The Saga of Troy and Max

By Mason Hatfield

Published on Dec 17, 2023


Troy Monroe and Max DiCicco had been best friends since they first met in kindergarten. Growing up, the two were inseparable and could often be found playing tag, catching crabs, or exploring the woods around their hometown in coastal Maine. Growing up in the same neighborhood, they became almost like brothers. Troy was always the more outgoing of the two, while Max was a bit more of an introvert, but both were popular among their peers all through their school years. Their friendship deepened over time as they grew up together; sharing secrets, comforting each other after losses and celebrating victories with one another. They shared a special bond of friendship that no one else could understand - not even their families.

When Troy came out as gay in 8th grade, he was scared of what his peers would think but Max was there to support him every step of the way. Not only did Max accept Troy's sexuality without hesitation, but he also was supportive anytime anyone else gave Troy a hard time. But Troy had no idea how important this truly was to Max. Max had known for a while that he was also attracted to guys, but he wasn't ready to come out yet, since he had pretty conservative parents.

Max didn't even tell Troy about his sexuality because he had a major crush on him and was afraid their friendship would be ruined. So instead Max stayed in the closet all the way until senior year. This new confidence was brought on by Max's summer vacation, during which he lost his virginity to a local boy in a holiday town. Max first came out to his best friend, but he still kept his true feelings for Troy a secret.

Troy was completely shocked when Max came out to him. Part of him was upset that Max hadn't trusted him years ago, but mostly he understood that everyone comes to terms with themselves in their own way. He was grateful to be Max's first confidante, and he helped foster Max through the difficult coming out process with his family. Troy also found that he couldn't deny the wave of emotions that coursed through him after learning that Max was gay. He had found Max physically attractive for a while, but he had never considered the possibility of them being anything more than friends because he'd always thought Max was straight! These feelings were arousing, but confusing to Troy, who noted that Max never really flirted with him. So he decided that Max must not think of him as more than a friend and pushed his attraction down.

After Max came out, the two continued to be close friends in senior year, although the unspoken feelings between them remained. They both got into photography thanks to an elective class they took together and they spent a lot of time outdoors snapping pictures. Troy loved taking landscape and still life photos out in nature, while Max preferred a human subject, namely Troy. They had countless conversations about their future plans and dreams, but never talked about their mutual attraction. With no romance in either of their lives, they attended their prom together, causing quite the stir when they stepped out of the limo in their matching tuxedos. Both boys had grown up into attractive young men causing a stir among the girls at the prom, who obsessed over how good they looked together.

Troy stood 5'9" and had a slim, smooth body that was toned from years of soccer and track. His hair was a wavy sandy blond and his eyes sparkled a deep blue. Troy was "a beautiful boy" according to his mom's friends, with a winning smile and plump lips. Some of the athletes at school joked that Troy was "a perfect twink with a perfect bubble butt," which, if you asked Max, was absolutely true. Troy's ass was a true sight to behold, even turning straight men's heads.

Max was now 6'1" and was developing an impressive body from playing rugby and basketball and hitting the gym. His tight, muscular body was sprouting a light dusting of brown hair on his chest and arms, which Troy secretly found very sexy. Max had curly, dark brown hair that he kept cropped short with some curls on top and he had deep brown eyes that sparkled with flecks of green and gold if you looked closely enough. Troy's mom always called Max "Prince Charming" for his dark and handsome good looks and easy-going nature.

The pics from prom were chaotic because so many girls wanted to do fun poses with the "gay wonderboys" as their dates grumbled waiting to go inside. Everyone had a great time at prom that year and Max's heart leapt every time he saw Troy laughing as he danced.

When the time came for college applications, Troy and Max each applied to a variety of schools, but the only one they both got admitted to was a big state school in Massachusetts. It was a good school and Maine residents got in-state tuition, so they decided to go there so they could attend college together and get away from small-town Maine for a while. Troy hoped they'd be roommates but they ended up missing the filing deadline because Max forgot to submit it. Troy didn't know it, but Max missed the deadline on purpose. He was afraid of being so close to Troy all the time and wanted to keep some distance. While Troy was disappointed, he was still excited, and both boys committed to remaining best friends in college.

Troy and Max headed off to college excited for the new experiences that awaited them. They chose to take several survey classes together, explored the campus and tried out a variety of activities like intramural sports and parties. Troy dragged Max to a number of parties sponsored by a variety of LGBTQ clubs on-campus and they met some fun people who would prove to be great friends, including Andrew Turgower, Connor Faricilli, who were both swimmers on the university team. Troy also became really close with a lesbian girl from his PoliSci 101 class named Janelle Keefer, who he bonded with over their similar progressive political beliefs. She and Max got into a number of heated arguments about politics, with him being more moderate than them and Troy would play the peacemaker between them, always laughing at their passionate disagreements.

