The Roommate Series

By d.a. w

Published on Feb 21, 2014


The Roommate Chapter 13 Exploring

From the end of Chapter 12

At the end of the tour, Beau let me up the stairs, again a stairway that would have been right in place with one of those mansions in "Gone With the Wind" and opened the door to what he called "Your digs for the time here."

It was not a room but a suite. It had a sort of mini living room right off the hallway, then through double doors a bedroom, and off the bedroom on one side was a walk in closet, and on the other my own bathroom with a spa, jetted tub, a shower with enough shower heads to keep every part of the occupant's body thoroughly engulfed in the hot water. I suppose it could also give you a cold shower, but I envisioned the luxury of having my body messaged by all those shower heads by hot steamy water. I was amazed to find my bags were in the closet and my clothes hung in the closet. There was also a note on the bed. SIR, Frank, SIR. Some of you clothes were a bit wrinkled from the trip. These are being pressed and will be returned and hung for you."

At this time Beau knocked at the door, and came in.

"How would you like to ride over Pleasant Acres, and get a feel for the whole place?" Beau asked.

"Sounds great. Give me a few minutes to change and I'll be down."

I suspect that riding over Beau's family's plantation would be as amazing to me as arriving at his home had been.

Chapter 13 Tours

I awoke the next morning after a very comfortable sleep in a bed that was just perfect, not so hard that I felt like I was sleeping on a board, not so soft that I felt I might be enveloped by the mattress as I lay on it.

When I opened my eye, I suddenly became aware that I was not along in my bedroom. Beside my bed was a servant. He was dressed in the livery of all the house servants, and had his small but definitely present steel collar visible around his neck.

"Good morning Master Frank. I am Jeremy, and I am here to provide you with morning services."

I looked at him in amazement. He made the speech softly but clearly, and seemed genuinely anxious to help me get out of bed. Jeremy looked like he might be between twenty to thirty years old. He was dressed in the household livery. He had back slacks, and black shoes. The shoes were leather slip-ons which was polished to a mirror like shine and would satisfy any Marine Drill Sergeant. He wore a sort of slightly gray polo shirt that had no pocket, but had the notation "Pleasant Acres" on the top line right about nipple level on the left side of his shirt, and "Household Staff Servants" on the line below, in a slightly smaller script. I noted his slacks did not have a belt but rather seemed a bit like sweat pants.

"Well Jeremy," I replied as soon as I could gain enough composure, "as I am sure you have been briefed I am from Massachusetts, and I am not familiar with the types of services you might normally offer. Actually I have been getting out of bed, and getting myself ready to face the world pretty much on my own since I was around six or seven years old."

Smiling, Jeremy, looked at me. "Sir I have been briefed by Master Beau Sir, and if you will just allow me to serve you, I will guide you through how a southern gentleman with a properly trained domestic servant should be served."

There was a short period of silence here, as I really wondered if I should insist on going to the toilet, shaving, showering, and dressing myself, or allow myself to see how a " southern gentleman" would go this routine. After a moment's contemplation, I decided to follow the "When in Rome..." philosophy.

"Sir would you like for me to turn in the TV for you while I bring you your morning coffee. I have been keeping it at the appropriate temperature in the servant's service pantry."

"Do you need to know how I want my coffee?" I asked.

"Sir no sir if you want your usual. Master Beau has informed us of your normal coffee, decalf, two splashed of cream, and one measure of sugar. If that is correct, I have these items ready for you, but if you would want to try something different, we are equipped for most normal requests."

"No Jeremy, Beau has me down pat."

Sir thank you SIR. Do you want to watch any particular TV morning program while I get that for you?"

"I guess I will watch my morning TV morning program." I stopped as a flat screen TV on the wall facing the bottom of the bed flashed into life, and sure enough "The CBS Morning Show" appeared. Why was I surprised. Beau knew I no longer watched the "Today" program as I was tired of the group there, and preferred Charlie Rose's quiet intelligence to the puerile banter of the other shows.

