The Saga of Troy and Max

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Dec 23, 2023


The next morning, Troy and Max wake up in each other's arms and they soon are talking about what happened at the party with Kyle. They both agree that it was a thrilling experience for them both. Troy is struggling because of his complicated history with Kyle, but he can't seem to get Kyle's kiss and hard bulge out of his mind. He remembers the pleasure that surged through him when he was under Kyle's spell, feeling powerful yet also scared at the same time.

"I don't know what to make of my feelings for Kyle," he said. "He's always been a bit intimidating, but at the same time I can't deny that there was something very exciting about being with him. It was as if we had some kind of power over each other and it made me feel alive in a way." Troy blushed and continued; "To be honest, it was the same feeling I felt when you took my virginity."

Max smiled at Troy's embarrassment, but it faded as Troy continued. "But Kyle was the one who took advantage of me, and led to everything that happened that night. That makes it hard for me to trust him." Max felt a surge of love for Troy at that moment. He deeply regretted the trauma Troy felt, but at the same time, was thankful for the relationship they'd since built from it.

Max sighed and cuddled up to Troy. "I know, it's so complicated. Our whole relationship is built on that breach of trust. And It all started with him that night. But if you think it will help you find some peace and you feel safe doing it, I think you should try and explore these feelings. I mean, you've only ever been with me, you know? I don't know, maybe Kyle isn't the right one, but it wouldn't be bad for you to find a way to get some closure."

Troy propped himself up on his elbow and turned to Max. "I'm scared, Max. I don't want to do anything that would hurt us, but at the same time I can't deny that I'm curious. What if I find something out there that's better than what we have? How could I ever come back from that?"

Max pulled Troy close, "I understand how you're feeling, Troy, but it's only natural to be curious and excited about exploring something new. But I think it's important to take things slowly and think carefully before taking any big steps. Don't worry too much - if anything ever did happen between you and Kyle, I trust that you would make sure it doesn't affect our relationship in a negative way." He rolled over on top of Troy and kissed him deeply. "Besides, I don't think for a second that you're gonna find anything out there that will compare to what we've got right here." Max ground his crotch into Troy's.

They laughed and kissed some more, rubbing their bodies against each other. "Thanks, Max," Troy said breathlessly. "You always know how to make me feel better."

Max kissed him again and rolled onto his back. "I know it's a bit strange to say," he said, looking at the ceiling. "But I have to admit it was really hot hearing you talk about grinding your ass on Kyle's dick. It made me feel like you were a little wilder and more adventurous than I ever expected." He glanced at Troy, who was gazing at him intently.

Troy thought for a moment. "I guess I am. I'm still figuring out what `being adventurous' means for me. For us. But I wouldn't want to find out with anyone else, Max."

"I'm glad to be here and help you explore," Max said, leaning over to kiss him again. "Whatever happens next, just know that I love you and I'm always here for you."

"I love you too," Troy said, rubbing their noses together. "So you really thought it was hot when I told you about what happened?"

Max rolled onto his stomach and propped himself up on his elbows. "Yeah! I mean it was a bit of a shock and I was kinda jealous, but also it was really hot. And I'm glad that you feel comfortable enough to tell me about it." He stopped talking for a moment, thinking about what to say next. "I think, maybe, an open relationship could work for us as long as we always come back to one another and share all the sexy details. That way we'll be totally honest and we can just fuck the jealousy away." Max laughed to himself as he waited for Troy's response.

Troy laughed along as he pondered Max's proposition. "I'm definitely open to exploring different partners, but I also want to make sure we don't lose the connection and love between us. That's the most important thing to me. Nothing good has ever come from us keeping secrets over all these years, Max." Troy let the gravity in those words sink in.

Max nodded his head, "I agree. We can always talk about it if one of us starts feeling jealous or insecure. If anything happens, we need to work through it together and come out stronger on the other side. It was so fucked up the way I took your virginity, Troy. I would love for you to feel more in control of your own sexuality and I think this might be a way to do that."

"I think that makes a lot of sense, Troy said, leaning over and kissing Max gently. "I want to feel confident again, and not just be dependent on you. No offense." Max laughed.

