The Royal Prisoner

Published on Aug 23, 2020


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The Royal Prisoner

Chapter 16

Hadrien was in the General Quarter's meeting room, gathered with all the important officers. It was already late in the night and all were exhausted and stunned.

"We should await the Supreme General's instruction!" An officer exclaimed.

"We have the prince! We should negotiate terms for our surrender!" Another proposed.

"Coward! You would have us negotiate behind the Supreme General's back at the first opportunity?!"

"ENOUGH!" Hadrien shouted. "This would be the worst moment to negotiate! If we want to sit around a table with the Imperial government, we need to have something to bargain with!" The general explained. "We need to strengthen our positions first!" He added.

"Sir, the Arabic Caliphate has already withdrawn from the agreement, so did the Cities of Tyre and Sidon! Each passing hour we are getting weaker!" Major Graziani pleaded.  

"We have the biggest ground forces contingent of the Middle East! And we are not the Empire's priority as they will first attack the rebellion located in Italy! We must stand our ground and hold firm for a few weeks before we negotiate! We must not panic!" Hadrien said.

"What about the Supreme General?" An officer asked with concern.

"The Supreme General is in Italy; the sea separates us. From now on, the Mediterranean is Imperial ground, we are on our own." Hadrien replied. "Get some rest officers, tomorrow we are going back to Jerash first thing in the morning."

The general stood up and quickly left the meeting room. Exhausted, he walked back to his apartment where the prince waited for him. He closed the door behind him and walked to the prince. Hesitantly he reached for the prince, but Victor quickly moved and avoided his touch.

"Leave me alone, General." Victor snapped. Hadrien sighted and retreated his hand.

"You need help to get off your uniform, Victor." The general softly answered.

"Why am I not going back to the villa?" The prince asked with a trembling voice.

"I am afraid the Arabic Caliphate is no longer our ally, there is nothing waiting for you there." Hadrien explained calmly.

"What?!" Victor gasped in horror. Alexandre, Muhammad, they were all gone? They abandoned him to this bunch of monsters. The prince felt devastated. He burst into tears and sat on the sofa. Hadrien wanted to comfort the prince, but he refrained, knowing it would only make things worse.

Instead, the general pulled on the string that was used to call the servants and waited. A few moments later the servant girl arrived.

"Yes, Sir?" She said. She glanced at the prince crying and seemed concerned.

"Get your colleague, the ginger one." The general commanded.

"But, Sir. He is not on duty, he is sleeping and does not work until..." She started explaining.

"I don't care, wake him and send him here, immediately." Hadrien interrupted.

"Yes, Sir" She answered submissively before turning back and leaving the suite. Hadrien poured himself a generous glass of whiskey and sat next to Victor on the sofa. He looked at the prince and felt terribly guilty. In the end, the boy went through all this for no reason at all. His brother would remain on the throne and the prince would go back to his life in Corsica, the general thought. He sighed heavily and leaned his head back, he stared at the ceiling for a moment, until someone knocked at the door and opened it.

"You asked for me, General?" The servant said with a trembling voice. The prince finally stopped crying for a moment and stared at the servant. They exchanged looks for a few seconds.

"Sasha!" Victor exclaimed, not caring anymore what the general would think.

"Come on Sasha, help the prince undress." Hadrien encouraged the servant, knowing he was restraining because of him. The Jewish boy hesitantly walked to the prince and Victor tenderly smiled at him.

Victor stood up so Sasha could undress him easily. The servant detached the Imperial Sash carefully and unbuckled the golden belt. The general kept sipping his whiskey slumped on the sofa and scrutinized the scene in front of him. A spark of lust appeared in Hadrien's eyes as he watched the servant boy undress his lover.

Sasha stood behind the prince and unbuttoned the uniform's vest meticulously and slid it along its sleeves. Victor took off his white gloves and tossed it on the table by the sofa. Sasha untied the white string and peeled the prince off his white silk undershirt slowly. Victor's naked smooth torso was revealed. His tanned skin flexing with each inspiration. His erect pink nipples were hard from anticipation. Hadrien stared at the prince with unmistakable desire and Sasha became gradually aroused.

The servant kneeled and untied the prince's laces, Victor raised his feet one after the other so Sasha could take off his shoes. Kneeling in front of the prince in a provocative way, the Jewish boy unbuttoned the Imperial trousers and grabbing the band waist he pulled and made it slide down his thighs and to his ankles. Victor stepped out of his trousers and stood in his underwear in front of the two men. The prince's cock was engorging and chubbing up. Hesitantly, Sasha turned to the general that nodded his approval. The servant gulped and delicately peeled off the prince's white boxer briefs. Victor's cock bounced up as it was freed from the fabric and almost slapped the Jewish boy's angelic face. Sasha blushed furiously, but Victor was not embarrassed, quite the opposite.

