The Runners Heart

Published on Jul 12, 2022


The Runner's Heart Chapter 2

Blackthorn Lord

The Runner’s Heart

Book One: Rivals

*Note: everything in this story is complete fiction and never has happened to me, or anyone I know. Any real people or places is just coincidental (all except the obvious point that it takes place in Colorado). The story itself was something I thought up randomly while laying in bed one night.

Chapter 2

* This one leaves off shortly after the last part with Makenna watching as Mia took 2nd place in the Indoor Nationals race for the mile.

Makenna walked out of the track area and looked to see Mia sitting at a bench, looking sweaty and sexy as hell. Makenna shook that last thought off and continued till she had a chance to talk to the 2nd place nationals finisher.

Mia saw her and was about to get up, but Makenna stopped her with a hand on her cheek.

With just that act alone, Mia stopped and was immediately calm and devoid of any thoughts of her own, all except the thought of, Damnit, I’m in serious trouble here. 

Makenna took her by the wrist and with a quick look around for anyone passing by, she pulled, more like dragged, Mia into a ladies bathroom and into an unused, and very unmaintained, stall.

Mia started to say, “What the fuck are y-” before Mia could ask any more question (Makenna the shorter, yet more muscular of the two) pulled Mia into a deep kiss. One that initially wasn’t met by Mia, but after a few seconds of them kissing, Mia started leaning back into the kiss with heat. Before either realized it they were groping each other and moaning into each other's embrace. Wet, soft lips met over and over again until they heard their moans and Makenna couldn’t help it anymore.

After the kiss and after the altercation was over, Makenna looked at a still sweaty and smelly Mia and dropped to her knees, when Mia opened her eyes and saw Makenna on her knees in front of her, she couldn’t bring herself to say ‘no, I’m dirty’ to her. That adorable face was just too much for her to take. Makenna loosened and untucked the very short running shorts. She pulled them down to Mia’s knees and then past her knees until they were hanging loosely around her ankles, Mia kicked them off without a second thought.

Makenna was met staring at Mia’s boyshorts. They were also Fruit of The Loom, even more boyish.

If that was a huge surprise, even more surprising was the overpowering smell of Mia. Makenna guessed it was mainly due to Mia’s race and that she hadn’t had time to wash herself yet. They could both hear the sounds of the person over the loudspeaker saying, “Miss Mia Kane to the podium please. Again, Mia Kane, please come to the podium.”

Makenna looked up, Mia opened her eyes again and looked down. They were staring hard into each other's eyes. They both knew what they wanted, no, what they needed.

Makenna didn’t even bother pulling the boyshorts down and just ripped them instead. Tearing them off completely. Mia could only whimper at the hot and sexyness of Makenna ripping her boyshorts, she was okay with it because she only used them for running and had sexy panties for special occasions.

Makenna pushed Mia against the wall because she knew they wouldn’t have much time. And because she could tell it got Mia hot when someone was forceful, or maybe when it was just she who was forceful.

They were both so caught up in their own little worlds that they forgot where they were. What they were doing before that moment. Time slowed to a stop as they just stared each other down. Green eyes meeting dark blue.

Then the announcement happened again and there was another announcement, the same voice came on, “Mia Kane, please come to the podium. Mia Kane to the podium.”

Makenna then looked down and into the place she knew she wanted to be at. This was what she had been waiting for. Being Like this, below Mia.

She cupped the steamy hot pussy and she whispered to Mia in reverence, “Such a pretty pussy. Such a pretty pussy.”

Mia continued staring down at Makenna’s hands as they travelled up and down her body. Soon enough and Makenna was making her way down to Mia’s girlhood, ever so slowly working her way down Mia’s rock-hard abs. Mia, on the other hand, was soon trying her darndest at holding back moans. Just then the bathroom door opened and it was Mia’s mother.

Her mother asked, “Mia? Are you there? We’re all waiting for you to get on the podium. We don’t have all day.”

Mia, weakly began to respond, “Yeah, I’m in the stall. Having so-me… some bowel movements...” but as she said that, it gave Makenna an idea.

 Mia was cut off mid-sentence by Makenna diving into her center, mouth-first, and she tasted her for the first time, Makenna also stopped licking Mia and made sure Mia watched as she took a few fingers and spat on them a few times, Makenna put her middle finger along Mia’s tight little backdoor and began slowly pushing it into Mia. It did sting at first, but after a minute of Makenna working it into Mia’s tight backdoor, she got the whole finger inside her. Makenna heard Mia let out a sigh. Then she went back to work with her other hand on Mia’s frontside and turned her full attention to Mia’s pretty, yet also slightly strong-smelling pussy.

