The Saga of Troy and Max

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Jan 24, 2023


The sun was just beginning to set and slowly faded away on New Years Eve. Max and Troy in the DiCicco family garage to help Max's dad move some of the Christmas decorations in preparation for the holiday party later that evening. Troy's parents would be attending as well as some other family friends. There had been boxes of Christmas ornaments, lights and other decorations scattered throughout the house. Max took charge, efficiently and methodically organizing the decorations and assigning tasks to each of them. Troy couldn't help but be impressed by Max's organization and the way he was able to get everything in order and start moving things into the garage.

As they worked, Max couldn't help but steal glances at Troy as he bent over to pick up boxes. He felt his heart race as he watched Troy's tight ass flex as he bent over to pick up boxes. He had to stop himself from reaching out and grabbing it, as all he wanted was to feel that soft skin in his hands. He loved how Troy looked in those jeans, and he was amazed that he had been able to keep his hands off him for this long. Max ran his eyes over Troy's slim, toned back, feeling a rush of desire run through him as he admired Troy's body. He had to remind himself to focus on the task at hand, as he knew that if his dad caught him with his hands on Troy, things would get awkward quickly. He directed his attention back to the boxes, determined to finish the task at hand without getting caught.

Max sighed and tried to focus on the task at hand, but his eyes kept wandering back to Troy. He was so beautiful, and Max felt a surge of desire course through him as he imagined ravishing him right here in the garage. The open garage door led to their long driveway, which descended down to a fairly busy street. As he looked out, he could see cars driving by and neighbors clearing their own decorations; they would be completely unaware if he took Troy right here and now.

Max blushed at the thought, feeling a rush of heat wash over him as he imagined ravishing Troy right here in the garage. He shook his head, feeling embarrassed by his own thoughts. He knew that if he acted on these desires now, it could ruin the evening for everyone. With a deep breath, he forced himself to resist. He kept his eyes on the boxes of decorations, determined to finish the task at hand and not let his thoughts run away with him.

Max felt a surge of excitement course through him at the thought and he had to clench his fists to keep himself from reaching out and grabbing hold of Troy. He wanted to do it. He wanted to do it right here and right now, but he knew he couldn't. Not yet. Not while his dad was right there. That was a surefire path to disownment. He would have to wait until later to act out his fantasies.

Finally, when they had finished their task, Max put down the last box and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He gestured at the garage and said, "This could be a great place to, you know, explore that exhibitionist kink.'

Troy's eyes widened as he glanced around the small, cluttered space. 'Here? But what if your parents see us?'

Max stepped closer and threaded his fingers through Troy's. 'Don't worry, I'm sure we'll have the house to ourselves after the party tomorrow. We can come back here' He gestures at the sawhorses and workbenches in the garage.

Troy grinned and stepped closer to Max. His voice was low and seductive as he said, 'I like the sound of that.' He reached out and started to rub a hand over Max's crotch, sending a jolt of pleasure through Max's body. 'We'll have all day to play.'

Max groaned, his body already responding to Troy's touch. He grabbed Troy's wrists and pulled them away, shaking his head. 'Stop, babe. My dad.'

Troy pouted. 'You're right. We should wait until tomorrow.' But after he spoke, he played his hands over Max's hardening bulge, Troy's breath hot on his neck. 'But Max,' he purred, 'I can't wait until then.'

Max's breath hitched, and he nodded. 'Fuck. Me neither,' he whispered, before leaning in to press a passionate kiss to Troy's lips. He could feel Troy's hands squeezing his bulge, and it took all of his strength to pull away. 'We should really get going now. We have to get ready for the party.'

Troy sighed, but he nodded in agreement. 'You're right. We'll come back later.' He grinned and added, 'And then I'm going to make sure you get what you want.'

Max blushed and smiled, his heart racing as he imagined what Troy had in store for him. 'I can't wait.' He grabbed Troy's hand and led him out of the garage, anticipation coursing through him. He couldn't wait for the next day, when they would be able to come back and explore each other in the garage.

