The Royal Prisoner

Published on May 3, 2020


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The Royal Prisoner By Valentin Delgrado Chapter 4

Winter was slowly settling in Corsica. The temperature rarely went under ten degree Celsius in Porto-Vecchio, the Capital. Today however, the wind was chilly. People wore coats and scarf in the street and hurried to reach their destination. The city was build at the end of a gulf on the coastline. Between the mountains and the Mediterranean.

Before the modern world fell, Porto Vecchio was only a small town from a small island. But after the great epidemy that wiped out the world almost to extinction Corsica was the most populated island in the world and soon became an Empire that spread all over the Mediterranean. The Imperial palace was built on a hill facing the gulf. It was a large roman-styled palace with a green bronze roof and mighty stone colonnades supporting elegant pediments ornamented with statues of mythological heroes.

The iron gates opened in front of the palace and a car, escorted with motorcycles, entered. The car parked in front of the main door and a woman got out. She was middle aged and chubby. Her dark blond hair was tidily attached, and she was elegantly dressed. She was wearing a night blue suit with trousers and a white satin top underneath. A guard greeted her and took her inside the palace.

She was escorted through the palace for several minutes, admiring the elegant paintings and furniture. The woman then reached a door.

"Prime Minister Vinciguerra, your Masjesty" she heard through the door.

Then the doors opened before her and the guard invited her to enter the room. This was a study. Facing the wall was a mighty wooden desk with golden ornaments. Behind the desk four large windows framed between beige and golden columns. On each side of the desk two large Corsican Imperial flags. The walls of the study were mostly covered by bookcases. A crystal chandelier was brightening the room from the weak winter natural light.

Seated in a massive wooden chair at the desk, the nineteen years old emperor was writing something. He ignored the Prime Minister for a moment before laying down his pen and looking at the woman.

"Prime Minister! Take a seat"

Marguerite walked towards the wooden desk and sat. This was the first time she was close enough to really see him. The emperor was tall, around 190 centimetres. He was also in very good shape and his athletic body was outlined under his beige and gold uniform. Like Victor, his brother, the emperor had dirty blond hair that waved and curled. He had bluish grey eyes and a roman nose. His square jaw empathized his natural authority and charisma.

"Congratulation on your victory yesterday at the Parliament, Prime Minister! Your speech was very inspiring indeed. Let's hope this time it will not be only empty words from glorified elected cowards..." said the emperor, dead serious.

"Thank you, your Majesty. I can assure you that cowardness is not part of my DNA" answered Marguerite, as seriously as the emperor.

"The capture of my brother was entirely preventable. This level of incompetence from the government is unacceptable. I hope you have a plan to free his imperial highness!" added the emperor

"It is my understanding that Prince Victor is held captive in the city of Jerash, in former Jordan. According to our intelligence this is the headquarter of General Hadrien Ciabrini. As you might already know he is Supreme General Colona d'Istria's cousin." Announced Marguerite.

"What is your plan then"

"With all due respect, your Majesty, my plan is to win the war. It is likely that Prince Victor's capture was meant to disorganise the parliament, to bring us to our knees. I also suspect this is the result of rebel sympathizers inside the parliament."

"Who? Former prime minister Fresnes?" interrogated the emperor

"That should be the subject of an inquiry as well, however I was referring to the Duke of Bonifacio..." answered Marguerite cautiously.

"And what are you going to do about it?"

"Well if our suspicions were to be confirmed, we actually could use that to our advantage..."

In the palace of Jerash, the bed was squeaking. Victor was on all four on the mattress. He was being pounded relentlessly by Hadrien. The general was grunting and moaning loudly. His right hand firmly holding the prince's hair while his left hand grabbed his shoulder.

"Han, han, if you don't slow down, I'm going to cum master" moaned Victor.

"Yeah cumboy? You are going to cum without touching yourself once more?" said Hadrien with a cocky voice. He fastened his pace and was now brutally fucking the boy's hole. Victor felt his legs weaken and his stomach was full of butterflies.

