The Royal Prisoner

Published on May 30, 2020


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The Royal Prisoner

Chapter 8

"Please stand for his Majesty the Emperor Hector the third of Corsica" shouted the Senate's Usher.

The usual uproar of the Parliament disappeared. The shouts, laughter, heated debates vanished, and all the Senators arose from their benches. The large and impressive hemicycle was place of life and rarely went quiet.

The massive bronze doors opened as soldiers kneeled and bowed for the Emperor. Hector climbed the marble stairs to the central stage facing the senators. The Imperial Throne proudly faced the Senate with all its might, symbolizing absolute power and sovereignty. He stood in front of it for a moment, looking at the Senators in front of them. All of them ambitious men and women, clever, brilliant, older than him, more experimented. Yet, there he stood. With his beige and gold uniform, his bright red satin Sash, his sword pending from his brown and golden leather waistband. He wore the Imperial Crown, a quite modest smooth golden tiara with no other ornaments and symbol than a golden ring in the centre of it.

The Emperor sat in his throne. Following him the senators sat as well. Hector was nervous, he was used to speak in public and being self-confident. Addressing the parliament for the first time in his life was however a challenge, nothing except perfection could be accepted from him. He emptied his mind, let go of the pressure, and started.

"As we stand here today, in this mighty senate, from a mighty empire and solid nation, let us not forget how far we have come. In the second time in the life of most of us, we are at war. Brothers fighting brothers, families and friends being teared apart, a whole nation being split in half. A rapid glance at our past remind us just how precarious is our frail prosperity. Life is full of unexpected challenges, and the greatest empires have crumbled facing some of them. Facing adversity, human spirit survives and thrives. Our great Nation emerged from the greatest disaster humankind ever faced. Our responsibility is to preserve the legacy of resilience, greatness, and courage our ancestors showed throughout our long history. It is through you that I invite our people to unite, pursuing our way beyond horizon. Let us come together and find new solutions to old problems. Let us together ensure a future for ourselves and future generations. We must see beyond our differences for it is our duty to establish the base of this emerging civilisation. A Civilisation of peace, prosperity, and progress for the whole humanity. It is our destiny to unite peoples under an ideal that transcend cultures and individualities and welcome a new era of Universal Civilisation! Together let us put an end to the rebellion, let us be proud and rejoice for we are Corsican and neither wind or rain or a bunch of insignificant traitors shall even prevent us from bringing peace and freedom to all the peoples of earth!"

"Your highness, your car is ready for you" The servant announced

"Shall we go then?" answered Victor, browsing his bedroom while trying to figure out if he forgot something. A guard entered his bedroom and bowed.

"Will your highness follow me please?" the guard said. Victor nodded and the two of them started making their way to the outside. The palace was very quiet, and the large corridors were empty. Victor followed the guard downstairs in the great main hall and seconds later he was outside the palace in the main street.

From now on he was inside uncharted territory. The only time he has been outside the palace was the day he arrived, and he was wearing the blindfold. He explored the luxurious gardens, the great library, the long corridors, and the dining rooms. He was not allowed to some part of the palace, such as the command rooms and the officers' quarters for example. He had been everywhere he was allowed, several times. He first arrived at the palace before Christmas, now spring was almost here, despite recently significantly improving his relations with the general, making a friend and a lover out of him, he was still feeling trapped inside his golden cage.

Outside the palace, in front of the massive bronze double door, a large military S.U.V was parked along with its escort; two military trucks and armored vehicle, one in front and one behind of the S.U.V. Leading the cortege were two motorbikes. The guard opened the S.U.V rear door and the prince sat inside the car. Hadrien was already waiting inside, the door was shut behind him and the car started.

"You took your time!" said the general slightly annoyed. The prince shot a glance at him but did not answer, spending these last months with him taught him not to argue when he was irritated. Besides, Victor was determined to enjoy the trip and finally see for himself all the mesmerising landscapes he dreamed of waiting for him outside the palace.

