The Room

By A Le

Published on Apr 7, 2023


Please give me your thoughts on how this story is progressing. I know there is a lot of story in between the sex, so if you are looking for a quick jerk off story this is not one for you.

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The Room Part 9

I could feel Bruno's hands lifting my cock, pulling it straight up into the air. My mind was still reeling from the piercing in my cock head and I just wanted to see it so badly. The blindfold prevented it though, and I lay still, breathing heavily. Master's voice was so deep, making my gut clench even now, as it always did. "Save that one Bruno for next time as a reward. For now, let's do his hand."

I could hear Bruno make a sound in his throat, "Good idea David." The stroke down my cock felt so good as he let go finally. I could hear that other man, Derek, moving around near the supply table again. Soon his fingers were taking my right hand. The strap over my chest was lifted a little and he pulled my right arm free. Then it tightened again, leaving my arm out. I felt it stretched straight out to the side on an extension of the table. My head rolled in that direction though I couldn't see anything. "Masters?" I said it so quietly, starting to get nervous again.

My arm was strapped down just above the wrist and above the elbow, securing it firmly so I couldn't move it at all. Master was smirking a little, I could hear it in his voice, "Lay still pet. Derek is going to mark you as mine, since you belong to me."

That caused me a little panic and I tried so hard to lay still, "I don't want to be marked Master!" The words slipped out before I could stop them. I heard myself gasp just as I felt Masters large hand grab my chin. He tipped my head toward him, his grip hurting my jaw.

"What you want doesn't matter, did you forget that so soon? Do I need to remind you?"

The moment I had said the words I regretted them, and I made a sound in my throat, "No Master, I'm sorry, please, I remember. I belong to you. I am yours. I'm yours."

His grip loosened on my chin and I knew there was no point in trying to object, it didn't matter what I wanted. I didn't get a say any longer in anything that happened to me. So, I lay there breathing while the inside of my right wrist was wiped clean. I felt something cool on it, like paper and then the sound of the tattoo machine was buzzing in my ear. It made me tense up all over and I closed my eyes behind the blindfold tightly.

This time it was Bruno stroking my face slowly, "Stay calm, you are fine." Bruno was always so calming, and his touch and his words soothed me enough I didn't freak out when I felt the touch of the machine against my wrist. It hurt, but it wasn't unbearable. Now and then it made my fingers twitch but with how my arm was secured it lay still. Bruno's cool fingers were on my face while the tattoo was completed. It took over an hour and I had no idea what the design was, only that it was detailed, and I was starting to feel like it wasn't going to ever end. When it did end I let out a breath of relief. I felt it wiped clean and then what felt like plastic placed over it. Derek was talking to Master the entire time. "Give it a week to heal then you can finish the rest."

I wanted to see it so badly, I wanted to see my nipples and my cock. It was killing me being in the dark! Bruno's hands left me and then the straps were coming off. I felt relief, it was over, and I couldn't wait to get off that table.

I felt Master's large hands grabbing me and he pulled me up off the table and shoved me up against the wall until my back hit it. He pulled my arms up, "Grab this." I felt a metal ring in the wall and I curled my fingers around it tightly. "Spread your legs.' He kicked my ankles apart. Then he had my chin and was tipping my head slightly down to the side. "Open your mouth." I parted my lips a little, "Don't move." It was an awkward position and I stood still, just breathing slowly. I heard the camera then and realized they were taking pictures of me. I imagined what it looked like, my six-foot slender frame posing, a tattoo showing now on the inside of my wrist, those beautiful piercings in my nipples and my cock head. I felt the skin moved pulled back to expose the prince albert and more pictures were taken. And oh god, just thinking about what I looked like, that they were taking photos, got me so hard. My cock throbbed to life and I heard Master's voice, "Always hard, aren't you pet?"

I sucked in a breath, not moving other than my mouth, "Yes Master." I didn't apologize, he had told me never to apologize for being hard for him. And while I stood there, posed the way he wanted me, the three men started chatting about other things, and I realized they were completely ignoring me now. And for some reason, that made me even harder. I stayed still as my arms started to go numb and my piercings ached, lost in the darkness of the blindfold.

