The Royal Prisoner

Published on May 21, 2020


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The Royal Prisoner

Chapter 7

Hector was walking in the woods of L'Ospédale, in the mountains of southern Corsica in which he grew up. It was dark, he could barely see, except for the fog that floated around. Hector was barefoot, he was only wearing blue jeans and a white sweatshirt. The moon was bright, and the fog was glistening. Hector was lost. He felt anxious, and powerless. Somewhere afar a silhouette was walking away from him. He could not see who it was, it was only a shadow in the night.

"Hey! Wait for me! Wait!" Hector tried to scream, but he could only whisper. He tried to raise his voice, but nothing happened. There was no way he could be heard from where he was. He tried pursuing the silhouette, but he was slow. His muscles were numb, he could only walk, very slowly. He was frustrated, he could not scream, he could not run. He was paralysed. His only way out was reaching the silhouette. A feeling of warmth was radiating from it in the cold and worrying forest. Amongst these impressive pines this frail silhouette was a beacon of hope and holiness.

"Victor? Is that you? Victor! Please wait... I am here! Please... I am right here, please..." Hector was begging with watering eyes. He reached his hand towards his brother, too far to touch him. He walked slowly in his direction. Victor halted for a second and turned his head to face his brother.

"Victor... please let me come to you, please wait for me" he begged once more. Victor look away and left in the fog from which he appears. Hector tried to run, but he was stuck. He tried to scream but was mute.

"Victor, please..." he cried "I am so sorry, please let me make this right! My baby brother... Oh no... please lord help me..." Hector was now sobbing. He felt so down, so useless. He watched the person he loved the most in the world walk away, yet there was nothing he could do.

Hector woke up distraught in his bedroom. He was soaking wet from sweat and was gasping for air. Slowly he was calming down and catching up his breath. He sat up on the edge of the bed and rested his head on the palm of his hands.

When he was crowned Emperor, two years ago, he imagined all the sleepless night, all the pain and sacrifices he would have to make. He understood what his duty was, for his Nation, for his legacy, for the countless people which destiny he holds in his hand. What he did not foresaw though, was that his sweet baby brother, his innocent and fragile beloved brother, would pay the price of the burden of the crown for him. Hector knew it was his fault, he was to blame. Because of his failure as a head of State, as a head of family, as older brother and only remaining close family that Victor had. This was tearing him apart. He was crushed by guilt.

He wanted to slaughter all the rebels and their family. He would eagerly turn their lands and properties to dust, erase them from history, deny them a future for themselves and for their precious names. He wished to annihilate them. Would he see his brother ever again? Uncertainty made him sick. When he imagined all the abuse, pain and torture he was possibly subjected to. This was unbearable. The Emperor stood up, naked, and walked towards the marble washbasin to clean his face. The cool water washed the salty drops of sweat from his forefront and nose. While cleaning his face, he also cleared his mind. He needed to get Victor back, he had to find a way...

Jerash was slowly awakening. The storm was far away now, the sky was blue. The golden sunrise was slowly drying the wet buildings, still dripping. Inside the prince's bedroom the sunlight was peeking through the heavy curtains. Victor was sleeping face to the bed. The sheet was only covering from his feet to his thigh, leaving his naked peach exposed as well as his torso. Hadrien was snuggling against him, sleeping on his side, his arm resting on the prince's back and his forehead lodged in the curve of his neck. He was naked as well, and not covered by the sheets at all. His muscular abs, slightly sprinkled with black hairs, were stretching with each heavy breathing he took.

The bedroom main door opened, and two servants got in. As every morning, they mechanically walked towards the windows and tied the curtains to their hook on the side.

"Good morning your highn..." the servant stuttered when they realised the prince was not alone. The two servants glanced at one another quickly and in shock.

"Good morning your highness. Good morning general. Breakfast will be ready in the lounge" one of them finally sputtered before both bowed and left.

Victor was slowly coming to his senses. He realised he was not alone in his bed, and he recalled the events of last night. He was equally happy and anxious. He knew how unstable his relationship with Hadrien had been since he was his captive here in Jerash. He hoped they could find a common ground and avoid the yelling and crying at one another.

He did not regret anything, nonetheless. Hadrien was a dream come true, he reminded him of his brother. Someone that made him feel safe and loved. He knew this whole relationship was going nowhere. There simply was no future for the two of them whatever the outcome of the war eventually was. Even if neither of them was dead by the end of it, a match between Victor and Hadrien would never get anyone's approval, starting with Hector. He was worried about being left in an impossible dilemma by the end of it and being heartbroken, but the attraction was simply too intense to be ignored or resisted.

