The Saris

By John Josept

Published on Sep 22, 2009


************************************** Disclaimer The following Science Fiction story deals with explicit gay sex between men. If this type of material offends you, or you are under the age allowed by the state or region you reside in or you live in an area where this type of material is not legal, you must please leave and not go any further. ************************************** I dedicate this and everything I do to my partner, who goes through hell just to be with me. ************************************** Legal Stuff: The author, John Josept, reserves all copyright privileges. This work may not be reproduced, except for personal use and may not be linked to any other site or webpage, without the written permission of the author. **************************************

The Saris Part I: Armageddon by John Josept Chapter One

Like he does most mornings, Adam Rossi sat up in bed with his back against the headboard watching the early morning news. Cameron, his partner, who was asleep next to him with his arm around Adam's naked lower torso, wasn't bothered by the noise from the TV.

This particular morning, Adam was trying to concentrate on what the news commentator was saying because the world situation was getting very tense, starting with Russia who had once again invaded Georgia, one of the former Soviet Union countries.

In the Middle East, relations between Israel and Palestine became more serious than ever with all out war starting in that area.

India and Pakistan also were throwing around words like "nuclear bombs", while North Korea threatened to obliterate South Korea with its nuclear arsenal, and China was threatening everyone.

Yet the scariest threat was from the terrorist groups like the Taliban who claimed to have a Dirty Bomb and was going to blow them up in several cities around the world.

The USA and Great Britain were trying to act as mediators to all of this, only to cause more problems by threatening "retaliation" to anyone who attacked anyone, only to have everyone angry with them, each accusing the US and the UK of taking sides with their sworn enemies. The US was now in a heated battle of words with Russia.

The leaders of all these countries were scheduled to meet in Geneva, Switzerland for summit talks. With everyone's ideology being so far apart, little hope was given for a peaceful solution.

"Those fuckers are going to blow up this world yet," Adam muttered out loud. His lover stirred and turned on his back. Adam smiled as he looked at Cameron. He couldn't concentrate too hard on the world right now, because this was no ordinary morning. Today was his and Cameron's one year anniversary. You see, this was the longest relationship Adam ever had. He didn't have the best of temperaments a man could want in a partner, partly due to his Italian heritage, but mostly because he was a LAPD detective. Most men he dated couldn't handle his gruff manner, his cynical police attitude, his foul language and flyaway temper, but Cameron was different. He saw something in Adam no one else could see, not even Adam himself.

While the threat of an impending world war loomed, Adam stared at his lover's naked body and his mind drifted back to the first time he saw Cameron at the local gym that was just blocks from his apartment in the heart of West Hollywood.

He had just finished his workout routine and was going to head to the showers, then to the sauna for a little "playtime". Working out always made him feel randy and he figured he could get some good head in the sauna or the steam room.

As he walked toward his locker to get a towel, he saw Cameron for the first time. When their bodies glided past, both men stared at each other, but neither one stopped. Adam turned his head toward the handsome blond with the bare torso, who seemed to be staring at him as well, while fiddling with what looked like his IPod. Their gazes lingered for a few seconds, but Adam turned his head forward again. His heart was racing. He never saw anyone as handsome as this blond stranger with the piercing blue eyes and perfect body.

"Stop acting like a fucking teenage girl, asshole," he said to himself, then muttered, "Hope he comes to the sauna cause I could use a good blow job. Wouldn't mind fucking his ass either," he smiled. Unfortunately for Adam, he didn't.

It wasn't until two days later, when he saw him again that Adam decided to go up to the blond stud and talk to him. As he approached him, Adam became uncharacteristically nervous and his heart began to race again.

"Hey, hello, yeah uhm, how ya...a...doin' I'm...a...Adam," he stuttered, while staring into the handsome stranger's deep blue eyes. He tried to talk again but began to stammer once more and everything that came out of his mouth was gibberish. He never was lost for words when it came to a hot number, but for some reason he felt like a babbling teenager.

"Hi, I'm Cameron," the handsome blond with the big smile and sexy voice said as they shook hands. As soon as their hands touched, Adam calmed down and introduced himself, again.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I'm Adam," he said more calmly. He stared into the handsome blond's eyes and seemed mesmerized. "I haven't seen you around here until the other day? You new in town?"

"Yes, I just arrived about a week ago from Biloxi, Mississippi," Cameron said. At the time Adam didn't think it odd that Cameron didn't have a Mississippi accent.

Actually, Adam couldn't remember too much of what Cameron said next, he was too busy checking out his crotch. He did remember they went to dinner that night and ended up at Cameron's apartment. That he remembers quite clearly and in detail.

Adam made the first move on Cameron that night and they began to make out on the couch. Adam remembered unbuttoning Cameron's shirt for the first time.

"Fuck you got a hot body, Cam," Adam puffed then he took off his own shirt.

"Yeah, you're hot, too," Cameron said, not really wanting to talk, then plunged his tongue down Adam's throat. "Let's go into the bedroom and get more comfortable," he panted.

They got up from the couch and Cameron took Adam's hand and led him to the bedroom and to his king size bed.

Adam grabbed Cameron in his arms and began to kiss him wildly. Their lips and tongues were battling for dominance. They stopped and looked at each other, both men were turned on more than they ever had been in their lives. In a flash both Adam and Cameron stripped off the rest of their clothes.

"Holy Fuck! That's the biggest dick I ever saw!" Adam exclaimed.

Cameron didn't comment he was too turned on. He grabbed Adam again and kissed hard and long, tasting his tongue as he did. Their bodies rubbed against each other while their hard-on's poked at their bellies.

"Lay on the bed," Cameron ordered, and Adam submitted to what ever he said. Cameron spread Adams legs then laid on top of him and kissed him again. He stopped then smiled and began to work his way down Adam's body, licking and biting at the hairs on his chest and stomach as he did. When he got to Adam's rigid cock, he looked up at Adam and slid his lips all the way down his pole to his pubic hairs. He breathed in his musk and moved his lips up and down, deep throating Adam dick each time he did.

"Oh Fuck!" Adam shouted.

Cameron dropped Adam's dick from his mouth then moved his lips up to Adam's mouth and kissed hard.

"I'm going to fuck you," Cameron said.

"Ah, no way. I don't bottom for nobody, especially you with that monster of yours," Adam said with urgency.

"I wont hurt you Adam, you will love it, I promise," Cameron said softly yet passionately. He kissed Adam's lips gently while they stared into each other's eyes.

Nothing was said between the two men. Adam was transfixed as Cameron reached into the drawer and took out a condom and the lube. Adam wanted to protest, but found he didn't feel apprehensive, he didn't know why but he trusted this hunk of a man kneeling naked in front of him.

"Put this on me, Adam," Cameron said. Adam took the condom and slid it onto Cameron's thick rock hard cock. He then smeared lube over his cock then laid back down on his back.

Adam watched as Cameron knelt in between his legs and just stared at his body. Cameron reach down and touched his hairy chest and stomach then latched onto his very rigid dick.

"You are very sexy Adam," Cameron said then moved up over Adam and kissed his lips. He knelt back up took hold of Adam's legs and pushed them way up over his head, exposing his dark hairy rosebud. Cameron moved in closer and put the head of his dick at the entrance to Adam's hole. Adam jumped.

"Wait," Adam remembered saying.

"I won't hurt you Adam," Cameron said softly and Adam began to relax again. Adam didn't know why he trusted this guy he hardly knew, but there was something in his eyes that told him everything would be ok.

Cameron put pressure on Adam's rosebud and Adam jumped again.

"Just relax, Adam and push out. Everything will be ok," Cameron said softly. Adam pushed his sphincter out and Cameron popped in.

"Oh Fuck," Adam said, but it didn't hurt as much as he thought. Cameron slowly and deliberately moved into Adam's ass while never taking his eyes off the face of the handsome man under him. When he was all the way in, he leaned down and kissed Adam's lips and smiled. Adam was speechless, he wanted to yell out, but he couldn't believe how fantastic it felt with Cameron's big cock inside him.

Cameron hips began to move up and down, slowly at first; he didn't want to scare Adam.

"You feel great Adam. Am I hurting you?" Cameron said, but he knew the answer just by looking at Adam's face.

"No," is all Adam said. Cameron leaned down and kissed him again. While his tongue was planted inside Adam's mouth, Cameron began to pick up speed with his in and out movement. He let go of Adam's lips then looked into his eyes again.