Sasha stood up slowly and there was a moment of hesitation. Suddenly, Victor grabbed the servant's neck and pulled his face to his before kissing him on the lips. The shy kiss turned into a full passionate make out. Victor's fully erected cock rubbed against Sasha's bulging crotch and the servant caressed the prince's lower back. Meticulously, the prince undressed the servant, as he himself had done moments earlier. He rushed to unbutton his shirt and lower his trousers and tossed them aside negligently. Victor kissed and licked the ginger boy's neck while his hand fondled the servant's smooth ballsack. Sasha moaned in a high pitch tone and shivered as the prince unleashed his lustful passion.

The general was now rubbing his own hardening crotch. He occasionally sipped on his whiskey as he was getting drunk on sexual desire. Victor kneeled in front of the servant and swallowed the whole length of his hard cock without difficulty. He eagerly sucked the shaft and buried it balls deep while staring directly at Sasha's eyes. The prince's right hand found the way of Sasha's hole and rubbed his delicate fingertips against it. Hadrien unbuckled his belt and opened his fly before getting out his massive dick. He shamelessly stroked his manhood as Victor watched him provocatively. Anger was still very much present in the prince's eyes, but he desired the general. He was in love with his features, his bad character, his manliness, his scent, his charisma.

Victor grabbed Sasha's waist and turned him over. Hungrily he spread the servant's butt cheeks wide and plunged his face in between. His tongue penetrated the ginger's tight hole and the servant grunted with pleasure. Victor was now stroking his own dick as he was eagerly rimming his partner. The servant bent and lost balance. He caught himself up on the sofa, his hand grabbing the edge of the sofa, next to the general's knees. Sasha could smell the general's intoxicating scent. The servant feared the soldier as much as he desired him. He knew he could be equally violent and gentle. But Hadrien left the two boys alone and didn't try to participate in their sexual games. He kept violently stroking his cock, moaning and staring at the two teenagers.

Sasha straightened up and pulled the prince away from his tight hole. He helped him get up and kissed him lustfully. The servant tasted his own cock and ass from the prince's mouth and he loved it. He leaned slightly and his mouth landed on the prince's left nipple. With talent the Jewish boy bit and licked the sensitive nipple as the prince shivered with each of the servant's teeth assaults. Hadrien caressed his own heavy balls as he was driven crazy by the two teenagers. Sasha brought his fingers to Victor's mouth that willingly opened and sucked on them. The prince wrapped his tongue around the delicate salty fingers and between them.

Then, Sasha withdrew his fingers from the Imperial mouth and placed his knee between the prince's leg to spread them. He brought his fingers between Victor's smooth butt cheeks and rubbed his lubed hand against his hole. He spat some more on his fingers and then went back to Victor's hole. Gently, he pushed two fingers inside. The prince moaned against the servant's chest as Sasha was slowly finger-fucking him. Gradually, the servant increased his pace and soon he was savagely fingering the helpless hole.

Suddenly, a wave of intense pleasure drowned the prince as his burning hole was driving him mad. The prince erupted in a spectacular handless orgasm and rubbed his ejaculating cock against Sasha's belly and pubes. Hadrien stood up and pressed both teenager's shoulders to make them kneel in front of him. With a loud grunt, the general splattered a generous amount of cum over the two boy's faces, alternating between the prince and his servant. Catching up his breath, he let go of his hard cock that hung in front of the boys. Victor grabbed Sasha's chin and pulled the servant to him. Meticulously he licked and cleaned the general's cum dripping from his partner's face. When it was over, he kissed the servant and they rolled their tongues together. Sasha eventually ejaculated as the prince shared Hadrien's load with him and splattered his own cum over the prince's thighs and deflating cock.

Hadrien sighted and fell back on the sofa behind him. He watched as the two teenagers tenderly made out and smiled. The general grabbed his glass of whiskey and drank it all in one gulp. He then stood up and the two boys looked at him expectantly.

"It is time to sleep, Your Highness. Tomorrow we go back to Jerash!" Hadrien declared with authority. "You may leave us now." He added turning to Sasha. The servant nodded slightly and weakly smiled at the prince. He stood up and quickly got dressed as Victor glanced at him with sadness in his eyes. Sasha then walked out of the suite and closed the door behind him. Victor and Hadrien were left alone and silently gauged at one another. Victor first stared at the general with defiance but quickly looked away and avoided eye contact. Hadrien knew he had fucked up badly but he was too tired to do anything at the moment.

