The Room

By A Le

Published on Mar 30, 2023


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The Room Part 6

Late the next day I found myself sitting quietly in a huge, comfortable bed. I was naked and propped against the most comfortable pillows I'd ever touched in my life. A tray sat off to the side that had held food I'd eaten slowly, and I had drunk no less than a gallon of water. My head was resting into the soft pillows, warm blankets pulled up to my waist. The room I was in was beautiful. It was large and done in all shades of gray. It was a soothing, calm room. There were plenty of windows and most were open, letting in a nice cool gentle breeze.

Bruno was sitting in a chair next to the bed, his long legs crossed lightly while he thumbed through the newspaper. He had been there for the last hour since I woke up, had brought me food and talked quietly with me. Though I hadn't said a word. I was still in a daze a bit and I was utterly terrified. He'd told me that David, or Mr. Rigg, would be home from work soon and wanted to speak with me. And so, we were just sitting there waiting quietly.

A little more time passed before I heard footsteps on the wood floor in the hallway. A moment later the door opened and there he was. No matter how many times I saw him I was continually in awe. The man was so big. Over six feet tall with the broadest shoulders I'd ever seen in my life. His jaw was so strong, his hair so dark. But it was his eyes. They were so intense, so beautiful. I didn't move from how I rested, too exhausted to even lift my head. But my own eyes watched his approach and I saw the easy smile on his face. He stepped over to where Bruno sat and leaned down to kiss him gently on the lips. I watched the black man return the kiss and I realized in those moments they weren't just friends. I realized that Mr. Rigg was in love. They lived in this house together. They were together. It made my heart happy and I had a slow smile move over my face. My voice was hoarse when I spoke, "you're in love." I addressed it to both, just staring in awe.

Both men turned their gazes to me and laughed quietly. It was Bruno who spoke, with his soft, smooth voice, "We are. We have been for a decade. Welcome to our home pet."

I smiled even more. The more I was around Bruno the more I liked him. Mr. Rigg sat on the edge of the bed now and stroked his hand through my hair slowly, just looking down at me. "You ate I see. That's good. Very good pet." He leaned back a little to pull the blanket off my body. I shivered as the cooler air drifted over my naked body. I was still pink with sunburn all over, bruised at my wrists and ankles, but I had survived the long night of punishment I'd suffered.

Mr. Rigg reached down to stroke his hand over my cock and I instantly cried out. It was so sensitive, it hurt so much from just that light touch. I cringed, curling up just a little. "Please.' I whimpered the word so hoarsely.

He didn't pull his hand away though, not right away. He stroked my cock a few more times, watching it harden from his light touch. Then he moved his hand up over my stomach and eased me back once more. "From the first time we met, you have never once said stop. When you were beaten, when you were fucked and used. When you were punished. When you were left outside all night being shocked, not once, did you use the word stop. You never asked us to leave you alone, to stop or give you a break. I have never been so impressed in my life."

It was his last sentence that caused the tears to fill my eyes. I rested my head back and closed them, just breathing in and out slowly.

I felt the other side of the bed sag a little and I felt the smooth cool hand of Bruno stroke over my forehead and down my cheek. They were both touching me, those hands one large and strong, one elegant and smooth and when I opened my eyes I smiled a little, nervous and yet aching inside for reasons I didn't understand. "I belong here" I whispered the words that had been going through my head since I met them.

Mr. Rigg spoke first, "Yes. You do. So now it's time to talk details." I nodded quietly, just staring up at him. I was not a small man, but laying here like this, looking at both, I felt small. I felt small and needy and I wanted to be here so badly.

"There is no in between with us. It is all or nothing. If you choose all then you will give up everything you have now. You will move in with us. You will become my pet. Our pet." He smiled at Bruno for a moment before looking back to me. "As our pet you will do what you're told when you're told. You will give up all your human rights. You will belong to me completely. I will make all decisions for you from now on. In return, you will be taken care of. You will be fed, bathed, homed. You will be safe." He was stroking my stomach lightly, staring intently down at me as he spoke. "If you choose nothing, then you can stay here until you feel better. And then I will take you home. But we will not see each other again. And you can remember your time with us fondly."