"Master, I'm so close. I won't be able to hold it" he begged

"You know you are not allowed to cum boy. If you do you will be punished!" warned Hadrien, while doing everything he could to make him cum anyway. Then the unescapable happened and Victor erupted in a powerful orgasm. His hard dick fired streams of cum against the mattress. His tight ball sack was throbbing, and he moaned.

Hadrien was incredibly turned on by the show. He pulled out quickly and wanked furiously over the bubble but of his boy. Only a few strokes sufficed to splatter his very own juice all over Victor's back and butt. He aimed at the gaping hole, putting some of his cum inside of his boy's pussy. When he was all done he sighted, he was feeling so damn hot. His whole body was soaked in sweat. Victor reached for his cum soaked hole from beneath and fingered his pussy before licking the cum of his index.

"You will be punished regardless whore-boy" declared Hadrien while contemplating the show.

"Yes master" he answered submissively.

"Guards!" shouted the general towards the door which opened a few seconds later.

"Yes, sir" said the soldier, careful not to watch the lustful spectacle in front of him. While they wanted to be discreet at first, Victor and Hadrien were not hiding any longer from the guards and servants. They kept it on a low profile in front of officers and rebel's officials, but inside the palace everyone knew anyway.

The general gestured that he wanted the door closed and the guard was now standing nervously inside the bedroom with the two horny lovers. The soldier was of average height and was athletic as one could expect of a soldier. His hair was black, and he was most likely north African, either arabian or berber.

"What is your name" asked Hadrien, now sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Nabil, Sir"

"Come closer Nabil" gently commanded the general. Victor laying on his side, naked, and observed the scene with curiosity.

"Well I need your help with something. You see our prisoner here disobeyed me, and I need him to learn how to better respect discipline. You do understand, that right?" he added. Nabil did not answer, and Hadrien defiantly stared at him.

"Yes, Sir!" he finally managed to answer

"Boy!" Then said Hadrien towards the prince. Victor got out of the bed and he approached the guard. He then looked at his master expectantly, but he did not say a word. Feeling that what he was supposed to do he knelt in front of the guard. Nabil dared not to look at any of the two and stared in front of him. His breathing was heavy and he was visibly very nervous.

Hadrien stood up and went behind Nabil. He then overlooked Victor from behind Nabil's shoulder and said to his boy; "Enjoy your punishment now. I'm going to have a quick bath and start my day." He then left the bedroom leaving the soldier and the prince on their own.

Nabil's hands were shaking, and he tried his best to stay still.

"It's all right ..." only said the prince before undoing the soldier's trouser. He then pressed his nose against the fabric that separated him from Nabil's crotch and smelled his briefs. He kissed the underwear softly and submissively.

"Close your eyes and imagine I'm a girl" Victor advised. The soldier closed his eyes and he seemed to feel a little better. Then the prince pulled out his underwear to his knees and opened his mouth. Nabil's cock was circumcised, something that only Jewish and Muslims were around the Mediterranean. his penis was around 6,5 inches, 17cm. but the girth was thick. Victor could swallow the whole length of it, but his lips were spread to their maximum capacity and his jaw was already aching. When finally, Victor's nose was pressed against the soldier's pubes he could smell the manly smell and that exhilarated his senses. Nabil on the other hand had difficulties focussing solely on his pleasure and was thinking too much.

Victor used his secret card and with his right hand he reached beneath the soldier's ball sack and caressed his tight hole. Immediately that sent the soldier over the edge and he was now fully horny. With his eyes closed he tough of feminine women, dancing with silk transparent skirts. Long and colourful necklaces bouncing on their breasts. The prince was enjoying this and deepthroated the soldier furiously. His own dick was now fully hard again. As his master taught him, he concentrated solely on the pleasure he gave the man he served, currently a soldier. Hadrien wanted to break the prince's arrogance and rank awareness. Blowing a soldier, a servant, was the ultimate humiliation. Victor felt the humiliation but enjoyed every part of it, being a whore for a lesser man was such a turn on.

Nabil was now moaning and his head was leaning behind, facing the ceiling and the crystal chandelier. He was close, and he felt waves of pleasure running through his body as his imaginary female dancer sucked his dick. He gasped, and Victor felt the warmth of his cum spurting in his throat. Dutifully he kept sucking until the stream stopped. With a popping sound the soldier's dick left his mouth.

