The Saga of Troy and Max

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Dec 22, 2023


It was the midst of finals week when Max got a text from an unexpected source: Kyle. The football player and frat bro had been Max's student mentor in the school of Business Management when the semester had started; it was Kyle who had instigated the whole incident that led to Max's assault on Troy. Max glared at his phone.

Kyle: Hey bro, sorry to hit you up in the middle of finals. Just have a lot on my mind and wanna know if we can talk. Lunch? Bring Troy.

Max growled to himself. What was this about? He considered ignoring it, or telling Kyle to fuck off. But instead he texted Troy with a screenshot of Kyle's message.

Max: Just got this. IDK. Thoughts?

Troy looked at his phone and winced. Kyle. The guy who played all cool and progressive and then had essentially solicited his gang-rape to a frat house full of guys he didn't know. The guy who'd exposed his ass, slapped his cheeks, and rubbed his fingers on his hole without consent. The guy who'd bargained away his virginity and watched as it'd happened. What the fuck did he want? He hadn't replied in a few minutes and Max texted again.

Max: I'll tell him to fuck off.

Troy thought about it. That would be the easiest thing, wouldn't it? But Troy really didn't want to go through the rest of his college career looking over his shoulder for one of the most talented and popular athletes at the school. Kyle was on track to make first string quarterback by the time he was a junior; Troy would rather settle things between him than have him hanging over his head. He texted Max;

Troy: No. It's okay. We should go. I want to talk it out.

Max sighed. Of course Troy would decide to do that. He was so brave and would never want to leave something like that open-ended. He texted Kyle back and arranged the lunch, making perfectly clear that if Kyle did anything to make Troy uncomfortable, he'd get another bruise on his jaw.

The next day, after Troy's PoliSci final, he walked the big dining common where they'd arranged to meet. He saw Max already sitting across from Kyle somewhat awkwardly. Max looked handsome as always, his dark features lighting up when he saw Troy arrive. Kyle had a sheepish look on his All-American face and yet he still couldn't help but rake his eyes over Troy as he walked over. They all greeted each other and Max said they hadn't really talked yet because he wanted to wait for Troy to arrive. Troy sat down next to Max and, after they small-talked about finals for a bit, Kyle got down to business.

"So, I know it was probably weird to hear from me like this after everything and I totally get it if you're here reluctantly." He paused as Max and Troy glanced at each other, Max's hand gripped Troy's under the table. Max continued, "but I want to apologize to you both in-person for what happened at the Halloween Party; especially you, Troy."

They weren't entirely surprised to hear that, but it still made Troy wince to think about it again. He leaned into Max who rubbed his back.

"I'm listening," Troy said, warily looking at Kyle's handsome face from across the table.

Kyle scratched the back of his head. "That night got super fucked up. I had way too much to drink. We all did. Look, that's not an excuse, don't get me wrong," Kyle said quickly as both Max and Troy rolled their eyes."I just mean that me and the guys behaved badly. Inexcusably. That's not the culture we're supposed to foster at the frat. Anyway, I'm just really, truly sorry for everything that happened."

Max noticed that Kyle wasn't saying anything specific, likely to cover his ass in case they tried to make a case out of it. He was about to press him on it when Troy spoke up.

"You're right, it was fucked up," he replied. "Everyone was partying together and it was the fraternity's responsibility to keep everyone safe. I won't pretend I didn't like the flirting and the attention, Kyle, but you totally betrayed that sense of safety when you did that." Max was impressed by that.

Kyle nodded in contrition, face flushed. "I know. Fuck, I know. I'm sorry." He blew a deep breath out from between his lips. "Look, all the rumors spreading around about that night... There's some talk about an investigation from the higher-ups at the frat. I'm not here to pressure you or anything, just letting you know that that might be coming down the pike. I know you guys are an item now and... I dunno... I guess you guys seem pretty happy now and I wouldn't want that to get ruined because of the frat all over again."

Max huffed. "Yeah, sure bro, like it's not super convenient for you if we decide not to cooperate with an investigation," he said with sarcasm.

Kyle was about to speak when Troy cut him off.

