The Saga of Troy and Max

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Dec 30, 2023


Winter break had finally arrived! What a wild first semester they'd gone through together, Troy thought. Arriving as best friends, heading home as boyfriends, with a whole lot of painful interludes and sexy shenanigans in between. Troy was eager for some time away from school to process his relationship with Max. Back home in Maine they should be able to spend lots of time together alone, without the distractions of coursework, concerned friends, or horny frat bros. For Max's part, he continued to be thrilled to have Troy as his lover and likewise was excited to escape from the rumors that dogged their young romance. They also made plans to reveal their relationship to their families.

Troy's mom and dad made the long drive to pick them up in western Massachusetts and trek them back up to the Maine coast. His mom, Anna Monroe, was like an older, female version of Troy; beautiful and bubbly with an infectious personality that was easy to get along with. She was a big talker and very excitable, running to the boys as they left their dorm building for the car. Troy's dad, Mike, was much more quiet but equally warm in his presentation. He was a pediatrician as well as a marathon runner and he had that patient, steady personality that one would expect. For most of the six hour drive back to their town Troy and his mom chatted up a storm with occasional interjections from Mike or Max. The conversation finally quieted down four hours in and it was that moment that the boys decided to spill the beans to Troy's parents: the longtime best friends were now dating. Troy broke the news with a slow, confident certitude and Anna squealed, making Mike pull over so they could all exchange hugs.

"I've always known you two were meant to be!" She exclaimed. "Even before you ever told me you were gay." Max blushed and Troy rolled his eyes at his mom's ebullient enthusiasm. His dad was more subdued but no less happy for his son to have found love in his best friend. Troy's mom didn't stop talking about her memories of them for the rest of the drive. Of course, the boys were cagey about the exact circumstances of their getting together.

"We just both sorta blurted it out at the same time," Max had said, nervously playing with Troy's fingers in the back seat. Troy had smiled, giving Max a mischievous, knowing look.

"There was a point when we just couldn't hold it in anymore." He said, smirking at Max and squeezing his knee; his boyfriend blushed, biting his lip and glancing away. By the time they'd gotten back their small town on the coast, Troy's mom had already thrust them onto FaceTime calls with Troy's sister Kristy, two of his aunts, an uncle, and several cousins. Everyone was thrilled by the boys' news.

As they got nearer and nearer to dropping Max off, he became nervous. His parents hadn't exactly been thrilled when he'd come out of the closet less than a year before; how would they react to the latest? Troy noticed Max's nervous-leg bouncing next to him and squeezed his hand.

"It's gonna be okay," Troy mouthed to his boyfriend. Max smiled weakly and clutched Troy's hand all the tighter. When they pulled up to the DiCicco residence, Max was relieved to see his older brother's truck in the driveway; Paul had been supportive of him from the start and his presence tended to keep his parents' behavior in line.

Troy insisted on going inside with Max, telling his parents that he'd walk home later. As they trudged up to the house with Max's bags, his brother Paul came out of the garage smiling warmly.

"Hey! Long time no see college-boy!" He shouted, walking down the driveway. Paul was a little shorter and stockier than Max, but just as handsome and well-built. He'd been working as an HVAC technician since he'd graduated high school and he came across as much more mature than his 22 years suggested. He clapped Max's hand and pulled him in for a strong hug.

"Looks like independence is treating you well," Paul said, squeezing Max's muscled shoulders. "You got bigger!" Max grinned back, set at ease by his brother's infectious happiness.

"Thanks, bro," Max said, hoisting his bag back over his shoulder. "It's good to see you here, man." He smiled wistfully.

"Hey there, Troy," Paul said, fist-bumping him. "Looks like you got out one stop too early!" They laughed and Troy replied,

"Well, I wanted to help Max carry his stuff... and I wanted to visit with you and your parents for a little bit." Paul smiled and punched Troy's arm.

"It's good to see you, bud," he said to Troy and took the duffel from him as they all walked inside. "Yo, Ma; Dad! Look who I dragged in off the street!" Paul called out.

They found their mom in the kitchen, scrubbing surfaces; she greeted her son and Troy, commenting that they looked healthy and that she was glad they were eating well and staying fit.

"We weren't expecting any extra company, Troy dear, but you're welcome to anything, as always."