The daylight streaming through the open garage door was the only light they had and they could hear the sound of cars passing by from outside. As they embraced each other eagerly, their hands roamed all over each other's bodies, their lips meeting hungrily. Max grabbed Troy's hips and pulled him closer as he pushed his tongue into Troy's mouth. Troy moaned against his lips before letting out a soft gasp when Max bit down on his lower lip gently. The passionate kiss and the feel of Max's hands on his body made Troy's heart race as he felt himself getting aroused. Max then guided Troy towards the workbench nearby, continuing to kiss him as they moved closer and closer to his father's workbench.

Max leaned back slightly, their eyes locking as he pushed Troy face-down onto the bench, his strong hand gripping Troy's shoulder to keep him in place. With his other hand, Max slowly and seductively unzipped Troy's jeans, taking his time to make sure every movement was precise and deliberate. After the zipper was down, Max firmly grasped both sides of Troy's pants and pulled them down just enough to expose his bubble butt - an action that made Troy moan quietly in anticipation for what Max was about to do next. Max then reached up under Troy's shirt, exploring every inch of skin he could find while still managing to keep up with his passionate kisses along Troy's neck, the sensation of Max's lips on his skin making Troy squirm in pleasure beneath him. His breathing becoming more and more rapid, Troy gasped as Max started to caress his ass sensually, rubbing his fingers over Troy's tight hole. Troy moaned in delight as Max dripped lube down his ass crack, coating his own fingers with the slick liquid.

Finally he slipped two fingers inside of Troy slowly, making sure not to rush it too much so he could properly enjoy every second of Max's movements. Troy's body shook with pleasure as Max continued to thrust his fingers in and out of him, gradually increasing the speed and intensity. Troy could feel his legs quiver every time Max massaged his prostate, his arms bracing himself on the worktable. Max soon pulled away from Troy, who turned his head to watch him. He began to unbutton his own pants while he stared into Troy's eyes - a look full of desire. Troy's mouth watered and his ass trembled as Max pulled out his hard dick, jutting out in front of him and drooping with its own heft. He lubed himself and slapped his hardness against Troy's ass cheeks.

Max firmly grabbed onto Troy's hips and spun him around before lifting him onto the edge of the workbench. He then took one of Troy's legs and hoisted it up over his shoulder, positioning himself before pushing himself inside of Troy. Troy gasped at the sudden sensation as Max filled him completely and they both moaned in pleasure. Max began thrusting, pressing into Troy's prostate with each movement and Troy quivered beneath him with delight. This only encouraged Max to go further, and he grabbed onto Troy's hips, using them as leverage to drive himself deeper and deeper into Troy until they were both panting with pleasure and Troy's eyes rolled back in his head. Max and Troy were totally engrossed in their passionate moment, unaware of anything else around them.

Little did they know that Max's older brother Paul was running late for work and was hoping to grab some equipment from the family home before heading out. When he arrived, he was surprised to find the garage door open, and he heard moans coming from inside. Paul's curiosity got the better of him and he decided to peek inside the garage. What he saw made his breath catch in his throat; Max and Troy were completely lost in their own little world as they embraced each other passionately on top of a workbench. Their hands were roaming freely over each other's bodies as their lips met hungrily, only pausing occasionally for one of them to gasp or moan with pleasure. Troy was perched on the workbench, his pants hanging around one of his ankles, his shirt pulled over his head, with his arms still in the sleeves. Max was facing Troy, his own pants around his thighs as he thrust his hips forward while plunging his hard dick into Troy's tight hole.

Paul froze as he saw his brother passionately thrusting his hips against his boyfriend's in the garage. He was straight, but he felt an undeniable stirring in his groin as he watched them. His brother's lips were locked on his boyfriend's, and he could feel himself growing aroused by the sight of the two men in such an intimate position. He wanted nothing more than to remain a silent observer. He tiptoed into the garage and found a spot to stand, where he could watch them without being detected. His brother's muscular frame glowed with sweat as he thrust into his lover, their moans and grunts of pleasure filling the air. Paul felt a thrill course through his body and his heart races as he silently watched the two men, the intensity of their lovemaking captivating him from where he stood.