After what seemed an eternity Bruno was at my side, "Get dressed." He was handing me the borrowed clothing they had given me. I tugged the pants on and the shirt, not removing the blindfold as my feet were slid into the borrowed shoes. Bruno's voice was quiet in my ear, "Lower your gaze to the ground, don't lift your eyes." The blindfold was finally removed, and I kept my eyes lowered, staring at my feet. Since they didn't take the blindfold off until I was dressed, I still couldn't see my new piercings.

I was taken out of the room the same way I had been taken in, and right back out onto the street. Bruno had a grip on my arm, guiding me now. Instead of going to the car though, we started walking down the street. I could hear Master behind us, but no one was talking now so I just kept my head lowered, watching the ground as we walked. My cock was rubbing against the pants and it ached so much, the shirt pressed against the new nipple rings. The clothes were too tight, and it made me very, very aware of what had just happened to my body.

We walked for maybe five minutes before Bruno guided me through another door. With my eyes down, I could tell it was some kind of store as we walked through. The music was low, and the lights were bright. Bruno spoke to someone behind the counter, "Eight hours." Though I didn't know what eight hours he was talking about. I didn't have long to wonder though as I was led by my arm back through another door, deeper inside the store. The hall was dark, and we entered another room. It was so dark I couldn't see anything. "Remove your clothes and give them to me." Bruno spoke quietly. I undressed as quick as I could and held the clothing out to him. And it was too damn dark for me to see my piercings. I was so frustrated, wanting to see them so badly.

Bruno was pushing me down to my knees, "Press your face up against the wall." I felt the wall right there in front of me with my fingers and I pressed my face against it. Then I felt Bruno's hand guiding my head moving it up just a little. A strap was suddenly around the back of my head and I could feel Bruno securing it to the wall. "Put your hands here." And he guided them up to the wall over my head and a cuff was wrapped around both. The one with the tattoo hurt a little, but the cuffs weren't overly tight. I had no idea where I was or what was going on. "Master?" I asked quietly, the fear evident in my voice.

Bruno was smiling, I could hear it when he replied, "We're almost done pet, just relax." So, I tried to do what he said. Behind me I groaned when something cool and thick was being pushed into my ass. Bruno was being gentle but at the same time, it was thick and large as it was shoved deep inside me, filling my ass completely. I felt a bar being pressed between my ankles, ensuring I wasn't going to be going anywhere. It was not uncomfortable, but it was not comfortable either. I heard Masters voice then from the doorway. The room was not that large, "He needs to be worked up for this." My gut clenched at the words. Bruno agreed, "I'll let you handle it."

By handle it, I realized a minute later, he meant Master's belt. I felt the leather, so hard as it landed across my ass in a stinging blow. I cried out, my body pressed up against the wall there was no where for me to go. "Mm that's it, scream for me pet." Master's words filled me entirely and when the next several blows landed, moving up my ass across my back then down once more over my thighs. With every strike of the hard leather I screamed a little louder until I was squirming, my head held tight against the wall. My arms pulled on the cuffs, but I couldn't get away. After a dozen blows of the belt I was pressed against that wall panting, sweat running down my body and in the darkness, I couldn't see anything at all. "Master please, oh god please." My cock was dripping precum and I was shaking against that cold wall.

I felt his hand then, against my hair, "Open your mouth." I felt his hand move up between the wall and my face and he was pushing that wire toy Bruno had used in the past, that would keep my mouth wide open but my tongue free. I moaned once it was in and I was starting to get really, really worried.

He secured it behind my head and then smacked my aching ass with a heavy hand, "See you in the morning, have a good night pet."

I couldn't even beg him or ask him what he meant or beg him not to leave me! I moaned and squirmed, terrified now. I heard the door close and there was nothing but silence. I could hear the music from the store faintly. I squirmed against the wall a little more, trying to get free to no avail. Maybe ten, fifteen minutes went by when I heard a door open and shut with a quiet thud. It wasn't the door to the room I was in, but it had to be close when I heard it. A moment later a thick fat cock was suddenly shoving its way inside my mouth. I let out a grunt of surprise and then another grunt when it pushed all the way down my throat immediately. I couldn't see anyone or feel anyone, and it was then I realized it was the wall. There was a hole in the wall and someone was fucking my face now in hard quick thrusts. The wall was so thin, and my mouth was positioned perfectly over the hole. I groaned loudly, gagging and choking with every hard thrust until I felt it pull back and my mouth was suddenly flooded with hot cum. I swallowed what I could and felt so much of it running out of my mouth and down my chin and throat. A minute after the cock came, I heard the door open and shut and there was silence again.

