 said to Adam as he returned from getting Adam his beer and handed it to him.

"Well, since this ship is like Disneyland. I think I will call you Mickey Mouse. From now on you will answer to the name Mickey as well as TH145, understood?"

"Yes Adam Rossi, your request is processed."

"And Mickey, you can call me Adam and don't worry about that Rossi shit," Adam said playing with the mind of the robot.

Adam guzzled down the glass of beer and handed it back to the robot.

"Get me another one Mickey," Adam said, then cringed noticing the different taste that his beer had in outer space. "This tastes like crap. You sure didn't get the recipe for beer right in that machine...and it's fucking warm. Get me a cold one this time."

"Very well Adam," the robot said and turned to the Food Replicator for another glass of beer.

"Here you are Adam, I hope you enjoy this one," Mickey said then turned and went into his corner.

Adam took his beer and went into the bedroom that was lit only by the stars that zoomed by. He took a comfortable looking chair from the corner of the room and placed it up close to the observation window. He walked up to the window and leaned his head against its curve, again. He got that feeling of soaring in space like he did earlier that morning. He spread out his arms and "flew" passed the stars.

"This ain't some kind of amusement park ride; this is for real," Adam said to himself. He felt free, yet small and insignificant, as he "soared" passed the stars and the planets.

He sat down again and began to drink his second glass of beer. "Now that's better cold," Adam said out loud. His thoughts wandered to life on earth especially his brother. He wished he could have told him all about this, but now he would never see him again.

"Fuck," Adam said.

He took his glass and lifted it up so the last of the beer could slide down his throat.

"Mickey," Adam called, "mas cerveza por favor." Adam laughed not sure if Mickey was programmed in Spanish. But like all good androids, Mickey came through with another glass of beer.

"Here is your cerveza, Adam," Mickey said with just a hint of attitude.

"Fuck you, shithead."

Adam didn't know what was in that beer, but he was feeling it pretty good. Usually he could drink a six-pack of beer and it would not faze him. Now he only drank two glasses and he felt like he was drunk.

"Hey, Mickey, what the fuck's in this beer?" Adam called out loudly.

"You'd better watch that stuff, that's Verigonian beer, much stronger than anything on Earth," Cameron said, "and who is Mickey?"

"Hey, big guy, I didn't hear you come in," Adam said and got up, but felt dizzy and nearly fell back into his seat. "Shit this stuff's potent. I think I like it." Adam started to laugh, but quickly realized he was acting strange. "Sorry babe," Adam said as he grabbed onto his lover. Apologies come easier for him when he's drunk.

"That's ok Adam. Let's not have another beer until you get used to it. And who is Mickey?" Cameron took the beer from Adam's hand and began to drink it himself.

"Oh, that tin can over there, hated that TH14...854321 or whatever the hell his name was," Adam said then took his lover into his arms and kissed him with the passion of a drunken sailor.

"You got to go back to that bridge, hot stuff, or do you have time to feed me more of that cum we talked about earlier?" Adam asked, while grabbing onto his mate's butt cheeks.

"This is my lunch break. I don't have to be back for a couple hours, then we have to travel through the vortex. But I want to taste your cum this time. Remember I owe you one."

"Fuck yeah," Adam said with a huge smile.

Cameron pushed Adam onto the bed where he lay on his back with his legs draped over this side, looking up at his mate. Cameron then spread Adam's leg apart and stood in between them and took off his uniform shirt and threw it in a corner. He then removed his pants and stood naked in front of his mate.

"Fuck," Adam said as he stared at Cameron naked body, while his own hard dick poked at his cargo shorts.

"I need to get these off of you before that hard on of yours puts a hole in them," Cameron said with a smile and unbuttoned Adam's shorts, and pulled them off. Adam just breathed hard as Cameron leaned over and took off his shirt. They were both naked now and their hard cocks pointed toward each other.

Cameron slowly lay on top of Adam and buried his tongue in his mouth as Adam wrapped his strong arms around him.

Cameron broke their embrace and stood up again and gave Adam a seductive smile.

