The Runners Heart

Published on Oct 29, 2022


The Runner's Heart Chapter 5

Blackthorn Lord

The Runner’s Heart:

Book 1: Rivals


Like, comment what you liked or didn’t like about it, but keep in mind this was my very first serious romance I ever worked, at least that had sex scenes, on.

This part, It doesn’t have much sex, but it does have a nice ending… Enjoy!

Chapter 5

Makenna had finally done it, she had snapped Mia’s win streak just like Mia did to her.

She couldn’t help but rub her new personal record and the official course record (in the time of 4 minutes and 32 seconds). The look from Mia turned from disappointed-but-friendly to downright upset-and-angry in a matter of seconds.

Mia retaliated by surprising Makenna. She pulled Makenna into a stall, just like Makenna had with her.

She, for three years, hadn’t been able to get Makenna out of her mind.

Kissing her on the lips was all she could think to do. It only lasted a few moments, but when they kissed Makenna knew that that moment, when their lips came together again after so long, she would forever remember that feeling it gave her. It was an overwhelming feeling of warmth, acceptance, but most importantly, love; and then they pulled apart, Makenna couldn’t help herself but ask why Mia just did that.

Mia answered, smiling, “That’s what you get for being such a poor sport when I beat you in outdoor last year, and almost in XC this year.”

Makenna then, just as she showed up, was called off for the medal awards. She took Mia’s hand in hers and they jogged to the field to get their medals.


Twenty minutes later and they were all sitting down eating a celebratory dinner and just smiling, laughing, and having a great time. It only dawned on Mia that she had missed being with Makenna. That everything they’d done together and separately, whatever nasty things they might have said to each other, was all just water under the bridge now.

Before Makenna could get a word out though, Mia Cut her off from talking by a deep kiss that nearly sank Makenna to her knees, a kiss that lit her stomach on fire, and a kiss that left her wanting more.

 After Mia pulled away, she said, “I don’t care about the eight-hundreds, I don’t care about the mile, I don’t even really care about the last two XC seasons. Hell, I don’t even really care about losing to you and your team in the 2-mile because for me it’s just about the competition and fun of being around you and seeing that sexy look you get when you’re trying to lap everyone.”

Makenna was suddenly taken aback and asked, with rapid-fire questions, “Wait? Did you just say I look sexy? What’s going on here? I’m supposed to be the lead, right?”

Mia stepped forward as Makenna was about to step back, “No, I don’t think you look sexy, you are sexy. Trust me, I know a hot girl when I see one and you, Mack, are very sexy. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. And you’re also a damn fine runner. Don’t let anyone tell you you can or cannot do something. If they do, they can just talk to me and I will just tell them, from personal experience, you’re better than anyone when you set your mind to beating them.”

Makenna, still rocked by what she was hearing, stood still in the same spot. She almost couldn’t believe this was happening.

Almost numbly she returned the hug from Mia and Mia whispered in her ear, “I know you put your new number in my phone.”

The guilty look from Makenna told it all.

 Mia continued and explained, smiling through it all, “I was a freshman, you were in 8th grade, and I thought we were both a bit still too young to try dating when we should focus on our running, but honestly, now looking back at it. You were so fucking irisistable, so I put you at an arms length away. I knew you could beat me any given day on the track. Hell, you lost out to me in states and again in nationals, but only because you tripped and fell back to 4th and 12th, but you still never stopped and never kept trying to beat me. Me tripping you out was on accident, honestly.”

She stepped closer to Makenna after that, looped her fingers in the back of Makenna’s hair, and kissed her hard again. She ran her fingers lightly through Makenna’s hair, but soon it turned urgent for both of them. They tore at each other's clothes. Their hormones not letting them take in the moment.

It was a muddy spot and Makenna was trying to move up because she was slipping. She lost her footing and they both went tumbling down to the ground. Laughing without a care in the world about anyone who may have seen them.

Mia looked her in the eyes, resting her hand on the side of Makenna’s face, she said, stroking it softly, “I knew if you saw me making a move you would get scared and not know what I was really after. Or if you’d want to stop talking to me, or worse, ask your parents to leave out the state. Honestly, if we had stayed side-by-side in that race we could’ve been taking top 3, instead of 18th and 24th.” After a hard look from Makenna, she shook her head and said quickly, correcting herself, “I know, I know. It’s in the past and I can’t fix that, but there is always this coming outdoor XC season. I know. I mean, it definitely stings a bit because we all train so hard for this, but you… Mack.... are on a different level. And the craziest part is, you don’t even think you are. ”

Makenna was more shocked that Mia called her a really good runner before calling her Mack.

