The Saga of Troy and Max

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Jan 4, 2024


It was December 30 and Max was pounding Troy's perfect ass. His big cock pumped in and out of his boyfriend's tight hole. Their moans echoed off the walls, filling the empty DiCicco house with their sounds of passionate fucking. Max's hands gripped onto Troy's hips tightly as he thrust deep and fast into him. He could feel Troy's tightness around his cock and it was driving him wild with desire. Troy moaned repeatedly as he felt each inch of Max's length filling him. Fucking finally! Max's parents had gone back to work today, allowing them to end their week-long sexual drought over the Christmas holiday. Troy had been on edge all morning anticipating the feeling of Max inside of him again. Now that they were finally alone together in Max's childhood bedroom and all their pent up sexual energy was being released with unbridled passion.

The intensity of their lovemaking only increased as both men felt waves of pleasure rolling over them from the physical sensations, and the delight of finally being able to be together without fear of getting interrupted like last time when Troy had been caught in the bathroom while having phone sex with Max by his sister's boyfriend Tony. They needed this so bad; to be together, to make love and to feel each other's bodies. Max pulled out and flipped Troy over so he could stare into his eyes as they fucked. Troy gasped as Max sank his thick cock back inside of him, staring up into his warm hazel eyes.

Max reached up and grabbed Troy's hands, entwining their fingers together as he moved his hips in a steady rhythm. His thrusts were slow and measured at first, but gradually got faster and deeper as they both felt the pleasure intensifying. They moaned in unison, each feeling the other's body trembling with anticipation. Troy shifted his hips to meet Max's thrusts and wrapped his legs around him tightly; they were so close now that it felt like they were one person.

Max smiled down at Troy as he thrust long, slow strokes in and out of his slick ass. "You loved getting caught by Tony, didn't you?" he teased. Troy moaned in response, unable to form a coherent sentence as pleasure seeped through him from the reminder of their phone sex being discovered. Max kissed him deeply and Troy used his legs to pull him closer, wanting more of the incredible pleasure. They'd talked about how much thrill and excitement they'd gotten from the incident and Max clearly enjoyed teasing Troy about it.

"Imagine if he'd walked into the bathroom and saw you jerking your pretty cock while you finger-fucked your sweet hole for me, baby." Troy moaned even louder as he thought about his sister's hot boyfriend watching him masturbate in the bathroom. As it was, Tony had definitely caught sight of a glob of Troy's cum on his phone screen and had subtly teased him about it. Troy had been embarrassed but also felt an intense thrill deep inside. Despite the embarrassment, he loved that he'd been found out. Max's dirty-talk sent an even stronger wave of arousal through him and made him wonder how much of the phone sex Tony had heard through the bathroom door... How long had he been standing there before he'd knocked?

"Imagine Tony getting hard thinking about you getting fucked just like this, baby," Max murmured, driving his thick shaft deeper into Troy's hungry ass. His dirty words about Tony set Troy's body on fire and he moaned in pleasure at the thought of his sister's hot boyfriend watching him get pounded by Max. Each thrust over his prostate brought a new wave of intense pleasure that shook him to his core and made it impossible for him to keep quiet; Max felt too good inside of him. The combination of Max's relentless pounding and dirty talk pushed Troy further and further into a state of pure ecstasy. Write more of Max's dirty talk about how turned on Tony must have been from hearing Troy fingering his own ass through the bathroom door.

"Tony must have been so hard hearing you moan like that, baby," Max said, thrusting deeper into Troy's tight hole. "You were fingering your own ass like a whore just on the other side of the door from him. I bet he was imagining your tight ass shaking with pleasure as I fuck you. He must have been so turned on hearing you talk about how much you wanted to feel me inside of you. You totally drove him wild, baby." Troy felt like his body was on fire as Max continued to thrust inside of him, each movement sending a wave of pleasure through his entire body. His breathing increased in intensity and he couldn't help but moan out loud with every stroke.

