The Room

By A Le

Published on Apr 4, 2023


Please give me your thoughts on how this story is progressing. I know there is a lot of story in between the sex, so if you are looking for a quick jerk off story this is not one for you.

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The Room Part 8

How long I lay there, maybe an hour, maybe two. I dozed off a little, my body worn out from being used by Bruno. But my cock remained hard, making it impossible to really sleep. How could I with that metal rod slid in my piss hole? It drove me wild, that feeling of being invaded. I loved it as much as I hated it. When the lock did turn in the door, I opened my eyes, my cock twitched a little more and I felt my chest rising and falling a little more in anticipation.

I wasn't disappointed when I saw Master step through the door. At the sight of me spread eagle on the bed, smelling of sex and sweat, I saw a smile curl over his beautiful lips. "Ah you were right Bruno, he does look so beautiful like that." Bruno stepped into the room behind him and was smiling as well. Both in the room was so exciting to me! My cock grew so hard again, just from looking at them, from having them in the room.

Bruno laughed quietly, "Such an eager little boy. Look at his little cock, so excited and we haven't even touched him yet." Master smiled at Bruno before he came over and reached down. I watched his hand lower and grasp hold of the metal rod in my piss slit. Soon he was pulling it out, then pushing it in, in and out, in and out in such a slow agonizing pace. I was groaning instantly, my eyes rolling back as I arched against the bed, panting. "Master, please!" I cried the words, begging already and they had only been in the room a minute.

Master just watched me, a smirk on his face. "Please what pet?" And I moaned even more, "Please don't stop, please touch me, please it feels so good, please Master!" Bruno was still laughing quietly at my performance. He came around the other side of the bed and reached down, twisting a nipple hard, pinching it between his smooth black fingers. My moans grew louder while he kept pinching and twisting, his hand moving back and forth between both of my pale pink nipples. They were growing red, swelling with blood as he played with them.

While Bruno was torturing my nipples, Master was fucking my cock a little faster with that rod, watching my face while he did. I couldn't stay still. My body was squirming, twisting against the binds holding me to the bed. My hips kept lifting, pushing my cock up every time that rod was being force fed down my piss slit. My begging grew louder, more intense as the minutes ticked by, "Masters, please, oh god please, please may I cum, please, please Masters let me cum, oh please let me cum!" I couldn't contain myself, I got so excited so quickly. My balls were aching, so tight and I was panting rapidly, groaning.

And then they stopped. Bruno moved his hand away at the same time Master pulled that rod from my cock completely. I cried out, so close, so fucking close and then they stopped. My hips kept pushing up, I was humping the air, whimpering so loudly. "Oh, please Masters! Oh god please don't stop, please Masters!" I cried the words out, frantic. But Master laughed quietly, his gorgeous eyes watching me writhe in agony on the bed. "I have a present for you my pet."

I bit my tongue to stop from begging more and just moaned softly, squirming still, still humping the air. "Thank you Master." I didn't even know what the present was.

"Thanking me already? Such a good boy."

Bruno sat on the edge of the bed and watched as Master pulled a small jar out of his pocket. It was a clear jar, and inside was a soft white, tinged pink a little type of cream. He unscrewed the lid and placed it on the table, holding the jar in his hand. "This is a special mix I had a friend of mine make just for you pet." He held it close to my nose for a moment and I could smell the sweet smell. It smelled like cinnamon, some other kind of spices I couldn't name or place. "What is it, Master?"

He smiled at my question, "You're about to learn."

I watched as he slid his finger into the jar and scooped some of the soft cool cream out. He lowered his hand and slid it between my legs, down in between my ass cheeks and started to rub the cream around my puckered ass. He pushed the finger inside slowly, pausing to get more cream and then returned inside, rubbing it in good and deep. The next scoop of cream he motioned to Bruno. Bruno's cool hand reached forward and pulled the skin on my cock back, exposing my purple cock head again. I whimpered at the touch, so hard and needy. I watched as Master rubbed the cream over my cockhead, getting it completely rubbed in down in the crease of skin before Bruno smoothed it back over my throbbing head. The last scoop of cream he rubbed over both of my nipples, all the while I lay there just moaning quietly as I watched them.