Locked into their self-possessed passion, Troy and Max were completely immersed in each other's pleasure until Paul had the courage to clear his throat slightly - causing both of them to suddenly look over in shock at Paul standing across the garage from them. Their eyes met his and it sent a wave of electricity between all three of them. Max felt Troy tense up beneath him as they realized they were no longer alone, but instead of stopping they were emboldened by this newfound risk. The exhibitionist thrill the couple had been chasing by fucking in the open garage ramped into overdrive with every glance shared between Paul and either one of them, pushing Max and Troy further towards climax as they shared this intimate moment together with an unwitting observer. With each thrust Max brought himself deeper inside Troy, who never broke eye contact with Paul, feeling a primal satisfaction from knowing that someone else was witnessing their passion.

Troy threw his head back, yelping, "Oh fuck! Fuck Max! Show him how good you fuck me!" His words hung in the air like a siren's call, sending a thrill of anticipation through Paul. Max complied, pushing himself deep and hard into Troy as their bodies moved together in perfect harmony. Troy moaned out loud with pleasure as Max continued to thrust deeper, creating an exquisite pressure that made Troy tremble with delight. Paul watched with bated breath, his own cock growing impossibly hard in his pants as he couldn't tear his eyes away from the two men before him. He felt like an intruder in this intimate moment between them but at the same time he was enthralled by what he was seeing - their passion for each other was palpable. His presence seemed to push them both into a higher level of bliss. They moved faster and harder now, sweat glistening on their bodies as they reached new heights of ecstatic pleasure.

Paul simply stood there watching, his own arousal intensifying as he watched Max and Troy reach their climax. His gaze alternated between them, taking in every detail of their passionate lovemaking. He felt a surge of desire rush through him as he witnessed the pure pleasure they were experiencing together. As he continued to watch, Max thrust harder and faster with each stroke, driving himself deep into Troy until finally reaching his own climax just moments before Troy followed suit - their cries echoing throughout the garage as if on cue; their bodies trembling with pleasure as they experienced an intense orgasm that seemed almost unreal - something only shared between these three people in this moment. When the last quiver had left their bodies, Max slowly pulled out of Troy and helped him off the workbench, both men looking over at Paul who still hadn't moved or said anything yet but whose gaze still held theirs firmly. Their eyes locked for what felt like eternity.

Max and Troy grinned at each other in relief as Paul finally snapped out of his trance and said, "Damn, you two really wanted to put on a show, huh?" They both laughed, relieved that he seemed to take the situation in stride. Max pulled up his pants before looking back over to Paul and shaking his head with a smirk on his face.

"You know, you're not supposed to be here, Paul," he said playfully.

Paul chuckled, "Don't worry, I didn't see anything. But something tells me you guys enjoyed the audience..." He then grabbed some equipment from the garage before making his way out with a final wave goodbye, leaving Max and Troy alone once again - this time with no one around but themselves.

They looked at each other for a few moments before finally bursting into laughter - still unable to believe what had just happened. The day they dabble in exhibitionism is the day Max's brother catches them in the act. As Troy cleaned his cum off the surfaces of the garage he joked that all the straight men in his life were catching him in sexual situations. Max laughed and pulled him in for a passionate kiss; their tongues dueling. Paul had left them with the knowledge that they'd been seen, and the possibility of being caught added a new level of heat to their play.

Max was both relieved and nervous as he thought about his brother catching them fucking. On one hand, he was glad that Paul had seemed to take the situation in stride and hadn't made a big deal out of it - but on the other hand, Max was still worried about how his brother would handle it in the long run. Troy smiled and kissed Max again, reassuring him that everything was okay.