Hadrien was awake now. He gently kissed his neck and pulled him closer. His morning wood was poking his butt cheek and manifestly crying for attention. Victor reached out and grabbed Hadrien's fat cock before starting to stroke it. Hadrien moaned and his kisses became more passionate, his breath more intense. With his other hand Victor sucked his own fingers and wetted them. Then he rubbed his fingers covered by his saliva on his hole. He directed Hadrien's throbbing cock and pressed his butt towards it. Hadrien gripped Victor's hips and pulled him against him in one stroke. His whole cock entered at once and his balls were touching the prince's soft skin. A shrill cry escaped Victor's mouth as his hole was stretched and assaulted.

"You still like it rough I hope" Hadrien groaned barely audible

"I did not know I had a choice" Victor chuckled in return. Hadrien interrupted his powerful strokes and pulled the prince by the chin to make him look at him in the eye.

"From now on you have a choice. I will not make you do anything you do not want to do. So, let me ask once more, do you like it rough?" he asked in a very serious tone. Victor seemed puzzled by the question he was asked. He took a few moments to think before answering

"I have never been with anyone else but you. I do not know much about sex really. I like how you make me feel, I could not say if that is because you are rough or if it just because I like you..." Victor finally answered, unsure how Hadrien would feel about that.

"Then I guess I am the one in charge of your education. I hope you are willing to learn" joked the general while pushing his cock balls deep in Victor's stretched hole.

"I am, Sir" he answered submissively

"I love it when you play the obedient boy toy" said Hadrien with a smirk. He fastened his pace and his balls where now producing a smacking noise each thrust he gave. Victor moaned with a high-pitched voice. The bed squeaked as it was shaken by the two boy's morning sex. Suddenly Hadrien gave a powerful thrust and froze while grunting loudly. His balls flexed and his face crisped. After a few seconds staying inside his boy's hole he pulled out slowly and laid on his back. Victor turned to him and rested his head on his chest while caressing his abs.

"I should get going and start with my day" the general announced

"Don't you want to have breakfast with me?" asked the prince with obvious disappointment

"No, I really should go. Perhaps you would like to have lunch with me in my study thought?" suggested Hadrien while getting up and grabbing his clothes from the bedroom floor. Victor stared at the general's muscled back and butt. When he bent to pick his brief his cheeks spread a little. The prince's eyes grew wide with lust when he glanced at Hadrien's tight pink hole, circled by black hairs. Unlike him, the prince did not cum a few moments ago and was still very horny. The general caught his lustful stare and quickly straightened.

"Hey! Do not get any idea you little whore, nothing has never been there, I want to keep it that way" he teased playfully.

"Not even my tongue?" the prince fired back while sticking his tongue out miming a rimjob and giggling. The general slip on his underwear and threw himself on the bed over the prince. He started tickling his flank and the prince laughed while begging him to stop.

"You little slut. I would be tempted to squat over your face right now, I have not bathed since yesterday morning. Surely that would discourage further inappropriate thoughts on my cherry" He said while tickling and playfully slapping the boy. Victor finally grabbed the general's wrist just before being slapped.

"Try me then, pussy!" he dared him. Hadrien's eyes grew wide with lust. Victor could look so innocent, so sensitive, and fragile. Yet sometimes he was such a surprisingly daring and straight forward young adult. Hadrien once was a horny teenager too, and he well remembered it. But there was something really special about the way Victor behaved. He was so eager, soo needy, yet so submissive and obedient.

The general sat on the prince's chest and slapped his face with his semi-hard cock.

"You like the smell of your ass on my dick bitch?" he asked playfully. Victor however was not playing anymore, he was fully turned on and moaned while nodding. Hadrien approached his crotch from the prince's angelic face.

"Lick my balls since you like the smell so much. They stink"

Victor eagerly opened his mouth before sticking his tongue out and lapping the heavy nutsack. He never broke eye contact and moaned furiously

"Yeah you like that? You like your captor's smelly scent?"

"Hmhmm" grunted the prince to answer. Hadrien was rock hard again. He stared wanking while Victor licked and swallowed his balls. He was getting very horny seeing the boy being so animalistic. He took out his ball-sack from his mouth with a loud pop. Victor looked at him disappointed but his captor advanced further and he knew what was coming for him. Hadrien stopped advancing when his hole was just over his boy's face and sat.

"Stick out your tongue and get your prize, kinky whore!" Hadrien smirked. Beneath him Victor was now furiously French kissing his tight pink hole. The general moaned loudly and gripped the wooden columns of the canopy bed. The wave of pleasure radiating from his hole thought his body was violent and he needed to grab something not to fall. Being blown was very pleasant and he loved it. Being rimmed was so much better. He cursed himself for never have not it before. He would not make this mistake again. He interrupted his wank or he would cum right away and wanted to enjoy this rimjob a little bit more.

"Are you enjoying this down there" He finally asked worried about the prince quietness

"Hmmhmmm" purred the prince. His tongue was sore, but he was lost in his own world. He was driven crazy by Hadrien's body odour. He could not get enough of it and was eating his ass as if his life depended on it.

