The Saga of Troy and Max

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Dec 19, 2023


Troy and Max spent the next several weeks learning how to be a couple after having been best friends their whole lives. They had a lot of conversations about That Night over Halloween Weekend and came to a place of mutual understanding about everything that had happened. There was plenty to regret about that night, but both of them decided to focus on the positive that it had finally gotten them to reveal their true feelings that they'd kept secret for so long.

They had been doing their best to keep their budding relationship a secret, but it wasn't as easy as they'd expected. Many of their friends had noticed a change in their behavior when they were around each other. They seemed to forget that anyone else was around and let slip affectionate touches, intense eye contact, and whispered giggles. Even though they tried to be discreet, it was obvious that something had changed between them which made a few of their friends suspicious.

Rumors soon spread like wildfire that Max had taken Troy against his will at the frat house. This caused a lot of tension between Troy and Max, who were both scared to talk about it or officially acknowledge their relationship. People had already started talking behind their backs and some even went as far as to make assumptions about what happened between them. Janelle seemed particularly concerned about it; she pressed Troy on what had REALLY happened between him and Max although he refused to divulge any details - even though deep down she believed there was something dark there. To try and avoid any further speculation, they both decided that the best thing was for them not to address these rumors at all - instead trying to act like nothing had ever happened.

This strategy worked for a few weeks but eventually people started becoming suspicious again - especially Janelle who knew there was something more going on with them than met the eye. She tried questioning Troy further but he still remained tight lipped, so she decided to observe from afar until he was ready to talk. Despite this negative attention, Troy and Max's relationship only became stronger over the fall semester; they finally accepted that, while what had happened between them was complicated, it wasn't simply a shameful thing, but rather it was also something beautiful that had finally brought them together.

The one person that knew everything was Max's roommate Charlie, who'd discovered them in bed after that first crazy night on Halloween weekend. At first, Charlie was a little shocked because he had only known them to be best friends (and he'd had a little crush on Max, himself). But after he saw the way Troy and Max looked at each other and their genuine care for one another, he softened up. He realized that they had been through something special together, and he wanted to be there for them even if it couldn't be in a romantic way.

Charlie became the one person Troy and Max could talk to without fear of judgment or speculation. He provided a listening ear where they could open up about their experiences and feelings. They trusted him and opened up about what had happened on Halloween weekend and what the rumors were based on. Charlie became one of their staunchest defenders from the rumors dogging them, keeping their confidence as he did so. He also did his best to make sure the boys had some "alone time" in the dorm, since he knew Troy's roommate Brad was a grumpy bastard who was always gaming in their room.

The boys decided to stop pretending towards the end of the semester in December and they openly walked around campus holding hands, wrapping their arms around each other, and even kissing. While most of their friends saw this as a positive development that seemed to dispel the rumors, Janelle disagreed. She continued to harbor suspicions that Max was manipulating and using Troy, and she decided that eventually she would confront Troy about it alone.

In the meantime, Troy found himself wanting Max more and more with every passing day. Whenever they were together, he felt a magnetic attraction to the other boy that was almost impossible for him to resist. His mind would drift off into fantasies of them making love, their bodies intertwined in passion as Troy explored Max's body with his hands, lips and tongue. The thought of it made Troy's heart race and his breath quicken in anticipation.

One night when they were alone in Max's bedroom, things began to heat up between them quickly. Their clothes disappeared hastily as their bodies seemed drawn together by an invisible force that neither could deny or ignore any longer. They kissed hungrily as Troy started exploring Max's chest with his hands before trailing lower down onto his stomach and beyond until finally finding what he was looking for - the thick shaft of Max's waiting cock which he eagerly proceeded to stroke before taking it deep into his mouth while running his hands up and down Max's sexy stomach and legs.

Max moaned loudly in pleasure as Troy worked on pleasing him orally while at the same time feeling an overwhelming sensation spreading through his own body like wildfire; all of their built-up tension now released through this intimate act. He soon pushed Troy onto the bed and began to explore Troy's body with his hands, lips and tongue before finally pushing his cock inside him for the first time that night.

Troy gasped in pleasure as Max thrust deeply into him, their bodies moving together in perfect sync as each thrust sent waves of pleasure through both boys until they could no longer contain themselves and came crashing down together in blissful orgasms that left them both spent yet deeply satisfied.