"What's going on in that head of yours," Adam panted. Cameron didn't say anything, he just lean down, grabbed Adam's legs and pulled them up and over his head.

"Oh Fuck yeah," Adam said realizing what Cameron was about to do. Cameron smiled again at his lover then bent down and plunged his tongue deep in Adam's rosebud.

"Oh fuck, Cam, oh fuck," Adam cried out while Cameron's tongue maneuvered inside Adam's hole. He pulled his tongue out then ran it around the outside of his dark rosebud sending shivers through his mate's body. He then sunk his tongue back into Adam's hole, pushing it deeper than he ever did before.

"OH, oh, oh, oh, Fuck, Cam, oh fuck," Adam repeated over and over as Cameron tongue fucked his mate.

Sensing it wouldn't be long before Adam cummed, Cameron pulled his tongue out of Adams ass. He reached over and grabbed the glass of Adam's cold beer and took a big drink out of it, but left a big mouthful between his cheeks. Cameron then leaned down and put his lips to the tip of Adam's hard cock. He then slid his mouth over his dick and down the shaft without spilling a drop onto Adam's body. The cold beer around Adam's dick sent a wild shiver though his body. He never felt anything like this before.

"Oh god, Cam, you're going to make me cum," Adam panted. Cameron lips tightened around Adam's swelling manhood.

"Oh Fuck!" Adam yelled as his first shot of spunk propelled itself into Cameron's waiting mouth. His mouth filled up with his mate's cum as well as the beer and Cameron slowly swallowed both juices. Adam continued with another volley and filled his mouth up again.

"Oh fuck, big guy," Adam called out as more cum shot into his mate's mouth.

Cameron kept swallowing as he moved his head up and down until he felt Adam was spent. He held his lips tight around Adam's softening dick then reluctantly let it go. Some sperm dripped onto Adam's stomach and Cameron licked it clean.

He then moved up to Adam's lips and kissed him hard while Adam ran his tongue inside Cameron's mouth, tasting the remnants of his sperm and the beer that was still lingering inside.

"Still the best tasting cum in the universe," Cameron said with a smile then stood up, grabbed the lube from the nightstand and spread it on his hard monster cock.

Adam was speechless, he never had a sensation like this before and he loved every second of it.

"I still gotta fuck you," Cameron said while panting and jacking his dick.

"Go for it big guy," Adam said while lifting his legs and wrapping his arms around them so Cameron could have full access to his ass.

Cameron moved closer and put his cock to Adam's rosebud and pushed in.

"Oh fuck," Adam gasped as his mate slid his 12 inch hard on all the way inside his bowels. Cameron just grunted and began to pump in and out of his lover's ass. He was turned on by sucking off his partner and knew it wouldn't be long before his let loose inside Adam's willing hole.

"Fuck my big guy, fuck me hard," Adam called out knowing how turned on his lover was. "Fuck me, fill me up."

"Oh baby, I love you Adam," Cameron whispered as his orgasm got closer. He leaned down while still pumping his dick in and out of Adam's hole, and kissed him deep and hard.

"Oh yeah, I'm cumming," Cameron said softly then buried his tongue inside Adam's mouth again. Adam held him tight and grabbed Cameron's ass cheeks and pulled them into him so his dick would go deeper inside him.

"Oh Adam," Cameron panted as his cock poured more and more of his spunk inside his mate's rosebud.

Finally spent, Cameron continued to pump, loving the sensation of his dick inside his Adam's cum filled ass.

He collapsed his body on top of Adam, then rested his head on the love of his life's shoulder.

"I'm not too heavy for you am I, baby?" Cameron said as he was trying to take in air.

"Nah, never, I can handle it. You really know how to give me head, babe. That beer trick was unbelievable."

"You liked that huh? Someday you will be able to do that to me," Cameron said with a smile.

"I doubt that," Adam said, "but you sure know how to make me feel good when you fuck me," Adam said. Then they were silent until they caught their breaths.

"Cam, look about earlier at the orientation, I was a fucking jackass for doubting you. I should have let Bailon talk before I got pissed off," Adam said sincerely.