"Thanks, Mrs. D!" Troy chirped, leaning across the kitchen island to grab some cherry tomatoes out of a tray of mixed-veggies. Max, still stiff with anxiety about breaking their news to his parents, nevertheless found himself transfixed on Troy's delicious ass, which tantalizingly popped out as he reached for the veggies. Paul, noticing his brother's distraction, took a big crunch out of a carrot and gave Max a bemused look, cocking an eyebrow. Max blushed and looked away, scowling.

Their father entered the kitchen from the backyard, pulling off work gloves and greeting his son with a handshake. Dan DiCicco was a tall, broad, tanned man of 47 who was clearly the foundation on which his sons were built; their matching curly hair and strong noses had always marked them as sharing kinship. His wife Carla was petite but strong and much fairer than her husband; her pretty but stern features shone through in Max's eyes and bone structure. Max's seriousness in this moment only highlighted the similarities between his face and his mother's, something Troy noted as he watched his boyfriend greet his father.

Troy had always enjoyed being around the DiCiccos; they had a much more formal family dynamic than his own, which was somehow appealing when compared to his own mother's over-enthusiasm. Back in high school he'd had quite the little crush on Paul before Max had come out and he'd allowed himself to shift his eyes toward his best friend. Since then though, Troy had noticed a chilliness between Max and his parents; a standoffishness that stemmed from their tacit disapproval of his sexuality. That had always frustrated Troy, who'd never felt like they'd treated him any differently after he'd come out in the 8th grade, but Max said it was a Catholic thing and a family thing; that they didn't have strong feelings about gay folks in general but they'd struggled with having a gay son themselves.

Troy's heart was always pained when he saw how Max clammed up around his parents, acting in a prescribed, inauthentic way. They'd both talked about this moment and how they hoped it would open a new chapter in Max's relationship with his parents. Troy thought about all this while Max caught up with his parents, watching them while perched on a stool at the kitchen island. Paul sidled up to him, nudging his arm.

"You're less chatty than usual, bud," he said quietly. "And Max looks like he's gonna shit a brick over there." Troy continued to gaze at his boyfriend as he processed Paul's words. He was right. Max may have looked strong and composed to anyone who didn't know him, but he was terrified as he made small-talk with his parents. Troy continued to stare at Max, trying to send all the power of his love and strength to him across the room. Paul continued to glance between Troy and Max with quizzical eyes. Something was going on here, he thought. He decided to instigate.

"So, Maximus," Paul said, suddenly speaking up. "How are things on the romance front? Do I get a new brother anytime soon?" He waggled his eyebrows as Max turned to him with wide-eyes. Troy, too, snapped his head around to Paul, who was still sitting next to him at the kitchen island, and their parents scowled at him. "What?" Paul said with faux-innocence as Max clenched his jaw and shook his head, almost imperceptibly.

"Paul," his mother said sternly. "I don't think that's something you need to bring up right now. He just got home." Max looked at his mom, then Paul, and finally to Troy, with a pained face.

"Come on, Ma," Paul said. "If he were straight you guys would've already been asking!" As Paul and his parents began bickering, Max slid around the room to Troy, grabbing his hand out of view of the family. He blocked out the noise of the conversation and let himself get lost in Troy's caring eyes.

Troy mouthed, "I'll be right here, no matter what, Max. I love you." Max fought back the tears that welled up as he squeezed Troy's hand and brought his attention back to the rest of the room.

"Don't make us out like we're some sort of terrible bigots, Paul!" Their father said, raising his voice.

"I'm not saying that, Dad! I'm just saying you guys need to stop being weird about Max being gay!" Paul shouted back.

"We're still getting used to the idea," their mom replied. "It's not like we expected to be dealing with this or anything! We just want him to be safe and make the best decisions for himself!"

Paul laughed. "Great! Me too! What does that have to do with me asking whether or not he's dating anybody?" Max felt increasingly overwhelmed by being the topic of the argument.

"I'm dating Troy!" Max suddenly yelled. The room fell silent as his family looked at him startled. Troy looked sheepish as he reached up to grab Max's hand resting on his shoulder. Paul's face broke into a grin.

"You sly dogs, I fucking knew it!" Paul said with excitement.

"Language, Paul!" Their dad snapped. "Max, are you joking?" Dan said slowly. Max took a deep breath and held on to Troy.

"No, Dad, I'm not joking. Troy and I have been dating since Halloween. We both realized we had feelings for each other after all this time." Troy looked up at him and smiled before they both turned their gaze back to Max's parents. Carla reached for her husband's arm before moving towards her younger son and his best friend. His boyfriend.

