The Royal Prisoner

Published on May 15, 2020


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The Royal Prisoner

Chapter 6

The military tent was shaken up by the powerful wind blowing from the Mediterranean Sea. The Rebel's flag was furiously waving over the siege camp. Facing them the city of Jaffa and Tel Aviv, the last standing Jewish city-state. The combined Saudi and Rebel's armies had stormed through Judea, the previously large territory of Jaffa was now narrowed to the sole city-centre.

Without military assistance from the empire, the city-state could not hold. The Empire, however, never showed up. That is why the Consul of Jaffa, a tall middle-aged woman, came to General Ciabrini's tent, to surrender. Hadrien greeted her respectfully and was accommodating through the negotiations. The Rebellion wanted to avoid being perceived as a bully, so he accepted generous terms that would allow the city of Jaffa self-administration, while still participating in the rebel's war effort.

Hadrien's military successes echoed around the world, at only twenty-five he was the Rebellion's genius. Even though he was finally gaining recognition and could ambition to threaten the whole eastern imperial strategic positions, he kept a cool head. The war was far from being over and won, and he knew it. The final Judea's surrender would give him time to strengthen his positions in case of a counterattack. Finally, after five weeks he was about to head back to Jerash. He appointed one of his top military officer to settle a headquarter in Tel Aviv from which to oversee Judea's administration and, the next morning, he left with a small escort.

It was still dawn when he hopped in the military truck to start the three hours drive to Jerash. He absent-mindedly looked at the beautiful landscape glooming with the first lights of the day. Soon enough the general and his escort crossed the Jordan river and reached the arid mountains that separated Judea from Jordan. It was eleven in the morning when the small convoy reached Jerash. The small town was very much alive, and the oriental markets were as loud and busy as usual. The convoy did a small detour to pass by the Arch of Hadrian, the Roman Emperor and famous namesake of the general. The Arch was adorned with Rebel flags proudly hanging from the ancient monument. Hadrien was filled with pride. Less than five minutes later the truck ultimately entered the Palace's gates and parked by the main entrance. A guard of honour was awaiting him and cheered his arrival with heavy rains of applause. The general was drowned with congratulations from his peers. They needed it as much as he did, they gave up everything when they joined the rebellion. If the rebellion failed there would be no alternative for them, this great military success was a welcomed miracle for desperate men and women.

Hadrien went upstairs in a hurry and once in his bedroom he demanded a bath to be prepared for him. he striped unbuttoned his uniform jacket and threw it over a chair by the bedside. He unbuckled his belt and firmly pulled over the tip to take it off before tossing it with the jacket. He undid his bootstraps and stepped out of it. His feet were sore from wearing them too much in the past five weeks. He made his trousers slid to his ankles. Wearing only his undershirt and brief he made his way to the bathroom. The servants were getting the bath ready for him. He stiped fully and finally dipped his body in the half filled jacuzzi. He gasped when his ball sack plunged into the water, and when his shoulders disappeared under the foam he moaned.

As his muscles relaxed, he cleared his mind of all the military affairs he had to deal with in the past weeks. The tension dropped and he felt relief that he was back in the Palace, in the comfort of his luxurious headquarter. After nearly an hour, he eventually decided that it was time for him to have lunch. The servant dried him, the touch of the towel being manipulated by the servant aroused Hadrien. No one took care of his sexual needs since Victor and him had an argument. The war had him occupied with other matters and it has been almost ten days since his last wank. The servant noticed that his dick chubed up when he dried him. He looked at the general with panic in his eyes. Everyone knew what Hadrien did to that poor prince in the palace, and the servant wondered if he was going to be molested as well. To say that Hadrien did not contemplated it would be a lie. He thought best of it however and dismissed the servant with a haughty hand gesture.