Troy shuddered as Max continued to thrust into him, his breath coming out in shallow gasps. "Imagine if he'd had walked in on us together like this," Max whispered into Troy's ear, the heat of his breath on his neck making Troy tremble even more. His hands were gripping the sheets tightly as Max continued to rock his hips, each stroke sending a wave of pleasure coursing through him. Max knew exactly what he was doing, and he loved it. Taking Troy to the edge of pleasure time and time again, until his body shuddered with delight. He pressed his lips against Troy's ear as he spoke again, "Imagine how shocked he'd be if he saw what a slut his girlfriend's baby brother had turned into." Troy closed his eyes; the thought of Tony discovering his dirty nympho side sent a pulse of precum from his hard cock, and he gasped and moaned.

"Oh Max!" Troy cried out in pleasure, his voice echoing around the house. "You feel so fucking good!" He felt himself getting closer and closer to his orgasm, but he wanted it to be even more intense. He knew that Max could make it happen; he was always so good at driving him wild with pleasure. "Fuck me harder, Max! Show him how you use me!" he begged, imagining they had an audience, rolling his hips to meet every thrust. Max groaned, hearing Troy's words and increased the intensity of his thrusts. He wanted to make sure that their first time back together since winter break was something they would never forget.

As Max pounded Troy's tight hole, he could feel his own pleasure building with each thrust. He growled into Troy's ear, "Come for me, baby." Troy felt an intense wave of pleasure radiating through his core as Max's words and hard thrusts pushed him closer and closer to the edge. He gasped as the sensation became too much to bear and he felt himself cresting over the edge into pure pleasure. His body shuddered and he covered his own face and chest with his cum as Max sent him over the edge. Max felt Troy's hole clench around him and with one last moan of pleasure, he spilled his cum deep inside Troy's ass.

They both collapsed in a sweaty heap, their bodies still trembling with the intensity of their passion. Max's chest heaved as he caught his breath and Troy lay beneath him, eyes closed and face flushed from pleasure. After a few moments, Max rolled off of Troy, who gasped as Max's dick slipped out of his cum-filled hole. Max leaned off the bed to grab a face cloth and tossed it to Troy, allowing him to clean up. Pulling Troy into his arms, Max held him close. He looked down at his boyfriend's flushed expression with deep affection, feeling grateful that they had ended up together like this after all these years. He ran his fingers lightly through Troy's hair, marveling at how different things were now compared to their high school days when they had strenuously hid their feelings from each other. His heart filled with love and contentment.

He kissed Troy's forehead lightly before murmuring, "That was amazing."

Troy smiled up at Max as he nestled into his chest. His body was still tingling from their intense lovemaking session, and he could feel Max's cum slowly begin to drip out of him. He sighed contentedly, "This is perfect."

Max smiled softly at Troy's words and felt himself getting chubbed up again as he recalled the dirty things they had said to each other during their session; specifically, the dirty-talk about Tony that Max had said while they fucked. He blushed a bit but couldn't help but smile as Troy's words still echoed in his mind: "Show him how you use me." Fuck. Who wouldn't go wild hearing that?

Max clutched the sexy twink close. He kissed Troy's forehead again before whispering, "You're perfect, Troy."

After some quiet cuddling Troy and Max headed to the shower to get cleaned up. But as they stepped into the steamy shower, they felt a renewed sense of desire for each other after so many days apart. Troy ran his hands over Max's body, letting out a sigh of pleasure as he explored every contour of his sexy boyfriend's muscular frame. His fingertips grazed across Max's chest, tweaking his nipples and running down his abs before reaching for his meaty ass and caressing it lightly while he kissed Max's lips.