"Fuck me, Cam, fuck me hard," Adam said, not believing the words that came out of his mouth. He loved being fucked by this blond god on top of him.

Cameron picked up speed and began to plow Adam hard, while Adam found his cock was the hardest its been in a long time. He couldn't believe how turned on he was as he grabbed his dick and began to masturbate.

"I'm going to cum Adam," Cameron puffed.

"Yeah," Adam shouted as he let loose with his own orgasm spewing his spunk over his chest and stomach.

Seeing this, Cameron pulled his dick out of Adam's ass, ripped off the condom just as his cum began to propel itself all over Adam face, chest and stomach.

"Oh yeah!" Cameron grunted and more and more of his juices shot from his pee slit. That was the first time Adam saw Cameron cum and couldn't believe the amount of sperm that covered his body.

Finally, Cameron's orgasm subsided and he knelt there staring at Adam. Both men's bodies were drenched in sweat. Both had a hard time breathing, as Cameron laid down on top of Adam and kissed his lips with all the passion he could give. Adam laid there with Cameron on top of him and ran his hand up and down the blond hunks back. He couldn't believe he let someone he hardly knew fuck him.

"That was the best sex I ever had," Adam said still out of breath.

"I'm glad baby," Cameron said.

The rest just seemed to fall into place and took Adam by surprise. They moved in together a couple months later. They fell in love and fell in love hard.

Adam brought himself back to the present, then looked at his lover again, then turned off the TV and slid down from his sitting position and lay on his side close to him. His morning erection rested on Cameron's leg. Cameron's erection, the largest Adam had ever seen, laid flat on his stomach. They shifted a bit in the bed.

"Mornin," Adam grunted, "Well, you stuck it out for a fuckin' year," he said in his usual hard-boiled tone. He still could not believe that someone like Cameron would stay with him, let alone love him. He rested his head on Cameron's smooth chest and his fingers ran over the long scar on his side, the only flaw on Cameron's otherwise perfect body.

"Good Morning. Happy Anniversary to you too," Cameron said with a groggy smile. He was used to Adam's grumpiness by now and knew this was his way of acknowledging their being together for a full year.

Cameron took a deep breath and his mind drifted away. He hadn't slept much that night. He knew this was going to be a difficult day and had tossed and turned most of the night trying to figure out just how he was going to tell Adam the secret he kept from him ever since they first met. He wondered if they would last the day. He loved Adam, in spite of all his faults or maybe because of them. He hoped this would be an anniversary to remember and not a day to regret.

Both Cameron and Adam were in their mid 30's and were similar in build. Both were very tall, 6 foot 4 inches to be exact, with strong hard bodies. Adam had dark hair, cut very short. His eyes were deep brown, with lines on the sides that made him look older than his 36 years. His well developed, tanned chest and stomach had a thin even coat of hair, accenting his ruggedly handsome looks and muscular body. Sometimes when Adam was asleep, Cameron would just sit in the lotus position at the foot of the bed and stare at his lover's naked body to marvel at just how perfect Adam was.

In contrast, Cameron had blond hair with blue eyes, with hairless, fair skin on his chiseled body. The only hair he did have, other than on top of his head, was the dark blond bush around his huge cock and balls. Cameron was more than just good-looking; his face was flawless, not a wrinkle and no sign of stubble or aging. Cameron never shaved; where he was from, no one shaved, it wasn't necessary. But Adam could shave 10 times a day and still look like he needed to get out the razor again. Adam would always tease Cameron on how light skinned he looked in comparison to him. Even when they went to the local gay nude beach, Adam would get a nice all over tan, where Cameron's skin would not even sunburn no matter how long they stood in the sun's rays. Sometimes they would lay naked in bed and laugh and tease each other on how different their bodies were. They loved each other and it was apparent to everyone, even though Adam tried to hide that soft side of him.

Adam was usually fiery and quick-tempered, keeping true to his Italian heritage; Cameron was always cool and seemed to be in total control of his emotions. At this point, his heritage was somewhat dubious to Adam, but that would change as of today.

Adam could sense there was something on Cameron's mind. He had been acting quiet and sullen for a couple days, but he knew Cameron would tell him everything when he was ready. Adam didn't want to push him; he didn't want to do anything to jeopardize their relationship. In spite of this rough exterior, he loved Cameron more than anyone he ever knew and wasn't going to blow it this time. His track record in regards to relationships was not that great.

Adam grabbed hold of that huge dick of his lover's and began to fondle it.

"Hmmm, nice," Cameron moaned as Adam played with his ballsack. With his hand still on his lover's scrotum, he moved up and kissed his lips letting his tongue float inside his partner's mouth.

Cameron stopped thinking of what he had to tell Adam later and concentrated on making love to his partner. He let go of Adam's lips, sat up next to him, leaned over and swallowed his lover's cock. Adam's dick was a healthy 9 inches, but no match for Cameron's 12-inch weapon. Having a huge erection was commonplace where Cameron was from; in fact it was absolutely necessary.

Cameron's cock was now facing Adam, so he opened his mouth as wide as he could and stuffed his big dick in as far as it would go. When they first met, he could barely get the head of Cameron's cock in his mouth; but now, after a year, he could swallow just about half. It wasn't only the length that made it difficult, it was the girth as well. Adam had to really stretch his jaws to get it in. Someday he knew he would be able to swallow the whole thing. It was just a matter of time and controlling his gag reflexes.

"After all, we have a fucking lifetime together to practice," Adam would always joke to his partner. Little did he know that what was to happen could jeopardize that dream.

On the other hand, Cameron had no problem swallowing all 9 inches of Adam's cock. He let it slide between his lips then moved down slowly on his lover's rigid pole as the tip of his lover's dick hit the back of his throat, then he slid down further. Cameron had good control of his gag reflexes, something that came natural to him at a very early age. Adam moaned loudly as he felt his dick slide deep inside his lover's throat.

"Hmm," Adam moaned again but didn't say anything. To do that, he would have to drop Cameron's cock from his mouth. He was enjoying the sensation of sucking his lover's manhood as his lover deep throated him.

After Adam got as much as he could of Cameron's dick in his mouth, he began to move up and down on it using his hand on the half he couldn't swallow. With his free hand, he fondled Cameron's balls. Cameron loved to have his scrotum stretched and Adam knew just how he liked it. He wrapped his thumb and forefinger around the top of his lover's ballsack just below the shaft of his monster cock, and pulled down on it.

"Oh yeah," Cameron moaned, dropping Adam's dick from his mouth. "That feels great, baby, pull harder." Adam obliged, and Cameron laid down on his back while Adam pulled harder on his ballsack while sucking on his very rigid dick. But this got Cameron too close to his orgasm, so he pulled his massive member out of Adam's mouth, then switched his body around and kissed his lover to let their tongues explore every inch inside their mouths, while their hands ran over their cut bodies.

Adam ran his hand over Cameron's chest, letting his fingers circle around Cameron's hard nipples. His hand moved down from his chest and glided over the ridges of his muscled abs. He looked into his lover's deep blue eyes as his hand latched onto Cameron's hard on.

"Fuck me now, Cam. Let me feel that cock of yours inside me. Give me an anniversary fuck that I ain't gonna' forget," Adam said breathing hard.

"Anything for you, baby," Cameron replied smiling. Soon he would let Adam in on his little secret. "How would he react?" He wondered if they would ever do this again.

They shifted into position with Cameron kneeling in between Adam's legs. He reached for the lube that was on the night table, squirted a large amount on his dick, and coated it well. They had recently made the decision to stop wearing condoms, a decision they didn't take lightly, but felt confident enough with each other that they could make this type of choice.

Ever since Adam was able to take Cameron's big dick inside him without a condom, his orgasms have been extremely intense and powerful. Adam didn't know why they were so potent, and he didn't want to say anything for fear it may make his partner think he was complaining.

Cameron stopped for a second to admire his lover's body and took a deep breath. "Damn, I love this man," he said to himself, then ran his lube-covered hands over Adam's hairy cut chest and abs. He knelt back up, grabbed Adam's legs, and pushed them up, to expose his waiting hairy rosebud.

Cameron looked at his lover's hole and smiled, then winked at Adam, leaned down and plunged his tongue into his ass.

"Oh fuck," Adam gasped. He loved to be rimmed by his lover, because Cameron's tongue seemed to go deeper than any man Adam had been with.

Oh god, fuck, Cam, you drive me crazy, fuck," Adam mumbled.

