The Royals

By naman ghimire

Published on Sep 4, 2016



The Royals

This story is based on the idea of real events but with a whole new fiction characters and events.

If this story coincides with any events similar, it intends no harm to any such events and totally based on somewhat percent fiction.

Enjoy! Let me know about it at and don't forget to donate for nifty to make this available for all of us.

A perfect morning for the people around the whole country, the climate around that morning was calm with the mist of monsoon coming soon and it also was the perfect morning for Darpan who was among the few royal guard allowed everywhere in the palace who was guarding the son of the king {sri sri 5 maharaj} of Nepal, he adored the prince who a handsome young boy at the age of 19 was well build and was wise as his father was and as was as calm as his mother. It was the June of 2001 and the country was full of peace and Darpan was not even worried about the safety of the royals because no one would had any intention to do anything to the royals not of fear but of love and respect for the wise king and his family.

Today the August of 2016, I am still doing the same job for my prince to help him uncover the mysterious of that night, every day our minds seeking answers about that night and always failed to fully uncover the mysterious night and protection my prince from the dangers coming at uncovering every mysteries who always thought of all the things before that night and cried in my arms and we would sleep cuddling and between all this year i didn't noticed we had established a different relationship between us and I will help him until my last days and will love him the same as he does. I still remember that cursed night, remember every part of it every details even the color of objects around.

It all started when at the palace a royal party was announced by the king and i got the prince ready for his classes at the left wing of the palace where there was a study room where he went and read for some while and went to have dinner with his majesty and the queen and relatives and the king struck me with a question "lad are you new here?" I replied saying trying to not to meet eyes with him "yes! your majesty I joined 4 days ago and was studying the palace and the members for knowledge of everything around here at the royal's and joined today at duty" and he replied saying "don't worry, you looking me in my eyes won't harm me nor you and said it was very good thing do by learning about the field you are going to work, I am impressed? i replied (looking towards him smiling) saying "Thank you my majesty"

He had such a shine in his face when i saw him there smiling at me it seemed like everything around had darkened out just because of the glow from the face of the king of the Himalayas. He truly was a wise man with loyalty for love, wisdom, equality and faithfulness as every king must hold; no doubt he was loved and respected by the whole country even by the whole world as the great king of this beautiful nation Nepal.

I was struck by a word of the king calling me "lad, I know my son is in good hands, take care of him " i would have cut my head right then with my own khukuri if the king would have asked i would but he would never have done that and i said " my king it is my honor and my duty upon my life " he smiled again, He must have been really happy hearing me and I went off with the prince biding good day to everyone at the table, and the prince asked me "where I am from and everything about me" ! I was a young lad of 20 from England it is where my family lived and was a graduate at the science academy of U.K and got special training at the MIA facility for the royal guards squad and instead of applying at the royal's of England, I applied for the royal palace of Nepal and soon got positive reply, my dad was really proud of me when I said him about where i applied, he was so happy and proud of me then I could see it all in his face, he said he was so proud that he choose for his true king to serve.