"Bloody hell you are so good with you tongue, with your mouth, with your ass. How can you be so amazing?" Hadrien moaned. The prince was thrilled by these compliments and was even more motivated to give the best rimjob he could. His tongue was circling the tight hole then entering it and moving in and out.

"General! Captain Valois would like to see you urgently, he is waiting for you in his highness's lounge" a servant announced from the other side of the bedroom door.

"I will be there in a moment" he shouted back towards the door. "Come on little bitch make me cum or I will get you to suck my cock in front of Captain Valois" he then added for Victor. The general only said that to be witty, in fact he was already on the edge of cuming without even touching his rock-hard cock. He stroked it and felt that he was about to cum. He got off Victor's face and moved back a little to aim his cock straight at his mouth. His stream of cum plastered the prince's face. He aimed at his mouth, cheeks, and nose.

"Open your eyes" he commanded before approaching his dick to the prince's blue eyes and filling them with cum one by one. He grunted animalistically and let go of his cock that fell on Victor's soaked face.

After catching up his breath he sighted and jumped off the bed. He picked his clothes once again and started getting dressed.

"My god! My eyes are burning so much! Why would you do that?" complained Victor, obviously annoyed. Hadrien scratched the back of his head. He could be easily carried away when he was excited and do things he later regretted.

"Uh... I am sorry I think your delicious tongue got me too excited for my own good" he apologised while blushing. Victor was blinded by cum so he could not read the evident embarrassment on Hadrien's face, but he could hear it in his tone.

"Whatever. Do not make Captain Valois wait" the prince fired back still rather mad. The general was feeling guilty, but he knew it was not the right time to make amend and left the bedroom after getting fully dressed. Captain Valois was waiting sited in the large sofa, sipping a cup of coffee. When he noticed the general, he stood up and greeted him.

"General! I am sorry to disturb you..." he said with a tone full of insinuation. Hadrien did not like that at all from an officer of a lower rank under his command.

"Captain. I might have drunk more than I should have last night I reckon" he justified jokingly hoping to lighten up the mood

"I suppose yes..." Captain Valois answered, once again with an undeferential tone.

"If there is something you want to say just go on. There is no need to act like a shy little girl now is there?" the General declared with a threatening voice, staring at the Captain.

"Well, with all due respect Sir... Would it not be better if we could find a way to take care of..." the Captain paused to search for his words while Hadrien stared at him with defiance "to take care of your needs, if I may say so, without implying his imperial highness?" the general was mad. Being lectured by his men was not something he was used to as a top ranked officer. Deep down however he knew Captain Valois was right, he tried to just ignore the prince. However, he was far too attracted by him. and the boy was obviously attracted to Hadrien as well.

"Don't you think that if that was to be known outside the palace it could highly prejudice the rebellion?" asked the Captain hesitantly, knowing that this argument was perfectly reasonable.

"Nothing, do you hear me? Nothing is happening between our hostage and myself. Now, if anyone inside or outside this palace was to tell another version then this person would be a traitor. I suppose you know how traitors are dealt with. I trust you are faithful to the rebellion, Captain?"

"Of course I am, Sir" he answered quickly

"Then, I also trust that you will be especially careful about this kind of unacceptable propaganda against our cause, and take appropriate measures whenever confronted with these liars" the general pursued with authority, implicitly threatening the Captain

"Yes, Sir" answered Captain Valois, intimidated

"Good, so why don't you tell me why you wanted to see me..."

The Emperor's escort was driving rapidly late in the evening. Hector was sitting at the back of the large imperial car. He stared the already sleepy city that they were leaving. This situation was very peculiar for him. Since he was a boy, as heir to the crown and then emperor himself, he was used to a very strict protocol being applied in his interactions with everyone except his father and brother. Prime Minister Vinciguerra was definitely different. She was constantly breaching protocol and patronizing him. He was indeed a young sovereign; he was crowned when he was only seventeen. He knew he had a lot to learn. However, he was unsettled by the way this woman was addressing him. Still, she was a far more capable head of government than any of her predecessors. In his situation, Hector was willing to deal with the inconvenience of her undeferential behaviour.

The Prime Minister had insisted for Hector to meet her in a Shipyard, outside of the capital. She specifically requested that this meeting occurred late after diner for further discretion. Hector understood that war demanded for everyone, including him, to be more flexible about certain things. But the Emperor was the head of State, the institution he represented was sacred. Dignity was the core of his duty, and nothing screamed less dignity than sneaking outside of the palace in the middle of the night to have a secret meeting outside the capital.

