The Room

By A Le

Published on Mar 31, 2023


Please give me your thoughts on how this story is progressing. I know there is a lot of story in between the sex, so if you are looking for a quick jerk off story this is not one for you!

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The Room Part 7

Being in solitude was such a new experience for me. I had thought I was alone most of my adult life. Yet being alone was so different than being in solitude. I couldn't just head out for a quick bite and some social interaction. I had nothing. I had no phone, no television, no music, no tablet, no nothing. I had The Room and I had nothing else.

The first few days were the worst. I spent so much time banging on the door. And when I wasn't screaming for Master I was crying. I followed the rules by showering every day, on my knees no less. I exercised, I cleaned myself out. I did what I was told. But I was utterly miserable. Master came every day once, sometimes twice. He would feed me when he came. He would fuck me. He would leave. He never talked to me about anything, never spoke hardly any words at all. He barely touched me. I begged him to let me out, begged him to talk, but it didn't matter. Nothing I did mattered, and I felt so sick to my stomach all the time.

By the end of the first week all I could think was how much of a prisoner I was. He had lured me in with kindness and attraction and now I was a prisoner. I had signed over my life to him all to be kept down in this hole? It was a nightmare. When Saturday night rolled around, and I hadn't seen him all day, I had climbed onto the bed and was curled up in it. I wasn't' asleep, I was just laying there. It was against the rules, but I didn't care anymore.

When I heard the lock turn in the door I didn't move, just stared over at the door, waiting. When it swung open I saw Him standing there. He looked so beautiful in his suit, his hair perfect, his strong jaw. I loved everything about him. Or at least I had. Now I didn't know what I felt. I saw a smirk play over his face as he came in and stared at me, the door wide open behind him. Before he could say anything, I spoke. "I want out of the contract. It said I could get out when I wanted. I want out."

He stood over the bed, towering over me, that smirk never leaving his face. "The contract says you can request to be let out but must talk it over with us first. So, the answer is no." And I sat up quickly on the bed, jumping up I shoved past him and hurried out the door. I barely got five feet before I ran smack into Bruno's hard gorgeous body. I bounced off him back a step and smacked into Master behind me. I tried to twist to the side to get around them, but I wasn't going anywhere. A second later a taser hit me square in the chest and I went down with a scream as my body twisted and convulsed on its own. When the shock stopped I lay there panting, their feet around my face.

Master spoke, his voice calm and cool, never angry, just always so firm and deep. "Crawl back into the room." And I whimpered, rolling to my side.

"No!" I screamed it at him, refusing. I felt another shock that caused my head to toss back with another scream.

"Crawl back into the room."

I refused though. I lay there sobbing, not moving at all. When I felt hands grabbing me by my shoulders I struggled as much as I could, twisting and jerking, trying to get away. I rolled over, smacking at their hands and for the first time I put up a real struggle. I had lost my mind in those moments. Looking back now I just remember all I felt was pure panic in my gut.

A heavy fist suddenly punched me square in the face. I felt my nose break and I screamed in agony, reaching to hold my face as blood ran out of my nose. That was enough of a distraction I felt hands under my arms and my body was lifted and dragged. I was dropped onto the floor like a sack of potatoes. I just lay there stunned, holding my face, tasting the blood. Through my daze I heard a voice finally, my Master speaking to me. "Tell me to stop." His voice was so low, so beautiful. Even now hurt and aching it was beautiful to me. I shook my head just a little. I wasn't going to say stop. I had told them I wanted out, I had said no, but I had not said stop and I still didn't.

I rolled to my side, curling up, holding my bleeding face. The door shut a moment later and I heard that lock. They were gone and left me there. Again.

Though it felt like forever, it was probably only an hour before the lock was turned and the door opened again. I was lifted under my arms and dragged out of the room. Back across the cool basement floor in the dim lighting. Soon I was having chains secured around my wrists and I was being tugged up in the air, arms over my head. I realized they were attached to the ceiling and they didn't stop until I was dangling with my toes barely touching the ground. It stretched and pulled on my arms and shoulders and I groaned in pain, my face throbbing. My eyes were already turning black and I couldn't breath through my broken nose at all.