"I think you may leave now" laughed Victor still on his knees. The soldier readjusted his underwear and trouser and left the bedroom. When he was gone, the prince stood up and picked his clothes from a drawer. Since he arrived here a new outfit had been designed and sewed. He still would wear his imperial uniform, at times. But for casual days he would now wear a tight suiting silk tunic with white cotton trousers. He would wear his brown leather boots as well. He then would wander around the palace, read a book in the library, walk in the gardens.

When the general was taking care of his military obligations the prince felt lonely and bored. He often wondered how his brother was coping with the whole situation. Victor admired his older brother and always thought about him fondly. Maybe he was doing everything he could to save him? Maybe not ... Hadrien was everything the prince had now, therefore he was object of all his attention and affection.

"General Ciabrini would like you to join him in his study, your imperial Highness" a servant said, making Victor startle since he did not notice his arrival.

"I will be on my way then" answered the prince blushing.

He put on a satin black dressing gown and left the bedroom. The palace was busy today. The fuss of military boots, moving chairs and closing doors was loud. When he reached the general's study door it was already open. Victor placed himself in the frame and knocked. Hadrien was reading some large map spread all over his office desk and calculating something with a compass. When he heard the know he lifted his head and smiled to his boy. He then gestured him to enter with his hand. Victor came in shyly. This was the first time the prince was summoned in the general's study during the day. He usually only came there to blow his master while he ate late in the evening.

"How was your punishment?" asked the general casually.

"Straight" Victor answered with a smile "I had to make him close his eyes and rub his hole to make him cum" he then added.

"Interesting, maybe you should dress up as a girl next time then" Hadrien suggested in an even voice. Victor was not thrilled at the idea and hoped that was only a joke.

"I am leaving for a few days, perhaps a week even" the general then declared uneventfully. "I have important affairs to settle"

Victor's expression changed. He was outraged and wanted to throw a tantrum. His master was his sole occupation and pleasure in here and he would have to live without him for a whole week? That sounded unacceptable.

"What? But Why? Can I come with you?" he almost shouted. Hadrien seemed surprised and taken aback by his reaction. He expected the prince if not to be relieved to be at least unbothered.

"I am afraid not! You are not my only job in this war you know?" justified Hadrien that did not like the idea of being reduced to a glorified babysitter. Victor, in the other hand, did not appreciated being called "a job". He hated it. He was now hurt, and angry. Hadrien immediately noticed it but he was far too proud to apologize.

"Is that all, general?" answered Victor, faking submissiveness and empathizing all the despise he could on the word "general".

"What an arrogant fucking baby you are! How many times must I teach you a lesson, huh?" Hadrien shouted angrily. "Close the god damn door now and kneel in front of me" he commanded with authority. Victor did not wish to obey, but he did regardless. He slammed the door for good measure and kneeled under the wooden desk. You would have to be on Hadrien's side of the desk to see Victor since he was fully hidden under the desk. He tried to communicate his full hatred to the general with his look.

"Okay, you know what? You can fuck off in your room and sulk there like the teenager you are I'm tired of your behaviour!" declared the general, upset. Then before Victor was able to stand up the main door opened and quickly Hadrien held the prince under the desk. He quickly looked at him with threatening expression that meant "Keep quiet".

"Yes, what is it. I am rather busy at the moment! Could you come back later?" he then answered with a bothered tone.

"I have an important message from the Supreme General, Sir" the female officer said.

"Well go on then ..." he said while pushing Victor's head towards his crotch. Victor reluctantly complied. But when his nose was pressed against the fabric that separated him from his master's dick, he was not reluctant anymore. The appeal of the scent took over, and though he was still mad at the general for being such an inconsiderate prick, he was getting turned on.

"Prime Minister Vinciguerra declared war on seven Spanish City States, all of them whom had been unofficially supporting our war effort" Hadrien was doing his best to keep his composure while Victor was caressing his ball sack through his uniform. "The war declaration came along with a surprise attack that was launched from the Imperial base of Gibraltar towards the City State of Malaga."

"What happened?" asked the general, struggling to keep focusing on the report.