"You do not wish to know where we are going?" finally asked Hadrien, frustrated with the prince's indifference.

"I did! I asked Major Graziani this morning when he told me I was leaving the palace for a week. He refused to tell me!" whined Victor, annoyed with Hadrien's grumpiness.

"Yes, your servants could not know, we are reluctant to let people outside of the army about our plans" the general explained

"They are not -my- servants. Merely the servants you provided me. It is strange that you would question their loyalty" shot back the prince still staring outside the window. Hadrien was in a bad mood. He knew that this week was going to be awful for him and he was apprehensive.

"It would not be the first time that a special bound exist between a servant and the one he serves. I was told that you arranged for your guard to be saved when you were arrested in Heraklion..."

Victor turned to face Hadrien with an expression that meant he had enough of his bullshit. "Are you punishing me for something? Why are you so mean today?" he then abruptly asked.

Hadrien was taken aback. Victor was usually not so upfront. He probably went too far when he mentioned his guard and his capture from Heraklion. He knew he should not take it out on the boy but sometimes his temper was getting the best of him.

"Uh... I am sorry, I just have a rough week ahead. I did not mean to be a jerk" he apologised. Now it was Victor's turn to be taken aback. Hadrien rarely apologised. He found ways to make amen differently. Often with his cock as he knew the boy was hooked on sex.

"That's ok... So, do you mind telling me where we are going?" softly answered the prince

"We are going to Jerusalem to finish negotiating the peace treaty between the Jewish city States and the Coalition that we lead" he announced defeatedly. The prince could tell that Hadrien was clearly not thrilled about the idea.

"You are not the best diplomat, now are you?" teased Victor, knowing quite well how the general could get easily frustrated and bad tempered.

"No, not really..." Hadrien grunted with a deep voice.

"Well, good thing I will be here so you can take it all on me" joked Victor while fondling the general's crotch. Hadrien finally smirked and the prince internally celebrated this achievement.

"You see this ancient arch there?" said the general pointing outside the car. Victor nodded. "Well, believe it or not but this is the Arch of Hadrian in Jerash. Built by the romans and named after their emperor" he proudly explained.

"You picked Jerash to establish your headquarter only based on that I assume?" teased Victor. He then moved to sit in the empty chair besides Hadrien. The prince grabbed his arm and embraced himself with it, resting his head over his shoulder. The general dropped an affectionate kiss upon his forehead and caressed his back.

"This is really beautiful" whispered Victor, amazed by the sight of the desertic landscape unfolding in front of him. The hills surrounding Jerash were bathing in sunlight. The car was driving towards south at a high speed. Victor pushed the button to open the window, but nothing happened.

"Can we open the window?" he asked to no one in particular, not sure if he was asking the chauffeur or Hadrien.

"This is a bulletproof window; it would not be safe" answered the general.

"Come on! No one is hiding in these desertic hills, please! I want to look at the landscape with my own eyes and not through the tainted glass" Victor begged. Hadrien rolled his eyes at the sight of the pleading puppy.

"Open the window" he then commanded the chauffeur

"Yes, Sir!"

"Thank you, Sir" the prince giggled, happy that his trick worked. The rest of the trip was rather uneventful. Hadrien was still worried and lost in his own world and Victor was captivated by the sights unfolding in front of him, tasting freedom for the first time in months.

After a three hours trip they finally reached the city of Jerusalem. The prince was ecstatic to be able to see, even if only from his car window, the mythical city. The escort penetrated the city centre under the amazed eye of pedestrians and people observing from their balcony or windows. The military cortege eventually parked in front of an old stone building. The guard escorted the prince inside and showed him his suite where two domestics waited for his arrival. He was proposed a bath after sitting three hours straight in the car and gladly accepted. He was then told that nothing official would happen before the banquet planned for that night when every party would have arrived in Jerusalem.

