The Royal Prisoner

Published on Jun 11, 2020


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The Royal Prisoner Chapter 9

The luxurious car was driving with its motorbike escort towards the place in which the large banquet was to take place. Victor and Hadrien were in the back seat. The prince tried to do some small talk but Hadrien had too much on his mind to reciprocate. He knew the general was having a hard time overseeing this conference and tried to be as pleasant as possible.

Victor was feeling a bit hot in his uniform. He hoped that with the sunset the temperature would soon drop. If Hadrien kept the same mood during diner this evening would be boring. Banquets could last several hours, at least the food was usually good he thought. Victor was squeezing his butt-hole tight to avoid letting Sasha's cum leaking. If Hadrien noticed that the prince had been fucked he would without a doubt turn into a rage the prince was not prepared to face.

The car turned left and penetrated a courtyard before parking in front of a large porch. A guard opened Victor's car door and bowed when he got out. The general got out on his side and joined the prince. They walked together towards the entrance and once inside they were guided to a large ballroom and their arrival was loudly announced by an usher.

Victor glanced at the ballroom. Everyone was dressed up, ladies wore long colourful dresses with satin gloves, they tidied up their hair and most of them were pared with elegant jewels made of pearls or precious stones. Gentlemen wore either military uniforms, as well as the few female officers, or suits. Captain Valois rushed towards them.

"Your imperial highness! General!" he greeted them "General, admiral El Idrissi would like to have a word with you, he is waiting for you in a private lounge. If you want to follow me" he added.

"Thank you, captain, I will manage. Keep his highness company while I am gone. I trust you to let him enjoy the party captain" Hadrien demanded while taping captain Valois' shoulder condescendingly.

"Certainly, general!" he answered with fake enthusiasm, not particularly liking the idea of keeping the prince company while the general attended important military business. Victor smiled weakly at his chaperon and glanced once more at the ballroom. All eyes were staring at him and people were whispering, yet no one dared to look at him in the eye. They all seemed equally curious and intimidated.

"Victor! What a pleasure to meet you here!" a familiar voice shouted from behind him. He turned, unsettled by the very unformal use of his first name. Prince Muhammad Al Saoud was smiling and extending his hand to Victor.

"Prince Muhammad! Pleasure is all mine" a radiant smile appeared on Victor's face by the sight of his Arabic counterpart. They shook hands and Victor felt his hand being crushed by the firm grip of Muhammad.

"How do you like Jerusalem? I have been here at several occasions and I love it!" Muhammad asked

"I have not visited anything yet, I am afraid." Victor answered with a twinge of disappointment in his voice

"At least they allowed you to get out of your prison in Jerash, even if it is only to show off their best asset during the negotiations!" teased Muhammad. If looks could kill, captain Valois would have murdered the Saudi prince several times in a row. Victor laughed politely, feeling ashamed that he did not realised until now that he was just a trophy being showed by the rebels to display their bargaining power during treaty negotiations. He thought for a moment that Hadrien trusted him and wanted him by his side during this tough week, as well as allowing him to go out of Jerash. Now he realised he was such a fool to believe that the general cared about him and trusted him, he was just using him as a trophy. He felt very down suddenly and wanted the ground to open up and swallow him.

"Maybe I will show you the places I love the most in here. With your permission of course!" Muhammad added

"I would like that very much indeed" Victor answered, thinking that there was no way Hadrien was going to allow that to happen. Captain shoot another dirty look, only this time Victor was the recipient. The Saudi prince flashed his pearly white teeth with a broad smile and left to talk to another guest.

"I imagined that you would be a funnier person to be around at parties, Captain" Victor declared when prince Muhammad was out sight.

"What else did you imagine about me, your highness" the captain answered irritated

"Great many things, most of them far too inappropriate to confess" the prince shot back playfully. The captain's face turned bright red and he looked away.

The rest of the cocktail reception went smoothly for the prince. Many guests found the courage to introduce themselves eventually. Amongst them Corsican rebels 'aristocrats of low nobility, diplomats of middle eastern city states, Saudi officials, rebel navy officers. Captain Valois remained quiet and simply observed the interactions the prince had with each of them. Hadrien ended up missing the whole cocktail reception until diner was announced and everyone made its way in the great dining room.