"You, lose your temper?" Cameron chided as he raised his head, "What a shock that was." Cameron began to laugh.

"Ok, wise ass," Adam said as Cameron looked into his lover's deep brown eyes and buried his tongue inside his mouth, again, then laid his head back on Adam's shoulder. Adam ran his fingers up and down Cameron's back.

"Hmm, I love when you do that," Cameron moaned. They lay there quietly for a short time, then Adam broke the silence.

"I been thinking a lot about Jack today, Cam. I miss him," Adam said getting sentimental because he still felt the affect of the beer.

Cameron's eyes snapped open wide. He wanted to tell Adam the truth, but knew when he did it would hurt him and he wasn't up to that right now, although sooner or later he would have to tell him.

"I know baby and I'm sorry we had to leave him behind," Cameron said while staring straight ahead.

"He's all alone now you know. Who will get his meds for him? Who will take care of him when he's sick?"

"Yeah, I know," Cameron said knowing how bad his partner felt about saying goodbye to someone as important in his life as his brother. Cameron felt guilty for leaving him behind but he just couldn't take him. "God knows I tried," Cameron said to himself.

Adam lay there silent for a bit while Cameron held him tight.

"Now what's this about sex when we go through that wormhole?" Adam said, trying to get thoughts of his brother out of his head.

"That's supposed to be hush, hush. Who told you that?" Cameron said a bit astonished that Adam knew about the sex.

"Hmm, a little bird," Adam said not wanting to get Bailon in trouble.

"I bet it was Bailon," Cameron said, "He does have a big mouth."

Adam and Cameron laughed, then Cameron kissed his lover then rolled off him onto his back.

"How do you know how big his mouth is?" Adam joked.

"Let's just say, I know my crew very well," Cameron said not sure if Adam could handle, just yet, how well he knew his crew.

"So, what's the deal with your nephew Gayton?" Adam said changing the subject again and propping himself on his elbow while running his hand over Cameron's chest, "

"My nephew?" Cameron said surprised Adam knew Gayton, let alone that they were related, "How do you know Gayton?"

"Well, when I got out of the shower he was standing there staring at me with this big smile on his face and a big bulge in his crotch. He was there to escort me to the Orientation."

"Yeah, that sounds like Gayton."

"What's the story with you and him?"

"There really isn't any story. He's a cute kid and he looks up to me and we show our affection for each other. He's a very special guy and I love him very much."

"You mean you...and he have sex?"

"Yes, quite often," Cameron said a matter of fact.

"Isn't that kinda strange, I mean, having sex with your nephew?"

"No, not really. On Verigon, when you love someone very much, whether he is your friend or a blood relative, you sometimes express it sexually. Didn't they explain that to you in the Orientation Class?"

"No not yet, maybe because of the interruption. Bailon did touch on a few things and told us there are big differences on your planet when it comes to sex," Adam said. "How long has this been going on with you and Gayton? And does your brother know?"

"Of course my brother knows. He was there the first time Gayton and I expressed our feelings for each other."

"Your brother was there and had sex with you and his son?"

"Yes, my brother and I have similar feelings for each other like you and your brother."

"Fuck, this is strange I guess. Jack and I always kept it a secret, but you talk like you did it out in the open."

"There is no need to hide our sexual feeling, Adam. Does this upset you?"

Adam thought for a second, "Strangely, no. It kinda turns me on," Adam said laughing.

"Good, maybe sometime Gayton and Ethan, you and I could express our feeling with a Ejku."

"Ejku? Gayton said something about that, what is it?"

"Gayton did?" Cameron laughed, "yeah, he's got it for you. Ejku is a term we use when we have sex with a couple you care about, whether friends or relatives or whatever. Would you want to do that with Gayton and Ethan?"

"I'm not sure what my feelings for Gayton are, even though he did give me a hard on while he stared at me, and I hardly know Ethan."

"He got you hard? That's a good sign, besides we have all the time in the world my love," Cameron said and kissed Adam on the lips. "Come on let's eat, I'm very hungry. Fucking you gives me an appetite."