Cameron knelt back up still holding on to Adam's up stretched legs. He wiped his mouth of Adam's ass juices with the back of his hand and smiled.

"You ready?"

"Fuck yeah."

Cameron put his dick at the entrance to Adam's hole and put pressure on the muscle. Adam pushed his sphincter until it opened up to let that big dick inside him.

"Oh Fuck," Adam sighed as pleasure swept over his entire body.

Slowly Cameron continued to invade his lover's bowels. The more his dick went into Adam's ass the more they both groaned with ecstasy. Cameron's pleasure was because his dick was wrapped tightly inside his lover ass, and Adam because Cameron's big cock had already begun to massage his prostate. Adam could swear he could feel every vein of Cameron's monster as it slid into him. The mixture of pain and pleasure was overwhelming to him. Finally Cameron was all the way inside.

Adam was stretched to the max, but he loved it all. He liked it a bit rough and Cameron knew just how much Adam could take. Cameron rested a bit and let his balls lay in the crack of Adam's ass. He leaned down and kissed his lover's lips.

"Now, fuck me Cam. Make me cum. Make me feel it," Adam whispered while running his hands though his lover's thick blond hair.

Cameron slowly pulled out then plunged his monster cock back in, causing Adam to yell out, but not in pain, but with pleasure.

"Again, Cam, do it again!"

Cameron did as he was told and plunged in and out of Adam's ass several times causing them both to be near their orgasm and cry out with lust.

"Fuck me big guy," Adam gasped as his lover leaned down and buried his tongue in Adam's mouth.

"Oh yeah, baby" Cameron panted. Over and over Cameron let his lover have the brunt of his passion. Faster and harder, Cameron pounded his lover's hole. Their lovemaking was wild and free. Cameron, who was always in control, would let himself go, to pleasure and be pleasured by his lover.

Cameron looked into his lover's eyes as his dick kept pounding into Adam's ass. Cameron was coming close to his orgasm and tried his best to hold out as long as he could.

"I'm going to cum," Cameron warned, loosing the battle to control it.

"Good, give it to me big guy, so I could cum, too," Adam's shaky voice said trying his best to wait for his lover.

"Oh yeah, cumming," Cameron shouted just as his jizz began to pour into Adam's ass. "Oh Yeah! Ahhhhh," Cameron cried out as more of his spunk shot into his lover. He pulled his dick out just as it shot another spurt on the outside of Adam's rosebud. Cameron then plunged back in forcing the spunk on Adam's hole into his very eager ass.

Then it happened; that feeling when Cameron cummed inside Adam, like he was cumming way deeper than the 12 inches that rested inside his ass.

Adam couldn't hold back, so as Cameron was filling his ass with his spunk, Adam began squirting his load all over his body.

"Oh God," Adam bellowed, "ohhhhhhhh Shit," he grunted loudly over and over as some of his sperm landed over his head, some on his face and some on his torso resting on the hairs of his chest and stomach.

Cameron could cum more that anyone he knew. Adam felt his insides being filled up with his lover's juices while he felt movement way up inside him again, but knew that was not possible.

As the last of Adam's sperm dripped out of his pee slit and down his hand, Cameron's orgasm began to slow down and his body shook and quivered.

"Oh fuck," Adam said with a chuckle as his body shivered the last of his sperm from his softening dick.

Finally Cameron's balls were drained and he collapsed on top of his lover and pulled his still hard dick out of Adam's ass. He looked into his lover's eyes then licked the cum from his lips and chin, and kissed him hard, then rested his head on Adam's chest to catch his breath. Adam took his cum covered hand and began to lick it clean. Cameron grabbed onto it and finished the job, licking and sucking seductively on each cum covered finger.

When Cameron finished, Adam held him in his arms and ran his fingers up and down his lover's back as he usually did in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

"Happy Anniversary, Cam," Adam said, out of breath.

"I love you, baby," Cameron said with a smile.

"Yeah, me too," Adam said.

Adam lay there thinking about the past year with Cameron and how his life had changed. He was always in charge, always the man on top, that's the way he was brought up and that's the way he lived his life. No sentiment, just fuck and be done and nothing else. Then Cameron came along and all that changed. He used to be an exclusive top. He wouldn't let any guy fuck him; he was the one to do the fucking, and that was that.

With Cameron, it just seemed natural to be his bottom, to be taken by him. He never experienced sex with anyone like he does with him.

He never would allow his emotions to be known. If anyone had called him "baby" he would have punched his face in. Not with Cameron, he liked it when he was called that, even in front of their friends. Adam would never say "I love you" to any guy other than his brother, but with Cameron, he said it as often as he could.

He held Cameron tighter as he lay on top of him. Their breathing was coming back to normal.

Cameron's brain cleared and his mind returned to the problem he had to face in a few minutes. He looked at the clock and knew time was running out. He really loved Adam and was trying to figure out a way to tell him who he really was, where he really came from, and that it was time for him to go back. He just hoped Adam would understand and agree to come with him on his long journey home; a journey were Adam would have to leave everything he knew behind. Cameron was nervous and Adam sensed it.

"Hey, what the fuck's up, Cam?" Adam asked softly as he stroked the back of his lover's head, "You pissed at me or somethin'?"

Cameron didn't say anything he just rolled off of his partner, got up and walked into the bathroom where he wiped the cum from his chest. Adam began to get worried. He never saw Cameron act like this. He got up, grabbed a towel and wiped the cum from his hairy body and followed him.

Cameron stood leaning on his hands over the bathroom sink, with his head down. The morning sun flowed into the bathroom illuminating rippled muscles of Cameron's shoulders, back, butt and legs. Adam stared at his lover for a moment then smiled as he walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around him, rested his naked body against his and laid his chin on Cameron's shoulder.

"Hey big guy, you ok?" Adam asked lovingly while rubbing his lover's chest with his hands. Cameron hesitated for a second, then turned to face his lover.

"Adam, we have to talk, there's something we have to talk about," Cameron said in a tone that Adam knew meant something was seriously wrong. He's heard that phrase "We have to talk" before and it always meant one thing...Break-up! It's usually followed by "You know I love you, but..." Adam's heart sunk and let go of his lover, took a step back, and waited for the ax to fall.

"You know I love you, don't you, and I hope you'll understand what I am going to say?" Cameron continued. Adam's jaw dropped; he couldn't believe his ears.

"You fuckin' son-of-a-bitch, you're dumping me ain't ya? You're leaving me!" Adam said angrily. Adam's quick temper went into full swing. He didn't give Cameron time to continue his explanation. He stormed out of the bathroom while he yelled obscenities, and lay on the bed on his back, with his legs draped over the side. He couldn't believe this was happening. Cameron followed him out of the bathroom. He stood next to his lover's naked body and couldn't get over how hot and sexy he looked, even when he was so angry.

"No, no, Adam, listen, let me explain," Cameron said, desperately trying to get a word in.

"Yeah, yeah, I know the story, 'It's me and not you' I heard it all before. What did I do? Just tell me; just tell me why you're leaving, Cam. Just get it fuckin' over with... shit!" Adam said with despair. He was beginning to loose control.

"No, No, Adam," Cameron said, "I mean yes I have to leave, but..."

"Fuck! I knew this was too good to last. And on our fucking anniversary! God damn it ... I love you," Adam yelled as he sat up, "doesn't that mean shit to you?"

It wasn't easy for Adam to express how he felt, especially when it comes to love, and Cameron knew it.

"Tell me what I did wrong and I'll fuckin' fix it. You can't just walk out on me like this." Adam was pleading this time. His voice was cracking because his world was collapsing; at least that is what he thought.

"Adam!" Cameron yelled trying to get his lover to focus on what he was trying to explain to him, "listen to me. I have something to tell you about myself and we don't have much time. Please pay attention, you have to calm down."

"What do you mean we don't have much time? Is something wrong? Are you sick or somethin'?" Adam said with concern in his voice.

"No, No, just calm down and listen."

Adam took a deep breath. "Ok, I'm calm, now tell my why you're fuckin' leavin' me."

"I'm not leaving you. I have to leave, but I want you to come with me."


"Well, that's what I have to tell you. This is where you have to draw on your love for me, Adam, because this is going to sound way crazy to you at first. I will try to make you understand that everything I am about to tell you is the absolute truth."

"Alright, stop beating around the fuckin' bush and tell me!" Adam said irritably. He wanted to know why this man he let his guard down for was doing this to him.

"Ok, here goes, but promise you won't interrupt or comment until I'm finished."