Victor asked if he could go out to explore the city, but he was told that for now this was unfortunately impossible. He expected that of course but he thought that was worth a try. A decent sized private terrace was accessible from his suite's lounge. From it he could see the Al-Aqsa mosque and the shiny golden dome of the rock. He could smell the spicy street food being cooked in the streets downstairs and wished that he could be allowed to at least have a short outing in the busy ancient paved alleys.

He was served lunch in his suite and was amazed by the sights of Kibbeh and Borekas served with lettuce and chopped raw vegetables. Victor was a gluttonous boy and always had appetite for whatever was proposed to him. After eating he took what he thought would be a small nap and turned out to be a three hours nap.

He woke up in the late afternoon feeling groggy and sweaty. He clearly overslept and felt like he wanted a cold bath to awake his muscles and spirit. After it had been prepared for him, he plunged slowly in his bath, gasping when the cold water reached his thighs, balls, belly button and nipples.

Victor chilled for about twenty minutes but after that he started to feel cold. He noticed that there was no dry towel disposed by his bath unlike when he washed earlier. He glanced at the room trying to find it, but they were none.

"Excuse me? Hello?" he shouted hoping someone could hear him. a few seconds later he heard footsteps getting closer and one of the servants opened the door

"Yes, your highness? You called?" the servant asked. He was a ginger young man in his early twenties. His light hazel eyes matched perfectly with his slightly tanned skin. He was tall and slim, you could tell he was athletic but not incredibly strong still.

"Yes, I need a towel and I don't think there is any here. Would you mind getting one for me please?" Victor politely demanded. He did not need to be polite; many aristocrats of far lower rank treated their servants like shit and would faint hearing a prince saying "please" to one of them. The prince, nonetheless, was always nice to everyone, including servants.

"Right away your highness, I am deeply sorry I..."

"No, no, please do not apologise. I had a bath only a few hours ago that is most likely why it had not been changed. Everything is fine really" Victor interrupted reassuring the servant boy. He left the bathroom in a hurry and came back a couple of minutes later with a large dry towel.

Victor stood up in his bath and revealed his smooth pale naked body. Bath water was dripping from his soft cock and elbows. He stepped out of the bath and expected the servant to wrap the towel around him, or at least to just give him the towel. The servant, however, was agape and staring at the prince with lust. Coming back to his sense he crossed Victor's look and they glanced at one another. The prince was smirking at him.

"Oh... I am sorry, I got distracted. I ... uh ... I was ... I mean" the servant stuttered with a bright red face.

"I do not mind" Victor interrupted, pitying the overly embarrassed servant. The prince's cock chubbed up from the attention it was getting. They stared at one another for some time. The obvious sexual tension was palpable. Eventually Victor grabbed the towel from the servant's hands and wrapped it around his shoulders. Thus, revealing the raging boner the servant displayed, previously hidden by the towel in front of it.

"What is your name?" Victor asked shyly.

"Sasha, your highness" he answered with a soft and hesitant voice.

"Do you like what you see, Sasha?" the prince interrogated boldly. The servant nodded yes but was clearly intimidated. Victor reached for his hand and brought it upon his now fully erected cock. Sasha did not resist and started stroking the prince. Victor moaned and sat on the edge of the bathtub. He gently grabbed Sasha by the neck and brought him closer before kissing him. Shyly first, but when Sasha returned the kiss it became more passionate and they ate each other's mouths.

Then, by his own initiative, Sasha kneeled in front of the prince. He kept stroking him while only inches away from his hard dick. Victor could feel his warm breath caressing the tip of his throbbing cock. He browsed his right hand in the red-haired head. His body shivered from the cold water still dripping from his body, but he was too focused and horny to let that stop him.

Sasha opened his mouth and kissed the tip of the prince's dick. He slid his tongue inside the piss-slit and around the head. Victor thought that this servant was most likely not sucking his first cock because he was talented. Hadrien gave Victor a quick blowjob that rainy night in the library, but the one he was receiving from Sasha was not to be compared. The prince was moaning, and he was hyperventilating. He wished he were laying down and not leaning against the bathtub as the pleasure waves made it hard for him to keep his balance.