Later at the afternoon prince Niranjan got ready wearing a "Daura suruwal" and "Dhakatopi" in his head, he looked so much worthy of the crown right then and there for my eyes. we walked past the stairs and the king/queen's room towards the main hall where there were the whole bunch of the royal family except for king's young brother who had been to Pokhara the day earlier, I left the prince for a while where he was chatting with his cousins I went to the security room to check to see if everything was all right and it was ready i too changed my clothes, put my belt on attached my khukuri with it and the handgun attached too and went back to the room and greeted the king and the queen and everyone around where I saw the eldest prince who i had seen then for the first time in the palace and greeted him but he looked at me and said "who are you? " I answered " I am the new assigned kingsman in service" and he nodded and snatched a glass of drink from the tray a maid was holding for him and I asked his leave by thinking how drunk and high he was, and met the prince again and followed him again to the king and he said the king something and he nodded looking at his eldest prince talking absurdly with the guests, he called him to where he stood and the eldest prince came near him and the king could see his state of mind and body looking at him and said the prince cousin's to drop Dipendra the eldest prince to his room and he went off and the king said prince Niranjan he hadn't seen Dipendra ever doing such thing in his life and thought what would had happened and called the queen to him to talk about it and I was there standing aside them looking around and hearing to the conversation of the royal family talking about the eldest prince " the queen said "he must have be troubled because of the tension between his marriage and love !"And they nodded. Just then I was looking up to the stairs I saw a shadow crawl toward the top floor's corridor and called the security there to check and respond but I didn't got any reply and called the ground control and didn't got any reply. Soon enough I saw the eldest prince coming towards the hall through the great golden passage door with a gun, I reacted as fast as I could and pushed the king, queen and the prince to the ground beside the huge sofa and the king looked at me and was just going to say something with a curious and troubled face when there was a shot, a gun shot at the heart of the royal palace of the kingdom where all the royal family were present, I took my gun out and said the king about the situation and the king replied shoot him where he would just be stopped not much harm, I said them to lay low and saw the faces of the royal family troubled, surprised, and the prince cold with fear. I crawled up the sofa to get a view just to see a shot killing prince Dhirendra brother of his majesty but I noticed that the gun shot was not of H&K MP5 or Franchi SPAS-12 or M16 which the prince was carrying then it was a sniper I could recognize the sound and even see the prince could barely carry the gun in his state of drunk and high, it was someone else in the building hiding and taking his time to proceed and Dipendra again went of the hall leaving everyone terrified and one killed just then I saw there in the top corridor many M16 guns pointing toward us right at the sofa which blocked the royal family. I got down and said everyone to move toward the side of the room the young prince was horrified I said him it was all right and to move and he, queen went there then i said the king to move but just then it started to rain bullets and bullets from above us and I felt a cold sting at my right arm and I heard the king shout in pain and anger, just then the firing stopped, the crowd cried with pain and fear and his majesty looked at me and said me to go and take the prince and the queen to a safe point and gave me a locket and said go! go! save them I can't be saved I am shot twice in the stomach and chest go please take care of them and help them at all cost through all time and remember the password is "katto" , I could see he was serious his eyes burning red and face showing the exact situation and I agreed and got up taking blessing from my king and just saw a figure in black with a Colt M16A2 gun in his hand I took my gun out from my belt and aimed at the target and shot him right in his head and just then a dozen or half came towards me and I ran toward the young prince and queen and said them to come with me, queen denied and said that I will stay with the king you must take Niranjan safely and run! Follow the instructions from the locked which has a drive in it and ordered me in the name of her life and I agreed and carried the prince but he protested and cried to stay and fight but the queen denied and kissed him goodbye, i could see the tears in her eyes not of fear of dying but the anger and courage to stay there and just then there was a lot of firing and shot of guns and pistols around the hall followed by screams and cries as i took the prince hiding and crawling towards the hidden control room just a bit far from us here was a guy in the same dress standing there I shot him with my pistol twice just in seconds I saw him and went inside the control room and saw that there were no security personal there and checked the security cameras but there was nothing, no tapes and i thought it must have been a very long planned job including people inside of the palace accompanied them. I saw the prince who was scared, tired and half faint and just then I thought what to do now?, what is happening?, I remembered the promise to the king and the queen and the locket the king gave me and examined it, there was a pen drive attached to it and I connected it to the computer and opened one and only file which was a document with a title {who it may concern} "If you are reading this it must mean that something bad, really bad had happened and you who has it are the only chance of me the king of Nepal who may not be there anymore to help my wife and my son's if any of them are there present with you to uncover this mystery in the palace, i have been suspecting that someone at the palace is planning something really mischief with the aid of some of nations who are planning to destroy our country Nepal economically, politically, emotionally or physically. so, this king begs you to help my sons at any cost to reach to its depth and uncover it to the whole world. First you must flee to Switzerland and meet the prime minister he will help you with every power he posses, Go to mustang first and meet my pilot there who will take you to Switzerland safely and be careful in every step you take, if you are in Kathmandu you must visit the kumari house first and talk to the priest there who is secretly working for me in many manners, Best of luck."