As I rose to prop myself up, "Jeremy immediately had two pillows fluffed and ready behind my back.

"Damn," I thought to myself. "I could get used to this."

I half watched the TV, and half just stared around the room. I had not really paid much attention to it last night. I noted the door to the bathroom was closed, but heard noise of a fan running inside. The door to the closet was ajar, and I could see that my clothes had been unpacked and were hanging there. I could not see it from my bed, but I knew instinctively that they had all been pressed before being hung up.

About the time I had finished these thoughts, Jeremy returned. My coffee was on a tray, which he put on the stand beside the bed.

"Would you like for me to bring you some fruit, a croissant, or something else to slake you hunger before you go down to breakfast?

"I think I would like a croissant."

"Sir than you Sir, I will get a croissant for you immediately."

He disappeared and I had no more adjusted the volume of the TV to my liking, than he returned with a plate with three types of croissants arranged artfully on it.

Again Jeremy stood beside the bed behind my line of sight to the TV so I did not get a sense of his hovering which would have been irritating.

I spent a few minutes consuming a cream filled horn croissant, and sipped my coffee which was absolutely perfect in the amount of cream and the temperature, I began to get out of bed.

"Are you ready for your morning ablutions, SIR" was the next remark out of Jeremy's mouth. I almost dropped my jaw. Who would ever ask that question with that terminology? It was more than I even remember from all those 1930's movies which showed how the "other half" lived with ubiquitous servants.

"Yes, I think I am."

I walked into my ensuite and found that my shaving materials all laid out, and the shower turned on and steaming.

SIR, do how do you normally proceed SIR? I will take note today, and have all preparations ready for you every morning for the remainder of your stay."

"Well Jeremy usually I shave, brush my teeth and then take a shower and get dressed."

"SIR thank you SIR, from now on all will be ready. Do you wish for me to shave you? If you wish for me to do so, I will arrange for a shaving chair to be brought to the ensuite so that I can do this service for you. I will tell you SIR, that if you have never had this service every morning, most who experience it do wish to continue." Here Jeremy paused and smiled at me.

"Well Jeremy I have been shaving myself for years now, but tomorrow let's try your service which I believe you when you say that it will be superb. Right now I will shave myself, brush my teeth and take my shower."

"SIR yes SIR.

SIR also may I modestly recommend my services in the shower, SIR. SIR I am trained to assist a master by washing the master's back and other areas that are not easily accessible to the person taking the shower SIR. SIR I will tell you that most men who have received this services are thrilled and have the service provided every morning, SIR.

"Well Jeremy, let me shave today, and tomorrow I will brush my teeth, (here I paused waiting for him to tell me he would do that for me also,) wash my own face, and then I will take you up on the shower assistance."

"SIR thank you SIR. SIR if I might also modestly let you know that I am also trained to wash a master's face, and also message the face, SIR. SIR your servant would love to provide that service also tomorrow and for the rest of your stay, SIR. SIR personally it will be my pleasure to provide these services, and truthfully, if you were not to use them SIR, this servant might be questioned as to why a Master was not utilizing the serves of this servant, SIR."

"Jeremy you have won me over, tomorrow the only thing I will do for myself is in the water closet and brushing my teeth."

"SIR," Jeremy looked at me brightly, "now that SIR has broached the subject, this servant is trained and happy to provide toilet services also, SIR. SIR this servant can accept your morning urine elimination, and also to gently and completely clean SIR after SIR has done the solid waste morning elimination, SIR."

I must admit that this news did cause me to stop in my tracks. Would it be possible that Beau and the other any other men in the house would routinely have their penis cleaned by a servant?... and even perhaps use the servant as a urinal, and well as having a personal servant wipe his butt? I did not want to know. "No Jeremy, unless I change my mind, I will take care of myself I the water closet."