Hadrien was getting dressed to attend lunch, but his hardon was screaming for attention. He sat on the edge of his bed, his trousers down to his knees, his vest opened. He stroked his throbbing cock, he was so horny. He moaned softly. He recalled his first time with his sister's friend, Amélie. Her tits were dangling furiously while he pounded her on his bed. Her lose red hair was spreading on the mattress like roots from a tree. Damn she was hot, Hadrien was whispering naughty words in her ear, she was a whore, a cumdump. Hadrien could smell the rose perfume, his memory was blurred. He was still whispering in her ear, but she was not ginger anymore, she was blonde. No, it was not Amélie anymore, it was Victor. He was in Hadrien's bed, in Corsica, being pounded by Hadrien. This was as arousing as it was upsetting for the general. All his attempts to think of someone else failed miserably. He could smell the boy, the bloody rose perfume! He was getting frustrated, and angry. Why couldn't he think of someone else? He fucked so many girls, so many guys, but he could not think of any other than the goddamn prince!

Hadrien stopped wanking, there was no point, this was going nowhere. He opened his eyes and sighted. He could still smell the rose perfume. And then he saw it, the vase filled with rose flowers by the nightstand. He was frustrated and, as usual when he was frustrated, he was getting infuriated. He grabbed the vase and threw it on the wall. The vase shattered loudly, and the yellow roses fell on the floor amongst broken porcelain and water. The general readjusted his brief and his trousers. He was still buttoning his vest when the guard entered the room.

"Is everything alright Sir?"

"Get a servant to clean"

"Yes Sir"

"And tell them I don't want roses in my room, actually I don't want flowers at all"

"Right away Sir"

The general left the room, he felt so stupid. Victor made him feel so stupid, he made him lose his temper and behave like a psycho. He was done with him, he was determined to avoid any contact with the boy. He still looked quite upset when he arrived in the dining room. He sat at the end of the table as usual and the room fell silent. He quickly scanned the table and noticed the empty chair facing him. The Prince was not here. Even though he vowed to avoid him a few seconds ago he was frustrated to notice he was absent. The effect he had on him was unacceptable for a respected military general of his stature.

"Where is fag boy?" He casually asked the room avoiding staring at any of them. His words however had the effect of a bomb. Everyone was dead silent. Hadrien could see the shocked expressions on everyone's face. Calling the prince, son of the late Emperor, brother of the current Emperor, "fag boy" was clearly crossing a line.

"Prince Victor has not been eating here for several weeks now. He usually eats outside in the gardens or in his private apartments" eventually answered Major Graziani, breaking the awkward silence.

"Hmm ..." simply nodded the general like he did not care. He did care though.

Hadrien's lunch finally arrived. When the plate was presented to him, he raised his eyebrows a bit surprised. The servant must have caught his expression and blushed. The general gave him an interrogative stare that meant "What on earth is this?"

"This is called Mansaf, Sir. Lamb cooked in a sauce of fermented dried yogurt and served with rice" described the servant anxiously

"I hope you enjoy local food. I am afraid our supply in Corsican and European products relied on the Spanish City States. Mansaf is rather good actually" Captain Valois explained with a smile, amused by the general's reaction. He truly was a spoiled aristocrat. Captain Valois wondered how such an immature young man could also turn out to be such a military genius.

Captain Valois was right, Mansaf turned out to taste better than it looked. Hadrien expeditiously finished eating and left the dining room in a hurry. He had nothing specifically urgent to do, but he wanted some time alone to calm down and regain his composure. He could not allow himself to have erratic behaviours in front of his officers. He went upstairs heading to his study, maybe he could clear his mind while he worked on securing the newly acquired strategic positions.

Hadrien was walking quickly in the long corridors of the first floor. He was lost in his own thoughts as he was already thinking about his military duties and the march forward. He turned left at the corridor's junction. He smashed his body against another one. The collusion was violent enough for the other person to fall on the ground. The other person was holding sheets of paper in his hand, the shock made them fly. Hadrien hang on the wall to avoid falling himself as well.

Hadrien looked at the person he just collided with and was about to shout at him when their eyes locked on one another.

"Victor?" abruptly exclaimed Hadrien with surprise. "Well ... I mean ... your highness" he corrected himself quickly, cursing his stupidity internally.

Victor was holding his head. He smashed his skull against Hadrien's shoulder quite violently and he was almost feeling dizzy. But when he recognised his aggressor his face radiated with joy, he longed for this moment to happen for such a long time. He stared at him. He must have looked like an absolute idiot.

"Are you alright?" wondered Hadrien while reaching his right hand to help Victor stand up. The prince grabbed his wrist and stood up. His legs felt feeble, but he was not sure if this was due to the collision or seeing the general after five long weeks.