This was it I was now cold as a dead body, i gathered courage, woke the prince up and said he to build up courage because it hasn't ended yet. So, we must get out of here and go to Basantapur Durbar to goddess kumari's house but I had no idea how to get out of there with all those people out there with weapons and all i had 4 rounds of ammunitions left. Prince Niranjan said that this room has the secret route to come in and out of the palace used for only emergency which is only known by king, queen, his brother , him and some handful of people and just then there where heavy thrusts and shouting out towards the door so prince got towards the console and pressed a button or something which was hidden beneath the console and a small circular door opened and i said he to go on and i followed it was some kind of tunnel which lead toward the back gate of the palace after fifteen minutes or so we reached to the end and got out, the end was hidden pretty well behind a huge wall of grassland then we headed towards the kumari's house frowned and confused, i looked at the prince face he was still sobbing with tears rolling down his eyes and when we reached a old gate behind the palace we hid because a man in mask as of inside of the palace was standing guard with a gun in his hand facing opposite of us, he must have stayed a guard to secure the location so, i said the prince to stay close and drew my khukuri out, crawling towards him and cut his throat in silence so no one will be alerted and went towards our destination hiding and fast I held prince Niranjan close to me under my arm to make him comfortable and at last we reached the kumari's house and knocked on the door, by then the sun was starting to rise from the Himalayas. A old man who seemed to be the priest answered the door and saw me covered in dust and blood and got surprised to see prince Niranjan rugged in his daura suruwal covered in dirt and sad quickly he bowed down and greeted the prince just then a helicopter flew from above us towards the palace and vanished from our sight, we got in and sat down the prince broken from all he has saw and been through. I explained everything to the priest and asked for his help, he was shocked and I saw the tears rolling down his eyes and said us to come with him, we followed him towards a huge "Thanka" painting in the wall he pulled the ?Thanka? out of the wall and to my surprise there was a huge door behind it made metal with a keypad in it, the priest said that it needed a password which only the king knew and asked him if I or the prince knows about it just then I remembered the king said "katto" was the password and typed the password in the pad KATTO the door flung opened and the priest explained me that ?katto? was a ceremony that held to exorcise or banish the spirit of the dead King from Nepal. A Brahmin would dress as the king to symbolize the late King, rode an elephant out of Kathmandu and into symbolic exile, taking many of the actual belongings of the King with him, so it was the word king used which was his fate after death.

We went inside the room to see a huge screen, some scripts, papers and a series of files which looked like a investigation file and some Victorian era furniture lying there and the priest said us that the king suspected there must be a plot being planned for things like that happened today and had planned everything to do ensure the safety of his country after he is dead, he has some important files here of investigation which would lead to the traitors and the sinisters that had put their eye on Nepal from a very long time. so, you must go to Switzerland, the prime minister is a very close friend of his majesty and has promised to help if someone will come if anything ever happened, you must head out to mustang tonight and fly out from the secret base of his majesty which no one knows of the pilot will be waiting for you if informed in the restricted zone, so rest for now he said and walked out of the door saying words of accommodation to calm the young prince down. There was a washroom at the side and a bed so i said the prince to freshen up and rest because he needed strength to save his father?s dream and as a good king think of his country. so he went and freshened up and came back with loosened up laces of his daura, and he laid down on the bed without saying anything I washed myself up and saw the prince the prince of Nepal lying down in that bed, with a lot in his head, I went towards him and kissed his forehead and said him goodnight and I was shocked to hear the prince replying goodnight. I silently went to the sofa and lied down and heard a noise waking me up, it was the priest - he told me to come see the TV and I saw the time it had been 5 hours we fell asleep, I woke the young prince up and opened the TV in the room and the news flickered the news "ROYAL MASSACRE" and it went on as the palace was attacked with guns and killed his majesty, queen, young prince and other members, The prince started crying and fell down to his feet and started saying "I couldn't save them" mom and dad and everyone are dead. I clutched him and pulled him up and said him it's ok, you have a lot to do as yours fathers wish, you need to be strong-somehow he stopped crying but some sobbing followed, but why did the news said that both the prince is dead, he isn't . Then more news swept in as the time passed, news from all around the world focused on what happened? How? Why? whom?, No one knew but then came more news saying that the eldest prince Dipendra killed everyone there except some and he was in a coma lying in a hospital hearing that the prince got up and said we must go see my brother, but we must head on king's plan I replied and he nodded and the news showing results showed:

Killed: -

King Birendra

Queen Aishwarya

Prince Nirajan, youngest son of king and queen.