Max reciprocated by grabbing Troy firmly around the waist, pulling him closer before nipping playfully at his ears and neck. Troy rotated in place and Max began gently washing his back. His soapy hands moved in slow circles, massaging the tension out of Troy's muscles while he trailed kisses along his neck and shoulders as the water washed the soap away. Max's hands moved lower, finding Troy's perfect bubble butt still filled with his cum. He cupped and massaged Troy's ass with one hand and lathered soap in Troy's crack with the other. Max then spun Troy back around to face him, pushing him back against the wall of the shower and taking his mouth in a passionate kiss. His hands moved down Troy's body, exploring every inch of skin before settling on Troy's hardening cock. Max grabbed the shower-head and began to run a steady stream of warm water over Troy's body, stimulating each nerve ending as he caressed and stroked his manhood with a soapy lather. With every movement, Max coaxed more pleasure from Troy until he was trembling with desire for his man.

Max pulled Troy closer, pressing their chests together and deepening the kiss as their cocks rubbed against each other. Max's hung cock was quite a bit larger than Troy's smaller but very pretty dick, but both were equally hard with anticipation. Max began to grind his hips in slow circles as they both moaned in delight. Max smiled mischievously as their lips parted and he pushed Troy down into a crouch, facing Max's hard, dripping cock.

Excitement coursed through Troy as he eagerly leaned in to slurp up every inch of Max's length into his mouth. His tongue lapped at the tip with enthusiasm before taking more and more of that full cock in, savoring every moment as he worshipped it with relish. Max moaned in pleasure as he grabbed Troy by the head, gripping it tightly as he guided him into taking more and more of him deeper than before. His wet shaft glided down Troy's throat prompting a series of deep gurgles that excited Max even more; he loved it when Troy gagged on his cock and he wasn't going to let him off easily today. He pulled back slightly while still gripping onto Troy's hair, thrusting faster and harder until Troy's spit and drool were dripping off of his chin and coating Max's shaft with a slick layer. Max continued to thrust, really fucking Troy's throat as he pushed deeper and harder into the smaller boy, staring into his deep blue eyes that teared up before the shower washed them away.

Too soon, Max felt himself reaching the point of no return so he pulled out, leaving an unsatisfied pout on Troy's well-fucked face before lifting him up from the shower floor. Taking hold of his hips, Max turned Troy to face the shower wall and the smaller boy braced himself against the tiled wall, surrendering to Max's full control. With only some conditioner as lube, in one smooth thrust, Max's hardness breached Troy's tender entrance and Troy gasped at the sudden sensation. Max filled him up for the second time that day and Troy moaned as he quickly acclimated to Max stuffing him full yet again. Max began to thrust in and out of him with slow, steady strokes.

Soon their bodies were moving in perfect harmony as the hot water cascaded over them, their toned and muscular forms highlighted by the streaming water. Max pounded into Troy at a punishing pace, his thrusts driving them both further into oblivion as Troy gasped and moaned in ecstasy. With every powerful thrust, Max felt the intense sensation of being buried deep within Troy's tight ass and grunted with effort as he pushed himself deeper still. His every move was met with an ecstatic moan from Troy, and soon they were both on the brink. As Max continued to abuse Troy's overstimulated prostate, he shouted out incoherently and released his load all over the tiled wall in front of him. Max quickly followed suit, pulling out and releasing his own load all over Troy's back before leaning against him breathing heavily.

Still tightly embracing one another in the steam-filled bathroom paradise they had created for themselves, Troy and Max took their time washing each other again. The warm water running down their bodies felt like a soothing balm, the suds of the lavender-scented soap washing away any remaining cares or worries they had. With gentle caresses and soft kisses, they dried each other off before finally exiting the door hand-in-hand heading back towards Max's bedroom, where they curled up and fell asleep.

Max awoke from his nap at 4:00 PM, a feeling of warmth and desire coursing through his veins as his gaze landed on Troy's perfect body. The sunlight streaming in through the window illuminated every muscle, casting a golden hue over Troy's toned physique - making him look like some kind of exquisite work of art. Max felt an overwhelming urge to touch, caress and kiss every inch of that gorgeous skin. His heart raced with anticipation as he thought about how he wanted to ravish Troy's body all over again. His cock quickly swelled as Max imagined waking Troy up by sliding his rock-hard length deep inside of him.