"I am fine thank you. I am used to being abused by you now" Victor laughed, instantly regretting what he said. Hadrien smiled back though and the prince relaxed. "You can call me Victor by the way, I do not mind at all" he added.

"I probably should not, your highness" smirked Hadrien, the frustration and anger he carried since his arrival in the palace being lifted.

"If I were not your enemy, I would congratulate you on your brilliant victory. Your officers have been ecstatic for the last few days, I could barely hear myself thought" Victor playfully teased

"And if you were not my enemy I would be flattered. I am not sure your brother would share your admiration nonetheless" Hadrien shot back. The prince's smile dropped, he felt sad when his brother was mentioned. The general shouted at himself internally "Good job bloody idiot" he thought.

"Did you enjoy the piano? Prince Muhammad told me you were very font of playing music, so I thought ..." Hadrien asked, changing the subject from his disastrous remark

"Oh yes, thank you very much. I was really moved by your kind gesture. I wonder what else did you say about me ..." he interrupted the general smiling again. He wanted to let Hadrien know how much he appreciated the gift but did not want to be too inappropriate.

"Well ... You certainly did a good impression; he could not stop talking about how intriguing you were. Honestly, it was almost annoying at some point" the general teased with a smile. Victor giggled and wondered if the general was not over-exaggerating things a little.

"It was fun having him around, life around here was so dull when you left ..." eventually answered the prince. He added the second part of his answer without too much thinking. Now that it was said however he thought that sounded cheesy and wanted to punch himself in the face.

"I thought you would have wanted me out of the palace on the contrary" Hadrien said softly. Victor raised his head and stared at the general right in the eyes before dropping a simple; "No!". The general's face could not have been more red. He was blushing like a young teenager. He felt so goddam stupid.

"Well ... Uh ... I need to work, I have so much to do you know ..." stammered the general while scratching his head. He was unsettled by the prince's blunt answer.

"Oh, yes of course" Victor answered. The disappointment was audible in his voice.

"I will see you soon. Next time I will avoid dislocating your shoulder as well" Hadrien laughed. Victor giggled in return. The general then smiled at the prince and made his way to his study. Victor was stunned, Hadrien was back in the palace. Every day during those five weeks he pictured his reunion with him, he was very nervous about it. Reality exceeded his expectations however, the chat was natural, fluid. It was just like old friends chatting casually with one another. They even seemed to flirt a little.

Victor, after a moment just standing there in the corridor, decided to head back to his apartments. He sat on the couch dumbfounded, wondering what was next for him. Could the rebels really defeat the current government? And then what would happened? Would his brother remain on the throne or would Victor be placed as a puppet head of state? He would never forgive anyone for hurting his brother, Hadrien included. He simply could not accept to play along if his brother was to be executed by these rebels scums.

He tried not to think too much on his future. For now, there was nothing he could do but pray, for himself and the one he loved. He spent the afternoon reading in his lounge then had a quick diner. He did not mind the local food they were serving for almost two weeks now, on the contrary. He never travelled in the middle east before. Being a prisoner here meant that he was absolutely forbidden to cross the palace gates. He was the rebel's diplomatic way out of this war and very closely monitored. Luckily for him the palace, and the gardens, were large and luxurious. Still he was frustrated to be denied all the wonderful things he could visit and discover in the magical orient. In a way, eating local food was the closest he could get to discover this foreign culture. That and learning Arabic.

After diner he relaxed in his bath for a while. Outside it was heavily raining and he could hear the thunder. This was a rare enough occurrence in Jerash, and Victor closed his eyes listening to the raging storm and howling wind. In the safeness of his palace and warmth of his bath he felt cosy and he dozed off. It was already late when he was awakened by one of his servants.

"Your highness? Your highness, the bath is getting cold ..." the servant whispered softly. Victor opened his eyes and regained conscientiousness

"Hmm, what? What time is it?" he asked while redressing so he was sitting in the bath

"It is almost 11pm your highness"

Victor sighted. He knew that because he napped so late, he would most likely get sleep very little tonight. And if daytime was dull in the palace, night-time was even worse. He contemplated what he could do to keep himself busy. He did not feel like reading another book. The rain was still pouring outside, it sounded like music. Music! Maybe he could go to the library and play some piano. Since the Library was far from any bedrooms it was unlikely that he would bother anyone. And if he did, well, let us say there are some advantages from being a prince. After he dried, he dressed with a simple white silk T-shirt, a black velvet sweatpants and a black silk dressing gown. This outfit would most likely be considered inappropriate for him to wear usually, but at this time of the night he was unlikely to meet anyone.