Princess Shruti, Kumar Gorakh's wife and only daughter to Birendra and Aishwarya.

(Prince) Dhirendra, King Birendra's brother who had renounced his title.

Princess Shanti, King Birendra's sister.

Princess Sharada, King Birendra's sister.

Kumar Khadga, Princess Sharada's husband.

Princess Jayanti, King Birendra's first cousin and sister of Mrs. Ketaki Chester.


Princess Shova, King Birendra's sister who tried to stop attacker from killing King Birendra.

Kumar Gorakh, Princess Shruti's husband and the only male survivor of the Massacre.

Princess Komal, Prince Gyanendra's wife and future and the last queen of Nepal.

Mrs. Ketaki Chester, King Birendra's first cousin who had renounced her title (and middle sister of Princess Jayanti)

and that Wounded Dipendra was made the king in his hospital bed.

This was a huge catastrophe that had fallen to this kingdom of Himalayas which used to be the peaceful nation of the world, there were made many thoughts about who killed the royal family some said it was the brother of the king who did it for the throne, some said the secret agency of some neighboring country did it for some reason and we were here in the king's secret room listing to all this non-sense, Niranjan said that there must be someone who is fooling the whole world by giving wrong evidence and he must be the one who helped to kill my family, i will find him in any cost and bring him to the hole world and kill him. I saw the prince for the first time in such rage and anger, I kept my hand in his soldier and promised him that I will help him to do that in every cost and keep the promise I made to his father and his mother. The priest bought us some new clothes to wear and a bag, we dressed up and I saw the prince changing his muscles flexing and that smooth body, what it had been through in just a day. The priest showed us a secret rack where there were some weapons and some useful equipment like a walkie talkie, camera, binoculars, a stash of money and there were four chains of some sign on it he took two out and hold it as he said some mantra's and said us to head out I carried the backpack and closed the door behind us and there she was in front of us the living Goddess Kumari, we bowed down and took her blessing she said she was unhappy to hear about the news and said the prince to be strengthen by help of his weakness and said me that I am the man to help the prince to bring the truth of yesterday in front of the whole world and save this peaceful nation and bring the purity back in our land and blessed us and bid us good luck.

We headed towards a vehicle booking centre and booked a vehicle to mustang which will arrive to take us in a while and asked us why we were leaving at this mournful time, he said the king died at the hospital in Chitwan which we didn't knew, we must have missed that news and he was being giving final ceremony at Devghat and the prince looked at my face and I knew what was going on his mind, i kept my hand in his and gave it a hold for a while and he knew what it meant- Finally the 4 wheeler arrived and we got in and went to the first part of our journey to the forbidden kingdom of Nepal-MUSTANG, we reached Pokhara the same day and decided to rest and thought we might have to be hidden and be careful that's why booked a room at a small lodge so that I won't attract any attention towards us, the prince used a scarf as a man with cold would use so no one would recognize him, we ordered dinner to our room, after a while the order arrived and we filled our tummy and went to our bed, I was astonished by the fact that the prince who used to live in a palace eating a best of foods and sleeping in the most comfortable was not even a bit set by this kind of life he is living now, we shared the same bed because there was only one available, after some while I drifted sleep and woke up in the morning to find the prince cuddled up with me I tried not to disturb him and laid down just like that thinking about everything that had happened in this days and just then my prince woke up finding me awake too, he quickly took his hands off me and asked for his forgiveness, I replied by laughing a bit and saying i am not troubled with that my dear prince and he smiled a bit and hugged me saying thank you for helping him and his family but it is my duty and sole purpose I said, we freshened up and had our breakfast ordered and went to our drive and started out journey towards mustang, we called the pilot at mustang and said him everything on the phone but carefully so the driver won't hear us talking, much of the time we didn't talked we just thought about the same thing, we looked at each other from time to time and we would know what we both had been thinking, "THE FUTURE" we traveled the whole day and whole night stopping for time to time for a quick rest and all and we both woke up the next morning in the vehicle in the middle of a barren land somewhat like a huge desert with a lot's of huge limestone landscape, we were dropped at the front of a huge gate reading restricted area, there was a thin man seem to be around 40 who greeted us and bowed to the prince and we headed to a barren land as it seemed to be for us but just after we crossed the terrain there was a hanger, a small building and a short runway, the pilot took us towards the hanger and showed us the private jet of his majesty and took us to the building where we were given some lunch by another man who was introduced as the co-pilot and we sat for a while the pilots make arrangements and we were said it was the time to leave and board the plane, we did as we were asked to and got inside the jet -saw that the interior was he fascinating, the seat covers and the painting inside it was the reflection of Nepali art and culture- The jet drove through the taxi way gained speed and flew off the sky towards the next phase of our adventure to Switzerland.