"Oh Max." She said, becoming teary-eyed. "We only ever wanted the best for you. We wanted you to be safe and smart and to have an easy life. When you told us, we thought all of our fears for you would come true. That you would be caught up in depravity and perversion and have your heart broken or your health compromised."

Max suppressed an eye-roll hearing his mother go on about her own prejudiced assumptions about gay men and let her continue.

"Hearing that you've found love and passion with this boy who is like family to us, who's proved his loyalty and love for you time and time again over the years; that calms my fears for you more than anything has in the past year, sweetheart." She hugged him and Troy tightly. He broke down into silent sobs into his mom's shoulder as his dad approached.

"I'm glad for you son. And you too Troy," Dan told them. Carla released the boys and dabbed her eyes. "Knowing you two are together warms my heart so much," she said. Troy and Max both wiped their eyes as Paul came in for a big bear hug.

"Ma was worried you were gonna come home with a man her age, or with AIDS or something," he joked and his mom smacked him.

Max couldn't help but burst into tearful laughter. His parents were still so problematic in the way they thought about gay people, but here they were reacting with joy to his relationship with Troy Monroe. His best friend. His boyfriend. For now, that was good enough for him.

After the emotionally draining day of coming out to their families, it was a few days before Troy and Max got to see each other again, and even longer before they had any time alone to themselves. Between the Christmas get-togethers and family downtime, the boys got more and more pent up. Troy had gotten used to getting regularly worked over by Max and his big cock and he was getting increasingly antsy as the days ticked by. To make matters worse, Max was developing a mischievous habit of texting Troy sexy pics that drove him crazy. Two days after Christmas, Troy got a pic of Max in a pair of basketball shorts obscenely tented by his hard dick.

Troy: MAX I'm with my fam right now.

Max: So? You worried about Kristy's bf catching you pop some wood? 😈

Troy blushed and shifted on the couch. This mother-fucker. While his parents were oblivious, his sister and her boyfriend Tony would absolutely pick up on any weird behavior from Troy.

Troy: Fuck offfffff. I'm literally so horny Max. I miss you.

Max: For real. Me too, babe. I've been so hard, Troy. So hungry for that tight pink hole. You taste so good baby đŸ`...

Troy shivered as he read Max's text; his cock hardening and his ass twitching as he thought about his boyfriend's hot tongue slathering his hole with his spit.

Troy: Maxxx, you're killing me. You're getting me so hard.

Max was lying in his bed lazily stroking his cock. He was getting seriously turned on. He wanted to see how far he could push Troy.

Max: Show me 😈

Troy stared at Max's text as his cock throbbed in his pajama pants. Show him? Absolutely. He needed to tease Max as much as Max was teasing him. He got up to go to the bathroom, one hand in his pocket restraining his dick as he left the room. Once alone Troy whipped out his hard cock and took a few mirror selfies. He was satisfied with one that showed him making pleading eyes at the mirror and gripping his dick; he sent it off to Max, feeling even hornier with anticipation.

Max opened the pic. Fuck. Troy was so gorgeous. He missed that body. That face. That dick. He gripped his cock a little harder when his phone buzzed again. FUCK. Troy had sent another pic. This time with his pajama pants slipped down below the cup of his beautiful ass, which sat perched halfway on the bathroom counter with one leg up so his body was in a three-quarter profile, both cheeks visible. Max felt a pulse of precum throb out of his cock.

Max: FUCK TROY. You're so beautiful. Wish you were sitting on my face right now đŸđŸ...

Troy: Mmm you're making my hole twitch, babe. I need it so bad.

Max: Show me that sweet hole, baby. Look how hard you're making me.

Troy looked at the new pic of Max's huge hard cock; the head glistening wet with precum and his mouth watered. He couldn't take it anymore. He FaceTimed Max, making sure the volume was turned down and groaned when he answered.

"Max... I can't take it. You're getting me so horny."

"Me too babe," Max grinned. "Look at what you're doing to me." Max turned the camera around and Troy got an eye-full of his hand stroking up and down his weeping cock. Troy propped his phone up on the counter.

"Fuck. It looks so good Max. I wanna wrap my lips around it."

"Fuck yes baby, I want those beautiful lips and that hot throat around me." Max pumped his dick faster. "I need that sweet ass so bad, Troy." Troy giggled and turned around so his ass faced the camera.