Despite not living together, they still spent a lot of their time with each other; going to lectures, studying in the library, or just hanging out. Troy ended up not really getting along with his assigned roommate Brad Burman, so he spent a lot of time at Max's room, where they were more friendly with Max's roomie Charlie Bemis, who was also gay. Max was really struggling with his feelings for Troy as the semester began, especially when they'd cuddle in his bed together watching movies or playing video games. But he still kept the feelings hidden; afraid of spoiling their friendship. Despite his best efforts, it was becoming increasingly difficult for Max to ignore his attraction to Troy.

During the rushing season for Greek life both boys got involved. One of Max's student mentors at the Business Management school, Kyle Krueger, was in one of the most prominent fraternities at the school. Max ended up bringing Troy to a bunch of mixers and pledge events. They weren't sure if they wanted to join, but it seemed like a fun way to meet more people. Kyle seemed friendly enough, and no one was giving them a hard time about being gay. In fact, they seemed to get a lot of positive attention for it because the frat was trying to diversify its membership.

The parties were crazy and both Troy and Max often found themselves overserved. It was during one of these wild frat parties around Halloween that their relationship took a dramatic turn forever. The boys were dressed up, Troy as Peter Pan and Max as, what else, Prince Charming. It was late in the night and everyone was very drunk, that's when things started to get out of control. The brothers who lived in the house were laughing and roughhousing, most of their costumes were falling off or stained with spilled beer. Kyle was just wearing his football uniform as a costume and called Troy over to admire his costume. Troy had been proud of his costume, with green tights, a little leaf skirt and a green crew-neck that he'd customized himself. His little hat had been lost at some point in the night. The bros began teasing Troy, calling him "pretty Peter Pan" and saying things like "I'm glad you grew up!" They started manhandling him, leading him around with their arms slung around his neck. Several of them were smacking and rubbing Troy's ass in his green tights, commenting on "this perfect peach." Troy was uncomfortable, but he also kind of enjoyed the attention from these hot guys.

Max was quite drunk and quietly fuming in the corner watching these guys carry on groping his crush. His lowered inhibitions told him to go intervene, but Troy seemed to be enjoying himself and Max didn't want to make him upset by becoming possessive. Of all people, he had to admit that Troy looked amazing in his costume. It made him jealous to see these random, apparently straight, men running their hands all over Troy. While Max moped, Kyle suddenly took things to a whole other level.

"Let's get a better look at what this pretty boy is working with!" Kyle drunkenly shouted to cheers and laughs of approval from the bros. To Troy's surprise, Kyle roughly pulled down Troy's tights, revealing a cute green jock-strap and exposing his ass in front of everyone. Troy yelped and tried to cover himself, but one of the bros grabbed him and draped him across Kyle's lap. The frat bros whooped and Kyle laughed.

"Goddamn boys!" Kyle said, rubbing his hands on Troy's ass. "Peter Pan's got one perfect ass on him!" Kyle grabbed two handfuls of Troy's cheeks, spreading them so that everyone crowded around could see his tight virgin hole. Troy was embarrassed and shocked. Gasping and struggling under the hold of the frat brothers. "Guys, come on! That's enough, I get it!" Troy laughed nervously as he scrambled to break free and snatch his tights. Kyle proceeded to make jokes about how they should take the boy's virginity which only heightened the uncomfortable atmosphere even further.

"You mean to tell me that this pretty gay ass hasn't been broken in yet?" Kyle loudly crowed. "I don't know boys, I think we might need to teach Peter how to fly!" He slapped Troy's ass hard and began rubbing his thick fingers on the boy's tight hole. Troy began to cry.

"Please, stop! This isn't what I want!" He yelled as he struggled. Group-think had set in among the drunken frat bros and they crowded around Kyle and Troy, a couple of them rubbing their crotches. Across the room Max was filled with rage and stepped in to rescue his friend. He yelled as he pushed through the crowd and slugged Kyle, helping the sobbing Troy crawl away as the drunk jock slumped back. The crowd exploded in shouts as some guys helped Kyle sit up while others moved on Max and Troy.

"Stop!" Kyle shouted as he sat up, rubbing his jaw. The other bros complied and let go of Max and Troy. "Damn, DiCicco," Kyle said. "You got one hell of a right hook." Max glared at him with a fury that almost made the football jock flinch back, putting his hands up in a peace gesture. "It was just a little fun, bro. Don't worry about it," Kyle said. "You're okay, right little g-" Max interrupted Kyle,

"Don't talk to him, fucktard!" He pulled Troy up into his arms, shielding him from view, his tights still around his knees. They were both too drunk to think to cover back up. Max whispered soothing words of comfort as he cradled Troy against his chest, feeling the warmth of Troy's body against his own.