After a moment in silence, Makenna looked up into those azure eyes, those lovely eyes she could’ve gotten lost in. She cleared her throat and said, “Well, thank you. I’ve actually never had anyone praise me like that. I mean, Dawn and coach say I’m becoming ‘elite,’ but I don’t even know what elite is when I can’t take the top 3. I want to improve as a human being as well as in running. Again, thank you for believing that I can become something more. I think it’s a bit young to be thinking of my future ambitions, but I’m honestly thinking I want to run professionally.”

Mia stood by Makenna’s side and then dipped down for one more quick peck on the lips, Mia got herself back together and said, “For now, just take your time. You know I’m not going to be doing college running? I mean for a club I would, but not for an actual competitive college. I don’t want a scholarship.”

Makenna, shocked by that revelation, turned back to Mia and said, “No way.” after a moment Makenna looked back at Mia who was smiling again and said, “As my mom used to say, ‘What you want to do with your life is up to you, just like who you want to share your body and soul with is also up to you.’ I never really understood what she meant by that until now.”

With that, Makenna looked up, but as the sun began to set she took her eyes off the sunset and looked back at Mia. She saw that at that point in time, with the Sun setting behind Mia, it cast her with an almost angelic light. With her lovely hair flowing behind her. Her elegant neck showed itself to me. Her small breasts just barely peeking at me under her shirt.

She looked to Makenna and said, looking back over at the sunset, “After all this time and after all this waiting for someone to come into my life. The only one thing I can clearly see in front of me… all the time...” she looked at Mia with tears in her eyes, “is you.”

She then surprised Makenna by getting down on her knees and saying, “I love you, Makenna Knox. I have you in my heart, always.”

Wiping tears from her eyes, Makenna went to get on her own knees, but was ushered on her feet. Once again she was on her feet standing, Makenna got a surprise when Mia stayed below Makenna and startled her by kissing her belly button piercing. Then she kissed a bit lower at her exposed navel. She continued kissing her way down until she reached Makenna’s pubis area. She started by slowly pulling down her zipper, unbuttoning the pants, and pulling them down to Makenna’s knees. Mia was a bit shocked, but happily shocked, when she realized Makenna had gone without panties. Before she could ask, Makenna grabbed her bag that had been beside them, rummaged around in it before pulling out her own bikini thong, and tossed them at Mia. She winked at Mia, saying, “Keep those for safekeeping.”

They both looked around them to see nobody near them.

“Do you trust me? Even after all the wrong things I said and did to you?”

Makenna smiled and nodded. She, too, finally kneeled beside Mia and began undressing Mia.

She could see the pink panties that Mia had on. They looked so sexy on her and as Makenna took in Mia’s toned, tanned legs. When Mia was about to go down on Makenna, something Makenna usually would never say no to, she did stop Mia. She pulled her up to her feet and she reached around Mia to grope Mia’s tight, toned bubble butt. Makenna hooked a finger in Mia’s pink panties and pulled them down to her ankle area.

Makenna looked up at Mia, seeing the shocked look on her face, she said, “I trust you. I really do, but right now, I’m going down on you first.”

Makenna leaned forward and buried her face in Mia without hesitation.

Mia cried out and gasped, moaned and sighed for more, as she was fast approaching something she’d never felt before... It was more than just the act of what Makenna was doing to her body… this act was purely, and simply, about love. This was an act straight from Makenna’s whole self being poured into Mia’s soul. This wasn’t what happened in the bathroom last time. This wasn’t just a spur-of-the-moment explosion. Mia could feel all that love from Makenna that had been bottling up inside her just in this act alone.

Mia gasped and moaned softly before Makenna playfully shushed her to be quiet.

Makenna then closed her lips around Mia’s clit and Mia grabbed fistfuls of Makenna’s long, flowing hair and held onto it for her life. She felt her soul almost leave her body and shoot off to Venus. She kept riding the waves of ecstasy until she peaked and the waves came crashing down on her over and over.

After Mia came back down from her heavenly place. Makenna knew she would never tire of being under Mia like that. She would remember this one moment (even more so than when they would one day go on to be married) for the rest of her life. This moment proved that soulmates were real because her soulmate was here with Makenna.

Makenna then stood up, wiped her face, and said getting emotional, “I realized in the last two years it took me to finally beat you, Mia Kane and my top number one rival, no matter what I try to do to get you away, no matter how many times I beat you or you beat me and we rub it in each other's faces, I will always… always love you.”

Mia started to get a bit emotional as well and said, “I’ve loved you for so long.”

Makenna then laughed and after a while of laughing together Mia asked why Makenna was laughing and Makenna responded, “I don’t know because I feel like I’m in a cringy romance movie, or even like living in a cringier romance-y song.”

Mia began to piece it together and said, “More like We Are the Fallen.”

Makenna then asked with a straight face, “Who’s We Are the Fallen?”

