The Rut

By Boy Mercury X

Published on Jun 25, 2017


This story is a fictional work of adult erotic fantasy, involving consensual sexual relations between men. It is intended for adults only.

Copyright, Boy Mercury X, 2017.


It is inspired by lively chat with Nifty published writer a4f101. I look forward to his take on the topic, which will blow us all away. This story is dedicated to him, in gratitude for being the best kind of bro.

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THE RUT PART 1 by Boy Mercury X, dedicated to af4101


The Venable Home was established during World War II, to accommodate the unplanned pregnancies of young women -- not ladies, obviously -- who gave in to their base desires as beaus and even handsome strangers went off to war. At the Venable Home, for an appropriate fee given the sensitive nature of the arrangement, five girls at any given time could be supervised by through their pregnancy by experts in relative isolation. The eventual offspring could be placed with infertile couples, selected by the Venable family for their wealth and discretion. Families who used the Venable Home's services valued the latter almost as much as the former.

In the 1960's, Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring promised catastrophe resulting from humanity's abuse of the planet. Nature itself issued a forceful confirmation or denial (depending on the interpretation of events) soon after publication, as the first Rut unfolded in 1963. Young men, most between the ages of 18 to 26, normally inclined to normal heterosexuality, turned to each other driven by powerful pheromone lures they emitted. The more shocking development surfaced a few months later as these young men developed pregnancies, amid a host of biological changes.

As in every Rut since, relatively few men were affected, even among the demographic where it manifested. That made it easy for the moneyed and powerful to consider the first of the pregnancies appalling transgressions of the lower classes. But as middle and upper class families discovered their athletic all-American boys to be in a family way, the Venable Home became a sought after service among families with means. Although the Rut peaked in 1964 and had run its course by 1968, ending as inexplicably as it began, the Venable Home had cemented its reputation as the West Coast destination for boy in trouble. It added two rooms, increasing its capacity to take up to seven young men at a time, and steeply increased its fees.

In 1975 the Rut surged again, resulting in thousands of Bicentennial babies the following year. As in every instance of the Rut, college sports teams were decimated by surprise male pregnancies, the young and athletic being the most afflicted. This time the Rut lasted little more than a year. But the 1986 Rut endured several times longer, and when it was barely done it surged again in 1997. Some speculated that the species was head toward a permanent Rut, but this could not be proven.

By the 7th Rut, the shame of male pregnancy did not hold the same sting it once did, but there remained a market for the Venable Home's services. The keeping of pheromone addled young men in line took a strong hand, particularly in an era of indulged youth with little respect for tradition. And the appropriate placement of their newborn children required certain savvy the Venable Home specialized in.

Still, by 2018 it was not quite the same world as when the Venable Home was established.


May brought out an even more randy side to the boys in the Venable Home. The air was already thick with the musky pheromones they emitted, even pregnant.

"What I wouldn't give for a beer," said Joey, absentmindedly running a hand over his pec that had begun to swell as his milk glands developed.

"Bad for the baby," said Lane, the most obviously pregnant among the boys. With the smallest frame among them, his distended belly seemed to take up his whole torso. He was so small that it was a surprise he ever got knocked up. The pheromones tended to drive Stags to the most physically superior Bucks, the driving force of the Rut linked in some way to muscularity.

"I'm about 5 minutes from being free to have a beer," volunteered Chad, proudly thrusting forward his taut, high belly. It was round as a beach ball and covered with tightly curled black hair rolling up to and over his beefy chest.

"Fuck you," laughed Joey, "You aren't that far along. That's mostly a food baby. I saw you eat half a pizza!"

Chad let out a long, loud, rumbling burp, laughed and said, "I'd eat the other half for dessert but you got to it first, bro." He held up a fist and Joey reached out to bump their knuckles together.

"How about you get my dick for dessert? I'm overdue on my nut," said Stu, making a jerking motion with his hand.

"Anytime, anyplace," sighed Chad, shamelessly. It was no secret that Stu was considered the hottest of the bunch. An amateur bodybuilder with beautifully swollen muscles and a snub nosed boyish face, he had near constant puppy-level energy that could only get him trouble. The man-child of the Home, he was famously also a Stag Buck, a bro who had put a baby in another guy and taken one in his belly too.

"Shut up!" said Jamie, turning to look over to the Home's formal entrance, where an apparent confrontation was brewing. "Listen!"

"THAT'S MY BABY IN THERE!" they heard from the entrance, in a rich deep voice that made their holes twitch. That physical reaction told them all it was a Stag.

"This is ABSOLUTELY prohibited!" declared Ms. Venable. "If you do not leave the premises at once I will alert the police."