In that moment, something changed between them - a spark ignited between them which had been slowly growing but only now came to life. Max looked deep into Troy's tearful eyes and saw a longing reflected back at him, the same feelings that Max had kept hidden for so long. Max felt such a strong surge of love for his best friend at that moment. He was stirred from this feeling by renewed comments from the frat bros around them, sarcastically apologizing for trying to take his "boyfriend's" virginity. Troy started to cry again, drunk and overwhelmed by all the mockery around him. Max tried to get the bros to leave them alone.

"Just let us leave, guys. You win. We won't be back," Max said. Then Kyle butted back in, apparently his drunken bravado had returned.

"Come on, DiCicco, we don't want you to leave," Kyle slurred. "You're just not used to our style of fun yet around here. We always fuck around with the new guys, gay or straight or whatever." He clapped his hand onto Max's shoulder, which Max roughly shrugged off. "Look, bro," Kyle said with a drunk half-smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't know he was the little Cinderella to your Prince Charming. I figured him more for some lost boy." Kyle laughed at himself and the other guys joined in, boosting Kyle's confidence once again. His eyes sparkled and he looked around the room at his buddies. Max tried to push through them all with Troy under his arm but Kyle stopped him with two hands on his shoulders.

"You know, DiCicco," Kyle said with a deceptively friendly, leading tone. "I was actually pretty rude before. I should've given you first crack! If you love him so much I think you should be the one to teach this birdie how to fly! Right here, right now!" Kyle spread his hands out to the cheers and laughter around them. "See? It's been a long night and we all want a show!"

Max felt another surge of anger and protectiveness that he had never experienced before until tonight. He stepped forward, pushing Kyle away and turning to face the other frat bros who were laughing at them, tucking Troy behind him. "That's enough," he said firmly, his voice full of authority. "Troy is my best friend, not a sex doll! I will fucking end you all if if you keep treating him like this!" Suddenly, Troy, who's eyes had been switching back-and-forth between Max, Kyle, and the others, stopped Max with a touch on his arm. Troy was afraid that Max would get beaten up if he kept making threats. He needed a way out for them and his drunken brain thought he'd found one.

"I-if... if I g-give Max a blowjob..." Troy, stammered, stepping forward. "Will t-that be enough for you guys?"

"Troy, what are y-" Max protested, but Kyle brushed him aside with an outstretched arm and stepped close to Troy, looming over him.

"Right here, right now?" the football player asked. Troy stared back at him and nodded. Max was completely taken aback by Troy's suggestion and he quickly shook his head. "You got a deal, little bro," Kyle said.

"No way," he said firmly. "This isn't happening."

"Bro, what are you even talking about?" Kyle yelled, whirling on Max. "Are you even gay? We're all straight dudes and I can promise you that none of us would turn a bro-job from those pretty lips!" The other guys laughed and Max shoved Kyle away, stepping in front of Troy grabbing his shoulders and looking deep into his beautiful blue eyes. "You don't have to do this, Troy."

"Max," Troy said to him, as a tear ran down his cheek. "It's okay." Troy suddenly dropped to his knees in front of his best friend and fumbled with the button on his prince trousers. Max felt himself freeze as he processed what was happening. His heart and his cock began to fill with desire as his long-time crush opened his pants and his thick half-hard cock flopped out into the cool air of the frat house. Troy's eyes widened as he saw Max's cock gradually fill up in front of his face as the frat bros cheered around them, eager for a show. Troy drunkenly giggled.

"It's- It's so big Max," Troy said, looking up at him. "I never saw it get hard before." Hearing Troy say that send Max's cock into overdrive. In moments it stood hard and heavy, straight out from his body at a full 8.5 inches. Max gasped as Troy reached out and touched him, running his fingers over the glistening head and hard shaft. The sounds of the frat bros egging Troy on faded into the background as all of Max's resistance and concern for Troy melted away in a drunk and horny haze. He had been dreaming of being touched this way by his best friend for years and now it was happening.

Troy slowly and sensually slid his pretty lips over the head of Max's cock, and they both moaned. Troy experimentally sucked down as much as he could, taking in about five inches before he gagged and pulled back. Drowning out the jeers of the frat bros, Troy swirled his tongue around Max's head and he gazed up at his best friend before he started to bob his head on the thick cock, sending shivers down Max's spine. Max could barely contain himself; it felt so damn good! He threw his head back and closed his eyes as Troy demonstrated that he's a natural cocksucker. He worked his mouth up and down on Max's throbbing cock, his hand following his lips as he moved. Max's breathing grew heavier and his body was filled with pleasure as Troy's touches drove him wild. Max felt his balls tighten as he crept closer to orgasm.

Then, suddenly, Troy pulled away and Max shuddered as the cool air hit his dick. Troy rubbed his no-longer virgin jaw and turned to Kyle. "There, I did it."

'Wait,' he drunkenly thought. 'I haven't cum yet.' Max thought in a haze. `There's no way these fucking bros will take that as a deal. They're gonna want more from Troy!'