"SIR as you wish SIR; however please know that what you might think of as degrading to myself, SIR, this servant does not regard the services in that way at all, SIR. SIR this servant is very thankful to be here at Pleasant Acres, and finds these services perfectly appropriate for the men of this home because they have shown extraordinary care for servants, SIR, and we all feel that we are happy to provide these personal services as an appreciation for the way we are considered here, SIR SIR, and a guest here, especially one the Master Beau has spoken so highly of through his years up North, SIR, would really be a special honor for me to serve you in all these ways, SIR."

"Thank you Jeremy for explaining these services and how you see giving them to me. I will consider what you have said. I will have to tell you that all services you seem so anxious to provide are a bit unusual for a Yankee like myself to understand." Here I paused, "But I will honestly really think about it." I smiled, as did Jeremy.

I then brushed my own teeth, and went over to the shower. Jeremy services in washing my back areas were nothing less than marvelous. I thought that yes, I could get used to having these services. As he was messaging and washing my back ( and my butt) it suddenly seemed clear why his shoes and clothes would could be quickly removed so that the servant could provide services in the shower. I wondered if tomorrow when I allowed Jeremy to perform more of the services he had proposed to me that I would also find them so satisfying that I would be sure to use them for the rest of the summer. I even wondered if I would be won over to try for the ultimate service of having someone else clean my bottom after I shit. I just could not imagine allowing this to happen. If might not bother Jeremy, but I think I might be embarrassed by that service. As I had that thought, I smiled at myself. I decided that if I did take up Jeremy's suggestion to clean me after as he so delicately phrased it, "to gently and completely clean SIR after SIR has done the solid waste morning elimination" perhaps I would come to like that service too. I think I did not want to be tempted into this service. What then would I do when I traveled back to Massachusetts and had to cope with these activities all by myself again.

After I managed to get showered shaved, and taken care of my morning water closet activities, Jeremy proceeded to show me the clothes that he had laid out for me, and helped me dress.

I went down to breakfast, and there found Beau and the rest of his family sitting at the table and talking. They had already been served breakfast, and were just sitting and discussing the day. However, as soon as I sat down, a servant arrived and asked what I would like for my breakfast.

I said that I normally just had cereal with fruit and orange juice. I could see that this answer was not what the normal or expected answer was, and so added, "But I believe in following the customs of the place in which I am, and so what would you suggest." This answer brightened his look considerably.

The first course, as the servant announced to me was the toast and fruit course, and so it was in abundance.

"This morning is the last morning we will be sharing breakfast with you, Frank. I do not if Beau bothered to mention it to you, but Gran and I are leaving early tomorrow morning for Miami, where we will begin our around-the-world cruise. We will be gone for ten months, and so just in case you two miss lunch or dinner or both, I will say good-by to you. Tom and I are really thrilled to have you here this summer, especially since this opportunity for the cruise came up somewhat expectantly, we did not see how we could refuse."

"Well I will miss getting to know you two better, but I can imagine that an opportunity to take and around-the-world cruise is not something that could be missed." I replied.

"Well we had long wanted to take this trip, and had planned to take the trip in six months, but a week ago, the cruise ship announced that a cancellation had occurred and there was a first class suite available almost identical to the one we had booked for the later cruise. In fact the suite had an even better set of views than the one we had booked later, and so we did not think we could turn it down. We hope you will understand, and not hold this breech of etiquette against us."

"NO, of course not." I of course replied. "Your trip sounds fantastic. I wish you bon voyage." In fact although both Beau's parents were very friendly and quite pleasant to be around, they also scared me a bit. They seemed to occupy a lifestyle so different from the one with which I was familiar, that I could sense that at some point we might run out of conversation.

Beau's mother smiled, and returned looked over at Beau and myself. "Now you two behave yourselves after we are on our trip. I am not sure that you two could not get into trouble even if you are both college graduates."

"Mother! How could you say something like that" Beau responded smiling.