It was dark, and I couldn't see much at all of the room I was in. I hadn't been dragged far and not up or down any stairs, so I was still in the basement somewhere. I heard movement, but I wasn't even trying to watch. I was utterly terrified. But I was also still angry, and I was in a lot of pain now. Suddenly I felt his mouth at my ear, his words so low and so quiet, "You have been a very, very bad boy." I shuddered instantly, feeling fear in the pit of my stomach then. His mouth was so close I could feel his lips touching my ear as I dangled from the ceiling held up by those heavy chains on my wrists. "I'm breaking you Joshua. Bit by bit, minute by minute. I am breaking you. So then I can mold you." I felt his tongue lick over my ear lobe and then he pulled back. Moments later the swish of a whip was heard before the crack just as it struck across my back. It sucked the breath from my lungs as my entire body jerked forward. There was no break, no hesitation. Seconds after the first blow the second fell. He was whipping me hard and steady, blow after blow rained over my back. It moved from my shoulders down to my ass and over my thighs. My screams filled that room as I flailed on the chains, my toes lifting, my body spinning. And the entire time my cock was hard as a rock. I could feel my heart beat throbbing in my cock with every blow.

When the whipping finally came to a stop I was gasping, sucking in air rapidly. My arms and shoulders were on fire from the swaying, my toes trying hard to help but I couldn't really help myself or find any real balance. "Master." I sobbed the word out just as I felt his hand at my back, touching over welted flesh. "You want to tell me to stop?" He asked low and quiet. I whimpered, "No Master. No."

I heard a soft laughter then, Bruno, I hadn't even realized he was there the whole time. "Let him down. Put him over the bench now. Lock him in." And soon I was finally touching the floor with my feet again, but it wasn't for long. I was bent over a wooden bench so quickly, arms and legs secured, and I found myself staring down at the floor. What was weird was the way my cock and balls were hanging in a hole and the way my legs were secured left my ass hole wide open. The wood was hard, digging into my stomach and thighs and chest. It was definitely not comfortable.

I felt Bruno's soft hands then, those long cool fingers moving over my back, along my ass. His voice still sounded amused, "Bad boys don't get rewards. They get punishments. You have been so bad." I shuddered, whimpering, "I'm sorry Master. I'm sorry." I couldn't think of anything except how horrible I felt, not just physically, but emotionally. I had let them down, I had done something wrong. They were so disappointed in me. And I felt sick at causing that disappointment. I forgot everything else except what it felt like right now to let them down.

Master's voice filled my ears then as I felt a fat, thick object being forced dry into my open ass. "You don't like being alone, you cry for me, you disobey rules, you are insolent. You think belonging to me is just a lot of fucking and laying in my bed? You will learn. And right now, we'll see how much you like being used constantly, as you seem to think you want."

I was groaning as my ass was being stretched open. Whatever the object was it stretched the tight ring of muscle and soon forced its way inside. It felt like a large dildo as it was shoved in and out several times, working deep inside my ass. "This is one of Bruno's favorite toys." Master said the words and I heard Bruno chuckle behind me, clearly, he was the one stretching me open. "Tell him how excited you are to get to experience his favorite toy."

I whimpered, squirming, "Thank you Master for letting me experience your favorite toy.' I repeated the words, my voice shaking and quivering. I was so scared right now. While my ass was being filled a hand was under me, attaching something slick and cool to my cock. It was heavy, pulling my uncut flesh down from my body. I could feel a band being wrapped around my balls and I groaned. Bruno chuckled again, his voice so smooth and calm, "Let's see how this feels." I heard a click, and a small sound like a motor running just as the thick fake cock in my ass started to fuck me in a fast-steady manner. It was pulling almost completely out and then shoving deep inside again, rubbing in all the right spots. I moaned several times, squirming what little I could move. I heard Master speak, "Perfect, I like that setting, a nice steady ass pounding." And Bruno laughed again, "Now, let's try the other one out."

I was already starting to dread it, getting an idea of what was about to happen. Another soft click and whirring sound of a motor. The pump around my cock started to move, pulsing and squeezing as it moved up and down my shaft, every movement tugging my foreskin back until my cock head was exposed. I groaned deep in my throat, shuddering instantly. Master's voice was in my ear again, "There now, isn't that what you think you want? A good fucking and sucking? You think becoming my pet is all about the sex?" And I cried out, "I don't think that Master, I don't!" But it didn't matter to them.

Master stood up and smacked my ass a few times with his heavy hand, "Enjoy pet." I knew they were going to leave me like that, a cock fucking my ass and a hot sexy suction on my cock. "Master! Master please!" I cried the words, arching against the wood but I couldn't get very far. And then they were gone.