"Just fuckin' get on with it!" Adam said impatiently.

"First, promise you won't interrupt," Cameron insisted, knowing his partner's temperament.

"Ok, ok, damn it," Adam said.

Cameron started to pace back and forth while nervously rubbing his hands together. He took a deep breath and began.

"Well, when we first met about a year ago, I had just gotten here from... well, from my home." Cameron said and stopped his pacing and stared out the window.

"Yeah right, you said some podunk place like 'Hooterville', or somewhere in the deep south," Adam said sarcastically. He didn't believe him then and sure as hell didn't believe him now. Cameron was always secretive about where he came from and Adam had just grown to accept it.

"Adam, you said you wouldn't interrupt, baby, please," Cameron said and began to pace again.

"Ok, go on," Adam said. He was angry, but he loved the man who stood naked in front of him and decided to keep quiet so he could explain.

"As you have guessed by now, I'm not from the South," Cameron continued.

"Duh!" Adam said sarcastically.

"Adam!" Cameron said nervously. He looked at his lover and wanted to grab him and hold him in his arms, but instead he continued his explanation.

"I come from a place very far from here, Adam, farther than you could imagine. It took months to get here, but when we finally made it we all separated and went to different locations all around Los Angeles so we wouldn't be linked together in case one of us got captured.

"What the fuck you talking about! Who are 'We'?" Adam shouted, "Where the hell are you from."

"Adam, I'm sorry, I'm getting this all screwed up," Cameron said then took a deep breath. "I am from a place very far from here...Way out... there." Cameron lifted his arm and pointed out the window to the sky.

"What? You from Russia or somthin'? You a Russian spy, is that what you're tryin' to tell me?" Adam said thinking of the deteriorating world situation. "Cause if you're thinkin' I'm going to move to that cold mother fuckin' country you're crazy..."

"No, no, much further than that, way past the stars...way, way past the stars." Cameron stared at Adam, waiting for his reaction.

"Yeah, yeah, you're from outer space, right?" Adam said sarcastically. He couldn't resist the interruption. Besides he didn't buy this explanation one bit.

"Yes, Adam, I am, and its time for me to go back," Cameron said very calmly and looked Adam straight in the eye.

Adam looked puzzled. He wasn't sure if he should laugh or not. At first he figured Cameron was joking, some kind of sick anniversary prank, but he knew that look on his face and he was dead serious. "Maybe Cam has lost his mind or somethin'," Adam thought to himself.

"You expect me to believe that shit?" Adam said out loud, in his usual tactful way, "I been dumped before, but never with a stupid ass excuse as this. 'I'm from outer space and have to go back'," Adam mocked.

"I'm not dumping you Adam, I want you to come with me."

"Where, damn it?" Adam yelled, still not sure if Cameron was pulling his leg or going crazy.

"The other side of the what you call the Milky Way galaxy; a planet that has not been discovered here on Earth, as of yet."

"Ok, so let's say what you are saying is true, why do you have to leave? Why can't we stay here and live our lives like we have been?" Adam said to humor his partner.

"Two reason, One its my duty to return and Two...I could die if I stay here."

"Die? What do you mean die?..." Adam exclaimed, "Cameron, I want to believe you, but," Adam said more calmly, trying to use logic, "don't you realize how far fetched this shit sounds? That you're some spaceman from some unknown planet out there somewhere at the other end of the galaxy and you have to go back or you'll fuckin' die?"

As Adam tried to explain his feelings, Cameron closed his eyes and looked like he was concentrating very hard, but not on what Adam was saying. It was his dick as it began to get it erect. It quickly hardened to its full massive length and he began to masturbate. He was fast approaching his climax.

"Cam, you pick the strangest time to have sex, but let me suck that thing Mr. Spaceman," Adam said with a big smile, and stood up to approach his sexy lover. But Cameron didn't pay attention, he had something to show Adam. Something that would prove he was very different than he or any other human on Earth.

"No, just sit there, I want to show you this," Cameron said gesturing with his free hand.

Adam sat back down on the bed; his dick was hard as a rock watching Cameron beating off.

"You always say... you never had such intense... orgasms when I'm inside you," Cameron said breathing heavy, trying to hold back from cumming too soon.

"Yeah, I still do. It's because of that big cock of yours, right?" Adam said while beating off his own hard dick.

"There's another reason for this... and I want to show it to you." Cameron was now ready to shoot his load, but first he concentrated really hard and his breathing became more and more labored.

"Here it comes, baby!" No sooner did he say that, when a long greenish, fleshy tube stretched out about 4 or 5 feet from his pee slit at the tip of his penis. Adam jumped off the bed and stood in front of his lover, not believing his own eyes as the tube swayed back and forth like a snake.

"What the fuck is that?!" Adam yelled staring at the strange sight in front of him.

The tip of the tube then opened up and began to spew out Cameron's sperm, most of which landed on an astonished Adam's face, chest and groin. It was still shooting cum as it retracted back into Cameron's still very rigid cock.

"What... th...the hell...wa...was that thing?!" Adam stuttered, as he unconsciously licked Cameron's spunk from his lips.

"It's caused by The Saris. Most every one on my planet has a cymbiot. I can control it when I want to let it loose when we have sex. I have been using it when I fuck you, cause I know you like it so much. That is why you have been having such intense orgasms." Cameron was still breathing hard from his demonstration.

"That thing, that Saris ... that was inside me? That's what caused me to cum so much?" Adam said nervously.

"Yeah, but not the whole thing, just part of it," Cameron said.

Adam's expression changed and his tanned face turn nearly pale white. "Oh shit," Adam gasped and stepped backwards into the night table knocking the lamp over and nearly fell over himself, "then...then that means you really are from...from out there somewhere," Adam said as he sat down on the bed again.

"Yes Adam," Cameron said, still wondering how his partner was going to take the rest of his news.

"Is there anything else I should know, like does something else pop out of your fuckin' body when I'm not lookin'?" Adam said. He still couldn't believe what just happened. He wasn't sure he should believe his eyes or his logic.

"There are a few other things that are different, other than The Saris, but I will explain them in due time."

"Why did you come here...from out there? Is your planet dying?" Adam asked, still in a daze. He knew how lame that sounded, but from the movies he saw and the books he read, that was the reason most aliens came to "take over the Earth". Adam was an avid Science Fiction buff and had read hundreds of books and had seen nearly every sci-fi movie ever made.

"Well sort of, but we're not taking over the Earth, if that's what you're thinking," Cameron smiled, knowing full well that Adam read an inordinate amount of science fiction. "We came here looking for mates to come back to our planet. You see because of a virus, our people are now sterile...and that includes me. We cannot reproduce anymore. We came here to bring back Earthers, of their own free will, to help propagate our planet again. Please, Adam, come back with me as my mate."

"What, I don't get it, you want me to go somewhere in outer space, so I could fuck some woman so she could have my baby? In case you forgot, I'm one of those gay guys that can't get it up for a woman."

"No Adam," Cameron gulped and hesitated, not sure if Adam would believe the next thing he was about to tell him, "our planet only has one gender. We have no female of the species where I come from. With the help of the Saris, the male has learned to reproduce."

"What? That's impossible."

"It's impossible here on Earth, but not where I come from. Please Adam, we don't have much time. Please say you will come back with me."

"I have to think about this Cam, this is too much for me to take in all at once. I find out my partner is some kind of spaceman, with this rope thing that comes out of your dick," Adam said while gesturing with his hands in the typical Italian way, "and, to top it off, you want me to leave Earth and go with you to god knows where to help have babies. What about my brother and my job? I just can't up and leave. I need time to prepare."

"We don't have time, you must make a decision now."

"Why now, how long do we have?"

Cameron looked at the clock next to the bed, "The ship will be here for us and my crew and their mates in about 6 hours."

"Six hours!? Your crew!? What do you mean 'your crew'!?"

"There are about 50 crew members on my ship. They are all here some where in the LA area, and will be bringing their mates with them too." Cameron said. He grabbed a towel from the chair, got down on his knees in front of Adam who sat on the bed with a very confused and troubled look. Cameron's cum was still dripping from Adam's face and chest. He didn't realize it was there until Cameron began to clean him up; his mind was on overload.