"Well I think Frank is a fine, reserved, and well-mannered young man. I am not so sure all those adjectives equally apply to you, Beau." She smiled as she made that response.

"Well Mother I can assure you that I will make sure that Frank and I will behave ourselves appropriately while you are gone." Beau said.

I thought his response a bit oddly stated, but dismissed the thought as paranoid.

"What are you two going to do today?" she replied looking again at Beau.

"Well this morning after Frank and I get done with breakfast I thought I would run him down to Chattanooga to see the Chu-Chu and Lookout Mountain, and then take a tour of the plantation in the afternoon." Beau replied.

Well, have fun and that bit of sightseeing. There is a bit of pretty scenery between here and there." his Mother replied.

"Well we'll see you two for dinner then," she replied. "Now I need to excuse myself to supervise packing, and pick up a couple of last minute things for the trip. See you too at dinner."

And with that comment she excused herself and left.

Beau said, "Well as soon as you are ready, let's go sightseeing!"

I went upstairs, and found my bed made, and the bathroom literally sparkling clean.

I grabbed my billfold, change purse, and comb, and dashed downstairs.

Beau was at the garage door waiting, and soon we were on our way to Chattanooga on I-24. The drive down was uneventful, with Beau and me talking as much as possible with the wind rushing around us. When I started noticing mountains, and these were certainly more mountains than anything I had seen in Massachusetts, we began curving around them and by streams. Soon we arrived at Chattanooga, and began our sightseeing.

We did the full tour. Beau took me to see the Chattanooga Choo Choo, (not really too thrilling. It is just a very large old steam locomotive), and then Beau took me up Lookout Mountain. There we went to an overlook which looked over Chattanooga. There was a bronze statue of some military type looking over at the city. Beau told me about the battle of Chattanooga, and I tried to pay enough attention to ask questions. We went to see Ruby Falls, again interesting, but not something which would be in my ten best list. Finally Beau drove to the Incline Railway.

"We're going to go down on the railway." he announced.

Without thought I blurted out, "But what will you do with the car? It will be here, and we'll be there?"

"Frank, Frank," Beau said soothingly. "You are still caught up in that Massachusetts mindset where there are not servants to take care of these little problems.

He led me over to the ticket booth, and stated his name, and of course, he had already purchased our tickets on-line. I listened to the ticket clerk respond.

"Your tickets are here, Mr. Masterson, and they are as you requested in the row that provides the best views descending. Also we have arranged the valet service to deliver your car to the parking lot at the base of the railroad. It will be there when you arrive."

Beau handed the ticket seller his car keys, picked up the tickets and led me over to this strange looking railroad leading very steeply down the side of the mountain. "Beau this is amazing. How does it work? Does the worker came back up on the railroad?"

Beau looked at me with that sort of patronizing expression. "Of course not. A servant will drive the car down, leave the keys in the office at the foot of the railroad, and jog back to the top. It helps the servant keep in shape, and who would want to use the valuable spaces on the incline for a servant? He looked at me in a sort of patronizing way a parent would to a child who had just asked a question the answer to which should have been obvious.

"Forgive me Beau" I sort of stammered. "I still am not used to the abundance of servants to take care of so many tasks that would be expensive to have done back in New England with no involuntary servants."

"Well Frank, there is always hope you folk up there will someday see the light and join the rest of civilized society."

With that we walked over to the incline railroad, and I found just how well named the thing was. I was not sure I wanted to go down it, as it was a cog railroad and so we would descend with the engine moving from cog to cog. It was a beautiful if clunky trip down the Lookout Mountain, and when we arrived back at Chattanooga, there was Beau's car waiting for us. After Beau picket up the keys, he drive us down to the river, and there was a sign for "The Southern Belle, Cruise on the River and have a gourmet meal as you enjoy the scenery." We boarded "The Southern Belle" and when Beau handed the waiter at the top of the gangway an envelope, the waiter changed his demeanor immediately, became both very friendly and very anxious to please.