"Max, you're right, but so is Kyle. It feels super skeezy to cover this all up, but if we let them dig too deeply into it they could come after YOU Max. We just figured this all out. I don't want to go messing it up again. Not just for Kyle and his bros to get a comeuppance." Kyle shrunk back a bit hearing it put that way, but he nodded in agreement.

"In the end it's better for all of us if we just try to move on," he said. They both nodded, with Max begrudgingly acquiescing to the logic. Kyle stopped talking but kept looking at them like he had more to say, his icy blue eyes glancing between them. Troy met his gaze with his own bright blue eyes.

"Is there more, Kyle?" He asked. Kyle blinked as if dazed, lost in Troy's stare.

"Um, yeah." He collected himself and Max picked up on his quick looks between the table and Troy. "I know the ship has sailed on you guys joining the frat but..." he paused. "But we- I wanted to extend you both an invitation to our After Finals Party. To start fresh you know? Clear the air? I could be fun to just-" Kyle was rambling quickly as Max cut him off.

"Really, Kyle? That's your grand gesture of apology? Inviting us back to the place where this all started?" Troy sat silently, apparently in thought. Kyle spread his hands in front of him.

"Like I said, it would be a fresh start. A clean slate. Purge the bad memories, sorta thing." he said, with a bit more confidence this time.

Max was ready to solidly reject the offer, for Troy's sake, if nothing else, when his boyfriend spoke up.

"Can you guarantee that we won't be making any more bad memories, Kyle?" He asked pointedly, locking his eyes onto the football jock. Kyle seemed to be getting his mojo back, now that he'd apologized and apparently had Troy considering his invitation.

"Well," he said, spreading his hands again with a charismatic smile on his face, "I can't guarantee anyone's quality of experience at a frat party, you know?" His smile fell as Troy stared back at him, unimpressed.

"But," he continued. "I can personally guarantee that I won't be the cause of any bad memories this time." He looked pleadingly at them.

Troy pondered and replied; "I think you can guarantee it. I think that, if we go to this party, you make it your personal responsibility to make sure that neither Max nor I form any bad memories." Max admired Troy's balls at making demands of Kyle. For some reason the jock wanted them to come to the party and Troy was flexing on that.

"I mean," Kyle started slowly, "that sounds like quite the service, Troy-boy." Oh yeah, Max though, he definitely has his mojo back. "Being your little butler at my last party before break? I dunno about that."

Troy's eyes flashed. "Make sure we always have food and drink, and make sure your dogs don't give us a hard time." He grinned sharply. "If you can get us through the night feeling good, I will owe you precisely one favor."

Max and Kyle looked at Troy in surprise. "A favor?" Kyle asked. "What does that even mean?"

Troy smiled easily. "A favor. As long as it doesn't involve you or anyone else physically touching me without my consent, I will owe you a favor. IF you can keep us happy and keep your dogs leashed."

Max huffed with amusement and shook his head and Kyle laughed. "If I can do that you'll not only come to the party, but you'll do me a favor? That sounds like a good deal to me," he smirked.

"If you can manage it." Troy said with a smarmy smile.

Kyle grinned. "You're on, Troy-boy."

As Max and Troy walked away from the dining hall, Max asked him what the deal was with the favor.

"Honestly?" Troy said. "He's fun to tease. I don't wanna be a recluse, Max. If we keep avoiding that house it will only fuel the rumors about us; I don't want any more people thinking that what happened there was some sort of awful thing."

Max gave him a funny look. "But it was some sort of awful thing, Troy."

"I know, I know. You know what I mean, though," Troy said insistently. "As far as I'm concerned, going back there with our heads held high helps us beat these rumors. If I can do that, have fun with you, and lead Kyle around by the nose for a night, then that's worth it to me."

Max looked at him amazed. "You're such a bad-ass, Troy Monroe. You're gonna have him wrapped around your little finger, huh?"

Troy giggled; "Could be fun!" Max laughed too.

"He still has a thing for you, you know," Max said.

"Oh, I know," Troy replied. "That's one of the things that's gonna make this so fun."

Max laughed again, knocking Troy with his elbow. "How've we been friends for over a decade and you still can surprise me?" He said.

Troy stuck his tongue out and grabbed his hand as they walked back to their dorm building.