I lay there panting, trying to control myself, to stay as calm as I could but it was impossible. The cock in my ass was rubbing me in all the right spots and my cock was so hard and dripping steadily. I couldn't stop the moans that were coming from my throat as I squirmed. When I came it was hard and fast, causing me to cry out over and over as I shuddered, my cock being milked dry by that pump. When it was over I lay there moaning quietly, but my cock didn't soften, it couldn't with the way that machine was moving and the cock in my ass was fucking nonstop. I couldn't stop any of it.

Over the next several hours I came again and again, screaming and moaning, each one worse than the last. Every little drop of cum was sucked out of my body and my ass was becoming raw. It hurt so much as my cock grew so sensitive. My cockhead was swollen and still it kept sucking and squeezing. The wood hurt, digging into my body in so many different places, my arms and legs grew cold and numb and still I was being fucked and sucked. "Please, please, Master, please! Oh god help me, please help me!" I screamed the words, begging for him. But there was nothing, no sound, no voice, I was completely by myself in my agony.

As the night wore on my cries continued until I was left there sobbing and breathing hard through my mouth, my eyes completely swollen with my broken nose. It felt like days by the time I felt a hand touch my back. I sobbed, "Please, please help me, please help me.' The words rumbled out of my mouth as I coughed and gasped. And then it finally stopped, both machines came to a stop and I started to sob great big huge heaving sobs all while I was being unchained and pulled up off that wooden torture tool. Master spoke quietly, "You seem so dehydrated. Drink this." He held a cup to my mouth and I opened my lips to swallow and I started to gag when I realized it was my own cum. They had collected all the seed from that pump through the entire night. I tried to turn my head away, but he held steady, "Drink it all." I could feel it on my tongue, in my mouth, so cold and slimy, chunks in it as I swallowed it all down. The last bit was stuck in the bottom and he shook the cup a little to get it free and watched as it slid down the cup and straight onto my tongue. I sobbed as I swallowed it and coughed and gagged. I had never tasted my own seed before now and I hated it.

Master was laying me out on the floor right there and Bruno was kneeling at my side. "Take a deep breath and let it out when I say." I was so limp, so weak, as I lay there, my eyes barely open they were so swollen. I felt his hand touch my sore nose, "Breath in, hold it, and let it out." And as I let it out, he snapped my nose back into place. I screamed in agony, arching my back but Master was holding me down. A wet cloth was wiping up the dried blood and tape was pressed over my nose to help secure it. I felt ice on my eyes and then pills pressed to my lips, `Open and swallow.' And they were washed down with water.

I just lay there then on the cold cement floor in the dim lighting, feeling master's large hand stroking my hair slowly. "Your punishment is over pet. Obey the rules. Do you want to tell me to stop?"

And I whimpered, parting my lips just a little, "No Master." I whispered it, not able to open my eyes at all anymore.

The soft stroking continued and then I was grabbed under my armpits and dragged from that area. I knew where I was going, where they were taking me. I was dragged right into The Room and laid on the cold floor. And moments later, the lock clicked in the door, leaving me alone again.

I don't know how much time passed as I lay there. At least a day or more, I felt the sun at some point coming through the window and then the cool night air. I felt hands on me at some point, lifting my head and giving me water and forcing some food past my lips. Eventually I woke up and I crawled into the bathroom to shower and clean myself. I couldn't see in a mirror, I wasn't allowed to stand, but I knew I looked rough. I did some small exercises, some sit-ups mostly and then I slept. Time passed, a few days, twice I woke to a tray in the room with water and food. After a week I was feeling much better, my wounds healing and my strength returning. I was just following the rules, keeping myself clean, eating, exercising. I didn't once scream for Master, and I didn't try to break any of the rules. I was so scared of another punishment, it had been so hard on me.

I was awake when I heard the lock this time. I moved to the center of the room and turned, pressing my face to the floor I spread my legs and lifted my ass into the air. As the door opened I felt the air change and closed my eyes, knowing it was Master. He shut the door and I felt his large hand run over my ass, "Good boy." He praised. Those words that since I had first heard them shot straight into my gut. I moaned quietly. He moved past me and sat on the edge of the bed. I quickly crawled over and knelt back, looking up at him slowly. When I finally looked on his face he had his usual calm, easy smile. It brought tears to my eyes and he reached out to stroke a thumb under my eye, wiping the wetness away, "I know pet. I know."