"Mr. Masterson, we have been waiting for your arrival. As soon as you and Mr. Wilkinson are seated we will be underway."

And so it was that we had a delicious lunch of a mammoth chef salad, and a desert of ice cream and cake that was absolutely delicious. Our table was on an upper deck and so we had unobstructed views of the mountains and the banks of the river as "The Southern Belle" went down the river, and then stopped and turned around for our return to Chattanooga. On the way back a cart of deserts was pulled up to our table and left. We helped ourselves. I admit that desert is often my favorite part of a meal, and I had a piece of pie, a piece of cake, and a fruit compote. I was stuffed.

"I may have to run back to Pleasant Acres to work off all those calories." I said as the cart was rolled away as we approach the dock back at Chattanooga.

"Well, if you want, I have some great running shoes in the trunk, and I planned to take the scenic route back to Pleasant Acres on US 41, and so if you REALLY want to run off those calories, you can jog along the road, really get close to nature, really be able to admire the scenery, and I will follow behind you as a kind of chase car." Beau smiled at me as he knew that he had trumped my duce comment with an ace.

I paused trying to think of some rejoinder that might gain back the advantage, but nothing came to mind, and so tacitly admitting defeat, I smiled, "I guess I should be more careful what I ask for, and in this instance I will just get in the car, and admire the scenic route back to Pleasant Acres, at somewhat less speed that the eighty miles an hour that we traveled down to this great city." With that I got into the car, and away we went.

I must admit that the scenery was beautiful, and at a much more leisurely pace, I could really enjoy it. However, one of the first special sights we had was not beautiful vistas but rather a tunnel. A large sign announced it to be the Bachman Tunnel. After the tunnel the road meandered through the mountains. Then, somewhere near Sewanee, Tennessee, we came around a curve and there was a highway worker flagging us to a stop.

"What seems to be the trouble," Beau asked as we stopped beside the flagger.

"Sir, there has been a rockslide just around the bend." Here he indicated a curve in the road that led around the side of the mountain, as 41 followed the contours of the land unlike the interstate where explosives had changed the topography. I was finding I liked following nature than dashing through massive gashes in the natural beauty of the area.

"Is it possible to drive through at all" was Beau's comment. "As you can see my car is not large, and we can squeeze through a fairly small opening."

"SIR, I will radio, SIR. SIR you do realize that the supervisor might be apprehensive about damage occurring to this magnificent sports car. SIR. SIR I will have to tell you that I have seen pictures of this car, but yours is the only one I have ever actually seen, SIR. SIR, I will call ahead and see what I can do, SIR."

As the highway worker moved away and began talking, and clearly was having a discussion with whomever he was talking as the radio into which he was speaking kept bobbing up an down.

Finally he stopped talking, and returned to us, a smile on his face.

"SIR, I have managed to talk the supervisor into allowing you to proceed rather than wait about another half hour for the clearing work to be completed, but I am to obtain a written waiver as I mentioned which your friend here could witness."

"Of course we would be willing to sign such a document." Beau replied in sort of a bemused light-hearted way. "I have paper and pens in a document case in the trunk."

I thought to myself. "Who else would call a sort of brief case something more grand but Beau."

Then Beau exited and returned with a beautiful leather case, opened it, and using his beautiful pen, write out "I, Beauregard Jackson Thomas Masterson do absolve and indemnify all individuals and governmental agencies from any liability in allowing Mr. Beauregard Jackson Masterson to travel at his own risk through a construction site on US 41 near Sewanee, Tennessee." Here Beau signed his name with a flourish.

"Here Frank. Please sign as witness, and be sure that you give your full legal name."

I decided to follow Beau's lead, and signed my name " Franklin Emerson Wilson Wilkinson, Witness."

Beau then handed the document back but I noted that under the document was the flutter of two or three pieces of paper currency. Beau carefully placed both the paper and the currency into the man's hands. I noticed his startled expression when he noted the presence of the currency under the document.