Max lay back against the pillow, his chest still slightly heaving from the physical exertion of their lovemaking while Troy snuggled in close to him, a satisfied smile playing at his lips. Max chuckled softly and reached down to stroke Troy's hair affectionately.

"You know, you're becoming quite addicted to me aren't you?" He teased lightly with a playful grin on his face.

Troy smiled wider and nodded in agreement before burying his face into Max's chest as if embarrassed by the truth of it all. Max laughed again and pulled Troy closer, pressing gentle kisses into his hair as he whispered sweet nothings that only they two could hear.

As they lay there together basking in the afterglow of their sex, Troy felt safe and loved for perhaps the first time ever.

After coming out with their relationship, Troy and Max tried to make sure to be more social in the gay scene on campus. Their friends from the LGBT parties earlier in the semester, Andrew and Connor from the swim team, had also just started going out and they were all excited to double date. One night late in the semester, they all went bowling. All four of them were competitive athletes, but only Max and Connor had any talent for bowling, racking up impressive scores while Troy and Andrew joked about being gutter rats.

Troy watched Max bowl, admiring the way he moved with such grace and power. He was mesmerized by the sight of his strong body as his muscles flexed and released in perfect harmony with each bowl of the ball. As he laughed and joked together with Andrew and Connor, Troy's eyes kept drifting back to Max. His mind raced as he imagined having Max's thick cock inside him again; a feeling that had become so familiar yet still filled him with an intoxicating mix of pleasure and desire every time he thought about it.

Connor caught Troy staring and joked. "Damn Troy, my dad would kill a man who looked at me drooling that much!"

Troy turned towards his friends, giggling with a mischievous glint in his eye, saying, "It's true - I'm totally addicted to Max's hung dick! I don't know what it does to me but I can't help myself!"

As Andrew and Connor erupted into laughter at Troy's confession, they exchanged knowing glances that only heightened Troy's arousal further. Even though they were teasing him mercilessly for being so open about his feelings for Max, it felt good to finally be able to share his true desires with friends who truly understood him and not feel embarrassed. Max sauntered back over to them after knocking down all 10 pins, finishing the set.

"So," he said, smooching Troy, "what are we laughing about?"

As Troy smiled lovingly up at him he said, "Just how addicted I am to your dick!" His friends burst into laughter again and even Max couldn't help but crack a crooked smile as he blushed.

With his arm around Troy's waist, Max pulled him close and said, "Well then maybe it's time we head back home so you can get your fix." Everyone laughed as Troy blushed with anticipation of what was to come. They continued to joke as they returned the shoes with Max and Connor debating who was the better bowler. As they went their separate ways, Andrew and Connor watched them go. They wrapped their arms around each other's waists, knowing all too well that feeling of wanting someone so much that nothing else mattered - not even bowling!

Troy and Max got back to Max's room and started to make out heavily. Troy took advantage of the opportunity and asked Max if he would like to take things further than they ever had before. His voice was low and inviting as he leaned in close, his hand gently caressing Max's arm as he spoke.

"I want us to explore something new," Troy whispered, his lips brushing against Max's ear. "Something we've never done before." He paused for a moment, gauging how Max was reacting before continuing on. "I want to play with your ass," he said finally, his gaze meeting Max in search of understanding and acceptance.

Max seemed taken aback by the suggestion yet after some gentle coaxing from Troy, he nodded slowly in agreement. Taking this as a sign that it was okay for him to proceed, Troy smiled softly and kissed him tenderly on the cheek before pushing him down on the bed.

He then proceeded to explore Max's body with his hands, kissing and caressing every inch of him before finally settling between his legs. Troy told Max to roll over on his stomach, which he did.

"Be careful back there," Max cautioned and Troy laughed.

"I don't complain, so you shouldn't either!" Troy said as he smacked Max's butt playfully. Troy took in his boyfriend's big muscular ass, dusted with brown hair that thickened in the crack. He gently ran his hands over it, feeling its smoothness and curves before pushing them apart to get a better look. His heart began to pound faster as he examined the tight pucker of Max's hole -- its size and shape making him feel excited yet nervous all at once.

Taking a deep breath, Troy lowered his head closer and lightly kissed Max's entrance, sending shivers down both their spines. Moving back up again, Troy reached for some lube which he applied generously before finally pushing two fingers inside with one slow steady thrust that elicited an audible moan from his typically dominant boyfriend - a sign that they were about to experience something powerful together.