Mia put her hands over her mouth as she tried to hold back a moan, but it was already too late. Her mother heard the sounds, but she chose to ignore it and began to say something when she got cut-off by her daughter swearing and moaning loudly. She stalked over to the stall and banged on it, asked what was going on, and who was in there with her. When suddenly, the soft, low moans stopped and then there was a little yelp. And a flushing sound.

Then the stall door was opened unceremoniously. Before her mother stood Makenna Knox, Mia’s number one rival.

 Makenna smiled devilishly at Mia’s mom and then left without another word.

Mia wanted to yell out to Makenna, tell her to come back and explain things, but that wouldn’t help her out of this extremely awkward situation she found herself in.

Mother and daughter just stared at each other as realization set-in on them about what happened. Mia’s mother took a few deep breaths and said, realizing the smell of the bathroom was from her girl,  “G-Get yourself cleaned up and get over to the damn podium.”

Mia was also too shocked to even know what had just happened between her and Makenna. She didn’t know what it meant, but she knew she wanted it again. She knew she wanted that to happen again.

She also knew that she was putty in Makenna’s hands if Makenna really wanted her.

“Mom?” She managed to fix herself up and while looking at her mom in the mirror, asked once her mom finally looked up at her in the mirror, “Why did you let dad do that to Makenna? On that night, you should’ve been a better person and stood up for us. I can’t forgive dad for doing all of that. But I won’t forgive you, either. Just know that.”

After getting no response, she sighed, and looking back down into the sink, heard the door open and slam shut behind her. Makenna turned back to face her mother but her mother was gone. She sighed again and thought, looking back at where her mother left, I could’ve sworn I saw tears in her cold eyes. But, I can’t forgive you. Not yet. I can’t forgive anyone yet.

Mia built up a barrier so that she could appease her father and so that she wouldn’t get hurt by Makenna, but all she did was cause Makenna to hurt herself more than Mia could ever bear to hear about. She was scared and ran away from her problems. Granted they were only 12 years old when they first kissed. How was I supposed to know that one kiss would change our whole perspective on our relationship?How would I know she would resort to hurting herself.

Truth be told, Mia, after Makenna’s father told her to leave, and none too nicely at that, later that night while sitting in the bathtub, she only had one thought and that was that she was deeply hurt by Makenna.

She was thinking about everything that had transpired over the last year, how everything had changed again, she got out of the tub and started doodling in her art notebook, then a thought came to her mind, How was I supposed to love Makenna at twelve when she didn’t even love herself. Mia thought softly, She did though. Once I came in, she did love herself. Then, when I left her again and tormented her every morning and night, she resorted to something I’d never thought she was capable of doing to herself... her dad is really scary when he’s angry, though. That’s for sure.

Mia wanted to even just not sign up for the outdoor season to avoid having to meet Makenna again. She secretly promised to do better than Makenna that season just so she could get Makenna back for that moment they shared. She didn’t like being the initiator anymore, she liked being pushed up against that damn dirty bathroom stall and imagined herself being taken by Makenna. She shook herself out of those dirty thoughts and cleaned herself up and got ready for bed. She still had Makenna’s old number and wondered if it would work, surprisingly and upsettingly to Mia, it wasn’t Makenna’s number anymore, but she also saw that Makenna had put her new number in her phone. How did she do that? Mia thought. I didn’t even see her touch my phone. That shifty little tyke. Mia thought as she began to drift off to sleep.

The following morning, she woke up slightly sore down there from what she remembered Makenna did to her and it put a smile on her face. She remembered all the way back to their first encounter when Makenna whispered that approval of her ass in the first meet of the season.

Mia knew she had gotten a nicer ass over the course of the last year thanks to the squats and weighted workouts she did in the off-season, but it also secretly excited her to hear that little bit of approval from Makenna. Even when Makenna was groping her ass while making out with her in that disgusting bathroom, she still found it hot.

Mia decided right then, I'll let whatever happen in the coming few years, between myself and Makenna, happen. She hadn’t allowed herself to be loved enough, and she felt it was about time that she felt something for once, other than her own vibrator and other than her useless boytoys that didn’t do anything for her, nor did she want them to do anything with her, not after what Makenna gave her. Makenna made her orgasm like a bitch.

Someone like Makenna, who could make her fall to her knees and drool all over herself for the affection, she would get scared and run off, but this time it was Makenna who ran off after their encounter in the bathroom. And she couldn’t find the answer as to why. Was Makenna having second thoughts? Or was she having just as tough a time figuring out her feelings as me?

Mia ruminated over those thoughts for a moment, but only long enough to shrug them off and move into her next set of 400 meter repeats. She figured the answers would come to her eventually.

End of chapter 2… Don’t forget to leave a comment, let me know what you thought about this, and yes I know it is a bit short of a chapter but it only gets better from here.

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Next: Chapter 3

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