"SIR" he said as he removed the bills from under the paper. "I do appreciate you kindness, but I feel that accepting the money would not allow me the pleasure of being this close to this fine vehicle. Also SIR, I did not make the call to the supervisor in order to obtain some payment from you, but only to recognize that a person of your taste and means deserves accommodation whenever possible."

"You have shown yourself a man of integrity, SIR" Beau replied. "I would not dishonor your rectitude by insisting. However, I would be honored if you would give me your name so that tonight in my prayers, I can remember you by name as one who showed charity to strangers, as is required by religion."

"SIR I am honored SIR. SIR my name is Terry L. Timmons, SIR."

Beau, took out his pen again, and in the notebook write the name, and held it up to the man.

"SIR thank you SIR. SIR you have my name exactly, SIR."

"It is my pleasure to have made your acquaintance, Mr. Timmons."

With that Beau started the car, and following Mr. Timmons slowly began moving around the curve.

When we rounded the curve and there we found that a small landslide was the cause of the closed road, and also we also found a crew of involuntary state servants who were busy cleaning the highway of the rocks and dirt which cluttered the pavement. I was shocked at the difference between this coffle of involuntary servants from the coffle that I had seen yesterday as we started down the lane to Beau's home.

These servants were dressed in black and white striped prison suits just like in all those pictures of chain gangs in the south from the time between the end of the Civil War and the 1960's and 1970's where there was some sort of outcry about those mostly black men who were worked under the whip, in chains, for both the government and also leased out to private contractors. (Author's Note: For a thorough, scholarly account of this period, read Slavery by Another Name by Douglas A. Blackman, and/or view the documentary made from this book) Unlike the servants at Pleasant Acres, these government servants had thick metal collars around their necks, with four "D" rings placed evenly around the collar, and they also wore iron wrist and ankle cuffs, with both wrists and ankles. The chain between their wrists swung with their arms as the servants swung the sledges smashing the rocks The chains linking their ankles mostly swung between their legs as most had found some sort of a cord that they had tied to the middle link of the chain connecting their ankles and tied to the belt on their striped pants' belt which kept the ankle chain above the ground which made it easier to keep moving from boulder to boulder. . These servants' convict suits were dirty and worn, and the boots on the servants' feet were both also worn and filthy. In great contrast to the servants at Pleasant Acres these servants did not keep their heads up, but they were sort of bowed over, looking at the ground and the rocks that were their task.

There were two gangs of five servants each swinging sledge hammers breaking up the larger boulders that had come down the side of the mountain. I saw three other gangs gathering the smaller rocks that the those two gangs created and the smaller rocks from the slide and shovel them into wheel borrows which about ten other convicts who were working individually rather than in gangs carried over to the side of the highway which was opposite of the mountain side, and emptied the rocks down the side of the mountain.

However, the most extraordinary sight that I saw was the man in charge. He was riding on a white stallion and in an immaculate uniform. Then I noticed a sparkling clean truck and horse trailer down the road parked beside an old dirty flatbed truck. The sides of the truck bed at what looked like steel fencing around it. I figured that this was the deluxe transportation for the involuntary servants. The horse in clean luxury and the humans in open dirt and exposure. As we slowly drove by these chained involuntary servants I could almost feel their hatred for us as clearly we represented the powerful of Tennessee who were able to drive and expensive sports car, and with enough influence that the normal rules did not apply. We were super free as they were super subjugated. I had heard people talk of being able to feel hatred, and as we drove by I could feel their hate. Clearly these involuntary servants were not being reformed, but turned in to a sort of subhuman, animals who indeed became the dangerous animals who needed to be chained for the protection of others, and probably even from each other.

As I watched, the officer in charge began moving toward us, and indeed he chose a path that would intersect our way through the debris. As the rider and his magnificent mount blocked our path, Beau stopped the car, of course.