While Max was thinking, Kyle had, in fact, seemed ready to acquiesce to their bargain, slapping Troy on the back. But Max had lost his senses, convincing himself that Troy needed to be saved from Kyle's grasp. He grabbed Kyle and pushed him out of the way and picked up Troy, who gasped in shock as his best friend draped him over the arm of a lounge chair. Max's body blocked Troy from Kyle and the others, who were confused and telling him to chill out. Then Max turned around and saw his best friend face-down, ass-up over the arm of a lounge chair. Something in Max had snapped when he saw Troy's perfect ass, still bare, in front of him. His cock was still out, dripping and heavy. His balls ached from being denied a release. He had to protect Troy from these frat bros around them.

"You fuckers want a show?" He growled. "We'll give you a show." Max spat into his hand and lubricated his cock, working it back to full hardness. "None of you will lay a hand on him."

"Max," Troy started warily. "What are you-ah!" Troy yelped and froze as Max spat on Troy's hole and rubbed it with his fingers telling the shocked boy beneath him to relax. Troy started breathing quickly, whimpering as Max's strong fingers massaged his most private place. Max had reached the point of no return now.

This is it,' he thought. It's time to show Troy how much I care about him. It's for his own good. It's to save him from them.' Max told himself all of these things, drunkenly justifying his decision to take his best friend's virginity.

"Max, no! You don't need to-AHHH!" With a deep breath, Max slowly pressed his cock inside Troy's tight ass, breaching the hole and sinking inside inch by inch until he finally got what he had been dreaming about for so long: his big cock lodged inside of his best friend's perfect ass.

Troy was terrified and in pain. Crying out for Max to stop. Troy frantically looked around the room and the frat bros had gone mostly silent, but most were gazing hungrily at them. Kyle's initial shock seemed to have faded away and now he had a horny smirk on his face. Troy felt so alone. And then Max started to move. Troy's ass felt like it was on fire as Max thrust in and out of him. Troy groaned in pain but Max was holding onto him powerfully.

Why is Max fucking me?' Troy thought as his virginity was pounded away by his best friend. This wasn't the deal! This wasn't how it was supposed to be!' Troy was sobbing, but gradually the pain began to lessen as Troy's ass slowly relaxed to the intrusion. As the resistance decreased, Max's big dick slid in and out more easily. His cock rubbed against Troy's prostate, sending a spark through the boy.

What?' Troy thought. What the fuck was that?' It felt good. He slowly felt himself getting lost in the pleasurable feeling. Troy's groans of pain started to turn into moans of pleasure. He hadn't wanted this. He certainly didn't even want to lose his virginity drunk in a room full of horny frat bros. This wasn't special. But still, Troy couldn't deny the waves of pleasure that crashed over him as Max continued to push his huge dick inside of him. He felt connected to his best friend in a way he had never experienced before - like they were one person sharing an intimate moment together, despite the audience of frat boys cheering around them, reanimated by Troy's moans of lust.

Max felt amazing inside his best friend. He had never experienced such intense pleasure before and all of his pent-up emotions came flooding out in a wave of passion. He moved faster and harder, pushing Troy closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy with every thrust. Soon they were both moaning lustfully as their bodies began moving in perfect synchrony with each other, Troy bucking back against Max's deep thrusts. Kyle and several others had their cocks out, lazily jerking them to the hot couple in front of them.

"Fuck. Yes. Troy." Max said over and over again as he pounded the boy under him. He felt his orgasm approaching, and by the growing tightness of Troy's ass, Max was going to fuck the cum right out of him. Troy gasped and moaned as his best friend pounded his prostate relentlessly until finally he screamed out, clenching his ass around Max's thick cock and shooting his cum into his jock-strap. Troy's orgasm was quickly followed by Max's. It was intense; it felt like everything he had been holding back for so long was finally released in one powerful burst of pleasure flooding deep inside Troy's abused hole.

Suddenly exhausted, Max pulled out and collapsed onto the floor next to the chair Troy laid on, still shaking from his orgasm. The frat boys got up and started to file out of the room, tousling their hair and patting their backs as they left. Kyle shoved his big dick back into his football pants and gave them each a long look before leaving them alone in the room. Max helped Troy off the chair, hugging him tightly on the floor.

"I'm sorry, I did it" he said softly into Troy's ear. "I just couldn't let them do that to you." Troy was embarrassed, upset, and confused. Kyle and the others weren't going to do anything to him! But somehow he understood that Max had done what he did because he was trying to protect him. In a weird way, it made Troy feel warm. But then Max started to ramble as he rubbed Troy's back. "I've always wanted to share a special moment like that with you, Troy. All of it. For so long. We both deserve it, Troy. That's why I did it; because deep down I know there are these feelings between us; feelings which scared me but excited me at the same time. And those feelings... fuck... they're love, Troy! I love you, Troy. I've loved you for years."