Max released a deep, shuddering breath as he gave into his desires and reached out to draw Troy closer until their bodies were pressed together in an intimate embrace. Unable to resist any longer, Max nuzzled gently into the crook of Troy's neck before placing soft kisses along it, eliciting a small moan from his sleeping boyfriend that sent a shiver down Max's spine. Encouraged by the response, Max continued to trail his kisses down Troy's back, slowly but surely working his way lower until he was settled between the younger man's legs. He nestled his face into Troy's crevice and his tongue traced slow circles around his boyfriend's rosebud as more small moans escaped from Troy's sleeping lips and Max became even more aroused by the sound. Moving his hands up to gently massage Troy's ass cheeks, Max continued to tease and tantalize him with long strokes of his tongue as desire burned through him.

Once satisfied that Troy was sufficiently prepped, Max grabbed the bottle of lube from beside the bed and began to coat his engorged member with it. His other hand remained firmly planted on Troy's pert butt, steadying him as he pressed the head of his cock against Troy's tight opening. He could feel himself leaking precum all over that inviting ring, and a satisfied growl reverberated in his throat at the thought of what was about to come.

Slowly, Max started to slide his swollen head in and out of Troy's tight hole. His boyfriend made quiet whimpering noises as he continued, still lost in a deep dreaming slumber. The combination of the lube and the previous fucking from the day had left Troy's hole tantalizingly tight yet pleasantly flexible - perfect for what Max had planned. Max smiled in pleasure as he shallowly thrusted into his sleeping boyfriend, relishing in the sensation of being able to use him like this. His own pleasure intensified as he felt Troy's tight opening grip onto his cockhead, milking it for every bit of precum that it could get. Max's hands moved slowly over Troy's sleeping body, caressing his skin with a gentle touch as he felt the heat radiating from him. His heart raced in anticipation as he pushed his hips forward, finally sinking his full length inside of Troy. The sensation was pure bliss; Max could feel Troy's heat around every inch of him and it made his whole body quiver.

Troy stirred softly in sleepy pleasure, eyes fluttering open to find himself full of cock. His groggy mind couldn't quite comprehend what was happening, but his body reacted instinctively, beginning to moan in pleasure and push back with his ass as Max's slow, deep thrusts sent waves of sensation through him. Max watched with rapture as Troy's arousal grew with each movement; it was a beautiful sight that drove him wild. Max smiled as he watched Troy's eyes flutter open, his hands tight around the sheets beneath him. He could feel his arousal growing with each passing second as he watched Troy burying his face in the pillow, writing in pleasure with every thrust. Max increased his pace, feeling their bodies move together in perfect harmony as they put on an intimate show just for them and only them. His movements were fast and hard now, pushing Troy closer and closer to his own release.

"Max," Troy gasped, his voice growing more desperate with each passing thrust. Max could feel himself coming close to the edge, Troy's tight hole eliciting waves of pleasure that ran through both of them. His balls were drawn up tight against Troy's ass cheeks as he pushed deeper and faster, aching for his third release. He felt every inch of Troy's body as he moved inside, the sensation pushing him closer and closer to his own pleasure.

"Oh fuck, Troy," Max growled as he felt himself getting close. He let out a loud moan of pleasure as his orgasm hit, sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body. His hot cum spilled inside Troy in long, thick spurts, joining his load from earlier that day, making Troy gasp and shudder beneath him. Max lay onto Troy, breathing heavily as he left himself buried deep within the other boy's ass. Troy still hadn't cum and reached down to furiously jerk his cock while bucking his hips against Max, desperate to feel that dick rubbing against his prostate again. Max smiled into the back of Troy's neck and began to thrust again, this time with more gentleness and patience, as he felt Troy drawing closer and closer to his own climax. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of pleasure, Troy let out a loud moan as his orgasm hit him, spilling his cum all over the bed in hot spurts.