"Mr. Masterson, I am aware that you were able to use your position to divert myself and my crew from doing what is the assigned task to clear a path for yourself and your friend from the North. When your request came to me, I was obliged to send it to higher authorities, and they of course ordered me to accommodate your request. I am sure that you and your friend are used to getting your way, but I hope that someday there will be a reckoning for this Sir."

I was shocked, but Beau was the model of noblesse oblige, and said nothing but began to travel down the road. I began talking to Beau, but soon realized that Beau was thinking and was paying attention to his driving but clearly had something on his mind. He must have made up his mind because at the next small town, Beau pulled over and pressed some buttons on his phone. I heard only one side of the conversation which followed.

"Hello, this is Beau Masterson. Would it be possible for me to talk to the Commissioner? (pause) Thank you."

Another pause

"Yes, thank you SIR, SIR, I have a concern about one of your employees who did me a favor and I fear will pay dearly for that kindness. That is my motivation in calling you SIR"

Another pause.

"You are very kind, My roommate from college is here visiting this summer, and I drove him down to Chattanooga and on the way back, as we were going through the mountains, we encountered a slide landslide on 41. A highway employee, a Mr. Terry Timmons, helped me by talking with Captain Sherwood, SIR."

Another pause

"Yes, I believe that Mr. Timmons noticed that I was driving a small little MG sports roadster and that it could get through a space that would be much less than a full sized car, and so he went to see Captain Sherwood, and indeed soon my college roommate who is down here visiting, and who I had taken down to Chattanooga for sightseeing were able to drive through a small path that the involuntary servant crew had cleared."

Another pause

"Yes the crew was under the direction of Captain Sherwood and as we drive through Captain Sherwood expressed unhappiness that accommodation had been made for us, and I must tell you I felt his animosity to myself and my family."

Longer pause

"No Sir, I am only interested that Mr. Timmons be saved from Captain's reprisals against him for facilitating our trip, SIR."

Another long pause.

"Sir I appreciate your kindness and understanding. I could not rest comfortably if I thought a courtesy done to myself would cause him to suffer for the Captain's antipathy toward me and my college roommate."

At that point Beau pressed the button to end the call. He looked over to me. "I hope we never meet that sadistic bully again, and I hope that I was able to get Mr. Timmons away from him before he suffers too much for helping us."

For the rest of the trip although Beau seemed a bit preoccupied, and we talked about college events and friends.

Finally we were driving up the drive to Pleasant Acres.

When we arrived it was really past time to go into Nashville. I wondered if we would have time to walk around the estate. I wanted to see what sort of living quarters there were for the involuntary servants who did not do domestic work. These I had found had quarters in the basement of the house. I had hinted that I would like to see their quarters but Beau had just ignored my comment about seeing their quarters.

I then suggested that we go around the grounds, and that suggestion also met with Beau's rolling eyes. Finally Beau suggested we go swimming in the pool to cool off and relax from the drive and the drama of the rock slide. I agreed.

Beau said that there were swimming suits kept at the pool. He them gave me a wink, and added "Or, of course, we could just strip down and jump in."

I considered the fact that the pool was just at the end of the outdoor living room and kitchen, and that family might just come out to see us to ask about our trip, and declined his joking suggestion.

"Perhaps after your parents leave, and there is no chance that we would shock you parents, but not today. I will go for a loaner pair of trunks"

"You have no sense of adventure." Beau chided me.

We walked down to the pool and entered the pool house dressing rooms. The pool house has a series of small cubicles off a central room. In the central room was a whole selection of swimming suits for men or women. I looked over and selected a very traditional pair of swimming trunks – you know the ones that look a bit like boxer shorts. I went into a changing room to change into my trunks. When I came out, Beau was already in the pool, and I discovered he was in a pair of speedos. I could not help but notice that Beau has kept himself in great shape, and there was muscle but not fat on his body, and could see almost all of his body.

"Going for modesty I see." chided Beau.

"Going for decency and to keep from scaring the ladies." I retorted.