"None taken. You're sexy when you're confident." They both smiled, kissing some more.

Troy sat up, the sheet sliding down his toned frame. "And maybe we could also introduce some new things in our relationship?" He said eagerly. "Things we wouldn't do with anyone else?"

Max sat up too, Troy's excitement infecting him. "Hmmm that sounds hot! We can explore together and see what works for us."

Troy leaned over and kissed him passionately on the lips. "I love you, Max. And I'm so glad we're doing this together." Max basked in the joy of hearing those three little words from the boy he'd loved for years.

"Me too. I love you too, Troy."

When Max's roommate Charlie came back from breakfast, Troy and Max took it as their cue to get out of bed and get some food themselves. They kept talking about their ideas for exploring their relationship together.

"So," Troy started. "I'm thinking, maybe we could go to that gay club tonight? The one off the highway. They have an 18+ night tonight. We can let loose there and explore together and just take it slow. What do you think?"

Max smiled at his boyfriend, "That sounds perfect. I think it would be a fun way to start exploring what's out there in a safe and comfortable place."

Troy was excited. "Exactly! We can just chat with people, get to know them, and then decide if we want to take things further. That way we don't have to worry about any pressure or expectations and we'll be there to look out for each other."

In agreement, the couple went about their day going to the gym, packing up for break, and picking out their outfits for the night.

Max put on a fitted black T-shirt with dark jeans and a pair of stylish boots. He paired it with a leather jacket to give off an edgy, mysterious vibe. Troy laughed when he saw him, saying he looked like Danny Zuko. Troy meanwhile, picked out a tie-dye tank top with skinny jeans and white sneakers. He accessorized with a few silver necklaces and leather bracelets. Max noticed Troy put on some subtle makeup to accentuate his features and thought he looked absolutely stunning.

"Won't you be cold?" Max asked? It was December after all.

Troy shrugged. "Why would I be cold? I have your jacket, don't I?" He said sweetly, batting his eyes. Max laughed and they headed for the bus that would bring them to the club.

They finally got into the club, with black Xs marking their hands as under-21. They had a great time dancing and kissing and flirting with each other. Troy found himself attracted to some of the other guys at the club and Max seemed to encourage him to flirt with them.

"This night is about being adventurous and exploring, remember?" Max said into Troy's ear. Soon Troy relaxed and found the courage to start talking to some of the other men.

At first, he was shy and hesitant, but soon found himself enjoying the conversations and feeling confident. With each passing minute, Troy felt more at ease with his sexuality and the attention of the other men. He learned that he enjoyed flirting with them. He even got invited back to one of the men's apartments, to which he laughed and politely declined.

Max watched as Troy grew more and more comfortable with the attention. His confidence radiated out of him like a light, making him even more attractive than before. Max's heart swelled with pride as he saw Troy take control of his own sexuality, something that he was worried he'd stolen from him that night in the frat house.

He stood back, watching from across the crowd of dancers as Troy became bolder and braver with every conversation he had. Troy noticed a tall, broad, handsome man, with long curly hair watching him. He almost reminded him of Max. Troy locked eyes with him and smiled.

The man walked over, displacing several other admirers and simply asked, "Want to dance?" Troy nodded and they moved onto the dance floor. The man pressed against Troy's back as they moved and swayed to the music, his hands on Troy's hips, his crotch grinding on Troy's ass. Troy let himself melt back into the man and soon felt his lips on his neck and his hand inside his shirt, playing across his abs. Troy turned around and looked into the man's eyes before his lips were captured in an erotic kiss. Troy's hands ran up the man's arms, while the man's hands grabbed handfuls of Troy's perky butt.

Max watched the encounter from the side of the room, nursing a drink that some guy had bought for him. Max had chosen not to get too adventurous tonight, batting away all the male attention he received and instead focused on Troy. He watched the man kiss his boyfriend and as they parted, Troy seemed to say he needed to go. Max saw them exchange numbers before Troy scanned the crowd for him, locking eyes and meandering through the dance floor to stand next to Max.

"Having fun?" Max yelled over the music.