I was overwhelmed. He had punished me so severely, and I still wanted him. I still wanted to be here. I wanted him so much. My cock hardened at even his gentle touch wiping my tears away.

"You have been very good lately. It pleases me that you can follow such simple directions." I smiled slowly, feeling a little bit of pride inside that he was happy with me.

His large hand moved, up the side of my face and back through my hair. I didn't realize it but at this point I had been in The Room for three weeks now. I was losing touch with real life, and my life was becoming centered on Master. Exactly as he wanted. "When I am not here you should be thinking about my cock. You should think about how much you want it. How much you need it. You should think about how good my cock feels in your ass and how much you ache for it down your throat. Your cock should always be half hard without you touching it because you are thinking about my cock so much. Do you understand these new rules?"

Just listening to him talk about his cock like that had my own throbbing to life fully. I whimpered, scooting closer to him just a little on my knees, "Yes Master. I understand the rules." So many rules, there seemed to be new ones coming every few days.

He smiled, stroking my hair still. "If I see your cock soft, you will be punished." He sat a tray he had carried in on to the floor with my food and then stood up and left. I watched him go, aching for him so much. I hated being left alone but I was starting to get used to it. Since my punishment I wasn't losing my mind feeling like I was going to die in here.

I closed my eyes for a long moment, thinking about his cock, how much I wanted it. I opened them and started to eat the food and then lay down. Every time I would feel my hardon start to disappear I would close my eyes and focus on Master's cock, on how good it felt inside me. It was hard to stay hard all the time and I had to really work at it. I was terrified to let my cock soften completely and I spent hours just fantasizing now, trying to stay hard. Even when I was in the shower I had to keep up the effort, when I was exercising, and I wasn't allowed to touch my cock, which made it even worse.

But I also realized the more I fantasized, and my cock was hard, the hornier I was getting. By the time I heard the lock the next evening I was so ready for Master. I presented myself to the door and held my breath, listening to him. Except it wasn't Master this time. It was Bruno. "Ah there you are pet." I heard his smile as he sat a tray on the table. He crouched down next to me and I felt his hand stroke down my back, "Good boy. Such a good boy." He always had a little bit of an amused tone to his voice.

"Kneel up, let's see your cock."

I purred at his praise, it didn't hit my gut the way Master's did, but it still made me feel good. I pushed up to my knees and knelt back. My cock was more than half hard and I put my arms behind my back, so he could get a good look.

Bruno smiled when he looked me over, "Good boy." His silky hand lowered and stroked my cock several times until I was moaning, feeling my cock swell even more just by the light attention. Bruno stroked me for several minutes, just watching me. I kept as still as I could, moaning as he worked pre-cum out of my cock head, pushing my foreskin back to rub his thumb across my piss slit. He kept giving so much attention there until I was panting and whimpering, my hips pushing forward against his hand.

The black man smiled as he watched me, and he leaned in, his voice so silky and smooth. "You're so eager aren't you pet? The way you moan and move, so beautiful."

I whimpered again, arching my back a little, "Master please. Oh please, it feels so good. Please." I begged him quietly, wanting to cum so badly, needing it after so much punishment and healing.

Bruno laughed quietly at my begging, "Oh you like this? You like it when I touch you like this?" He squeezed his fist around my cock a little harder and caused me to cry out, loving it so much.

"Yes Master, oh god yes, I like it, I like it please Master!"

"You're so pretty." Bruno said and then he stopped, and I felt such agony when his hand left me. "Get on the bed on your back.' He instructed me. He left the room, but he wasn't gone more than a few minutes. I was on the bed on my back, my cock rock hard standing straight up. When he came back he had a black leather bag with him he sat on the edge of the bed. Opening it up he pulled out some leather cuffs first and he attached them to my wrists and ankles and then secured me to the bed. He was so efficient, his black hands moving so easily, moving my body. I just stared up at him, panting quietly.

Once he had me stretched and secured spread eagle, he started to pull tools out and lay them on the table slowly. I realized immediately what he had, I had seen it before. It was more of those sounding tools, and he had all different sizes from very thin to very thick. They were different lengths as well. I started to whimper, pushing my hips up off the bed and that made Bruno laugh again, "So eager my pet. You remember this do you?" He smiled as he pulled out some gel. He picked up the smallest sound and coated it in the clear gel.