Cameron got out of bed and took Adam by the hand and pulled him up to him.

"Adam," Cameron said, "I hope what I just said about my brother and Gayton doesn't bother you. I know you Earthers are kinda restrained when it comes to sex."

"Nah, look my dick is hard thinking about it. Besides, Jack and I used to fuck all the time," Adam laughed. "You didn't tell me how long this has been going on with you and Gayton."

"Ever since he reached the age of Geja. That's what we call the age of consent. When a young man has The Saris implanted in him. It's then that he is able to participate in sexual activities. My brother and I were part of the ceremony and had sex with him during the festivities."

"How old was Gayton then in Earth years?"

"I think that would be equivalent 15 Earth years."

"Fifteen? Back on Earth you would be put in jail for that," Adam said.

"You have to realize that on Verigon, that would be well over 50 talrons and much more mature than any Earth 15 year old. We age differently on Verigon than you do on Earth, both physically and mentally. Our emotions are very different."

"Yeah, I guess. It's just fuckin' weird."

They walked into the next room, and Mickey stood up.

"What would you like for lunch, Captain Legen?"

"Does that Replicator happen to have a Double Whopper with cheese, fries and a coke," Cameron laughed.

Mickey's processors began to check the database, "Yes it does Captain Legen, per your request. Would you like one too Adam?"

"Fuck yeah, why not."

" 'Fuck yeah', I am not familiar with that phrase," Mickey said.

"Get used to it Mickey, I use it a lot; it means Yeah, Yes, Affirmative," Adam laughed still feeling the affects of the Verigonian beer.

Mickey's processors were confused and deduced it was some kind of Earth colloquialism, so he just turned and went to get their lunch.

After they finished their Whoppers, Cam and Adam went into the bathroom to shower and get dressed. It was getting close for the "Ceremony of the Vortex" or as its called on Verigon, the "Raj'Dah" when they would pass through the wormhole.

"Here put this on," Cam said as he handed Adam a white robe with gold trim.

"This? I ain't putting this thing on," Adam protested looking at the silk like robe that was obviously going to be too short for him.

"It's for the ceremony on the bridge, Adam, please put it on."

"I wear this over my cargo shorts, right?"

"Hmmmm, No, that is all you wear," Cameron said with a laugh.

"You're serious ain't ya," Adam said not sure if he was going to go through with it.

"Yep, you won't be the only one on the bridge with this on, so you won't be alone. Come to thing of it, everyone on the ship will be wearing one," Cameron had a difficult time keeping a straight face.

Adam gave his partner a dirty look as he put the thin piece of cloth on. As soon as he did, the fabric seemed to cling to his body and molded itself to his every curve, including the outline of his half hard dick. It seemed to have a life of its own.

"Shit, what the hell?" Adam said as he felt the robe against his body, "this feels fuckin' great."

"You look great in it too, baby," Cameron said, his big dick started to grow. "I better get ready or we will have our own ceremony right here, right now," Cameron said as he got into his own robe.

"What is this thing?" Adam asked again while running his hands over the silk robe that clung to his body.

"I told you, it's a ceremonial robe, but it has some unique qualities," Cameron said. They stood next to each other and looked at themselves in the mirror.

"Damn we make a cute couple," Cameron said.

"That's because we're so fuckin' hot," Adam said and took his lover in his arms and kissed him.

"We better get to the bridge. Besides we are getting really close to the vortex."

"Cam, is this going to be, well you know, fuckin' weird or somethin'," Adam asked.

"Just keep an open mind and remember what you learned in the orientation," Cam said as he kissed his partner one more time then let go. Both men were aroused and the cloth from their robes, accented that fact. Cameron took his lover's hand as they walked from their stateroom to the Carrier Lift and got in.

"Bridge," Cameron said and the elevator began to rise at a rapid speed until it got to its destination. The Doors to the Bridge opened up.

"The Captain and his Mate are on the bridge," Asti the navigator shouted out as part of protocol.