"Like I give a fuck," said the determined Stag, stomping his way into the recreation room where the Home residents were gathered.

The Stag was a young man, maybe 24, on the short side but powerfully built. Even with a bit of a manly belly, his strong shoulders kept his appearance perfectly proportionate. His tight white t-shirt revealed a chest heaving ferociously, and a large fleur-de-lis tattooed inside one bicep. His nostrils flared in an otherwise playful looking face, crowned with a nest of brown curls.

"Brodie?" asked Lane, looking up in shock.

The Stag's face softened immediately on hearing Lane's voice. "Oh baby," he said, "Oh baby, there you are."

The Stag dropped to his knees, and ran his hands over Lane's belly, so swollen it looked painful. "You're so big now -- I didn't know."

He inhaled the scent of Lane's pregnancy, detecting his own DNA. He gently kissed the belly again and again, as Lane ran his fingers through his brown curls.

"You must leave AT ONCE," demanded Ms. Venable.

The Stag, Brodie, was oblivious to her, and everyone else. He yanked down Lane's drawstring shorts, and there in the recreation room unbuttoned his own jeans, drawing out a prodigious cock, rock hard and oozing precum. It was a common side effect for Stags that the male member enlarged beyond its original proportions, and became the master of the man, completely susceptible to pheromone stimulation.

The other boys cocks sprung to attention as they watched the scene unfold. Brodie violently lifted Lane's legs, and positioned his cock at the swelling hole. Both Stag and Buck were oozing the natural lubricants they produced in Rut, and Brodie sank his full length into Lane, who quivered and moaned out loud as he was opened wide.

The other boys stroked their cocks, and even Ms. Venable was impressed by the intensity of passion as Brodie slammed repeatedly into his much smaller Buck. Venable did not try to intervene, even though she fretted over the safety of the fetus. She knew when the Rut was on two boys, nothing short of a crowbar could peel them apart.

"I love you baby," groaned Brodie as he pounded Lane's hole with his considerable strength, "I lo- oh -- OHHHHHHH..."

Within minutes of burying his cock in Lane, he trembled and spasmed and flooded his Buck with a dump of semen. As was usual in Rut, his load was many times the amount of an ordinary ejaculate. Accordingly Brodie's orgasm went on, over the course of almost five minutes. His balls churned out at least half a cup of hot cum that seeped out from Lane's twitching hole where Brodie was lodged in to the base.

"What a waste," muttered Ms. Venable. She observed the Stag's precious seed being squandered in an already pregnant Buck, and again on her good carpet. She had half a mind to catch it up in a receptacle to be used in artificial insemination, but without a ready refrigeration unit there was no point.

Brodie laughed, shuddered and breathed hard as he let his still firm cock slide out of Lane. A substantial quantity of his semen followed, pouring onto the carpet below. He rested his sweaty head on the belly housing his child, and said, "Sorry, I couldn't hold it any more."

"It's okay babe," said Lane, stroking his own erection as the Stag load oozed out of him. A moment later he shot his own ordinary cum on Brodie's chest and shoulders, and groaned as his oversize belly heaved.

Brodie pulled Lane up to his feat, and pulled up his drawstring shorts, and then his own jeans. "I'm getting you out of here, baby," he said, taking Lane's hand.

"You will do NO such thing!" declared Ms. Venable. "Lane's parents have contracted with this home for - "

"I'm taking my baby out of here," interrupted Brodie, seething with paternal authority. "And I will take down ANYONE who gets in my way. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

Ms. Venable tried to stare him down, but again knew the Rut was a force of nature that no one, not even she, could long resist. She stepped aside.

Lane nervously looked at his fellow residents and blinked back happy tears. Brodie led him to the Home entrance, where he put on a pair of sandals, and left the facility without even a word, and without the few possessions left in his room.

"Damn," said Jamie, voicing the stunned reaction of everyone in the room.

Because most Bucks were driven to take as many Stags as possible in Rut, they often didn't know who fathered the child in them. Evolutionary scientists posited that this was to ensure Stags would treat all offspring with equanimity, knowing that any might be theirs. Brodie and Lane were different. They were college roommates who began to Rut in secret, before anyone knew they were in season, and kept at it until Lane was knocked up.

"That was fucking crazy," said Chad, "Never thought I'd see a Stag do something like that."

"Don't expect to see it again," said Ms. Venable, adding "Look at you -- all of you -- ruining my furniture with your drippings."

The boys looked down to see that in their excitement they had wet themselves, and their natural lubricant has soaked into the sofa surface occupied by Joey and Chad, the chair that held Stu, and some had even dropped to the carpet where Jaime stood.