"It's not like he caught us doing anything wrong," Troy said. "Besides, I think it was really hot for him to watch. He may be straight but that doesn't mean he can't appreciate seeing us getting it on." Max smiled and nodded in agreement, feeling relieved by Troy's words; they shared another passionate kiss before they pulled away from each other and started redressing themselves with a slight blush gracing their cheeks.

Still, they'd have to be more careful. If Paul could come to the house at odd hours, then so could his dad... and that wouldn't work out nearly as well for them. "Let's just keep it in the bedroom at my house for now," Max suggested with a devious grin on his face. He ran one of his hands up Troy's arm suggestively before continuing. "We can always find other places to explore if we want to get naughty." Troy agreed and they kissed again, knowing that their garage sex secret was safe between them and Paul. As they left the garage, Max glanced back over his shoulder with a sly smile on his face; he knew that their little secret would only add more heat to their passionate relationship.

The Monroe family had gathered together for one last game night before Kristy and Tony headed back to Boston the next day. Settling on some rounds of Asshole, Anna dealt out the cards while Mike passed around snacks and drinks. Tony and Kristy were both laughing and teasing each other, while Troy and Max shared stories of their college courses. Troy glanced over at Max nervously; they hadn't discussed what would happen if Tony brought up the phone sex he'd overheard or the incident outside Troy's bedroom. Troy tried to focus on the game, but he felt himself getting more flustered as it went on, especially when Tony started making jokes about how "the asshole is always getting fucked." Obviously Tony was talking about the game, but Troy couldn't tell if there was a double-meaning coming from Tony.

He could feel Max's gaze burning into him from across the table, and he glanced over to see Max smiling at him, trying to reassure him. Troy smiled back and felt a wave of warmth wash over him; he was glad that no matter what happened, he still had Max. Kristy and Anna couldn't stop fawning over the two of them finally getting together after all these years. Mike was a little more reserved, but he was in agreement about how good it was to have Max as Troy's chosen love.

The game continued for a few more rounds before Mike called it quits, suggesting they all get some sleep so they could be up early in the morning. Troy felt relieved that Tony hadn't embarrassed him in front of his family, but then Tony pulled him aside before heading down to Kristy's room in the basement.

"So, speaking of assholes, what kind of stuff do you and Max like to get up to? You know I heard some interesting noises coming from behind the bathroom door the other day... almost like you were making some good use of your own asshole, if you know what I mean." Tony said with a knowing smirk.

Troy felt his face flush bright red, but he managed to stay calm. "Oh yeah? We like all kinds of stuff," He said with a shrug. "Just remember what happens behind closed doors stays there."

Tony nodded laughing, and Troy could tell he was satisfied with the answer. Tony clapped him on the shoulder and started to walk by him. "You got it, man. Just don't forget to keep it safe, okay? That ass is a national treasure, you know." Tony pinched Troy's round ass as he said it.

Troy felt his face flush again and his heart sped up at Tony's bold gesture. He was surprised by the sudden pinch, but slightly aroused as well. So Tony had heard some of their phone sex after all. Maybe Tony had a little voyeur kink of his own, Troy thought.

"Thanks," Troy muttered, feeling both embarrassed and excited.

Tony flashed him a mischievous grin. "Anytime," he said with a wink. Troy felt even more confused than before. Was Tony flirting with him? It certainly seemed like it. All he knew was that the ass-pinch made his heart race and his palms sweat.

He cleared his throat nervously. "Well, I should probably get some sleep," Troy said awkwardly, not knowing how else to respond.

"Yeah, you should get some rest," Tony replied with a smirk. He leaned in close and whispered into Troy's ear: "But I bet with Max sleeping over, you won't be getting much tonight. I mean Max really seems to like your... What did you call it? Your 'tight pink hole'?"

Troy felt his face flush yet again. He was speechless; Tony had heard everything! He couldn't believe Tony had been bold enough to say so much to him! But he also felt strangely aroused by the knowledge that Tony knew what he and Max did behind closed doors.

He looked into Tony's eyes and saw the same mischievous glint that had been there from the beginning. "Yeah, I guess you got me there," Troy said with a forced smile and a laugh.