Troy's brain swirled as he tried to process what Max was saying. He'd always loved him? He forcibly took his virginity because he loved him? The more Troy thought about it the more he felt panic creeping in on his mind. Gone was the pleasure of the sex. It was replaced by fear, pain, and betrayal. Troy shook out of Max's embrace.

"That wasn't a 'special moment', Max, it was fucking rape!" Max shrank back at the intensity of Troy's shout and the boy quickly stood up and fought with his green tights, sobbing. After he managed to pull them up he ran from the room and out from the frat house in tears. Max sat there stunned on the floor of the frat house, his mind reeling from Troy's accusation. Kyle entered the room with two fresh beers and handed one to Max as he collapsed on the lounge chair that minutes before Troy had been fucked on.

"Well that was fucking something, buddy." Kyle said as Max took a swig from the beer. "You really know how to put on a show. It's a shame you're lil bro took it a bit too hard, -er ya know what I mean. Hope you guys can work it out. You really proved yourselves tonight, seriously. Come on back anytime." Max glared up at the football player and got up, uneasy on his feet. He grunted at Kyle and left the room. He needed to find Troy. He needed to make sure Troy understood. He loved him. He would never hurt him on purpose. He needed to find him...

Troy went on a long walk back to campus trying his best to understand what had transpired between him and his best friend. He had offered the blow job to stop a fight from breaking out, but he had also been curious about fooling around with Max for a while. The blow job had been fun, and he'd wanted to offer to finish the job later, when there wasn't an audience. But then Max had fucked him. He had fucked him in front of strangers. Troy was so humiliated. He tried to reconcile it with everything he knew about his friend, the sweet and caring Max. He hadn't really used any different justification than Troy had when he offered to suck his dick. But somehow it seemed so different. So much more of a violation. Troy was so confused. He knew deep down that, despite how wrong it felt, there were still feelings of attraction and lust; feelings which both scared and excited him at the same time. Troy found himself back at his the dorm building that both he and Max lived in. Troy couldn't bear to go to his dorm room and deal with the judgy stars of his roommate Brad, so he ended up on the floor of a shower stall on his floor, tears silently running down his face.

Max searched frantically for Troy, desperate to find him and make him understand what had happened. He knew he screwed up by taking things too far, but he was determined to show Troy that his feelings were real and that all he had meant to do was to save him and love him. Finally, Max entered his dorm. He got a gruff response from Troy's roommate after knocking on the door for several minutes before he found Troy sobbing in the bathroom.

Max walked over slowly so as not to startle the boy any further before sitting down next to him and placing a hand gently on his back. Troy flinched, but didn't push Max away.

"Troy," he said softly, "I'm sorry about what happened back there." When no response came from Troy's lips, Max continued speaking. "What I feel for you is real; those feelings aren't going away anytime soon. I've loved you for years." Troy turned to look at him, his lips trembling. Max's voice quivered slightly as tried hard not to look into those deep blue eyes which held such pain mixed with confusion right now; instead opting to keep staring ahead while squeezing one of Troy's hands tightly within both of his own before continuing. "I couldn't let anyone else do that to you, Troy. If it was going to happen, it needed to be me. I love you." Troy struggled to comprehend Max's train of thought; Kyle was going to let him go! How did Max miss that? But what Max said next really boiled Troy's blood. "Anyway, you can't deny it felt fucking amazing, Troy. So many years of repressed sexual energy. Damn. It was so hot."

"Hot? You think raping me is fucking HOT?!" Troy yelled, standing up and pushing Max away from him. "This wasn't some fucking 'special moment' like you said! This was rape, Max! You took advantage of me when I was vulnerable and scared! You violated me in the most horrific way possible!" His voice cracked as he felt tears streaming down his face once more. "I trusted you, Max," Troy yelled between sobs. "We're best friends since childhood but now here treating me like an object to be used for your own pleasure." He shook his head in disbelief before continuing: "I thought we meant something to each other; I thought our friendship was so much more than just that one night of sex in a fucking FRAT HOUSE in front of strangers!"

Now it was Max's turn to be upset. "Troy," he yelled, his voice full of anger and frustration. "Do you think I wanted to do this? Do you not realize how scared I was for your safety at that moment?" He shook his head before continuing, calming down but getting louder again as he kept speaking. "I did what I thought best. Maybe it wasn't consensual but at least it was better than being gang-raped by those guys! I fucking SAVED you, Troy! And don't even get me started on the pleasure we both felt! You can deny it all you want but deep down inside you know that we both enjoyed ourselves! You fucking came!"

"I enjoyed myself?!" Troy shouted back, tears streaming down his face once more. He felt like he was going crazy! Here they were now arguing over whether or not their rape-sex experience had been pleasurable or not when really none of this should have happened in the first place! Taking a few steps away from Max and taking several deep breaths, Troy looked at his friend before saying softly yet firmly: "No matter what kind of pleasure either of us may have felt during our `special moment,' nothing changes the fact that it still WASN'T CONSENSUAL."