"Sorry Ms. V," said Chad, "You know we can't help it."

Ms. Venable pursed her lips, as she typically did when displeased. The boys didn't love her, but tried to appease her worst moods. They considered themselves lucky to be at the Venable Home. Sunny California provided an always-comfortable climate, the Home had ample grounds, the most current gaming technology and a state of the art gym equipment. Most importantly, for all her pretense of discipline Ms. Venable was happy to turn a blind eye to most of her residents' antics. Some homes kept the boys isolated from each other to keep a lid on their supercharged libidos. But at Venable Home, the boys maintained most liberties as long as some semblance of order was maintained and the payments were on time.

"Well, we'll see how they fare when the Rut is over," she said, considering which cleaning solvents to use.

Everyone knew when their Rut season ended, both Stags and Bucks would biologically and emotionally readjust and would settle back into more ordinary heterosexual lives. There was no known case in which an existing homosexual experienced the Rut. It was also known that by the end of the first three months after birth -- the fourth trimester as it was jokingly referred to -- the rare pair-bonded Stag and Buck became sexually repellant to one another. The same biological imperative that once drew them irresistibly to each other spun its polarity to drive them apart. The Rut, apparently, wanted as many genetic configurations as possible, and monogamy after the birth was not desirable.

Why pregnant bucks continued to express pheromone was a mystery. But so much of the Rut's rhyme or reason was unknown, people could only speculate. It was only known that once impregnated, Buck pheromone decreased in potency but remained constant. But it was not known why it affected almost all men, whether they were Stags, Bucks or just ordinaries. It was not known why most Stags and Bucks were exceptionally fit young men, but sometimes someone outside that demographic became one. Nor was it known why there were rarities like Stu, who were both Stag and Buck.

"Maybe they'll make it," said Joey, thinking wistfully of Brodie's intensity. "Maybe. You never know."

"I know," said Ms. Venable, "Believe me. I know. I've been at this longer than you've been alive."

"Gee Ms. V," said Joey, feeling defensive of Brodie's honor. "You think you might have helped my grandpa when he was knocked up?"

"Very funny," said Ms. Venable, arching an eyebrow. "Let's hope your wit serves you well when you're in your 12th hour of labor. A sense of humor will come in very handy then!"

Joey squirmed and Stu laughed, and Chad and Jaime looked down hoping to not be the next target in Ms. Venable's retribution.

She left the lot of them to summon the housemaid to come tend to the mess made by Brodie's sexual performance and stimulation. Stag seed would be an especially potent odor to deal with, and any trace of it would leave the Bucks antsy for days and even weeks.

"Bitch," muttered Joey, stroking at his crotch. "When the Rut is over I ought to come back and show her what she's dealing with,"

"Nasty," said Chad, "Even the Rut couldn't make me go for that dried up old cooter."

Just the thought of vaginal sex caused Joey to go nearly flaccid. The dozens of girls he'd once fucked seemed like they were bedded in a dream by a different man. Once the Rut took him, no amount of stimulation could arouse him to penetrate a woman. Not only did he not want any more women, he thought about nothing all day and night but cock and man ass. He hardened again as he remembered Brodie, with his almost gorilla like arms and mitt sized hands.

"Fuck it," said Joey, "Let's play some touch football."

Ms. Venable wasted no time refilling the opening in the Home left by Lane. Every occupied bed represented a substantial income. No matter how ridiculously déclassé her wards often seemed, they were the sons of high tech money. She could practically see the dollar signs hovering over each head like a pale green halo. She decided to let out the two extra rooms, which would make the house more cozy. Part of the market value of Venable Home was its perceived exclusivity, with only five boys. Two wouldn't be so much more. After all, the Rut wouldn't last forever, and one must make hay when the sun shines.

As the boys ate breakfast later that week, they heard the entrance door open and slam shut. The mysterious intruder walked through the house, making his way to the dining room.

He was tall -- maybe 6'4", with spiky bleached blond hair. He wore a sleeveless t-shirt that showed off his massive tanned shoulders and biceps. The shirt barely contained the big pecs that most expecting men sported, and a full round belly. His blue plaid board shorts were tight around his big round ass and hefty bulge, and the shorts were filled out by the biggest thighs any of the boys had ever seen.

"Who do I have to fuck to get a plate of that?" asked the stranger, deeply inhaling the scent of bacon and biscuits.

"Who the hell are you? Thor?" asked Jaime, mouth hanging open.

"I'm the new guy," said the stranger, dropping his overstuffed duffel bag to the floor, and cocking his head. "Abe."


Next: Chapter 2

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