We dove into the pool and after swimming for a time played a sort of game of water polo. Beau won of course.

By that time Beau's Mother had come out to the patio and announced that dinner was in about going to be served a bit earlier than normal as they were leaving very early the next morning, and they wanted to supervise that packing for the trip.

Beau and I went back to change. After we were finished we went up and changed for dinner.

Beau's parents were a pleasant as usual, and reacted to the viciousness of Captain Sherwood.

"Son I am glad you thought to rescue Mr. Timmons. I am sure that you are correct that the Captain would undoubtedly do whatever he could to ruin his career with the highway department."

Beau's mother was looking thoughtful and a bit distressed. "Why does the state allow such a man to be the supervisor of the hard-labor punishment coffle? I know those servants violated their original servitude in some way, or the person committed a heinous crime to be placed in one of the hard labor punishment coffles, and that Captain Sherwood supervises the most dangerous and infamous of the offenders, but surely these servants could not have done anything to deserve being under such a sadistic man's control."

"I guess we must respect the state's reason to retain him in that position. All servants need to realize that not serving to the absolute best of their ability can result in being assigned to a much less pleasant level of service." Although Beau's Father did support the punishment coffle I though he seemed less than totally convinced.

Beau's Mother than asked me about our sight-seeing trip to Chattanooga and after I had complimented the beauty of the scenery, and really talked about the clog railroad, everyone laughed and enjoyed good memories of Lookout Mountain, and the city.

At the end of dinner, Beau's Mother hugged me, and wished me a great summer at Pleasant Acres, and his Father shook my hand and again expressed his appreciation for all my family and I had done to make Beau feel so much a member of the family while we were in school there.

As Beau's parents went up to their bedroom to finish packing... although I would be that the servants did most of the work and his parents mostly supervised... Beau and I looked at each other.

"Well parents are going to finish packing for their voyage and so what should we do?" Beau said while looking at me.

"I know you are not going to believe it, but traveling, sightseeing, and the adventure of the rockslide has really made me tired. I don't really want to do very much at all. "

"My good buddy you are sort of a party pooper here. I have an idea, let's go downstairs to the gym and work off some of the tension. Man, we can't turn in at 8:00 in the evening. We have got to come up with some plan."

"I know this is going to sound like some old person, but I am really tired. I think I could easily just go upstairs and sleep."

"Frank, it is only eight o'clock. Two recent college graduates can think of something better to do than go to bed. Let's go to Nashville, and I'll show you some great places. We can hit some clubs. Some of the little places off the tourist radar have some really great musicians... guys who work backup for some of the biggest stars in country music do gigs in some of the bars."

"Honestly Beau, I did not understand this desire to go out. You need to be here to help and support your parents."

"They are fine. OK, let's go downstairs to the card room, and we're play some gin, and drink some gin, and get plastered, and then have some servants take us up to bed."

"Sounds like a plan." I capitulated.

And so as his parents packed, we went down to the basement , but not the basement of the servants' quarters, but the basement with a complete lounge with tables chairs, a jukebox and everything else a person could want to party. We played gin rummy and drank beers, which servants brought any time we even nodded in the direction of needing more beverage.

I muttered I needed something to eat to go with all the booze.

"What would you like?" Beau asked.

I remember I used to like a hamburger, with lots of fries, and a side of coleslaw. Beau nodded to one of the nearby servants, and after another hand my hamburger, fries and slaw appeared in a basket with a paper napkin liner... just like I remembered from my youth when that was a treat after tennis. We continued playing and getting more and more plastered and soon neither of us were in any shape to get all the way to our rooms.

"Sirs" a servant said as both Beau and I tried rather unsuccessfully to get up, "I believe that you may need some help to get to your rooms." Beau laughed and nodded. "Just like the old days at Williams."

As best as I could I muttered, "Yah, and we needed someone to get us back to the dorm then too." and then I passed out.

Next: Chapter 14: The Roommate 14

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