Tony leaned in close again and whispered, "Maybe next time I'll overhear something even more... interesting." With that, he winked again and headed downstairs, leaving Troy standing there with his heart pounding.

Troy stood there for a moment in shock, trying to process what had just happened. He couldn't help but feel turned on by the thought of Tony listening in on their intimate moments. As he turned to head up to his room, he saw Max standing in the doorway, an amused expression on his face. Troy rolled his eyes as he walked over to him.

"So what did you two talk about?" Max asked teasingly.

"Oh nothing," Troy said, trying not to smile. "Just some stuff about assholes."

Max laughed and shook his head. "Yeah, I figured it was something like that," he said, wrapping an arm around Troy's shoulders as they headed up to bed.

After Kristy and Tony left, things quieted down for the boys. They still had two weeks of winter break to fill and they spent some of it with high school friends, but mostly they spent it just with each other. One evening Troy and Max were walking along the beach, bundled up in their winter coats. The sun was setting, painting the horizon over the trees a deep pink. Troy took off his coat, revealing just his t-shirt and jeans. He ran ahead of Max towards the shoreline, kicking up sand behind him as he went. Max grinned at Troy's enthusiasm and followed him to the water's edge. They stood there, watching the waves crash against the shore. The air was cold, but Troy didn't seem to notice. He just kept looking out at the horizon with a peaceful look on his face. Max smiled and pulled him closer for a hug.

"It's always so peaceful here," Troy said quietly, leaning into Max's embrace. He missed the sea when they were off at college, and this moment was one he wanted to savor.

Max squeezed him tighter, thankful for the moment they had together. "It sure is," he said before releasing Troy from his hug. He looked out at the horizon once more, marveling at its beauty. As the sun set, it cast a golden hue across the sea and sky that seemed to fill them both with a sense of awe and wonder. They stood there in silence for a few moments, taking it all in.

Max watched in awe as Troy stripped down to his boxer-briefs and ran towards the water, diving into the freezing ocean without hesitation. He couldn't believe his eyes - here was this daring man who had no fear of the cold water. Troy swam around for a few moments before finally emerging from the waves with a huge smile on his face.

Max couldn't help but admire how brave Troy was - it was a chilly winter day, yet he still dived in without a second thought. He walked over to Troy and gave him a big hug, feeling warmth emanating from him despite being soaked through. "That was crazy!" Max said with admiration in his voice. Troy laughed and shook off some of the water droplets that clung to him, then pulled Max closer for another hug.

"Let's do it again!" he said excitedly, already taking off towards the sea once more. Max smiled and started to strip too, and braced himself to follow Troy into the cold ocean.

When they came back to shore, Max wrapped his arms around Troy and they draped their coats over them as they cuddled together to warm up. They lay on the beach afterwards, watching as the stars came out one by one in the night sky above them. Max felt a sense of peace wash over him as he watched the stars twinkle in the darkness. He tightened his embrace around Troy, kissing his cheek. Troy smiled and snuggled closer into Max's chest, feeling safe and secure in his presence. The chilly winter air was forgotten as both of their hearts beat steadily against the other's.

As they looked up at the stars, they started talking about their fantasies - what it would be like to make love on a beach at night with no one else around. Soon enough, their conversation turned to action and they started passionately kissing each other under the starlight.

Troy couldn't help himself. He felt an undeniable need for Max that he couldn't ignore any longer. Soon enough he was on his knees in the sand as he pulled down Max's pants and underwear. The cold air against their skin made every touch feel even more intense as Troy took him in his mouth. Max's shrunken dick swiftly grew to its to full size in Troy's mouth. He explored every inch of Max's cock with his tongue and lips, savoring the salty taste while trying to keep warm at the same time. The sensations coursing through Max were intoxicating as Troy expertly took him down his throat.