Mia with a shocked expression asked, “Shut up, you seriously don’t know who my favorite band of all time is?”

 Mia reached for her phone and began looking for a song on her phone. She found the one she wanted to show Makenna.

She held the phone out for Makenna to take it and Makenna did, with a single nod from Mia, Makenna hit the green play button.

It was a song that she didn’t recognize at first, but she saw the song title. She heard the intro and then the actual song came after an agonizingly slow instrumental beginning. As the verses moved into and out of choruses and the music went on, then finally came to a close, all Makenna could think about was the experience of what she just heard. It was so immersive into this singer/songwriters eyes and feeling how they were feeling.

Makenna then put it together and said, “Wait, that’s what you were playing when I first came over your place when we were first hanging out. That’s the song that you obsessed over.”

Mia just nodded and smiled at Makenna before she said, “Welcome to the family. Soon enough you’ll be listening to everything I do. I will turn you into a rock-head.”

Makenna looked at her and then smiled mischievously and pulled up her own Iphone before scrolling through and to one of her favorites by them. She played the first minute or so of it to a shocked Mia and then said, “This is one of the songs that kept me alive after how I felt when you left me.

“I’m so glad you came back.” Makenna softly stated with an innocent smile.

Mia took the phone from Makenna and then said, “It’s funny how music just made us really identify with each other…”  A moment later and a sexy look from Mia spread across her face as she said, “Let’s get out of here for a while. Let’s just go… maybe go on a little date.”

Makenna liked the sound of a date, but said, “What about your dad? What will he think?”

Mia just gave her an angry look before saying, “I don’t really give a rats ass about what dear old dad thinks. Not right now anyway because I have plans for you after this little date, miss Mack.”

Makenna liked the sound of the nickname coming from Mia’s lips and she said, “Yeah, lets go on a little date. I mean, we’ve earned a chance to love, right? After everything we’ve gone through together?”

Mia took Makenna’s hand, she smiled before saying, “Yes, I think things will change. Hopefully in the best way possible now that I’ve got you.”

They held hands and got into Makenna’s new car and drove away; not knowing where to yet, they just agreed secretly that all they needed at that moment was each other.

To be by each other was enough for them.

Mia looked over at Makenna and Makenna caught the look before Mia said, “I love you, Makenna. I think I always have. I was just too immature and unsure of my feelings. I didn’t know where I really wanted out of our relationship.”

That made Makenna smile inwardly and outwardly because how could she not when that was such a small, yet heartwarming confession by Mia and she responded by saying she loved Mia just as much.

Makenna couldn’t believe how happy she was, even if it took some years for her to get over her own fears of commitment, and even if Mia made her wait. It was all worth it.

Makenna was sure she wouldn’t be too worried by it because she knew deep down that, as she thought of her oma’s favorite saying, ‘good things always come to those that wait’ she would always have Mia by her side. And it was all thanks to the journey, but now that the journey they took led to that night with her and Mia celebrating with Makenna’s parents. She knew she’d never tire of seeing that smile on Mia’s face when she looked to Makenna.

They both knew that a bombshell was going to be dropped soon on their schools, families, and their relationship because on top of the fact that Mia also decided it was time to come out that they were officially an item and they wouldn’t be interfering in their training,but one visit to the doctor with a painful grinding feeling in her knee, then 5 weeks later a visit to the orthopedic specialist in town, and Mia was told she would no longer be allowed to run after the next season. They could do surgery for her, but she would be missing out about 13 months of training time due to physical therapy and recovery.

Mia came back to Makenna with the news, crying as she explained that she had had a partial meniscus tear since early June and while she was walking on it she was dying from the pain, and she said she’d have to be out of running for the next 2 to 6 weeks.

Makenna and Mia knew there was an up-and-coming group of young girls for cross country. They also knew there were some returning senior girls from other states who were contenders to beat Makenna for the mile in outdoor nationals, but not if she had anything to say about it. She wanted to get her state title again and would be pushing to keep her title-streak alive while going into the outdoor season. Her main goal was not just states, but to win Nationals.

She took 17th her sophomore campaign, while Mia took 11th place in nationals and while her family was a bit bummed that Mia and a few other girls from their state beat her in the last hundred meters of the race, she was happy she got to states and placed top 5 and got to nationals, and placed top 20.

In her future for running, she knew, even if Mia wasn’t truly with her in her races. She would always have Mia running right alongside her. Stride for stride. Mia would be there in her mind, soul, and body.

As a representation of their love for each other, they stood together at the beach, hand in hand; once rivals, now lovers. Breathing in the scenes around them.

That is the way the heart of true rivals work: their hearts beat for each other. While also in-tune to each other.

For what more could rivals really become without each other?

The End.

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