"So much fun!" Troy replied. Max kissed him deeply, wondering if the man left any taste behind on Troy's lips. Troy felt Max's arm snake around his waist, pulling him close and making it clear that now he was in control.

He looked up to see Max smiling down at him with a mischievous glint in his eye. Troy smiled back before being twirled around into Max's embrace. The two began to move together, eyes locked as they swayed to the music. All of Troy's 'adoring fans' watched on enviously as Max claimed what was rightfully his - Troy.

The two danced sensually until closing time, never once losing contact as they moved in harmony. Troy felt safe in Max's arms, secure in the knowledge that they belonged to each other. Max leaned in and kissed Troy passionately. The kiss was filled with love and desire as they both knew that, open relationship or not, they were meant to be together.

Getting back to campus, Troy and Max walked into Max's room, eager to fuck. But they noticed Charlie sitting at the desk.

"Oh," Troy said, a bit taken aback by the unexpected company. "Hi, Charlie." He usually was out late on a Saturday night. Damn!

Charlie smiled at them both warmly. "Hey you two! I didn't realize you'd be here." He glanced between the two of them knowingly before apologizing. "I'm really sorry guys, but I have to finish this last assignment... that's what I get for procrastinating!"

Troy and Max exchanged a look, the lust between them palpable. Troy cleared his throat and suggested they take their chances with his dorm room. "Hopefully Brad isn't there... I think he said he was actually going out tonight to celebrate finishing finals. Hopefully we can get things done before he comes back." Max nodded and smiled, obviously excited at the prospect. Troy rarely suggested trying for his own room, since Brad was such a pill.

"Sounds like a plan!" He said. They quickly made their way to Troy's dorm room, their anticipation building with every step they took. When they arrived, Troy unlocked the door and opened it cautiously. Thankfully, Brad wasn't there. The two of them wasted no time in stripping off their clothes and climbing into the bed together. They kissed passionately as Troy's hands roamed all over Max's body.

"Tell me, baby," Max said breathily. "Tell me everything you wanted to do with that handsome stranger. And I'll do it to you." Troy gasped and Max pushed him onto his back and straddled him, making sure to keep their lips locked.

He grinned mischievously as he asked, "So what did you want him to do?" Troy felt heat rush through him at the thought of it. He licked his lips before answering in a low voice,

"I wanted him to take control... I wanted him to dominate me." His cheeks were flushed with anticipation as Max's hands roamed over his body.

"Mmm," Max purred in response. With one hand cupping Troy's face, he kissed him deeply before whispering, "Let me show you what it feels like." Max pinned Troy to the bed and looked into his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "You like it when I take control, don't you?" he teased, his hands exploring every inch of Troy's body as he spoke.

Troy moaned in response and nodded eagerly. He was completely under Max's spell and wanted nothing more than to obey him. Max growled in satisfaction. He grabbed hold of both of Troy's wrists and pinned them above his head with one hand while using the other to trace circles around each of Troy's nipples.

"I want you to do exactly what I say," Max commanded softly as he moved down further, kissing a path down Troy's stomach. He paused for a moment and looked up at Troy, who was panting with anticipation. "Do you understand?" Troy nodded eagerly, his eyes fixed on Max's lips as he spoke. "Say it. Do you understand?" Max stared intensely into Troy's beautiful blue eyes.

"Yes, I understand," Troy said breathlessly. "I'll do anything you say." Max smiled in approval, "Good boy." Troy shivered in response, already feeling the pleasure and anticipation radiating from him. Max continued to kiss down Troy's body until he was at his most sensitive spot. His fingers teased and tantalized as he kissed his way up again, finally claiming Troy's lips with a passionate kiss that left them both breathless.

Troy moaned into Max's mouth, when Max suddenly pulled back and said, "Now, baby, I want you to stay perfectly still, and whatever you do, don't cum. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Max!" Troy gasped. His heart was pounding in his chest as Max began to use him like a toy.