Max's breathing increased as he felt his orgasm building. Troy kept up the pace, pushing Max closer and closer to the edge until finally he let out a moan of pleasure as his climax hit him like a wave. Troy continued to lick and suck until Max was spent, before slowly standing up with a satisfied look on his face. Max lay there in the sand, recovering from his earth-shattering orgasm. He felt spent and satisfied, but he still couldn't help but tease Troy about the cum on his chin.

"Looks like someone was enjoying himself," he said with a grin, wiping it off with his thumb before leaning in to give him a kiss. Troy smiled back as Max's lips brushed against his own. He could feel himself becoming aroused once again just from their brief embrace. Max seemed to sense this and pulled away with a mischievous glint in his eye - clearly it was time for him to return the favor.

Max knelt in front of Troy, his fingers tugging at the waistband of his boxer-briefs. He could feel Troy's body trembling slightly as he pulled them down and exposed him to the cold night air. Max smiled - he loved how responsive Troy was when it came to sex, and knew that this would be a night neither of them would forget.

He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on the tip of Troy's cock before slowly taking it into his mouth. His tongue began exploring every inch of Troy's shaft as he ran his hands along his toned thighs for support. Each time Max took him deeper Troy gasped in pleasure, further stoking the fire that was now raging within him.

Max increased the pace as he felt Troy nearing orgasm, licking and sucking harder until finally he felt him tensing up from the pleasure. Moments later, a deep groan escaped from Troy as an intense orgasm rocked through his body - sending powerful shots of hot cum into Max's mouth.

Max savored the taste of Troy's orgasm as he licked him clean before standing up to kiss him tenderly on the lips. He smiled at Troy, feeling exhilarated from the experience. They cuddled together in their coats for a few moments afterwards, simply enjoying being in each other's arms and basking in the afterglow.

As they recovered from their orgasms, they dressed, bundled up and sat side by side on the beach, watching the stars twinkle in the night sky and listening to the rolling waves meeting the shore in the darkness. The cold winter breeze made Troy wrap his arms around himself as he shivered slightly, leading Max to put a protective arm around him, drawing him close.

He leaned down to whisper in his ear, "It's beautiful isn't it?" Max said as they stared out into the dark and endless blues and purples of the ocean and sky under the moonlight. "Just like us."

Troy smiled shyly and snuggled closer into Max's embrace. "I guess this is what they mean by star-crossed lovers," he murmured, sounding sleepy.

Max chuckled softly before replying, "Yeah, I guess so. Corny ass." They laughed. He paused for a long moment. "So, uh, we've talked about it a lot but I want to make sure. When we get back from break do you still want to explore an open relationship? After what happened with Kyle after finals, I know you were curious."

Troy nodded slowly before turning his head to look at Max. "I think so," he replied hesitantly. "I had a lot of fun at the club with all the attention," he blushed remembering the hot stranger who made out with him on the dance floor, and how Max had used it to fuel their own fantasies later on. "It's just...a bit scary, isn't it? What if something changes between us?" Max squeezed Troy reassuringly and smiled softly at him.

"Whatever happens, I'll be here for you," he said firmly. "And who knows? This could unlock all sorts of opportunities for us. After all, we clearly have an exhibitionist kink... so bringing in some other guys to the bedroom could really amp that up for us!" Troy smiled and nuzzled his head into Max's chest.

"And you seemed to get a big thrill from seeing that dude sliding his tongue down my throat at the club, Mr. Voyeur. Max laughed and blushed.

"Can't deny that!" He said, still laughing. "But just to be clear, I'm no cuck. If you're ever fucking someone in the same room as me you can be damned sure I'm gonna get involved." They laughed again, both feeling slightly aroused at the thought. Max paused and eventually added, "Just remember that no matter what, I love you, Troy."

Troy pulled his head off of Max and looked into his face, his eyes twinkling with emotion. "I know," he said softly before leaning in to kiss Max tenderly on the lips. "I love you too, Max."

They snuggled close on the beach, the stars twinkling above them. They'd talked for over an hour about their relationship and all the possibilities that opening it could bring. Finally, they decided to establish some ground rules to make sure that things would remain safe and acceptable for both of them.