As he walked along the corridors, he could hear the wind whistling through the windows of the empty rooms of this large palace. The ambiance was spooky, and the prince hurried to the library. When he entered the room, it was plunged into darkness. He knew the library rather well however, and he made his way to the end of it where the piano was disposed. The window by the piano was soaking wet because of the the condensation caused by the heavy rain and temperature difference. Victor turned a nearby lamp on and sat on the piano bench. He took some time to decide what to play, and when he made his mind he started.

Victor was taught piano since he was young. Hector's education was tough and met very high expectations. Victor's education however was nothing like his brother's. His mother was dead in labour when he was born. The first years of his life were burdened by grief and sadness. Even if his father never dared say anything, Victor was still feeling somehow guilty, unwanted. As a consequence, he was a very shy kid, very sensitive and quiet. His existence had always been a lonely one, with an absent father too busy to take care of him and a brother too occupied with his outrageous timetable. Everything changed nevertheless when he was twelve and made an attempt on his own life, failed only due to a vigilant guard that was able to stop him on time. After, nothing was the same again. Both his brother and father paid much more attention to him, and he was constantly monitored. It was from that time that he developed a close and intimate relation with his brother Hector. Music was not initially part of Hector's education, but he asked Victor to teach him piano. This was one of their few weekly private moments together until their father passed away. Both kept very fond memory of this.

Victor was now crying like a baby thinking about his brother, but kept playing nonetheless. He was absorbed by his own melody, paying no attention to the outside world. His fingers were furiously browsing the keyboard while his head was bouncing up and down following the rhythm.

"I think I nailed it with that gift" A voice said behind Victor. When he heard it a high pitched scream escaped him. He was unaware he had an audience. "Did I frighten you? My apologies" Hadrien said laughing

"Sorry, I thought I was alone..." answered Victor catching his breath "Did I wake you up? I beg your pardon, I really thought no one would ..."

"You did not! I just finished having a drink with the officers to celebrate. Well ... Maybe I had more than one drink, I might be slightly tipsy ..." interrupted Hadrien "Wait! Were you crying? Why are you crying?" he added after scrutinizing the prince's puffy and red eyes and wet cheeks. Victor was embarrassed. In his education crying in public was highly inappropriate. Any kind of display of emotions was out of place for his rank.

"Oh, no ... nothing, it's nothing really" he evasively said. But Hadrien was having none of it. He approached the prince and kneeled right in front of him. hesitantly he laid his right hand on the prince's left cheek and dried the wet tears.

"I feel terrible... You do not deserve any of this. War is such a burden for us all to bear... I wish I knew what to tell or what to do to make you feel better, please help me" said the general without his usual self-confidence.

"Thank you, general. I am deeply moved by your kind words. You are the best captor one could hope for" the prince grabbed Hadrien's hand, still resting on his left cheek, and dropped a kiss on his palm. The general was staring at him dumbfounded. He was indeed tipsy and his facial expressions were far more transparent than usually.

"You are so... Mesmerising, and handsome. You always know exactly what to do to drive me insane" the general declared

"I think it is the alcohol speaking now" weakly smiled the prince

"No ... No, it's not" Hadrien insisted. The two of them stared at one another intensely. Victor could feel Hadrien's warm breath on his chin and mouth. He could smell the alcohol. He contemplated the general, his captor, kneeling in front of him, in a position of submissiveness. He hesitated for a split second, and then made his mind about it. He approached his face and their mouths came into contact. The prince laid his hand on Hadrien's neck and pulled him closer. He returned the kiss and they languidly made out.

Hadrien was still kneeling, and Victor was still sitting in front of him. The general put his hand under the prince's thighs and rested them on his elbows. He then stood up and lifted Victor from his piano bench. He was now holding the prince entirely and was in the dominant position.