Troy moved his fingers in and out of Max slowly, feeling the tightness as he went. His movements became more intense as he increased his speed, pushing deeper with each thrust until Max was panting heavily beneath him.

Reaching for some extra lube, Troy added it to his hand before pushing another finger inside. He felt Max's muscles quiver around him and heard a faint whimper escape from between his lips - both signs that Troy had pushed past any previous boundaries they had set together.

Max's moans grew louder as he surrendered himself completely to the pleasure that Troy was giving him.

"Troy!" He hissed. "I'm gonna cum soon, so either you fuck me, or I'm gonna fuck you, got it?"

Troy grinned and leaned forward, pushing his lubed cock inside Max with one swift thrust. Max gasped in pleasure as Troy began to thrust inside him, each movement filling him with a warmth and pleasure that he had never felt before.

He grabbed onto the sheets beneath them, bracing himself as Troy increased in intensity, while he reached down to stroke his thick cock. Soon enough Max was coming hard, shooting his load into the sheets beneath him. As the last of Max's contractions faded away, Troy followed shortly after - spilling his cum inside of Max and collapsing onto the bed beside him in exhaustion.

They lay there for a moment, catching their breath before finally turning to face each other - both of them with satisfied grins on their faces.

Max looked at Troy with a satisfied grin. "That was really hot," he said breathlessly.

Troy smiled and nodded in agreement, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "It sure was," he said before adding, "But I think I like bottoming more."

Max laughed and shook his head fondly. "You're such a little sub," he teased as he reached out to stroke Troy's hair.

Troy smiled and shrugged, giving Max a coy look. "Maybe I just like being taken care of," he said before leaning in for another kiss.

The next day Troy was sitting in the library studying for his final exams when he noticed Janelle walking towards him. He started to feel a little uneasy, knowing that she had seen him and Max together lately. She approached him with a determined look on her face.

"Hey Troy, I need to talk to you." Troy looked up from his book.

"Oh hey Janelle! Sure, what's up?" Janelle sat down next to him.

"I'm sorry to bring this up while you're studying for finals..." she said cautiously. "But you know about those rumors about you and Max... that he took advantage of you or something on Halloween? Well... since apparently you're dating now, I need to know more. As your friend. What's the truth there?"

Troy sighed and looked away, not wanting to have this conversation again but also knowing that it had been inevitable since Janelle seemed to be incapable of letting it go. He paused for a few moments before finally turning back to Janelle with an honest expression on his face.

"Yes, there was something that happened between me and Max that night. I won't go into details but it wasn't what people are saying. He didn't really rape me or anything like that." Janelle kept pushing.

"So then why did you two suddenly start dating?"

Troy sighed, rubbing his face. "It's complicated. We both had feelings for each other for a long time, but we were too scared to act on them because of the consequences. After it happened that night, I was confused and angry at Max, but I also realized how much he really cared about me. That's when we finally acknowledged our feelings." Janelle pressed further.

"What do you mean you were angry and confused at Max? What did he do to you, Troy?"

"He didn't do anything wrong, Janelle. No. I mean..." Troy stuttered. "Look. We both made mistakes and that's why it was so complicated. But I realized how much he truly cares about me and that our love is real, even if it wasn't the way we expected things to happen." Janelle didn't back down.

"That's not answering my question, Troy. Please trust me. I want you to be safe. What did he do to you at that party?"

Troy sighed again, knowing that Janelle wouldn't be satisfied until he told her the truth. He felt a little embarrassed, but after taking a deep breath he finally answered her.

"He took my virginity." He said matter-of-factly. Janelle was stunned. She could put two-and-two together. Clearly Max had taken Troy's virginity nonconsensually at that party in front of other people! But Troy was so calm and accepting about it, she couldn't help but feel a little confused and angry.

"Troy, that's not okay! How can you just accept what happened? That's rape!" Troy glanced around the library and glared at her for being so loud about something so personal.

"No Janelle it wasn't," he said firmly. "I know it may seem like that from the outside, but Max really cares for me. He was trying to protect me from those guys at the frat house and he didn't mean to hurt me. It was a big drunken misunderstanding. We talked about it afterwards and we both agreed that while it wasn't ideal, things had worked out for the best."

Janelle could not understand what Troy was saying. It sounded insane to her. A "misunderstanding?" "Worked out for the best?" This was the talk of someone who was being gaslit! She was quiet for a few moments, processing what Troy had just said. Her brows were furrowed and her mouth was set in a grim line as she stared off into the distance, lost in thought. Finally, after a long moment of silence, Janelle began to speak.