"So let's sum up," Troy began. "First off, we need to always act responsibly for our safety and our health; get on PrEP and get tested regularly. "

Max nodded before adding, "And we will always talk openly with each other about our experiences so that we always know what's going on. No sex secrets." Max smirked, adding, "It turns me on to hear about it, anyway."

Troy smiled at his boyfriend's kink and nodded before continuing. "And we always need to remember that sex is just sex - nothing more. Our relationship will always be the one we come home to. If we catch feelings for anyone else we have to be honest with each other and figure out how to deal with it. Jealousy needs to take a back seat to our love."

Max smiled at Troy's words before drawing him in for a passionate kiss. When they finally broke apart, he said softly, "Troy Monroe, I can't wait to go on this adventure with you."

After they settled their thoughts on an open-relationship, Max and Troy were feeling adventurous. They discussed the idea of filming themselves while they had sex, which was a new idea for both of them. With more free time now that their parents were all back to work and Troy's sister had returned to Boston with her boyfriend, they decided to give it try at Troy's house.

Troy had moved his stuff down into the basement bedroom for more privacy during the rest of break, so it was the perfect setting for their video. He set up his phone on a tripod and set the timer so that it would start recording as soon as they got started. Then he stepped to the bed and let Max take control of him.

Max kissed Troy softly on the lips before pushing him down onto the bed. He trailed kisses down Troy's neck and chest as he undressed him slowly with each passing second becoming more aroused by what he was seeing. His hands roamed over Troy's body, exploring every inch of his slim, toned frame before finally making their way to his arousal.

Troy moaned in pleasure as Max stroked him, teasing and tantalizing with each movement he made before his lips closed around Troy's pretty cock. Troy gasped and writhed beneath Max's ministrations, his body shaking with pleasure as the sensations overwhelmed him.

Max spun Troy around and spread his perfect bubble butt, making sure the camera had the right angle and thrusting his face into the crack to lap at his boyfriend's rosebud. He could feel Troy's body trembling and the pleasure radiating from him as he licked and sucked on his hole; Max's tongue penetrating him and relaxing his ass.

Max continued to lick and suck on Troy's rosebud, pushing his tongue deeper into the tight hole. He moved his hands down to grip onto Troy's hips as he licked, exploring every inch of the tight space with his tongue. Max teased Troy with gentle bites and flicks of his tongue before finally pushing it all the way in, making Troy moan in pleasure and grab onto the sheets beneath him.

Max kept up this teasing pattern until he felt Troy start to shake uncontrollably. At that point, he increased the intensity of his licking, pushing harder against the tight walls of Troy's ass as he flicked and sucked on his entrance. His free hand roamed over Troy's body as he rocked against him; caressing each curve and muscle of his legs and back before returning them to his ass. Max spread Troy's ass wide for the camera and spit on the dripping, pink hole, rubbing the wetness into the hole with his thumb.

Troy turned around and kneeled up on the bed, taking the time to admire Max's muscular body before beginning to undress him. He pulled off Max's shirt, revealing his toned chest and abs as he kissed along his neck and collarbone. Troy then unfastened Max's pants, slipping them down to reveal a thick 8.5 inch cock that made him smile in anticipation.

Troy dropped down and began licking up the length of it; teasing it with long strokes of his tongue before finally taking it all the way into his mouth with practiced expertise. He sucked hungrily on it while wrapping both hands around its base for extra pressure; making sure each stroke was slow and deliberate enough for the camera to capture every moment of pleasure they were sharing together.

Troy continued to suck hungrily on Max's impressive cock, making sure to keep the camera in view for their video. His tongue lapped at the head of Max's dick before slipping back down its length; his hands gripping onto its base, showcasing Max's size.

Max reached over Troy and slowly inserted a finger into his wet and hungry rosebud. He teased it with gentle circles as he pushed his finger deeper inside, feeling Troy moan softly around him. As he explored further, Max quickly found Troy's prostate. He rubbed gently but firmly against it, making Troy squirm in pleasure around him and increasing the pressure of his mouth on Max's cock.