Bruno still had his hand on my forehead, in my hair and he spoke next in his smooth, cool voice. "There will be a contract, it will be legal. You will have the ability to quit, but only after extensive talking with us if you ever decide you want to leave."

Mr. Rigg stared at me quietly and I was staring at him in return. I was so deep in love with him already, and all three of us knew it. I liked Bruno, I liked him a lot. But Mr. Rigg. I was his. And I did not even hesitate. I was terrified. I was full of fear. I had no idea what I was doing. And yet, I had no one. My family was gone, I had limited friends. I had work, and work friends but I had nothing. So, I didn't even hesitate. I whispered, my voice so hoarse still. "Yes, Sir. I choose all. Please. I choose all. Please I want to be with you. I want to be with both of you. Please." I was begging them, so quiet, but so earnest. I wanted it badly.

But Mr. Rigg didn't say anything at first. His gaze was so intense. "You have to mean it Joshua. You have to understand you will belong to me fully, in all ways possible." And I nodded, my fingers reached for his hand on my stomach to curl around his large fingers. "I understand. I do. I belong here."

Bruno was smiling his beautiful smile at both of us, "I will go get the paperwork, I already drew it up this morning." He left the room and we were alone then. My eyes had never left Mr. Rigg's face. He leaned down and curled his hand around my cock once more. I gasped, squirming a little, so sensitive still. "Mine." He said it very quietly and kept stroking. I was so hard so quick, just staring at him. His hand was so large and so firm against my cock. Pre-was dripping so quickly and my thighs spread a little more. He was watching me so intently.

"Please Sir, please." I whimpered the words, digging my heels into the bed.

And he didn't stop, only stroked a little faster, his grip tightening. "Please Master. I am your Master now." And I moaned hearing that. I arched, starting to pant, my cock so sensitive I was going to cum so fast and we both knew it. "Please Master, please. Oh god. Master please." I was begging him, whimpering in need.

"Good boy." He praised, in that quiet simple way that shot straight to my gut and I cried out, arching as I came hard. Hot sticky sperm coated his hand and my stomach and left me gasping, my entire body trembling.

His hand lifted to my mouth and I licked my own cum from his fingers, licked and sucked and moaned the entire time, staring up at him. Mr. Rigg, or rather, Master now, was just watching me with an easy smile on his face. When he pulled his hand away I collapsed, so utterly exhausted and worn out. He lifted a glass of water and gave it to me. I drank it down, slowly catching my breath.

Bruno came back in then and he laughed when he saw us, "Couldn't even wait huh?" He teased as he settled down in the chair. He had a folder with multiple papers. Soon he was going through it all, and I was initialing and signing as he went. I signed over my car, my accounts, my apartment. I gave up my job and all my belongings. I signed that I was giving up all my human rights and putting my entire life and care into Mr. Riggs hands. He was given power of attorney and put in charge of my medical life. Everything was taken away from me in less than a half hour. Or rather, I gave it all away.

When I signed the last page, I sat the pen down very, very slowly. It was so overwhelming, what I had just done, and I looked up at them completely terrified, "I don't... "Bruno was gathering up the papers after Mr. Rigg signed and that was it. I was breathing heavily, suddenly having a hard time catching my breath. Master reached down and grabbed my chin tightly, lifting my face. "Look at me." He said firmly, that deep voice shooting straight to my gut. "Breathe." He demanded, and I struggled, sucking in great gulping breaths as the panic washed through my body.

"Just breathe." He said again.

It took some time, but I slowly calmed, staring at him the entire time. When I was breathing normal again he smirked and brushed his thumb over my lips. "Rest. Relax. You're in good hands. You belong to me. I own you now."

He did own me now. He owned me completely and fully. Just like he'd said he would less than a week ago. He was going to own me. I realized in those moments that Master always got what he wanted, and he had wanted me.

The rest of the day passed in a quiet blur. I slept a lot, letting my body recover from my night long punishment. When I woke Bruno was always there, sitting nearby with water or food or both. He was very kind and he didn't talk a lot, which I liked. I was not a casual talker, and neither was he, it worked well. At some point that night he took me to the bathroom and gave me a long bath then rubbed me down again with aloe to ease my burning body.