Victor expected to be seating next to the general, he however discovered that he was sitting next to prince Muhammad at his left and Lady President of the city of Tyr at his right. The Lady of Tyr was a chubby young woman. She was most likely of Turkish ascendant, short and slightly tanned, her hair was deep black and her eyes as well. She seemed unimpressed by the display of luxury and power the rebellion wanted to show, and she was not anywhere near being a rebel sympathizer. She was one of the rare guests that did not talk to the prince during the cocktail reception.

"Good Evening, your highness!" she greeted him while standing next to him. Everyone waited for Hadrien to finish his introduction speech before being invited to seat. The general was presiding the diner along with the Saudi Calif, Muhammad's father. Sitting at Hadrien's right was the one Victor guessed to be admiral El Idrissi and sitting at the Calif's left the Saudi minister of foreign affairs. Hadrien glanced at the prince quickly, barely acknowledging him, before sitting. Victor still felt bad for not realising earlier he was brought to Jerusalem for political purposes only. He was slightly angry at Hadrien, but mostly angry at himself.

Muhammad turned out to be a very talkative neighbour for Victor's pleasure. He thanked Muhammad for suggesting Hadrien to give him the opportunity to play music in Jerash and they chatted about many things, going from music to food, to Corsica, to Arabic peninsula, to Judea...

At some point Muhammad turned to his left neighbour and they started talking passionately in Arabic language. This gave Victor some time to actually eat his delicious plate of Canard confit à l'orange with honey and saffron rice. While the prince finally thought he had time to eat and when he was about to have a mouthful the Lady of Tyr turned to him after ignoring him for the past thirty minutes.

"How is your Greek, prince Victor?" she asked in Greek language. The prince dropped his fork with frustration, were they going to let him starve tonight?

"A little rusty I am afraid, Madam President" he answered, in Greek as well.

"I gathered you are perfectly fluent in Greek since childhood, there is no need to be humble about it your highness" she continued

"His majesty, my late father, insisted that I mastered an eastern Mediterranean language to symbolize the imperial expansion east..." Victor explained in a perfectly mastered Greek

"Your father was a brilliant monarch. I am certain your brother will be even greater" she declared, scrutinizing his reaction. Victor stared at her, expecting a sign that would show sarcasm, or some kind of joke, but there was not.

"My brother can count on my unconditional support, Mrs President" the prince defiantly answered, not sure if she was testing his loyalty or where she was going exactly.

"Is there a message you would like me to pass to his majesty?" the president asked with a serious tone. The prince felt knots in his stomach, if that was a joke or a test, then this was a cruel one. There was so much he wanted to tell his brother, how much he loved him, how much he missed him, how bad he wanted to hug him and forget everything else. The president was a stranger, she was sitting here at a negotiating table with rebels and there was no way she could be blindly trusted. Victor decided to play safe.

"Tell him I love him and let him know I am fine" he simply declared. The Lady president kept a straight face and paused.

"I will" she said, switching back to French language, the language everyone used at this dining table. Victor was still shaken by this interaction and lost appetite. The rest of the evening was uneventful, prince Muhammad and Victor talked some more, the prince managed to eat his now cold duck but enjoyed the delicious dessert. The banquet ended around midnight and the prince took leave of Muhammad and the Lady president of Tyr. He was brought back to his car where he waited for the general.

Hadrien got in the car ten minutes after the prince. Victor was exhausted and felt washed out from his conversation with the Lady of Tyr. He was relieved to finally being alone with the general. Even though he was angry at him for using him for political gain without even telling him, he felt safe around him. Hadrien seemed tired as well and sighted once his car door was closed. Victor stared at the general's beautiful green eyes lovingly, he brushed his hand in his black short hair and smiled weakly.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" the prince eventually asked as the car started

"I don't think that's a good idea, I wake up early tomorrow and I will have another long day ahead. I need all the sleep I can get" Hadrien answered softly. Victor nodded and did not insist even though he badly wanted to. They remained silent during the short car trip back to the hotel. Hadrien walked the prince to his suite and was about to leave to his own when Victor stopped him grabbing his hand.