Troy let out a contented sigh as Max wrapped his arms around him from behind. He could feel the warmth of Max's breath on the back of his neck, and with each exhale, he could also feel Max's softening cock still filling him. Troy smiled thinking of waking up with Max's cock stretching him so deeply and said, "I've never been woken up like that before." Max chuckled and kissed Troy's shoulder.

"Well I don't know about you but I'd like to make that a regular thing," Max said with a sexy grin. Troy chuckled and pressed back into Max's embrace, his head resting against the crook of his neck.

"I think I'd like that too," he murmured in agreement.

"Now that our parents are back at work, we should be able to do stuff like this a lot more often until break is over," Max said, kissing Troy's neck softly.

Troy smiled and rolled his hips, feeling Max's cock moving inside him. "I like that idea," he said. Max continued to gently stroke Troy's body with his fingertips as they shared a comfortable silence. Gradually, Max's soft cock slipped out of Troy and he pulled away, leaving Troy feeling empty.

"We should probably get dressed now," Max said, kissing his shoulder once more before getting up and sorting through the pile of clothes on his floor. "My mom will be getting home from work soon." Troy groaned and got up, quickly throwing on his clothes. As they finished dressing, Troy leaned in, giving Max a deep kiss.

"That was definitely a way better wake-up call than an alarm," he said with a smile. Max smiled back and kissed him again.

"Well, I'm glad you liked it," he said before heading off to the kitchen to find a snack. Troy watched him go with a satisfied smile on his face before following after him.

Carla DiCicco came home to find the boys sitting on the floor playing video games in the den. They both hollered a hello to her as she settled in to prepare dinner. She smiled and shook her head, happy to see them getting along like old friends despite their new romantic relationship. Troy confirmed he was staying for dinner and they went back to playing their game. Troy kept getting distracted thinking about how she had no idea that her son's cum was planted deep inside his ass. Max kept destroying him in the game because Troy was so sidetracked by the naughtiness of fucking in Max's conservative parents' house all day. "Damn, Troy!" Max said, killing him again in the game. "Why do you suck so much right now?" He joked.

Troy just smiled and whispered, "I'm just thinking about how I'm sitting here still full of your cum while your mom sings along to James Taylor in the other room."

Max laughed and shook his head. "Well, let's hope she doesn't hear what you're thinking about." He said as he put his arm around Troy and pulled him in for a side hug. Troy gave him a peck on the cheek before they went back to their game, thinking about all the wild sex they'd had that day.

Max's dad got home from work about an hour later and the boys greeted him in the kitchen. He gave them a nod before he went to shower before dinner. Troy and Max looked at each other, feeling bashful that his dad had no idea what they'd been up to in that shower just a few hours ago. At dinner the boys caught-up Carla and Dan on their plans for the rest of break and the coming spring semester; they left out all their plans to fuck like nympho rabbits.

After dinner, the boys helped Carla clean up and Troy went to make the ten-minute walk home. Max decided to walk with him. Now more lucid, Troy wanted to talk about the exhibitionist fantasy they'd dirty-talked while fucking earlier. Troy blushed as he walked alongside Max, his mind still filled with the memory. He had felt so naughty and pervy while they were fucking--he knew that Tony had heard him in the bathroom jerking off to Max's FaceTime and saw Troy's cum on his phone screen as he'd hastily left. When Max had teased him about Tony catching them fucking he couldn't deny that it had been incredibly hot and he was still aroused by it.

Max noticed Troy's bashful expression and smiled to himself, knowing exactly what he was thinking. "So," he asked casually, "did you like our little exhibitionist fantasy this morning?" Troy nodded without looking at Max, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of red.

"Yeah," he admitted softly, feeling slightly embarrassed about how much he'd enjoyed it. "It was really hot." Max grinned mischievously, playfully bumping shoulders with Troy as they continued walking down the sidewalk together.