On the night of the After Finals Party Troy and Max arrived at the frat house, eager to have fun and show off their new relationship. As soon as they walked in, Troy and Max were met with loud cheers from the frat brothers, confusing the other guests about who these two good-looking freshmen were. They were looking good, Troy thought; he was wearing dark-wash jeans with an ironic graphic T under an open red flannel, while Max had a similar look but with a white T-shirt and green flannel. The two boys looked around, taking in the scene before them; everyone was dancing and drinking and having a great time. Troy felt a flutter of nerves in his stomach as he spotted Kyle across the room, wearing Timberlands, black jeans, and a fitted T-shirt. Troy quickly grabbed Max's hand and squeezed it tightly, but Max just smiled reassuringly back at him.

The two made their way over to the group of people around Kyle and greeted them warmly. When they got to Kyle, however, things became slightly awkward. Kyle simply nodded a greeting to them both before turning away again and continuing his conversation with someone else. Max tapped him on the shoulder.

"Yo!" Max said loudly over the din of the party. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Kyle turned and stared as Max and Troy looked back, expectantly.

"I'm pretty sure it's your responsibility to make sure we have drinks in our hands, isn't it, Kyle?" Troy said sweetly. Kyle kept staring at them before he grinned widely and downed the remainder of his drink.

"Of course, boy-os!" He said, moving between them and wrapping an arm lazily around each of their shoulders. "Leave everything to me, tonight!"

As the night went on, Troy noticed that Kyle seemed more relaxed around them than he had been when they first arrived. In fact he seemed to revel in his role as their go-fer. Troy was clearly having fun ordering the hot jock about, rejecting drinks and demanding better snacks. He even had Kyle inspect the bathroom for him before using it. The whole ordeal was highly amusing to Max, who loved seeing Troy take some control back from Kyle, compared to their last party encounter. He also noticed some pretty obvious flirting on both Kyle and Troy's part, but that didn't worry Max. It would be good for his boyfriend to take some agency for his own flirtation, and not be bound to Max.

Both Max and Troy were actually enjoying Kyle's company as the hours ticked by. The party ebbed and flowed as people came and went and Troy made sure to introduce himself to nearly everyone. At some point, Kyle disappeared with a girl and Max took the opportunity to drag Troy to dance.

They danced together in the center of the room, Troy's movements as effortless and graceful as always and Max's eyes glued to the smaller boy. They moved their bodies in perfect harmony, their fingers intertwined as they moved closer together with each beat of the music. The party crowd around them began to get more excited as it became obvious to the partygoers that Troy and Max were not just buddies - there was something special - and sexual - between them.

Some of the frat bros from That Night - Chris, Jamie, and Brent - began to stand around them. They started to egg the couple on, complimenting how good they looked when dancing together and making suggestive comments about Troy's body. Troy blushed at all their attention but kept on dancing with Max nonetheless. He felt safe from all the excessive attention in Max's arms. Max, likewise, was unperturbed by the attention and seemed to be enjoying it as he protectively wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him in for a passionate kiss that marked Troy as his and led to cheers from the bros in the room.

The frat bros grew more daring with their comments as the minutes ticked by. They were starting to move in closer, almost as if they wanted to join in with the dancing. Brent said he wanted to grind up on Troy, while Chris said he would pay money for Troy's lips on his dick. Max and Troy both frowned at this, this was exactly what they were told would not happen. Max was just about ready to throw hands with these assholes, but before anything could happen there was a loud voice from across the room.

"Hey!" It was Kyle, his face full of anger as he strode towards them. "What do you think you're doing? What did I fucking say? Leave them alone. They're here for their own fun, not for yours." He glared at Chris, Jamie, and Brent until they backed away nervously, muttering apologies before quickly disappearing into the house. Max and Troy both breathed a sigh of relief as Kyle stepped between them, again draping his arms over them.

He smiled at them both before saying "See? I told you I could guarantee good memories!" They all laughed. Kyle was more than a little buzzed, but he was in great spirits. "And have I delivered or have I delivered?" He asked.

Troy smiled up at him; "I gotta say, you cut it a little close there, but the performance was brilliant, Kyle."

Max nodded; "You're quite the butler after all, Krueger." They all laughed again.