"Can I get a hug at least?" he begged in a whisper. The general was really exhausted and wanted nothing more than his bed at the moment, but no one could refuse anything to a begging Victor. He pulled the prince closer an wrapped his arms around him. the prince rested his head against the general's shoulder and upper chest. Only seconds later he felt his emotions overwhelming him and began sobbing. Hadrien stepped back a little to look at the prince's face.

"What is the problem? Why are you crying?" the general asked with a mixt of worry and genuine incomprehension.

"Sorry... I am sorry, I am just tired. Everything is fine, really..." he tried to explain without being able to stop crying. Hadrien seemed rather unconvinced.

"Have I done or said something wrong?" Hadrien added with a slightly irritated tone

"No! Nothing... at all. I am fine... really... go to sleep... I don't want to hold you back..." the prince managed to say between two sobs, hiding his face with his hands.

"Not before you tell me what the fuck is wrong!" Hadrien shot back raising his voice and getting frustrated.

"Please... Hadrien... don't shout at me... I will do anything you want..." he begged. Hadrien sighted loudly and closed his eyes.

"Let's go to bed" the general commanded pushing the prince towards his bedroom. Victor nodded, not wanting to upset Hadrien any further. The general undressed quickly and threw himself over the mattress and laid on his back. Victor joined him a few minutes later, he laid on his side against the general muscled body and the general opened his right arm to let him rest against his shoulder. The prince stopped crying and enjoyed his smooth body cuddled with the general bare skin. Hadrien turned the bedside light off and slowly both drifted into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning Victor and Hadrien were woken up at dawn by Sasha. A groggy general emerged from a too short night of sleep. Sasha announced that captain Valois was waiting for the general and that he said it was urgent. The prince reluctantly let go of Hadrien's body to let him get up. Displaying a raging boner, the general stood in all his might wearing only his briefs. Sasha was staring at him without any kind of discretion, the same way he stared at Victor when he got out of the bath the past day. Hadrien's brain was still not fully operational but he perfectly understood the Jewish boy's lustful stare.

"Tell captain Valois to come in" he commanded Sasha. Victor covered his semi naked body with the sheet before the captain entered the room while Hadrien was dressing up. The captain glanced at the bedroom with disapproval before turning to the general.

"Sorry to disturb general, admiral El Idrissi asked to meet you in about thirty minutes. He will be waiting for you in the dining room downstairs" the captain announced.

"Fine..." Hadrien simply stated. The captain stayed there, standing in the middle of the bedroom while the general was still getting dressed. "Anything else captain?" he added irritated.

"Sir, I think it would be preferable you sleep in your bedroom while we..." the captain started saying before Hadrien threw himself at him and pinned him against the wall with a loud thud. He grabbed the captain by the chin with his right hand and crushed his jaw while his left hand was pressing the officer's shoulder against the hard-stone wall.

"Listen to me carefully for this is the very last time I give you a warning. You are a low born fucking son of no one, you are a damn stupid little tiny captain of no importance whatsoever. In what world do you think a low life like you can tell both ME and his imperial highness here how to behave? Mmh? Are you that fucking thick that you need to be reminded of your bloody place in this hierarchy? I had enough of your shit captain so you are going back to Jerash where you will wait for further instructions like the good doggy you are. Did I made myself clear here?" the general shouted threateningly. Victor never witnessed Hadrien being in such a cold rage since the day he arrived in Jerash, not even during their fight before he left for war. The general was still shirtless and wore only his khaki trousers. The prince was very intimidated even though for once he was not the one being yelled at.

"Yes, Sir" a scared captain Valois answered submissively.

"Out of my sight now" Hadrien barked before letting him go. He then sat on the edge of the bed and punched the mattress hard; the unmistakable noise of a wooden slat being broken following his access of rage. Victor was happy he was not the one being punched, and he was still covering his body with the sheets as if this was of any protection.

"I am sorry, I know this is my fault. I insisted for you to sleep with me I should not have..." the prince apologised

"This is no one fault but his that he cannot keep his mouth shut in front of his superiors." The general shouted back irritated. Victor sat on the bed and wrapped his arms around Hadrien's muscled chest. The general kissed his forehead gently. "Thank you for being so good dealing with my temper" he added half-jokingly.