"I will sleep on the sofa and you can have my bed." Hadrien eventually declared while stepping out of his shoes. The general yawned and stretched, he had tucked his deflated cock back in his underwear and was taking his trousers off. Victor admired his body some more and gulped, inwardly he yelled at himself to be attracted to a man he hated with passion. What a slut he was! But no matter how seductive Hadrien was, he was no match for his brother's love, period.

Victor got up and walked to Hadrien's bedroom without a word. Slowly, he closed the door behind him and slipped in the large bed. In a matter of minutes, the teenage prince was drifting to sleep and peaceful dreams.

The sun was rising over the Corsican Capital and the Duke of Bonifacio was slowly waking up. The thirty-eight year old grunted slightly and opened his eyes. The duchess was snoring peacefully by his sides. Suddenly, the bedroom door slammed open and Maël, the duke's six years old son, ran through the large room and jumped on his parent's bed. Maël hugged his dad and kissed him all over his face while giggling. The duke ruffled his son's hair and laughed.

"Look who's up! Is it my little baby boy?" The duke tenderly declared.

"Daddy! I'm not a baby!" Maël pouted, it has been a few years now that he hated being called a `baby'. For the duke however, his son was still very much his baby. The duchess stretched and she also woke up and opened her eyes painfully.

"Oh no, you are not a baby, you are MY baby!" The duke answered playfully while tickling his son. The boy giggled and jumped on his father's chest. The duchess snuggled against her spouse's body and laid her head on his shoulder. The little boy leaned and kissed his mother on the lips. Maël then crawled between his parents as they both hugged their son.

"Is your sister up yet?" The duchess asked the little boy as he was facing her, wrapped in his father's arms.

"No!" Maël answered after a moment of hesitation.

"Then why don't you go and wake her up?" The duchess suggested with a soft tone.

"I don't want to! She is always mean when I go to see her in the morning!" The boy whined. Both parents laughed as their son failed to understand what was that funny.

"She is not a morning person, that is for sure!" The duke answered. "Let's let her sleep shall we, it is Saturday after all." The duchess smiled and nodded to her husband. The duke slipped out of bed and grabbed a dressing gown, he tied it around his waist and lifted his boy in his arms. "Let's have breakfast, doesn't that sound nice?" He then proposed.

"I will join you in a moment darling." The duchess answered with a smile.

The Duke of Bonifacio left the bedroom carrying his son in his arms. He walked the long corridor of his enormous mansion and went down the stairs as his boy was carrying five conversations at the same time, none making any sense. The duke entered the lounge and sat in his favourite armchair.

"Good morning, Your Grace" The domestic said as she opened the lounge's curtains. "Coffee, my Lord?"

"Good morning Lisa. Yes, coffee would be great." The duke answered, "Do you want a hot chocolate my love?" He asked his son.

Before Maël could even answer, a loud bang was heard throughout the large mansion. The domestic jumped from surprise and everyone was taken aback. Loud boots footsteps were heard and the lounge's door was blown up. The little boy was terrorised and hugged his dad tightly. Soldiers rushed in the lounge and pointed their guns at the duke.

"Basile Paoli, in the name of His Majesty the Emperor, you are under arrest. You will be brought to justice and judged for; High treason, intelligence with the enemy, plot against the State, crime of lease Majesty, and abuse of power." A woman then announced the Duke of Bonifacio. "Seize him now!" She then commanded her men. The duke gulped, his son was now crying profusely in his arms, not that he understood what just happened but mostly shocked from the violent intrusion. The soldiers approached the duke and one of them grabbed the little boy to take him off Basile's arms.

"NOO! DADDY! DADDYY!" The boy screamed while crying frantically. His small fist gripping his father's dressing gown in a desperate attempt to hold on to him. The duke's heart broke into millions of little pieces as he witnessed his boy's panic. "I WANT MY DADDY! NOOOO!" He shouted as the soldiers were roughly handcuffing the duke.

The domestic was half paralyzed with shock, fear, and distress. She rushed to the little boy still screaming and crying in the air as the soldier lifted him and tried to comfort him. Maël however, was not even paying attention, his heart was furiously beating, and he reached a state of panic so intense that his surroundings were blurred.

"MOM! WHAT ARE THEY DOING? MOM WHAT IS HAPPENING!" The duke's daughter's voice screamed from upstairs. The duke was taken out of the lounge where the little boy was still screaming, he wanted to say something, to comfort his son. But he was too shocked and did not know what to say.

In the great hall he saw his spouse as she was being taken down the stairs, handcuffed as well. She was crying and seemed very confused. Their daughter was still screaming from afar and the duke's eyes met his spouse's.

"No! You cannot take my wife, she has nothing to do with any of this! Please!" the Duke of Bonifacio pleaded.

"That's what we will see!" The officer answered.

Next: Chapter 17

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