By the time I was back in bed Bruno stripped and lay naked with me. His touch was always so smooth and so cool. When he moved my head down, pushing me down toward his crotch I didn't hesitate. I slid down the bed a little until my lips found his cock head. Bruno's cock was so big, at least nine inches long and several inches wide, so thick and full. He was completely shaved and smelled so musky. I moaned at his smell, his black skin so gorgeous in the dim light in the room. My lips wrapped around his cock and I was sucking, running my tongue up and down his silk shaft, teasing his piss slit with my tongue, lavishing him with attention. Bruno had his hand in my hair and he was soon guiding me, moving my mouth back and forth, his hips pushing forward until he was hitting the back of my throat. That thick cock stretched my lips so wide and I was moaning the entire time.

I loved it when my nose was pressed up against his smooth shaved body, breathing in his musky scent, his cock buried in my throat. I could hear Bruno breathing harder, moaning now and then. He didn't cum fast though, my head buried down in his crotch for more than half an hour, sucking and being face fucked. And then I heard his silky-smooth voice, "Pull back, I'm going to cum all over you face.' I could tell he was close then, the way he was panting, and I pulled my mouth off, licking and teasing his cock head. I felt his large hand wrapping around his cock and he jerked himself hard a few times before I felt thick ropes of hot cum splash over my face. It hit my mouth and my nose, across my cheeks. I was moaning, my mouth open, licking and taking as much as I could get. His groans of pleasure filled my ears and made me feel so good. My own cock was hard and throbbing, but I had learned my lesson and I didn't touch it. Instead I just whimpered, licking at his cock head so lovingly. Bruno pulled me back up to him and he licked my lips and wiped some cum off my face then held it to my mouth. I licked it clean, staring at him intently. "You're such a good little pet, a beautiful little boy."

I liked Bruno, I liked how smooth and beautiful he was. "Thank you Master." I whispered to him in the darkness. He sat up and reached over to the nightstand. I could feel him rummaging around and soon enough he was back. "Open your mouth." I made a quiet sound as I opened my mouth and he inserted a wire mouth piece that held my jaw wide open. It left my tongue free and my throat completely open. I whimpered again when I realized I couldn't shut my mouth as he latched it behind my head. Then he stroked my hair, "You will sleep with my cock in your mouth tonight. Don't take it out or I will punish you." He warned me as he pushed me back down his body.

Once I was down there I shifted my open mouth forward until his cock was resting against my tongue, filling my mouth. It was hard to sleep with my mouth held open but eventually I did doze off, though every time I felt that cock move I would jerk awake, terrified of it slipping out of my mouth. I understood that Mr. Rigg was my Master. But Bruno was also my Master now. He was Master's partner for life, and they both had agreed to bring me into their home and their lives, and I enjoyed the stark differences between them.

When morning came I was sleeping lightly, Bruno's cock still resting in my mouth. I woke feeling it harden and realized he was waking, too. I made a quiet sound; my jaw was aching so badly. And then I felt hot piss start to flood my mouth.

I gasped and tried to swallow as best I could, though some was trickling out and down my jaw. It wasn't just a little piss either, it was a nice long early morning piss and I drank it all, not daring to pull away. I had never, ever swallowed another mans piss in my life and it was shocking, but I also loved it. I hated how much I loved it.

My cock was so hard so quickly, and it shamed me. What the fuck was wrong with me? But Bruno didn't give me much chance to worry about it. He finished pissing and then shoved his cock down my throat as his morning wood came to full life. His hand grabbed my head and held it tightly while he just started fucking my throat. His cock was so thick and is stretched my throat so wide. I groaned loudly, squirming as he pulled me in close, my nose buried against him until I couldn't hardly breathe but he was just fucking so hard and so fast. I grabbed on to his thigh, holding on tightly for the ride. I heard his breath and his moans. He didn't talk the way Mr. Rigg did, but I could tell he was enjoying himself by the quiet sounds he made.

I was laying on my side, hardly able to breathe, that fat cock ravaging my throat when suddenly I felt strong arms wrapping around me and Master's hard dick shoved its way inside my ass fast and hard, with no warning and no warming up. I screamed around Bruno's cock as I took my first dry cock up my ass. I stretched and pulled and hurt so much. I squirmed trying to get away, but Master kept a firm grip on me, not letting me go anywhere.