Jack sat down on his bed again and continued to listen to the TV and couldn't believe his eyes and ears about to what the news was broadcasting.

"Those fuckers went and did it. I can't believe it," he said, forgetting for a moment about his brother. That's when he heard a loud knock on the door. He stood up and the knocks continued, but were more rapid, like someone desperately wanted to come in.

"Ok, I'm coming," Jack shouted as he put his jeans back on. He didn't have time to put on his shirt and had a difficult time taking his eyes away from the TV. He took a deep breath and his strong muscular chest heaved up and down. The knocks on the door continued as he pulled himself from the TV and went to the door and opened it.

"Jack, Jack, did you hear what's going on? Did you hear? They dropped a bomb, a nuclear bomb on Washington DC."

It was the young twink that Jack has sex with the day before. He grabbed Jack in his arms and held him tight. Jack felt the kid's body shake in fear.

"Yeah I heard, its ok, Billy," Jack said trying to calm the 20 year old.

"Can I stay here? I'm scared Jack, I'm scared, please don't send me away," Billy pleaded holding Jack tighter.

"Yeah, sure, kid, you can stay here, in fact I was just thinkin' about ya," Jack said as he held onto the frightened young man.

It was then they both heard a loud noise off the distance. They're heads snapped toward the window. Jack took Billy by the hand and they went to see what it was.

"What was that Jack?" Billy cried as they looked out toward the east and saw large plumes of smoke.

"Fuck," Jack said as he grabbed Billy's hand again and pulled him from the window.

"What is it Jack?" Billy said in a panic.

"Bombs, Billy, bombs."

Billy froze in his tracks.

"Come on we got to get to the parking garage," Jack said and pulled Billy toward the door. Then they heard another explosion, but this time it was much closer.

Jack led the young man down the stairs toward the garage as other tenants from the building ran into the streets screaming.

They heard more bombs going off that shook the building. Billy froze again and Jack pulled on him as they got to the empty subterranean car park and ran to Jack's storage shed. He opened the door; they went in and shut the door behind them. They both breathed hard as Jack felt around for the light. He turned it on and saw Billy frozen in fear.

"Hey, we're safe here, I think. I always thought this would make a good bomb shelter," Jack said and held the young man tightly, then kissed his lips. Jack then let go and began to dig through his camping gear.

He pulled out a couple sleeping bags and spread them out on top of an old mattress he had stored there. He took out a battery operated lantern he used for camping and put it next to the sleeping bag covered mattress and lay down.

"Come here," Jack said softly, knowing his young twink was scared stiff. Billy then lay down next to Jack, when another explosion was heard off in a distance. Billy quickly moved in closer to Jack and held onto him and rested his head on Jack's furry chest. The young man's body was still shaking in fear.

"We're going to die, ain't we Jack?" Billy said practically in tears.

"Nah, we will be ok, I promise ya," Jack lied, not sure of what their fate would be.

Jack knew he had to distract his young companion and he knew just what they both needed.

He lifted Billy's chin up, moved in and kissed his lips, opening his mouth to let his tongue twirl past the twink's willing lips.

Jack broke their kiss and smiled at the scared young man.

"Take your clothes off Billy, I want to see you naked," Jack said passionately.

Billy stood up and took his shoes off, then his shirt and jeans. He stood naked in front of Jack with his young cock pointing upward. His body was slender but cut with 6 pack abs.

"You got a beautiful body, Billy and a great cock. Come on, suck me like you did the other day," Jack said as seductively as possible with bombs going off in a distance.

Billy just smiled and laid on top of Jack and moved down his chest, while Jack reached into his wallet and took out a condom he had, undid his pants and pulled out his hard cock. Billy pulled off Jack's jeans while he opened the condom and rolled it on his erection. He and Adam were about the same size, but having a 9 inch dick didn't seem to bother the twink.

"You don't have to put that on Jack," Billy said referring to the condom, "I don't care if you're HIV positive."

"But I do, Billy," Jack said and looked into the twink's eyes and ran his fingers through Billy's blond hair, "You are too cute you know that, I'd like to see you more often."