"I am afraid the City had to surrender Sir ... the supreme general thinks this full-scale attack on Spanish City States will discourage our allies to support us and force them to be more discreet."

"I see ..."

"The supreme general is calling off the operation you were to conduct towards the oil fields in the region. He thinks that might trigger the Saudi Califate to get involved in the war against us." Victor was delighted to hear the news. This most likely meant the general was not leaving him on his own after all. He hoped the tantrum he just throwed would be forgiven and he was about to work for it. Silently he undid the general's belt and unbuttoned his trousers. The general tried to push him away with his boots, but the prince would not let this undermine his motivation to reach his goal. A few seconds later his wet mouth was working over Hadrien's semi-hard cock.

"Instead he would like you to convince them to turn in our favour. The supreme general is looking for a way to relieve the rebel's forces in western Mediterranean and would like you to motivate the empire to spread up their military forces. General are you alright? Do you want me to fetch a doctor? You seem unwell!" the officer noticed as Hadrien looked like he was about to have a stroke from restraining himself.

"How ... how does the supreme general think we are going to convince the Saudi Califate?" he managed to ask, ignoring the question and only wanting to finish the report so he could beat the hell out of Victor.

"Hum ... well, yes. The supreme general is ready to propose them a joint invasion of the Jewish City States territories in Judea. The important part on which he empathized however is that we must not look like bullies and invaders. In accordance with the Saudi Califate we must appear as saviours and peace agent in the conflict."

"Is that all?"

"Yes, Sir"

"Thank you then, you may go" dismissed the general in a hurry

"General, may I..."

"LATER!" He shouted impatiently. The officer left the study quickly, feeling the general was not in a good mood.

Hadrien suddenly stood up, his cock leaving Victor's mouth with a "pop". All his accumulated frustration turned into anger. The general was terrible at dealing with frustration and he was now furious. He was trying to calm down, but the sight of the prince fuelled his own destructive impulses.

Victor noticed how angry Hadrien was but was clueless regarding why. He was blowing him to impress him, to submit to him. To make him feel powerful and to demonstrate he was sorry. And now it was all turning against him. He felt that whatever he did, or did not do, it was always making Hadrien unhappy. This was extremely unfair. And Victor felt so down.

"Get up and fuck off!" commanded the general.

"Asshole!" insulted Victor before walking towards the door. In an impulse Hadrien threw himself on Victor and pinned him against the wall with a thud. He was mad, in both meanings. He grabbed him by the chin tightly and their faces were almost touching.

"You are lucky to be a fucking prince!" the general whispered threateningly. And then Victor lost it.

"Oh yeah, right! I am so grateful to be a Prince, otherwise I would not have been kidnaped by a fascist rebel loser that treats me like shit every bloody day! I am thrilled to be a prisoner in a foreign land, not knowing when or if I will see my brother again! I am ecstatic to have the incredible opportunity to serve a man for whom I am merely a "job" like any other!" Victor yelled meanwhile he started to burst into tears. "Beat me! When did you ever treat me like a prince anyway, you barely treat me like a human being at all!" shouted the prince. "HIT ME!" he dared the general.

Hadrien was regaining his composure. His anger was disappearing, and he was now feeling guilty. He let go Victor's chin and stepped back letting the boy collapse against the wall, sobbing. He did not know why he tormented the boy so much. He really did not hate him, on the contrary. But Victor was just too much to handle for him. He made Hadrien feel weak, and for a high ranked military officer, a noble from an influent house, this was unacceptable.

He knew he should just let the boy alone, give him a room and get him a court staff so he would not have to deal with him anymore. That would have been the right thing to do from the beginning. That was also planned even before the boy arrived at the palace. The supreme general had been very clear with that, the prince was to be treated with the greatest respect and honour, as a guest and not a prisoner. But when the prince was presented to him on his first day, he was mesmerised. The boy was so handsome, he wanted to own him. He needed the boy to be his.

"From now on you will have your own apartments in the palace, and you will be provided with a staff as well" the general declared catching up his breath

"I hate you ..." answered the prince softly, his face buried against his knees, crying.

Next: Chapter 5

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