"Admit it," he teased lightly, "you liked knowing that your sister's boyfriend heard you in there jerking off for--"

"Okay okay!" Troy cut him off before Max could finish teasing him any further. He sighed dramatically and threw up his hands in defeat before laughing. "Yes, I liked it--it was really hot," he admitted with a blush. He paused for a long moment and Max let the silence hang over them as they walked. "I still wonder how long he was there behind the door hearing me talking to you," Troy finally said. "I mean, that's pretty embarrassing!"

Max chuckled and shook his head. "I dunno, I think it's pretty hot," he said with a smirk. "You think Mr. Straight Law Student was listening in on some hot gay phone sex?" He laughed at the thought. Troy blushed even deeper, but he couldn't help but laugh a little at the thought too.

"Yeah," he admitted with a little smirk of his own. "I'm sure it was quite an interesting experience for him." Max nodded in agreement and wrapped an arm around Troy's waist as they continued walking to the Monroe house together. He squeezed Troy gently and smiled down at him fondly.

"Well," he said softly, "at least you gave him something to think about. Imagine if he'd actually seen you through that door with your fingers buried in your ass for me." Troy's cheeks flushed a bright red at the thought and he bit his lip.

"Oh my god," he said, shaking his head in amusement. "That would have been so embarrassing!" Max laughed and shook his head as they rounded the corner to Troy's house. He stopped walking and looked down at Troy with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah," he said playfully, "but I bet it would have been hot too. Think about it. A stunned, sexy straight man getting his first eyeful of a gorgeous twink like you fingering your own ass and he's so confused why his cock is getting hard..."

Troy groaned. "Stop it," he said, smacking Max but he couldn't help but laugh. He looked up at him with a wide smile and shook his head in amusement. "You're so bad. That's my sister's boyfriend, you pervert!" Max smiled down at him with love and leaned in to kiss Troy softly on the lips. When they pulled apart, he winked playfully at him before turning to start heading back to his house.

"Yeah," he said over his shoulder with a smirk, "but it takes one to know one, right?" Troy laughed and fondly watched Max walk away for a few moments before turning to head inside his house.

Troy stepped inside his house and took his shoes off. He could hear laughter coming from the living room and as he rounded the corner. Kristy and Tony were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie together. Troy blushed at the sight of Tony, feeling a mixture of shame, excitement and arousal. He couldn't help but think back to the conversation he and Max had just had; what if Tony had been listening to them dirty talking over the phone in the bathroom?

He backed away quietly without saying anything, not wanting to interrupt their movie night. But as his foot hit the bottom step of the stairs, he heard Tony's voice call out from behind him: "Oh, hey Troy," Troy froze in place before slowly turning around to face them both.

"H-hey," he said nervously, hoping they hadn't noticed how flustered he was suddenly getting. Kristy smiled warmly at her brother before gesturing for him to come join them on the couch. "We're just about done with this movie if you want to think of something else to watch," she said casually, oblivious to what was really going through her brother's head right now. Troy nodded and stepped forward, sitting down cautiously on the edge of the couch next to his sister. He kept his eyes focused on the TV, not wanting to make eye contact with Tony for fear that he would see right through him.

But Tony didn't seem to notice anything was off; he just continued watching the movie and chatting casually with Kristy about it. As Troy watched them interact on the couch next to him, he felt a strange mixture of emotions--embarrassment, arousal and guilt all rolled into one. He tried his best to keep his composure as they finished up their movie night, but he couldn't help but keep wondering if Tony had actually heard him talking dirty with Max earlier that week... and if so, what he thought about it.

Finally the movie ended and Tony turned to him asking, "So, long day with Max, huh?" Troy's heart pounded in his chest and he was thankful for the dark room as he blushed. He searched Tony's face for any sign that he knew what had really happened between him and Max earlier in the day, but all he could see was a friendly smile.

"Yeah," he laughed weakly. "It was good." Troy said nervously, trying to keep his voice steady.