Adam looked into his partner's eyes and began to think of the first time he saw Cameron at the gym and how he made a fool of himself when he tried to talk with him. He thought he was the most beautiful man he ever saw; the perfect smile, the perfect body; everything about him screamed perfection. He still felt that way. Then he remembered their first kiss, the first time they made love, the times they just sat around the apartment on Sunday mornings reading the paper while they were entwined in each other's naked bodies. Their life together was good, but now this. Could he leave this Earth and go with the man he loved, or could he stay here alone, wondering if it all was just a dream. But leaving Earth, that was so difficult for him to comprehend.

Cameron grasped Adams hand while he knelt in front of him. "Please, Adam, I can't imagine life without you. I beg you to come with me."

"I don't know Cam, why didn't you tell me this sooner so I could have time to think?" Adam said softly.

"We couldn't until it came time to leave, for security reasons. If word got out about this, who knows what your government would have done to us. The Commission decided to wait until the morning we were to leave to tell our mates."

"Mates? Who are they?" Adam questioned.

"You are my mate, Adam. That is what we call the man we will spend the rest of our lives with."

"Oh," Adam said and smiled, "Then what's this Commission shit you mentioned?"

"Their the governing body of our planet."

"A bunch of assholes, if you ask me," Adam barked. Cameron smiled and wanted to agree with his lover or mate as he called him, but knew that would bring up too many questions that he couldn't answer. He was already in hot water with them over the request he made repeatedly for a special favor that was denied.

"Look, pack a small bag with some essentials," Cameron said snapping himself out of his thoughts, "most other things will be provided for you on the ship. Then when we get to the landing site, you can decide to come with me or come back to our apartment alone. My hope is that you will come with me, Adam."

"Ok, I'll pack a bag, but I still don't know what I'm gonna fuckin' do."

"Great, baby," Cameron said, then stood up, pulled Adam up into him, and kissed his lips. Adam didn't say anything, he just looked into Cameron's eyes then held him tight

"Come on let's shower and dress up," Cameron said softly then led Adam back into the bathroom.

Adam turned on the water and adjusted it to the right temperature that he knew they both liked. He thought to himself, "We'd never do this again if I didn't leave with him, but where would Cameron take me?"

Cameron stepped in the shower and put out his hand to Adam to join him. Adam walked in and Cameron shut the shower doors. He then took his lover in his arms and kissed him gently on the lips.

"I love you, Adam," Cameron said.

"I love you too, Cam," Adam said as he laid his head on his lover's shoulder and closed his eyes. Cameron ran his hands up and down Adam's back, then took hold of both ass cheeks and squeezed them. Adam had a hot firm butt that Cameron loved to touch.

"Fuck me, Adam. I want you inside me, please baby."

Adam looked into his lover's eyes, their lips drew closer and closer until their mouths opened wide and let their tongues dance inside. Adam broke their kiss, then looked down at Cameron's big hard dick and let it rest in the palm of his open hand. He still marveled at the size and weight of his magnificent tool.

"That rope thing, it's in there?" Adam asked as he continued to look and fondle Cameron erection.

"Yeah, The Saris put it there, that's why it's so big," Cameron answered. Adam had more questions for his lover, but right then all he wanted was to be inside this man he loved.

They kissed one more time and Adam turned his hunky partner to face the tiled wall of the shower. Cameron leaned over a bit and spread his legs so his ass would be more accessible for his lover's manhood.

Adam grabbed the liquid shower gel and smoothed it over his stiff dick. He then took his soapy hands and ran them over Cameron's ripped back and down to his smooth hard butt, then with his two fingers, he slowly inserted them into his lover's hole to spread some soap inside. He pulled his fingers out, then gripped his soapy dick in his right hand and set it at the entrance of Cameron's hole. With his left hand, he drew Cameron into him as he pushed his cock inside his lover's tight rosebud.

"Damn," a breathless Cameron gasped.

"Oh yeah, you're so fuckin' fantastic, my sweet space man," Adam whispered lovingly into Cameron's ear. His remark was not meant to mock, but more or less that he accepts Cameron for what he is.

Adam began to slowly pump in and out of Cameron ass. He wanted this to last forever because he knew that this could be the last time they made love. Gradually his desire took over and his in and out motion grew more lustful.

"Stop, Adam," Cameron said. Adam knew what Cameron was about to do, then stopped his motion and let his dick rest deep inside his lover. Adam began to feel movement inside Cameron's bowels massaging his dick. Cameron did this whenever his lover fucked him. Up until now, Adam thought Cameron had good muscle control, but now he figured he knew the true reason.

"Oh Fuck, Cam, that's driving me crazy, you're going to make me cum," Adam whispered holding his lover tightly. It felt like tiny fingers were inside Cameron's anus moving up and down on his very stiff member.

Adam started to move in and out as the "fingers" continued to massage his very hard weapon. The faster Adam moved, the faster the "fingers" stirred his member.

"I can't hold it anymore Cam," Adam managed to say.

"Cum inside me now, baby."

"I love you, big guy," Adam blurted out, "AHHHHH! Fuck!" he yelled as his spunk shot into Cameron ass. This, in turn, caused Cameron to begin to spray the tiled walls with his juices.

"Oh, Oh, Oh, Yeah," Cameron said as he coated the tile with his cream.

Adam continued to pump inside Cameron, even though his orgasm had stopped and his rigid pole had started to soften. He didn't want it to stop. He watched as Cameron continued to let loose his spunk.

At last, their orgasms subsided and they stood there with Adam's dick still inside his lover. Adam held Cameron tight as he caressed his chest and stomach. Cameron leaned his head against the tiled wall and tried to catch his breath and steady his balance.

"That was that Saris thing doing that right?" Adam asked softly as his hand moved down to Cameron's still hardened dick that continued to drip his spunk. Adam smeared the drops around the sensitive head of his lover's dick with his thumb, which sent a shiver though Cameron's body.

"Yeah," Cameron replied, as his body shook from Adam's touch.

Adam didn't reply; this was all too much for him to take in at once.

Cameron turned around and kissed Adam on his lips, then they both stood under the spray of the shower and began to wash each other.

As they got out of the shower, Adam grabbed onto Cameron and took him in his arms; their dripping wet bodies seemed to meld into one. Adam loved this man and the thought of loosing him started to tear him apart. "This isn't really happening," he whispered.

"Let's dress up babe, we have to go soon," Cameron said softly.

"Ok," Adam said reluctantly, knowing this was very real.

Cameron knew he could convince Adam to come with him. They loved each other and neither time nor space would separate them.

But Adam wasn't so sure. He was being asked to leave everything he ever knew and loved behind.

"I like being a cop." Adam said in his thoughts, trying to reason with himself. "What about my brother? I can't just leave without a word and just disappear?"

He looked over at Cameron who was busy packing a small bag. What should he do? He just didn't know.

"I should call, Jack, I don't want him to worry if I don't come back," Adam said as he finished dressing.

"No one can know about this Adam."

"He's my brother, Cam, I gotta tell him," Adam said firmly while raising his voice slightly. Cameron knew that tone and knew it would be no use arguing about it. He also knew Adam's relationship with his brother was special. Jack was HIV positive and Adam worried about him constantly.

"Well, watch what you say. He'll probably think you flipped out anyway."

Adam went into the other room to make his call, but returned fairly quickly.

"That was fast," Cameron said.

"There was no answer. He probably was getting his dick sucked or something."

Just then the phone rang and Adam went and picked it up.

"Hey, Jack," Adam said recognizing this brother's phone number on the Caller ID.

"What the hell kind of message was that?" Adam's brother Jack said into the phone, "I was getting this fantastic blow job from this hot twink, when I hear you saying you're leaving the fuckin' planet?"

"Look, Jack, I am sorry, I can't tell you more, I wish I knew more, but yeah I may be leaving, I can't explain why. I'm going with Cam, to where ever that is, at least I think I am. I know this sounds crazy, but its true."

"Crazy, you're out of your fucking mind! You flipped your fucking lid, brother," Jack shouted.

"I don't know, maybe I did...I have to go now, and don't forget, you have to pick up your new prescription for your meds tomorrow," Adam hesitated, "I love you Jack, and I will really miss you. I have to go, bye."

"Adam what the hell's going on! Adam...Adam...!"

Adam hung up while he still heard Jack yelling his name into the phone. He stood and looked at the phone expecting to hear his brother voice again. He had a special connection with his younger brother; he was Adam's first gay experience and the only other man he truly loved.

Adam gave off a heavy sigh, then walked back into the living room where Cameron was waiting. The phone started to ring again.

"We don't have time to answer, we have to leave now, baby," Cameron said softly.

"I know," Adam said and turned off the answering machine.

