The Runaway Groom

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Feb 22, 2006




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



Brian wasn't at the front of the church where he belonged. He was at the door. Where the hell was Scott? God, he hoped Scott hadn't overslept, sleeping in and being late to your own wedding was something a woman like Suzette would be liable to never forgive! He'd better have something major in his pocket, like a car crash, at the very least! No woman would ever forgive a runaway groom for being left at the altar!

Suzette's mother came over. "Well?" was her only word. She didn't need any more, she'd been asking Brian where Scott was every five minutes for the last hour.

Brian just shook his head.

As usual, she shook her head, too, but not in any kind of negative Brian liked. "What kind of man is my Suzette marrying? He's late, he should have called. Doesn't he have a cell phone?"

"Yes ma'am." Brian said, then, loyally, "but if the battery's dead and he's broken down in some place, he might have trouble getting to a phone to call in."

"He might." was the bare admission the mother gave to Scott. Brian bet that if Scott didn't have a good reason to be late to the wedding, he was going to get it in stereo from wife and mother-in-law.

The eyes from the congregation were boring into his back, it felt like. The sole man in the tuxedo, the best man, the guy who ought to know where Scott was. Only he didn't! Scott had been busy the last weeks, busy with the wedding and his wife-to-be, Brian hadn't seen him in over four days and Scott had been happy, excited, affectionate to Suzette...only now he wasn't here with the bride in the vestry near the entrance, champing at the bit to get out of that tiny room and walk down the aisle!

Brian had to get out of the church for a cigarette. Actually, he'd given up smoking and didn't have any on him but maybe he could fetch one out of someone's car if they hadn't locked it. He needed a drag on one now, and to hell with his lungs! He'd quit again after this was all over!

He went out to the parking lot. He and Scott had been buddies for years, Scott's Uncle James smoked like a chimney. If anyone would have some smokes in his car's glove compartment, it would be Uncle Jimmy. Uncle Jimmy had a blue Toyota Corolla, or maybe a Camry. Might be a Ford Taurus. Hell, cars all looked alike to him! But it was a small-to-mid-sized blue car that had a small Sacred Heart statue on its dashboard. He'd look for it that way.

Hey, there was someone sitting in a was Scott!

"Scott!" he called out. "Hey, man!"

Scott looked up and his face, which had been morose, turned cheerful, then dimmed down again in a hurry. "Hi, Brian." The face in that car could have graced a magazine cover without looking the least out of place, regular, clean features that showed you how to shave your beard close with their new improved razor blades, or the face that grinned at you while the girl he was with sold feminine products to the female audience. The medium brown hair was darker than Brian's own blond/brown mop, but gave his features a warm glowing reality. When Scott would look at you and speak to you, you were ready to buy his life insurance or try his vacuum cleaner or vote for him for office. Just the sort of perfect man that a girl like Suzette would set her cap for. And that Brian would be willing to run a few gauntlets for such as the miffed members of the congregation of the two combined families waiting inside the church!

"They're all waiting for you, man!" All Brian could think of was that Scott had misremembered the time. "You're late, Scott, nearly an hour now! You got to get inside, now!"

Scott just shook his head.

Oh. Brian settled down in a semi-squat and said, "Got any cigarettes? I need one, now."

Scott shook his head again.

"God, I need a smoke." Brian said again. "To hell with it. Come on, Scott. Give. What's going on?"

Scott just licked his lips.

"Cold feet?" Brian urged him. "Maybe you're not ready to settle down yet? That's understandable. You ask a girl to marry you and all of a sudden, you're on a steamroller ride down the aisle. Women get so involved in the planning, they forget about you and you're being ordered around and...."

"That's not it."

"No? You love Suzette don't you?"


"But not enough?"

"I don't know." Scott said. "I...oh, hell, it's complicated, okay?"

"So what do I tell the people inside the church, waiting on you?" Brian asked. He looked back at the church, but a cyclone fence with strips of material like they use on Venetian blinds blocked the view of all but the upper half. Okay, nobody knew Scott was out here. "If you want to take off right now, I can say you called me on my cell and your car was in an accident or something."

Scott shook his head firmly. "No. No, I love Suzette and I'm going to marry her."

"O-o-o-o-kay." Brian tried again. "So why aren't you inside there marrying her?"

"Because I haven't been truthful with her." Scott said.

"Truthful about what?" Brian wanted to know.