"Uh uh, you can't get away from me pet." He was laughing at me as he pulled back and thrust in again, starting a quick, hard pace. He fucked me as hard and fast as Bruno was fucking my throat. I was pressed between them and it was heaven. My own uncut cock was dripping, and I wanted to touch it so badly, it had me moaning and crying out. I found myself trying to rub against the bed, but Master caught me instantly and smacked my ass hard with his large hand, "No." It was all he said and all he did, but I knew better than to try again. It was torture, both holes being plowed so hard and frantic with two thick gorgeous cocks and I couldn't even give my own any attention. It was agony.

I felt Master leaning over my body, kissing Bruno, making out with his lover while they both used me. I realized in those moments that I was not their equal and never would be. No, I was their pet. I belonged to them. And they would use me however they wanted.

The pounding in my throat was the first to end when Bruno pulled back and came inside my mouth, washing his piss down with his hot seed. I struggled to swallow it all, groaning as Master kept my body rocking with his hard-fast thrusts. I didn't even finish swallowing Bruno's hot cum when Master filled my ass with his and I became a living breathing cum bucket for them. It was terrifying and satisfying all at the same time.

When my ass was left empty as Master pulled out I rolled to my back panting. Bruno had already rose from the bed. Suddenly a large hand was in my hair and I was yanked from the bed and thrown to the floor hard. Master stood above me, "Crawl whore." He headed out of the room and I was quickly crawling after him. Waking up much faster than I had wanted to. He led me down the hall and down a large stairwell. It was hard to crawl down, but I managed without falling.

He didn't stop though on that floor and he opened a door and continued down a much narrower set of stairs. These ones were steeper, and it was even harder on the way down. I slid a few steps and soon I was on cement. I realized we were in a basement area. It was well done, cool cement floors and walls, the lighting was good enough o see. There seemed to be some storage down there and then Master went through another door and suddenly we were in The Room. It was my first time ever seeing it and I didn't know what was going on.

When he came to a stop I did as well and leaned back a little, looking around. The room was so sparse. It was a decent size with a large window that looked out over the gardens I had been in not so very long ago. It was currently open, letting in a nice early morning cool air. There was a large bed and a table and chair, a small bathroom attached. And not much else. After I took it in I looked up at Master to see he was staring down at me, watching me intently. "Master...?" I whispered, confused and starting to feel scared.

Master looked around the room before he spoke to me, "This is your new home pet. You do not stand up, ever. You do not get on the bed, ever. There is a toilet in the bathroom, but you may not use it. You can use the drain in the floor. You do not ever sit on the chair or the table. Your home is the floor. Do you understand these rules?"

"Yes Master." I whispered, looking around again, feeling slightly sick to my stomach. What had I done? Had I made a mistake? I didn't know anymore. The fear was on my face I was sure of it. He stepped over past me to the door and opened it then shut it. I heard the lock click and suddenly I was alone. It was completely terrifying.

I moved around the room slowly, crawling of course, I wasn't allowed to stand he had said. I checked out every corner of the room and the bathroom and came back to the middle of the floor. It wasn't even carpeted, it was a cold cement floor. I moved over to the door and tried the handle though I already knew it wasn't going to work. I had heard the lock click and it was indeed locked. I knelt there for a while, staring up at the door like a fucking dog would. When no one came I crawled around again and then I curled up in an empty corner and lay my head down.

And I cried. I sobbed and sobbed until my chest ached and my head hurt. I was full of cum in my ass and my stomach and I was naked. I had signed my entire life away to these men. And now I was locked in this empty room all by myself. It was terrifying. I cried until I wore myself out and then I just lay there. The day passed so slowly. No one came at all. My stomach grumbled with hunger. I saw the sun move across the window as the hours went by one by one. I had at some point checked the window and though it was open, it was just a small panel open. The rest was completely nailed shut and was in no way what so ever coming open fully. I used the drain in the bathroom to empty my bladder once or twice and then I sat in front of the door. By the time the sun set, and the room started to grow dark I was losing my mind. I realized there was one light in the room, up in the ceiling, just a dim little light. I started to push on the door and pull on the door. I banged on it with my fists until my hands hurt. "Master! Master please!" I cried over and over until I was hoarse again.