Master's voice was quiet as he spoke while he put the special cream on me, "You're such a good boy, aren't you? Yes, you are. My good little boy, such a good pet." He was practically purring the words to me.

I didn't know what was going on, but the praise he gave me made me feel so good. I felt such a tingling in my gut and I whimpered so quietly, "Thank you Master, thank you."

Bruno smiled, watching us. A moment later the tall black male reached into his pocket, "Open your mouth." I didn't even hesitate. The ball gag was pressed between my teeth, pinning my tongue and was secured around my head. I moaned some, not able to talk now.

I watched as Master put the lid back on the jar and sat the jar on the table. Then he sat and watched me, stroking my hair. "In a few minutes it will start to work. You are going to have a very, very long night my pet. I'll see you in the morning.' He bent over me and I felt his lips against my forehead and then he stood up. Bruno stood as well, after giving my cheek a light pat. The lock turned in the door as they left me, and before they did they turned the light out, leaving me in darkness.

I lay there chained down to the bed just breathing in and out slowly, missing them so much. My cock was aching with no release and I wondered what that had been about. I didn't have to wonder long though, because I started to feel an odd sensation in my ass. It started as a warm tingle, just a little odd feeling that I couldn't quite place. Within minutes though it was so much more than a warm tingle. It was a burning ache that started to move through my ass. The outside started to itch and burn and soon I was feeling the same tingle on my cock, and my nipples. As the time wore on, the burning became such an ache, a burning, aching throb. I needed it to be touched so badly. I tried to dig my ass into the bed but with the way my legs were spread it was impossible to get my ass hole against the mattress. My cock was so hard and throbbing, the ache soon had me thrusting up into the air. I felt like my nipples were going to explode on my chest, it was so bad. I was twisting and squirming, fucking the air and nothing helped. In fact, the more I squirmed the more it ached.

By the time an hour had passed I was sweating, flushed all over and groaning loudly. I couldn't lay still; my body wouldn't let me. I needed to be touched so badly, it was all I could think about. I needed it to be touched, to be rubbed, I needed to fuck in a way I had never felt in my entire life. Soon I was screaming behind that gag, the sounds muffled, but it was impossible to stay silent. I couldn't keep the sound down anymore than I could keep my body from moving wildly against the bed.

As each hour ticked by through the night it just grew worse, never easing, never calming. I bounced my entire body against the bed as much as I could. I twisted to the side, I trying to pull my arms free until my wrists were rubbed raw in their binds. My mind was nothing but mush, screaming in my head to be touched, to please, please for the love of god someone touch me.

The room started to lighten as the night faded and morning came. I was a wreck, the entire bed soaked in my sweat and piss. I hadn't been able to sleep at all, not even doze off. When the lock turned in the door I screamed behind the gag, jerking wildly against the bed. Master smiled his easy calm smile when he saw me. He came forward and reached down, taking the gag out of my mouth. The moment it was out I lost my mind.

"Touch me, touch me, please oh god fucking touch me!" I was screaming the words at him, jerking against the bed like a wild animal. The words didn't stop, rolling out of my mouth like an insane person, begging to be touched.

Master let me scream and beg while he watched me and then his hand lowered and rubbed over my nipples slowly. I moaned like a whore in heat, arching my back, pushing my chest up into his hand so eagerly. "What an eager little boy." He purred, his hand running down my stomach. I couldn't breathe, I needed it so, so badly. When his hand stroked my cock, his thumb rubbed over my cockhead I exploded. I came so hard I was screaming through it all, every thick rope of cum caused me to scream out. "Please fuck me, please oh god fuck me please Master, please fuck me!" He kept rubbing my cock while I came, watching my hot jizz land all over my body.