I knelt there, secured to the wall, panting, tasting the cum, my throat aching, my cock hard against the wall. I realized they had left me here, in the back room of the sex shop with my mouth sealed against a fuck hole. A few minutes later I heard the door again and I moaned before the cock was even shoved down my throat. Repeatedly the door would open, and my throat was fucked. I lost count after ten or fifteen. I swallowed so much cum, mouthfuls and mouthfuls of hot jizz poured into my mouth and down my throat. It ran out and down my chin, over my throat and down my chest. My throat grew raw and my body started to ache, pressed up to the wall, secured there. My ass was full, and my cock was so hard pressed against the wall. If I squirmed I could rub it but that piercing made it ache and I suffered aching balls for hours.

By the time I thought I couldn't swallow another dick without screaming I heard the door to my room open. It was Bruno, I could tell by his hands and he was unstrapping my head and my hands. My arms were numb as they lowered. While my mind was feeling relief at it being over, my body was being leaned back, the bar removed from between my legs. My eyes were open, but it was so dark I couldn't see much of anything other than the shadow of Bruno moving above me. I heard him opening some kind of latch and a piece on the wall was being lifted.

Suddenly I felt Master's hands grab my ankles and pull me forward roughly. I cried out, but it stopped a second later and I felt the wall around me, rubber barrier slid down, and it was at my waist. One half of my body was in the room I had been in, and the other half was now in the other room. I moaned, my mouth still held wide open. My legs were being spread and lifted into leather cuffs around my ankles. It kept them spread wide open and in the air. Then I felt something cold coming around my cock, being secured and I realized it was a cock cage which meant no one would be touching it at all. The large plug in my ass was grasped and pulled out finally while I groaned as it came out.

My arms were lifted by Bruno and reattached to the cuffs they had been, this time hanging straight up over my head as I lay there. Master smacked my exposed ass several hard times and not once did he touch my cock or my balls other than to put that cage on my aching cock. Bruno reached down finally and pulled that metal piece from my mouth. I groaned and licked my lips, but it was short lived. A moment later I felt a ball gag pressed against my mouth and I opened my lips, feeling it secured behind my head. This one pinned my tongue down and I whimpered, squirming but I was secured well and wasn't going anywhere.

And then they were gone. I lay there panting around the gag. It wasn't hard to figure out what was going to happen and within minutes I heard the door in the other room open. This time it wasn't my throat but my ass that got a hard cock thrust deep inside. I cried out as it filled me in one quick thrust and the man on the other side of the wall was fucking me good and hard and fast. With my legs held up I was a wide-open hole. So many men came into that room, one after the other and sometimes I could hear more than one in there at a time, taking turns. Some fucked me hard and furious, painfully and others took their time. On and on it went as I lay there, sometimes moaning other times screaming. My cock was so hard, throbbing in the metal cage as I was used.

Hours went by while I was used like nothing more than a fuck hole. I had no face, no voice, I was just a hole to be used by anyone that wanted it. I had no option, no chance of getting away. It was the most humiliating experience of my life and I felt ashamed that my cock was hard the entire time, that I couldn't even touch myself, that I moaned through all of it. If my mouth wasn't gagged I would have begged to cum, would have begged for more.

When the door opened finally I turned my head away from it, making quiet noises behind the gag. On the other side of the wall my legs were being uncuffed and lowered. I was covered in cum, from all that had run from my mouth and all that had exploded on my stomach and legs. My arms were uncuffed as well and I was grabbed by my arm pits and pulled back through the wall. The gag was tugged free of my mouth and I whimpered, "Master." It was Bruno there and he stroked my face then whispered in my ear, "Open your mouth." I groaned as I did, opening my lips, my jaw aching and that metal piece was inserted once again. I realized it wasn't over in that moment.

I started to cry, struggling some as I was lifted against the wall and soon enough I was secured to it again like I had been earlier. I was fighting against Bruno, so exhausted but I didn't want to be there anymore, and I was moaning. Bruno spoke, "He needs to be reminded who he is." And the moment I was secured to the wall with my mouth opened around that hole again Master was there, and he used his belt from my shoulders to my thighs, whipping me with the leather again until I was screaming and struggling against the wall. Before he even finished whipping me a cock was down my throat, gagging me.