Our flight flew over the lands when the pilot left me and prince to ourselves, the pilot gave me a drink so that I can calm myself, the prince asked he could have some but I insisted he shouldn't but he said his father had let him drink from time to time, so you shouldn't worry, so I poured him a glass of red wine and he sat next to me both drinking and trying to relax a bit and I looked towards prince to see that he too was looking at me and he came closer to me and kept his lips upon mine my lips automatically parted and my tongue invited his to explore each others for a while we both kissed for a long time just then we both realized what we were doing! We parted and he was going to say "I am..." I stopped him and gave him a short kiss in his lips which made him smile and me happy, we both sat there drinking and holding each other hands until we dozed off to sleep. Woke up with the radio buzzing the pilot announced that were just crossing the Atlantic Ocean and are just a while far from landing in Switzerland, we finally landed at that beautiful nation and the doors opened and stairs attached we got out were the prime minister of Switzerland himself was there with only few trusted people to greet us and welcomed us to their country and ask condolence for the prince lost and said he was afraid that this day will be coming but was sad to hear it this soon. We got in the car with the prime minister and we explained him how we got out and the things that was hidden to the world as the body of the killers I shot and the fake death of prince Niranjan and the wounded survivors hiding the true story of that night Thus, we have to find out first why they are lying and the one who helped the killers from inside the palace said the Prime Minister but I had a different plan I explained that all the security personals except him were not in the palace even after all that firing inside no personal came to stop or intercept. We have to find the security chief and ask him about why that happened. We were dropped to a farm house that was the property given to his majesty by the Swiss government because Switzerland was the king?s favorite place. The property was huge and was a very beautiful villa with some servants who greeted us and expressed their sadness with tearful eyes and took us in and showed us our individual room but the prince insisted to staying with me together in the same room. We washed ourselves and wore new pair of clothes arranged for us, we both went out for walk talking about our interests and hobbies, I simply loved reading, shooting, travelling but the prince had some special hobbies as coin collecting, collecting different cultural aspects and many more, I gave him a smile hearing about his interest and said that he had a very good set of hobbies, we were in front of a forest with a bench set there where we sat there close to each other my arms around him and his around my waist, to my surprise he looked at me and said ? I really like being close to you, really close I actually love you leaving a blush to his cheeks and I thought the last guy to love me would be my king?s young prince whom I was serving, That made me blush a bit and replied ?I love you too Niranjan and I too always want to be close to you forever? he smiled and kissed me pulling my face towards him, we kissed there for a very long time without any restrictions or tension in our mind. It was getting dark so we parted our lips and headed back to our shelter where dinner was waiting for us, it really was a royal treat made for us, we got our belly full and bid everyone goodnight and headed to our room, we both knew now that everything between us had changed, I always preferred sleeping in my boxers so asked Niranjan if it was ok with him, he blissfully said that he preferred sleeping naked but it had been a long time since that happened. We both did what we preferred and he insisted me to sleep as he was, I did the same as he asked me to and we both found ourselves cuddling and kissing in the bed and my hand found it?s hand to his smooth round ass he kept his hand in my dick stroking it lightly and fondling my balls which made me shiver with the ecstasy his warm soft hand playing with my dick as I was parting his ass cheeks and teasing his asshole with my finger poking his cheery hole which was making him jump in excitement and making little moans and he suddenly went down but I stopped him and asked him if he really wanted to do so, he looked towards me giving a sinful smile so he went down there facing my cock, his smooth and delightful body making me harder he parted the foreskin and kissed the top of my cock and popped it inside his lips more and more enjoying what he was doing and me enjoying what I was getting, he started sucking my cock in a rhythm up and down making blob sound pulling me towards the edge of sheer pleasure I was jumping as his head was making me moan playing his tongue as he kept sucking with made me give a loud and long moan and I warned him that I was going to come and warned him I shot all my load of pleasure down his throat making me moan as every drop got out he licked my dick as if it was a popsicle, got up and up towards my face and kissed me in my lips and lying down stomach up showing his young dick throbbing with young blood inside it, lifted my hands towards his dick and stroked it for a while and got down and invited his cock inside my mouth by licking the top and getting all of it inside my face stroking it with my lips and my tongue doing the same which made him jump and cry with moans so loud that I feared someone might have heard it, In just some while he cried load and shot all his cum inside me and I pulled every drop of his cum licking and stroking it, both of us tired we had a very nice night sleeping in each other?s arm.