By the time I had given up it was well after eight pm. I was laying in front of the door exhausted and out of it, whimpering quietly now and then. When the lock in the door turned I didn't even more. I saw dress shoes, and I knew deep inside they belonged to Master. He reached down and grabbed my hair and lifted me up roughly. He flung me onto the bed and then rolled me to my stomach. Yanking me back to the edge his cock drove inside my ass in one hard pounding thrust. I screamed and arched, jerking against the bed to try and pull myself forward but a hard-heavy hand smacked my ass hard, the other grabbed my hair again and yanked my head back so hard I could only stare up at that dim light in the ceiling. He fucked my ass hard and fast, using me to get himself off. He wasn't taking his time at all and I could do nothing but scream and struggle. He didn't even utter a single word as he took my ass. And when he came I was panting, dazed and in pain, squirming around.

I felt him pull his cock out of my dripping ass. I could feel his seed running down the back of my thigh and then I heard the door shut. It made me jerk my head up and I flew off the bed, on my feet, and pounded on the door, "Master! Please, Master come back!" I screamed the words at the top of my lungs, pounding on the door so hard with my fists. I heard the lock once more and I screamed and screamed, pounding until I slid down to the floor, sobbing hysterically.

It was a long night, he never came back. I heard nothing else outside the door. I slept on and off on the floor in front of the door, screaming for Master whenever I got up the strength to do it. At some point I crawled to the bathroom and drank water from the sink because I felt so dehydrated.

The room started to lighten as morning came and I could hear birds outside. I could hear a lawnmower and a dog barking. I could hear cars now and then and music at times. I could hear so much outside that window. But inside my room there was just me. After the sun was high in the sky I heard the lock again. I pushed up quickly, leaning against the door so when it opened I fell out, halfway out of the door. Master looked down at me and then he pushed me back inside the room with his foot, "What are the rules?" He asked in a firm, stern voice.

I whimpered, laying in a heap. "Why are you leaving me in here? Master? Please." And he smirked, watching me there on the floor like that.

"Because I can. Because I own you. And I can do whatever I want." He replied easily, amused. "What are the rules?"

I whimpered again, closing my eyes, trying to breathe. "Please! Please I don't want to be in here, please!"

While I was crying out the last `please' I felt a hard jab into my gut and then a shock. I screamed and doubled over and then it came again. A hard jab to my side and another paralyzing shock. I realized he had a cattle prod and was shocking me with it.

"What are the rules?"

He repeated it a third time, but I was moving away, moving across the room trying to put space between us. "Master please!" I screamed the words at him. Only to be rewarded with another hard shock as he came forward quickly and jabbed me in the thigh, causing me to scream in agony. I couldn't go anywhere else I was back up against the bed.

"What are the rules?"

He didn't change the tone of his voice, just that deep firm voice that still, even now, sent shivers into my gut.

I was crying hard, laying there on the floor against the bed. My hands were holding my head tightly and I started to gasp the rules out. "Don't stand up. Don't get on the bed. Don't sit on the chair. Use the drain in the bathroom."

He stood staring at me as he listened to me stutter the words out and when I was done he spoke. "And yet I saw you stand up and run to the door. Apparently, you don't understand the way rules work pet."

Master was always so steady, so firm. He never appeared angry or out of control. But it was that calm control that was so terrifying. I was sobbing, "I'm sorry Master. Please, I'm sorry."

"You don't know what sorry is yet pet. But you are going to learn." The threat was said so quietly, and I felt pure panic. What had I done? Why was I here? And yet, my cock was hard. It was so hard, and he knew, and I knew it.

"You want to stand? And not follow the rules? Stand up." He snapped the words at me and I struggled, pushing myself up to my feet. Before I was even fully up he grabbed me by my arm and threw me into the bathroom. There was a shower stall in there and he shoved me into it and up against the wall. "Put your hands on the wall and spread your pussy legs."