Tony seemed oblivious to Troy's inner turmoil, and simply nodded adding, "Must be nice to have some alone time after all the family fun of Christmas, you know?" Inside, Troy felt like his mind was spinning out of control; did Tony somehow know Max's cum was still dripping from his hole? He shifted uncomfortably on the couch, suddenly feeling very exposed.

"Oh Tony, Troy loves being around us!" Kristy said, unaware that she'd saved Troy from formulating a response.

"For sure, for sure," Tony replied before turning back to Troy. "So you two have been pretty close for a long time, huh? Pretty cool that you're dating now. Bet you're making up for lost time, huh?" Troy felt his cheeks flush and he quickly averted his gaze to the ground. Tony had definitely heard him talking dirty with Max earlier in the week--he could feel it. But then again, maybe he was just being paranoid... It wasn't weird for guys to josh each other like this.

"Yeah," Troy finally managed to say after a few moments of awkward silence. "You know it." He glanced back at Tony.

"It's been really great seeing you two finally acknowledging those feelings, T!" Kristy squeaked. "I mean, it's been a long time coming! I don't know how you resisted that hottie for so long!" Troy chuckled, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks once more. If only she knew what he and Max had been up to earlier in the day!

"Yeah," Troy said smiling lightly. "It's definitely been an eventful semester."

"Hey, you let me know if he's not treating you right," Tony said, staring at Troy. "I may not be your brother, but I've been around a while and I see you as a little bro. Make sure he's treating you like you deserve..." Troy felt his pulse quicken at Tony's words, and he finally managed to meet his eyes. He could feel the intensity of their gaze. Tony MUST know, right? He must have heard them! Right? He swallowed hard, not sure how to respond. His mind was a jumble of thoughts, and he couldn't find the words for anything that made sense.

He finally managed to stammer out a simple "Thanks, Tony," before quickly standing up from the couch and excusing himself to go upstairs to bed. As Troy walked away, he felt Tony's gaze on his back; it almost seemed like he was trying to figure out what had happened between him and Max earlier in the day. He felt paranoid that there were wet cum stains on the ass of his pants, and he quickly made his way up to his room before anyone could get a closer look.

He felt like he was going to burst if he didn't get some privacy soon. As soon as he got into his bedroom, he shut the door behind him and leaned against it with a sigh of relief. His mind was a jumble of thoughts--Tony must know something about the phone sex the other day, but how much? He couldn't tell from their interactions... Still feeling aroused and paranoid, Troy began to undress and lay out on his bed. As he laid there naked, all of the sensations from earlier that day came flooding back to him--Max's hands gripping his hips as they moved together in perfect rhythm; the feel of Max's thick cock sliding inside him... It was almost too much for Troy to handle.

He reached for his moisturizer and slathered his fingers. Troy positioned himself so that his legs were spread wide open with easy access to his eager hole. With trembling fingers, he started rubbing lube around it before slowly inserting two fingers inside himself while jerking his cock with his other hand. The sensation sent waves of pleasure through him as memories of Max fucking him filled Troy's head again. But this time Tony invaded the fantasy; he was there watching them, rubbing a sizable bulge in his jeans. Hot, straight Tony. Kristy's boyfriend Tony. Troy imagined Tony watching them; imagined him getting more and more aroused until he finally couldn't take it anymore; imagined him unzipping his jeans and jerking his cock to the sight of them fucking.

Troy closed his eyes, stroking his cock and sliding his fingers in and out of his well-fucked hole. Troy imagined Tony walking over to them and slapping his heavy dick on his slutty face while Max fucked his hungry hole in missionary. He was getting lost in his fantasy, wondering what Tony's precum would taste like; if his cock would fill him as well as Max's did; if Tony would be gentle or rough... The intensity of his fantasy was too much and, with a deep moan, Troy came all over himself. His fourth load of the day was thin and watery but no less voluminous. Panting, he lay there enjoying the afterglow before finally getting up to clean himself off.