They looked around the apartment for anything they might want to take. Cameron went into the bedroom, opened a drawer, and took out a box of pictures he and his lover had taken over the past year and put it in his bag.

Adam went into the bedroom, took a couple of his sci-fi books and was about to leave when something caught his eye. He went to the dresser and grabbed the floppy eared stuffed rabbit that Cameron won for him at an arcade on their one-month anniversary. Adam seldom showed his sentimental side and tried to not let Cameron see that he packed that too, but Cameron did see; he didn't say anything, he just smiled.

Cameron took out an envelope from his bag that contained money for the last months rent on the apartment with a note for Adam's brother Jack. He was sure Jack would come to the apartment when he didn't hear from Adam. He placed the envelope on the table when Adam's back was turned.

"Let's go, we have a long ride ahead of us," Cameron said.

"Where we going to meet this flying saucer or whatever it is."

"The desert between Barstow toward Needles."

"Damn that's a four or five hour drive."

"Yeah. Depending on traffic, we should get there just in time."

Cameron and Adam took one last look at the apartment they shared the past year. Cameron put his arms around his lover and kissed him, then opened the door and they both stepped out. Cameron shut the door behind him; the phone still rang as they walked down the stairs to where their car was parked. Cameron headed for the drivers side and Adam headed for the passenger side. They got in and drove away.

After a few minutes of silence, Adam asked, "What's it like there on your planet. Do they have trees and beaches and skyscrapers and flying cars and crap like that? What the hell is the name of this place, anyway?

It's called Verigon, and it's beautiful there, not too much different than here on Earth, but we eliminated the smog and the air is pure and clean, even in the cities. The temperature is always warm there, we don't have the kind of winters you have here. It's always spring and summer. There are other major differences that you will learn about during the mate's orientation."

Adam just sat there not understanding what Cameron was talking about or maybe he was just not listening that close.

"There's a place I like to go on Verigon. It's right on a crystal clear lake. I have a house there I want you to see. I like to walk along the shore and just sit and think. I often think of you and me making love there in the open air."

"Sounds like paradise," Adam said as Cameron held his hand.

"In a way I guess it is Paradise," Cameron said with a smile, thinking of his home.

Adam kept mulling over what he should do. He still couldn't decide.

About half way there, they stopped at a Burger King to get something to eat. Cameron's penchant for fast food, especially Burger King, overpowered his logic for health and nutrition, which is very important part of Verigonian life. He hoped they programmed the Food Replicators on the ship to have such Earth bound delicacies as a Double Whopper with Cheese, large fries and a Coke. He ate like it was his last meal.

Adam, however, didn't eat much; he poked at his food a bit, finished his fries, but left most of the burger.

"I wonder if I could open up a Burger King franchise on Verigon," Cameron joked, trying to cheer up his partner. Adam looked up at him, and gave a half smile or perhaps it was a sneer.

"Come on, let's go," he said and stood up and followed his partner out the door. They got back into the car and drove off.

"This sucks Cam," Adam said. Cameron just grabbed his hand and held it, again.

A few hours later they turned onto a dirt road and drove for several more miles. Then, just around a bend, past some steep foothills, they approached a wide desolate flat area where several other cars were parked along the road. A crowd of people were milling about. Cameron stopped the car next to the others and his eyes lit up when he saw some of his old friends. He talked with some of them on a regular basis on his cell phone or with his communication device, but he hadn't seen them since the day they arrived on Earth.

"Come, Adam, I want you to meet my bridge crew."

Adam slowly got out of the car with the small bag he had packed. He looked around and saw nothing but cactus and sand and rock as far as the eye could see. The sun was setting way off on the horizon. He figured they would only have about a half hour of light left.

"Where the fuck are we?" Adam muttered.

"Come on," Cameron said with a smile, then reached out his hand. Adam grabbed it, and they walked hand in hand toward the group of men.

When they saw Cameron coming, several of them ran to meet up with him.

"Havic," one of the crew said to Cameron, "so glad to see you again, my friend."

"Havic?" Adam said to himself. "Is that his outer space name?"

"Good to see you too, Klanar," Cameron said as he gave his old friend a hug and let their foreheads touch, "Have you made contact with the ship yet?" Cameron said to another of his bridge crew.

"Not yet, sir, but I am expecting to receive a signal very soon. The Technoids should have started the decent a few minutes ago. And Sir, it's good to see you again."

"Good to see you too, Asti and good to see all of you again, Cameron said to his crew. "Where are your mates?" Cameron asked.

"They are over there getting acquainted with each other," Klanar said pointing toward the group of men a short distance away talking with each other.

"This is my mate, Adam, the man I love, the man I want to spend eternity with," Cameron said while looking into Adam's eyes.

They warmly greeted Adam and said things he wasn't paying much attention to. His mind was too wrapped up in the decision he had to make.

They walked over to the rest of the crew and their mates and introduced themselves. All the crewmembers seemed to love the men they chose and their mates seemed to return that love.

Klanar looked at Cameron and smiled at the way he looked at Adam. He knew his friend never took the time for love, but now he saw something in his eyes every time he looked at Adam. But Klanar wasn't so sure about Adam. Cameron had told him of his rough ways and his tough talk and wasn't sure he was right for his friend he knew since childhood.

Then a strange noise was heard coming from an odd apparatus on one of the crew's belts.

"Captain Legen, the ship is approaching," the crewman said as he looked at the odd device.

"Captain Legen?" Adam to himself, "Cam is the Captain? Then who's Havic? I'm confused." He looked up into the sky to see if he could get a look at this so called ship that was approaching, but saw nothing. All the other mates looked up and around and seemed as confused as Adam.

"Ok, we must hurry and board as soon as it lands and the Swathe Device is lifted," Cameron shouted out and all the mates drew together waiting for the ship to land. Cameron then turned to Adam.

"This is it Adam. Have you decided what you want to do?" Cameron asked softly as he looked lovingly and longingly into Adam's eyes. Cameron held his breath.

"I'm coming with you, big guy," Adam said a bit relieved that he finally made his decision. Cameron took him into his arms and, in front of everyone, kissed him on the lips, opening his mouth just slightly before he let Adam go. He looked at Adam and was about to say something, but was interrupted by a strong wind that began to swirl around them. Then, in the vast open field in front of them, a huge disk shaped vessel with lights blinking around its outside perimeter, materialized out of nowhere. The only sound that was heard was the sound of the wind that blew around them. Adam had never seen a sight like this. The ship was enormous, maybe a mile or more in diameter and about 30 stories high with a huge dome on top. The sun had just set over the horizon as the lights of various sizes and shapes flashed and blinked on the huge space ship illuminating the area around it. The ship hovered about 10 feet off the ground.

"Damn," Adam said, out loud while holding Cameron in his arms, "It is a fucking flying saucer!" Adam's heart began to race; this was it, he was going to leave Earth. It boggled his mind. He was used to things being a certain way. He had a set routine and never swayed from that. Now all that was going to change, but he wasn't sure he could handle it. Doubt swept over him again.

Then from a distance in the opposite direction they all heard sirens and saw lights flashing.

"It's the US Military Police," Klanar said, as a ramp opened under the large vessel. "Captain we must board quickly."

"Hurry, everyone, get on board," Cameron yelled as the ship's engines continued to blow debris around them.

Cameron led the way as they all started to run for the ramp... all that is, but Adam. He was frozen, he couldn't move. Then he found himself walking backwards instead of forward.

"Adam, hurry!" Cameron exclaimed from the top of the ramp when he saw his partner backing away from the ship.

Adam looked at his partner, shook his head, and mouthed the words, "I can't."

"No Adam, Please!" Cameron's voice began to crack as he realized his lover was not going to board.

"Captain, we must leave now, sir," Klanar said, "The military police are getting closer and there are aircraft approaching."

"Adam!" Cameron yelled as loud as he could as the ramp started to retract. He yelled one more time for Adam as the ramp was halfway closed.

"Captain Legen, please report to the bridge," a voice cried out from the ship's communication system.

Cameron fell back against the bulkhead of the giant ship. He was the captain of this ship and he had to fly it out of there. But how could he do this without the man he loved. He was torn between love and his duty.

"Adam no," he said out loud and pounded his fist and his head against the bulkhead. Klanar looked on as his friend turned and left for the bridge. Cameron's mind was in a fog. He figured he had lost Adam forever.

"No, I will come back for him," he said in his mind, "I love him and I'm not going to let him go."