Kyle sat them all down on the couch and talked low as if he had a secret; "So, that means I'm gonna get my favor, right? I recall being promised a favor." They all laughed.

Troy was feeling bold so he asked; "Now? What would you even want?"

To which Kyle focused his icy blue eyes on Troy and replied, "How about a private strip-tease from you, Troy-boy?" The boys were taken aback by the request, and Kyle clarified. "Still straight, boys. Still straight. Mostly, anyway. You might have missed my little lady friend sneaking out of here a few minutes ago; cold-ass bitch she turned out to be," Kyle rambled. "All I'm looking for is some good eye candy, and seeing you tearing it up like this got me thinking..." He trailed off. "Anyway, like you said, no touching unless you want it, Troy-boy. Just a strip tease. Eyes only."

Troy was blushing after Kyle's little monologue and glanced up at Max, as if for approval. Max rolled his eyes; he knew there was some twisted attraction there between Troy and Kyle, but he felt like this wasn't his decision to make. He grinned and shrugged his shoulders.

"If you want to and you feel safe doing it, you should go for it, babe. That sexy body deserves to be appreciated. But Kyle... No touching... you don't get to do anything to him without his enthusiastic consent." Kyle nodded solemnly and seriously, crossing himself and holding up the Scouts Honor. Troy felt his heart swell with love for Max, both for trusting him and for remaining his protector.

Troy followed Kyle alone into his bedroom, he was somewhat nervous. He had only ever done a strip-tease for Max before. Once the door was closed Kyle sat on the bed facing Troy like an eager school boy.

"Okay, Troy-boy," he said with excitement. "Let's see what kinda moves you got."

Troy giggled, feeling courageous with alcohol. He stepped into the center of the room as Kyle's eyes followed him intently. Troy's heart pounded with anticipation. He fumbled through his phone looking to sync up some appropriate songs for the occasion. Taking a deep breath as he kicked off his shoes, Troy started playing "Sexual" by NEIKID.

As the slow beat of the song began to play, Troy moved in time with it, sliding off his flannel and letting it drop to the floor before teasingly playing with the rim of his T-shirt. After flashing his abs several times, Troy pulled the shirt over his head, twirling it in his hand before letting it drop to the floor. His toned, slim body was still muscular and Troy felt Kyle's eyes devouring him as he moved around the room. Every movement was smooth and graceful as if he had been doing this for years. The music grew louder and faster, and so did Troy's movements; he soon found himself spinning around in circles while slowly removing his belt and his jeans sensually until all that remained were his hot little red briefs. When the song finally ended, Kyle's face was flushed with arousal.

"One more song?" Kyle asked, panting at the mostly naked boy in front of him. Troy laughed and twisted his hips.

"I think Mr. Big Straight Football Jock has caught a case of the cooties," Troy teased, moving closer. "Maybe I need to kick it up a notch and see how you like it."

Then "The Devil" by BANKS came on and Troy kept dancing. He was all too aware of the way Kyle's eyes burned into him as he moved. Troy danced over to Kyle and started a sensual lap dance. Kyle growled and smiled as Troy mounted his lap his body moved against his, never missing a beat as he twisted his hips and rubbed his perfect ass on Kyle's hardening bulge. The jock seemed overwhelmed by Troy's performance, grunting softly in approval. Kyle moved his hands to touch Troy's hips, but they were slapped away.

"No touching, Kyle," Troy scolded and Kyle sat on his hands obediently. Troy's heart was pounding in his chest from the intensity of their dance and his skin was tingling with power. His face was inches from Kyle's as he moved his body on top of him, breathing heavily.

Troy felt himself becoming increasingly aroused as he continued to move and grind against the huge bulge in Kyle's pants. He moaned softly as he felt a hot pressure on his hole with every thrust of his hips, and the sensation was almost too much for him to handle. When the song ended, Troy felt like he had given a performance of a lifetime and collapsed onto Kyle's chest in exhaustion.

Kyle freed his hands and lifted Troy's chin to look him in the face.

"That's breaking the rules," Troy said weakly. Kyle just smiled.