Max has had it with this argument. He would convince Troy that he loved him one way or another. "You want consensual?" He yelled as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled his thick cock out. "I know you want this dick, Troy!" He shouted, "I can see it on your fucking face!" Troy's eyes widened as he saw that cock that had just recently taken his virginity. Troy's heart raced as he stared at Max's thick cock. He felt a rush of emotions, ranging from fear to excitement, washing over him all at once. His mind flashed back to earlier in the night when this same cock had taken his virginity and he couldn't help but feel aroused by it all over again. This was so fucked. He wanted Max. He'd wanted to do this with him for so long. But it had happened in such a fucked up way!

Despite being scared and confused, Troy found himself unable to look away or deny how good it felt seeing Max like this; so close, so hot. Max must have sensed Troy's desire because before long he was picking him up off the ground and setting him on top of the sink counter where Max pulled down Troy's tights to his knees and propped his legs on his shoulders. Too shocked to resist or say no, Troy simply watched in anticipation as Max grabbed some conditioner that had been abandoned on the counter and lathered his cock with it. Max guided himself towards Troy's hole with a wild intensity. This time, as soon as Max's cock dipped into his ass, pleasure coursed through every inch of Troy's body making it hard for him not to cry out in ecstasy despite everything that happened earlier that evening between them both. Now there were no jocks watching and jeering. Just him and Max.

Max pounded into Troy harder than before, filling every part of his sexy tight ass with unrelenting passion which seemed never-ending; almost like someone flipped some kind switch inside each other allowing their true selves be seen without any shame or judgment whatsoever. Only pure love shared between two best friends who were willing to take risks in order to discover something new together. Quickly, orgasmic bliss took hold of them both sending waves of pleasure throughout their bodies as Troy blew his load all over his shirt, which led to Max once again filling Troy with his cum.

They stay there for a while, breathing heavily after their exertions. Troy moans as Max's cock slips out of him, but then he falls silent. Max broke the silence, saying, "Troy, I've always had a thing for you. And tonight I finally got the chance to show you how I feel." His voice sounded warm and loving as he continued "I'll never forget the way you look at me when we cum together." Troy looked away from Max as fresh feelings of violation and anger coursed through him.

With an icy tone, he replied: "You don't understand Max. You raped me! Twice! You fucking just did it again! Fuck you! Some friend! I never want to see you again!" Troy struggled again with his tights, now torn in several places. Max could not accept Troy's rapid mood swings.

"You know you liked it," Max said, darkly. Troy stepped back, his face contorting in rage.

"You raped me!" He screamed again. "You took advantage of me in my most vulnerable moment and you think I liked it?" He pushed past Max, wanting to get away as quickly as possible. Before he could make it out the door, however, Max roughly grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Troy," he said in a commanding tone, "you don't want to leave like this. We've been through too much together." Why didn't Troy get it! Max cared dearly for him and he knew Troy felt the same! It was all the fucked up frat brothers' fault that this had happened in such a fucked up way! Troy only seemed to be satisfied when Max had him stuffed full of his cock.

Troy glared at him and tried to pull away, but Max drew him in closer, leaning down and whispering in his ear, "I know you can still feel my cum dripping out of your hot little ass. And I know you still want more." Troy felt like he was about to burst. All the emotions - fear, anger, arousal, confusion - were all too much for him as Max's words echoed in his head. He wanted to bolt away but he couldn't deny the pleasure that still lingered in his body.

With all his strength, Troy pulled away, gasping, "I will never feel this way again, Max. We're done."

Max stared at Troy incredulously before saying, "You know you can have me again if you want to, Troy."

Troy glared back and whispered, "I never want to touch you again." Max frowned and had a pained look in his eyes as he stepped closer to Troy, his hands resting lightly on the other boy's hips.

He leaned in close, their lips almost touching as he whispered, "I don't think that's true, Troy. But if it is, I will turn around and walk out of your life forever. If that's what you really want." Troy trembled under Max's soft touch. Lose Max forever? He didn't want that. Max continued, his voice wavering. "I just want you to know that no matter what happens between us, even if I never see you again... I'll always love you, Troy." His words sent a shock through Troy -- not only because they were unexpected but also because deep down he knew they were true.

Max pulled away, looking longingly at Troy, tears welling in his eyes. "I'll leave you to think. I'm sorry if I've ruined everything we had." As Max turned Troy began breathing quickly. No. No this wasn't right. This was all so fucked up but he didn't want Max to go. Didn't want him out of his life. Why had he said that? He was so confused and angry and exhausted. Max said he loved him. He believed it. But Max had just fucked him TWICE nonconsensually. What the fuck? What the fuck! More than a decade of friendship, through thick-and-thin, and it was just going to end? Troy saw Max heading for the bathroom door.

"FUCK!" Troy yelled, startling Max, who flinched and whirled around as Troy marched over to him, his mind swirling. "I said I never wanted to touch you again," Troy said, grasping the sleeves of Max's costume. "I lied." Troy crashed his lips on Max's.