"Really Jack, you want to date me or something?" Billy said while holding onto Jack big condom covered cock.

"Yeah, something like that, now suck my dick," Jack said with a smile.

Billy looked at Jack's massive member, then gobbled it down.

"Oh fuck yeah, Billy, suck my dick boy, shit," Jack panted as his young friend continued to move up and down on his dick. Billy was really getting into it when a bomb went off somewhere outside and shook the building, sending dust from the rafters onto the two lovers. Billy dropped Jack dick from his mouth and was about to panic.

"Hey, Billy, concentrate on my dick and nothing else," Jack said as he held onto his young friends shoulders. Billy looked up at Jack and gave him a smile then swallowed Jack's dick again, but his eyes never left Jack.

"That's it Billy, fuck you're good," Jack said as another bomb went off. This time Billy dropped Jack's dick again and quickly moved up and buried his face in Jack's shoulder. The young man's body was shaking again and Jack held him tight.

"It's ok, Billy," Jack said as he stroked the back of Billy's head. He then turned the young blond on his stomach, straddled him, and began to massage his shoulders.

"I'm gonna give you my 200 dollar massage, Billy," Jack whispered and he moved his hands over the twink's tense shoulder muscles.

"Hmm that feels good Jack," Billy moaned and started to relax. Jack's hands moved from his shoulders and began to move down the young man's back, massaging deeply as he did. Jack's condom covered dick was getting harder as his hands roamed over Billy's back.

He got to Billy's butt and began to squeeze and kneed the hard muscles. Jack then spread his cheeks apart, fingered his hairless pink hole, then spit in it and pushed his tongue deep inside.

"Fuck, Jack, that feels good," Billy said while breathing hard.

Jack pulled his tongue from Billy young hole and knelt up. He then grabbed Billy from behind and put him in the spoon position. As their bodies touched, Jack felt a tingling sensation that spread all though him.

"You gonna let me fuck ya, Billy?" Jack asked his scared friend.

"Yeah Jack, fuck me, please fuck me," Billy said, his voice still showed signs of stress.

"Good, baby," Jack said and kissed his neck. Jack then reached for his old backpack, remembering there was some lube left over from his last camping trip with a hot number.

Jack fished around in the bag and sure enough, there was the lube. He took it out and spread it over his condom covered hard cock.

"You got such a nice ass, Billy," Jack said as his hand rubbed the twink's butt cheeks until his lube covered finger met Billy hairless pink rosebud. Jack's finger enter Billy's hole, lubing it as he did.

"You ready, hot stuff?" Jack asked. Billy smiled.

"Yeah, fuck me Jack," Billy said.

Jack's big dick poked at Billy's rosebud until Billy opened up to let Jack's cock enter him.

"Oh fuck, Jack," Billy called out feeling a bit of pain from Jack's 9 inch rock hard cock. Billy had turned him on more than he thought it would.

"Fuck Billy you feel so fuckin' good," Jack puffed. Billy lifted his head and turned it toward Jack, who met him half way and their lips and tongue locked in a wet kiss. Then another bomb went off.

Billy jumped and was about to panic again.

"Relax Billy, concentrate on my dick inside you. That's the only thing in the world right now is you and me fucking," Jack said holding onto his young friend.

"Yeah Jack, fuck me," Billy said trying to distract himself from the bombs going off. Jack's hand moved down to Billy soft dick and began to play with it until it got hard again. Then he began to pump harder in Billy's ass as he continued to beat his young twink's hard on.

"Jack, Jack, I'm gonna cum," Billy said with urgency, as Jack continued to masturbate the blond.

"Me too, Billy. You got me really turned on. Oh Fuck!" Jack said, then began to explode inside the condom covering his dick.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Billy cried out as he too dropped his load on the sleeping bag, "Oh fuck, oh fuck," Billy repeated as Jack continued to move in and out of Billy's ass.

Both men stopped their sex play as their ballsack emptied and tried to catch their breaths. Jack's hand was covered in Billy's spunk and when he dropped his cock from his hand he brought it to his mouth and began to lick it. He looked at Billy then brought his hand to his mouth and Billy licked it as well.