Max increased the pressure of his finger; pushing harder against Troy's prostate while keeping up with the rhythm of sucking that was going on below him. His other hand reached under Troy's chest to rub circles around his nipples, which made him moan even louder than before; drool dripping from his mouth as he sucked Max for the camera.

Max reached down and picked Troy up, placing him carefully on the bed on his back. He then spread Troy's legs apart and slid his impressive cock inside of him, making the smaller boy cry out in pleasure as he was filled up completely. Max began to thrust slowly at first; gradually increasing the speed as Troy's moans got louder and louder. His hands roamed over Troy's body; caressing each curve of his chest and stomach while pushing deeper into him with each stroke.

The camera captured every moment of their love-making; from the tender kisses, to the passionate thrusts. Max and Troy were lost in each other, their bodies becoming more and more intertwined as they moved together.

Max moved Troy into doggy style, pushing his chest down onto the bed as he held him firmly in place by gripping around his hips. He thrust deep and hard; their bodies slapping together with each stroke. Troy moaned loudly in pleasure, his hands gripping tightly onto the sheets beneath him as he arched his back and pushed against Max's thrusts.

After that, Max flipped them over so that Troy was on top; straddling him as he rode up and down on Max's cock. His body moved with a natural rhythm as he ground down against Max's length. Troy's head tossed about as he rode Max; his moans becoming louder and more desperate for release. He leaned forward, bracing himself against Max's defined chest as he continued to ride him. His hands played with Max's nipples, pinching them gently between his fingers and tugging on them in time with the thrusts of his hips. Troy moved faster and faster; driving both of them closer to the edge.

Troy moaned loudly as he felt the pleasure building within him. His body shook and trembled before finally letting go; his orgasm crashing over him like a wave as he sprayed his load all over Max's face and torso. Max smiled up at Troy in satisfaction before pulling out of him, jerking off until he reached his peak and shot his cum into Troy's waiting mouth, who swallowed every drop.

The two boys lay on the bed exhausted afterwards, their bodies still trembling from the force of their orgasms. They kissed softly, smiling contentedly at each other before Troy got up to turn off the camera. He climbed back into bed with his phone and they started to review what they'd captured on film.

They couldn't take their eyes off the screen as they watched themselves. They felt aroused, seeing their own beautiful bodies intertwined in passion. Max leaned over and kissed Troy softly before trailing his lips down his neck and chest. He took one of Troy's hands in his and moved it to his cock.

Troy smiled and began to pleasure Max with slow strokes of his hand, feeling him grow ever harder in his palm. Max moaned softly with each movement, gripping onto the bed sheets tightly Troy's fingers ran over his sensitive, leaking cockhead that had cum just moments before.

When the video ended, Troy started to suck on Max's erection while stroking him with one hand. It didn't take long before Troy could feel that Max's overstimulated cock was getting close. He worked harder at pleasing Max, taking him deeper into his throat until finally he felt the warmth of Max's release on his tongue. His mouth filled with cum as Max shuddered beneath him in pleasure.

Max smiled at Troy as he lay beneath him. He took his hand and kissed it before moving his mouth down to Troy's cock and began to pleasure him just as Troy had done, taking each inch of his hard-on into his mouth, teasing his balls with one hand and fingering his cum-filled hole with the other.

Troy gasped in pleasure, arching his back off the bed as Max worked his magic on him. The sensations were overwhelming; every touch sending shockwaves through Troy's body until finally he released all over Max's face and chest. As they both lay there panting in satisfaction, they looked backed over to the phone that had their sex-tape.

"We're gonna have to keep reviewing that one and figure out the best angles," Max said. Troy giggled and nodded.

"Not to mention make some other vids so I can see even better what it looks like when this monster fills up my ass," Troy said, tugging on Max's soft, spent cock. Max smiled and leaned in to kiss Troy.

"Anything you want, babe," he mumbled against Troy's lips.

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