Max began to explore every inch of Troy's body with his hands and lips, taking pleasure in the sights and sounds of Troy's aroused state. He lightly ran his fingers over Troy's toned chest and shoulders before using soft kisses to trace a path down his torso, exploring the ridges of muscle on his abdomen. His tongue teased Troy's sensitive nipples, making him writhe in pleasure as Max rubbed his cock with his hand. Then Max's tongue found its way down to Troy's abs before traveling lower still, until it reached the very base of Troy's shaft. Max took great pleasure in teasing and tantalizing him, savoring each moan that escaped from between Troy's lips as he swallowed down Troy's dick.

His tongue made slow circles around the head as he took Troy's 5" dick down to the root, increasing the intensity until Troy was panting beneath him. Max began rubbing wet fingers against Troy's hole while he sucked him. Troy gasped in pleasure, his muscles tensing as he fought to remain still. Max pulled away from Troy's shaft and kissed up his body again, gently nibbling on the sensitive flesh of his neck before claiming Troy's lips with a passionate kiss.

"You're doing so well, baby." Max said and Troy blushed. "I'm so proud of you. Now I want you to worship my body any way you want. But don't touch yourself, Troy. This time it's only about pleasing me." Troy nodded eagerly, his eyes wide as he took in Max's commanding presence. He began to explore Max with his hands and lips, using light touches and teasing kisses to drive him wild.

Troy ran his hands along Max's muscular frame, exploring every inch of him as he went. His hands moved slowly up to Max's chest, tracing each contour and feeling the warmth radiating from his body. He took time to explore Max's nipples with gentle kisses and licks before moving lower still, trailing light touches down over Max's toned arms and abs.

Troy stopped at the base of Max's cock, taking in the sight of it and lying it across his face before running one hand up and down it slowly. He loved how heavy and thick it was. He leaned forward to take the head into his mouth, Max moaning due to his efforts. His mouth moved up and down Max's shaft, his tongue lapping at the underside as he savored every inch of him.

Troy's own cock was rock hard and weeping precum as he sucked on Max, but Troy followed his man's instructions, refusing to give himself any release. He moved back up to Max's chest and began exploring it with his hands, feeling every ripple of muscle as he went. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have a man like this in his life. Max was panting and trembling beneath him, his body responding to Troy's ministrations. He groaned in pleasure before pushing Troy onto his back and climbing on top of him.

"Remember," Max said with an aroused look. "Don't cum until I tell you." Troy eagerly agreed and Max wasted no time in sinking his big dick inside of him. As their bodies were joined, Troy felt waves of pleasure wash over him, filling every inch of his being. Max started to move slowly at first, taking great pleasure in savoring each sensation. But soon enough he was pounding into Troy with deep thrusts that made the bed shake beneath them. Max kept his forearms pinned on either side of Troy's head as he moved inside of him, ensuring that Troy stayed perfectly still and totally under his control.

"Don't you dare touch yourself, Troy," Max warned, and Troy obeyed, letting out a moan as he felt Max's thick cock reaching deeper and deeper inside of him. Max increased his pace until they were both trembling with pleasure, their bodies slick with sweat. He stared deep into Troy's eyes as he moved inside of him, panting with desire. Troy was murmuring incoherently as his ass was ravaged and precum seeped from his dick. Max loved seeing Troy come apart like this, and it only made him want to go harder. Finally, when Max knew he could take no more, he looked at Troy, still sliding in and out of him.

"Now," he commanded. "Now you can cum." Troy felt himself being pushed over the edge as Max's words registered in his brain. His hand flew to his cock and he couldn't help but cry out in pleasure as wave after wave of intense pleasure washed over him, his body shaking uncontrollably beneath Max as he unloaded eight shots of cum all over his body. Max followed, shooting his load deep inside of his lover. He kept up his thrusts until Troy was completely spent and then collapsed beside him, both of them panting for breath.

They lay like that for a few moments, enjoying the afterglow before finally looking into each other's eyes with satisfied smiles. "Such a good boy," Max said. Troy smiled, panting. "That was amazing," he said softly, still feeling lightheaded from the experience. "I've never felt anything like it." Max smiled and kissed him tenderly on the forehead. "Me neither," he whispered back, pressing their foreheads together affectionately before rolling off to one side so they could snuggle up together properly. They put their underwear back on, in case Brad came back and lay down together in Troy's bed until sleep took them.

Next: Chapter 5

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