"That's because I love you" the prince answered. That would be impossible to say who was the most shocked, Victor letting this slip from his mouth or Hadrien hearing this so casually said. This was too late, the prince said it and the general heard it. They both froze and the bedroom suddenly tensed. The prince wanted to scream, to punch himself in the face, he fucked up bad.

"I should get going" Hadrien finally said coldly before standing up and quickly getting dressed.

"Have a nice day then! Good luck!" Victor answered with a weak smile and a fake cheering tone.

"Thank you." the general mumbled before rushing outside of the bedroom. Victor heard the suite door being closed shut. And instantly buried his face inside a pillow to scream all his rage and frustration. After a while just laying in bed, frustrated, angry, anxious, the prince fell back asleep. He had tormented dreams and woke up agitated and soaking wet from sweating profusely.

Victor got up in a hurry and rushed to the bathroom. He kneeled in front of the toilet bowl and threw up. Getting up so quickly made him dizzy and he felt like he was about to faint.

"Your highness? Would you like me to fetch a doctor?" Sasha asked with a hint of panic in his voice while rushing to the prince. Victor threw up some more, tears running on his redden cheeks from his puffy blue eyes.

"No, I am fine" he managed to answer with a defeated look. "Please don't call me -your highness- when we are alone" he added.

"I am getting you a glass of water... Must I call you -Dude- or something?" Sasha teased. They both burst out laughing and the servant got up to pour a glass of water from the lounge. Victor stood and flushed the toilet before washing his face in the sink when Sasha came back.

"Can I ask you... Please do not answer if I am going too far... it is just, I mean..." Sasha stuttered while Victor drank.

"Please say it already!" the prince begged with a smirk

"Uh... Okay... I know you are a prisoner of war. But with the general, is it your choice? Is he hurting you?" Victor was taken aback by the question. He never really realised it might look like this from an outside perspective.

"Uh... No! No it is not like that with Hadrien. I mean he can be an asshole at times, quite often as a matter of fact! But he is not like that, he can be really sweet you know!" the prince answered goofily. Sasha sighted with relief.

"I apologize, I should not have asked, it is none of my business..." the Jewish boy declared "It is just, you know... I heard him scream this morning and he seemed really angry and violent... I was scared for you" he explained scratching his head. Victor took Sasha's hand in his own and smiled tenderly at him.

"You really are a sweet person. I did not mind you asking, on the contrary, I am deeply moved" Victor answered. He took Sasha's hand to his mouth and kissed them. A knock on the door of the suite was heard and the prince quickly dropped the servant's hands before someone came in.

"Your imperial highness, you are invited to lunch with his Majesty the Caliph, his spouse and their son, prince Muhammad Al Saoud." The man that just entered the room declared. He was a military officer, but Victor did not remember seeing him before. He was a tall black young man, late twenties or early thirties. His skin was very dark, his luscious lips denoted with his matte complexion. He was very slim and seemed to have little to no body fat but his upper chest was incredibly developed.

"Are you sure... That I am even allowed to go?" the prince asked hesitantly scrutinising the soldier's face.

"Yes, your highness. General Ciabrini actually insisted you accepted the invitation" the soldier empathized

"Oh, I am sorry, you said -invited-, when really you should have said -summoned-" Victor fired back irritated. "How much time do I have. Uh... sorry I ignore your name and rank..." the prince added

"I am Lieutenant Paul Timond, your highness. I will be the officer in charge of your needs from now on" he declared

"My needs?" the prince answered confused

"Yes... Uh... I mean I am the one who will manage your interactions with the General Staff whenever needed and guarantee your safety" the lieutenant explained

"I see! I actually wondered if I could be allowed to visit the city while we are here?" Victor asked, shifting to a much nicer tone.

"Oh... Your highness I really do not think..."

"Please! I would be very grateful, that would mean a lot to me..." the prince almost begged

"I will see what I can do, your highness. May I announce that you will be ready in half an hour for departure?" Paul asked. The prince nodded and the lieutenant left. Victor asked Sasha to help him get dressed and prepared and they went to the bedroom for him to get in his uniform.

Next: Chapter 10

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