Nonetheless he decided he would make the best of it. He had rare occasions to be outside the palace at night and enjoyed observing the desert streets and landscape of the winter cold night. Hector was tired, the nightmare he had the previous night about his brother left him restless and he could not find sleep afterward. He was almost about to fall asleep as the whirring of the car lulled him. Suddenly the car turned right and left the main road to enter an industrial complex. The zone was heavily guarded by soldiers. When the car passed by them, they all stood for attention greeting the Emperor.

The car parked in front of a large hangar. A soldier opened Hector's car door and he got out of it.

"Your Majesty" the Prime Minister bowed before reaching to shake his hand "Thank you for accepting to meet me here so late" she then added

"Prime Minister" he greeted back "Well, my interest was piqued by your uncommon proposition for a meeting. You also insisted very much on that so I gathered it must be important" Hector stated, doing little to hide his circumspection

"Oh, I am sure that you will not regret coming here, your majesty" the Prime Minister affirmed with excitement in her voice. "Shall we?" Hector nodded and they both entered the large hangar.

The hangar was steeped into darkness. Some men were gathered around a table that was used as a work desk on which plans were spread. A weak lamp was giving them just enough light to be able to read these plans. When they saw Hector coming in the hangar they bowed and greeted him.

"Your Majesty"

"Your Majesty, these are the military engineers working for the Imperial Naval Forces" introduced the Prime Minister. Hector offered his hand to be shaken for each of them.

"We are very excited to meet you, your majesty. I hope you will like our new project, the Prime Minister wanted you to be the first one to see them" one of the engineers said visibly intimidated

"It sounds very exciting, are these the plans you wanted to show me?" Hector answered, trying his best to look interested even though he was tired and did not really understand why he was summoned in the middle of the night to look some ships plan he could have seen at his palace.

"Actually no, why would we show you the plans when you can see the real thing!" interrupted the Prime Minister "Turn on the lights please" she commanded with authority. Someone actioned a lever and then neon lighted up from the ceiling in their distinctive noise.

Hector gasped when he saw what was in front of him. the Hangar was actually a dry dock. A large ship was inside of it, at least a hundred and fifty meters long. It seemed fully finished, painted and functional from the outside.

"Your Majesty, this is the HMS Prince Victor. This is a new generation Destroyer. The fastest ever built since the collapse of the great pandemic. It is heavily equipped with modern weapons and technology. It also consumes less oil than any other military ship in the world" proudly announced the Prime Minister.

"You named it after my brother..." stated Hector matter-of-factly still stunned "You said it consumes less oil than any other ship? How? It is bigger than most Destroyers, right?" he wondered trying to make sense of it.

"Indeed, your Majesty. Traditionally we would get a choice between two options; either building a fast, small and lightly armored ship, a classic Destroyer, or building a slow, big and heavily armored ship, a Battleship. The five Prince Victor class Destroyers we built are a revolution in modern Warships" one of the engineers explained

"Five? You said five were built?" interrupted Hector

"Yes, your Majesty. You see they have new types of motors and propeller. The problem we met before was not really that we were not able to build more powerful motors and more efficient propellers, it was mostly that these types of motors would not be realistic as they would consume far too much oil to be interesting to build" the engineer pursued

"Especially since our oil supply is compromised now that the rebels control the Suez Canal and that the Saudi Califate joined the war against us" added the Prime Minister

"But these motors do not use oil for their normal functioning. They just need oil to start and heat up. Once that is done this motor uses a vegetal fuel" announced the engineer overexcited. Hector was not a scientist in any way. He knew that since they were so excited this only meant that all these were good news, but he did not fully understand the impact of these inventions.

"Vegetal fuel?" he asked

"This is a mixture of several elements, but the base is made of wheat" the engineer specify

"Your Majesty. These five destroyers will be able to reach the Suez Canal from here in less than forty-eight hours when a regular imperial destroyer would take six days and a Spanish destroyer, that constitute the rebel fleet, would take more than a week. Their shielding is twice more resistant than a regular Destroyer and their firepower is greatly superior too" emphasized the Prime Minister feeling that Hector needed it.

"That is really impressive! I suppose this greatly increases our chance to crush the rebellion before this gets out of hand?" he asked

"Two battleships with the same type of motors are being built as we speak. A prototype of Tank is also about to be presented to my cabinet in a few days for testing and then perhaps production. In the coming weeks we will also be able to apply this type of motor to all types of Plane in the Imperial Air Force. If we are reactive enough, your Majesty, we will not only crush the rebellion. We will teach every city state and nation that defied us a lesson, starting with the Saudi Califate." The Prime Minister announced

"Then you have my full support Prime Minister, I want nothing more in the world than annihilate the rebels and their allies. I hope the HMS Prince Victor will be their absolute nightmare" Hector declared vindictively, his hatred towards the rebels taking over his usual phlegmatic mood.

"We will, your majesty. In fact, we are preparing a nice surprise for them ..." the Prime Minister answered maliciously

Next: Chapter 8

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