It started all over again, one after the other, so many cocks, so much cum. My entire body hurt and ached as more hours passed while my mouth was used just as my ass had been.

The next time the door opened it was Master touching me, unchaining me and his voice was quiet as he pulled the metal from my mouth, "Thank me for giving you this reward tonight." A reward? Was all I could think. What kind of reward was this? It was torture. And I screamed that out, or tried to, my voice was so hoarse, "This isn't a reward!" I felt the hot tears running down my cheeks and I tried to pull away from him, but his grasp was tight as his fingers curled in my hair.

He yanked my head back, his voice still low and quiet. "I rewarded you by letting you pleasure others. You are lucky to be used, to provide pleasure and release. For the last eight hours you have given men that don't have someone else to be with pleasure. That is your reward for being such a good boy today. Aren't you happy to have helped all those men? Doesn't it give you pleasure to know you made a difference in their day? But most of all my pet," He paused, and his mouth was against my ear now, his hand holding my head all the way back while I gasped and cried, "This is what I wanted you to do. And who is in charge?" I whimpered, feeling so ashamed for yelling at him earlier, "You are Master, you are in charge."

I could feel him smile against my ear, "That's right. I'm in charge. Do you want to please me?"

"Yes Master, yes I want to please you!" I cried the words out, whimpering still.

"Then thank me for your reward and apologize for yelling at me."

It was torture, all of it was torture. I felt so out of control. I couldn't grasp hold of what was happening to me, I felt like I was falling off a cliff, "Thank you Master, thank you for my reward." I gasped the words out and then whispered with a quiet cry, "I'm sorry I yelled at you Master, please, please forgive me, please Master I'm sorry."

His grip tightened in my hair for a moment and then loosened, "You will be punished for yelling at me when we get home." Oh god, oh god a punishment. This hadn't been a punishment, this had been a reward, what kind of punishment was I going to get? I felt so much panic then.

Master took all the cuffs from my body as he pulled me up to my feet. "I'm leaving the cock cage, you don't get to touch yourself for a while." I groaned at the very thought. My cock had been hard for the last eight hours and now it would stay locked up.

Bruno was there then, and he was dressing me. I was too weak, too wore out and once I was dressed my arm was grabbed and I was led out. I kept my head down, but I was covered in cum and sweat, you could smell me coming a mile away.

I barely remember walking to the car or getting in to the car. I rolled the window down in the back after Master said I could and I just breathed in the air, my head laying against the inside of the car door. The closer we got to home the more stressed out I was getting. Just as we hit the driveway I started to whimper, "Please Master please don't punish me I'm sorry, please. It won't happen again I promise please. I'm so scared."

In the front, their quiet talk came to a stop at my outburst. Master was looking at me in the rearview mirror, but I kept my head against the door, not looking at him. Bruno was the one that answered though, "You don't get to make the decisions. If we let this one slide, you'll think you can say and do whatever you want. It's for your own good pet."

His words made sense, but it still hurt, and I struggled not to cry quietly in the backseat. "Yes Master" were the only words I could get out. I didn't try to argue but oh god my mind was going crazy thinking about what they were going to do. The last punishment had left me in the yard all night long. I didn't think I could take that after the last eight hours I had just survived.

As the car parked I looked down at my wrist, remembering for the first time I had a new tattoo, but I couldn't tell what it was with the plastic over it and the plasma inside smearing it. I sighed heavily and closed my eyes. Bruno opened the door and took my arm, pulling me out of the car. "Take your clothes off." He didn't even move so I stripped there in the driveway and handed the clothing and borrowed shoes to Bruno. "Crawl."

I slid down to my knees and leaned forward. I crawled after him back into the house. He led me through the house and out the backdoor into the garden. I still had that cage on my cock, making it impossible to see my new piercing. I could see my nipples though and it looked so amazing! I loved the way the hoops looked around my dark pink nipples. They were aching, but I crawled as fast as I could to keep up with Bruno's long-legged strides. As we moved through the garden I was panicking at the thought of being left outside all night long being electrocuted again. But my worry was not needed because this time there were no stakes in the ground. Instead I saw Master coming from the shed with a shovel in his hand and a bag in his other hand. Bruno told me to stop and then he walked away out of sight back toward the house.