"Take a look, Maxi, it misses you so bad." Troy kneaded and slapped his ass cheeks; he bent over so his ass slightly parted, giving Max a tantalizing peek into his crack, his hole hidden by shadow.

"God, baby," Max panted. "Show me that pretty hole. I need it so bad. You're making me leak so much."

Troy moaned as he spread his ass for his horny man. "Yeah, you like this tight pink hole, Max?" He said teasingly. "You like how it feels when your big, thick cock pushes inside? How it hugs you tight?" Troy groaned as he rubbed his finger over his tight pucker. "Fuck, Max." Max jerked his hard cock as he watched Troy rub his pink hole.

"Fuuuck, Troy. You know I love it. And I know how much YOU love it when I sink inside and fill you up." Max's voice was thick with desire. "Show me what you want, baby. Show me what you need."

Troy looked back into the camera, sucking on two fingers until they were glistening and dripping wet. He turned back around so his ass once again was on display and he began rubbing his wet digits on his winking hole. Troy slid a finger into his hole, sighing, and Max watched as he began pumping it inside of himself, quickly adding a second finger.

"Max," Troy moaned. "It feels so good, but it's not enough. I miss your thick cock, Max!"

"Goddamn, baby," Max growled, pumping his dick faster. "You're stretching out that hole so good. I wish I was pounding so deep inside of you right now."

Troy whimpered as he pumped his ass and curled his fingers into his most pleasurable spot.

"Fuck, Max. I need you inside me so bad. I need your hot cum, babe!" Troy moaned. Max was so close; precum slicked his cock as he watched Troy fucking himself with his fingers.

"Yeah, you want this load, baby?" Max huffed. "Fuck. You're gonna make me cum, Troy." Troy was rapidly stroking his own dick as he plunged his fingers in and out of his hole.

"Yes, Max!" He said. "Cum for me. Oh fuck, babe I'm gonna cum soon too!"

"Turn around," Max said. "Let's cum together, baby." Troy turned around and backed up against the wall. He could see Max's big dick so swollen and ready to blow. He knew Max could see how he jerked his rock-hard cock while he continued to play with his hole. He was so close.

"Oh fuck, Troy. Here it comes!" Max said and he groaned as a thick shot of cum came out of his cock. His cock pulsed again and again, each shot lessening in intensity until it began dripping down onto his hand. Troy thought about feeling all that cum flooding his ass and he began to cum himself, moaning quietly. He was a shooter and he blasted his load across the bathroom with the first shot hitting his phone on the counter. The rest landed on the bathroom floor and he panted as he slid his fingers out of his hole.

"Max," he said. "That was so hot. I need you so bad." Max flipped his camera back around and grinned at him, a drab of his own cum hanging off his chin.

"Baby... you're so perfect. As soon as my parents go back to work we are turning my house into a sex den for real."

Troy smiled at that but before he could reply there was a rap at the bathroom door.

"Yo Troy! You all good in there?" It was his sister's boyfriend Tony. Eyes wide Troy looked around at the mess he needed to clean up and Max chuckled quietly on the phone.

"Um--yeah I'm fine!" He said loudly. "Just gimme a minute!" He rushed to his phone and kissed at the camera before ending the call with Max. He tied up his pajama pants and wiped up the cum off the floor, flushing the tissues down the toilet.

Troy emerged from the bathroom to the sight of Tony leaning against the far wall, arms crossed. Tony was a law student in Boston, where he lived with Troy's sister Kristy. He looked the part of a future litigator or prosecutor, with styled light brown hair and piercing hazel eyes. He was a gym rat and his musculature was evident regardless of what he was wearing; he was proud of the covering of chest hair that was hinted at beneath his collar. Tony was hot, Troy had always thought so.

"Sorry, Tony," Troy said as he walked by. "I didn't mean to take so long... got lost on my phone!" He waved his phone to emphasize the point. Tony smirked.

"Yeah, man. You really went crazy on that phone, didn't ya?" He huffed and gave a knowing look at the screen of Troy's phone before walking into the bathroom. Confused, Troy glanced at his phone and was mortified to see a big glob of cum dripping down the screen. He quickly wiped it up with his finger and looked around before sucking it off and went to rejoin his family; he avoided looking at or talking to Tony for the rest of the evening. Thank god they were leaving in the morning!

Next: Chapter 6

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