"Troy... I want you to listen carefully to me because this is something that I haven't told anyone here." She took a deep breath and continued. "When I was in high school I had this girlfriend, Rayla, who seemed so perfect at first - she paid attention to every detail about me and made me feel special and loved me like no one else ever has before or since. But it didn't take long until her true colors started shining through; she'd had been manipulating me all along and before I knew it she had a tight hold on me both body and soul. I thought I loved her. She was my everything. But it was so toxic. By the time it all came crashing down my confidence was shot and my emotions were a mess. I've been in therapy for over a year trying to recover from it. I still am." She paused again for a moment before continuing with more conviction than before.

"I know that there's nothing wrong with someone taking your virginity if they truly care about you - but the truth is that it can be incredibly hard to tell when someone really does care or not," she said as tears filled her eyes. "I don't want you making the same mistake I did - please make sure Max isn't manipulating or using you in any way."

Troy put his arm around Janelle comfortingly as she finished speaking; finally understanding why she had been so worried about him all this time. He thanked her for sharing her story with him - it gave him greater insight into how careful he needed to be when considering his relationship with Max from now on. He promised Janelle he would keep an eye out for these signs of manipulation and toxicity, but really he just said that to make her feel better. He knew she was wrong and that Max was not a manipulator, but he could tell she wasn't going to accept that, yet. He hugged Janelle and thanked her for caring about him so much. He promised that he was going to be okay and that nothing bad would happen to him again, which seemed to make her feel a little better. Finally, she left Troy with one last piece of advice.

"Just remember - if it doesn't feel right in your gut, then it probably isn't." Troy nodded his head in agreement as Janelle walked away. He stared after her sadly for a moment before turning back to his books and getting back to work on his finals.

Troy waited until the next day to talk to Max about his conversation with Janelle. He had been thinking of what he wanted to say all day, but he still felt nervous as they sat together in the library where they were both studying for their last finals. Max looked up from his book and saw Troy staring off into space with a serious look on his face.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned. Troy took a deep breath before answering him.

"I talked to Janelle yesterday," he said slowly, watching Max carefully for any signs of panic or guilt that might betray his true feelings towards the situation. Max sighed and put down his book, obviously expecting this conversation was coming sooner or later but still not looking forward to it. He knew Janelle had never liked him and that she'd talked to Troy about him before.

"So, what did she say?" He asked cautiously. Troy hesitated for a moment before finally speaking again.

"She knows about us - about Halloween specifically." His voice wavered slightly as emotions started bubbling up inside him again. "She knows you took my virginity without my consent and... she's worried that you're manipulating me into this relationship." Max felt a knot of guilt twist in his stomach. It was true, he had taken Troy's virginity without his consent - but it was an accident! He had only been trying to protect Troy from the other guys at the frat house. But no matter how much he wanted to tell Janelle this, he knew that she wouldn't believe him.

Instead, he simply looked into Troy's eyes and said softly; "I'm sorry." Troy shook his head and smiled sadly at Max before continuing.

"She shared her own story with me - about a girl she used to date who manipulated her emotionally. She doesn't want me to make the same mistake she did," His voice wavered again as tears started forming in his eyes; "But I don't think that's what we have here, Max..."

Max immediately wrapped his arms around Troy and held him close as he started crying quietly into Max's chest. After a few moments, when Troy had calmed down enough to speak again, Max pulled back slightly so they were looking at each other eye-to-eye once more. He brushed away some of the tears still lingering on Troy's face before speaking himself;

"I promise you I would never do anything like that - I care for you too much." His expression softened as he continued talking softly; "I just want us both to be happy together". Troy nodded in agreement and leaned forward until their foreheads were touching before finally responding with one single word:


They sat like that for a long moment and then Troy said, "I don't think she's going to let this go, Max. She's got too much trauma to understand what happened between us." Max sighed and held Troy closer to him. He had been expecting this, but it still didn't make it any easier for him.

"I know," he said softly, "but we don't have to do anything about it yet. We just need to focus on ourselves right now." He kissed the top of Troy's head before standing up and taking his hand in his own; "Come on," he said with a small smile, "let's go celebrate finishing our final papers." Troy smiled back at Max before nodding and following him out of the library - Janelle could wait until later. Right now was their time together and they were going to enjoy it!

Next: Chapter 3

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