Scott looked at him and then looked away. "Is it enough when you marry a woman to tell her you'll be faithful to her? Or do you have to admit that your feelings for her aren't...well, aren't exclusive."

"Exclusive?" Brian said. "You're in love with someone else?"

"No, not that." Scott said. "But...well...."

Brian was racking his brain on this! He came up empty. "Scott, if I'm going to help you on this, you have to give me more to go on. You are in love with Suzette, and you want to marry her, but you also want someone or something else. I got to have more than that, sorry."

"I haven't done anything with anyone else, no." Scott said. "But...I want to. If I want to and don't ever do it, is that enough?"

"For me, yeah." Brian said. "For Suzette...probably not." He still didn't have this figured out but he knew Suzette. Secrets weren't allowed around her, certainly not any of Scott's secrets. "You have to decide if you're willing to do without whatever it is the rest of your life, and never mention it to her. Never even hint to her. Otherwise, she'll have your ass in a sling in no time."

"Yeah." Scott sighed. "That's why I'm sitting out here."

"Okay." Brian said. "So you never done whatever it is. But if you're going to give it up and never do it, you should be sure you're ready to. So I think, whatever it is, you'd better do it before you get married. I'll go in and tell them the marriage is being postponed, and you go out and find out if you can give it up or not. Then, if you do still want to marry Suzette, you can patch things up and reschedule the wedding." Only what the hell was Scott talking about?

"Brian." Scott said, smiling for the first time. "You are absolutely right. Hell, I might not even like it. And even if I do like it, maybe it isn't such a big deal. You know, like giving up ice cream because you can't eat anything with milk in it."

"Yeah." Brian agreed. "And if you can't live without it, you can figure out how to maybe have it and still marry Suzette."

"Sure." Scott said.

"So I'll go tell everyone the wedding is off." Brian stood back up again.

"Maybe we don't have to do that." Scott said, stopping him with a hand on his arm.

"What do you mean?'

"I mean, maybe we can take care of it right here." Scott said. "If you'll let me."

"Let you what?" Brian asked.

"Let me find out if I like it or not." Scott said and his hand let go of Brian's arm and landed...elsewhere.

Brian goggled at Scott's hand on his crotch. Just the fingers all in a row lying there across his groin, the cock underneath was sort of off-center on the palm underneath. Then the hand moved over and centered itself and the fingers sort of...clenched. "Gug!" Brian said, the most intelligent sound he could manage under the circumstances.

"This is what I want to do." Scott said. "Now do you see why I can't marry Suzette until I decide if I can live without it or not?"

That hand was like a living thing, pulsing on his pud. "Gmph!" Brian said again.

"Can I find out with you, Brian?" Scott said, that face piercing Brian's heart with its earnest need. "Can I just do it, right here and now? Maybe if I do, we can still do this wedding. Would you do that for me, buddy? Just this once?"

Brian still didn't have his voice under control, but his cock was voting for him, it was swelling up under those fingers. He gurgled a little while as he tried to say something. Part of his problem was he didn't know exactly what to say.

"That's what I thought you'd say." Scott said as he got the flap of Brian's fly apart and brought down the non-metallic zipper with a whisper of sound. This brought out a flash of white, Brian's briefs, extending into the gap of the fly by Brian's hardening cock. Scott's fingers fondled this bulge and Brian managed the first words he'd had since Scott had first touched him. "God, man, God!"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it, I'll take care of it." Scott soothed him with his soft tones. His lips pursed like a kiss as he worked the briefs open with his fingers, he was trying to bring Brian's cock out through the central slit, an awkward thing because he couldn't seem to find which what this particular slit worked. Brian finally reached down and did it for Scott, and as his dick flopped out and formed an arc with the head drooping over, Scott's kissing lips opened in an oval and moved forward. Brian felt the bottom of his glans touch Scott's lower lip and catch there, kind of wrinkle the velvety skin as Scott pushed forward and then his glans landed on the soft pad of the tongue, and Scott's tongue's sides curved around it, bringing a moist wrapping, and Brian shuddered. "Ah, God, Scott, God, yeah!" he moaned.

Scott dove deep over Brian's pud and milked down the shaft, pulling the foreskin over the head and letting it go at the end. "You like this?"

"Yeah, oh, yeah!" Brian panted.