When he reached down and unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out I nearly fainted with the need. He slid onto the bed and within seconds his hot fat cock was plowing into my aching, gripping ass. The sounds I made filled the room as he fucked me hard and fast, using my body to pleasure himself. But I didn't care about any of it, because I got what I needed, that ache was being rubbed away and it was pure, utter heaven. I felt his large hand in my hair and he yanked my head back on the bed. His mouth moved over my neck and bit me hard. I cried out at the pain as he latched on and I felt him sucking, felt his tongue swirling over my sweat soaked skin. All the while he was pounding away inside me, easing that ache finally.

When Master came inside me it was like a hose on a fire, putting out the burn. The hot seed filled me until I finally felt relief. The night had dragged on and on until my mind became mush and my body could take no more. I collapsed beneath him and lay there moaning, limp, my eyes only half open. Master let go of my neck and I whimpered. His lips moved over my face, kissing lightly while he stroked my hair now. "Did you like your present, pet?"

He whispered the words in my ear and I whimpered, my words hoarse, "Yes Master, oh god yes."

He laughed against my ear and lifted his head, looking down at me. "I think you are becoming quite the little slut, aren't you whore?"

"Yes, Master. Yes, I'm your slut. I'm your whore. Please use me."

I could tell he was enjoying my words by how his cock moved inside my ass and he started to slowly fuck me again, this time in nice slow thrusts, taking his time. It made me moan, the way he was moving. My head rolled against the pillow. I felt so out of it, so exhausted from the long, long night. Master was enjoying his slut though, and he fucked me for a long time, those slow easy thrusts never stopping while he played with my nipples and bit and licked over my neck and collarbone. Over and over he marked me, biting me hard enough to bruise my flesh everywhere.

"You're a good little slut my pet, such a good whore." He purred the words in my ear as he started to fuck a little faster, his breath hitching. I could tell he was enjoying himself so much and it made me so fucking happy. "Thank you, Master.' I moaned the words out to him, so glad he was happy.

When Master came a second time he pulled back to let his seed coat my body. Up my stomach and chest, a few spurts hit my mouth and my cheek. I licked at my lips, tasting him. When he was finished he pulled back and stood up, tucking his cock back inside his pants. He hadn't even undressed at all.

I was covered in cum and full of cum inside me. But that ache, that burning ache the cream had caused was gone finally. Master stared down at me with a grin on his face, "You have a busy day my pet, you can rest until we leave."

But how hard it was to rest, tied down the way I was. My body ached so badly from the long night. All I could smell was the jizz on my body and my own sweat as I lay there.

I heard them showering together while I lay there dozing quietly in that weird space where you're asleep, but you can still hear what's going on around you. I must have drifted into a deeper sleep because when I woke I was being released from the bed. Bruno was there, and he was pulling me up, taking me into the shower. He braced me against the wall and I just stood there so sleepy, my head against the wall while he washed me from head to toe. It felt good the way his smooth, slender fingers roamed over my body with soap. It didn't take long because soon he was drying me off and I was pulling a pair of pants on and a shirt. I didn't recognize the clothing, they didn't belong to me and I made a quiet sound, "These aren't my clothes, Master."

Bruno just smiled though, "You don't own any clothes pet. We are loaning these to you for our trip out of the house today." It was just a normal pair of khakis and a button down, plain brown shoes. They were a little tight, clinging to my slender form. It felt weird, I hadn't had clothes on since I gave myself to them and I had no idea how long ago that had been. I was waking up more now and Bruno gave me water to drink but no food. Soon enough Bruno was taking me out of the room and I couldn't believe it. I was walking, and I was being taken up the stairs, out of that basement room. I looked around in awe, shaking a little. I was finally out!

Once we stepped out of the house Master was there with his car and Bruno put me into the backseat and then got in the passenger. Master looked back at me briefly then smirked a little, "Buckle your seatbelt pet."