Sasha grabbed Victor's butt cheeks and suddenly he swallowed the whole dick in one thrust. His nose was pressed against the prince's pubes and his lower lip drooled over his ball-sack. He opened his eyes and stared at the prince dead in the eye provocatively. This servant boy was a bigger slut than himself, the prince thought. He chuckled thinking about what Hadrien would say seeing his submissive prince being serviced by yet another submissive whore.

"Have I done something wrong?" Sasha asked with puppy dog eyes.

"No! No, you are doing great! Really! I love it, please keep going" reassured the prince. The servant hesitantly opened his mouth and licked the slim-covered smooth balls. He kept licking for several minutes.

"Please fuck me!" Victor moaned. Sasha was baffled. Did the prince just asked to be fucked? By a servant? He scrutinised Victor's face expecting to realise he was not serious. Victor looked at the kneeling servant pleadingly, he wanted it, he would beg for it if necessary. Without further waiting, the prince turned and arched his back to fully display his bubble butt in front of the kneeling boy's mouth.

Sasha was driven crazy by the prince's lust. He eagerly spread the pale butt-cheeks and threw his face in between. The freshly showered hole smelled nothing but perfumed soap and the servant boy shoved his tongue deep inside. The prince was on the verge of crying from pleasure and firmly gripped the bathtub porcelain edge to avoid falling face down in the water.

The servant used one hand to spread Victor's cheeks apart, and with his other hand he wanked the prince's throbbing cock. Victor pushed his hand away for he wanted to avoid cuming before Sasha had a chance to fuck him senseless. For over ten minutes the servant meticulously rimmed the prince, relaxing the hole muscles and lubricating it. He then stood up and unbuttoned his trousers before slipping out of it along with his underwear. Victor stood as well and turned to face the undressing servant.

"Are you Jewish?" he asked glancing at the circumcised hard cock Sasha displayed

"Yes" the servant boy answered shyly, not sure if that would be a problem. Victor laid his towel over the bathroom carpet and laid down on his back.

Hadrien liked to fuck Victor doggy-style. He could unleash all his lustful passion this way and hate fuck him. Even though the prince never complained he preferred being able to watch the general's facial expression, being able to kiss him.

Being the one in situation of domination for once, he was about to impose his conditions with the servant boy. Sasha did not mind, he wanted nothing more than to own the prince's smooth and delicate body, even for a few minutes. He longed for his tight pink butthole.

Without further waiting he kneeled in between Victor's legs and grabbed them underneath the knees before pushing them towards the prince's shoulders. He admired Victor's teenage body bent in half, expectantly waiting for him to plunge his six inches dick ball deep inside him. He spat on the palm of his hand and rubbed it over his cock. Then he pressed his cock head at the already well lubed entrance of the tight butthole.

Sasha slowly penetrated the prince. He kept doing so until his red pubes tickled Victor's delicate skin. Both were moaning and breathing heavily. After a few moments Sasha gradually fastened his pace and soon he was energetically fucking the prince. Victor pulled the servant's face by the neck and kissed him. The prince's nail dug into the Jewish boy's shoulder blade while his mind was lost in pleasure.

The servant's thrust became more powerful and his moans turned into grunts. Forehead against forehead, sweat mixed with bathwater dripping from their bodies, faces turned red from effort, they both climaxed. First Victor, spurting volleys of cum all over his abs, pecs and chin. His contracting hole sent Sasha to the edge and he screamed his orgasm. Victor shoved his hand over his mouth to prevent unwanted attention to be drawn around them. But it was too late.

Footsteps were heard almost running towards the bathroom door.

"Stay out!" Victor shouted at whoever was coming. Sasha was shooting his final load spasming and emptied of all his energy.