"So do I." Scott said and sank his mouth over Brian's prick again. His head moved up and down upon Brian's cock, blissful sighs slipping around the edges as he moved, the tenderest of lovers. Brian could only groan as his friend satisfied his urges upon Brian's cock, he'd had his cock sucked just three times before. The first was a botched fumbling of two youths in sexual play, with teeth scraping and dry mouths. The second was nearly as bad, his partner drunk and bleary and falling into semi-unconscious slumber just as Brian had begun to enjoy. His third partner had been competent and the sex had been adequate...but somehow hollow, the result of an anonymous bar meeting and pickup. This time, though...this time was special! It was his friend sucking his prick, it was Scott, his buddy, his partner, his pal, down on his knees in the greasy parking lot, their bodies shadowed by the fence and the cars on either side, in this semi-public, almost seedy setting, it was as though they were surrounded by flowers and candlelight and soft music, he wanted this moment to last forever, to feel those lips on his dong. No, he wanted more, he wanted Scott in his arms, to kiss and taste that soft flesh, to run his hands upon every part of that beautiful body, to smell the raw, almost rank odors that emanate from Scott's pores as though it was the finest of perfumes, to listen to those sighs from those marvelously loving lips, and to gaze upon Scott's bare, beautiful, beloved body, until his every sense was sated and satisfied, and that he could finally feel he had it all!

His pleasure was building in him, and he could only grunt his increasing desire to Scott, hoping that he was feeding his friend all the information and appreciation he needed, to let Scott know that this was good, this was wonderful for him, he enjoyed being the man who Scott trusted enough to suck, knowing that it would not rise up to hurt him. And he thought of Suzette coming down that aisle and taking Scott's arm, and felt his gorge rising in him at the thought. He wouldn't let Scott do this, he would drag Scott bodily down the aisle, no, better, he would knock Suzette aside and take her place, announce his new partnership to the world. Hell, there was nothing to hide here, he could live with any kind of disapproval or disdain to have this man he desired in his bed and in his arms!

And that thought sent his body into overdrive, he felt his climax rising faster than he'd experienced before in a long time, it was upon him and over him, and he fought it back as well as he could as he grunted urgent warnings to his erstwhile lover. He couldn't let Scott be caught unawares. But Scott wasn't turning loose, did he not hear his best friend's cautionary groans?

He couldn't resist any longer, this withheld orgasm was wracking his body beyond all human endurance, if he didn't stop, he'd short out his brain! And so he released it, groaning in a combination of ecstasy and dismay, he had failed to warn his friend, he was going to drench Scott in hot, salty jizz and utterly disgust and appal him. Scott would run to Suzette and never even see Brian again!

But in the midst of his own groans, he heard other sounds, they were like a hungry dog eating his meal, or a greedy child gulping down his ice cream, this was Scott and he was sucking and loving the hot jizz that poured into his mouth and down his gullet, he was drinking it all and wanting more, loving Brian's spunk even as Brian pumped more into him.

Done, Brian was feeling weak and drained, he nearly fell over, only Scott's hands caught him and held him upright, him sagging and panting. Done, he rose up, and feeling abashed, tucked his dick back into his pants. "God, that was great!" he said. "You were really good, Scott, really good!" He wished for words of poetry or florid prose, to heap upon Scott, but this was all his passion-drenched mind could bring up. It would have to do.

"Did you really like it?" Scott asked him.

"Hell, yeah." Brian assured him. "I can see why you can't make up your mind here."

" what can I do?" Scott asked yet again.

This time, Brian's answer was quick and assured. "I'll go in and tell them I got hold of you and you can't make it to the church and the wedding will have to be postponed. Then you and I will get out of here and spend a few days somewhere while we figure out how to let Suzette down easy."

He looked at Scott, and for a moment, felt panic that Scott was going to go through with the wedding after all.

Then that grin returned. "That's what I was thinking." he agreed. "You get rid of them and I'll get us a room at the Lancer in Picksburg." He mentioned a rather visible hotel in a nearby town. "Meet you there in about an hour, okay?"

"Sure." Brian said. "And when I do, I'll teach you all the other things we can do. It won't be a honeymoon, but you'll need a dictionary to figure out the difference."

Scott laughed. "I'll take that as a challenge." he said.

"Not a challenge." Brian said. "A promise."

Scott got back into his car and started the engine. Brian walked slowly back toward the open doors, where Suzette's mother stood. And as he lied to her stern, offended face, behind him, hidden by tinted windows, the groom they'd been waiting on so long ran away.


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Send E-mail to Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM.



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