"Yes, Master." I got myself secure and looked out the window, a slow faint smile forming. I was so happy to be out of the room, so happy to be in the car and outside! It also felt very strange. I felt disconnected from the world as we headed away from the house and into the city. The noises seemed louder, the crowds bigger and I felt like everyone was staring at me. I felt like everyone knew where I had been, what my life was now. It was so disorienting.

We drove for about fifteen minutes and I was allowed to put my window down to feel the nice breeze. It was a warm day out and I loved how good the sun felt upon my skin. I had been in that room for what felt like an eternity and in reality, had been a month or so. The Masters talked amongst themselves in front during the ride and I didn't really hear much as I just enjoyed the ride. When Master finally parked we were on some block I'd never been to in my old life. I looked around as the window was rolled up then got out with Bruno gripping my arm. His smooth voice spoke into my ear, "Keep your eyes on the ground. Speak only when spoken to. Do not make us regret bringing you on this surprise trip."

"Yes, Master" I whispered, lowering my head to stare at the ground. Soon Bruno was on one side and Master on the other. Then we were walking. I didn't look up at once, and it took a lot of concentration to keep my head down. We didn't walk far, half a block before a door was opened and I was pushed inside the store. Staring at the ground I didn't know exactly where we were at first. I could hear people talking, the music was loud, there were odd whirling like noises. I heard a voice soon, off to the side, but I just kept my head down, "David! You made it." The voice sounded happy to see Master and I felt a little bit of jealously that he knew so many other people.

"We have. I hope everything is ready to go?" Master spoke easily, I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Of course, come on back, I set it all up in the black room."

Bruno still had his hand on my arm and he guided me deeper into the place. It was then, as we were walking that I saw someone laying on a table, and I realized we were in a tattoo shop. I didn't have any tats, I had never been in a studio before, but now the odd noises all made sense. I didn't look directly at anyone as we passed, I kept my head down but I could see them slightly in the corner of my eyes as I was taken out of the main room and into a back room. He had called it the black room and he was right. The floor was black, the walls black, and I could see a black table even. The music wasn't quite as loud in there and most of the other sounds were shut out when the door was closed.

Master was watching me, I could feel his eyes on me. "Strip." He said easily, and I started to undress immediately. I could hear the other guy moving things around as he spoke, ignoring me completely, "So good to see you guys, it's been too long. We just bought the place next door, so we can expand and add three more artists."

The conversation went on around me and I heard Master and Bruno speaking casually with the tattoo shop owner. Once I was naked and my borrowed clothes set aside the guy finally acknowledged I was in the room. "He's a pretty one, isn't he?"

Master laughed, "You're right Derek, he is definitely pretty."

Derek chuckled as well and spoke to Master, "I just need you to sign his form and show me your ID."

This was the first time it was being acknowledged that I had no say in my life anymore. I felt myself turning red as Master filled out the paperwork for whatever was about to happen. He showed Derek his ID and I felt so little suddenly. Here I was, a grown ass man, standing naked in a tattoo shop with another man filling out paperwork and signing for me. It made me start to feel claustrophobic and I turned a little toward the door instinctually. But the entire time Bruno was watching me, and he stepped up closer behind me. His cool hands smoothed down over my arms and he squeezed my hands, whispering into my ear, "Just breathe."

I nodded barely and sucked in a breath, then another, and the overwhelming feeling calmed a little. I didn't have much time to worry anymore because Bruno was guiding me to the table and a blindfold was slipped over my eyes. Once that was secure, I was pressed down to the table on my back. I felt straps coming up, wrapping over my middle, across my thighs, over my shoulders and then my ankles. I was completely secured down to the leather. In the darkness I just lay there breathing in and out, starting to shake a little in fear of the unknown.

Master was watching, and he spoke to Derek easily, "No numbing agents. I want him to feel everything."

Derek chuckled, "Sure thing man, you're the boss."