Max yelped into Troy' face as the smaller boy took control, his hands on Max's face as he kissed him with passion. Anger, desire, aggression, love, all poured out of Troy as he devoured Max's lips. Max finally relaxed into the kiss, his first kiss with the boy he'd loved since middle school. Max could almost cry as he tasted Troy's mouth for the first time. Were he more conscious he would have laughed at how backwards this evening had gone for them, starting with blowjobs and sex and only now sharing the intimacy of a loving kiss. Finally, Troy broke away, staring at Max with a mixture of love and anger.

"FYI," Troy said. "THAT is how you initiate intimacy, you absolute idiot!" Max stared at Troy and then broke down laughing at the ridiculousness of how this night had gone. Now exhausted and sobering up, both of them fell to pieces with laughs and giggles as they both began chaotically kissing and smooching each other's faces. Troy looked down at Max's lap and started laughing again. Confused, Max looked down and realized his dick was still hanging out of his pants.

"Your big, stupid dick is still out, Max!" Troy screeched, manic with glee as both of them laughed themselves into exhaustion. As they calmed down, Max looked deep into Troy's eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I acted this way tonight. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I just love you so m-" Troy captured Max's lips again, climbing onto his lap as they sat on the floor of the dorm bathroom.

"Can we go somewhere else, you dummy?" Troy asked with playful affection in his voice for the first time in hours.

"Charlie's in my room." Max said. "And Brad's in yours." Troy seemed to make a decision as he got to his feet and hauled Max up after him, taking his hand and pulling him into the hallway.

"Um where are we going?" Max said, noticing Troy dragging him towards his own room. "I just told you Brad is there. He wasn't in a good mood earlier."

"Fuck his mood." Troy snapped back. He sounded determined. "He's never in a good mood anyway, so if we're gonna kick out one of our roommates, I'd rather kick out Brad than that sweetheart Charlie."

Max stopped, confused. "Kick out?" What did Troy have in mind right now?

Troy turned to Max and rolled his eyes. "Yes, kick out, dumbass. We are going to do this the right fucking way, and unless Brad wants an eyeful then he's gonna fucking leave."

Max was stunned as he blindly followed Troy through the corridors. After all this, Troy wanted to fuck again? He felt shame wash over him for fucking things up so badly this night, but it was swiftly replaced with arousal as Troy had clearly decided that the way to fix this was to keep fucking until they got it right.

Troy fumbled with his keys and swung open his door. "Get out, Bradley," he announced loudly as he entered. His big roommate was hunched over his computer, playing some online game. He turned briefly and cussed out Troy who replied, "Brad, I swear to God, unless you want to see this big strong man's cock swinging around, you will leave this room right the fuck now." At that, Brad turned bright red as he looked from Troy to Max. He angrily slammed the desk with his fist, before grabbing his laptop and a bag and storming out of the room.

"Now," Troy said, visibly relaxing and looking suddenly mischievous. "We're going to do this my way. Because your way is more than halfway to rape." Max sheepishly looked away from Troy, who directed him to sit on the bed.

"What do you want m-" Max started when Troy shushed him.

"No. Shut up. Just sit there and watch me." Troy put his phone on the dresser and started playing "Naughty Girl," by Beyoncé and began strutting in circles around the room in his tattered Peter Pan costume. He looked ridiculous, Max thought. But he also looked fucking sexy. Troy never took his eyes off of Max for more than a second as he moved around the room, swinging his hips and running his hands up and down his body. He slowly stripped himself of his costume, first the green crew-neck, followed by the raggedy skirt, and finally the torn tights. Twisting his body to the music, Troy was now only in his little green jock-strap; the pouch was still damp from the first load he'd cum into them, and his ass was on full display; still full of two loads of Max's cum.

Seeing Troy taking control like this turned Max on deeply. Seeing those buns prancing around the room, those little pink nipples, and those eyes--deep with passion and sharp with focus; it was enough to get Max's cock swelling up again. Troy noticed as Max's pants began to fill up. He sauntered over to the man in time with the song. Was he his best friend? His rapist? His lover? Troy didn't care right now. All that mattered was that Troy needed to make Max HIS. The right way. Alone in a bedroom. Troy straddled Max and began to give him a lap dance, twisting his torso against Max's chest and grinding his bare ass into Max's pants, feeling the hard piece that had already ravaged him twice tonight. Max moaned from Troy's efforts, who leaned in and whispered, "Take it out. I've hardly gotten to see you tonight. I want to see you." With that, Troy backed away from the bed again and resumed his sexy dancing. Max fumbled with his pants to once again free his large cock from its confines.