Cameron felt dizzy and steadied himself by touching the bulkhead as he walked into the Carrier Lift that led to the bridge. "Yes I'll come back for him."

Klanar felt bad for his friend, but figured maybe this was for the best.

Adam stood outside the ship and looked up and saw a helicopter approach. "What the fuck am I doing?" he said out loud snapping himself out of his stupor.

"Wait, Cam, wait for me!" he yelled and ran full on toward the ship while swinging his arms over his head. Klanar saw Adam approaching, thought for a second, then quickly lowered the ramp. The military vehicles were very close now and the military helicopter was still hovering over the sight.

"Hurry Adam before they raise the shields and have to turn on the Plasma-Spheres," Klanar shouted. He figured Cameron loved this man for some reason and he would be devastated if he didn't come aboard.

Adam jumped on the ramp and slid head first inside the ship as Klanar raised the ramp back up. The big ship began to rise. When they were about 100 ft off the ground, Klanar looked at the controls and saw the Sphere Device was not deployed, probably because the captain figured Adam was still on the ground. So he pressed the remote button on the auxiliary control panel in front of him and that set off the Device over the landing site.

With a high pitch sound, a beam of light shot from one of the ship's canons and swept over the cars below and all the vehicles in its path simply disappeared. No explosion, they just dissolved into thousands of little ball shaped objects and evaporated into the air. When the military police got to the site, there was nothing there to show as evidence, but the crew on the helicopter did take several pictures of the ship, the destruction of the cars...and of Adam.

The large spaceship's Swathe Device cloaked the vessel invisible and sped upwards towards the darkness of space.

A squadron of military aircraft sped toward the scene, but now had no target to zero in on. One pilot, though, did manage to take several long-range pictures just before the spacecraft disappeared.

"Welcome aboard, Adam," Klanar said as he helped Adam up and lead him away from the docking station. "I know Havic will be happy to see you changed your mind. I had a rough time convincing my mate, Matthew, as well, but he did come, too. I will have him introduce himself to you during orientation."

"I'm fuckin' confused right now, Klanar. I need to sit down somewhere."

"I will take you to the Captain's quarters and let him know you are there. I want to tell him myself and see the look on his face. He was deeply saddened when you didn't come aboard."

"Thanks, Klanar, thanks for opening the ramp for me. It would have been a big fuckin' mistake, me stayin' behind."

"Besides Captain Legen being the captain of this ship, Havic is also my best friend and I know he would have been very unhappy without you. He talked of you often."

"He did?" Adam said, "Well, thanks again. Is Cameron, I mean Legen, I mean Havic, really the captain of this flying saucer thing?" Adam was confused as to what to call his lover.

"Yes, and one of the best in the fleet." Klanar said as they got into the Carrier Lift. Adam's mind was so much on overload he didn't realize that he stepped into a truly remarkable elevator.

His mind was on Cameron; he figured he didn't know much about his lover anymore. All that he knew about him was no longer relevant. He wondered if all he did know was a lie. He wondered if even his love for him was a lie.

The Carrier Lift stopped on Deck 25 and the doors opened, Klanar led Adam into Cameron's large stateroom.

"I must leave you now, Adam, to tend to my duties. I will send Captain Legen down to you when I get to the bridge," Klanar said as soon as they walked into the spacious quarters.

"Thanks again," Adam said.

"We will definitely get together soon," Klanar said as he sized Adam up and smiled then turned and left the stateroom.

Adam took a deep breath and began to look at his surroundings. The sitting area gleamed with shinny, silvery walls accented with some kind of wood trim with one big window in the middle of the far wall. A large comfortable looking white sofa sat in the middle of the room and various other pieces of furniture seemed to be built in along the walls.

Adam walked into what turned out to be a large bedroom. The walls and furniture were much the same as the sitting area, but the bed was very large, much larger than the king size bed they had at their apartment.

"I wonder why the bed is so big?" Adam said out loud, "Hmm, that's odd, this room doesn't have a window.

He then went into the bathroom that turned out to be huge as well and had a shower stall that seemed to be able to fit a football team. He smiled and imagined himself in the shower as the captain of this vessel fucked him.

"Everything is so big in this place," Adam said with a chuckle.

He turned and walked back into the sitting room and up to the large rectangular window and looked out; that's when it hit him.

"Goddamn, I'm in outer space," he said out loud when he saw the planet Earth.

He stood at the window and stared in awe at The Blue Planet as it floated among the millions and millions of stars on the black canvas of outer space.

"Fuck, look at that. That's Earth, its beautiful from up here," Adam said as Earth got smaller and smaller as the ship sped toward open space.

His mind wandered back to what had happened to him earlier. He was heading into a new life and there was no turning back. He thought of his brother and chill ran through him knowing he would never see him again. He looked at his watch and saw it was not working.

"That figures," he said out loud. He would wait for Cameron to return from the bridge. He wasn't sure just yet what that meant. Nothing made much sense to him anymore. He was completely confused and didn't know what his life would hold and that made him very uneasy.

"Where the fuck are you, Cam," Adam said impatiently.

At the same time Adam was contemplating his future, Klanar got to the bridge where Cameron was uncharacteristically yelling angrily at his crew.

"Who the hell set off the Plasma-Sphere Device without my orders!" he yelled. Cameron was in a rage, yet he held back tears. His mate was on the ground when the PSD was activated and was surely dead, or so he thought, and he blamed himself. Klanar had never seen his friend so infuriated.

"I don't know, sir. It wasn't set off from up here' it had to be set off remotely," one of the crewmembers said who sat at a control panel.

Klanar spoke up, "I did sir, but..."

"You bastard!" Cameron screamed and leaped for Klanar with clinched fists, ready to punch, no, ready to kill, his best friend, "Adam was out there. You killed my mate!" Cameron was beside himself with grief and resentment as he swung aiming for Klanar's face.

"Havic," Klanar whisper, as he blocked Cameron's punch, "Adam was not down on the ground when I set off the weapon. He's in your stateroom waiting for you. At the last minute he changed his mind."

"What?" Cameron said.

"I lowered the ramp for him," Klanar said.

Cameron stopped breathing for a second; his heart beat faster and faster.

"What did you say? Adam is alive."

"Yes, Captain, go to him," Klanar whispered with a smile, "He's waiting for you. I will handle things on the bridge, before the Technoids take over."

Cameron breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, my friend," Cameron said as he put his hand behind Klanar's head and let their foreheads touch. This was how Verigonians showed affection and gratitude toward their closest friends. Havic was confused, but happy again.

"I am sorry I got so angry," he said to Klanar, then turned toward his bridge crew, "I am sorry to all of you."

"We understand, sir," Asti, the ship's Navigation Officer said knowing how he would have reacted had he thought his mate was killed.

"Now go," Klanar said.

"Oh yeah, but how did...?"

"Adam will explain, now go to him."

Cameron darted off the bridge, into the Carrier Lift, and headed for his stateroom.

Adam still gazed out the window, until he could no longer make out which dot of light was Earth. Then the door to the stateroom swished open. Adam turned around just as Cameron came in. He stopped a second to look at Adam and make sure it was really he. Quickly satisfied, he grabbed Adam in his arms and kissed him on his eyes, his nose, and his lips.

"I thought you were dead. The PSD, it was set off without my orders, I didn't know you were on the ship. If I would have lost you like that I would have killed myself." Cameron's body started to tremble at the thought of his lover being killed by that terrible weapon. He couldn't shake the image from his head.

"Hey big guy, I'm here and in one piece," Adam said sensing his partner's anguish. "Earth would have been kinda boring without that hot ass of yours around." They kissed again like they hadn't seen each other for a long time. They held each other tight, not wanting to let each other go ever again.

Adam waited for this lover to calm down a bit, then put his arms around Cameron's neck, while Cameron rested his forehead against his.

"So, do I call you Cam or Legen or Havic or Captain or what? And who the fuck are all these people?" Adam smiled as he wiped a couple tears from his lover's eyes. He never saw Cameron cry or so upset, he was always so in control. "Damn, he really does love me as much as I love him. At lease that part is not a lie," Adam thought to himself.

"They're all me. My full name is Havic Gar Legen, but you can continue to call me Cameron if you like. And I'm sorry I deceived you, but it had to be done that way," Cameron said holding Adam tighter. Adam drew him into a kiss, but this time they let their tongues inside their mouths. Cameron led Adam to the bedroom with his arm around his lover's waist. They got to the bed, stared at each other while they removed their clothes and revealed their naked bodies with their hard cocks. They grabbed each other, then locked themselves in an embrace with their lips and tongue touching each other while their hands explored their backs and butts.