"I missed you so much Hadrien..." whispered the prince. Being called by his first name for the first time by the prince made the general shiver. This was a mark of true intimacy and affection and he loved it. He laid the prince all over the piano. He kissed him all over his neck and around his ear. Victors fists were closed tightly on the back of Hadrien's jacket. The sounds of the heavy rain pouring outside were covered by the prince's moan and the noises of the general's mouth kissing every parcel of bare skin on his captive. He was lodged between the boy's legs and his rock-hard cock poked his butt through his trousers. Hadrien lifted the white silk shirt and kissed the prince's smooth abs while fondling his crotch through the black velvet pants.

Victor's cock was already fully engorged, and he was in a trance. Hadrien grabbed the pants by the elastic and made it slip to its thigh. The prince was not wearing any underwear and his hardon fell back on his belly with a thud.

Hadrien grabbed the exposed cock and swallowed it, tasting the salty precum oozing from it. Victor was moaning erratically as his captor's tongue explored his urethra. His lips were firmly locked around his cockhead and he was slightly moving up and down making his foreskin roll. He fondled his ball-sack with one hand and went further down with the other. When Hadrien's fingertips reached Victor's hole the boy arched, and a gasp escaped his mouth. He inserted one finger slowly and kept sucking his cock.

"I... Stop, I am so close... if you don't... uuh..." moaned the prince while fidgeting. He was breathing heavily, and pleasure radiated through his body. A wave of warmth that departed from his crotch browsed him from head to toes. His hand laid on the back of Hadrien's head and gently caressed his hair. The first powerful stream of cum plastered Hadrien's throat and the loads kept coming. The contracting ball-sack was bouncing up and down while the general swallowed every drop of the prince's precious semen. Eventually Victor's cock left Hadrien's mouth with a pop. The prince and the general stared at one another for a few seconds, the boy still catching his breath.

Then Victor straightened up and sat, still on the piano. He grabbed Hadrien's chin and directed his face to kiss him. He passionately French-kissed him, tasting his own cum mixed with alcohol. Victor got off the piano and stood right in front of Hadrien. He laid his right hand on his torso and pushed him gently to make him sit on the piano bench. The general complied, Victor kneeled in front of him and unbuttoned his trousers. Next, he freed his throbbing hard cock from his pants and underwear and slipped them down to his ankles. He himself slipped of his black velvet pants totally and tossed them aside. He proceeded to sit on the general's lap, facing him. With his hand he straightened up his dick and placed it at the entrance of his tight boy's hole.

"Are you sure that..." Hadrien started saying before Victor placed his index on his mouth to silence him.

"Tonight, it is not for you to decide, general" affirmed Victor. He slowly sat on his cock and his face crisped with pain. He halted for a few seconds to adjust with the pain, and then kept going. He could feel his hole pulsating and the girth of his captor's dick stretching him obscenely. Soon the whole length of his cock was buried inside of him. When his pubic hairs tickled his hole, Victor started making out once more with Hadrien. He kissed him tenderly, riding him in the meantime.

Victor was now riding his captor like a mad man. He was bouncing up and down on his cock frantically. Hadrien had his head leaning backward and his eyes were closed. Pearls of sweat dripped from his forehead. The prince was gripping his shoulders to help himself in his motion and his muscles were sore from the exercise.

"Look at me. I want you to look at me..." Victor demanded while grabbing his captor by the hair. Hadrien opened his eyes and looked at the prince dead in the eye.

"You are so sexy... I am getting close" Hadrien answered

"Good, because I do not think I can keep riding you much longer" and they both laughed. Then Hadrien grabbed Victor's hips and immobilized him. Next, he started pounding the prince himself, ferociously. His balls were slapping the boy's hole with each thrust. Pounding the boy like that drove him over the edge. He started moaning loudly and swearing. Victor leaned to kiss him, and his moans turned into grunts. Suddenly he arched his chest. His balls contracted. His large cock was pulsating and sending load after load of cum inside Victor's hole.

Both were exhausted. Both were also relieved of all tension they accumulated since they fought in the study more than five weeks ago. Victor embraced Hadrien and kissed his neck close to its ear. The storm was vanishing into the night and the quietness came back.

Next: Chapter 7

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