The next morning was a lot of work to do as we collected information and every person present there that night and searched for the security chief, with help of the minister we found out who he was and where he was, for our luckiness he just arrived to Switzerland with his family for a family vacation, I got my pistol ready and me, the prince and a ministers man rode towards the hotel he was staying in and got there and told the man to cover me and went searching for him he was right there in the restaurant drinking beer, both me and the prince got red by seeing how that man was enjoying drinking that beer helping in the assassination of the royal?s of his own nation and I headed towards him crawling from the side so he won?t get startled and clutched his coat and dragged him out of the place as he saw me and the prince he knew he was in a huge trouble and he tried to get up and run but I shot him in the right leg the minister?s men solved the problem with the public and the hotel administration and he fell down crawling to get up and was crying because of the pain, we pulled him and threw him to the back of the van and took him to our place after we reached, I asked him the question ?where were you that night??

He said he was on holidays but I knew the chief wasn?t allowed to leave the palace until another chief arrived and kicked him in the wound in his leg and said him to tell the truth or I will kill him here and now I will as you for the last time the same question and pointed the gun at his head and he said that he was given a huge lot of money to tell others guards to dismiss as it was the king?s order and everybody left! Who gave you the money and orders tell me I said? And fired a blank shot a bit side to where he was lying just the prince came and punched him in his face and shouted ?talk, you piece of shit or we will kill you? and the man answered it!! He was the one and only home minister whom the king banished for some reason some months ago and he was supported by a secret agency of a neighboring country he said and started crying. We didn?t wanted him to go and say all the things happened to the enemies, we had made a video of him giving the answers to my question which will help us for evidence and I asked the prince to what to do with him, as I thought he said me to kill him and I did the same threw him from the top of the cliff and now we had evidence and we had to be public but as the minister suggested that we should finish the obstacles first, clear all the enemy first if not that can result harm to the prince. So we planned for next few days collecting information about that ex-home minister and planned in how to catch him and execute him, Prince Niranjan came up with a great idea which included the ministers help in the mission, the plan was that the minister will call the prey saying that his Swiss account needed a update and it will get double if he did the update, for his greediness he did as we planned, he left Nepal and came to Switzerland as soon as possible, our men picked him at the airport as fake bank workers and brought him straight to our place, he was such a fool that thought his money was going to double until he was hit with a bat by the prince, we could see the fear in his face seeing the prince and us with guns around him! Of course he cried for help and asked us to leave him show him some mercy and the prince with a fist full of anger punched him right in his nose making it bleed, the man confessed that he was the one who made arrangement for the secret agency killers enter the palace and drugged prince Dipendra which made him got out of his mind, and threatened to kill everyone else and their whole family if they didn?t gave the statement as we wanted, who didn?t agreed got killed and we also erased every evidence that would change the case. The prince got even angrier and started kicking him and blowing him with punches and I knew what to do with him, to shoot him and throw him off the cliff as I did after we recorded everything.

It has been a lot of time we had been investigating about the secret agency to find out the reason of everything, what they planned on doing, what were their intentions? We had a lot to do!