I stretched my arms up over my head and spread my legs, breathing heavily. I felt the water as he turned it on and it was ice cold. I jumped a little, shivering as it washed over my entire body. "I'm sorry master. Please I'm sorry." I was begging him, terrified. As I was standing there I felt him pushing something against my ass. It felt cold and thick and I grunted as it was forced all the way up inside me. He pulled it in and out a few times and then shoved it all the way just as the first shock came. I screamed, my body jerking forward against the wall. It stopped, and he moved it in and out a few more times, fucking me with it before he shocked me again. My legs quivered and gave out as I screamed. He yanked me up by my hair and shoved my head against the wall. Now he was holding me up while he fucked me with that tool and shocked me yet again inside my tender ass. The water was cold, the electric current through my ass completely overwhelming.

I felt his mouth against my ear and his deep voice whispering, "Tell me to stop. Beg me to stop." And I screamed, curling my fingers into the wet cold tile, shaking my head. I wasn't going to say stop, I wouldn't ever say stop.

Master growled and fucked me harder with that weapon shocking me every time he thrust it deep inside my ass. I screamed and screamed, being held up by my hair. And then he pulled my head back and held it directly under the water. I was sputtering and choking, trying to turn my head, unable to get away. I felt like I was drowning and then he dropped me. I hit the floor hard, crying out as I crumbled under the water spray.

"Break a rule again. I dare you." He said the words slowly and then he was gone. I heard the door shut and the lock turn and I screamed as I was left alone yet again. Eventually I was able to turn the water off. I crawled out and lay in the corner of the room, shivering and starving. I realized at some point that it was night time again, the only tracker I had the sun streaming through the window I had.

When I heard the lock this time I didn't move. I just stayed where I was in the corner, terrified. I felt like I was being tortured. And I wanted out. I should have never signed the papers. I should have left when I had the chance. Master was standing there, and he moved in and sat a tray down on the table. He lowered his large frame down into the single chair there. "Kneel." He pointed at the floor at his feet.

It took me a few long moments to struggle up, but I crawled the few feet over and then sat back slowly on my knees, staring at the floor. After a moment I felt his fingers at my lips and he was holding a piece of warm meat against them. I opened my mouth a little and took in the small bite. For the next few minutes he fed me silently, one tiny piece at a time. I didn't look up at all, I kept my head down and I ate the pieces as they were given to me. It was so good; my stomach was aching so badly. But I was so stressed out.

His voice was quiet when he did finally speak. "You must keep yourself clean at all times. You will give yourself an enema every day. The tools you need are under the sink. You will bathe daily. You will exercise daily. When you hear the key in the lock you will move to the center of the room and present yourself. This means you turn your ass to the door, put your face on the floor, spread your legs and put your ass in the air. Do you understand these rules?"

I just knelt there listening as the list of rules started to grow. And tears burned my eyes. They were running down my cheeks before he even finished. I nodded just a little, my voice barely a whisper, "yes Master." I had signed up for this. It wasn't what I had thought. But then what had I thought? I had nothing to base it on, no experience to look at to guide me. I was completely lost.

"Good boy." That praise. God how I needed that praise so badly. It sent a shiver down my spine and caused my stomach to clench and my cock to harden even more. Even with how upset I was, I was still fucking hard. It was disgusting.

"Please don't leave me alone Master. Please.' I begged him so quietly, tears streaming down my cheeks. I felt his fingers gripping my chin and lifting my head. When I saw his beautiful face, I started to cry even harder.

"This is your life now. You gave yourself to me. I will do things you will hate. I will do things you love. But know this, you have no say in them at all. Your cries do not bother me, your begging does not bother me. Nothing you can do will change your fate."

I was sobbing as he explained it to me, as he explained how my new life was going to go. "I don't understand!"

He smiled down at me, "You don't have to understand. You only have to do as you are told." He had said that to me so many other times now and it was starting to sink in, but it wasn't there fully yet.

Master stared down at me for a long few minutes, holding my chin, the silence dragging out. He finally let go and sat back. "Go clean yourself up. You're a mess." By the time I had crawled to the bathroom, he was gone.

The last thing I heard was that key in the lock again. Turning. Shutting me in The Room.

Part 7 coming soon... I enjoy comments and conversation. Email me at

Next: Chapter 7

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