"Wait," Cameron said, a bit more in control of his emotions. He turned Adam toward the wall, stood behind him and wrapped his arms around his lover.

"Close your eyes," Cameron said.

"Huh?" Adam said.

"Just close'em," Cameron said again and Adam reluctantly shut his eyes.

"Computer,", then he heard a soft tone, "Activate the observation window in the captain's sleeping quarters, full open please." The sound of two tones was the signal the computer understood.

There with a soft swooshing sound, then what were solid cold gleaming walls that curved around the bedroom, slowly faded into a floor to ceiling panoramic observation window that stretched along the outside perimeter of the room, surrounding them with the light of millions of stars.

"Now open your eyes," Cameron said softly as he stood behind his lover and held him tight. Adam's eyes popped open quickly.

"Holy fuck, look at that!" Adam gasped referring to the amazing view from the window. Millions and millions of stars swept by them at an amazing speed. The site took he breath away.

"Yeah, look at that," Cameron said referring to his naked lover in his arms. Cameron held Adam tight and kissed the back of his neck while caressing his chest, and then stared out the window as they sped through the openness of outer space.

"The colors, everything, it's so unreal," Adam said in awe of the sight in front of him.

"No this is very real, Adam. You and I belong together."

Adam turned around and kissed Cameron with all the passion he could muster, tasting his tongue and lips and savoring in their flavors.

"I want to fuck you, Adam," Cameron whispered passionately into his lover's ear, "I want to bring you as much pleasure as you give me," Cameron said, puffing from his sexual excitement.

They lay on the bed locked in each other's arms and kissed like their lips belonged to each other. Finally they stopped to take a breath. Cameron began to slide down Adam's body rubbing his cheeks, chin and lips over the hairs on Adam's chest and stomach. When he got to Adam's thick bush, he began to chew on the coarse hairs surrounding this ballsack and very rigid cock. He ran his cheek up Adam's hard poll then turned his head and his tongue licked its way up to the tip of its crown. Cameron licked a drop of precum that oozed from the pee slit, opened his mouth and swallowed Adams manhood.

"Ah fuck," Adam gasped as he watch his lover's lips slowly slide all the way down his 9 inch erection until he buried his nose in Adam's pubic hairs. Adam's whole body shivered as Cameron's saliva lubricated his shaft as his mouth moved up and down on his mate's cock.

"Oh fuck," Adam said again while Cameron slurped on his rigid manhood. Adam's breathing became more rapid and Cameron, sensing his mate's impending orgasm, dropped his dick from his mouth, stood up, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand while opening the drawer next to the bed.

"Ah, there it is," he said.

"What's that?" Adam said still panting.

"The lube I asked to have in the drawer."

He looked down at his lover as Adam looked up at him.

"Damn you are fuckin' hot," Adam said as he looked over his partners perfectly toned body and reached over and fondled his hard cock and balls.

Cameron didn't say anything; he just slicked the lube on his big dick, leaned over and pulled up Adam's legs, knelt on the bed again and pressed his cock at the opening of Adam's ass. He applied pressure and Adam allowed him entry.

"Oh, yeah, Fuck," Adam panted as Cameron's big dick pushed open his sphincter. Cameron proceeded slowly, letting Adam get used to his member. He knew how much and how fast Adam could take that big dick of his. He pushed until he could not go in any further.

"You feel amazing," Cameron said as he leaned in and kissed Adam, his dick planted firmly inside Adam's ass, "You always do."

Cameron pulled out about half way then pushed slowly back in, wanting his lover to feel every inch of his member.

Adam gasped at the feel of Cameron's huge tool inside him. Over and over Cameron lifted his hips up to where his 12 inch dick was nearly all the way out then slowly pushed back in. Adam cried out with delight. He liked it when Cameron fucked him slow cause the sensation fueled his lust. He was on another sexual high with Cameron, but he wanted more.

"Fuck me, Cam, make me feel that Saris thing, again," Adam pleaded. He was way beyond turned on by all this; he was giving his life to his lover to do with as he wished. "Take me there, Cam, take me now."

Cameron began to move out of Adam's ass then pushed hard all the way down.

"Oh fuck," Adam said each time his lover plunged his huge cock into him. Cameron began to pick up his pace.

"Oh God, Cam, fuck me, fuck me, I am getting close."

"Hold on a bit longer, baby, I am pretty close too." Cameron pounded Adams ass so hard you could hear the slapping of his ball and his thighs against Adam's ass.

"Oh fuck baby, yeah," Adam shouted.

He was just about there, "Ohhhh here comes!" Cameron said as he let the Saris loose inside Adams as it did its magic way deep inside him. Then Cameron let go, as his spunk shot inside Adam's bowels and filled him to overflowing.

"Oh goddamn, Cam, fuck!" Adam yelled as he too began to shoot cum all over his body, "Oh, oh, fuck, yeah," Adam continued to shout.

Cameron's hips kept pounding Adam's ass as Adam moved his hips up to meet his thrusts. "Oh Adam," Cameron whispered then kissed his lover deep and hard. As his body shook, more and more of his spunk left his ball sack and made it's way through the tube and into Adam's very eager ass.

Finally, they stopped. Both men were sweaty and exhausted as Cameron lay down on top of Adam letting the cum on his body slide between them.

They lay in the bed together and held onto each other as millions of stars raced pasted them. Adam felt good again, like he made the right decision to turn his back on the world he knew and head off into space with the man he loved.

"You ok baby?" Cameron asked.

"Fuck yeah."

"Any regrets?"

"Nah, I couldn't live without your ass around," Adam said with a big smile, "and that big dick of yours." Cameron pulled his softening dick from Adam's hole.

"Is that all you'd miss," Cameron said coyly.

A serious expression covered Adam's face.

"I wouldn't want to live in a world without you."

Cameron looked at his lover, "That's the first time I heard you speak from your heart, Adam."

"Shit, don't get used to it," Adam sneered, back in his usual gruff way.

They kissed again and held each other. Cameron rested his head on Adam's muscled, furry chest. He felt secure with his lover there with him.

"One hell of a way to spend your anniversary, isn't it? Don't think too many people can say they spent it getting fucked on a flying saucer in outer space," Adam said with a laugh.

"Yeah, at least not too many Earthers," Cameron replied with a smile, then rolled off of Adam on this back. He took a deep breath, content with how things went, so far.

Adam turned on his side, rested his body on his elbow, ran his fingers through the cum on Cameron's chest and said,

"So, what happens now?"

"Well," Cameron said turning on his side to face his lover, "in about two earth months, we should be back on Verigon. Then I will show you to our house."

"Hmmm we have a house. Is it like our apartment back in West Hollywood?" Adam asked.

"Not quite, baby. You will like it a lot I think."

"Just as long as it has a nice big bed where we could fuck," Adam said with a grin.

"That it has," Cameron replied with a wink.

"Can't wait to see it. Are you free for the night or do you have to go back to the bridge?" Adam asked as he laid on his back.

"No, the bridge will be secured by Klanar and the Technoids will take over while we sleep," Cameron answered and put his head on Adam's chest.

"Technoids? I heard them mentioned before. Who are they?" Adam asked.

"Its more like 'What are they?'" Cameron replied, "They're Androids, but much more. They take over every function of the ship during our sleep period. And no, they do not look like Data from Star Trek," Cameron chuckled.

Adam laughed out loud, "Oh well too bad," he said. Adam was a Trekker since he was a kid. His first celebrity crush was on Captain Kirk. He and his brother used to masturbate together when a young William Shatner, would come on the screen while watching re-runs of the original Star Trek TV series.

"But are these robots things safe?" Adam added.

"Probably safer than any of us."

"I see images of these machines taking over the world like they do in the movies," Adam chuckled.

"Well, not to worry about that, Mr. Sci-Fi. Let's go shower and get some sleep. Tomorrow starts the Orientation Classes for all the mates. Most everything will be explained to you. I think you will like it all, Adam, at least I hope so," Cameron said and kissed his lover.

"Yeah, me too. Just as long as I have you Cam, I don't care about anything else," Adam said. He wondered what life would hold for him in outer space or would he end up regretting his leap for that ramp. Only time will tell.

Out of nowhere, his brother flashed through his mind again. "Fuck," he said to himself.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 2

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