As he grabbed some tissues to wipe away the evidence of his perverted fantasy, Troy thought he noticed the shadow of feet moving from the hallway behind his door. What? Was someone in the house listening to him jerk off? Was it Tony? He shook his head, thinking he must have been imagining it. Tony was straight. He was Kristy's boyfriend. He wouldn't do that. And yet, as he cleaned himself off and began to get dressed, Troy couldn't help but feel a little thrill at the possibility that Tony was spying on him. He blushed and shuddered at the thought. It was probably just his imagination.

Troy quietly went back downstairs to get some water. He heard some noises coming from the living room and peeked around the corner to the sight of Tony necking his sister. So he had been down here making out with Kristy the whole time, Troy thought. As he turned to go back to his room, he heard his sister moan out.

"Fuck, Tony, what's gotten into you?" She breathed heavily. "You came back from the bathroom so horned up! We have to take this downstairs." Troy froze, wide-eyed clutching his glass of water. Had Tony been outside his door after all? Was he aroused by what he heard? He started as Kristy and Tony hustled through the kitchen, hastily making their way to her room in the basement. "Oh sorry, Troy!" Kristy whispered, squeezing his shoulder as she passed. Tony didn't say a word. He just looked at Troy with an unreadable expression before following Kristy downstairs.

Troy gulped, his heart pounding in his ears as he watched them go. His mind raced with possibilities and fantasies--all of which involved Tony watching him and Max, or maybe even joining in. His face flushed hot and he quickly retreated back upstairs. He lay down on his bed, feeling a delicious warmth spread through his body. No, he thought, Tony wouldn't do that. Would he? He reached for his phone and texted Max.

Troy: Just had the craziest thing happen

You'll never guess...

Max: Hmm, what?

Troy: Tony...

Max: Lmao figures. What happened?

Troy: I think he might have been listening when I was jerking off just now

Max: Holy shit! That's hot

Wait, you had to jerk off again after all we did today!?

Troy: Yeah, I couldn't help it lol

I hung out with Kristy and Tony and the thought of Tony listening to us fuck was too much for me to resist 🙈

Max: Hahaha

Wait, why do you think he was spying on you?

Troy: I thought I saw a shadow under the door and then when I went to get water, he was making out with Kristy and she said he came back from the bathroom all horned up

Max: Wow, that's wild. Well if he was spying then I'm sure he heard you moaning

You're such a moaner 😈

Troy: Lol yeah 😇

It does make me kind of excited to think about it

So weird and pervy tho 😐

Max: Haha well, if he was really there then I'm sure you gave him quite a show

Are you gonna ask him about it, or just keep it between us?

Troy: I think I'll just keep it between us

That's probably for the best

Max: Yeah, probably

Kristy def would freak if she found out

And I guess you don't really know anyway

But it's still pretty hot to think about!

Troy: Yeah

I've realized that getting caught or being watched is so fucking hot for me 🙈

Max: Haha my little exhibitionist 😈

Maybe we should explore that kink a little bit, babe!

Troy: Haha yeah, maybe we should... but not with Tony lol

Max: Hahaha good idea

Troy: I'm gonna go to sleep

Gnight babe! I love you ♥️♥️

Max: Love you too

Sweet dreams, sexy ♥️

Troy put down his phone and thought about his sex-filled day. Max was so fucking perfect for him. His ass ached from all the fucking he'd treated Troy to today. And those exhibitionist fantasies... what the fuck. With Tony of all people! Troy felt no small amount of shame from his jerk-off session and how far he took his fantasy in his own mind. His guilt surged as he thought of his sister, blissfully unaware of the perversions of her little brother. Regardless, even IF Tony was perving on him, it's not like anything could happen. Not for Max's sake--Max would be fine-- but for Kristy's. Troy tossed and turned a few times trying to clear his head. He was exhausted from the exertions of the day. In the end he did some meditative breathing to empty his mind and slowly sleep took him.

Next: Chapter 7

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