I let out a gasp when I felt something cold against my nipples, just wiping over them. I could smell the alcohol of the wipe. Not being able to see or move made it so easy to just lay there and accept what was happening. It was almost calming, even in my fear. I couldn't stop it. My left nipple was grabbed between two fingers then and I felt it being pulled a little, examined. Master and Bruno were standing on each side, watching. Bruno was taking pictures, I could hear the soft click now and then. I couldn't see it happening, but Derek had a nice thick needle in his hand and without warning he slid it through my nipple quick and fast. I wasn't prepared, I thought I was, but I wasn't. It hurt, and I let out a deep grunt, sucking in a breath. "Unggg.." The sound escaped my lips, ending on a slight whimper. Master laughed quietly, watching me, "That was beautiful to watch Derek." The man chuckled, still gripping my nipple. As the needle came out the thick metal loop was thread through the new piercing. I didn't know what it looked like, but it felt cold and heavy. My nipple was throbbing, the blood rushing to it.

While I was still catching my breath, my right nipple was grabbed now, and I groaned, squirming. As much as it hurt, the entire experience had me growing hard. My cock was thick, and I felt it throbbing even more as my right nipple was taken between those fingers. I was more prepared but when the needle pierced my nipple this time I groaned with a soft cry again, squirming once more. The feeling of another hoop being placed was so strange. I wanted to see it so badly, to see what it looked like. "Master.' I moaned, curling my toes a little.

I felt his hand in my hair, stroking through it slowly, "Gorgeous." He sounded so pleased and I puffed up with pride, so happy to hear his words, "Thank you Master, thank you." All three men laughed then, Derek speaking next, "Oh he's so cute." And Master, I could tell he was grinning, "If I didn't know better, I'd think you're into my pet Derek." And I heard another laugh from the piercer, "He's hot, would you lend me his mouth?"

I felt suddenly worried, my eyes widening under the blindfold and I squirmed against the table, the straps holding me so tight, the leather was making me sweat even more now. Master gripped my hair a little tighter, "Mmm I think he would like that. Wouldn't you pet? Don't you want to suck our friends cock?"

I didn't want to, I didn't' want to suck anyone else's cock. I wasn't like that, it wasn't me. But I knew what Master wanted and I whimpered, "yes Master." But they could all tell I was lying. My nipples were throbbing now, burning and aching from their new piercings. Master laughed, "You're a horrible liar pet. Now you've hurt my friends feelings."

I moaned, devastated, "I'm sorry Master, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I do want to suck his cock, please, please let me suck his cock, please Master I want his cock so badly." I begged him for it, wanting to please him so much, wanting to be good for him.

I could hear all of them laughing, laughing at me, and it made my gut clench and my cock throb even harder. Master's grip in my hair tightened even more and he tipped it back, pulling it up. I felt the table moving, shifting and then the top half dropped down. It left my head and shoulders in the air. Master yanked my head back until it was hanging upside down and he smacked my stomach hard with his hand, "Open your mouth." I didn't even hesitate, I opened it so quickly. Suddenly there was a cock there, smacking against my lips. I knew right away it wasn't Master or Bruno, so it must be Derek's.

Derek was a short, squat man. He was thick and muscled and his cock was short but fat. It smacked me in the face several more times before he shoved it right down my open and waiting throat. I gagged immediately, my face smashed up into his thick dark pubes. He smelled of sweat and piss and I groaned deeply. It was so uncomfortable, hanging back that way with a fat dick down my throat but what choice did I have? I didn't have to do much though he was fucking my face so hard and fast, grunting as he did. And then I felt rough hands on my new piercings, tugging on them and rubbing them. My cries muffled against that body as I arched and squirmed, straining against the leather straps holding me.

I felt a hand wrap tight around my cock and knew it was Masters, it was so large and warm, and he was stroking my cock the way he knew I liked, pulling my skin back, rubbing his thumb over my piss slit. It felt so good against the hard fucking in my throat, my groans grew even louder. Derek was hairy, I could tell by the hair of his hard stomach and the hair surrounding his cock. "Mmmm god his mouth is so good, so tight and hot." Derek was grunting, and I heard Bruno then, "He likes it rough, look how hard he is."