"Fuck, you're good Billy," Jack said.

Billy didn't say anything, he just smiled and moved his butt in closer to Jack and continued to lay in the spoon position with Jack's condom covered dick filled with his sperm, firmly planted in Billy's ass.

Jack began to get soft and pulled out. He rubbed his hands over a more relaxed Billy's chest.

"You awake there Billy boy?" Jack whispered

"Yeah, thanks Jack. I like you, I like you a lot," Billy said and turned around to face Jack.

"I like you a lot too, Billy," Jack said sincerely then removed the condom from his soft cock.

"Hell, Billy, look at this," Jack said holding up the condom filled with his sperm, "you had me so turned on, I nearly filled up this baby."

"Cool," Billy said with a chuckle, "but I cummed all over your sleeping bag, Jack, sorry," Billy said apologetically.

"That's ok, its not the first time someone has dropped a load in that bag," Jack laughed and so did Billy. Jack then threw the cum filled condom in a corner.

Jack looked in Billy eyes and kissed him. Then they realized the bombing had stopped.

"Seems quiet out there," Billy said, "maybe its over."

"Maybe what is over? We still don't know what the hell is going on," Jack said. Billy held Jack tight and began to shake again.

"Hey, maybe we should go up to the apartment and get some supplies, like blankets and food. I'm hungry," Jack said trying to be cheerful when he knew everything in his life had changed in the last 48 hours.

"Ok, I'm hungry too," Billy said, "Jack, you don't mind me being here with ya do ya? You ain't gonna kick me out or nothin' like that?"

"Fuck no, Billy. Like I said, we could date or somethin'," Jack said as he got up from the sleeping bag mattress. Billy smiled as he got up and they both put their jeans on.

They opened the door to their make shift bomb shelter and cautiously walked out.

"Everything seems ok here," Jack said as they walked out into the parking garage, then up the stairs to his apartment.

They walked in and nothing was out of place. Jack smiled with a sigh of relief, but that was short lived as he looked out the window and saw the devastation just outside. Buildings were burning and smoke and debris was everywhere.

"Are those dead bodies laying down there?" Billy asked in a panic.

"Fuck Billy, let's hurry up and get out of here and down to the shed."

Jack and Billy went into the bedroom where Jack put on a shirt and took a bunch of his clothes.

"You could wear some of my stuff," Jack said to Billy, "grab some blankets and pillows and I'll get some food. Oh in that drawer next to the bed, there's a box of condoms; bring'em all. I think we will need'em," Jack said with a smile to his young friend.

"Yeah, ok," Billy said while trying to laugh, then grabbed Jack and kissed him hard on the lips.

"Fuck, you are cute," Jack said sincerely, as he looked into the twink's eyes, "we better get our asses in gear or I'm gonna fuck you right here."

Jack smiled as he left the bedroom and headed into the kitchen. He took a large box he had in the corner and began to empty the cabinets of canned foods and other goodies like cookies and chips. He then did the same thing to the refrigerator.

"You ready Billy?" Jack said.

"Yeah, coming," Billy said.

It was then that Jack heard a loud whistling sound.

"Billy get down!" Jack yelled just before a large explosion blasted just outside the apartment building. Glass and debris flew all over the place as the concussion blew out the windows and pushed Jack to the floor.

Then an eerie silence. Jack heard nothing but his own breathing. He looked at himself to make sure he was in one piece. The kitchen was in shambles with most of the things in his cabinets thrown from their shelves.

"Billy?" Jack said as he got up from the floor. "Billy you ok?" he said as he ran into the bedroom, "Bill...Fuck! Billy!" Jack yelled as he saw his young friend lying on the floor face down with a large piece of shrapnel stuck in the back of his head. Blood was gushing from the wound.

"Awe fuck, Billy no," Jack said as he knelt down next to his twink's lifeless body. Jack began to cry. He wasn't sure whom he was crying for, the cute twink or for himself.

"Fuck," Jack whispered quietly.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 3

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