"Is everything alright your highness?" the voice questioned from the other side of the door.

"Yes. I am fine, I just dropped something on my foot. Could you ask downstairs what time I am expected to go down for diner?" added the prince, knowing that would give them enough time.

"Yes, your highness, right away".

As he heard his co-worker leave from the suite, Sasha rested his head against the prince's chest with a sight. Victor grabbed his chin and deeply kissed him.

"I should get cleaned and dressed before they come back" Sasha eventually declared after few minutes. The prince nodded. "I guess I should fetch you another towel now" he added chuckling at the sight of his cum covered chest.

"I am fine I will just use this one" Victor answered grabbing his bath towel and rubbing it all over him to erase the trace of what happened. Sasha buttoned his trousers and his work shirt before using the mirror to make sure nothing betrayed him. When he was satisfied with his appearance, he left the bathroom.

Victor was in the lounge. He was pouring water into two glasses. He took one for himself and proposed the other to Sasha. The rough sex in the bathroom, the rimming and the blowjob actually made the servant boy thirsty. Suddenly, as Sasha took a sip of water, the suite door opened, and a servant entered. He froze for a moment and then glanced at Sasha with a look that meant : "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Yes?" asked Victor, interrupting this exchange of looks between Sasha and his co-worker.

"General Ciabrini will pick you up here in less than an hour, your highness. He suggested that you wear your official uniform" the servant eventually managed to say.

"Thank you!" the prince said to the servant "Could you help me getting dressed?" he then added to Sasha

"Yes, your highness!" answered Sasha, back to his servile tone. He then followed the prince to his bedroom and closed the door behind them. Victor stripped from his cum-soaked towel and bathrobe and sat on the edge of the bed. Sasha collected the pieces of the prince's uniform from the closet and disposed them on a chair by the bed.

The Jewish boy started with the long white silk socks that went up to the lower thigh.

"Would you mind that we keep what we did secret, your highness? I could be in so much trouble..." he shyly asked while knotting the left sock's ribbon tight.

"I could have troubles of my own if that were known you know. Our secret is safe with me" Victor answered reassuringly while caressing Sasha's ginger hair.

"You could get troubles? I thought princes could do whatever they wanted!" the Jewish boy said while pulling the right sock.

"I would not even know what I want. All my life I have been owned by greater men. My father, then my brother, and now General Ciabrini. The last thing they care about is what I may want. I am their thing; they do what they please with me. They use me for their own benefits. Sometimes, when I am lucky, they do what they think is good for me. A puppet, that is what I am." Victor declared defeatedly with a soft tone. Sasha was moved by his answer, but he was clueless about what he could tell him to make him feel better. He pulled the prince's underwear and tucked his cock straight inside of it.

"Other servants don't do that!" Victor chuckled

"I suppose you get the best possible service with me then!" Sasha teased laughing.

Sasha continued helping Victor getting dressed in silence. They exchanged some smiles but no words. When the Jewish boy was buttoning the prince's uniform jacket the bedroom door opened and Hadrien came in.

"What? You are still not dressed? How much time do you need to put a bloody uniform Victor?" the general teased playfully. His mood obviously much better than during the car ride.

"I just need to put my gloves on, and I will be ready" the prince answered. Sasha gave him his gloves and readjusted his imperial sash. Hadrien dismissed Sasha with a haughty hand gesture. Victor felt a twist in his heart to see the servant being sent away in such a rude manner, but there was nothing he could do without risking exposing them both.

"Thank you very much!" he eventually told Sasha with a weak smile before the servant left.

"You know you look rather sexy wearing that uniform?" Hadrien lustfully declared while getting closer. He laid his hand just above Victor's waistband in his back and pulled him against his body before kissing his left ear. "I might be too busy to spend time with you this week, but I will do my best I promise..." he added whispering. Victor hugged him tight, enjoying the rare affection he could get from him.

Next: Chapter 9

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