There were hands everywhere, on my nipples, on my cock, a finger was pressing inside my ass. I was in overload and started to shake, grunting and groaning around the fat thick cock fucking my face. Master's hand was pulling hard on my cock and I was dripping pre-like a fountain. Derek was grunting louder and faster, his hands pulling on my new piercings. "Oh fuck, fuck, yeah take it bitch, take all of it!" His words were so loud just as he came. I felt the hot jizz in my throat and I swallowed as quick as I could, gulping while he shook and kept his cock buried in my throat.

Master's knew how to make me lose my mind and I tried to ask, tried to warn him, but with the cock down my throat I couldn't get any thing out other than a muffled groan as my cock exploded. Those hot thick ropes of cum erupted into my Masters hand. My body spasmed and jerked on the table and suddenly my throat was empty. I was moaning and gasping, trying to catch my breath. Derek laughed as he pulled his pants back up, "Wow you were right David, his throat is so tight. It's fucking perfect."

I moaned, my head still hanging, my jaw aching, my throat raw. But I was in a daze from the way Master had made me cum. "Thank him for fucking your face whore."

"Thank you, thank you so much for fucking my face Sir, thank you." I didn't hesitate, my voice slightly hoarse from that hard fuck.

Derek chuckled again and soon he was getting back to business. My cock was suddenly being wiped clean of all cum with those alcohol wipes. Master was near my head again, lifting the table up into place and locking it once more. I was so thankful to not be hanging upside down again and I just breathed, turning my head to the side a little, "Thank you Master, thank you for letting him fuck my throat, thank you."

Bruno was touching me, I knew his touch just as I knew Masters. His fingers were stroking along my thighs and then holding my cock. He pulled the skin back, touching over me so slowly. Master was in my ear, "Bruno is going to pierce your cock himself. He's been wanting to do it since the day he saw you."

I moaned, feeling so excited that Bruno was going to be doing it. "Thank you Master, thank you Master Bruno." I thanked both of them, so happy right then.

Bruno's voice was soft as he pulled my foreskin back, his hands moving over the tools. I didn't even know Bruno knew how to do piercings, but he seemed very calm and confident and Master trusted him, as did I. I lay still just breathing now, scared but also excited, too. "His foreskin is nice and loose, which makes his cock perfect for a piercing. I'm going to do a reverse prince albert, which his skin will move over easily since it's so loose here."

As he was talking he was touching my cock right where the piercing was going to go. His fingers were demonstrating how loose my skin was and I just moaned quietly. I felt Masters large hand on my stomach now, as if he were holding me down, though in reality the straps were doing a good job of it. Derek was at Bruno's side and he handed him the needle. Master's deep voice filled the room then, "Take two deep breaths, now, breathe in, and out." I did as he said, sucking in a deep breath and then I let it out slowly. "Good, now again, breathe in." And as I breathed in the needle pierced my cock. I let out a cry, tossing my head to the side, Master's voice louder, "Breathe out. There you go." His hand was tighter on my stomach and I was moaning. My cock was throbbing now in a way I had never felt. Bruno was so good, his touch so smooth and soon enough, that piercing was in my cockhead, curling through my piss hole and ending on top of my cockhead. It felt so heavy and so big. And it hurt. My dick wasn't hard anymore, it was soft and twitching as I lay there whimpering a little now, so stressed out.

Master kept a firm hand on me though, and I could tell he was grinning. "You were right Bruno, it looks beautiful on his cock." I heard the praise and I whimpered again. Bruno was finishing up and Derek was wiping at the blood while I couldn't see anything with the fucking blindfold on. "Please Master, please let me see it, please!" I cried the words out, unable to hold them in.

He laughed quietly, "No. Not yet. We aren't done." How were we not done? My nipples were swollen, my cock was aching, what more could they do? Oh, how naïve I was...

Part 9 coming soon.

I enjoy comments and conversation. Email me at

Next: Chapter 9

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