"Yes Master. I remember." I whimpered, watching him. I remembered how it had felt but I also remembered the electricity. However, this time I didn't see any wires, I only saw the sound kit. He smiled as he slid a ring down over my cock, securing it at the bottom, keeping me nice and hard and stiff. He stroked my cock a few times with his cool smooth hand and then he tugged that skin back once more. When the air hit my cockhead I groaned, watching him so intently.

Bruno smiled, staring down at me. He rubbed that thin piece of metal against my piss slit and then slowly started to push it in. I moaned loudly, instantly. It felt so strange, but it was also so fucking good. "Ohhhh.' I gasped the word and Bruno kept working the tool down my piss slit. Once it was completely inside, just the tip sticking out he pulled it back out slowly and started to fuck my cock slowly. "So beautiful.' He purred to me.

I was in heaven. I hadn't been touched like this since before my punishment, since before the room really. And it was so good. Bruno pulled that one out slowly after a few minutes and he picked up a middle-sized rod. Once it was coated in the gel he started to push it inside my piss slit again, and I could feel this one stretching me more. It was so good, it felt so amazing. "Master, oh Master.' I moaned, arching my back against the bed, squirming. He had a firm grip on my cock while he fucked it with that tool.

"Ah I love the sounds you make pet. So eager, so wanting. So needy. You need this don't you? You need attention, you need touch. Beg me for more."

I didn't need to be told twice as he pulled that one free of my cock and I saw him pick up the largest tool he had. It was so thick, and I gasped just watching him coat it with the gel. "Please Master, oh god please fuck my cock, please it feels so good. I want it so bad, I need it. Please, please Master, I beg you, please give me more, please!" The words just flowed from my lips, so earnest and eager, so aching.

Bruno was smiling as he grabbed my cock again. This time when he started to work that thick rod into my piss slit it hurt, it was so thick and I cried out, squirming my hips, my heels dug into the bed and my arms strained as he worked it in slowly, in slow short thrusts, each one taking it a little deeper and deeper until it was buried. I was gasping and moaning by then, staring at my cock standing up there in his cool hand, a huge thick metal rod stuck down my piss slit. And he was slowly fucking my cock now, in and out, in and out.

"master! Oh god Master please, please let me cum, oh god please let me cum, let me cum I need to cum so badly!" I was screaming the words as he toyed with me, unable to hold back. I was losing my mind I wanted to cum so much. After thinking about Masters cock for two days and being hard for two days and now this, I was losing my mind.

Bruno had a smile on his face, watching me. I could see his cock was hard in his pants, he was completely enjoying playing with me. He kept up that slow fucking, driving me insane with lust and need. I had never felt anything like it in my life. Finally, Bruno pulled that long sound free of my piss hole and he tugged that ring off. His hand was tight and hard as he jerked me fast. "Cum for me pet, cum for me." He purred the words.

I gave him exactly what he told me to give him seconds later. My throbbing balls drew up, I felt it happening and let out a loud groan. With a loud scream my body jerked and arched, and hot seed exploded from my aching cockhead up against my stomach. Several long thick spurts erupted and coated my body and his hand, and he didn't stop milking my cock until it was completely empty. I dropped back to the bed panting, moaning, "Master. Oh God. Master." I moaned the words, feeling so good.

Bruno stood up and stripped his clothes off. A moment later he was on the bed and between my legs. He had such a huge thick cock, so long and fat, so smooth, he was completely shaved. Without uncuffing me from the bed he grabbed me by the hips and thrust his cock inside my ass, his pre-cum slicking the way. "Beg for my seed." He demanded.

I knew already from before that Bruno didn't talk a lot, but he was so passionate. I grunted as he filled me, and he wasted no time in starting hard, long thrusts, burying his cock with every push of his narrow hips, forcing his cock deeper inside my tight ass. "Master, please cum inside me, please cum inside me I want it so badly, I want to be filled with your seed so badly, please, please give it to me, oh god please Master!" I cried the words out, wishing I could wrap my entire body around his. But I couldn't move spread out and tied down the way I was.

Bruno never came fast, he took his time and enjoyed his fucking, and this was no different. He was pounding into me again and again for so long. I begged him the entire time, every minute that passed my cock was growing harder and harder until I was throbbing against my stomach again. "Master please, please let me cum again, please can I cum, oh god I want your cum I need it, I need it!" I moaned the words so loud, meaning every one of them.