"I never was great with rules," he said, rewarding Troy's efforts with a single deep, arousing kiss that left Troy weak "Nice work, Troy-boy. I'll be your butler anytime," Kyle said as they parted. As Troy backed away he could see the hunger in Kyle's eyes, making it clear that the jock wanted more; but he also knew that it was time to go, already feeling guilty over the intensity of the performance. With a final, lingering look, Troy smiled at the handsome jock and left the room with his clothes. He couldn't help but feel a strange sense of satisfaction and pride at what he had just done.

After he got dressed he found Max and, clearly aroused, asked to go back to the dorms.

"Wow Kyle got you really worked up, huh?" Max smirked. Troy blushed, feeling embarrassed and aroused all at the same time. He nodded shyly in agreement before looking up into Max's eyes.

"Yeah... I guess he did," Troy said with a small grin. Troy knew he needed to tell Max what happened. "H-he kissed me at the end," Troy stuttered.

Max's eyes widened for a moment before he chuckled softly. "That's okay, I don't blame him," he said reassuringly. He wrapped his arm around Troy's shoulders and gave him a hug. "Straight guy my ass," he joked. "Come on, let's get you back to the dorms so I can take care of you."

Troy smiled gratefully at Max and they began walking back to the dorms, talking about all sorts of things along the way. As they walked, Troy couldn't help but remember how Kyle had made him feel and the feelings of arousal that had been coursing through his body during their lap dance. Max listened intently as Troy described the strip-tease turned lap-dance with Kyle, his heart beating faster with each word. He couldn't help but feel a spark of jealousy that someone else had gotten to experience something so intimate and sensual with his boyfriend. But he also couldn't deny how aroused Troy seemed by the whole thing and he felt a surge of desire for him too.

As they walked back to the dorms, Max reached out and took Troy's hand in his own. He gave it a gentle squeeze and said softly, "I'm glad you had fun tonight." He smiled reassuringly at Troy before adding, "And I'm happy that you felt comfortable enough to let yourself go like that." Troy smiled shyly up at Max before leaning into him as they continued their wal. They talked about all sorts of things along the way until they eventually arrived back at their dorms.

Troy couldn't help but feel relieved to be in a safe, familiar place. He glanced up at Max with an eager smile before heading towards Max's room, ready to get out all of that aroused energy they had built up. Once inside, Troy quickly kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned his shirt. He could feel the heat radiating from Max's body as he moved closer and wrapped an arm around him from behind. His breath caught in his throat as he felt Max's lips lightly brush against his neck.

"You're so sexy, Troy," Max mumbled into his skin, pullings the shirt down his back and off his arms. "I love how much you get off by teasing other guys," he said as his lips traveled down onto Troys shoulder blades. Max kissed each one of Troy's smattering of birthmarks and a shiver ran through Troy's body as he felt those hot kisses move further south. He moaned softly, leaning into Max's touch. "I just can't help it," he replied breathlessly. "It feels so natural when I'm around them, like something in me wants to make them want me." Max smiled against Troy's skin before continuing his kisses down the length of Troy's body.

"Well then, maybe you should explore that side of you a little bit more," he said suggestively, pulling down Troy's jeans and briefs until they pooled around his ankles. Troy gasped as Max opened up his ass cheeks and started to devour his ass with his tongue, sending waves of pleasure through him. Troy felt like he was on fire as Max continued to lick and suck every inch of his body, exploring Troy's sensitive spots with an eagerness that left him breathless.

Then Max's mouth was back on Troy's neck and he felt his boyfriend's big cock pressed up against his backside, begging for entry. Troy felt his body quiver as Max's cock pressed against his pucker, desperately seeking the heat inside of him. He was already so aroused from the lap-dance with Kyle and now he wanted nothing more than to feel his Max. He let out a soft moan of pleasure as he felt Max slide into him inch by inch, pushing deeper until Troy could feel every bit of his boyfriend's impressive cock.

Max moved slowly at first, letting Troy adjust to his size before increasing the pace. His thrusts were powerful yet gentle, taking Troy higher and higher towards an intense orgasm that left them both panting for breath. After they lay in each other's arms for a few moments to catch their breaths, Max smiled down at Troy lovingly and said "Fuck... you gotta hang out with Kyle more often." Troy laughed, thinking about the feeling of Kyle's huge bulge rubbing on his ass, and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I think I do, too."

Next: Chapter 4

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