As Troy danced, he watched as Max began slowly stroking his hard cock and felt his mouth water. Max looked directly at Troy, gauging his reaction. He could see the mix of emotions crossing Troy's face and it only made him harder. Troy tried to stifle the moan that came out of his mouth as Max's cock twitched. He danced over to the bed and Max grabbed hold of one of Troy's hands and placed it on his shaft, guiding it up and down in a slow, sensual motion. "I knew you wanted more," Max said throatily. Troy's grip tightened around Max's member, and he began to stroke, the song nearly forgotten and the intensity between them increased. Max felt the immense pleasure of his best friend slowly stroking his cock. He leaned in closer and whispered, "You're too sexy for your own good, Troy," before reaching behind Troy and swirling his fingers around his tight hole. "You let me know if you want me to fill you up with my big, thick cock again, okay?" Max said as Troy tried to hold back his moans.

Troy felt like his body was on fire. Every nerve ending seemed to be alive with pleasure as Max's fingers explored him from behind. He wanted more -- he needed more, and the words of desire that were falling from Max's lips only fueled his want even further. Troy pushed back against Max's fingers, silently begging for what he had been dreaming about for over a year. With a deep sigh, Troy finally said "Yes... I want your thick cock inside me again. On my terms this time."

Max heard those little words and it sent a surge through every inch of his being; here was this beautiful man who had been violated by him asking for something they both knew would take them to places they'd never gone before - together! Without another word spoken between them, Troy pushed Max back on the bed and mounted him, straddling his hips. Troy's eyes met Max's as he plunged down into a passionate kiss him before slowly grinding himself onto Max's big hard cock. Troy reached for the lube on his night table and lathered his hand in it before reaching back to help guide Max back into the depths of his tight hole until his ass was flush against Max's body.

Max moaned and Troy gasped as he sat fully impaled on Max's cock. "Now this," Troy said. "This is how you should have taken my virginity." He leaned back down to kiss Max as he begin riding his cock and Max began thrusting up into him. The rest of the night was devoted to the two of them. They fucked passionately like loves and they fucked like horny animals. All the while Max whispered sweet nothings into Troy's ears which made everything feel ten times better than either thought possible!

Troy felt like all of his senses were on fire. Every sensation was heightened and he could feel every inch of Max's thick cock as it filled him up for the third time that night. The pleasure was almost too much to bear, but the feeling of being connected so deeply with someone he'd known for so many years made it even better. As Max continued thrusting inside Troy, both boys reached their climax simultaneously - sending waves of ecstasy over them both until neither boy knew what else to do or say other than "I love you," which Max did as he collapsed onto the bed.

At first Troy didn't know how to respond; after all this wasn't just any old confession between two friends -- this was something more powerful and intimate than anything they had ever shared before! But then as tears started streaming down his cheeks, Troy finally managed to whisper out: "I- I love you too." Max smiled at these words knowing how hard it must have been for Troy to share such an intimate moment with him after everything that had happened earlier in the evening.

Drawing himself closer into an embrace which could only be described as pure bliss, he whispered back: "You don't need to be scared anymore; we can take our time now" while gently brushing away the tears from beneath Troy's eyes. Max squeezed next to Troy in the little dorm bed and pulled the covers up, kissing him softly on the forehead, and they finally drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Troy lay in bed feeling conflicted as Max softly snored beside him. On one hand he still felt angry and violated. But on the other he felt strangely aroused by the way Max had been able to take control of him. And the passion they'd shared in this bed at the end of the night had been real and special. He couldn't deny the connection the two of them had after so many years of friendship, and the pleasure that his body had experienced with Max's touch had been like nothing he'd ever experienced before.

In a moment of clarity, Troy realized that he could accept this. He could accept the mistakes that Max had made in a drunkenly misconceived attempt to protect him. He could accept the part of himself that submitted to domination. And he could accept that Max loved him to the Moon and back. Troy let out a deep breath. He turned his head and saw Max's big brown eyes looking up at him with love and uncertainty.

"I forgive you," Troy said finally. "I forgive you and I love you." He leaned down for a passionate kiss as Max pulled Troy down on top of him. They stayed in Troy's bed, locked in an embrace, until the afternoon. They talked for hours about what had happened between them that night -- the good and the bad -- and ultimately reached an understanding of each other that went far beyond words alone. Troy finally understood why Max had done what he did; it was clear to him now that even though it was wrong on many levels, there was something deeper binding them than just physical pleasure.

When Brad insisted on being allowed back into the room, they made their way back to Max's room. Charlie was gone for the day and they wasted no time shedding their clothes again. Once naked, they kissed passionately and explored each other's bodies with eager hands. They fucked like rabbits for over an hour, their bodies moving in perfect unison as they both found satisfaction in each other's arms. When Charlie returned to the room he was startled to find the two best friends in bed together cuddling naked.

"It's been a long 24 hours," Max joked to his roomie, kissing Troy sweetly. After years of pining, mutual attraction, and fear of rejection, one wild, horrifying, passionate night had changed their relationship forever.

Next: Chapter 2

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