And finally, Bruno was panting, sweat rolling down his dark black skin. He was staring down at me, pinching my nipples and twisting them as he fucked me. "You don't cum until I do." He groaned the words out, tossing his head back as he started to lose control. He looked so beautiful, losing himself as his thrusts grew faster and more erratic. "Master please fill me, please! I need your cum, I want it so badly inside me, please, please give it to me, please give me all of your cum Master please I beg you!"

It was only a moment later when he let out a deep groan and shuddered, his body jerked above mine and I felt finally that hot rush of cum deep inside my body. He kept pushing inside, trying to force all of it as deep as he could get it, breeding me so good. Seconds later I let loose between us, my own hot cum spurting out a second time. My body was jerking and shuddering, squeezing his cock so hard, clamped down around it as hard as I could.

Bruno was panting above me, and he sank down over my body, nuzzling into my neck as he kissed and licked my sweat covered flesh. "Good boy." He praised so gently, and I moaned, "Please Master, please let me touch you, please." I begged him so quietly and he chuckled against my neck but after a moment he released my wrists and I was finally able to move. I lifted my arms and wrapped them around him tightly, clinging to him.

We lay like that for a long while, his cock buried inside my ass, his heavy body on top of mine. I kept my arms around him tightly, not wanting to let go.

Bruno pulled back finally, licking and kissing over my face and neck before he slid out of my ass. He leaned back and stroked a hand over my stomach then lower and pulled on my cock slowly, watching it start to grow hard again. He purred softly, "I'm going to pierce your cock head tomorrow."

The words surprised me, and I widened my eyes a little, "A piercing Master?" I whispered, instantly worried.

Bruno grinned at the tone in my voice, "Mhm. It's so beautiful, all this skin, how purple your head always is. I want a gorgeous piercing there to remind you who your cock belongs to. It isn't yours anymore is it?"

"No Master, it's yours and Masters." I whispered, shivering at this entire conversation.

He smiled, "That's right. It's ours. We own you. And we own your cock. I think you need to feel it every minute of every day."

I moaned, arching my hips up into his hand as he kept stroking me. "Yes Master." What else was I going to say? I wasn't going to argue, and it was my life now. This was my life.

"Good boy.' Bruno pulled his hand back and ran his damp thumb over my lips. My tongue darted out to lick his thumb and he pressed it inside my mouth so that I sucked on it for a few minutes while he just watched me.

"Put your arms back up.' And I did what he said, lifting them up over my head. He secured the cuffs once more, so I was again held down to the bed. And he stroked my cock firmly then, working it up until it was hard and aching again. Once more he slid that ring down, making sure my dick would stay hard. And then he picked up that thick sound tool again. "I'm going to leave this in you until David gets home. I want him to see how pretty your cock looks." He worked that metal rod against my piss slit once more and soon worked it inside me. I groaned and panted, watching him push it all the way inside me until only a small end was sticking out. I whimpered, staring down at it, "oh god Master." It was so intense.

Bruno smiled and stood up. He went into the bathroom and took a shower and soon enough was dressing again next to the bed. His cool smooth hand lowered and stroked over my face. "Open your mouth pet."

I was laying there chained spread eagle to the bed with a ring on my cock and a thick metal rod pushed all the way in my piss slit. I opened my mouth slowly, staring up at him.

He had his pants on, but his cock was still out, and he leaned down and rubbed his thick cockhead against my lips slowly, "Mmm god you're so hot pet. So, fucking hot." I moaned at the words, staring up at him. When I felt the first hot stream it made me blink but then he was flooding my mouth with his hot piss. I could tell it turned him on, the way he was looking at me. I swallowed quickly, struggling not to spill any. I didn't like the taste at all, but it didn't matter. I didn't dare pull away or turn my head. He was giving me a gift, and I realized it in those few moments as I swallowed the hot steamy piss. When he was done he rubbed his cockhead over my lips several times, "What do you say?"

I whimpered, licking at his cockhead with my tongue, "Thank you Master, thank you."

"Thank you for what?"

"Thank you for giving me your piss Master, thank you. I needed that so much. Thank you Master, thank you."

He smiled at my words and tucked his cock away, zipping his pants up. "Good boy. You are learning. Such a good pet."

A moment later he was gone, the lock turning in the door. I didn't know when Master would be home, but for now I was cuffed to the bed, my ass full of hot cum, my stomach full of hot piss and my cock held a nice thick rod down my piss slit. I felt so content, and I remembered my feelings from before. I belonged here.

Part 8 coming soon... I enjoy comments and conversation. Please email me at

Next: Chapter 8

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