Months and years passed but we always failed to infiltrate the secret service that totally broke the whole royal family tumbling down, with no traces for the public but we knew what happened, who did it but still were unable to uncover the reason, but in some years we had know a lot about the secret service and one day in the month of January 2013, there was a man we had been tracing for years now was planning a meet with a Russian Mob service which was a assassin group, this was our chance to catch the man who must have been the head of the secret service group. So, we planned with the prime minister of Switzerland to capture and kidnap the man, i could see the prince was a grown man now with a different grace in his eyes, prince Niranjan loved me from his heart i always saw the looks he had for me, we were now living as a couple, hugging and kissing while infront of others, the minister adored.

The next day we would be heading to Copenhagen, Denmark for our mission to kidnap the man, we had our dinner and headed to our room as always holding hands and talking, we laid in our beds facing each others, no piece of clothes in between us touching and feeling each other with a care free hand, i pulled him close to me and kissed him passionately my lips touching his, our body bonded as one, my skin against his skin, our blood filled with the joy of being together, my hard cock pushing against his throbbing cock, I went down to his chest nibbling his pubes in the chest kissing and licking his body which made the prince moan with giving me the hint of pleasure he was getting, i went further down to kiss his hard cock and started sucking on it he pulled me up and he stared sucking my dick making me moan in sheer pleasure i pulled him up and got above him kissing him, my dick against the crack in his ass knocking at his cherry door, where it invited me to come in, i then raised his left leg and pushing my cock leaking with precum into his asshole.

The head found its way inside and his asshole started to open up for more of my cock, i pushed it more inside making the prince and me moan,

He wanted more of it so i kept thrusting my cock into that cheery hole the top was now massaging the prince prostate and i started thrusting in and out fucking him slow and carefully, now he was shouting as i was thrusting with more speed, literally jumping with my cock all in side of my prince asshole, it was heaven our bodies bonded together as one, we were kissing and moaning while i was fucking his asshole for some time after a lot of friction produced by my thrust i came inside the hole squirting load of cum shooting with a huge pressure, it was beautiful .

We feel asleep after that love making, we woke up and got ourselves ready, we were dropped a the airport by the minister, we both had our guns ready and after some hours in the air we landed at Copenhagen airport were 2 guys greeted us and took us to the point where the meeting was being held, we over watched everything from the roof of a opposite building a sniper was ready to a bug through which we could listen everything they were talking about, the sniper was ready to shoot when that secret agent came, he got out of his car and we bugged him successfully, we listened everything from the headset, they were talking about a new mission to kill the Bhutanese king and control over that helpless small nation. We got our gun loaded and planned of killing 3 mobs present there and take the agent, we went down and carefully across the street ready to attacked, flung open the door and baffled then with shot of bullet across their head and chest except for the agent, we clutched him and took him directly to the airport and flew to our destination.

He woke up to find in a dark room, tied up with a chair he sat on, and found us around him, we intercepted him with questions. Why did you planned to kill the royal family of Nepal? What is the reason? He was a hard thing to get answer from, but we had our way of asking which made him answer our entire questions. According to him our neighboring country was planning on gaining control of the entire nation around it to over throw its rival countries. That was the reason, we finally solved the mysteries and found out what our beloved king wanted to know, we as always recorded his answers and shot him a bulled through his heart.

Now, it was time to go home and answers all the question of that mysterious night at the palace. With the help of the minister and some international media, we unleashed the news and all the tapes and uncovered all the mysteries and plan of the neighboring country. We were welcomed to our country and the land of my prince by a crowd of thousands of people cheering and happy by seeing their prince, i was happy to fulfill the promise to my beloved king and queen and to save my nation from ongoing trouble.

We laid down together, my prince facing me both holding hands, the prince told me then ?i and glad we met and i am glad you always saved me from my nightmares, I cannot dream of being here holding your hand, Loving you and saving my nation and my father?s dream without you.?

The end.

This story had no intention of hurting anyone?s pride or belief, it all work of fiction with hints of a true event, Thank You for reading! Contact me for more information about this story or encourage me to write more!

In memory of my Beloved late king and his family! Rest in peace! I wish the mysteries of that night unfolds soon.

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