Master came to a stop in front of me and I stared down at his shoes, kneeling quietly in the warm grass. "You do not shout at me. You do not shout at Bruno. You do not argue with me. You do not argue with Bruno. Do you understand these rules?"

I made a little sound as I nodded, "Yes Master, I understand."

"Good boy. Your punishment for your earlier outburst is to dig up the carrots and potatoes in the vegetable garden. Put them in this bag. Then you will take this shovel, and you will start to dig in the far east corner of the yard. The hole needs to be four feet by six feet and four feet deep. Make sure you measure it correctly. Once these tasks are done, you may crawl to the door and wait there until I come for you. You better be done by nightfall. If not, you'll be punished for slacking in your duties."

Nightfall? Oh god how was I going to dig a hole that big by nightfall? "yes Master.' I whispered, taking in several deep breaths. I was so tired from eight hours of being used, and now this.

Bruno appeared then, and he knelt. `Drink and eat." He put a tray down that had a bowl of water and a bowl of mush with no silverware. I leaned down and started to just eat it with my mouth, realizing I was starving.

I ate all the food and drank all the water while they stood watching me. When I was finished I knelt back up and Bruno grabbed me by the back of the neck, "Bend forward again." When I was bent forward and my ass in the air I felt that thick plug again, being shoved past my tight ring and it stretched me open, filling me. I groaned, so sore from being fucked so much. Once it was in though it wasn't coming out. Bruno pulled me back up, "Open your mouth."

I whimpered as I opened my mouth and that ball gag was placed once more in my mouth and secured around my head. With my ass plugged and my mouth gagged and the cage still holding my cock in tightly, I was handed the shovel and the bag. Bruno picked up the tray with the empty bowls and I watched them both leave me there as they headed inside, leaving me alone to my punishment.

It was hot out that morning. The sun was hot against my naked skin, turning me pink as I worked. I dug up the vegetables and filled the bag, turning the soil over as I did so it would be ready for replanting. I felt so exposed, my wholes filled, and the leather of the straps was hot against my skin, the cage hot against my cock. Everything ached as I worked.

It was early afternoon and I worked on digging the hole. I had measured it out the way I was told, and I started digging. The ground wasn't too hard, but it was hard work. I felt the air against me now and then in a soft breeze. Halfway through Bruno appeared. He took the gag out and let me drink what felt like a gallon of water. Then the gag was replaced, and I was left again. I grew soaked in sweat as the sun beat down on me. My ass ached from the plug rubbing against me, my cock hurt, my nipples felt on fire. My arms and my shoulders ached and throbbed as I dug and dug. I was covered in dirt as it stuck to my sweaty body.

I don't know how I did it, but I didn't stop until it was finished. The sun was starting to set by the time I lay the shovel down and got down to crawl to the back door. I stayed there, on my hands and knees, barely able to keep my eyes open. I had blisters on my hands from being sweaty against the shovel. I had never felt so exhausted in my life. But deep inside my gut, I felt so good. My cock was hard, I was so turned on from the punishment, from doing what I was told to do. Just knowing that Master had made me come out here and do the hard work turned me on so badly.

When the door opened Master crouched down next to me. My head was on the cool cement of the back patio and I whimpered at his touch. He pulled the gag out of my mouth and stroked my hair back. "Master.' I whimpered his name and I could hear the smile in his voice, "You are such a good boy pet, such a good boy. Your punishment is over, you did so good. I'm so proud of you."

Those words of praise were everything to me. I started to shake as I knelt like that, on my knees, my head on the ground, soaked in old dried cum, sweat and dirt. I was a fucking mess. But I realized suddenly I was so happy. I had done what he wanted, I had survived the reward, I had completed the punishment and he was praising me. There was nothing better. Master lifted me up and soon he was carrying me inside. Like he'd done before, I was carried up the stairs and soon was lowered into a nice warm bath. Master was at the side of the tub, washing me gently with a soft cloth. My head was leaning back, and I was staring up at him, so out of it but I whispered so quietly to him, "I belong here Master."

He smiled his gorgeous smile, "Yes. You belong here my pet, you are my good, good boy."

Part 10 coming soon.

I enjoy comments and conversation. Message me at

Next: Chapter 10

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